ChatGPT for Teachers - Doing an hour of work in 6 MINUTES!

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Ted Pickett

Ted Pickett

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Use ChatGPT to save enormous amounts of time!

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@alanaambroo Жыл бұрын
Chachi PT is awesome. I am a student, and I use it a lot. No, I don’t use it to do my work for me. I usually have it review my work and give me suggestions on what could be critiqued. Like for example, I’m taking a programming class. I usually write the code on my own, and then paste it into chat GPT. I ask it to, if it’s wrong, to please explain what I could do to fix it without giving me any code in its explanation, and it does a wonderful job of doing this.
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
This is awesome! This is exactly the type of use that I encourage from my students. Well done!
@alanaambroo Жыл бұрын
@@Mr.Pickett Thanks, yeah I really love using it like this. Also, I don't have any vision, so it can be a very good visual aid sometimes when checking things over for me.
@pedroivog.s.6870 Жыл бұрын
Just be careful because Chat GPT isn't suited for accurate calculations, so he may also not answer correctly
@shoostV1 Жыл бұрын
@@Mr.Pickett what would you do if you found out a student submitted an entire assignment using chat gpt?
@kevinzhang6623 Жыл бұрын
Oh man, that's ingenious, sooo useful in that sense
@juancarlosvaldes4538 Жыл бұрын
I am a Florida Certified Teacher and have taught for 25 years (from Elementary through High School subjects) in the Public Schools District. Unfortunately, 4 years ago I became disabled due to my health complications from Diabetes and had to leave my teaching profession. I currently only teach online when my health is stable or I do not have any Doctor appointments. I have always done and completed all my lesson plans, done research on my lessons, and performed all the duties required of a teacher. I can tell you that of all teacher duties, preparing weekly lesson plans, has always been the most dreadful of all tasks because of it being very time consuming while you have to differentiate instruction, utilize various instruction methodologies, and various manipulatives! This ChatGPT is going to explode in all markets and in all industries. Like everything else in our Industrial world, we will see many advances in AI to save time, money, while finding quicker solutions to doing and completing tasks. At the same time, those with an evil mind will also find ways in doing crime online. Good luck in your English profession and in using ChatGPT to lesson the burden of lesson planning while really enjoying more of what we love-teaching!
@Healthabits53 3 ай бұрын
Please, I see your sad story on Diabetes, please kindly start vegetarianism gradually and use herbal medicine to cure it. God help you to be cured.
@ericamartin74 Жыл бұрын
This is awesome. I'm an English and reading tutor, and I've even started using it to create reading comprehension worksheets with little stories and different types of questions for students at different grade levels. Never thought about using it to create activities for other novels, though.
@ayeikareviews6127 Жыл бұрын
Can you share what prompts you used?
@jobbarnett81 Жыл бұрын
Please do more of these videos documenting your process. I sub every day in different schools. Teachers are exhausted and burnt out. I see it on their faces. I hope they all start doing what you are doing.
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
Will do!
@guayabita27able Жыл бұрын
Yes, we are burned out! Thanks for understanding us.
@gregnixon1296 Жыл бұрын
Good for students too. I asked it for 10 multiple choice questions with answers for an act in the play that my son is reading. This was a great study tool for him.
@workingTchr Жыл бұрын
I asked ChatGPT to create an outline for a 2 week course directed at 9th graders on the founding of the USA. Bam! I had it, and it looked great. This thing is revolutionary. It lacks "personality" though. It's "cold," and that bothers me. Definitely the teacher has to keep it in its place and not start to think that it is an actual sentient being.
@Joshua-kw4qe Жыл бұрын
This AI is beyond incredible. I use it in my programming classes and can give it an entire program to analyze and give me feedback on. When I’m stuck I can describe what I need and it’ll help spitball some ideas. It’s like having a professor in my pocket 24/7.
@Chickaqee Жыл бұрын
I think this is great because it transfers the more mundane and rote work off to AI, which frees up the teacher to actually teach. If a tool like this can reduce teachers' stress by even 10 or 20% then the cumulative impact that will have is extraordinary. Maybe that will allow teachers to create stronger bonds with students rather than worrying about drafting up lesson plans.
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
Say it louder for the people in back, please.
@spicy4919 Жыл бұрын
I completely agree that AI tools like automated grading systems can significantly reduce teachers' workload and free up their time to focus on more meaningful interactions with students. By automating tasks such as grading, teachers can spend more time providing personalized feedback and support to students, fostering a more engaging and effective learning experience. This can lead to stronger student-teacher relationships and better learning outcomes. Additionally, reducing the amount of rote work can help alleviate teacher burnout and allow them to maintain their passion for teaching.
@Chickaqee Жыл бұрын
@@spicy4919 I strongly concur that the use of AI tools such as automated grading systems can greatly alleviate the burden on teachers and give them more time to concentrate on valuable interactions with students. By automating tasks such as grading, teachers can dedicate more attention to offering personalized feedback and support to students, resulting in a more engaging and effective learning experience. This can foster stronger connections between teachers and students, resulting in improved learning outcomes. Furthermore, reducing the amount of repetitive work can ease teacher burnout and enable them to sustain their enthusiasm for teaching.
@RandomShart Жыл бұрын
Genuine question, how do you feel about students transferring to AI the more mundane and rote work of summarising texts and writing up essays, which gives them more time to listen, debate, think critically etc? I think the whole approach to teaching and assessing students will need to change, requiring far more direct interaction between students and teachers because, lets face it, chat-GPT is already more than capable of being a top ranking student and quite likely is already more capable at teaching (in the traditional sense), than many teachers. Many respected and highly paid knowledge based roles will rapidly shrink or disappear in the coming years (300m jobs the first estimate), such as lawyers, researchers, graphic designers, coders, even doctors, to name but a few, so teaching will also be impacted, unless there are significant changes to old-school schooling.
@ijansk Жыл бұрын
I am an English-Spanish interpreter who is currently working as an English teacher in high school, I have worked as a teacher before and have some notions on how to plan classes but AI really impressed me in how it can plan classes with so much detail and even give good ideas for activities to teach your classes. For someone like me this tools really helps and saves lots of time.
