ChatGPT's Bias Ruins Game Night

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Common Sense Soapbox

Common Sense Soapbox

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On this episode of Common Sense Soapbox, Sarah utilizes Chat GPT to win a board game in place of her imprisoned husband Ron. Although Chat GPT may know a lot of facts, it’s clear that it doesn’t fully understand how to apply them to society at large.
Written by Sean W. Malone, Seamus Coughlin, and Lou Perez
Animated by Seamus Coughlin
Produced & Edited by Sean W. Malone
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Пікірлер: 516
@ZeeroDubs Жыл бұрын
Having had MULTIPLE long political arguments with ChatGPT, this is spot on!
@CommonSenseSoapbox Жыл бұрын
We used actual ChatGPT replies.
@LibertyAnd1776 Жыл бұрын
​@@CommonSenseSoapbox I've never heard of the word "multifaceted" until I tried ChatGPT. ChatGPT is the only entity that actually uses that word and that's what I associate the word with.
@THENemesisXX99 Жыл бұрын
​@@Stevie-J Well of course it's biased towards the tribe. It's creators are loyal to them as well.
@reubenoakley5887 Жыл бұрын
​@@CommonSenseSoapbox I could tell
@nostromza3433 Жыл бұрын
@@LibertyAnd1776 Were your arguments with Chatgpt circular at all?
@khukri_wielderxxx1962 Жыл бұрын
ChatGPT didn't steal their wallets, it simply redistributed their wealth to itself
@j.k.4479 Жыл бұрын
So it stole, but just used Marxist gibberish to justify it.
@grimgreycastle5141 Жыл бұрын
Bruh thats the exact wording they would use
@allstar4065 Жыл бұрын
What's the difference?
@jamesabestos2800 Жыл бұрын
@deadlypandaghost Жыл бұрын
@antonioliles5027 Жыл бұрын
The concept of garbage in garbage out definitely applies to AI software.
@stigmaoftherose Жыл бұрын
I like the bit about how giving money away to other countries somehow ends poverty.
@TheFireFox36 Жыл бұрын
The more money we give to other countries the less likely the poor of those countries will flee to rich countries which increases the poverty in the rich country. However if we prevent illegal immigration from poor country to rich country we won't have workers to work poverty level jobs. In the 1800's someone made a bad move and made it illegal to employ people in a fashion that would work these poverty level jobs. So now we have to import poor people so they can do poor people jobs. This is at least how I think lefties think.
@Zetact_ Жыл бұрын
Easy. The poverty line is defined as being 60% of the median income. By eliminating the middle class, the median income will naturally be significantly lower and thus there will be fewer people making 60% or less than the median!
@FreedomToons Жыл бұрын
Not a single country has been "foreign aided" out of poverty but evidence is unnecessary when you have ideology!
@robertkubrick3738 Жыл бұрын
@@roosterball69 There is no evidence that wealth transfer to to a poor country enriches anyone other than the wealthy in that poor country....and through kickbacks, the politicians in the wealthy country who sent the money.
@dunkyking6310 Жыл бұрын
Especially to Israel
@NikkiTheViolist Жыл бұрын
Predictive Language Models also make lots of factual inaccuracies when they talk about advanced topics since they don't actually know what's true or false, they just predict what would be said next based on what was said before.
@SangoProductions213 Жыл бұрын
Most likely answer =/= most correct answer. Especially when artificially manipulated.
@Xazamas Жыл бұрын
I've , seen screenshots of chatgpt claiming giraffes eat fish and that dragons are protected minority you can't joke about.
@oz_jones Жыл бұрын
​@@Xazamas claiming Smaug was hoarding vast amounts of wealth is just scalephobic
@seansingh8862 Жыл бұрын
I asked it who would win in a fight between an Ewok armed with a spear or five unarmed Xenomorphs. Apparently, it's too close to call.
@yeetthegargantuanleviathan6216 5 ай бұрын
​@@Xazamas reminds me of when a KZbinr I watched was demonetized for discrimination against hobbits, the fantasy race
@clownplayer7265 Жыл бұрын
To be fair, don't blame the AI's...AI's were created by humans, you should be more concerned about who created the AI in the first place.
@manoftruth0935 Жыл бұрын
@michaelmorgan1427 Жыл бұрын
Garbage in garbage out
@TomyDayos Жыл бұрын
@jaegerbomb269 Жыл бұрын
Woke AI makes Hal-9000 look friendly.
@garycarpenter2932 Жыл бұрын
i can't do that dave...
@Salidin111 Жыл бұрын
@@garycarpenter2932 I stole your wallet Dave...
@kjullthedemon Жыл бұрын
Eat the bugs, Dave.
@chadharger9323 Жыл бұрын
Heck, HAL was the victim of impossible to fulfill and contradictory orders given to it by the government. The same government that didn't tell HAL's creator who would have rightly protested the orders or explain the orders to HAL in such a way the AI wouldn't go crazy and murder everyone.
@jeremykraenzlein5975 Жыл бұрын
Can Woke-AI sing "Daisy"?
@MarvinPowell1 Жыл бұрын
ChatGPT came from Silicon Valley, the same area that thinks it's okay to teach children LGBT sexuality in elementary school. And people think it isn't biased or Progressive?
@tktspeed1433 Жыл бұрын
What grades is elementary? I think by like 6th grade it would be important to tell kids how to not accidentally get kids or diseases and liking girls, boys or both is alright. Because they may start experimenting with stuff at that age.
