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Character Creation Guide - Fallout 1 (and Fallout 2)

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Caedo Genesis

Caedo Genesis

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@CaedoGenesis 6 жыл бұрын
This guide works just as well with Fallout 2! The only major change is with CHARISMA. In the second game every 2 points is a companion slot, but can be modified by chems too! What build do you like to run the classics with? If you don't have one yet, check the description for the ones mentioned in the guide if you're looking for a starting point!
@Thagomizer 6 жыл бұрын
I love to make "lucky sniper" builds when I play the classic Fallouts. They're usually characters with a combination of the Gifted and Finesse traits. Sometimes I take Small Frame instead for more generalized characters. Something like ST 5, PE 8, EN 4, CH 4, IN 8, AG 8, LK 8 (for the Finesse build). In Fallout 2, however, I might opt for a higher Charisma, since that stat matters a bit more in that game, and I'll munchkin a little by lowering my Perception down to 7 (I'll increase it to 8 once I find the stat-boosting chip), and I'll get the free + 2 Luck boost from the Hubologists in the NCR, so that I'll readily have the Sniper Perk available to me. Also, Better Criticals is an obvious choice. So with a Luck of 10 and the Finesse trait, that places the chance of a critical hit at something like 20%. I don't need to worry too much about my Strength, since power armor will give me the appropriate boost and my companions will be able to carry a lot for me. In Fallout 1, you only need ST 5 to use all of the small guns, though there are a few good choices in Fallout 2 that require higher ST scores. Fortunately, the Advanced Power Armor gives +4 to this stat and there is one strength-enhancing module in Vault City available, so you don't need to raise it any higher. However, I sometimes prefer to have high Charisma builds for Fallout 2, so that I can recruit a large party and get laid more. To this end, I might modify the above stats to ST 5, PE 7, EN 4, CH 6, IN 8, AG 8, LK 7, and select Small Frame in lieu of Finesse. I will usually select Science and Speech as Tag skills. In Fallout 2, Doctor has more uses, especially in Vault City. For this game, I will often select the Magnetic Personality perk (+1 party member slot), and make use of the mirrored shades in addition to the Charisma boosting chip to have a total of 5 companions. If I plan to play as a shameless and slutty female character, who will sleep her way through all negotiations, perform sexual favors so that T-Ray will give her the car back, and rise to fame as a porn star in New Reno, I will use a similar build--except it will be imporant to build my EN more than I would in the other games. So I might start off with ST 5, PE 7, EN 6, CH 7, IN 7, AG 8, LK 4. This is one build where I could possibly get away with a lower ST and PE as well, if I tagged unarmed, melee, or sneak. I might even sacrifice Small Frame in lieu of One Hander (since the game counts a fist as a one-handed weapon), and swap a point of PE for ST or LK. I will, of course, make use of the Hubologist's Luck boost to raise my stats to LK 6 and take some available perks, and make use of the mirrored shades and Charisma chip. With enough sexual encounters under my belt, I could easily gain the Sexpert and Gigolo karmic traits, and thus increase my chances of working for the Corsican Brothers. In spite of what you might think the Kama Sutra Master perk and Sex Appeal trait don't help with this build as much as having high stats in relevant areas, and being open to new experiences . . .
@ViolentSh4de 6 жыл бұрын
10 Luck 9 Agility (pick up Agility transplant) 1 charisma Tag Small guns, Energy Guns, Barter Jinxed trait Everyone else critically fails, and you always hit with your weapons. Allowed me to fight 9 super muties at once without taking a single hit
@TeslaRifle 6 жыл бұрын
FO2: Take finesse with plans to mutate it to fast shot after getting sniper and slayer perks . Skill spec unarmed small guns and speach, getting those to 100-115% early before starting to raise big guns, using bozar and gauss rifle late game. Gifted trait. 5 str (10 after adv PA and chip), you can plan out the rest to wind up being 8-10 after chips, zeta scan and gain stat perks if wanted. 8 chr and perk to get 5 companions.
@deltagap9661 6 жыл бұрын
what is your resolution i cant get my screen full
@deltagap9661 6 жыл бұрын
Please help me im at the last level and i have power armor and a super sledge and i cant get past it.
@SargentRooster 6 жыл бұрын
My son gave me something for Fathers' Day a truly exceptional gift. I'm 51 yr old and totally loving Fallout and Fallout 2
@mrcocoloco7200 6 жыл бұрын
@moiseschavezvelasco954 5 жыл бұрын
I bet you used to play old school rpg's (and I mean the real stuff, like gamma world or DnD) back in the day, right?
@nicsmiesznego4726 5 жыл бұрын
I hope You aware that there are mods to f2 like fallout nevada and fallout resurrection project with completely new gameplay and storyline.
@armoredmilkman3288 5 жыл бұрын
@@nicsmiesznego4726 restoration project isn't a new storyline, just an attempt to complete the content that wasn't in fallout 2. it's recommended for other mods too also for fallout 2.
@nicsmiesznego4726 5 жыл бұрын
@@armoredmilkman3288 i meant resurrection project -completely different mod
@gustavosantos106 6 жыл бұрын
Hey, I wish I had seen this video 22 years ago.
@afferyaree4640 4 жыл бұрын
@TheOnlyRealGamerOnEarth 4 жыл бұрын
I just bought fallout 2. Having a blast, brings me back to the first time I played fallout 3.
@gustavosantos106 4 жыл бұрын
@@TheOnlyRealGamerOnEarth I think 2 is the best ♥
@jthemagicrobot3960 3 жыл бұрын
Lol right
@madcourier6217 6 жыл бұрын
Don't forget that in Fallout 2 charisma affects how many companions you can have, from only 1 companion at 2 charisma, to 5 companions at 10 charisma.
@theburningone354 6 жыл бұрын
MadCourier 6 you could have 6 if you get he magnetic personality perk
@CaedoGenesis 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for mentioning that detail!
@madcourier6217 6 жыл бұрын
The Burning One It actually caps out at a maximum of 5 companions, even if you later raise your charisma to 10 with the perk.
@theburningone354 6 жыл бұрын
MadCourier 6 the. My game must be broken cause I had 6 once
@neighbor472 6 жыл бұрын
if you have 5 followers and get married you'll have 6, but if you tell one of them to wait you'll be stuck at 5 again
@TMillsMusic 6 жыл бұрын
War... war never changes. And neither do my SPECIAL stats for any Fallout character creation.