@jennifermelton4147 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the detailed and shorter explanation! As an experienced teacher, I agree with you 110%. Keep up the great work! Good luck with the rest of the school year!
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much!
@zeyneparslan4306 Жыл бұрын
Hello, Ted! Firstly, I would like to thank you for making this video. ChatGPT has been very popular these days and I think it is a big revolution in the AI industry. Even though Chatgpt is gaining popularity, many people are still unsure about what this high-tech AI can do. Some people think this technology is nothing but an obstacle to language teaching since learners tend to abuse this technology. But on the other hand, there is a considerable amount of people who think chatGPT is a very helpful tool for educators to use in their material designing, creating contexts, preparing lesson plans and so on. Thanks for showing us how to use chatGPT to get good outlines, different and creative ideas and various examples in our classes. As educators know, teaching can be time-consuming, especially when it comes to preparing materials, lesson plans and in-class activities beforehand. It's great to see that Chatgpt can assist with these types of tasks, ultimately saving teachers time. This AI can improve our teaching material, provide feedback, generate ideas, and complete tasks more efficiently. It's important to note, however, that Chatgpt is not perfect and can make mistakes. Therefore, I think it's crucial for teachers who have been in the field for a while to receive proper training to take full advantage of these opportunities. Thank you again for shedding light on this matter.
@QuizalizeApp Жыл бұрын
Hi Ted, great video! It's always good to show teachers how easy it's to use and how much time they can save. well done!
@dayvancowboi9135 Жыл бұрын
man, this tech is still rough around the edges but when it works it WORKS
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
Can you imagine what it will be like when someone figures out a brilliant interface for it?
@alexk9642 Жыл бұрын
@@Mr.Pickett im honestly convinced chatgpt is one of the biggest innovations since the internet and the cellphone
@andrassbb Жыл бұрын
@@alexk9642 its been around for like 5 years but not publicly available
@zbll2406 Жыл бұрын
When pulling passages from books, sometimes chatgpt generates them incorrectly. This seems to be more severe in less known books, but you should review the passages, if you want to make sure they are the same, word by word
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
Good tip. I say review everything. It’s important to evaluate the output.
@tiranito3715 Жыл бұрын
@@Mr.Pickett you say that but the paragraph you show in the video is literally made up. Im so sorry for your students.
@andreirachko Жыл бұрын
@@tiranito3715 nobody cares, and nobody ever will. Students are at school for one reason and one reason only - because an old law requires them to be there from 8 to 3 on weekdays, that’s it. They don’t need/want it, their parents don’t need/want it, the teachers don’t need/want it, even the states/counties don’t really want it, but everyone keeps playing this silly game because the law is the law and we’re too scared to question it (or the giant waste of resources, time, and human potential that the education system creates). No one cares that some paragraph is written differently, no one cared to be in school in the first place.
@user6122 Жыл бұрын
@@andreirachko literally me if i were an American indigenous activist in the year 1903 rallying against residential schools
@slash196 Жыл бұрын
@@Mr.Pickett The time you spend picking line by line through plausible-seeming output is time you could spend just doing it yourself from scratch, and you can have confidence in that work when you bring it to class, unlike this stuff.
@semaddddd Жыл бұрын
Hi Ted, thank you very much for this video you made. Although Chatgpt has a rapidly growing popularity, many people are still news if what this artificial intelligence can do. It is really nice and admirable that you explain in your video how this artificial intelligence can be used better and what opportunities it can provide for teachers. I have to say that I found your video very useful. I must say that the points you mentioned in your video are very useful for teachers. When it comes to teaching, I think that it is something that takes a lot of time, especially in preparing material. It's really nice to see that Chatgpt can help teachers with issues like this. Chatgpt really provides us with opportunities that can be very helpful throughout our teaching life, and the most important of these is that it saves us time as you mentioned. Chatgpt can help us in many ways, such as improving the material we have prepared, receiving feedback, completing our ideas and getting new ideas, completing a task that would normally take a lot of time in a shorter time. However, it is important to remember that chatgpt can make mistakes. At the same time, I think that teachers who have been teaching for a long time should be given training on this subject and benefit from these opportunities. Thanks again for the information on this matter.
@pp4913 Жыл бұрын
I tried multiple times to ask gpt 4 to list me all the clauses or possible assimilation, liaison in an article. It never worked well with my poor prompting skill. But i do hope one day it wi, because it will be such a time saver.
@seymanuryaygin Жыл бұрын
First of all i want to thank you fort his informative video. And as a english language teacher student I agree that teachers mostly have have limeied time. I am pretty aware of that teachers have a lot of things to do but there is lack of time to do them. But still we are searching for ways to make both the most enjoyable and effective lessons. One of the thing that consumes teachers’ time is finding or creating materials. It takes a lot of time and paper work. At this point ChatGPT can help us to find appropriate materials for our students. ChatGPT can help teachers to find more ideas, moreover the teachers will have more time to find different ideas and develop materials in short time with the help of ChatGPT. As english teacher candidates fortunately we have this opportunity to know about AI and increase our knowledge about ChatGPT and how to use it. However, unfortunately old teachers don’t have this opportunity. Most of them not interested in technology. In fact they might not know about this ChatGPT. Videos like this which are showing how to use ChatGPT as a teacher will surely help old teachers too.
@mjblazy 10 ай бұрын
I so glad you're explaining this to educators. Thank you
@deathchimp2 Жыл бұрын
Have you tried using it as a tutor? Having it explain a concept to you? I spent an hour yesterday on the history of Irish independence movements
@kurisensei Жыл бұрын
It often confidently offers inaccuracies though (as great as it is)
@annemariemiguel2541 Жыл бұрын
Awesome. Just a great example that opens a lot of possibilities. I like to do different things all the time. The problem is the time it takes, this tool will probably cut my prep time down,. I think it will still be my original idea, and help to see if the idea is really any good quicker.
@RandomShart Жыл бұрын
This is life as we know it soon, students submitting work essentially created by chat GPT, then teachers using GPT to critique it and respond, then no doubt parents using GPT to complain when their kids don't get a good grade 🤣 Same thing in the workplace, with recruiters using GPT to write the job spec, candidates using GPT to write CVs and cover letters for that job, then the lucky candidate that gets the job spends their time using GPT to do their job, haha! It's a brave new world!
