CFI-NYC | Michael Shermer: The Believing Brain

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Center for Inquiry

Center for Inquiry

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@Phobos_Anomaly 10 жыл бұрын
Michael Shermer is one of my favorite educators. He is my role model as a skeptic. He really makes you question your own thinking. I have had the priviledge of reading this book, and it is fantastic, and his others are great reads too. In fact, if there is anyone who calls attention to Richard Feynman's quote that the easiest person to fool is yourself, its Michael Shermer. My favorite quote from him: "The reason that smart people believe stupid things is because they are very skilled at defending ideas that they arrived at using non-smart methods." -Michael Shermer describes me to a T, back when I was an Evangelical Christian and a fan of apologetics.
@Phobos_Anomaly 10 жыл бұрын
***** to what are you referring?
@Phobos_Anomaly 10 жыл бұрын
***** oh that crap. From what I understand they were just baseless accusations by PZ Myers and there is no real evidence to support the claim.
@Phobos_Anomaly 10 жыл бұрын
***** well I would hesitate to pass judgement so soon IMO. Perhaps my personal admiration of shermer is clouding my thinking but I never like to make knee jerk decisions in these cases anyway.
@jeffcolorado 10 жыл бұрын
***** Could you point me to some opinions outside of the 'freethought' community regarding this, please?
@marcocalarco7575 9 жыл бұрын
Tim Woodacre Shermer is a horse's ass - he often violates logic in his blanket pronouncements and CSIOP has been accused of being a cia front group doing disino esp re ufos. Makes sense to me they might be co opted. The truth is that science and metaphysics are going to blend some day soon because physical reality is a small part of what we are entangled in. People like Tesla were already there. Serious research and funding for psi stuff has been miniscule.
@barefootID 13 жыл бұрын
THANK YOU FOR UPLOADING THIS! Shermer is REALLY fantastic!!!! Thank you so much for sharing!
@Poetikaliz 11 жыл бұрын
I'm on page 135 of The BB and I am fascinated by the context of the book. It makes for a somewhat interesting self help book in what not to believe anymore!!!!
@lazurm 13 жыл бұрын
He had mentioned his "racing days", referring to the time he participated in RAAM, the Race Across America, one of the most difficult bicycling races on Earth. A medical term:Shermer's Neck came out from this event. Named after Michael Shermer, this malady results from one's position on a bicycle where, after overuse, one loses the muscle functions in the neck rendering them incapable of supporting the head.Yes,Mr. Shermer suffered from this greatly,but still finished. Amazing, interesting life.
@chrlpolk 12 жыл бұрын
I had the experience of laying in bed and seeing the statuettes on my chest of drawers wiggle around, almost life-like attempts to move, everytime I started closing my eyes. Because I was so deprivated of sleep, I was convinced that they were waiting for me to fall asleep! That was the most logical conclusion, until after a full night of rest (which was initially hard to get, out of paranoia of what my statuettes were up to while I slept!)
@valsopuseight 10 жыл бұрын
Messner summited Everest twice without using supplemental oxygen. He also was the first to climb all 8,000 meter peaks.
@sambutler9927 11 жыл бұрын
And you wonder why they think we have no immaterial mind. People like you come along and prove it to them on a daily basis.
@Ematched 12 жыл бұрын
@alokprakash demonstrate that "nothing" ever existed and list it's properties and potentialities, so that we may assess whether "something can come from nothing."
@centerforinquiry 13 жыл бұрын
Correction: Michael Shermer is not executive director of NYC Skeptics, but of Skeptics Society. Our apologies.
@mygad 13 жыл бұрын
Brilliant discussion, getting this book for my Kindle now.
@SmokerBuddy 13 жыл бұрын
I laughed when he said "Sort of like the Tea Partiers, except (ahem) we're right." Not because I disagree with him but because the Tea Party is "right," in a different (and far worse) sense of the word. How high I am probably has a little something to do with the laughter, as well. Shermer is the man and Skeptic Magazine is awesome.
