The guest is mistaken in two ways. ( from about 15 min to about 30 mins ) The host is not emotionally needy and weirdly neurotically trying to subtract humanity from existence to identify objective properties of the universe. ( the host suggests the 2nd law of thermodynamics, is common to us and to aliens ). If anything, offering up the 2nd law of thermodynamics is a gregarious outreaching, with open hands to the alien civilization asking, "What is it in the middle between us, upon which we agree, and from which we may start to have a conversation ?" The other mistake is that science is purely a human construct. On the one hand, you are right : The path we take through time and space discovering properties of the universe as we go, is human guided. But the properties we discover along the way, belong to the universe. When trick or treating, I can control what paths through the neighborhood I take. But I cannot control what candy I encounter.