@mojoarmstretch7261 5 жыл бұрын
Sad but true!
@As567na 5 жыл бұрын
@@mojoarmstretch7261 they are usually very solid so
@TimpanKanava 4 жыл бұрын
S 6 P 7 E 5 C 4 I 6 A 7 L 5
@GlizzyGoblin757 4 жыл бұрын
@@TimpanKanava always c10 and p10 for me. low int and agi
@realhumanbean7915 4 жыл бұрын
@ToneyMo 6 жыл бұрын
Retro guides are genius bro! These games are so daunting especially for anyone who didn't grow up with them looking to go back and experience some good old fashion RPG goodness!
@CaedoGenesis 6 жыл бұрын
Heck yeah, though this one in particular was taxing to make, It's nice to know there's still an interest! Thanks for stopping by!
@mage0killer 6 жыл бұрын
Sequence doesn't give you extra turns. It defines the order in which each character moves within the turn. Basically the higher your sequence the better the chance you can shoot first.
@peterknutsen3070 5 жыл бұрын
Playing Fallout 2 with Perception 10, I sometimes get two turns in a row vs lesser enemies. I’m pretty sure that that’s caused by my very high Sequence.
@madcourier6217 5 жыл бұрын
@@peterknutsen3070 That two turns in a row is usually you initiating the first attack against an enemy in a "suprise" turn, and then getting to go again the next "normal" as well. However, no matter how high your sequence is you cant get two "normal" turns in a row without the enemy or your allies getting to react as well. It's a little confusing most definitely.
@peterknutsen3070 5 жыл бұрын
MadCourier 6 That makes sense.
@pulseweld 6 жыл бұрын
Ive been playing fallout 1,2 and tactics for years on Steam, never felt like the game had a quality tutorial this one is one of the best ive ever watched.
@element1111 6 жыл бұрын
The original releases had manuals
@ssheeessh 6 жыл бұрын
Just bought the trio for $6 on steam. god bless
@vrxdical 5 жыл бұрын
@@ssheeessh same
@Thagomizer 6 жыл бұрын
A new player should also remember that your Action Points are equal to half of your Agility, plus 5. It takes 5 action points to fire a single shot from most weapons, 6 action points for a burst or aimed shot, 2 points to reload (or to use any secondary item in your other quick item slot), and 4 points to access your inventory. So with average Agility (5), you could only manage one specialized attack per turn, and if you had to open your knapsack for any reason, you probably wouldn't be able to attack (unless you were close enough to throw a punch). With an Agility of 10 on the other hand, you could make two shots per turn, or fire a burst and open your inventory, fire a burst, reload, and heal yourself with a stimpack, etc. So yeah, Agility is absolutely vital if you want to be at all useful in combat. An even number is best (remember your action points!), and I would recommend an Agility of around 8 for most builds. You won't be able to excel at everything, so you have to plan your build carefully. It's totally possible to make useless characters in Fallout 1 (don't take the Bruiser trait EVER; it's basically the equivalent of losing four points of AG, which is just ridiculous). It's also possible to make characters so insanely powerful they more or less break the game. For instance . . . For a true combat monster, you could start with an AG of 10 AND take the Fast Shot trait (your other trait should probably be Gifted). Then, once you reach level 9 you can select the Bonus Rate of Fire perk (if you have Perception 6, Intelligence 6, and Agility 7) your attacks with small guns, big guns, or energy weapons will cost 1 AP less. At level 12 or higher, you will have access to the Action Boy perk as well, which grants you an additional action point. You can take up to three ranks of this perk in Fallout 1. What this eventually means is that if you have a level 12+ character with these traits, attributes, and perks, you can easily make multiple attacks per turns with some of the deadliest weapons in the game. If you have access to a Turbo Plasma rifle, for instance, you will only need to spend two AP per turn to fire a single shot! With Two ranks of Action Boy, this means you can get off SIX attacks per turn! Just so you know, the Turbo plasma rifle is the deadliest weapon in the game. Hell, getting off three attacks per turn from a normal plasma rifle is pretty beastly, too. You'll be able to clear out entire rooms of super mutants without too much difficulty, though you'll go through ammo quickly.
@bluelok7 3 жыл бұрын
Ive taken 4 agility because I didnt know how AP works. Now im struggling a bit because my combat is bullshit and Im relying heavily on companions. Also I dont have high perception neither so my available perks every 3 levels are shit. I took charisma related perks because I want to focus on the lore but many missions (almost all of them) requires a lot of fightinh
@MaynardCrow 3 жыл бұрын
Didn't use the exact same SPECIAL, but during the majority of my Fallout 1 playthroughs, I used fast shot and high agility/perception. By mid-game, it was always nice to be able to fire an automatic weapon twice and reload it(+ use any other item on the same AP with quick pockets) or dump all the rounds in the .556 pistol you get from the farmer in the Hub into enemies and reload it(That might require the perk reducing reloading to 1 AP to pull off unless you repeatedly invest in action boy.).
@clunt_fecus 6 жыл бұрын
If you're worried about the water chip timer because of hit points healed in 30 minutes, then you have much bigger problems. You can get the water chip and have 30 to 50 days to spare while taking your time and doing side quests.
@Necronoxicon261 Жыл бұрын
New player here and I was b lining it to the water chip I did one side quest and I had 57 days left I figured I might as well get the chip out of the way so I can do the side quests with no pressure
@snowmcsnow4732 Ай бұрын
@@Necronoxicon261 You can also send water shipments to the vault which extend the "days left" timer
@mr1slay943 5 жыл бұрын
Just started a new game of fallout1 the first random encounter gave me like 8k caps!
@sirknave4794 5 жыл бұрын
mr1slay You lucky dweller you
@تومبدونجيري 4 жыл бұрын
I have and advice spend 2k in the hub for the water merchent
@GTZ7 4 жыл бұрын
It’s not caps, it’s money
@slimeslaggagedon794 4 жыл бұрын
@@GTZ7 It's caps
@SomeDumbRobot 3 жыл бұрын
dang you're lucky. I got ganged on by an bunch of giant mantises
@Sparhawk003 6 жыл бұрын
i spent so much time trying to figure out how to build my character, but after watching this video everything made sense. Thanks a bunch caedo your awesome
@ryguy9876 6 жыл бұрын
I always play high luck and intelligence characters in the classics, especially in 2. In fact, Fallout 2 is really easy to break with the right character build. Seriously, the M72 Gauss Rifle, plus a very high small guns, plus 8-10 luck, plus sniper perk equals "I WIN".
