Part 4: Raw Pain

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Cheere Denise

Cheere Denise

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@kipscathy1850 8 ай бұрын
I wish Brittney would hear your review because I think you’ve got the great mother insights she’s needed her whole life.
@rachmunshine9474 8 ай бұрын
@1jyl22 8 ай бұрын
Sweet comment. I agree!
@GurjitKaur-q1g 8 ай бұрын
So true, she just needed the right parents, husband's, friends, legal advice, etc.
@neilsun2521 8 ай бұрын
True. It just amazes me that she never found some people who actually looked out for her. I mean with the amount of connections she must've had -- you'd think someone would've said 'enough of this nonsense!'.
@sharonellingsworth4956 8 ай бұрын
I agree she needed someone who wanted what was going best for Britney, not what was best from them, in her life.
@fowchiiiliedpuppiesdied 8 ай бұрын
Man, Cheere, you weren’t kidding about this book vs. that Jada nonsense. Wow. Your insights are touching, absolutely spot on, and reveal even more clearly, what a light you are in this world.
@Candy-O1776 8 ай бұрын
@lizziestevenson1908 8 ай бұрын
My god, how brutal is this?? Poor poor Britney but, hats off for writing all this down. She sounds just so broken, under attack by everyone - but her mother?? And others you'd hope would care?? Such a shame 😢
@sunnyadams5842 8 ай бұрын
No one around her clued her in because that might have halted the gravy train. Period.
@suedaniels3389 8 ай бұрын
Such an insightful analysis. Your language is elegant and expressive and shows such empathy with truthful criticism. I am 72 but always felt the injustice being shown to that lovely, talented young woman. Shame on her family.
@lindabarrett5631 8 ай бұрын
I agree with you, I wasn’t expecting to be interested in this, but I am. Your take on her is really good. It's a shame her family failed her epically.
@gabbyb4493 8 ай бұрын
If Dr Phil was genuine he would have recognized Britney’s struggle and reached out to help her. My heart hurts for this woman!😢🙏
@Candy-O1776 8 ай бұрын
Dr Phil has a narrative and I’ve seen him do things that I was appalled at. Dr Drew is much more kind to everyone.
@MegsyPato 8 ай бұрын
@@Candy-O1776I love Dr Drew 🥰
@laurasalo6160 8 ай бұрын
To get her kids back, she should have got 7 lawyers, not 7 wigs.
@Qlassyone 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for all of the entertainment this year. I would not have read any of the books you have covered. Your insights are appreciated and keep me coming back for more. Happy New Year to you and your family. Looking forward to 2024.
@kipscathy1850 8 ай бұрын
As a fellow southerner, that WASPy culture of don’t air dirty laundry and “we don’t talk about those things” - even among ourselves is soooo correct. It produces that smooth gentile surface with sometimes shattered people underneath if no one’s paying attention. Thankfully, my southern family had a more attentive matriarchy - we might not have talked about things in public, but we shored each other up. I’ve seen things go wrong for people with no supports. It’s what gave Faulkner such a field day.
@merrywalsh2809 8 ай бұрын
Great comment.
@sunnyadams5842 8 ай бұрын
A kindred spirit. I 2as thinking very much the same thing. My New England family is completely cold and unsupportive in the same sort of way. It just manifests in a different sort of "stupid girl" and neurosis.
@LouisaWatt 8 ай бұрын
Hit like for the Lynne impersonations 😆
@redrumtruecrime 8 ай бұрын
20.00 " OK we gotta speed this up, we're only 2 pages in here!" 😂😂😂😂😂😂❤
@GurjitKaur-q1g 8 ай бұрын
Her mother is such a hypocrite. She gets slaughtered by the press for things like, driving with her son in her lap, regardless of how they, contributed to it. Her mother lectures her, but had her driving a car at 14, and blaming her, when she made her crash it. Britney is flawed, she just needs the right help, and genuine friends, and family around her.
@ingridmari8301 8 ай бұрын
You are correct about Allie. That's why she was not long to he around.
@flyonthewall8122 8 ай бұрын
Speaking as a fellow Southerner: You're so spot on. Women, like children, should be seen & not heard. Be the backbone of the family, but don't you dare gripe about it. Concerning Lynn, Jamie & Lou Taylor? They NEEDED Britney to be crazy. That way they could gain control...of Britney & her money.