@iremmm5910 Жыл бұрын
This is really revolutionary like you said. I am training to be a teacher so I always wondered how teachers do what they do, how they have enough time to catch up with everything and I wondered if I could do that. Now, I am more relaxed to know that I have a resource like Chat gpt that can help me. Moreover, I think with this all of the teachers can be more invested in students. Teachers can find more ideas, they will have more time to find ideas and with the help of chat gpt they can put their ideas to life, which is really exciting. The only thing is that old teachers mostly don't really keep up with technology so they may not know about this, so we should have some lessons about how we can use this and show them to each and every teacher in the world. This is why keeping up with the trends and the technology is important. Because something new happens each day and if we don't search for them we will be behind, and we will do more work than we need to. Teachers should always improve themselves. Taking your time to shoot this video is a great way to start this journey, thank you for the video.
@seymanuryaygin Жыл бұрын
Yes i agree with you that it is also my concers how teachers plan their lessons and do it. There is limeted time but also there is a lot of things to do for teachers. At this point Chat GPT helps teachers and also us as english teacher candiates. also you mentioned that older teachers may not know about Chat GPT and how to use it. It’s most probably they’re not engage with technology as we do. But this kiind of videous will eventually help them to learn about it and use it.
@shmugglebuggles 6 ай бұрын
Yet you only have to look on any social media platform to see that people are getting dumber. Teachers aren’t doing that great a job & they’re now using AI to supposedly “help” them, whilst students are using it to do their homework etc. AI will probably replace teachers as it will replace the majority of jobs. But at the moment we’re living in a facade
@salihsener2543 Жыл бұрын
Hello Ted. I think teachers often express frustration about not having enough time to complete their tasks due to the workload. They require a solution that minimizes their energy expenditure. ChatGPT provides an effective solution to this issue, making it easier and quicker for teachers to start and finish projects. With this program, they can access detailed writings, projects, and more, that are tailored to meet the requirements of a professional teacher. Additionally, it caters to the needs of different students, providing personalized content and leading them to success. This elite planning and scheming tool can easily create detailed work while transforming dull and tedious work into a fun and exciting task. By using ChatGPT, teachers can build stronger relationships with their students and avoid spending hours completing exhausting work. The program fills in the necessary information, making it an excellent tool for all teachers. Finally, I want to thank you for your efforts for this presentation. Waiting for next videos.
@SN-je5ej Жыл бұрын
AI will create questions. Then students will use it to answer. Perfect!
@pritesh0117 7 ай бұрын
Unless, you are doing it in class (paper-pencil)! 😂
@Prince123Soleil 4 ай бұрын
@willofdeath Жыл бұрын
Ai is a great tool for eliminating paperwork for planning from the teacher's daily grind. The class was still planned by the teacher, selecting the text, choosing an appropriate range and style of classroom activity. And the actual classroom delivery is still done by teachers. If AI can do 90% of the teachers work, it just means that 90% of the teacher's work is timewasting paperwork that can and should be automated. Making PowerPoints and grading worksheets - gone. Grammar checking for essays -0- gone. Filling out lesson plan and unit planning templates, expunged. Means that teachers can spend more time inspiring students and actually having fun doing so.
@nazlcan8984 Жыл бұрын
Hello! You emphasized the potential benefits of artificial intelligence-powered technologies for educators well. Chat GPT makes not only the students but also teachers encouraged to use itself by serving its benefits to us. AI may free up teachers’ time to focus on more rewarding parts of teaching, such as motivating and engaging students. I think it is crucial to highlight that AI cannot entirely replace human teachers in the classroom. While AI can assist with some activities, it lacks the creativity, sensitivity, and intuition that human teachers bring to the classroom. Teachers are crucial in creating a great learning environment, developing relationships with students. However, it is important to understand the risks and limitations of ChatGPT. There is a concern that excessive automation would lead to a lack of creativity and diversity in teaching methodologies, resulting in poor student learning outcomes. Thank you!
@Sad_Bumper_Sticker 9 ай бұрын
The specific example prompts for teachers were very helpful
@vh3914 Жыл бұрын
It became available for Ukraine yesterday so I got my hands onto it only now. Chat created decent vocab test for me and also graded my student’s writing based on B1 Preliminary criteria. It is amazing. I can’t imagine how big of a time saver it’s gonna become. But at the same time I feel a bit sad, because my responsible perfectionist doesn’t like that someone is doing my job:)
@travelwell6049 Жыл бұрын
You just use it to speed things along, you still need to check and perfect yourself. It’s not doing your job FOR you, it’s just a tool. When the spinning wheel was becoming common place people were worried it would replace them, but actually it just meant they could work quicker and get more done. 😉
@gerbearneronero Жыл бұрын
Insane. Knowledge paired with the proper application of AI. Not just dumping the full load to AI where you can't verify if the AI is just saying out nonesense or misinformation
@s1mo Жыл бұрын
I'm so glad I came across your channel We're going through the same thing when calculators were first invented, which is amazing
@anneahlert2997 Жыл бұрын
I remember when calculators were argued about for my school classrooms. Some adults wanted them, some argued they would make us lazy for math. In the end, the smarter kids who got better grades used the calculators, and NONE of us can remember our Trigonometry as middle-aged adults. But I think this is far more than calculators. This is a revolution in our social and economic structure. It will replace countless jobs, in ways calculators never could. And it will revolutionize how we learn, teach, and work.
@aarondavies6823 Жыл бұрын
@@anneahlert2997 100%. To think this is like when calculators or DVDs or phones came out is naive. This is going to change the world faster than anything has in our lifetimes. Multiple, entire industries obsolete overnight sorta thing.
@frankrecinos7158 Жыл бұрын
I literally just gave the chat bot, the chapter and lesson. I am working off of for my current Spanish textbook. I asked it to give me a five day lesson plan overview in the chapter. It freaking did it! As long as the textbook is online somewhere it will find it.
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
@guayabita27able Жыл бұрын
Wow! Thank you so much this is very useful. I am a First Grade teacher, and wonder is there is any way to find out if a specific reading book collection data is accessible through ChatGPT? Thank you!