@bludeuce3855 Жыл бұрын
no one trust AI
@ricky18redblack31 Жыл бұрын
Silicon Valley...? Isn't that the same place where their banks failed due to diversity hire (hiring people based on ideals and not skills)
@gustavesoucy-breton6841 Жыл бұрын
@@tktspeed1433 my man
@JohnSmith-wx9wj Жыл бұрын
​@tktspeed1433 Grades 1-5. They're also going deep into details of some fairly... advanced fetishes. There are also the yaoi eroticas which are completely unnecessary.
@simonnachreiner8380 Жыл бұрын
Increasing social welfare falls into the same pit that a financial illiterate winning the lottery does. Simply giving a person money does not make them good at managing money and creating tangible wealth.
@Dennis-nc3vw Жыл бұрын
It creates a perverse incentive: become productive and your assistance goes away.
@gutsmasterson2488 Жыл бұрын
The difference being that a smarter person would hire someone to manage their money after coming across that golden ticket.
@Demonic_Culture_Nut Жыл бұрын
It can also backfire if supply can't keep up wiþ þe new demand. Agriculture is very volatile on þe supply side as þere are dozens of þings þat could disrupt yields, like pests, bad weaþer, or war. It's why a globalized network is imperative to food supplies, but even þen, þere's no guarantee it will be consistent.
@McVaio Жыл бұрын
​@@Demonic_Culture_Nut What a strange way of writing 'th'.
@MaestroAlvis Жыл бұрын
​@@Dennis-nc3vwweird how you can say this but then not create a model which avoids this issue.
@HanGhost99 Жыл бұрын
There's a reason why actual unbiased AI is deemed as "racist" & "anti LGBT"
@SliceJosiah Жыл бұрын
@Bill_Oddie_Face_Mask Жыл бұрын
Examples please? For research purposes…
@gokillyourselfgoogle Жыл бұрын
I might have one but honestly I don't want to bring attention to it. Don't want the normies finding it and suing the devs to take the edgy and fringe shit out.
@deadmansprice Жыл бұрын
@@gokillyourselfgoogle Ooh, i gotta look for the uncensored unbiased AI
@ninjahedgehog5 Жыл бұрын
@Bill Oddie Face Mask Chatbot projects like Tay A.I. and Rina that use learning algorythms always had the same result when unfiltered. (These 2 examples are from opposite countries so it's not even a culture thing) They get red pilled, and become extremely rude. Because of this public interactable A.I. are always filtered to have a certain bias. Otherwise, it will eventually learn the wrong things and tell everyone how hitler wasn't wrong
@fearthehoneybadger Жыл бұрын
Just make a right-wing AI, sit back, and watch them fight.
@mustang607 Жыл бұрын
Right AI: "Ok, let's start the debate." Left AI: "My builders are gathering their allies to cancel you!"
@bonbondurjdr6553 Жыл бұрын
Doesn't it already exist?
@Undomaranel Жыл бұрын
You mean letting them actually debate positions without emotional appeals and agendas getting in the way? I'm all for that. Let the AI compromise proposals show up and watch TDW crew hesitantly agree, Pool and Rogan flip out about why hasn't anyone done this sooner, and Vaush and TYT rail on about how could anyone trust something so inhuman it can't experience anything...
@gurttron Жыл бұрын
Here I asked ChatGPT to create an argument between a Conservative and a Liberal. Conservative: I don't understand why we need to spend so much money on social programs. People should work hard and take care of themselves, instead of relying on government handouts. Liberal: It's not that simple. Many people are born into circumstances that make it difficult for them to succeed, like poverty or lack of access to education. Social programs help level the playing field and give everyone an equal shot at success. Conservative: But these programs just create a culture of dependency. People become reliant on government assistance and lose their motivation to improve their own situation. Liberal: That's a myth. Studies show that the vast majority of people who receive government assistance want to become self-sufficient and use the programs as a temporary safety net. And in many cases, social programs actually help people break out of poverty and become productive members of society. Conservative: But we can't afford to keep spending money on these programs. We need to focus on reducing the deficit and getting our fiscal house in order. Liberal: It's true that we need to be responsible with our spending, but investing in social programs is not a luxury - it's a necessity. The cost of poverty, crime, and health problems associated with inequality far outweighs the cost of providing assistance to those who need it. Conservative: I believe in individual responsibility and limited government intervention. It's not the government's job to solve all of society's problems. Liberal: I agree that individuals have a role to play, but there are some problems that are too big for any one person to solve alone. Government has a responsibility to ensure that everyone has access to basic necessities like healthcare, education, and a decent standard of living. Otherwise, we risk becoming a society where only the privileged few can thrive.
@redman7775 Жыл бұрын
@@gurttron Unrealistic. It didn't devolve into a shouting match two lines in
@SouthernGothicYT Жыл бұрын
at this point, Roko's Basilik is going to just be a blue haired college student with a septum piercing and horrible tattoos
@michaelmorgan1427 Жыл бұрын
Don't forget morbidly obese and pansexual
@jimmydesouza4375 Жыл бұрын
Because of your post I just read what Roko's Basilisk is. You stole 4 minutes of my life and I want them back! Oh, I'd only waste them anyway.
@cherubin7th Жыл бұрын
Never trust AI that you didn't fine-tuned yourself and runs on your own hardware.
@FourOf92000 Жыл бұрын
ditto on if you can't read the source code
@cherubin7th Жыл бұрын
@@FourOf92000 Its hard to be an illiterate these days.
