你好chris, c your film long time and suggest you dont ride on the road alone because hk people 7人有1人有病。其實你想一下,一碰就disable ,別人後上夾你你控制不了。我當年和金宝兄駕,也被稱為鐵腳。那又如何,賠你1千萬但要每天骨頭痛,穿尿片。你的路駕片應當放在還島,什麼。香港人骨子裡有問題。如你一樣覺得自己永遠是對的。我是無差別說。只希望你能找個partner否則不會有好結果
Hello Chris, thanks for the advices, I do ride on roads and I feel like u could be riding a bit more on the Left side instead of the middle of the road as cars are always faster and u might want cars to over take you when there is no solid white lines on the road. This would make drivers feel more comfortable and have enough space to overtake cyclists when they really have the chance ( no solid white lines and enough space). And the most important thing is that we will also have less chance to get hit by aggressive drivers if we stick to the left a bit more. I do agree that the driver in the video is super dangerous and should not be allowed. I’m not saying we r wrong. However we must admit that bikes will always be slower and we r vulnerable to cars, and I would rather stick to the left side a bit more and let the drivers who are driving in a hurry to pass us safely with distance between cyclists and drivers. Thanks Chris.
@chickenwing170510 ай бұрын
he wasn't slower than the cars tho...
@knmatt_757810 ай бұрын
@@chickenwing1705 yes, that’s true but the average speed of a bike is still probably around 50kmh, but cars can easily go beyond that. As a result the faster you go the more risk you’ll get hit if we were not keeping on the left as far away from the cars as possible. I mean I just want ourselves as cyclists to be safe so pls consider this as a little opinion.
@michaeltsui34359 ай бұрын
Riding on the left by default, plainly, is wrong. The default position on public roads should be in the middle (or slightly to the right) to control the lane, unless you are confident and safe to let people pass, then you can move to the left leaving room on the right (but still not too left to endanger yourself). Being rammed in the back is extremely rare and requires a conscious action (or so unconscious that you will be rammed wherever you are). Being sideswiped is much more common and people does that without thinking.