@Belgoboy Жыл бұрын
Intrigued to know what software you use to record yourself and broadcast your work. Thank you
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
I use screencastify to record and I edit using iMovie and Canva to create the screen overlays.
@dipset4016 Жыл бұрын
Amen to this! Use this to write test questions!
@explosionimplosion4679 Жыл бұрын
Just be careful it writes the actual answers, ChatGPT can be confidently wrong
@dipset4016 Жыл бұрын
​@@explosionimplosion4679 It's all about CONFIDENCE
@dipset4016 Жыл бұрын
​@@explosionimplosion4679 It's all about CONFIDENCE
@AynurKocaoglan Жыл бұрын
I really want to thank you about this video, because this is a really life saving video for teachers because we all know that teachers suffer from lack of time, time to time. You explained it really well what teachers going to do or must do about this issue and ChatGPT is really useful about this problem, I might say. We can also say that students also have this issue called lack of time or we may say lack of energy, I think. Because of these issues, ChatGPT helps a lot of people in their educational topics and a lot more, of course. You show us some examples about this topic and it was really helpful for us I mean English teacher candidates, because we are learning a lot of things at the same time and as I said this causes lack of time and energy. It will help us in our teaching life, I suppose. So, as I said before, this youtube video helps both teachers and students at the same time. I know, you help teachers through this video but we can say that it also helps students and teacher candidates and homeworks of teacher candidates, of course.
@iremmm5910 Жыл бұрын
Yes, I agree with you. Also, the student have a problem with keeping up with everything they need to do. And with the help of this video also students can use chat gpt. The important thing here is to show students how they shouldn't rely only on chat gpt and use this for everything, they should be aware of the situation. If they always use this and rely on this, some problems can come up. Like, they will get used to having chat gpt for help, and when they see a real-world situation they may not know what to do or how to work.
@Mariam-lc4gr Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your opinion. I completely agree with you. Being a college student is quite hectic, and sometimes we do not have much time to finish all of our work, so, ChatGPT comes in handy for us. I can spend hours just trying to come up with the perfect ideas, but ChatGPT can generate many ideas to choose from in less than a minute. Another thing is that we often feel like we do not know how to start a project or an assignment, so, ChatGPT is really good at getting us started.
@Sarumanthewhite888 24 күн бұрын
Thank you very much Ted!
@RekhaChari-x1v Жыл бұрын
Very well explained, Ted. Appreciate the effort.
@spicy4919 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this awsome video! The integration of AI in education has been a game-changer, providing teachers with tools to automate some of the more mundane tasks, freeing them up to focus on what they do best: teaching. This can help to reduce stress levels, and allow teachers to form stronger bonds with their students. By automating tasks like creating reading comprehension worksheets and grading papers, teachers can focus on developing their lesson plans and making the most of classroom time. While AI may eliminate some of the paperwork from a teacher's daily routine, it's important to note that the actual planning and delivery of lessons are still done by teachers. AI is simply a tool to assist them in creating a more efficient and effective learning experience. By taking care of the tedious tasks like making PowerPoints and filling out lesson plan templates, teachers can spend more time inspiring their students and making learning more enjoyable. By doing these tasks, teachers can focus on what matters most: creating a dynamic and engaging classroom environment. With AI technology at their disposal, teachers can spend more time preparing innovative and interactive activities that foster a love of learning. The possibilities are endless, and we can only imagine the impact that AI will continue to have on education in the years to come
@semaddddd Жыл бұрын
Hi Spicy, thank you for your comment. I see that you touched upon important topics in your comment. As you said, doing simple, time-consuming tasks with chatgpt allows teachers to focus more and spend time on the real important things. Chatgpt really provides a lot of possibilities for us on some issues. Like you said in your comment, although Ai helps us a lot, what they do for teachers is being an assistant at some points, so we should not forget that they can make mistakes. I'm happy to see you're joining me on this one. Thanks again for your comment.
@zeyneparslan4306 Жыл бұрын
I agree with what you said and the points you touched upon. Creating lesson plans, activities and materials is what a good language teacher does. But after a while, teachers also can feel overwhelmed always dealing with all these responsibilities. But chatGPT is a huge revolution for both language learning and teaching processes. As shown in the video, we can use chatGPT to create good and effevtive teaching tasks, creating an interesting and authentic teaching context, authentic communication samples, new and interesting ideas.
@selahattin4166 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for such an informative video. This video shows how ChatGPT , an AI language model created to hold a conversation, can make things easier for so many people including teachers. With the help of AI I believe that teachers will be able to focus more on teaching instead of trying to think about what kind of activities or materials they can use in the classroom. Of course this doesn't mean that they will just copy paste the materials or activities from ChatGPT all the time. They should still try to come up with original and enjoyable activities time to time but they can get some help from the AI. As you have shown in the video the teachers can get some help on activities or questions about a specific book which is probably so much faster then actually doing it. Or you can create an activity yourself but you can ask ChatGPT to turn it into a differentiated activity for some specific students in your class which will help the students at understanding. They will have an easier time understanding the text or the activity. To sum up, ChatGPT is the helper of the teachers that don't have that much of a time at creating activities or texts.
@pedropagliaifuentes4683 9 ай бұрын
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 00:00 💡 *ChatGPT has enormous time-saving potential for educators* 00:13 🏫 *Teachers often feel overwhelmed by workload and lack of time* 00:43 🤹‍♂️ *Station work is engaging but very time consuming to create* 01:37 🖥️ *ChatGPT created a full station work lesson plan in seconds * 02:30 ✏️ *Stations target key reading skills like vocabulary and inference* 03:37 📖 *ChatGPT pulls relevant quotes and passages from the novel* 04:21 📐 *Revises passages to demonstrate sentence variety * 05:19 📉 *Creates differentiated materials for lower level students* 06:26 📕 *Rewrites passages at lower Lexile reading levels* Made with HARPA AI
@swabia1554 Жыл бұрын
Hey there loved your explanations, as a non native English speaker can you maybe expla8n the concept of Lexie level 300 a bit more? Since differentiation is something I also seek to use in EFL classes. However my students are 11 and 12 graders
@swabia1554 Жыл бұрын
Imam especially interested as to what the number 300 refers to.