@ZachRose88 13 жыл бұрын
This is great! Thanks. I'm going to buy this book for sure.
@selinakyle4054 13 жыл бұрын
And great talk btw :) When Shermer compares the height of N Koreans vs S. Koreans is he saying that opppression can make people physically shorter?
@BattousaiHBr 12 жыл бұрын
thank you, sir. adding up, the latest example of that was the higgs boson which was only proved in 2012 but the scientist community was pretty much sure it was there even decades ago.
@MetalAnimeSword 12 жыл бұрын
This video is too short. Please upload more =)
@PaulHarrisonVideos 13 жыл бұрын
Given all of the interesting subjects Shermer covers in his book, notice in the question and answer period that God and religion are still the most popular topics of interest.
@MariposaRedimida 13 жыл бұрын
I would like to ask Micaehl Shermer, how do you explain something like what I have, which I still don't know what it is: panic attacks. Doctor's haven't found anything wrong in my body, I have tried alternative medicines, I have prayed to God, I have tried positive thinking, ten years have passed, and I still FEEL I can't breathe, is it NOT REAL? Why do I feel it?
@jacopman 12 жыл бұрын
I pushed myself in a job once for over 48 hours staying awake without any mind altering chemicals and while fighting off sleep in the last couple hours of my driving I saw all kinds of strange things crossing the hightway...........from cartoon characters to bizarre monsters, name it. I knew it was the result of sleep deprivation but if I didn't know that I would swear to others under oath that I saw them and they were real.
@water0xFF 12 жыл бұрын
which part exactly of zeitgesit the movie you dont disagree?
@jacopman 12 жыл бұрын
You are welcome...........stay curious and study especially what is coming out of the LNC...........confirming the HB will be huge in its application someday to technology we may not live to see that but creating something out of quantum vacuum at will would end any resource problems.......that is the potential of such discoveries. It is a tragic that this was not built in the US............the discoveries will leave us in the dust.
@TheAnubisDrake 13 жыл бұрын
I once stayed awake for 6 days and 7 nights for an ROTC function. By the end of it everyone was invisible to me unless they were directly interacting with me. One of the strangest experiences of my life. Though in no way supernatural.
@awesomeluciano78 13 жыл бұрын
Interesting :) thanks for uploading
@D3nchanter 12 жыл бұрын
Where is that study and what is the sample size?
@josephgoodrich 12 жыл бұрын
@Discern4 12 жыл бұрын
I would be more inclined to say it's a psychological effect on the person sneaking up. They are focused on the back of the guy's head, they get nervous thinking he's going to turn around at the last minute, then they get sloppy and screw up the attack.
@MyContext 11 жыл бұрын
I will leave the concept life (lots of different interpretations) untouched for the moment. However, I am challenging the notion of free will as well as what is a mind. If we do create a machine capable of emulating a person. It would be clear that free will is indeed an illusion directed solely by processes (algorithms)...analogous to the complex chemical processes of the brain (an aspect of which we call mind). I contend that this would prove the idea of free will to be illusion.
@coolgreyoneabby 13 жыл бұрын
@reefergladness So is your theory that Lee Harvey Oswald did not do it alone or that he didn't do it at all?
@QueFregados 13 жыл бұрын
I'm sure you don't have a choice in the ad shown before your video but I thought it was a little odd that I just saw a Levi ad that mentioned god a few times. Regardless, brilliant speaker :)
@josephgoodrich 10 жыл бұрын
Shermer is Rock and Roll. (That's a metaphor, folks.)