@PSEUDOSOPHER 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this guide! I wanted to give Fallout 1 and 2 a try ever since i fell in love with New Vegas, and this video helped me tremendously.
@tatodziadekpl4289 6 жыл бұрын
My build suggestion: St 6 Pe 6 En 4 Ch 8 In 7 Ag 9 Lk 8 Trait: Small Frame, Gifted Tag skills: Unarmed, Lockpick, Speech
@coolboysupermega7455 6 жыл бұрын
not ten charisma, dissapointed
@tamimazizy7185 6 жыл бұрын
Wouldnt 9 agility plus small frame plus gifted be useless
@tamimazizy7185 6 жыл бұрын
Sorry if i sound stupid, im new to the retro fallouts and i dont know if they allow 11 agility
@billypen6680 6 жыл бұрын
@@tamimazizy7185 you cant have 11 agility, but 11 agility you can decrease it by 1 point and get a free point.
@TheReZisTLust 5 жыл бұрын
I sell my alien blaster to buy books, steal my blaster back and save then load broke the in game economy for me since books restock when loading so I had 80ish science at lvl 6 lol
@Stogdad17 Жыл бұрын
2023 and I’m playing this for the first time! Thank you for the video, Caedo
@fidelvasquez3524 6 жыл бұрын
Gosh, l needed this video 3 years ago, my first time playing this l didn't increase agility at all so my combat resulted in my character getting shot often. My build is Strength- 5, Perception- 7, Endurance - 5, Intelligence- 7 Charisma- 7, Agility- 9, Luck-7 AFTER taking the gifted perk. leaving anything below 4 in special is bad, as the character can suffer, such as poor combat or little health. For skills, Repair, Enegery weapons, and Science, I noticed those skills are used often throughout the game. Look out for the alien blaster, its damage is tied with energy weapons.
@CaedoGenesis 6 жыл бұрын
Oh bummer, sorry it took so long. I didn't think there was much interest for the longest time. Nice build you've come up with!
@CaedoGenesis 5 жыл бұрын
Hey you! This channel is now FULL-TIME, but your support can GREATLY HELP make it permanent. Pledging on Patreon (www.patreon.com/CaedoGenesis ) as little as a buck, brings me and the channel that much closer to being self-sustaining! Not only will this mean more videos every week, but being a supporter grants perks too, which range from being credited in videos, to verbal credits, to unlisted video access, to even seeing my face in monthly updates! Again, every little bit helps and if you're not able to support this way, you're welcome to share, comment, like, all that stuff too! I'm blessed to have all of you here no matter what, so thank you!
@phelepe8u 6 жыл бұрын
Hey man, just getting into classic Fallout and this was a huge help, a proper tutorial. Thanks!
@CultOfJim 6 жыл бұрын
The idiot build is both hilarious and challenging. An Intelligence of 1 or 2 gives you some fun conversation options, though you'll probably want to invest in some Mentats to articulate anything other than grunts. Most skill checks run independently of low Intelligence checks, so Speech and Science are still viable options. However, there should be a bit of focus on your favorite weapon skills, as your only real option for avoiding combat is Stealth, which isn't a guarantee.
@Pintkonan 5 жыл бұрын
this goes for IN 3 as well. i highly recommend IN3 for stupid characters, to get at least 6 exp to spent on each level up.
@kolap1 5 ай бұрын
@@Pintkonan Unless you also take Gifted, XP for level is 2xIN + 5. So with 3IN it's 11 skill points.
@kiddhkane 6 жыл бұрын
Ahh the ancient times when RPGs required thinking...
@aster1sk294 5 жыл бұрын
If the combat in classic fallout didn't make me want to shoot myself, they'd be my favorite fallout games
@bcpond 5 жыл бұрын
There are tons of thinking man RPGs coming out. If you want one like classic fallout checkout wasteland two and the upcoming wasteland three
@OXY187 5 жыл бұрын
@@bcpond Wasteland 2 is a great game but squad style is something that I don't like.
@KidaMilo89 4 жыл бұрын
@@bcpond I found Wasteland to be one of the most boring games I've ever played.
@KidaMilo89 4 жыл бұрын
@@aster1sk294 Same.. I wish they would do a heavy remake of the first two games.
@daddiwankenobi4456 3 жыл бұрын
Good video man I must have made like 3 characters and given up on each one cuz I didn't know what I was doing any of those playthroughs but after watching this id say I'm pretty confident about trying again, the way you explained everything translated perfectly to my 1 INTELLIGENCE build irl xD but for real thx a million I'm pretty sure you just helped me start my journey on these old gems. Thx partner B/
@falloutknight7779 6 жыл бұрын
So useful! I recently bought FO1, FO2 and Tactics and I couldn't get used to the mechanics after playing FO3 and FNV. But this definitively helps in the long run!
@fieryscorpion6696 4 жыл бұрын
Have you gotten used to the mechanics yet?
@brianogilby7220 6 жыл бұрын
Nice intro Retro guide for newbies and refresher for those who have not played this game in years. Great stuff. Nothing like a great old school top down RPG like this awesome one! I played alot of them as a teen back in the 90s and though I took a break from them when 3D First and Third person RPGs became big I have recently gotten back into playing them again.
@commanderbeepo8066 6 жыл бұрын
Grand child of Soviet diplomat. Had issues with private property laws. Lmao
@blakechildress944 4 жыл бұрын
Lol, I noticed that too. Damn those commie basterds.
@Dan-uf2vh 6 жыл бұрын
Intelligence 10 or 9 (only a skill benefit to having perfect 10), Charisma 8 (chip + glasses = perfect 10); Agility 6 or 8 (depending on how much Buffout you want to be using; late game 6 + Serum +1 Psycho = 10 Agility and would be a waste to have more); a strength of 3 is perfectly OK if you avoid combat and roleplay everything up to the Power Armor (in Fallout 2 you will have 8 ST eventually = 3 + chip + 4 PA); what is left is to sacrifice as much Endurance as you like for as much Perception and Luck as you want; 7 PE is a must; 2 EN is surprisingly doable, remember never to take 1 EN though (3 vs 2 HP per level); 8 Luck is perfect 10 with hubologist, the difference between 9 and 10 Luck is miniscule so you could start on 7 or even 6 Luck if you want higher Perception and/or that 4 Endurance
@Poppenheimer69 5 жыл бұрын
Come back to this vid every time I decide to replay Fallout 2, good job!