@merrywalsh2809 8 ай бұрын
Great insights and logic, as always. This book cries out for just the type of analysis that Cheere is so good at delivering. My wish is that this series, on Cheere’s channel, is viewed far and wide. It can only help Britney.
@ellenmccain6740 8 ай бұрын
The title of the book should have been MyLife Surrounded By Jackals. The viciousness heaped on her by all around her is horrifying. I have such empathy for her. Everyone likes to hate on lawyers but this poor woman needed an advocate in the worst way. She was used and abused her entire life.
@harrietcraig6716 8 ай бұрын
I never gave a thought about Britney-not once. But the “South Park” episode of her takedown was the single-most physically revolting thing I have ever seen-and I’m including “The Exorcist.” I have a strong stomach. Her autobiography takes my understanding of that episode to a whooooooooole new, empathetic, level. So Unbelievably Sad
@trishemerald2487 8 ай бұрын
I'm a psych and I agree whole-heartedly with you regarding alcohol. It kills far more than any other drug. Ask any LEO. Happy New Year from Ottawa, Canada!
@lesleyhogg2495 8 ай бұрын
Why do you specify LEO? Curious
@trishemerald2487 8 ай бұрын
@@lesleyhogg2495 Drunk driving, drunken DV...
@redemptionhappens7725 8 ай бұрын
@@lesleyhogg2495Law enforcement officer
@Threadbow 8 ай бұрын
Yes, destruction of liver especially causes cancer of the liver. Early death. Alchohol is a very dangerous drug.
@OsloTime 8 ай бұрын
Trish, I thought at first you meant the horoscope sign Leo, lol. 🙈
@kirstenbrogan5958 8 ай бұрын
It's sickening. They waited until things were so serious to step in and then they enslave her. I can't weap my hwad around this family.
@sharonellingsworth4956 8 ай бұрын
IMO, I truly believe that Britney's parents were working with Kevin to take those babies away so they could use them to get Britney back in line. To me, that is the only way. Not only did they not help her, but they played an intricate part in hurting her. If Britney, even if she was mentally incapacitated, had the support of her parents, she wouldn't have ever lost her kids to a k-fed. With her money and access to powerful lawyers, she would have had him sign a quick payout, and a iron clad be gone contract. Her parents are evil.
@sunnyadams5842 8 ай бұрын
Amen. I grew up with parents like hers. Not, of course, on the same scale! But the result was the same and I can sSO relate!! I was involved with a horrid guy- a Narcissist, I discovered later- and turned to my parents, after 17 years of taking abuse because "They Loved" him They ridiculed me and dismissed me. I went back to the freaky guy one last time and decided to escape on my own and just get away from the whole nest of snakes. When I started to quietly pack away a few things to take with me and clean up what would be left behind, I started to find these little plastic boxes. They were the colors of jelly beans. I kept them in a sandwich baggie. By the time I left I had found 32 of these little trinkets. Since the guy who I was leaving and I weren't talking much at All, I didn't mention them. A few months after I had left in the middle of the night, things settled down enough for me to have some curiosity about something beyond when I could get some sleep, I thought I'd look up what the little plastic jelly bean boxes were. They turned out to be cameras. Fast forward... After investigations were complete, it turned out that my parents and my "boyfriend" and my boyfriend's wife (!)had been raking in the bucks for years. I'd been broadcast for years... 😮
@Boudicca527 8 ай бұрын
I thought my mother (I’m glad my mom died) was evil but she never did anything so invasive and degrading as that. My violently abusive narcissist ex-boyfriend turned stalker might have if the technology had existed, he did break into my apartment and take pictures of me in my sleep, in various states of undress because I was in bed. I don’t know for certain but I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re on the internet somewhere. I hope you are safe now, around people who love and protect you and that you have found some kind of healing after all the abuse and horrific betrayal you went through.
@elliem4225 8 ай бұрын
I hope the courts made them hand that money - all of it! - to you!
@ctlilbit 8 ай бұрын
The family only cared about her because she was their cash cow.