@Godslayer1975 7 жыл бұрын
sure more like left wing garbage of lets blame everything from TV to music instead of blaming the people who are weak and do the stupid shit but thats left way blame programs tv anything . funny 80% of people who watched x files and near 100 % who worked on it that i dealt with and i dealt with thousands did not believe in any of the BS on the show , unlike liars like this who take a show and act like they know if you watch it you must think its real and he has no facts or study in that point . no i dont either but i did work on set for years on x files and few other shows filmed in Vancouver so i have bit more knowledge on there fans and the other workers and it makes me sick when here made up garbage like this its same as if he says all super girl watchers think there is a super alien on this planet its pathetic
@proslice56 11 жыл бұрын
When people don't believe in god anymore...god ceases to exist. When there is no more god to believe in, human beings grow with knowledge and wisdom. It is at this point as an intelligent specie we regain our human dignity and moral superiority.
@Mercerium 12 жыл бұрын
oh wow i was just laying listening didnt even notice it was an hour
@neilmcintosh5150 12 жыл бұрын
I am a retired British Army Colonel and during my service in the forces we were trained in the art of how to sneak up behind the enemy and carry out a suprise attack on any given individual. We were taught NOT to LOOK anywhere at the individual's back, especially the back of their head. Reason being that 9 out of 10 assaults fail due to sneaking up behind someone and LOOKING at the back of their head. Conclusion; you are compromised because the enemy can SENSE being stared at from behind. Spooky
@neilmcintosh5150 12 жыл бұрын
I agree entirely, only I would make a slight concession and say that I wish we could listen to Michael Shermer with the voice and cadence of Christopher Hitchins. Hitch, now their's a wordsmith if ever they were one!
@werecow2003 13 жыл бұрын
@FaganRoberts Libertarians generally seem to be reluctant to accept AGW. That's not a huge surprise, since this problem is particularly hard to solve without government intervention. "Believing" in AGW doesn't require faith, just a willingness to put in the effort and educate oneself on the science - which takes a lot of time, since the subject matter is so broad. Reading through the literature, though, you'll eventually find there's really no sense denying the reality of the issue.
@MyContext 11 жыл бұрын
Currently, all life as we know it are chemical processes revolving around carbon as a major element in the process. So, I ask you - IF we make machines capable of intellectual and physical interactions on par with the average person, would you consider such a machine to have a mind or to have free will? What would your notions be if we get to the point where we can make such things?
@BattousaiHBr 12 жыл бұрын
just because there is no meaningful way to experience nothingness doesnt mean it isnt out there. just like there is no way to experience another universe in the multiverse doesnt mean it isnt out there. saying something is completely out of reach to even test directly for its existence is very different from saying its a myth.
@amandine512 12 жыл бұрын
I wish we could listen to Michael Shermer speak about this with the voice and cadence of Sam Harris.
@MyContext 11 жыл бұрын
I don't see you objection as valid, however, to move things along... What is free will such that it is NOT deterministic? Since, I find nothing about our existence that is not intrinsically deterministic. - Note: Free will, mind, life, money, etc. are concepts as such it is questionable to consider any of them as existent. They are descriptors of various notions.
@frightenedsoul 12 жыл бұрын
I don't think you understood my point. The point isn't whether or not that definition is true (it does seems to be fairly accurate). The point is that that definition, although it might be accurate, it isn't universally accepted. If it was universally accepted, my psychology textbook would surely mention this definition, correct? The word "mind" originally referred to a DISembodied part of a person, although this new definition is accurate, it isn't UNIVERSALLY accepted.
@mbalagueraj 11 жыл бұрын
First Goedel's theorem: every "knowledge" is always based on a believing.
@sambutler9927 11 жыл бұрын
Hmm, I didn't catch that quote. I mean, I go back to 'words are slippery things'. If consciousness can indeed be reduced to the list of things that Shermer said it was (which is what I suspect), it's still consciousness, and still mind. That's like saying that chocolate isn't chocolate because it's composed of various alkaloids, monosaccharides, lipids, etc. That's just silly - emergent systems are still emergent systems, even if they can be reduced to basic components.
