Christian argues his Faith in Jesus (4th question) Rabbi Stuart Federow - 1898

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TeNaK Talk (TaNaCh)

TeNaK Talk (TaNaCh)

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@eileen6-b7w Күн бұрын
That caller is NOT converting to Judaism. That’s a joke. Good on you rabbi and William 👏🏼
@tenaktalk 14 сағат бұрын
Hope the beis din asks him the right questions to expose him
@Tenebris_Sint Күн бұрын
OT (Only Testament)
@alysabrumfield9607 Күн бұрын
I thought I was the only one who thought of that
@tenaktalk 14 сағат бұрын
@hitch-k1r 17 сағат бұрын
Where in Tanakh does it say the Messiah will be anointed by a priest? In Isaiah 61:1 it states that he is anointed by God himself. I'm pouring through Tanakh but I can't find any references to the Messiah being anointed by a priest. I'd like to know where this can be found.
@tenaktalk 14 сағат бұрын
Bible records the anointing of some kings, such as Saul, David, Solomon, Jehu, and Jehoash. However, only kings who began a new dynasty or had a disputed succession were anointed after Solomon. Jesus was absolutely disputed, wouldn't you agree?
@Bluebaggins 13 сағат бұрын
@@tenaktalk Deuteronomy 18:15-22
@alexjohnson9630 13 сағат бұрын
Loved the show.
@Mel-zu6xy Күн бұрын
According to Jewish tradition, Moses taught Aaron's sons the Torah; this is significant because in Jewish teachings, the act of teaching Torah to someone is considered akin to fatherhood, meaning that Moses is seen as a spiritual father to Aaron's sons despite not being their biological father. • Rashi's interpretation: The renowned Jewish commentator Rashi emphasizes this concept, stating that by teaching Aaron's sons the Torah, Moses is considered their father in a spiritual sense. Zelophehad's daughters argued that were they not to inherit, then Zelophehad's name would be lost to his clan. Moses took their case to God. God told Moses that the plea of Zelophehad's daughters was just, and that they should be granted their father's hereditary holding.
@Tenebris_Sint Күн бұрын
Tribal affiliation is patrilineal, Jesus’ father was the Holy Spirit/The Father according to the Christian Bible…. so the Bible is literally stating Jesus was wasn’t messiah as Jesus ‘ father was not a Jewish man from the tribe of Judah. Moreover, the messiah isn’t God/divine, and the messiah doesn’t die/resurrect… and certainly isn’t a pagan human sacrifice to himself wherein salvation is obtained via drinking human blood and eating human flesh. When Christians claim Jesus was messiah, they’re stating Jesus wasn’t God… and when Christians claim Jesus was God, they’re simultaneously saying Jesus wasn’t messiah. They cannot be the same being by definition. Same goes for the suffering servant (a covenant people created by God). If Jesus was the servant, then he was created by God, ergo not eternal, ergo not God.
@lovegrace5466 Күн бұрын
@@Tenebris_Sint Speaking about the suffering servant, Rabbi TS said the suffering servant is the nation of Israel. Isa 49:6 "And he said, It is a light thing that thou shouldest be *my servant* to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and *to restore the preserved of Israel:* I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth.” Can the suffering servant, Israel restore Israel itself? Rabbi TS said when the Messiah comes after Elijah, he will restore the Nation of Israel . It looks like there is a contradiction. Who will restore the nation of Israel? Is it the suffering servant , Israel or the messiah?
@CMain2 23 сағат бұрын
The daughters had a stipulation though. They had to marry someone from their tribe so the inheritance stays in the tribe. Inheritance is passed from blood father to blood son and father to daughter unless there is no sons. This was the case and they had to marry a man from the same tribe. If it were otherwise he would just have given everything to his daughters. Not hard to understand that. No Jesus necessary.
@3HR3NGR4B 20 сағат бұрын
Die jüdische Tradition ist lückenhaft weil Mose KEIN Jude war und schon Gesetze durch den Abrahamitischen geerbten Bund hatte, zu mindestens die 7 Gebote die Noah erhielt, von daher müsste man fragen weswegen Gott sein Ge- und Verbote Register so massiv erweitert hat. Die Nachfahrenliste von Mose ist auch aus heutigem Wissensstand AUSGESTORBEN und von dieser Sicht hält Mose & Aaron kein genetisches Erbe mehr aufrecht... was geblieben ist war die Hoffnung auf ein Königreich ganz nach dem Prinzip des Königs & Priesters und dieses haben sie geistig vererbt und lebt in den 12 Stämmen bis heute der Tradition nach fort. Die Torah war in etwa bis spätestens 450 v.Chr. nur ein rein mündliches Konstrukt das dringend eine Kanonisierung benötigte...
@3HR3NGR4B 20 сағат бұрын
@@Tenebris_Sint Jesus war nicht einmal ein genetischer Nachkomme von seiner Gebärerin und seines Adoptivvaters... Jesus ist dem Neuen Testament nach das Sühneopfer im Geist der Gnade der einem den ewigen Tempelkult ermöglicht nur muss man diesen Dienst auch bekennen was meint das man das Werk Gottes eben angenommen hat. Weswegen gilt diese Tat & der Akt dahinter für Christen als heilig? Weil man den Tempelkult bei Jom Kippur, der als beendet gilt, vollendet hat durch das ewige Opfer.
@madmanmark8387 Күн бұрын