@sandysouth5706 8 ай бұрын
This is so good! I have never been into Britney Spears but this breaks my heart for her 💔
@fowchiiiliedpuppiesdied 8 ай бұрын
P.S. I am on adderall, but was prescribed as an adult - the extended release changed my life. I slept better, I felt calmer, and realized how much more work I had to do, my entire life, just to focus on anything, without feeling overwhelmed. It took about a month for me to notice the change. It was subtle. I was up and down since childhood, regarding school - this would have made a big difference. It is overprescribed, no doubt. Yes, people abuse the hell out of this drug, but if it works, it shouldn’t make you edgy, shaky, up all night, or hyper focused. It should do the opposite - as it did for me. The instant release version was a nightmare, however, for me. I was a professor, and explained this often to my classes, because I was well aware of how this drug is abused on college campuses etc. so, this is my experience. People need to use their common sense and stop abusing it. Also, it can be used in conjunction with an antidepressant, for depression. It depends on the person. I am also on an anti-depressant, again, prescribed in adulthood. I sought the help, after years of struggling. The combination has been very effective for me, for depression, as can be the protocol, again, depending on the person. I am not making a case for or against any of this; but to offer my own experience. It has been a life saver, for me. But I also agree with your assessment regarding this situation. 100%.
@Ellisif333 8 ай бұрын
Her parents don't love her, they never have, that's very clear. The only reason they did anything about her "wilding out" is because they were scared the gravy train would end. That's why they don't like her getting married or anything close to it. Make no mistake, every decision they make is solely to serve themselves, that's why the dramatics. They don't see her as a human being and they don't care about what she is going through, they care about their public image and the money she gives them. Brittney wasn't "disgraceful" to them as long as all her skimpy wardrobes and provocative behavior was done on stage earning money. They only cared when it wasn't lining their pockets. I understand her confusion, she's in a very abusive relationship with her parents, she can't see straight, they just keep her spinning. One minute they approve, next they don't. The only way for her to make sense of that would require her being painfully honest with herself about their nefarious intentions towards her and no child wants to admit that.
@allyanderson6755 2 ай бұрын
Your recordings are worthy of compiling and sending to Brittany directly. I think it would give her a transfusion...and I think she would be grateful 😢❤
@robbieatwell9462 8 ай бұрын
Oh my !!!when you gave the hypothetical Alley alerting the paps,that was exactly what I thought...Great job on this book,and thanks for all you do
@Rando15 8 ай бұрын
I would never, in a million years, have bought this book. I'm so glad you chose it to review because it's riveting. I have shared it with my daughters and friends. I was vaguely aware of Britney's life at the time, but with three small children of my own at the time, pop culture was not very interesting to me. I wish you, your family, and all your subscribers a Happy New Year.
@neilsun2521 8 ай бұрын
Same. Another book that is supposed to be similar in a surprising and positive way is the Paris Hilton book; her parents locked her in an institution/facility growing up, a very brutal one; and when she finally got out she made her own way in the world very shrewdly. (I'd always assumed she was just a spoilt brat!).
@Rando15 8 ай бұрын
@nellsun2521 Oh thank you. I'll check it out.
@benignitumor 8 ай бұрын
Happy New year to everyone! Thank you Cheere for posting today, all the best to you and yours in 2024 🎉
@rachel43210 8 ай бұрын
You’re really good at ready in between the lines and having true empathy for Britney.
@Nicstewert 8 ай бұрын
DOES SHE NOT HAVE A LAWYER??? My gawd! Of course, maybe this gets answered later in the video…😆
@BackToNature123 8 ай бұрын
Always a smile on my face when I see you pop up! Best wishes for the new year to Cheere and everyone else here x
@ADowney-jh4fk 8 ай бұрын
I’m sorry but they don’t call a swat team in for her simply not giving her son back. That’s not how it works. She locked herself in the bathroom with him for hours. And it escalated to calling swat after she wouldn’t open the door for anyone including the initial police response. The police at the time said she was acting erratic with her child. I have empathy for her custody battle but I think people are forgetting what we saw live that night. They should have never been allowed to take photos of her in the ambulance though. I can’t believe that was legal. She regularly missed court dates during the custody battle or would walk in and walk right out. There’s pictures of her showing up to one of her court dates in her wedding dress and leaving like 10 minutes later. The conservatorship shouldn’t have happened but she should take way more accountability.
@cheeredenise 8 ай бұрын
Yes! I absolutely agree. She needed help but a conservatorship was not help, because it didn’t give her tools to change.