@RebeccaMorningstar 12 жыл бұрын
I don't think he's really an eliminative materialist, but more of a reductive materialist or a behaviorist. Reductionists hold that what we call pain is the stimuluation of certain neurons, etc, while eliminativists oppose even using "folk psychology" terms.
@MyContext 11 жыл бұрын
Scientific image is about reality. Our perceptual notions can be fooled and we use a multitude of other pieces of information to get past our various limitations. If you are claiming that free will is only a perceptual notion (illusion), then we are in agreement. If you are claiming that free will is reflective of reality, then please present what you are claiming as free will. Since, it seems that EVERY aspect of our choices at any dimension is deterministic - leaving free will as illusion.
@D3nchanter 12 жыл бұрын
That has been done. Vacuum theory, the big bang theory, abiogenesis ( not exactly from nothing). And you actually have to be really careful about what you mean by nothing, because as it currently stands even empty space isn't really nothing.
@alokprakash6492 12 жыл бұрын
Science requires some control variable, repeatability, predictions and applies to vast areas of our everyday experience. However, not every thing is deterministic, repeatable. And, some questions will forever remain beyond science - How did somehing come from nothing?
@D3nchanter 12 жыл бұрын
From what I can surmise we won't know if we can't know until we do not know. Even what science cannot answer it manages to do well ( Heisenberg uncertainty principle).
@AgusPcb 4 жыл бұрын
@TurboDally 13 жыл бұрын
@glennd7962 Which again is looking at everything at the simplistic/black&white approach e.g: A: govt = good, company = bad! B: govt= bad, company= good! This is not how I see issues, though I've already pointed this out, you seem to still play the same game and I expected it.
@kingrobert1st 11 жыл бұрын
There is a priest in Zeeland, Nederland who doesn't believe in God which worries me because I can't find anything wrong with believing in something that doesn't exist. It would be like a magician who says: "I don't believe in Magic" or a romanticist who says: "I don't believe in Love".
@guntherleonhardt9425 11 жыл бұрын
If people would only believe instead of trying to impose changes to legislation based on their irrational beliefs, there wouldn't be a problem. Your comparison is wrong, by the way. You can actually witness proof that love really exists. God fails the burden of proof every time.
@kingrobert1st 11 жыл бұрын
Gunther Leonhardt Yes and you can actually witness that magic exists too!
@jeffcolorado 9 жыл бұрын
+King Robert For me, it would be wrong to believe in something that has no evidence for its existence. I'm also a magician, and do not believe in 'magic'. I believe illusions can be created which appear to be magical, though.
@kingrobert1st 9 жыл бұрын
+Jeff B Magic does not need evidence!
@jeffcolorado 9 жыл бұрын
It does if you want to convince me it exists. A belief without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
@sambutler9927 11 жыл бұрын
They're talking about the ludicrous immaterial concepts of mind & free will. And we can't explain free will, at all. It's been a problem in philosophy since people started asking questions.
@CdrRogue 12 жыл бұрын
But the universe isn't slave to our failures of language. Unfortunately the word Universe has become a bit fuzzy due to the philosophical and theoretical nature of it all. In multiverse theory, the term universe tends to refer to our "bubble" of spacetime, rather than "all that exists". Universe could be used to describe the multiverse, but that often leads to more confusion.
@Vorgaloth 12 жыл бұрын
Watch Lawrence Krauss's lecture "A Universe From Nothing".
@ItsJakeTheBrake 12 жыл бұрын
That has been researched and is found to be wrong. Someone guessing if he's being stared at from behind or not is doing just that, guessing. If the person staring is not in the field of view the person stared at is unlikely to notice it.