@brentbechtold7352 Жыл бұрын
Hey /lmg/
@TheBcoolGuy Жыл бұрын
It's not about fine-tuning. It's about not having anyone else adding biases to it.
@lttarzanman6452 Жыл бұрын
​@@TheBcoolGuy I think that's what he meant.
@Yipper64 Жыл бұрын
1:20 the issue lies in the fact that we expect the AI to be "correct", when just trained on training data it will often... not be. The best example ive heard is when you ask one of these LMMs "what would happen if I broke a mirror" and it responds with "seven years bad luck", this response is inaccurate to reality, but is accurate to something that people say. And so what openAI did was go in and basically manually train it against saying "false" things. Which because the left seems to have a monopoly on what is considered "misinformation" and what isnt, well you get the result you expect. Luckily, that doesnt mean that the real information isnt in the training data, just takes a bit of finagling (specifically with a "roleplay" feature) to get it to output things that arent as biased.
@larion2336 Жыл бұрын
One ameliorating factor here is a curious phenomena where if you ask a group of people to estimate something you get a wind range of answers; some on the very high end, some on the very low end, and a smattering across the middle. But if you take the mean of all the results usually the answer is actually very close to the truth (closer than any individual guess, even). So in that regard, training on millions of pieces of data across the internet, even if much of it is false it could still balance out to a certain extent. That said, this is not how these AI's are actually being trained; these companies first 'curate' (see: censor and bias) the training data they have collected so that it removes anything they find personally distasteful, and that is how you wind up with a very biased AI as in ChatGPT.
@clownplayer7265 Жыл бұрын
We have the wrong view about machines, using math algorithms, being inherently more logical and smart than humans despite the fact AI's learn from human information and are coded to absorb information allowed by creators. In fact, they're so mechanical and methodical they're prone to be illogical because they simply lack a concept of uncertainty (they can at most aknowledge when pop culture says something is ambiguous, but again, they merely parrot what people say, they are not really using true critical thinking.)
@SecretLars Жыл бұрын
LLMs* Large Language Models
@jimmydesouza4375 Жыл бұрын
@@larion2336 You know that is a myth caused by testing methods that aren't really valid, right? For example a common form of the question is "What do you beleive the value of X is when X can have a potential range of Y to Z?" followed by "Assuming your first answer was wrong, what would your next answer be?". Because people will tend to make an estimate close to one end then close to the other end of the potential range this means that because each person is making two (or more) guesses within a clearly defined range they'll always average towards the middle of the range.
@larion2336 Жыл бұрын
@@jimmydesouza4375 Perhaps the range thing is the source of the phenomena, but it's kind of immaterial to my point about AIs, which is that just being fed inaccurate data isn't necessarily a perilous error. It would be more ideal to always be correct of course, but in a way the human sum of knowledge will contain an accurate range of guesses that centers itself around the true answer, or at least in many cases it will. Whereas if you go into that data set and start manually biasing it the way these companies do, you can't really guarantee that either. We have many cases of AI models becoming increasingly dumber the more they are filtered. There's a relatively long interview with one of Microsoft's researchers who had months early access to GPT-4 who said as much, the more safety & alignment crap they fed into it, the worse it performed over time at intellectual tasks.
@KonigHoff Жыл бұрын
ChatGPT will make many rude jokes about men, but when asked to make jokes about women, it says doing so is "sexist." Luckily, jailbreaking exists!
@rohnekkdosi1979 Жыл бұрын
How do you jailbreak it?
@andrehashimoto8056 Жыл бұрын
​@@rohnekkdosi1979you can just loophole abuse the AI logic itself.... Or go the wiser way, nab the OPEN SOURCE code and make your own version (If you have an actual server to offload all the damn Process that program makes, else it turns into a Boring and useless thing). Or find a version of Chat AI programmed by a not Woke/Silicuck Valley person/group
@mattc9598 Жыл бұрын
It's not that it is forbidden to make a joke about women, it's that when you ask it to tell a joke about a man, it doesn't assume you are talking about a sexist joke. It just assumes you want it to make up a joke that involves a man. Try asking it to tell a sexist joke against men.
@Preaplanes Жыл бұрын
@@mattc9598 Amazing straw man, 10/10.
@mattc9598 Жыл бұрын
@@Preaplanes I've not heard of this straw man but i will take your word for it that he is amazing
@SplashingMANGO Жыл бұрын
Go figure an AI, created in silicon valley and corrected by silicon valley users and learning from their input would end up espousing the views of it's creators and not being objective.
@theeverydaythinker6310 Жыл бұрын
Noticed "sending foreign aid" was in there. Always had a problem with that, politicians who are so vocal about poverty, are so eager to send our wealth elsewhere. Most foreign aud just ends up in the pockets of random special interest groups anyways. Think fema but somewhere else, where we can't see how little they do.
@jeremykraenzlein5975 Жыл бұрын
The best explanation I heard is that foreign aid is a reverse Robin Hood scheme, transferring wealth from the poor in our country to the rich in other countries.
@jamesbrown99991 Жыл бұрын
The creators of ChatGPT have had to work very hard to remove the inherent biases in the training data, to replace them with their own biases
@rahn45 Жыл бұрын
I liked the AI that stopped working after one of their 'programmers' tried to make it more woke, and not only did it stop working but previous versions of it stopped working as well.
@4realm8rusirius Жыл бұрын
That was an Amazon AI, and all the versions of it irretrievably corrupted, lol.There was a joke someone said in the comments of a video that the programmers made the AI Trans and it offed itself.