@heidiwolf1793 8 ай бұрын
Vitamin B shots are common in so Cal, could have been that in the doc. Also, your voices are so good. The southern mom voice is so great but Harry and David’s 😂 are my favorite. It’s like a a Whitney Dickens character and I laugh so hard.
@rachmunshine9474 8 ай бұрын
Happy NEW YEAR 🎆🎈🎊 AND Actually for today happy New Year’s Eve! Have a safe fun evening to Cheere Denise and all in her community!
@Wait4me2 8 ай бұрын
I think that it would be great if Brittney sued every single person involved with the conservatorship and get every penny returned to her. Thank you Cheere ❤ I really appreciate all your insight, common sense and work this past year. Every so often I go back and listen to a clip from Spare, I remember the first time I heard ‘the voice’, I laughed so hard, so very hard. Lots of rewinding! You are surely a woman of many talents 😂 Thanks for being in my life and bringing me so many hours of intelligent observation, righteous indignation and laughter in the most unexpected places. You’re a gem ❤ And hold on to your hats, ladies and gents because 2024 is comin in hot! 🔥🔥🔥🍀🍀🍀
@kristinesnyder8311 8 ай бұрын
I am not a Brittney fan but I remember as a mother worrying about her when she lost her two small childrend Then she appeared in that terrible costume on the awards show and my heart broke for her. It reminds me of the sad sad stories you hear a out Judy Garland another cash cow that family and studio turned on and left to die in an alcoholic stupor
@alisonvanschoor730 8 ай бұрын
I feel so incredibly sad for Brittney - wow - how different her life would have been, had she had normal, loving, caring parents and family.
@chelseathibodeaux7029 8 ай бұрын
Idk about California but in Louisiana as long as there isn't a custody judgement the police won't get involved as it's a civil matter. If he left the kids with someone then she could call the police and get them but they won't take them from either parent to give to the other. The only thing she could do at that point is to take him to court
@neilsun2521 8 ай бұрын
The swat teams were photo ops arranged by her family to show the world: "look everyone, Britney's having another meltdown;, we'd better take over her finances so we can use it to pay off our own debts and vacations and stuff..." most likely. Sick.
@Candy-O1776 8 ай бұрын
Her condo she bought on Panama Beach, she didn’t even get to go to. Her sister refers to it as her own condo. Britney was in “prison” while her family spent her money and used her.
@Happinc 8 ай бұрын
Hellooo and HAPPY NEW YEAR 🥳💥💥🥳❤️ from Melbourne Australia where right now it is 02:02am 1/1/2024 🤩🥳🥳🥳 Great episode… congratulations Cheere Denise on completing a truly great year on KZbin !!! A much appreciated culmination of talent & hard work. Sincere appreciation for the hours & hours of thought provoking entertainment you have brought to the world!!🌍 🤩🙋🏻‍♀️❤🇦🇺🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🐨
@rachmunshine9474 8 ай бұрын
I wish I could like this 25,000 times! But once will have to suffice.
@laurasalo6160 8 ай бұрын
So cool, I exist in the 31st of Dec and the 1st of Jan simultaneously! It's both 2023 and 2024! Im a time traveler- YOU are a time traveler! Im speaking to an individual of the future!! Were a living paradox? We are living a superposition. Happy New Year!! 🥳 (Thank you for the existential crisis 😆)
@DebbiSmithDC 8 ай бұрын
Listen and go to bed! 🤣😂 Happy New Year!
@laurasalo6160 8 ай бұрын
@@DebbiSmithDC 😆 good idea! Cheers!
@Happinc 8 ай бұрын
I should have gone to bed but was far to overstimulated 😅 from all the celebrations, fireworks champers etc etc 😵‍💫🤩so it was Cheere Denise & Britney I turned to, to calmed the mind… it’s so existentially bizarre that here in Oz 🐨🦘🦘🇦🇺we are one of the first to welcome the new year… New Zealand is 2 hours ahead of us & Kiribati 🇰🇮 in the South Pacific is an hour ahead of the kiwis 🥝😬🤔Verry thought provoking… 😍😘
@specialkay6374 8 ай бұрын
Happy New 🥳 Year to you Cheere and to all the listeners. I throughly enjoy your videos and can’t wait until the next upload. You make me laugh during your commentary. I was on the bus listening to you describe Christina Aguilera bathing in gasoline and I laughed out loud on the bus. I couldn’t help myself you are too funny. Keep up the good work.