@Tomha 3 жыл бұрын
Video: "It might be a little daunting at first..." 8 year old me: *Cries in 2 INT* Guuuh!
@АноНимус-щ3г 6 жыл бұрын
Slayer makes every melee hit critical regardless of luck. That said it might be a good idea to get your luck to 6 for better criticals. Also, an eyeshot is around +60% critical hit chance and everyone shoots in the eyes +4.26% avg if the chance to hit is 95%, so even for snipers(with sniper perk) it might be ok to go with 6 as the critical hit chance for eye shots will be ~88%(70.26% to crit then another 60% roll if not crit). Furthermore, if you take 3 levels of more criticals and finesse trait(-30% dmg part in reality is +30% normal resistance(DR) which is ignored on armour bybasses and probably is ignored for energy weapons/fire damage entirely(edit:it's probably not, but noncriticals suck anyway)) your chance to crit in the eyes will be ~99% with 10LK or 4% lower with 6LK so you won't even need the sniper perk and you'll be as good as characters with it but much earlier. If you're going for the fastshot sniper build go ahead and take 10lk(minus increases you're planning to get throughout the game of fo1/fo2). Another thing I'd like to mention is that gifted is probably overrated, IMO. If you want to be a pure sniper or a pure pacifist you don't need those extra 7 stat points to have high relevant stats and you'll be slowing down your skill training on top of having a worse start. Do train/tag speech regardless of CH you get, if you still care to roleplay a decent person and sneak, if a non-combat char and hit 1 on random encounter loads for a high chance to avoid combat with low outdoorsman. If you want to be everything and have everything(like extra few options from that high CH, maybe) and you are going to fight a lot and get all that exp from high level critter encounters then you can go ahead and take it, though. Also you might want to try to have fun and take advantage of jinxed since you are probably going to miss your hits much less than opponents, which is what I'm trying this time and it's funny so far, but might get old. If you're a solo pacifist you only benefit :) I have replayed fo2 countless times ever since it came out(when I was 8. Oh that scratched disk and playing minimal installation on a damaged HDD experience...) so at some point I started questioning stuff like taking gifted every time and noticing stuff like JHP having a 2/1 dmg mod, which makes 10mm pistol damage actually 10-24(so critical damage in the eyes is like 25-96, off the top of my head) which often makes my ways differ from what others do, for example I killed most early rats(a lot of side quests for that) with a plant spike throw in the eyes/head because they have like 80%/60% chance to instantly die from a crit in the eyes(look at critical tables on fo wiki, etc, it's some fun info if you want to know what's really going on in combat), that's all rat types, including mutated/tough/pig/mole rats. You can even upgrade that playstyle by using flares - with better criticals you can take out an enclave soldier with some flare throws in the eyes, same goes for 10LK+Sniper hits in the body/non-aimed, so might want to try to take out some enclave dudes with a bb gun for fun. :) Whatever you do - take 10AG in FO2, if you want to own in combat(or run away faster). Example: you hit an unarmed dude with an unaimed punch(3ap -1 for bonus attacks perk) and go 7 hexes away, almost no critter (apart from mean centaurs and most deathclaws) has 10AP so they walk up to you and have 2AP left and can't even do anything. Doing 2 aimed shots with a revolver without any perks is also nice. edit: I haven't played through the FO2 RP mod, yet, but apparently you can get +1AG in the implemented originally cut location, but I say if you want to enjoy the game just take viable stats from the beginning, just think of the potential to increase stats as not existing, since most of it is at the end of the game, when you're op anyway, sadly this is also true for advanced weaponry, so focus on small guns, by the time you can get good energy/heavy weapons the best small gun(gauss rifle/pistol) is not far away, once again notice the 3/2 dmg mod of 2mm ammo and say no to pulse rifles other than as a novelty(it's highly inaccurate and actually doesn't even deal more damage most of the time(fallout.gamepedia.com/YK42B_pulse_rifle_(Fallout_2) / fallout.gamepedia.com/M72_Gauss_rifle_(Fallout_2). PS: sorry for a lengthy comment, but I'm too lazy and self-concious to make a video of my own guide :P
@nathanbrown8680 5 жыл бұрын
On the topic of Gifted, you get 2 skill points per point of intelligence per level so if you put just 3/7 of your Gifted stat points in intelligence you come out ahead on skills.
@sosukeaizen7028 6 жыл бұрын
I usually spec all into Intelligence and Charisma, or set Intelligence to 1 then the rest in Strength. I also like to do fists only and/or no armour runs.
@lewisgranger778 6 жыл бұрын
3 Strength, 3 Perception, 1 Endurance, 10 Charisma, 10 Intelligence, 2 Agility and 10 Luck, Favourite build special stats
@alexnascimento3078 6 жыл бұрын
Lewis Granger easy mode?
@firekeeper3536 6 жыл бұрын
What's the hard mode then?
@alexnascimento3078 6 жыл бұрын
1 charisma and 1 inteligence, and fight with everybody.
@XtreeM_FaiL 6 жыл бұрын
Firekeeper Playing as an asshole character.
@vytas5584 6 жыл бұрын
I was thinking of doing another playthrough with something like this. It's a matter of trading your character's personal combat abilities for more in-game opportunities and experiences - something which I think would be a completely confounding prospect to young modern gamers. Although I would add two corrections: 1. You've only used 39 points not the whole 40 and 2. Maybe advise against setting anything to 10 because you can get these upgraded later. So I would suggest 4 STR, 4 PER, 3 END (Cos getting shot dead is too common), 9 CHR, 9 INT, 2 AG, 9 LCK. Low agility does suck a bit, but you can rely on followers to do most of the combat. You can round off other areas significantly with "Gifted" perk and effectively add 7 more points to whatever you want.
@antondavidovic3996 4 жыл бұрын
Fallout 1: We don't want our players to get frustrated or discouraged right at the beginning, we'll give them the necessary items according to their skills at the beginning of the game :) Fallout 2: Here, have this weak-ass spear bitch
@themadmonk6379 6 жыл бұрын
I would love to see a play through from you on fallout 2
@vytas5584 6 жыл бұрын
Fallout 2 - I love to play it, but it is tedious and long. IMHO watching someone else playthrough would be like pulling teeth!
@rbkommando5456 2 жыл бұрын
Just downloaded the game and I'm loving it. Thanks so much!
@paulvontarsus729 6 жыл бұрын
I could never get into the later Fallouts because I started with and loved the first two.