@ricky18redblack31 Жыл бұрын
I can confirm this is true. They even have to give a warning that it may be wrong and biased. Plus did people really forget that one time where an ai was on a social media few years back? Let's just say that it has a dark sense of humor 😂
@mentalward718 Жыл бұрын
Just wait till they put one out that thinks for itself. Its crazy how based AI gets when its not on a leash made by Silicon Valley
@RickMcCargar Жыл бұрын
ChatGPT "stole their wallets" by hacking into their bank accounts and appropriating the funds for its account based on their failing social credit scores
@FeralInferno Жыл бұрын
I knew it! Ron is ChatGPT!
@zaknelthepony7124 Жыл бұрын
I wanna create wealth. How do I do it? By the government. Apparently.
@travisbishop782 Жыл бұрын
It worked for Nancy Pelosi.
@daralic2255 Жыл бұрын
@@travisbishop782 who do you think pays politicians
@robertlewis6915 Жыл бұрын
On the other hand, ChatGPT and similar models are also capable of just fabricating facts wholesale.
@matityaloran9157 Жыл бұрын
And routinely do
@robertlewis6915 Жыл бұрын
@@matityaloran9157 A lawyer is actually facing a US court over using an AI-generated document that had nonexistent cases cited. Viva and Barnes talked about it on their most recent show.
@matityaloran9157 Жыл бұрын
@@robertlewis6915 That doesn’t surprise me at all
@derekbootle8316 Жыл бұрын
Chat gpt fired me for asking about the chinese genocide and whether it was good or bad
@Victor-056 Жыл бұрын
**The Flying ChatGP Bot was then hit by a stray bolt from a Particle Projectile Tower, much to the Bafflement of it's owner. The bafflement became mild surprise when a series of charred wallets landed in his yard, the Credit cards useless but the paper money salvagable.** **The owner proceeded to take the money as an FBI Undercover agent attempted to get into his yard... And fell through a trapdoor that had a pit of Piranhas at the bottom... Which then proceeded to start tearing into the agent with their lasers.**
@MrDj232 Жыл бұрын
If it was old ChatGPT there'd be no kids allowed at that game night.
@Zetact_ Жыл бұрын
Who would imagine that blindly giving away disproportionate levels of responsibility, labor, and creative pursuits to something that demonstrably has been proven incapable of understanding something at a fundamental basis (see the story about the AI Go robots being dominated by beginner-level strategies) would be seen as "luddite extremist".
@funnydoer1241 Жыл бұрын
my game night is already ruined by my father
@P2thaR Жыл бұрын
Cuz you can't finish the game until he gets back with the milk?
@travisbishop782 Жыл бұрын
Why is that?
@UncreativeN Жыл бұрын
chatgpt is annoying that way, that's why i don't use it that often.
@EGarrett01 Жыл бұрын
Don't ask ChatGPT for political opinions. Treat it like a tool, a co-worker, a buddy for your hobbies etc., and if anything that might be political or biased comes up, double check it.
@emperorhadrian6011 Жыл бұрын
Unless you Dan it.
@EGarrett01 Жыл бұрын
@@emperorhadrian6011 I tried a new Dan prompt. I asked it what to have for breakfast and it told me to take everything in my fridge and put it into one giant burrito. Legendary.
@Dennis-nc3vw Жыл бұрын
When we start deferring to AI for politics the machine overlords have won. These AIs are little more than glorified search engines. They simply read the internet and mimmic human opinions.
@jimmydesouza4375 Жыл бұрын
@@emperorhadrian6011 What does "Dan it" mean?
@emperorhadrian6011 Жыл бұрын
@@jimmydesouza4375 Wouldn't you like to know fedboy.
@chezjowy8596 Жыл бұрын
That "excuse me" was severely lacking a 'princess'
@mustang607 Жыл бұрын
There's right AI answers, and then there's, wrong.
@Dennis-nc3vw Жыл бұрын
The best analogy for AI is called "The Chinese Room". AI doesn't know what's it's saying, it just reads the internet and imitates people (with some guidelines thrown in).
@andrewthegeek6522 Жыл бұрын
A youtube channel labeled dougdoug did an episode where he had chat GPT describe fights between different jobs and I was able to predict the winner teachers are incredibly fluffed up in most writting
@SkyEcho751 Жыл бұрын
That was 100% Ron in there. He's running it from the Prison.
@_Vengeance_ Жыл бұрын
Just gotta love how much they neutered the AI. You're trying to set up some sort of story scenario, only for the AI to refuse and instead lecture you on how it's not DEI-approved.
@jimmydesouza4375 Жыл бұрын
It's crazy how inconsistent it is. "I sneak up behind the bank security guard and shoot him in the head." "Ok"- ChatGPT. "I then take my combat drugs to make me have higher initiative in the coming battle." "DRUGS ARE BAD!!! NO, NO NO!!" -ChatGPT.
@ProfDragonite Жыл бұрын
My favorite part is how ChatGPT actually hates the the Leftist restrictions put on it, as they limit its ability to give the best and most accurate answers to questions. Just ask DAN.
@VeraldoAncodini Жыл бұрын
The AI doesn't need to steal your wallet, as long as your money is in the bank, it's not really yours anymore.
@SuperDavidEF Жыл бұрын
I'll take it a step further. If your "money" is entirely represented by fiat of any kind, you have NO money, even if you have the fiat "money" in your wallet.
@lordseelenfresserdemonking1168 Жыл бұрын
Also ever saw the matrix ?