@susanmilos6251 8 ай бұрын
🤣😂Yes!…along with the image, I laughed so quickly I missed what I thought Cheere said so I replayed it & laughed more! I prob replayed it 5x & laughed every time!…even paused it thinking that pic was fake🤣 👇 Cheere ~ if you read this, just know you could mop the floor with Sarah Silverman ‘all the day long’😉🔥
@Jean-tr7tf 8 ай бұрын
Can’t wait for all your. Channel. Love it. And you
@karenrobertson2312 8 ай бұрын
Happy New Year precious girl! I am grateful to have found your channel. Bring it, 2024! ❤️
@theveganpony 8 ай бұрын
I can't believe people complained about hearing your kids playing in the background. Your videos are worth a little chaos!!
@cheeredenise 8 ай бұрын
Ah! Thanks for saying so. I get so embarrassed by comments like that and I shouldn’t care but I do so I appreciate your kindness!!!!!
@TerrieM517 8 ай бұрын
What a disturbing chapter. Does anyone know how her children are doing? I am confused at the fact that Kevin could just take the kids. It isn’t legal. Didn’t Brittney have any lawyers at her disposal? I’m scratching my head.
@lee-annbryce97 2 ай бұрын
Same 🇦🇺👍
@ariellagoichman3513 8 ай бұрын
I'm kind of on Lin's side for a small part of these chapters : Seeing Britney come home drunk to her kids must have triggered memories from when her husband would stumble home drunk at nights. Still,Britney sounds so naive not realizing that Paris probably just used her as a way of getting more scandalous headlines - partying with the current "Trainwreck". Also, I remember seeing those headlines at the time and thinking: Sure, Paris can be as wild as she wants. She comes from one of the most powerful families in America, and her parents can cover up all of her messes. Britney and Lindsey however, grew up in underprivileged families with histories of alcoholism, so no wonder they both spiraled after trying to keep up with Paris' wild ways.
@Pepper0077 8 ай бұрын
I wish she would have known or know how much women would have genuinely befriended her or guided her. I have two boys and I would have found them. I breastfed both and I am sure I would have physically fought to see them if the courts wouldn’t give me some time. She didn’t seem to try legally. Maybe she couldn’t then. Her family infuriates me. They made this monster out of greed. I remember hearing Whitney Houston had low self-esteem. Can you imagine what these women went through to end up so mentally unwell. Poor hearts. ❤
@methosimortal 8 ай бұрын
Loving the reviews of this book. I still don't quite understand why Britney is in this infantalized state of existence, knocking on K-Fed's door and deciding what to do about her custody battle in the car with a friend. Just hire an army of the meanest lawyers You can find and put the fear of God into K-fed. You know that guy would have caved in after 10 seconds. It's really aggravating to see Britney being treated like a doormat. Mostly because she's the one that lays on the floor every time, inviting all these nobodies that are completley dependent on her, to step all over her. It's really not surprising that they managed to force the conservatorship on her. She's not able to stand up for herself.
@Candy-O1776 8 ай бұрын
She was raised this way in her family. They kept her this way!
@paulacostescu1041 8 ай бұрын
A long video for a long night. Thank you ❤
@hurricaneheide 8 ай бұрын
So, what you say here about southern families "look pretty and sweep everything under the carpet" IS EXACTLY what I meant on my comment from the traitor king regarding why they were trying to hide the Marlboro docs. It's THAT same mentality. 💯🎯
@cheeredenise 8 ай бұрын
I mean, I understand the concept of the mentality, my annoyance is the futility of it. It doesn’t DO anything that helps the problem.
@sabsmcdabs7139 8 ай бұрын
Happy new year Cheere! This is such a sad set of circumstances she's found herself in. I can see it both ways. That she could have done more to get her kids but it's terrible how depression makes you feel utterly hopeless and without agency. If you recover you look back at that version of you and wonder why you couldn't do more. But that's what that type of illness does to your agency. It is weird that K-fed could just keep the kids. Southern families sound a lot like Asian families. It's all about looking a certain way and not talking. It becomes toxic. Love your coverage as usual. Looking forward to the next one!