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
Gladly. Lexile is a reading score. If you google it you will be have to see how to relates to grade level.
@TheRealMohdiGuardiolasuiiiiii Жыл бұрын
Best teacher of all time.
@udokachigbata1671 Жыл бұрын
Great! I will like to know how to get my dream of teaching English online come true. And how do I get the certificates I need too?
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
I don’t know how to advise you on that, but good luck in your search.
@ashleylunday580 Жыл бұрын
Just curious, if this would work for us Canadian teachers? I haven't seen a lot of information about Canadian curriculum specifically Ontario.
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
I’m sure that it would. I would try to prompt it to create a unit or lesson based on Canadian standards or curriculum and see what happens.
@SearchingforScraps Жыл бұрын
Great idea for learning a book!
@handmade_videos Жыл бұрын
Good idea, stations produced by AI. After all you will still take enough time to design the worksheets. I think ChatGPT can Gibraltar teachers more statisfaction when you do things right.
@johnclarke1319 Жыл бұрын
Thank you , worth a watch. what is a station what is a common core? interesting, pity chat GPT doesn't recognise how unrelated comprehending and believing are, how do you get this tool?
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the feedback. In this context, stations refer to when a teacher divides the classroom into groups of different tables or clusters of desks. Each table or desk cluster (station) has a specific task to accomplish. Throughout the lesson, students rotate to different stations and complete each of the tasks. It's great for student engagement! Common Core is a set of educational guidelines and grade level-standards. In other words, it lays out what skills the students should be able to master for each grade level. This tool (assuming you mean ChatGPT) is available for free at
@thomasjones9394 Жыл бұрын
Our Moodle has TURNITIN built in and it has an AI detector that works great. As soon as I open a student's assignment it will display the percentage of AI in their work.
@sjusup Жыл бұрын
Perhaps then it's also ok for students to use GPT in class!?
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
I encourage my students to learn ways to improve their learning and work output using ChatGPT.
@christinalee1778 Жыл бұрын
Damn teachers gonna get paid even less now that they don't need to do half the work
@cleverman383 Жыл бұрын
Teachers already barely do any work. Professors, yeah. But teachers? Fuck no. Barely educated at teaching anything, any skill they have is their own natural talent or self-taught. It's way too fucking easy to become a teacher. If we required PhDs for teaching, then our kids would be much smarter. And the teachers would actually deserve to be paid.
@HeatherRock-sy7lf Жыл бұрын
I'm confused. My class is reading this book right now and I don't think these quotes come from the book. Who is Lydia?
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
You're right. Thanks for pointing this out. I guess in my haste to make the content I didn't stop to evaluate the output. I've gone back the tried it again, and ChatGPT appears to create its own fictional content that is similar to the book, but it doesn't pull direct passages. When I took a PDF of the book, copied Chapter VII into ChatGPT, and then asked it to isolate passages for specific purposes it was able to do that accurately.
@kprzm73v78 Жыл бұрын
Exuse me, I'm not living in english speaking country and not even a native English speaker, but I am a teacher and i would like to know what is a station in this context? And prompt. And lexile level. Thanks for you answers in advice.
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
Each station would be a table that a group of students would work at. Students would move to different tables (stations) to complete different tasks throughout the lesson. A lexile is a number used to identify a reading level of a student.
@kprzm73v78 Жыл бұрын
@@Mr.Pickett Thank you very much!
@Verschlungen Жыл бұрын
Excellent questions! I'm a native speaker of English but was thrown for a loop, too, by his blithe use of 'stations'. Had to google it. (Not only is the term 'station' annoying, but the practice is annoying: As a student, I've been in 'stations' quite a few times in the past -- distant past, probably before the term itself was coined -- and I hated it.) As for 'lexile level', that new term I was able to guess. But I found it, too, to be an annoying bit of jargon. Apparently it's a euphemism for 'reading level' to trick slow students into not 'having their feelings hurt'? A creepy, perverse, pseudo-technical use of language.
@gmalivuk Жыл бұрын
Thanks for this, it gives me a lot of ideas. I'd already thought of using ChatGPT to generate and manipulate texts to work with in class, but for some reason it hadn't occurred to me that I could ask for a whole lesson outline as well. What are your feelings on making your students aware of some of the capabilities of ChatGPT? I know it's only a matter of time before one of them tries to pass a GPT essay off as their own work and I kind of want to delay that moment if possible, but at the same time it seems like there are a lot of ways self-motivated students can use this to help with their English outside of class. (For the record I teach ESL to adults, who I suspect might be more likely to be interested in guiding their own extracurricular improvement than typical 8th graders.)
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
I’ve already started having students explore ways it can be helpful for them. Some are only excited by the “cheating” aspect, but others are using it to ask for feedback on a first attempt so they can make improvements. I’m planning to teach them how to input a rubric and have it assess them based on it before they submit a final product.
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
We have already seen examples of students trying to pass off an AI created product as their own. It’s obvious. Asking them to elaborate on or support aspects of the work in person would be a great way to expose this.
@arnowisp6244 Жыл бұрын
There are free Websites to check if a Essay is GPT made now.
@gmalivuk Жыл бұрын
@@arnowisp6244 True, but they just estimate the likelihood, which isn't as cut and dry as simply finding the website a student copied from. Plus it's only a matter of time, and probably not all that much time, before the idiosyncrasies of GPT become quite difficult to identify even by another computer program.
@dmxsmelter Жыл бұрын
I guess it’s only fair for students' to generate a response using AI for the final essay submission of the lesson plan, and AI-gendered teaching resources on the teachers' end. After all, how can a student’s response using a human brain match the depth of an AI-generated lesson plan and assessment criteria?? Just wondering what is fair on students end and expectations
@reedbernstein9354 Жыл бұрын
Very helpful, Thanks!
@PetersonChevy Жыл бұрын
Excellent share!!
@3629.M Жыл бұрын
How to know if your students are using chatgpt to cheat on papers and projects? Chat gpt can't hand write papers.
@ThatsJustMyBabyDaddy Жыл бұрын
AI is about to change the world. People will either get on board or get left behind.