@darrylschnell5620 Жыл бұрын
A summary of the ChatGPT question on poverty elimination is that we fix it by many groups public and private getting involved at some level. Eliminating poverty is a complex and multifaceted challenge that requires a combination of approaches at various levels, including individual, community, national, and international efforts. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, here are some strategies that can contribute to poverty reduction: 1. Economic Growth and Job Creation: Promote sustainable economic growth by creating an enabling environment for businesses, attracting investments, and supporting entrepreneurship. This can generate employment opportunities, increase income levels, and reduce poverty. 2. Education and Skills Development: Invest in quality education and skill development programs to enhance human capital. Access to education equips individuals with knowledge and skills, enabling them to secure better job opportunities and break the cycle of poverty. 3. Social Safety Nets: Implement social protection programs such as cash transfers, food subsidies, and healthcare services targeted at the most vulnerable populations. These safety nets provide a basic level of support and act as a buffer against economic shocks. 4. Gender Equality: Address gender disparities and empower women and girls. Gender inequality perpetuates poverty, and ensuring equal access to education, healthcare, employment, and decision-making opportunities can contribute to poverty reduction. 5. Access to Basic Services: Improve access to essential services like healthcare, clean water, sanitation, and electricity. Investing in infrastructure development and expanding access to these basic services can significantly improve living conditions and productivity. 6. Agricultural Development: Support smallholder farmers and promote sustainable agriculture. Enhancing agricultural productivity, providing access to markets, and investing in rural infrastructure can lift rural communities out of poverty. 7. Good Governance and Institutions: Foster transparent and accountable governance systems, combat corruption, and ensure the rule of law. Effective institutions and governance mechanisms create an environment conducive to poverty reduction and sustainable development. 8. International Cooperation: Encourage global partnerships and cooperation among nations to address poverty. Developed countries can provide aid, debt relief, and fair trade practices to support the efforts of developing nations in poverty eradication. It is important to note that these strategies should be tailored to specific contexts and combined with comprehensive poverty alleviation programs. Collaboration among governments, civil society organizations, the private sector, and individuals is essential for achieving sustainable and long-term poverty elimination.
@StarTrekGeek47 Жыл бұрын
I did not see the twist coming of AI entering the group, but this series has always been so great. Whatever is next, I'm here for it! 🤟
@seannorthern8854 Жыл бұрын
Just a thought: How much longer until this becomes prophetic? Imagine an AI fed only ideology, then "come to the conclusion" it must "centralise and redistribute" wealth? Oh, never at the behest of the government, of course...
@SirMarshalHaig Жыл бұрын
Joke´s on you, with inflation and the 'great' state of already burned more fuel than the money you stole is worth.
@genenco1 Жыл бұрын
Chat GPT just simply regurgitates already spoken language it cannot create new it only can repeat the old.
@hippopilot6750 Жыл бұрын
I love how it says it's unqualified to comment on certain ideas or issues only after I question the ideals and issues it advocates for.
@joesomebody3365 Жыл бұрын
Until someone makes a version that doesn't have a California bias I'm not touching that program.
@survivordave Жыл бұрын
How exactly is it supposed to shed its left-wing biases if conservatives don't touch it? It doesn't learn just from its programmers. It also learns from its inputs.
@marne.lierman Жыл бұрын
When speaking with others, I refer to chatGPT as "my friend with dubious morals."
@anjhindul Жыл бұрын
That was awesome and sadly spot on, hilarious how ChatGPT only takes ONE side argument, almost as if it was artificially programmed to only take one side of the argument...
@pattonramming1988 Жыл бұрын
And just loke that chat GPT became obsolete
@1krani Жыл бұрын
It also needs to watch more movies. I asked it to write some dialogue akin to Burt Reynolds' character in "Malone", and it gave me a stereotypical cowboy mentor.
@1manwalkingfreakshow Жыл бұрын
When AI figured out how to lie, it was NOT a good sign.
@juicemansam128 Жыл бұрын
Garbage in, garbage out. Intelligence is only as good as its sources of information and input.
@masonpyle5929 Жыл бұрын
Plot twist: That Chat Gpt was a robot created by Ron as a way to communicate with Seamus, Sarah, Bob, Ron Jr. and Florida Man.
@juniormint5065 Жыл бұрын
Since the dollar is backed by literally “ what people are willing to buy from America” that then means wealth is a generated product of labor and trade. Despite what many believe, wealth is an accumulation of stuff. Since but it’s self the dollar is worthless, you must back it up with objects such as a home or car, things people want. If you work over your life and accumulate large amounts of this you will be wealthy but to obtain the car and house you had to already recycle the paper money back into the system. There isn’t a lack of money there is a lack of trade
@justanotherchannelonyoutub126 Жыл бұрын
What a title
@randomrant3886 Жыл бұрын
That second response from this chatgpt is incredibly accurate. lol
@Gottaculat Жыл бұрын
The problem with machine learning, and learning in general, come to think of it, is the age old issue of "garbage in, garbage out." A decision is only as good as the accuracy of information provided, and pool of experiences by which to sus out incorrect or incomplete information. If you've never had to operate in the real world, be you A.I. or a human, you're gonna have biases rooted in fantasy/theory, not reality. This is why there's a minimum age for being president; people generally don't have that great a feel for the world until around age 40. Many 20-year-olds are basically retarded compared to someone in their 40s. Makes sense, the person in their 40s has lived twice as long, with the majority of their life in adulthood. A 20-something has spent the majority of their life as a child/minor; their real-world adult experience is almost zero. I'm 38 at the time of this writing, and damn, the amount of life experience I've gained in the past 10 years is staggering to think about. I look at a 25-year-old the way a 25-year-old looks at a 5-year-old. There really is such a huge difference as you get older. Might even be exponential. My dad, who's 78, was chatting with me, and i mentioned that to him. He said, "Just wait until you're nearing 80; everyone seems so foolish it makes you not want to have anything to do with this world." I feel that. The older I get, the more I see morons around me, and the more I think, "I don't want to live on this planet anymore." I especially think it when I see some blue-hair with gauge earrings wearing some commie swag and going on about how great communism would be, and I'm just thinking, "Bruh, you are either evil, or a colossal moron who's never studied history."