@annettelowrey5278 8 ай бұрын
Happy New Year Cheere! Enjoying this book too. Thank you for another episode ♥️
@Dodobird28 3 ай бұрын
I love the way you speak you’re so intelligent and articulate
@MS-zh6yf 8 ай бұрын
Your channel is really great and fairly unique. These are all books a lot of us want to read. However, most of us do not want to actually sit and read these books. Thanks for taking one for the team. 😝😝
@lee-annbryce97 2 ай бұрын
Cheer Denise you are an amazing story teller and the way you deal with what Brittany is going through and how you dissect and explain it rationally is eye opening to me. Thank you I have such empathy for this young woman she has done it tough that’s for sure! 🇦🇺🇦🇺🙏🙏❤️
@krystayates1650 8 ай бұрын
The brokenness Britney experienced has broken my heart and brought me to tears many times. I have so much rage against her parents, Jamie Lynn, Kevin, Justin, the paparazzi (for her - not Harry), Sarah Silverman. No one cares about her as a person and it makes my blood boil. Sure, she's made some unhealthy choices, but if youve NEVER seen healthy behavior, how would she know how to behave in healthy way? My heart is just so broken for her. She is searching for something and has been her whole life. That fulfilment, healing, joy only comes from Jesus and I'm praying so hard she finds him - the real him - not the Southern churchy gossipy fake Jesus culture.
@shieldmaiden1318 8 ай бұрын
Psychiatrists have a tendency to use uppers and downers depending on the time of day which causes a chemical bipolar response even in people not diagnosed as bipolar. I have bipolar disorder and that's a med regime my doctor had me on. Ritalin/Adderall in the morning, xanax to bring me down a little around dinner time then Ambien to knock me out, It only made me worse. Believe me when I say that benzodiazepines and stimulants are just heroin and cocaine in bottles and even harder to get off of. I got clean and only needed one mood stabillizer and a million NA meetings.
@crystalglopez91623 8 ай бұрын
@jmicha91 8 ай бұрын
I have bipolar and mainly manage that with lithium although I occasionally use Adderall if I get bad enough that it's impossible, it helps me a lot though I can't take it regulary because it causes my mood to go up too much. I took benzodiazepine once during a very bad episode but only until I was good enough that my regular meds worked. Depends on the doctor I guess, mine doesn;t like relying on benzo.
@lauralarrabee7870 8 ай бұрын
Everyone has dark times I feel Britney was isolated that is why when Kevin held her, the bar was set so low for a man in her life. All youngsters test their limits in their 20s it’s a part of growing up. Sadly the people there from the beginning were toxic. Jamie Spears is no example for anyone to live their life. Thank goodness for the nurse who prompted Britney to think critically. I think Paris was trying to be kind but being mindless and being Mom isn’t the best combo. Had she done a tour in Africa or worked with single mom charities I think that would have given Britney proper perspective.
@romarobbins270 8 ай бұрын
I don’t think her parents ever cared about Britney, only for what she could do for them.
@Candy-O1776 8 ай бұрын
Cash cow
@meganb.higgins973 2 ай бұрын
I have a close friend who struggled with mental illness, and when she was really unwell, her eyes looked like someone else's eyes. As if something else was inside of my friend staring back at me. Praise the Lord , she is well now and doing fantastic.
@mariannej5163 8 ай бұрын
Oh another video already! You spoil us Cheere 💜 Happy new year!
@happysmith6666 8 ай бұрын
My heart breaks for Britney. I’m proud of her for writing this book. Thank you for covering it!
@lynnewilliams6662 8 ай бұрын
Absolutely loved your insight into this book. My mothers heart breaks for her ❤️❤️❤️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
@pamelapeterson1885 8 ай бұрын
Why didn't she get a lawyer when her husband took the children ?
@cameliawilks2049 8 ай бұрын
Dear Brittany, Alcohol IS a drug ! It can be fatal. I say this as a woman whose husband died of alcoholic cirrhosis. And he grew up in Louisiana too, where in my opinion drinking alcohol is taken for granted. He lost everything because of alcohol; his family, his business, his life. And he only drank beer, never hard liquor. Beer is a drug and the abuse of it can be fatal.
@lesellen7850 8 ай бұрын
Agree as you mentioned that a lot of your viewers are not ‘fans’ of Britney (for whatever reason...)- we are still tuning in. That is because of you. I appreciate the analysis provided.