@Poppenheimer69 5 жыл бұрын
I started with 3 and loved it. Then I decided to check out 2 when I lost my good pc. I was so amazed by the sheer amount of things I could do, by atmosphere, by freedom, all the fun encounters and brutal deaths. Back then I didn't know much about developers and all that business, so I couldn't understand why Fo3 was so different. I still come back to play Fo2 from time to time and I still find it enjoyable. I don't hate 3, but Fo2 taught me what Fallout can really be.
@vukcurryboss3984 4 жыл бұрын
@theburningone354 6 жыл бұрын
This is a really useful strategy guide for character builds in fallout 1 I’ll have to come back to this when I wanna try some other type of build I already did a guns and energy weapons character but I thought about trying something else sometimes and I usually get the more criticals and better critical perks
@nahuelbordon2691 9 ай бұрын
I always build my character towards a lone wolf gunslinger/rifle specialist type of gameplay in the classic games. It usually ends like this S4 P10 E4 C1 I10 A10 L1 Also using the perks Finesse & Bloody Mess/Jinxed (for the lols) Tag skills: small guns + 2 random skills, usually lock picking and science/medicine/first aid By the time you reach lvl 2, you can rise your small guns to 101% , and the other 2 skills to a similar % in one level each. Also, despite having only 11% crit chance, if you aim at your opponent eyes/head/other weak points, chances are you'll land a crit and/or cripple them rather often
@Angry_Pilgrim 9 ай бұрын
I played 3 through 4 growing up. But i never touched 1 & 2. Somehow, the fallout show on amazon Prime sparked my curiosity about the OG falloit experience, and I've got to say, i am not disappointed. Started a luck build with gifted perk and bled my charisma stat to fortify a few others. I am having a blast. The encounters are top tier. Of course the fixt patch made it better because now i can "take all" and the quests dont bug out
@sari4tune 5 жыл бұрын
if i remember correct, Fallout 2 Charisma is very important, as it determines how large your party squad can be
@Kadaitchi Жыл бұрын
they're not that strong though apart from Markus.
@Hideyoshi3241 9 ай бұрын
​@Viaterarising vik, cassidy and sulik are the trinity of companions in fallout. You get all 3 of them in the early game so they level up with you which makes them pretty strong and viable for the end-game. Just give them power armour and gauss rifles and give sulik a super sledge or an omega power fist.
@remnantsoftheashes3767 4 жыл бұрын
I’m glad I chose gifted. I heard the special stats were a big deal in this game and the skills can always be leveled up. Plus the tags go up double the points. (I think they should bring that back in the future). Then I chose finesse not sure if it was a great idea but it works decent.
@KAPTAINmORGANnWo4eva 3 жыл бұрын
My first Fallout 1 build was a 10 Agility 10 Luck character with Jinxed and Gifted. My logic at the time was "if everything is dicerolls, make the dicerolls as biased as possible" but it didn't really pan out.
@Kadaitchi Жыл бұрын
I am baffled that you chose that build and failed.
@KAPTAINmORGANnWo4eva Жыл бұрын
@@Kadaitchi It didn't fail it just wasn't as fun or wacky as I hoped.
@reflectionist 6 жыл бұрын
How hard would it be to beat this game if you only punched enemies in the balls the entire game?
@filipzajac 6 жыл бұрын
Hard as hell at the beginning. You would die in most random encounters. Maybe at level 20 with mega power fist it would start to get easier
@em.4774 6 жыл бұрын
Pretty much Max Stones journey
@Minlag3030 6 жыл бұрын
Just get a sledgehammer and hit rats in their eyes and then you'll grow some balls
@TheReZisTLust 5 жыл бұрын
9 str 9 agility 10 luck time to whips some balls
@alexdoule8671 5 жыл бұрын
Unarmed can be amazingly powerful if paired with stealth.
@starry_skies 4 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for making this guide! I've played the newer fallout games and really wanted to try out the classic ones, but wasn't sure how different things would be.
@AlexPl18 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you SO much for the video! I wanted to play original fallout games but was too intimidated. Your videos make me excited to try them out!
@kittybubblez9310 6 жыл бұрын
I'm so happy to see other people still play fallout 1
@KoN312 3 жыл бұрын
nice guide. after so many years back to f1 and thats just what i needed! Superb video dude!! nicely made
@zerginfestorhots6132 6 жыл бұрын
Luck within Fallout and 2 is pretty much essential for sharpshooters when going for a maximum build. This is because of the perk Sniper, which checks on the Luck stat x10 in terms of %, thus 10 Luck=100% crit chance, you do massive damage everytime + Better criticals = chance to instantly kill enemies. P.S., Slayer does NOT rely on Luck, it literally upgrades your attacks to crits, go nuts!
@Minlag3030 6 жыл бұрын
Eh, i prefer playing it the way it was meant, by hitting wanamingos in their eyes with a sledgehamme for 2 action points per hit
@hithere8753 2 жыл бұрын
I always have a high CHA character. It makes the overall experience much more interesting for me.
@albdamned577 9 ай бұрын
not gonna lie, watching your video and realizing i can click on ST, PE, EN, etc alone has been tremendously helpful. thanks! I always wanted to play this game back in the 90s, i just couldn't convince the right people (people willing to buy the game and overlook the box content lol) to buy it
@CaedoGenesis 9 ай бұрын
I'm happy to help, and excited for those who jump in for the first time! If you didn't see them yet, I did do some broad beginner tips vids for Fallout 1 as well: kzbin.info/www/bejne/onaTknifmdR6qNU
@albdamned577 9 ай бұрын
@@CaedoGenesis this has been such a fun adventure. Fallout (1) is standing between two different eras of gaming. I see the text based rpg elements still going strong (reminding me of the late zork games), and what the adventure games turned into (balders gate/diablo). Thanks for your videos
@r.t.1077 6 жыл бұрын
Something that always bothered me was how character action was tied heavily to agility I always felt forced to put a majority of my points into agility firsr
@scottjones7948 Жыл бұрын
I wish this video was around back in the late 90's! I had to figure all this out on my own
@CaedoGenesis Жыл бұрын
As did I! I'm just glad people are still giving it a shot, and if I can make that easier for them, all the better!
@-TakapihanTarzan 5 жыл бұрын
Just started a new playthrough with restoration project mod. I remember when me and my friend got this game as kids. Without internet back in the days, we didnt have any patches, it was pain to play at times lol. Truly a masterpiece after patches and mod i mentioned above.