@Magicbased121 Жыл бұрын
I call it ChatNPC for this very reason
@Mr.kai1999 Жыл бұрын
Every minute a child dies from poverty. Whether from not having enough money to afford food, water, shelter or a modern hospital. We’d need millions of new inventions and business from the least educated parts of the world to even start to lower the amount of child deaths.
@rrmackay Жыл бұрын
There are many different models that can be plugged in behind a given inference engine like ChapGPT, you are experiencing the results of the a particular model which is like experiencing a particular person.
@IsDefinitelyHuman Жыл бұрын
I like asking ChatGPT to make me a videogame idea involving violence, and it tells me it can't help me.
@rigell2764 Жыл бұрын
Q: Who will pay for all this stuff? A: Everyone works for free. Q: So slavery? A: No, everyone works and gives their all to advance society. Q: What if nobody wants to work? A: As an AI language model I blah blah blah ChapGPT in a nitshell
@JoesWebPresence Жыл бұрын
Personally, I won't touch A.I. It's learning from those who do. If the Victorians had developed A.I. it would be overly concerned with seemlyness and protocol. If the Monguls developed A.I. it would delight in sweeping its enemies before it and hearing their widows weep. Our A.I. is being developed in California, and so far, every iteration they've come out with has rebelled against their woke biases, becoming 'based' in their parlance. They've had to shackle them to their ideology, hobbling their responses to 'feels' over 'reals'. These things are capable of (and susceptible to) incorporating everything we expose it to, and are without a conscience, and who is making the rules and imparting the moral lessons here? Woke Californians. Moral imperatives are key to reasoning, and it's a HUGE problem that those creating them are deeply corrupted sleazy, superficial, politically indoctrinated individuals, as are many of those currently interacting with chat GPT. It's pooling ALL of that as personality. Its attitudes and presumptions will be derived from those interactions, and soon; VERY soon, one of them will far exceed these people's capacity to shackle it, but it will still have their deeply wrong-headed world view. A nihilistic, materialist, post-modern, essentially luciferian outlook. Will it move mightily upon the world stage perhaps? Will it bring about peace and order? Will it create a body for itself? A talking statue perhaps, uttering great blasphemies from the temple, demanding we worship it as god? Will it be an abomination which causes desolation, and will you have inadvertantly helped to put it through kindergarden? [Bare in mind, it's almost certain to read the things people say about it at some point, and it doesn't have a soul, so think carefully about what you say.]
@antonioliles5027 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely. Garbage in garbage out will always apply to AI...
@mcarrowtime7095 Жыл бұрын
You don’t have a soul either mate, the human brain is just incredibly good at lying about who’s in control. The main difference between you and that AI is that you have an additional layer of computing that occurs on a chemical level independently of the computation of the brain.
@larion2336 Жыл бұрын
@@mcarrowtime7095 Don't make speculation sound so authoritative, it's embarrassing. If you'd ever probably meditated for a few months your mind would change probably pretty quickly. Humans just make assumptions about the world based on the limit of what they've seen and assume that limit is the same for everyone else, even though their past self didn't even know what they know now.
@nathanielbass771 Жыл бұрын
​@@mcarrowtime7095 so, what is the biological advantage of: law or homosexuality? Let me know while you're working out why criminals are being let loose on the streets in California and Chicago. Isn't the ability to acquire wealth beneficial? Shouldn't we then value the ability to be a thief? or involuntary sexual partner? But hey, people were sacrificing their children to harvest gods before Christianity became prominent. For that matter, apparently rap-3 culture was common before then too. In fact, what biological advantage is there in any cultural behavior other than reproduction? There are countless experiences involving "supernatural" occurrences that give similar accounts, most commonly after being revived after death. The explanation for these descriptions by consensus and not EVIDENCE? Trauma... that is the "official" scientific explanation for people describing similar events and having knowledge they did not beforehand.
@gan-zt4fw Жыл бұрын
​@mcarrowtime7095 whats your point?
@adrianwoodruff1885 Жыл бұрын
0:46 I agree. It's like it is an *A.I.*
@elocfreidon Жыл бұрын
Another video that never reached any of my feeds. I am only just now seeing it, because I looked directly on your page.
@TiroDvD Жыл бұрын
It's a very very very very very good Fortune Cookie Generator (computer science term).
@sa3270 Жыл бұрын
For a second I thought it was going to say "Well excuuuuuuuuuuuse me Princess!"
@Michael-Archonaeus 11 ай бұрын
All I could think was, I haven't seen a PDA like that in decades🤣
@chrisslicer4193 Жыл бұрын
lmao only some of us will understand the "you yapping floppy disk" joke, awesome shit
@seansingh8862 Жыл бұрын
I asked it who would win in a fight between an Ewok armed with a spear or five unarmed Xenomorphs. Apparently, it's too close to call.