@johnmikton6994 Жыл бұрын
excellent overview and appreciate the demonstration of the strategies and approaches tied to your practice thank you
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
Very welcome!
@genehodsdon5261 Жыл бұрын
It’s so cool! I teach music so I’ve been having it compose lyrics to song ideas and then having kids come up with melodies etc…based of the lyrics and chords. It’s so fun
@jonmcinerny1305 Жыл бұрын
Has anyone come across an on-line community where educators can share how they use AI in the classroom?
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
@chrisdavis2161 Жыл бұрын
why spend time learning the material, when they can just learn how to make an AI answer all the questions for them? It can do all their homework for them. It can even teach them, so you won't have to... then you won't have a job, and neither will they when they grow up. Who is smarter? The person who knows all the answers or the person who knows how to find all the answers. It's almost like you're opening Pandora's Box and expecting something good to come out of it.
@aarondavies6823 Жыл бұрын
Yep. I teach math. There have been apps/software capable of solving problems for students for a while now, but there was always a way around them. The justification was always to wax poetic about problem solving, critical thinking etc. But there is no way around this. Once you let that sink in and think about all of the implications of it, you start to wonder why we need to learn/teach any of it at all. I think this makes teaching and learning as we know it obsolete. This will cause a revolution in the education world and I'm not sure how it turns out yet. But I know this will change the world faster and more significantly than Covid. Entire industries are obsolete or at the very least could be massively downsized out of no where. Why would you pay a graphic designer for anything now? Or a writer? Or a coder?
@sommmeguy Жыл бұрын
All the students happily using the tool to plagiarise and do their homework should pay attention to the point you made: "and niether will they (have a job) when they grow up". If anything, artificial "intelligence" makes expert knowledge more valuable because it is rare and someone needs to evaluate the truth of what the text generator tools are telling us. Who would pay someone to get answers when they can get the answers for themselves and who will get a job if all they know how to do is ask the text generator questions?
@eartamonova_eng Жыл бұрын
thank you!
@alexandrecroutzet7063 Жыл бұрын
Careful. Chatgpt can create citation which does not exist in the source.
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
That's very true.
@yudoball Жыл бұрын
Such a great idea
@intheshell35ify Жыл бұрын
I'm dismayed so many of our teachers and professors believe an api can do their job. I'm mortified that they are letting it do it.
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
It's not doing my job. It's helping me to do my job more efficiently so that I can spend more time focusing on the needs of my students as individuals and doing the work that matters most to my students.
@cleverman383 Жыл бұрын
@@Mr.Pickett Brilliant. We need more teachers like that.
@rafski-travels-1984 Жыл бұрын
What do you mean by station ?
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
It’s when you have the desks grouped together into stations or pods. The students are assigned to a specific station where they complete a task. You set a timer for when they will rotate to the next station, and repeat until every group has competed the tasks at every location. Does that make sense? Hope I explained it well.
@rafski-travels-1984 Жыл бұрын
@@Mr.Pickett cheers
@ktb1381 Жыл бұрын
Hmm. In my experience, this tool does not have the entire text of books as part of its model. I'm surprised this worked. Perhaps in some cases you'd have to copy a chapter into chat GPT and ask it the questions.
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
It probably depends on whether or not there are pdf versions of the text available online.
@gmalivuk Жыл бұрын
Yeah I've had pretty good luck giving it a text passage and then asking questions about it, which can potentially save work even if I have to type the text myself first.
@AlFredo-sx2yy Жыл бұрын
@@Mr.Pickett chatgpt is literally a language model, it is allowed to make up whatever it wants as long as it follows OpenAI's rules and it doesnt say anything offensive. It can be very confidently wrong about some obvious things. This is only going to allow you to mass produce material that can potentially be full of misinformation. Maybe there's just 1 or 2 small things that are wrong. Or maybe the whole text could potentially be wrong lol. But i guess you teachers dont really care about that since you're experts at using old powerpoints someone else made years ago, and giving us youtube links to learn instead of teaching the subject yourself in class. If you did not care about students learning wrong info in the past, why would you care about our education now? It is obvious all you care about is doing the minimum effort possible and getting a full salary out of it.
@mesah2227 Жыл бұрын
so why are the students learning?
@EventyreneNO Жыл бұрын
Thank you! :)
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
You're welcome!
@BaetoeBaskins 7 ай бұрын
Plot twist, it gets implemented by districts as a tool and your workload increases under the assumption you're using AI.
@Alice8000 Жыл бұрын
Nice dude. Nice to hear some positivity with AI
@junedanieltamor9071 Жыл бұрын
im a college student, how can chatgpt help make make detailed lesson plans? thanks
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
What’s the subject of the lesson plan? Grade level? Objectives/standards?
@junedanieltamor9071 Жыл бұрын
@@Mr.Pickett trying to make one for 9th graders on A Psalm of Life a) Demonstrated understanding on the types, features, literary devices and techniques of poetry; b) Identified literary devices and techniques used in the poem “A Psalm of Life” and; c) Created a poem that utilizes different literary devices and techniques.
@junedanieltamor9071 Жыл бұрын
@@AlmostBetterThanExpected i thought of that but i didnt ahahah thanks, would you recommend giving the AI a promt like "you are a teacher for ESL" or something?
@sommmeguy Жыл бұрын
​@@junedanieltamor9071 Lesson plans are hilarious. They always assume "the student" is happy to do all the stuff planned for "the student". Being a good teacher is 50% motivating "reluctant" learners, 25% coercion, 25% marking mediocre results (made worse now as most of this time will be spent trying to catch plagiarism), and 10% administrative busy-work. The lesson plan is there to show you how far off from the goal you are. Maybe ChatGPT can relieve 15% of the actual work of a teacher. Of course, once the administrators figure that out they will increase class size some more.
@slash196 Жыл бұрын
I've been a teacher for over a decade, and detailed lesson plans are a waste of your time. The lesson never goes to plan anyway. Have a rough outline of your two or three major goals and a rough idea of how you get there, and be flexible. The key is to make as little new material as possible, the more you recycle content and structure, the better you get at using it and the more effective you are as a teacher. Most teachers I know who are stressed by their workloads are literally pissing away days of their life agonizing over minute details that never get used or never reach the students anyway. It's a personality flaw many of them seem to share.