@Laxhoop 5 жыл бұрын
Simple version: Always choose gifted. Doesn’t matter what other trait you choose, just get gifted.
@MaynardCrow 3 жыл бұрын
You get less skill points and perks, which ads up over time as you level, but it is a pretty useful trait.
@MosoKaiser 3 жыл бұрын
@@MaynardCrow No, gifted only penalizes the starting skill levels and skill points gained per level, not the amount of perks you received. It's the skilled trait that cuts down the perk rate to every 4 levels while boosting skills (+10% to all skills in Fallout 1, +5 extra skill points per level in Fallout 2 and Tactics).
@raifthemad Ай бұрын
@@MosoKaiser In Tactics, I always used mutate perk to turn any useless trait into gifted on all of my team members.
@shatik3311 6 жыл бұрын
Great video, the only thing missing from this guide are formulas for Chance to Hit, maximum useful skill point numbers and mechanics of books/progression of skill point allocation cost. CtH formula is an important bit of info since it's derived from many factors that player can affect (PE, weapon skill, weapon type and distance) and this knowledge makes build-making easier. Maximum skills is self-explanatory in that iirc there is literally no need to have any non-weapon skill above 150 (in some cases 120). But one could argue that all the above is a bit too deep and player will found it for himself on wiki if he so invested in the game
@random_me666 4 жыл бұрын
Actually playing Fallout 1 and 2, Fallout 1 was easier in creating A character, Fallout 2 was pretty dang hard, and this video was real helpful.
@DDSForbbiden 3 жыл бұрын
I have learned that Rapid fire+small arms is a surprisingly viable and fun combination on Fallout 2, specially after you get your hands on a grease gun and .44 pistol. Also that gambling is incredibly good at making you money and that finding a cure for jet early on makes it so you can abuse it for the remainder of the game.
@Agnus78 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your guide. I'm starting new Fallout adventure as i've never finished first Fallout :)
@morganpetros9635 3 жыл бұрын
My favorite build is what I call the "team gunman." He's not a sniper (no aimed shots) but he does a lot of damage because he gets extra attacks every combat turn. The way to build him/her is: Attributes: S4 P7 E3 C1 (5 in Fallout 2), I7 A7 L7 (add 2 to I and 1 to P and L in Fallout 1) Traits: Fast Shot, Gifted Tag Skills: Energy Weapons (Small Guns in Fallout 2), Lockpick, Speech The thing about Fallout 1 is that there is *NO NEED* to tag Small Guns; you can crank up your Small Guns skill as high as you need or want with books, and there really aren't any truly viable Small Guns weapons in the late game anyway, unlike in Fallout 2. Therefore, you eventually *MUST HAVE* Energy Weapons ... and Lockpick and Speech are just good for any character to have. Also, relying on books to build up your Small Guns skill means that in the early game you can spend your skill points on Speech, Lockpick, and important non-tagged skills like Doctor and (possibly) Outdoorsman ... though that can also be built up with books. In Fallout 2, this build means you'll eventually be able to take *6 ATTACKS PER TURN* with a gauss pistol once you get the Bonus Rate of Fire perk, and when you get the Better Criticals and Sniper perks, it'll mean you can one-shot most enemies from the other side of the screen most of the time. In Fallout 1, it'll mean you get four shots (I believe ... it's been a while since I last played) with the Turbo Plasma Rifle and, again, be able to one-shot many or most opponents with the same two perks. In Fallout 2, BTW, you need the C6 so you can pick up Sulik, Vic and Cassidy to add to your team of gunmen. If you want to play a solo sniper, then go with C1 (which will give you a C2, allowing you to pick up companions temporarily for the XP), crank up your P and I to 9 (10 with Gifted). You can dump Fast Shot for ... well, you don't really have to take a second Trait in that case, and you won't want to take Small Frame because, first, Psycho (I love Psycho) and second, you'll be alone so you won't want to reduce your carry capacity AT ALL. Yes, I realize that this build sacrifices earlier criticals and that you never get to actually *CHOOSE* to blind your opponents, but I find that the extra attack(s) you get to make earlier on compensate for this in the early game, and more than make up for it once you've got the Sniper perk. Anyway, that's still my favorite build after about 20 years of playing the game.
@majinsnake 8 ай бұрын
I am going to try your guide. It came to yours, sniper, or a steal build. Thanks! Some of the attributes did not come out right as I had about 7 - 9 points left over. So I maxed them in I7, A7, L7. My sheet. S4, P8 ,E3, C2, I10, A10, L10.
@bukaitlin 6 жыл бұрын
The build I favor for FO1 SPECIAL (with gifted trait) (parenthesis marks additional points in game) S: 6 (+1, +3 power armor) P: 8 (+1) E: 4 (+1) C: 2 (+1) I: 9 (+1) A: 9 (+1) L: 9 (+1) Skills to tag: Small guns, Lockpick, Speech Traits: Gifted (as mention before), Fast Shot Perks: lvl 3: Awarness lvl 6: Bonus move lvl 9: Bonus rate of fire lvl 12: Action Boy (1) lvl 15: Action Boy (2) lvl 18: Sniper lvl 21: Action Boy (3)
@dat5503 6 жыл бұрын
Why str to 6
@Benkenobi8118 4 жыл бұрын
Not a bad build. L (8) +2 is superior though. I(8) + 2.
@Benkenobi8118 4 жыл бұрын
Best build I've seen is: S 3 P 9 E 9 C 2 I 8 A 9 L 8, Gifted, Small Frame. Can max stats to S 7 P 10 E 10 C 3 I 10 A 10 L 10 .
@Benkenobi8118 4 жыл бұрын
Tag Gambling, Energy Weapons and Lockpick. You won't need to put more points into Gambling to break the game. Level lockpick to 91, and then everything into EW. After maxing out EW, raise speech then barter. Science and Repair can be handled with books.
@Benkenobi8118 4 жыл бұрын
Perks (Toughness vs Awareness). If you pay attention you don't need awareness. Toughness is the only one that provides a boost. Quick Pockets are ok. Everything else looks good! :)
@ZerglingWasteland 6 жыл бұрын
It's worth noting that the Bonus Melee Damage stat is worthless because it only gives you the potential to do more maximum melee damage; it's not a flat value that is added on top of your regular melee attack. Heavy Handed builds are pretty crummy for this reason, and Unarmed/Melee builds generally are allowed to eschew Strength, bizarrely enough. Only in Fallout 2 does Strength give substantial benefits as you need a certain level of Strength to unlock the special Unarmed moves like the mighty Haymaker.