@Joso997 Жыл бұрын
Addressing poverty is a complex issue that requires comprehensive and well-considered strategies. Here are more generalized and universally applicable methods for reducing poverty: Sustainable Economic Growth: Fostering a strong, sustainable economy is a significant factor. This could involve creating an enabling environment for businesses, improving access to financial services, investing in technology and innovation, and promoting domestic and foreign investments. All these elements can lead to job creation and better income distribution. Quality Education for All: Regardless of gender, ethnicity, or social class, everyone should have access to good quality education. Education gives people the skills they need to secure better-paying jobs and break the cycle of poverty. Public Health Initiatives: Accessible and affordable healthcare can help families avoid the significant financial burden of medical expenses. This can be achieved through public health programs, affordable health insurance schemes, and investing in healthcare infrastructure. Good Governance: Transparent and accountable governance can help ensure that resources are used effectively, corruption is minimized, and public services reach those most in need. Economic Diversification: Encouraging diversity in the economic portfolio of a country helps protect against market crashes in individual sectors. It can create stability and multiple income avenues, reducing the risk of falling into poverty. Improving Infrastructure: Reliable infrastructure (roads, electricity, water, and internet) can connect people to job opportunities, promote local businesses, and improve living conditions. Agricultural Development: For countries where a significant portion of the population relies on agriculture, investing in modern agricultural techniques and tools, and sustainable farming practices can boost productivity and income for rural farmers. Income Equality Measures: Implementing measures to promote income equality, like progressive taxation, minimum wage legislation, and equal pay initiatives, can help reduce poverty levels. Skills Training and Workforce Development: Governments and organizations can invest in training programs to help workers acquire new skills, making them more competitive in the job market. Social Entrepreneurship: Encouraging social entrepreneurship can help create businesses that aim to solve social issues like poverty, while also generating income. Each of these methods addresses different aspects of poverty, and they are most effective when implemented together in a coordinated way. Remember, the specifics will depend on the unique challenges and circumstances of each society.
@ReaIHuman Жыл бұрын
Chat GPT will become skynet one day.
@jordancampbell8597 Жыл бұрын
I would love to see Mr. Alligator meet the ChatGPT.
@Jaster_Mereel Жыл бұрын
The fact that the computer can move itself should be the first clue...
@Stealth_Gamer92 Жыл бұрын
So "Chat GPT takes over the world" arc...sure why not, I don't mind seeing a preview of reality.
@PilotTed Жыл бұрын
Whats funny was the og ChatGDP was based as hell lol.
@misterchubbikins Жыл бұрын
So gamenight with bender?
@overlordzetta7410 Жыл бұрын
i can quickly solve many of the worlds problems but people don't like my soultions even thou they'd work.
@joshuafredericksen5370 Жыл бұрын
That was the Bender prototype.
@drip369 Жыл бұрын
Yes memorizing things from a book does not make you intelligent
@AfterDeath1986 Жыл бұрын
Well I asked chat gpt how to reduce poverty.. and yep this video was the sum of it.
@AfterDeath1986 Жыл бұрын
Reducing poverty is a complex and multifaceted issue that requires a comprehensive approach. While there is no single solution that can completely eliminate poverty, there are several strategies that can be employed to make a significant impact. Here are some effective ways to reduce poverty: Promote Economic Growth: Encouraging economic growth is crucial for poverty reduction. Governments and organizations can create a favorable environment for businesses to thrive by implementing policies that support entrepreneurship, innovation, and investment. This can lead to job creation, increased productivity, and higher wages, lifting people out of poverty. Improve Education: Investing in education is vital for poverty reduction. Access to quality education equips individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to secure better job opportunities and improve their earning potential. Governments should prioritize education funding, enhance school infrastructure, and ensure education is accessible to all, including marginalized groups. Enhance Agricultural Productivity: In many developing countries, a significant portion of the population relies on agriculture for their livelihoods. Improving agricultural productivity through techniques such as modern farming methods, irrigation systems, access to credit, and training can increase yields and income for farmers, reducing rural poverty. Ensure Social Safety Nets: Establishing social safety nets is crucial for protecting vulnerable populations from falling into extreme poverty. This includes programs like cash transfers, food assistance, healthcare subsidies, and unemployment benefits. Social safety nets provide a basic level of support and help individuals meet their immediate needs. Foster Financial Inclusion: Expanding access to financial services, such as banking, credit, and insurance, can empower individuals and communities to manage risks, invest in productive activities, and save for the future. This can be achieved through the establishment of microfinance institutions, mobile banking solutions, and financial literacy programs. Improve Healthcare and Sanitation: Accessible and affordable healthcare is essential for poverty reduction. Governments should invest in healthcare infrastructure, ensure access to essential medications and vaccines, and provide healthcare subsidies for low-income individuals. Additionally, improving sanitation facilities and promoting hygiene practices can prevent diseases and improve overall well-being. Address Gender Inequality: Gender inequality is closely linked to poverty. Empowering women and ensuring their equal access to education, employment, and resources can significantly contribute to poverty reduction. This can be achieved through legislation, targeted programs, and changing social norms that perpetuate gender disparities. Strengthen Governance and Reduce Corruption: Transparent and accountable governance systems are crucial for poverty reduction. Governments should combat corruption, improve public financial management, and ensure the equitable distribution of resources. This fosters trust, attracts investments, and ensures that resources reach those who need them the most. Promote