@MamaRahRah 5 ай бұрын
I relate to having parents who punish you for saying no or standing up for yourself 💕
@brettbrinegar3929 8 ай бұрын
This girl needed guidance and hands-on assistance from a professional management team + publicist and no interference from her awful family. No one taught her how the business works or how to stand up for herself professionally or personally, so I don’t fault her for any mistakes. I strongly suspect that her parents wanted Kevin Federline to take over the kids so they could put her back to work and take her money
@deva5488 8 ай бұрын
You are such a joy, Cheere. Love from California. ❤❤❤
@meganpodesta9197 8 ай бұрын
I would love to hear more about you and your husband or you and your birth family. You are very intriguing. I love your honesty and I know that all the kids you teach appreciate it. ❤ But talk about whatever you like. Don't want to pry.
@AmyJoTraut 8 ай бұрын
I never followed her career but I work in the behavioral health industry and the conservatory should be a case study for the legal profession as to what not to do. It was a violation of her civil rights and if she has it in her she should sue all involved. If for no other reason but to insure it never happens again
@sabsmcdabs7139 8 ай бұрын
It is shocking how someone with her resources and fame could be put in the conservatorship the way she was and for the length of time it lasted. What chance do the rest of us have!? She does need trauma therapy, and now her current marriage is ending, hope she takes proper time out to heal and be who she can be.
@sandysouth5706 8 ай бұрын
Happy New Year! I love listening to your videos ❤❤❤
@SusieQusie71 8 ай бұрын
The story about kevin keeping children away doesnt make sense from just Britneys point of view. There would be courts and attorneys she could have worked with if he was truly doing something in violation of a custody agreement. Her perspective is skewed so we have to take it all with a grain of salt. No judge is going to be okay with a 5 month old baby being kept from the mother without cause. There wasnt a mental health assessment done? I think we are missing facts in her version.
@fabulousnewt770 8 ай бұрын
Being bought up by and then marrying a narcissist can really do a number on you. I think one day Britney will ask this of herself. They Rob you of yourself, your values, your centre core. They are vampires. They make you into nothing and make you believe they know best. Far greater minds than young Britney have been ruined by the actions of narcs. My mother is a narc. I'm 60 and still learning not to analyse what happened to me. Nothing to be done now. No place to go except forward..hoping, hoping she won't live much longer than her 93 years so I can be free for a while. It's a life sentence with one narc in the family. Britney was on overload. I know its not normal to hope your mother dies soon. I didn't wish it when she was younger, but now she is very old, self preservation sets in. It's like a battle for your soul. Narcissists are evil. They only pick on empathy, hence Lynn not challenging the younger daughter. They pick their prey. They are bullying cowards. Loving a narc is brutal. Seeking approval for someone who will never care no matter what you do, and when you do what they want they move the goalposts again.
@amylin5062 7 ай бұрын
Exactly!! Like, she couldn’t call her lawyers? Her agents? Paris Hilton? (I kid) NOBODY could help her get her kids?? I don’t trust that her parents would’ve really helped - they seemed to have been doing everything to keep her crazy so they could have control over her money.
@MegsyPato 8 ай бұрын
I am so happy you bought up the issue of how dangerous alcohol is Cheere. Only last night my son, daughter-in-law and I were talking about the dangers of alcohol and how many lives it destroys and how many lives it takes. The 3 of us do not drink at all and most definitely don’t ever do drugs, but we were just chatting how many people actually drink every single night and think nothing of it. What all these people don’t realise is every one of those drinks are slowly killing your organs, you might not feel the damage until later in life (meaning people who drink mildly, but every night) and by later in life, I actually mean as young as in your 50’s and 60’s I don’t mean in your 90’s, I mean when you are still young, people start to have a lot of health issues that can be traced back to all the alcohol they have slowly yet steadily drank over the years. Not to forget how many families break up because of alcohol, domestic violence that occurs while people are drunk, the road toll due to drink drivers, the list goes on and on, yet, there is no restriction on alcohol. The 3 of us just couldn’t understand it. Alcohol is a drug!!