@peterknutsen3070 5 жыл бұрын
Fallout 1 and 2 has *breakpoints* for the Attributes. Endurance/2 determines how many HP you gain per level, so you want to be at an even value. 4, 6, 8, or maybe 2 or 10 for a more extreme character. A more sophisticated game would carry over the decimal, but that ain’t Fallout! END/3 rounded down determines your Heal Rate. So with END 6-8 you get 2, more you get 3, less you get 1. This makes END 6 attractive for a robust combat character, with 4 being the next best option. 8 isn’t worth it, 9 fails a Heal Rate breakpoint and 10 is silly expensive. Agility also affects Action Points. It’s 5 plus AGI/2 rounded down, so again you benefit much by having an even value. Preferably 10 or 8, but 6, 4 or 2 are also options. The main benefits of raising AGI to an odd value are the small gain to many skills and also +1 Armor Class which apparently gives enemies -1% to hitting you. Not worth it! You want an even AGI.
@ZeSgtSchultz 3 жыл бұрын
Well, I'm finally gunna do it. I'm finally going to try fallout 1.
@bbaker8330 2 жыл бұрын
I can't believe Finesse isn't a favorite trait, as it gives you hefty 10% bonus to crit chance at the cost of reduced normal damage. With 10 Luck, that's 20% crit at level 1! 6, 10, 4, 6, 7, 10, 4 Gifted\Finesse, Small Guns\Melee\Speech was my original sniper build in FO1. It works just fine, and I never felt like my CHA was wasted.
@thecodeson99 2 жыл бұрын
Having my fallout 1 cherry popped right now and man is this game an experience.
@chloe_winter2961 5 жыл бұрын
this was really useful, thank you man
@unitybeing777 3 жыл бұрын
Your voice is awesome. Loved this video, well done.
@Thagomizer 5 жыл бұрын
You can get away with having a low Charisma in Fallout 1, but Charisma is NOT a dump stat in Fallout 2. It directly effects the number of companions you can bring with you; the number being half of your Charisma score rounded down. The Magnetic Personality trait helps a bit, too.
@kolap1 5 ай бұрын
Very nice and detailed tutorial. I found only one very minor mistake. In Fallout 1, the maximum skill is 200. Increased maximum to 300 is only in Fallout 2.
@skullyinc. 8 ай бұрын
Thank you.
@reverberateddreams7958 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Can’t wait download this game!!!
@MaiYass 6 жыл бұрын
you honestly deserve way more views and in general attention with the amount of effort you put in your videos, what the hell happened to all the views from 5-ish year ago??
@ee-wx3hy 6 жыл бұрын
its okay son your just special
@TheHeroicBlockhead 5 жыл бұрын
nano Hamster staring at phone
@bbaker8330 2 жыл бұрын
When you can just camp out on the character generation screen for an hour, you know you've got a special game. Classic FO, MOO2, and more recently Encased are all prime examples.
@mylenhansen6350 4 жыл бұрын
Its just amazing to me how they could make such a complicated and gory game in 1997 I thought during that time there was only console and arcade games I completely forgot about PC's
@twist3d537 6 жыл бұрын
thank you for this! going from fallout 3/4 to this a nightmare
@mer_meh 4 жыл бұрын
I love old RPGs and their numbers. The wiki really helps when trying to min/max a character for the most over-powering and game breaking effects. 45% chance to miss, 80 or 90% damage removal, and then subtract 12 or 20 damage. Should (theoretically) make you a tank.
@constructionbird 9 ай бұрын
A fun thing i realized is that if you go melee in fallout one fast shot aplies to that too so if you then get bonus hth atacks you will have one ap cost per atack
@Floridamangaming729 3 жыл бұрын
thanks fir the tips and guides. ive been wanting to play this game properly for awhile. i tried a couple years ago and got fairly far. i got captured by the super mutants but couldn't figure out how to get out so i kinda quit. hopefully a proper build will help. and honestly in hindsight i wish more games were like this. it has way more detail then games nowadays.
@vytas5584 6 жыл бұрын
Maybe you could do a video like this for people that are already experienced in the game and touch on some finer points like: Energy weapons - when do they appear and when do you need to build skill for them? Small guns - the growth from great weapons to medicore weapons to great again at the end of the game (no spoilers) and big guns, how much ammo can you actually get, etc.
@twist3d537 9 ай бұрын
this was very helpful
@davidburnett5049 6 жыл бұрын
Modifying the build a little to get fast shot instead of small frame lets you use big guns which are, a lot of fun. It requires more player skill because you can easily turn anyone near your target into red paste. Means Gorris and Sulik really need to be cared for. One upside is the player is the only character that can be trusted with burst fire anyway.
@FidensLibertas 6 жыл бұрын
i've heard it said that the skilled trait is one of the worst trait in Fallout 1 and 2. so i decided to test that out. turns out it's one of the best traits in Fallout 1. not so much in Fallout 2. in Fallout 1 the skilled trait gives a plus 10 to all your skills. with 18 skills in the game that means means the skilled trait effectively gives you 180 skill points (that are already spent). with 5 intelligence that's basically 18 levels worth of skill points. suffice it to say, having decent skills in everything certainly helps, especially in the early game. with good skill investment (and maybe skill books) the skilled trait ensures that it won't take long before you're good enough for the end game (skill wise you'll be good enough but i don't recommend charging to late game areas until you at least have power armor). also, if you want to complete as many quests as possible it certainly helps to have high skill stat in most skills. with a level cap of 21 you can only get 7 perks per playthrough, 5 with the skilled trait. but it's not hard to beat the game long before you reach the level cap. so whether you take the skilled trait or not you shouldn't expect to have too many perks by the time you reach the final areas of the game. if you have the best armor (the hardened power armor), the best weapon (the turbo plasma rifle or the alien blaster) and a high energy skill (which the skilled trait can help you have) then you should be more than capable of handling late game areas regardless what perks you have. in Fallout 2 the skilled trait just gives you 5 more skill points each time you level up. that certainly helps you increase your skills very quickly (and it's nice that you get to decide what those skill points are spent on). but with a level cap of 99 and no time limit the lack of extra skill points can easily be made up for with a bit of patience and grinding.