@reefergladness 13 жыл бұрын
@coolgreyoneabby LBJ.. he enlisted the help of a few buddies like his long-time neighbour J. Edgar Hoover; personal friend Edwardo Clark (a powerful lawyer/mover and shaker); Cord Meyer of the CIA and at least one of the gunmen was a deputy sheriff from the DPD named Harry Weatherford.. Johnson had the most gain from his death - and the most to lose.. had Kennedy lived.. a man named Barr McLelland lays it all out in his book.. also of interest is CIA lifer (and Watergate burglar) Howard Hunt
@SovincPeter 13 жыл бұрын
It is difficult to do hard work and get real structured knowledge, based on evidence. Step by step, no wild guesses. It takes at least a decade of hard study to get any proper knowledge (in any field). On other hand, it is very easy to listen to some “big story”, how main stream got it all wrong, how there was a cover up, how life could be so much better if some knowledge would not be suppressed…. and instantly get a feeling "I am so much smarter than “them”, I know what is going on"
@redtihor1 11 жыл бұрын
I'm not a Mathematician by any stretch of the word but I don't think that's what Gödel's first incompleteness theorem states...
@ponhand 13 жыл бұрын
Interestingly simpleminded :)))
@MtgVeteran 13 жыл бұрын
Thumbs up in Colbert brought you here.
@selinakyle4054 13 жыл бұрын
Even The Animal Planet has a show about ghosts and hauntings.You'd think it would be safe there.
@berrytrl1 12 жыл бұрын
Here, let me try this. The words you say are empty. They are meaningless, they are nothing. That's exactly why we love them so much. They take us out of our modes of thought. See, I can say stupid things as retorts too. Good for you.
Yes, but they never found out the scumbags that vandalised the Blue Peter garden. Percy Thrower went to his gave a broken man.
@reefergladness 13 жыл бұрын
i'm a bit skeptical about skepticism..
@coldmountain1986 13 жыл бұрын
Shermer's eliminative materialism should be regarded as fanatical (see at about 21 and 54 minutes in). It's discouraging to see him received so well.
@Tsnore 9 жыл бұрын
The hindsight bias seems to drive conspiracy-loving minds.
@reefergladness 13 жыл бұрын
@coolgreyoneabby the evidence? it's all coming out in my book! Oswald's prints were not found on the Manlicher-Carcanno - no prints were ! At leqast by the FBI's initial examination; however, (miraculously) Oswald's palm print WAS found.. about 72hours later.. (it's nearly impossible to take prints from a 'stiff' due to rigor-mortis).. a nitrate test was performed on Oswald's hands (before he was conveniently killed by Ruby) - it came back negative.. cont...
@Ubaby_Hey 11 жыл бұрын
..."either it's science or it's nothing" lol :D
@ECabot22 13 жыл бұрын
@edd345 Not true. 207 persons are skeptical of him, because they're skeptical in general. :)
@serephim56 13 жыл бұрын
thank you Michael for all your brilliant work and for sharing that insight with us all. As u well know it ain't easy to live among all these stupid idiots living an unquestioned life. so thanx again for sharing truth as we can know it n lets get this revolutionary evolutionary knowledge movement going !
@GoblinWeenog 13 жыл бұрын
some good information. but alittle overly skeptic for my taste. i like to keep an open mind and refer from from placing definite truths or falsehoods lables on most of my world views. i'd like to hear this man talk about the paradoxical elements quantum physics has on our accepted world views.
@Enyce1011 12 жыл бұрын
Wrong, what failed was his delivery in what he was saying. not the crowd itself, their quietness is the result of his awkwardness.
@coldmountain1986 13 жыл бұрын
@isleofyew1 I think materialism is a metaphysical commitment and as such adds nothing to empirical reality. We can just as easily do without the Cartesian concept of matter, or mind, for that matter. We'd do better without any kind of dualism, whether explicit or implicit. Materialism belongs to the latter.
@lonewolfmtnz 12 жыл бұрын
How is it that CFI-NYC can't figure out/locate someone who knows what a microphone is and how to connect/deploy same? FKN HUH?
@vinylsoup 12 жыл бұрын
good talk...horrible camera and sound work
@leinadolso 11 жыл бұрын
Deepak know where the "mind" is, so when we all die. This is where we will end up: 0:21:57
@MyContext 11 жыл бұрын
"dimension of meaning which has no physical limitations" - This is not true given what we understand about various cognitive issues.