@Dispatern Жыл бұрын
Thank you Ted, that's valuable info! I'm also teaching and I've asked ChatGPT to create different exercises for me just to see if it's able to. It seems to work fine so far. I'm also learning Chinese and I use ChatGPT to create a vocabulary list (Chinese, Pinyin, which is the Chinese pronunciation and English) from a text that I provide. It saves me a lot of time that I can then use to actually study the vocab.
@cocoma6871 Жыл бұрын
I think it will be hard to stop students from using chatGPT to do their work, but we should let them know that ultimately they are responsible to learn that knowledge to either pass the exams or for their future. If they only use ChatGPT for their homework then ultimately it’s gonna come back and bite them in the end.
@robertfernandez3746 Жыл бұрын
or have course content that requires the student to more personally engage with it in a way where chatgpt itself isn't sufficient to do work for them
@FirstnameLastname-ej4kv Жыл бұрын
I see a day when students have the AI as thier teacher instead of a person. The AI can work with the students 1 on 1 The AI would be able to grade and check for plagiarism The AI would have a much larger knowledge base than any human teacher This is only gpt 3.5. Imagine gpt 14.5 ten years from now. We are only seeing this AI in its very early infancy
@rchot84 Жыл бұрын
Maybe you can teach the students how to use chatgpt to comprehend the work as oppsed to using it to complete the work.
@emirturkeli5916 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, I totally agree with you but using it on some works is kinda necessary nowadays. You just won't have to sit for hours doing your mundane and tiring work. It really helps on this issue. About exams, this is another story. I really know that you just need to study,study and study. You just can't rely and won't rely on chatGPT while doing that and preparing for your exams. Other than that taking a little bit of help should not be a problem. You just need to know when to stop using it.
@travelwell6049 Жыл бұрын
What is meant by STATIONS ??!
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
When you group students into small group to work at tables and then students rotate to different tables throughout the lesson for different activities. Does that make sense?
@srikark3532 Жыл бұрын
@OscarZheng50 Жыл бұрын
and same can be said for students, an hour of homework can be done in 6 mins!
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
Yes it can. Good thing I don't believe in homework ;)
@cleverman383 Жыл бұрын
@@Mr.Pickett Do you believe in open book tests? The greatest professor I ever had always allowed us to use any resources we wanted, we could take books, computers, anything to our tests. His reasoning? We'll have access to all that stuff in the real world. The trick is whether we can actually use it properly. In our modern world, it's no longer about being able to memorize a formula, but to be able to apply it. So, it doesn't matter if we memorize it or look it up. If we can solve a challenging problem by using books and internet and notes, then that's completely valid because that's how it's going to be in real life. And his tests were some of the most difficult I've ever had to take!
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
I think your professor had the exact right idea. It also rewards student who are diligent about taking notes in class and review those notes.
@yerlocalpeanutdealer795 Жыл бұрын
@@cleverman383 I wish I had your professor.
@muhammadfarrihinbinmohdfir1514 Жыл бұрын
Best teacher ever Period.
@rashedalkhouri6373 Жыл бұрын
@dipset4016 Жыл бұрын
I mean he's doing what a lot of teachers, especially the older ranks are unwilling to do: accept change, and innovate
@satrek98 Жыл бұрын
@markoconnell804 Жыл бұрын
Where are you that you would use common core still?
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
At an American school abroad. The standards are still in place in much of America, it's just that a number of states rebranded them as their own standards due to the politicization of CC.
@prakashmakwana3864 Жыл бұрын
@ayaanbusheri2683 Жыл бұрын
Great video, You are the Goat.
@DonnaLupu Жыл бұрын
but it's almost $60 a year for the membership
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
That’s only for pro, the standard use is free.
@CCxKiller13 Жыл бұрын
If students arent allowed to use ChatGPT should the theacher should?
@jogennotsuki Жыл бұрын
Yes. Your don't see what the difference is between a student cheating and an educator using a tool to support their work?
@CCxKiller13 Жыл бұрын
@@jogennotsuki I see it has the teacher being lazy and cheating while the student is using a tool to support their work.
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
I'm all about students using it to improve their work output. It's a valuable tool and students should be taught how to use it.
@jogennotsuki Жыл бұрын
@@CCxKiller13 then it sounds like you have absolutely no clue what pedagogy is and how educators work
@GageEakins Жыл бұрын
@@CCxKiller13 The difference is the teacher is using it to increase their productivity. They are fully capable of creating the prompts and getting the text, they just don't have the time. You would know what he was doing if you actually paid any attention to the video. The students are actually trying to learn. If they just used ChatGPT to generate an answer and not as an assistive tool as @tedpickett7978 has already said he is interested in introducing, then they are not learning anything.
@kc-jm3cd Жыл бұрын
Soon bing chat will do this in there browser
@thomasjones9394 Жыл бұрын
Ted Pickett received positive feedback on his video about ChatGPT, an AI language model that assists teachers with tasks such as creating worksheets and grading papers. Erica Martin, an English and reading tutor, shared how she uses ChatGPT to create reading comprehension worksheets for her students. Another commenter, Ek, asked for clarification on the concept of Lexie level 300 and how it can be used for EFL classes with 11th and 12th graders. Spicy commented on how AI in education has been a game-changer, allowing teachers to automate tedious tasks and focus on teaching. Teachers can use ChatGPT to create more efficient and effective learning experiences, while reducing stress levels and forming stronger bonds with their students. However, it's important to note that AI should not be considered a replacement for human teachers, as they bring unique knowledge, experience, and creativity to the classroom. The most effective teaching tactics will likely involve a combination of human and AI-powered technologies to provide students with the best possible learning experience. Emir Türkeli also praised ChatGPT for its ability to transform mundane and boring work into quick and fun tasks. The tool allows teachers to specify their way of teaching and form strong bonds with their students. Nazlıcan Etce agreed that ChatGPT can assist with relieving regular and time-consuming duties for teachers, allowing them to focus on providing students with human knowledge, experience, and creativity. However, they emphasized that the relationship between teacher and student is important for the learning process, and AI language models should not be considered a replacement for human teachers.