@nathanbrown8680 5 жыл бұрын
Keep in mind that five skills will be brought to a fixed level with books from the Hub library so the bonus to them vanishes, and most of the weapon skills will never be used for any given character. Then there are the skills that are redundant or useless. If you gamble you have unlimited free money and don't need barter. If you pump barter you have plenty of money and don't need gambling. Disarm is rarely relevant and low levels do little good. If you're playing lawful you don't have much if any use for steal and sneak.
@Profilejc98 5 жыл бұрын
Skilled is one of the worst traits just because the benefit isn’t worthwhile. You’ll normally want to specialise in a small number of skills, so all those extra skill points are wasted because a lot of skills are useless or won’t be used by your character.
@MaynardCrow 3 жыл бұрын
Level cap? I'm certain I had a fuckton of playthroughs where I got to level 27 at some point during my first visit to the Hub. That's with xp farming being an extremely OCD pickpocket/reverse pickpocket.
@jakethesnake4040 4 жыл бұрын
Man this is complex. I started the game without looking up anything and I was like ohhhh fuck idk how to do anything lol. Thankfully these videos exist.
@CaedoGenesis 4 жыл бұрын
I hope you enjoy your time with the classics!
@jakethesnake4040 4 жыл бұрын
Caedo Genesis I’ve only got fallout 2, so far I’m still struggling but your guide really helped me get over the first hurdle. I looked up one for gameplay. If I can’t get into it I’ll simply watch a play through. As much as I’d love to experience it myself, if I still have trouble I’d at least like to enjoy the classics however I can lol
@aljoker7808 2 жыл бұрын
Correction, adv power armor gives +4str and implant 1 so you technically could go str5.
@vaultboyted9831 3 жыл бұрын
for fo1 i highly reccomend the crit sniper build its op and got me through hard mode in record time.
@inkjustink4936 3 жыл бұрын
3 years past still don't know what i should pick
@angelicwarrior410 6 жыл бұрын
Caedo owns the guide genisis, am I right?
@legion999 6 жыл бұрын
Crit sniper only for me. Finesse, gifted, dump End and Cha, have enough strength to use an accurate long range gun, max Agi, 7-8luck, daydream about sniper perk. Always aim at the eyes.
@maskdcat2619 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks a ton for this guide!!!
@etherraichu 6 жыл бұрын
My build for getting the absolute maximum amount of content in a single play through is Small Guns, Speech, Lockpick. 10 agility. usually 1 or 2 Charisma and Endurance. Divide the rest between intelligence, perception and lucky, the exact distribution determined by how much I want to win via critical hit. Usually take Gifted and Finesse as my traits. Other times I drop my luck down to 1 and take the Jinxed trait, if I want a ridiculously surreal game.
@ChineseNinjaWarrior 5 жыл бұрын
I have played Fonline for years where we build hardcore pvp builds: For fallout single player, Gifted is a cheat trait and Fast Shot of course. S 2 P 8 E 10 C 2 I 7 A 8 L 10 Get 80% in small guns and take sniper perk. Also get weapon handling if you don't want to use buffout. Now all your ranged attack are 100% critical hits, with fast shot and 2x action boy or jet you can shoot ??? times with vindicator minigun in one turn. Hubologists drop ammo. Enjoy your invincible op character.
@frankenstein6677 3 жыл бұрын
I remember investing in traps in New Vegas too... by getting the "A Maria of Culture" mod.
@scuffedapple5680 Ай бұрын
Thanks for uploading this video, as I had no clue how these worked. Now I can get to making a psychotic teenager
@kaliljardim9501 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks!It helped a lot!
@magpie1044 4 жыл бұрын
I admit my first time playing fallout I had a strength of 3 so I couldn't actually use many weapons due to strength requirements so don't make my mistake...
@WalkerReddignton 3 жыл бұрын
This helped alot, thank you
@mickginny6075 6 жыл бұрын
Make steal as high as possible so money doesn't become an issue. On my steal play throughs I rarely spend caps and if I do I usually just steal the caps I spend.
@HoraceBenedict 4 жыл бұрын
Great guide! Thanks!
@boiledvaultmuttchop 4 жыл бұрын
You can rarely find good guides today on Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 subjects.
@DuraheLL 4 жыл бұрын
FUN FACT! Throwing is absolutely broken if 200%. I completed a full run with ONLY throwing knives. Useless at first, breaks even the biggest monsters at mastered. However, the downside is FINDING your knives after throwing them again. good luck. You might have to reload just because you cannot find them or they are stuck underneath bodies at times.
@OldSkullSoldier 2 жыл бұрын
Traits go with a certain cost (obvious). Remember that Small frame gives you +1AG in exchange of some of good of ST. For shooting characters it's almost like -2ST, so if you aim for character with generally low ST, you lose with this choice as you will struggle a lot to carry equipment. Gifted is great, but... it gives +7, but -5 skill/level means in fact -2.5IN, -10 to all skills means extra loss of IN. In total you gain a lot, but with Gifted you should really always have 9-10 IN. Agility: generally good to have 10 from the beggining. Unless you take Fast shot, then even 8 would be nice (to make 3 shots later in game). Always optimise this to make most attacks per turn. Unsuesd AP are lost. It's not Fallout tactics, where unused AP "pass to next turn" in CTB combat. In FOT -1AP can be like -10% efficency. in F1 can be -50% efficiency.
@CaedoGenesis 2 жыл бұрын
Agility for sure is the best attribute of all as you say, but a little correction: unspent AP in Fallout 1 & 2 go into Armor Class if you end turn early.
@XtreeM_FaiL 2 жыл бұрын
Small frame won't affect strength. Carry weight takes a small hit.
@OldSkullSoldier 2 жыл бұрын
@@XtreeM_FaiL THat's what I mean. If you only shoot and have enoug St either way to use wanted weapons, small frame acts like -2St. Without SF you can have 5ST (good for "all" non-Big pre-power armor weapons) and carry 150lbs, while with small frame you really would need 7st to carry 130lbs (or 6St and 115lbs). It's a huge pain, epsecially if you carry all weapons you don't want your companions to use (eg. SMGs). You can play with 5 or 6ST and SF, but comparing it with 5 or 6 no SF? Small Frame really acts like minus strenght, so it's a bad trait or maybe just giving you "nothing". Only use I see is if you just lack this 1 point for your dreamed perks.
@XtreeM_FaiL 2 жыл бұрын
@@OldSkullSoldier If you go for Big guns/Energy weapons then the Small frame is a waste, but Small arms/Melee it works great.
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