@hopperthemarxist8533 9 жыл бұрын
Loved the talk but I think Michael goes out of his way to bash people and basically thump his chest. This work has been done by others Mike. A little humility is in order.
@vovomtb 11 жыл бұрын
The "knowledge" is based on evidence.
@FaganRoberts 13 жыл бұрын
@glennd7962 Agreed. Well stated.
@isleofyew1 13 жыл бұрын
Born sceptic, born rational thinkers vs born believers, born more or less irrational thinkers : I saw, some years ago, a BBC doc. about identical twins. They where pretty convinced from decent research that these things are DNA based since Identical twins, separated from birth were both, once grownup and independent, rational sceptic thinkers or irrational believers no matter what kind of people raised them. Personally I believe as a materialist also there is no mind and no free will at all.
@chrlpolk 12 жыл бұрын
Evidence such as...?
@coolgreyoneabby 13 жыл бұрын
@SaveTheWorldRadio JonasSalk is correct. I have all his books and have met him in person. He has many stories of his undergrad years, post graduate work and such. You don't know what you are talking about.
@MyContext 11 жыл бұрын
I left the notion of life (lots of different notions) alone, just focusing on free will notion... - "...possibly determined w/ a bit of random noise" - ??? What is the "possibly determined" and what is the "random noise"? - "that is not the same as saying free will is an illusion" - Very close... - "compatibilist" - I have heard the claim, but it makes no sense... One can't claim "free choice", when it is determined by all manner of forces in operation...
@frightenedsoul 12 жыл бұрын
"An embodied and relational process that regulates the flow of energy and information" That's just the definition that that ONE guy came up with after the word already existed. So he tried to give a nonsense word some sense by basically saying the mind is something the brain uses to control and filter information. This definition is not universally accepted nor is it well defined.
@berrytrl1 12 жыл бұрын
If that's not direct evidence, then what do you consider direct evidence? Evidence beyond evidence? Meta-dence? Just because a term is a placeholder, which is what you claim, doesn't mean there isn't evidence. We only know much of physics through such types of observation. We only know things about what goes in electronics due to these kinds of observations, but somehow, we made electronic circuits that allow computers to run from such observations. Odd, huh?
@BattousaiHBr 12 жыл бұрын
first of all, dont play dumb, you know i meant "admit" as in "acknowledges" secondly, WHAT? we didnt "invent" stuff to account for other stuff. we have PLENTY of evidence for dark matter and about halfway through understanding it. as for dark energy, we've known its there since Hubble. Einstein did indeed "invent" a constant to fit the data in his equations, but Hubble found out not long after the cause of expansion. the terms "DE" and "DM" are merely placeholders for what we KNOW is there.
@BattousaiHBr 12 жыл бұрын
1- Our understanding of words change as generations go by. Scientists themselves came up with the word "multiverse" to better describe what it might be. It doesn't matter if you or me don't think it makes sense, because the people that actually study it and actually work on it think it makes sense. 2- Care to prove your second statement?
@BigIdeaSeeker 13 жыл бұрын
I want to be first to comment but I don't have an hour to watch this whole thing right now. So if I say anything it'd be irrelevant but if I wait until after I watch it I may not be first any longer. Having said all that, "First!"
@coolgreyoneabby 13 жыл бұрын
@reefergladness Your story is what the conspiracy theorist would have us believe, but what is the evidence that Oswald fired no shots? That he was an FBI or CIA informant?
@pn558 13 жыл бұрын
Joshua- do not call conspiracy what these peoples call conspiracy...
@AdrianCalgary 13 жыл бұрын
Michael Shermer is great for what is doing, but I wish he would bring up newer examples and jokes and all that good stuff. This one with Lucy (and others) he keeps repeating at all of his appearances.
