我特别喜欢费翔,他即有台湾人的儒雅又有美国人的自由豪放不羁,他是东西方文化最完美的结合。我祖籍也是山东,出生在东北,在南方长大,父亲曾是优秀的空军飞行员教官指挥官等,我和费翔年龄相仿,大学英语系毕业,喜欢并擅长文学艺术唱歌跳舞能弹多种乐器。我儿子22岁也是欧亚混血儿,长相身材都非常像年轻时的费翔,所以我对费翔有种旧时相识的感觉。我也爱猫,我家有两只可爱的猫咪,一只波斯猫,一只exotic . Anna
@TonyHawking29 күн бұрын
I was born in Iceland to a Germanic father and a Russian mother. As a kid I enjoyed Fei Xiang‘s music very much. I would sit for hours staring at my TV screen waiting for him to do his beautiful dance moves. I grew up playing Argentinian rugby. My older brother would constantly pester me by sticking me in the basement for weeks on end when my parents were off on their military expeditions. now I live in New Zealand, and sometimes I lay awake in my bed and think of how quickly my life has gone by and how much I still retain my knowledge of Fei Xiangs beautiful melodies. wow 20 years has really gone by in the snap of a finger. I am now a successful pop punk violinist, and I still draw inspiration from my glorious Fei Xiang. I also have three beautiful non-binary daughters. Their names are sky xander and water. My wife Maverick is also a musician and she is in the same band as me as the vocalist. I also like parakeets I have four named mango papaya cantaloupe and Fei Xiang.