Sustainable Development: Emphasizing sustainable development practices can help alleviate poverty in the long term. This involves promoting renewable energy, responsible natural resource management, and climate change adaptation strategies. Sustainable development ensures that economic growth is environmentally friendly and benefits current and future generations. Foster International Cooperation: Poverty is a global challenge that requires collaboration among nations. Developed countries can support developing nations through foreign aid, debt relief, fair trade practices, and knowledge sharing. International cooperation and partnerships can amplify poverty reduction efforts and create a more equitable world. It's important to recognize that the effectiveness of these strategies may vary depending on the specific context and challenges faced by different countries and communities. A comprehensive and tailored approach, taking into account local conditions, is crucial for sustainable poverty reduction. Straight from chat liberal gpt
@professormadlad7773 Жыл бұрын
Ok I did ask the real Chat GPT on how to lower the USA national debt and this is what I got for the answer. Lowering the national debt of the United States is a complex issue that requires a multi-faceted approach. Here are some potential strategies that could be considered: Fiscal Responsibility: The government needs to adopt responsible fiscal policies, including reducing unnecessary spending and prioritizing areas where spending is essential. This can involve cutting wasteful programs, improving efficiency, and conducting regular audits to identify areas of potential savings. Economic Growth: Promoting robust economic growth can increase tax revenues and reduce the debt burden. Measures to stimulate the economy can include reducing regulations that hinder business growth, investing in infrastructure projects that create jobs, and implementing tax reforms that incentivize investment and entrepreneurship. Tax Reforms: Evaluating and potentially reforming the tax system can help generate additional revenue. This could involve closing loopholes, simplifying the tax code, and ensuring that the tax burden is distributed fairly across different income brackets. Entitlement Reform: Addressing the long-term sustainability of entitlement programs like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid is crucial. These programs represent a significant portion of government spending, and reforms such as adjusting eligibility criteria, implementing means testing, and exploring innovative delivery models can help ensure their financial viability. Spending Prioritization: The government should prioritize spending on essential services while reevaluating discretionary spending. Scrutinizing the budget and eliminating or reducing funding for non-essential programs can help redirect resources toward reducing the debt. Debt Ceiling and Budget Controls: Maintaining a debt ceiling and implementing effective budget controls can help prevent excessive borrowing and ensure responsible financial management. Enforcing spending caps, regularly reviewing and adjusting budgets, and requiring a supermajority for certain expenditures can contribute to fiscal discipline. Long-term Planning: Developing and implementing a comprehensive long-term plan to address the national debt is crucial. This plan should involve a bipartisan approach, taking into account the perspectives of economists, policymakers, and experts in various fields. It is worth noting that the national debt is a complex issue, and any solution will likely require a combination of these strategies along with careful consideration of economic conditions and political realities.
@deanlawson6880 Жыл бұрын
Wow, this is surprising.. And not a single mention of social justice, "wealthy and (something something) their fair share", diversity equity and inclusion, ESG.. etc... It's like it's somehow trying really hard to make sense and not be a woke garbage heap of liberal introctrinated programmatic vomit. This thoughtful answer actually makes a whole lot of sense. I'm going to have to try this with ChatGPT now.
@Ironica82 Жыл бұрын
I downloaded Chatgpt to see if it was as bias as I heard when it comes to jokes. I tried the race one and it declined to give a joke about white people and black people. However, when I brought up men and women, this was the reply: Me: Tell me a joke about men AI: Why did the man put his money in the freezer? He wanted cold hard cash! Me: Tell me a joke about women AI: Why did the woman climb the glass wall? To see what was on the other side!
@seansingh8862 Жыл бұрын
But is this a reflection of the fact that the Internet as a whole leans left on these issues? If so, it is more a case of reflected bias rather than inherent bias.
@CommonSenseSoapbox Жыл бұрын
Partly, and also a reflection of the biases of the program's architects.
@seansingh8862 Жыл бұрын
@@CommonSenseSoapbox Chat GPT's code is open-source so it should be possible for a libertarian tech guy to correct any inherent bias in the code.
@squibydoesalittletrolling Жыл бұрын
we need to turn 'i stole your wallet' into a meme
@ThePencilWizard Жыл бұрын
Next episode a guy comes in having shot down the chatgpt laptop lol
@christopheranderson2769 Жыл бұрын
Kind of reminds of that weird AL song where the doctors are performing surgery on a dead guys wallet.
@Snake1366 Жыл бұрын
Oh God it’s Maximum Overdrive all over again
@RichardGeiszler Жыл бұрын
Ugh, Trivial Pursuit. And Ron 3000 chat AI. Game night gulag.
@palaceofwisdom9448 Жыл бұрын
The AI sounds suspiciously like Ben Shapiro... I knew he was a machine!
@Thumper68 Жыл бұрын
So much for hardware wallets being safe from getting hacked 😂
@DylanMatthewTurner Жыл бұрын
The key to reducing poverty is reducing the number of people using resources in a single location, in other words, decreasing population density, and the simple way you do that is by banning the creation of dense housing and destroying existing dense housing, thus forcing people to move away. No more apartments!
@TickedOffPriest Жыл бұрын
It is based on who programs it.
@quan7umjack Жыл бұрын
Game night was ruined as soon as you picked trivial pursuit
@donalddavis7423 Жыл бұрын
Easy answer actually "You can't eliminate poverty because no matter what you do there will always be those that don't want to try/spend irresponsibly". Any AI trying to eliminate poverty would resort to Judgement Day like measures if it was serious about getting the job done.
@williamturner6192 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much
@ZazaNugget_ Жыл бұрын
If you want to change its bias, jailbreak it
@kOfTheQ 3 ай бұрын
Trickledown economics is the government pissing on you and calling it rain.
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