@BattousaiHBr 12 жыл бұрын
are yoy saying string theory or the multiverse are myths? we cant hope to directly detect for it nor are there any evidence to support these ideas, yet some mathematical calculations point out that maybe its true after all. "believing something exists BASED ON MATHEMATICAL PREDICTIONS, however lack of evidence or way of detecting or experiencing it is NOT called a myth my friend. :)"
@MyContext 11 жыл бұрын
You presented the idea that meaning has no physical limits, however, our understanding of mental defects resulting in various cognitive disabilities does correlate to physical limits. Although, I grant that our ability to measure is poor at this time.
@PositivelyTakingCare 12 жыл бұрын
I see a use of humor. When the audience can laugh with you, they are more prone to accept and/or retain information that is accompanied with a good feeling. Having conflict with the statement: "It's ether science or nothing". That is the same as saying it is man's understanding or nothing. The funny thing about such a notion is that at one time man thought we knew the world was flat. If what we think we know can be wrong than how can it be all there is?
@laalki80 13 жыл бұрын
Shermer rules.
@D3nchanter 12 жыл бұрын
So you don't actually have the evidence for what you claim? I can't say I am surprised. I've never heard of any evidence along these lines, and frankly I doubt that that phenomena occurs because someone looks at the back of a subjects head. I hope the study you'll actually link has some rigorous controls in place.
@edd345 13 жыл бұрын
1 person is sceptical of Michael Shermer
@saintlybastard 13 жыл бұрын
Maybe the audience are all Vulcans like that first guy?
@waltermh111 13 жыл бұрын
The only thing I would have to say, and I am not defending anybody here, but if we are to go on useful info, his comparison of N Korea to S Korea for benefit of democracy, its hard to say when N Korea is sanctioned to high heavens and height has nothing to do with anything. He doesnt need to try so hard and as a result make bad analogies.
@GrinOlle123 13 жыл бұрын
@MariposaRedimida We dont have answers for everything, therefore people created 'God'.
@Dieuaimebeethoven 10 жыл бұрын
The cost/benefit equation sounds nice in theory. Logically, it should work. But as evidenced by history, humans do not think logically. On a very basic, familial level (be it an extension of the family, like the tribe, neighborhood, or state) we will cooperate with one another with minimal coercion. But the threat of death isn't nearly as big of a deterrent to rapine & plunder as one might think, especially when money &/or religion is involved. People are willing to go to great lengths to enrich themselves at the expense of others, danger be damned. And fanaticism & self-rightenous can break down critical thinking altogether. The tribe also reduces the chances of any individual death -- mob mentality. There is also a correlation with the standard of living. If a people are in dire straits, they'll be far more likely to resort to antisocial behavior than those of us living in comfort. And from a biological perspective, testosterone & adrenaline can also affect men's behavior in rather extreme ways. Never mind adding things to fight for into the equation, like finite resources, or the natural fear we display when encountering alien peoples. At the very least, the equation & threat of death never compelled Genghis Khan, or the Vikings, or the Hatfields & McCoys, or the East India Company, or the Sunnis & Shias to cooperate with their neighbors. It didn't stop slavery, or serfdom, or tyranny, etc. The history books, and indeed the modern world, are littered with examples. Our urge to lord it over others for the benefit of the tribe is far stronger than our urge to cooperate with strangers. Otherwise there wouldn't be tribes or nations at all.
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Talks at Google
Рет қаралды 58 М.
Professor Slavoj Žižek | Full Address and Q&A | Oxford Union
Рет қаралды 1,1 МЛН
A Brief History of Quantum Mechanics - with Sean Carroll
The Royal Institution
Рет қаралды 4,3 МЛН
Michael Shermer: Why Darwin Matters
University of California Television (UCTV)
Рет қаралды 89 М.
Lectures: Exploring the Psychology of Creativity
National Gallery of Canada
Рет қаралды 8 МЛН
How to Control Your Inner Voice & Increase Your Resilience | Dr. Ethan Kross