@ShawnComposer Жыл бұрын
Too bad that ChatGPT can't help this future band teacher...
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
I think there could be ways. Try and see if it can help guide you on some innovative ways to carry out band instruction. Also, it can help to write progress reports, parent emails, and such.
@aidenliyanage3161 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the great video! PICKETMANNNNNN❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@Andorhal1 Жыл бұрын
Teachers creating their work with ChatGPT, students using it to do their homework. Perfect match and in the end everybody gets dumber and dumber.
@jaycampbell6177 Жыл бұрын
Exactly! This is for teachers who don't want to be professionals and who don't want to do their jobs. It's unfortunate, but I guess I keep in mind that there is always that percentage of any profession and workforce who is bad at their jobs. You have bad doctors, lawyers, accountants, tradesmen, etc. The good teachers won't use this. The good teachers will put thought and care into choosing the most relevant and meaningful passages, will make sure they type out the passages correctly, will create thoughtful questions, and will read the book and know the answers. And then if you teach the same grade for years, you can use the passages you typed up again without retyping them. This Chat is not saving time unless you're just a scammer, where you don't read the book, don't have the answers to the questions it produces, don't care what passages are chosen, or if they're even written out correctly.
@balsarmy Жыл бұрын
Did internet help people to be smarter? I think degradation is more visible
@fargoth391 7 ай бұрын
It's a fact that information has never been so accessible and easy to acquire as it is today. You just need the motivation and will to learn. You could literally learn about any subject you want on the internet.
@slash196 Жыл бұрын
Why would this take you an hour to do? You already know what "station work" is, you probably have dozens of examples of exercises you've used for this book or other books. Just recycle your old material, swap out a few things to taste to make your own life a little more interesting. If this is taking you an hour then you're probably overthinking your job or have a clumsy workflow.
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
What if I’m a new teacher and I don’t have old material to rely on? What if I want to try something new that I don’t have a lot of experience with?
@melissagorgeous16 Жыл бұрын
I've been using google for ideas.
@Daladun Жыл бұрын
@PopCapMusicTrending Жыл бұрын
Are teachers immune to light mode?
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
Is this why my eyes are burning?
@JohnSmith-sq5mg Жыл бұрын
@@Mr.Pickettno, dark mode is better when it is darker and light mode is better in the day as dark mode in the day would make it worse
@muhammadfarrihinbinmohdfir1514 Жыл бұрын
I love Mr.Pickett.
@normanacree1635 Жыл бұрын
This is my chance to criticize a language teacher and just can't pass it up, so here goes. At about 2:15, shouldn't 'include' be capitalized? Shouldn't 'chains' be capitalized or italicized or something like that?
@arsalanmehmood8258 Жыл бұрын
Yea, it should. But, he's not too focused on getting the grammar right. Chat gpt can infer meaning without proper a degree. I'm sure this teacher knows it. He's focused on getting the proper prompt across.
@rohanavalur910 Жыл бұрын
If you were texting your best friend about a book you recently read, are you seriously going to make sure the title is in quotations? It is with no doubt in my mind that the teacher knows his grammar. It just seems that he cannot care less to follow these rules, as he is writing to an artificial chatbot.
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
This is the way
@AlFredo-sx2yy Жыл бұрын
@@rohanavalur910 a chatbot that is very confident about its wrong answers, mind you. And this teacher is mass producing teaching materials out of it. The future of education is looking pretty bright, dont you think?
@cleverman383 Жыл бұрын
The funny thing about English is that there's no correct spelling or grammar. There are dictionaries, there are standards groups, there are many types of people to declare what is definitively correct. But that's not how English works. That's how French works! France literally has a department of the government that decides how words are supposed to be spelled. It's a prescriptive language. But English is a descriptive language. The role of a dictionary isn't to define the correct words and spellings, but to document the words and spellings that people use. So, technically speaking, the only way to write English incorrectly is to write in a way that another English speaker would fail to understand what you are trying to say.
@IMagnus123123123 Жыл бұрын
I thought Common Core has been thoroughly debunked.
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
I'm guessing you're not an educator, then.
@DeeaM33 Жыл бұрын
Doesn't work if it Doesn't know the book.
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
Now that there are extensions and programs that can give it access to a PDF, that’s no longer an issue.
@barmalini Жыл бұрын
It only be fair if your students will also use ChatGPT to answer your questions, I guess.
@Mr.Pickett Жыл бұрын
I don’t see why that would be the case. Their job is to learn and mine is to teach. All I’m doing is creating materials. That being said, I do encourage student to use ChatGPT to improve their work output.
@barmalini Жыл бұрын
@@Mr.Pickett @tedpickett7978 interesting, but let's get a closer look on what we have here. You say you encourage students to use ChatGPT, but at the same time you're questioning that it would be fair? You see, my point here is that kids will always do what you do, not what you tell them to do. You use ChatCGP to get more done in less time, they will do the same. Another point is that it takes a lot of time to train the neural network, and here I mean the network we carry inside our heads. Learning should be tough, so should be the teaching too. ChatGPT is a great tool, but it's not a magic wand and no silver bullet. It's an amplifier. It amplifies the strength of your own brains. Or the mediocricity. Depending how you look at it. And here, I think, the most important is to convey this idea to the kids. AI will amplify the content of your own brains, so make sure, kids, there's something worth amplifiyng.
@AlFredo-sx2yy Жыл бұрын
@@Mr.Pickett if your job is to teach, then why the fuck are you not doing that. Im kind of baffled, because im not sure if you really believe what you say or you truly believe we are going to buy what you're selling. Keep producing teaching materials with this bot, im sure it totally wont backfire at all. I mean, for you it works out great! You get to do the bare minimum and have an AI do your job, meanwhile your students are going to be learning from an AI that is a language model that is allowed to make up information. COOL. Why dont you ask Chat gpt what the difference between rvalues and lvalues is? This is one of the most commonly known EASY questions where chatgpt gets absolutely lost and makes up whatever it wants. If you produce teaching material in 6 minutes then that means you're not properly checking for errors the output that the AI generates. So... yeah.
@trshuk Жыл бұрын
Why do you want to learn so fast?Don’t we are hyper enough?Greed has no limit.
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