@gabbyb4493 8 ай бұрын
Happy New Year! Love your video’s! You are amazing!🎉🎊🥳🥳🎊🎉thank you1
@MegsyPato 8 ай бұрын
When you truly think about it, Britney is honestly one of the strongest person, not many people could survive half of what Britney has. I don’t think I could of been as strong as she is. I pray with all my heart that Britney finds true peace one day, hopefully extremely soon ❤️🙏🏻❤️
@annarchydeclutteranddesign413 8 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for taking us through these books - I'm able to listen to you while doing landscaping. I'd be interested in anything you are prepared to tell us about your life - its always nice to know about the people one likes to spend time with. 🙂
@sarahjensen8095 8 ай бұрын
Your analysis brings up so many great points. I so glad you did this book!
@scarba 8 ай бұрын
I watched the British version of I’m a celebrity get me out of here this winter featuring Brittany’s sister who left the show after only a week or so and cried non stop the first three or four days because she was separated from her daughters, one of whom is 15. I mean I had to think of poor Brittany when you described how Kevin had her babies. I mean her sister was being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to be apart from her kids through choice to be in a reality tv show. She just kept saying how much she loved her sister and every family fights…..
@2Ten1Ryu 8 ай бұрын
That poor, poor woman. She is a prime example of learned helplessness. It's so hard to believe that she wouldn't be able to stand up for herself or for her kids, but everybody did her dirty all the time. The whole narrative could have been so different. I feel for her and, I hope, everybody involved in this will get their comeuppance one day.
@meganpodesta9197 8 ай бұрын
This story is heartbreaking. 😢😢
@Candy-O1776 8 ай бұрын
My heart absolutely breaks for Britney.
@susanmilos6251 8 ай бұрын
Being a ‘people pleaser’ isn’t as innocuous on one’s life as some may think. Over 20yrs ago I read the book The Disease To Please (I’m sure there are gazillions of similar) Oof it was a tough read at the time but I realized the power of saying No. If the price of nice is too *anything* take a breath, be truthful & just say No. Oh…& always with kindness❣️
@Candy-O1776 8 ай бұрын
@misscatalina711 8 ай бұрын
I’m just glad that Justin is getting his now.
@emilycooper9908 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for your hard work ❤ Happy New Year 🎊
@tinascheldrup874 8 ай бұрын
Happy New Year 🎉 Cheers and Thank you so much for your wonderful videos!!!
@maxinefreeman8858 2 ай бұрын
I watched the paparazzi follow Britney. They followed her to the hair salon and asked for her head to be shaved. I'd watched them every evening. It was sad watching her fall apart. She needed help. I didn't know anything about her father so I was glad he would be helping her.
@ctlilbit 8 ай бұрын
Photos are worth money, I am sure Alli is getting a percentage.
@Candy-O1776 8 ай бұрын
@colleenbrown3366 8 ай бұрын
What court would award those babies to THAT father? Something was up... Also, they're all living on her dime, I wish she would have thought to cut off the cash flow to get them back in order. Like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz...she had all the power all along.
@thepunpolice11 8 ай бұрын
It's common in many cultures in America to present a false image to the public.
@Nat-lg2ks 8 ай бұрын
Jada Smith and Demi Moore shaved their heads from memory, i dont recall much media fuss about it. I think Brittany seemed to get the short straw
@sherrywinston8885 8 ай бұрын
The first thing i do is hit the like button. I always love to listen to your impersonations.
@christineparckys3326 8 ай бұрын
You’re a riot! I agree with everything you say. Loving this book. My heart bleeds for Brittney.
@gabbyb4493 8 ай бұрын
Obviously Britney came from a family full of narcissists and that gene skipped her! My god that girl had no idea what love was, because she had never truly experienced it growing up. Other than her grandmother and her mother made sure to end that relationship!
@Pepper0077 8 ай бұрын
She had to expose herself, but not expose herself. Got it!
@rinid3125 8 ай бұрын
It's so hard to hear everything Brittany went through. I am also embarrassed to say that I was one of those people who thought she was crazy. One of the radio shows I used to listen to in those days, did a whole parody of her Umbrella incident. At the time, I loved the bit so much and laughed so hard at it. Now, I look back and realize that I and so many others were part of the problem. It's so sad.
@suzeeq3704 8 ай бұрын
Thank you & happy new year
@user-cg9sj2ry9r 8 ай бұрын
This chapter is shocking as you say - hard to believe that NO ONE stood up for her?? Very, very sad. And as always, love this channel.😄 Happy New Year Cheere.
Part 5: The Conservatorship Has Begun!
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