People who get their quote un quote 15 seconds of fame feel they're privileged to take over. As you said, William, they then should get their own show. I get annoyed hearing people who think they know better. I've mentioned it a while ago. My bar mitzvah haftorah reading was David and Bathsheba. It was very long, and my preteen puberty voice cracked. I don't think I was able to fully read it all, or if I did, it was a raspy voice. So if the ruling was a man going to war, he was considered divorced from his wife, then was it considered adultery on David's part? He put Uriah in battle for his selfish needs to make love to Bathsheba. Anyways, it's a good show. I'm sorry I have not called the show or rabbi Tovia Singers either. I'm going through a rough time now in my life, and even though calling would be a good thing, I don't have the patience to wait and hope to get through.
@thenazareneperspective2734 19 сағат бұрын
About the 2nd Coming of Jesus. I posted this to another poster on another segment that mentioned the same as the hosts do in this podcast. He asked; “Where in Tanahk do we find the second coming?” My reply: With all due respect, this is a common canard that is used. Just because the term “second coming” isn’t found in the Tanahk doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. I’m guessing you are a Jew (by your call name), so let me ask you a couple of questions. Do you believe that the righteous dead will be resurrected to live in the future Messianic Kingdom? If so, that is their 2nd Coming. Do you believe that Enoch, Moses, Elijah, and others who may have been taken alive to heaven will return to live in the future Messianic Kingdom? If so, that is their 2nd Coming. Why is it that Jews believe that Jesus is the only one who won’t have a 2nd Coming when every other righteous Jew will have one? I do believe that in the Tanakh that there are passages that support a “resurrection” of the dead…so, there is a legitimate reference for a "2nd Coming"….for all of the righteous, including even Jesus.
@Jebusisblatantidolatry 18 сағат бұрын
Lol! Eliyahu is not a second coming. He was taken through time.
@Jebusisblatantidolatry 18 сағат бұрын
The ressurection is for ALL. If there is a second coming it's for all at one time. There is no second coming of the soon to be messiahs.
@menmustchangebeforekingdoms 17 сағат бұрын
@thenazareneperspective2734 - WAKE UP "Nazarene" !! You don't even believe the Old OR New Testaments, yet you proclaim the uninspired "Clementine Literature" to be the INERRANT WORD OF GOD !! If you knew what you were talking about, (and you DON"T), you would see that Joseph & Moses who were BOTH messiah's, who BOTH were REJECTED by their own people, BOTH REVEALED THEMSELVES to their brothers at a SECOND COMING !! Joseph REVEALED himself to his brothers the SECOND TIME his brothers came into Egypt. (Hint, Hint,..) Moses REVEALED himself to his brothers the SECOND TIME Moses went back into Egypt !! (Hint, Hint..!!_) Also, Joseph & Moses who were BOTH messiah's and were BOTH REJECTED by their own people, RULED OVER GENTILES BEFORE THEIR BROTHERS KNEW WHO THEY WERE !! (Hint, Hint..!!!) Also, Joseph & Moses, who were BOTH messiah's and REJECTED by their own people, BOTH MARRIED GENTILE WIVES !! (Hint, Hint..!!) WHY ?? Because...... It is Written: "I declare the END from the BEGINNING, and FROM ANCIENT TIMES the things that are NOT YET DONE.."(Isaiah 46:10). "The thing that HAS BEEN, is that which SHALL BE; and that which IS DONE, is that which SHALL BE DONE: and there is NO NEW THING under the sun." (Ecclesiastes 1:9)
@thenazareneperspective2734 16 сағат бұрын
@@Jebusisblatantidolatry You said; "The ressurection is for ALL." My reply: I think this will probably the only time we may agree on something. There will be a resurrection, for both the wicked and the righteous. You said; "If there is a second coming it's for all at one time." My reply: Nah. There are at least 2 resurrections. One before the Messianic Kingdom age (Rev 20:4) and one after the Messianic Kingdom age (Rev 20:5). You said; "There is no second coming of the soon to be messiahs." My reply: Perhaps English isn't your first language. You misunderstood or misread what I wrote. Quote what I said as I did not say what you just wrote. Either you are dishonest or perhaps you made a simple mistake...which is it?
@Jebusisblatantidolatry 16 сағат бұрын
@thenazareneperspective2734 you quoted revelations but like the rest of the nt it's not the word of Hashem and doesn't count. If you wanna make points use the holy word of the creator not man made traditions.
@thenazareneperspective2734 18 сағат бұрын
A point to be made when using "Christ" the context of Jesus' 1st and 2nd Coming. At his 1st Coming the common emphasis is misplaced on Jesus' role as being the Messiah (b. David), and all of the prophecies associated with the Messiah (b. David). This should not happen, because it didn't. It is a canard used by the Rabbinics who should know better. In reality, at his 1st Coming, Jesus came in the primary role as expected Prophet (like unto Moses), and in the secondary (lesser role) as the messiah (b. Joseph) and the prophecies related to messiah (b. Joseph, the suffering servant)) did happen as prophesied. But, for a second, set Jesus as being the military Messiah (b. David) aside and consider this..... Technically, a "prophet" historically is anointed with a chrism compound (which is an imitation of the heavenly chrism), and he then becomes a christ (by definition, and a messiah). Adam, Moses, Elijah, Elisha, et al, are all christs and they were all messiahs. Jesus as the Prophet (like unto Moses) was anointed with the earthly chrism as was used on the previous Prophets. This anointing makes Jesus The Prophet, Jesus The Christ because of his anointing for that position (Prophet). Secondarily, the same anointing made him the messiah (b. Joseph), and he accomplished what was expected of the suffering servant. What happened when Jesus died? He was raised from the dead and he ascended to Heaven. What happened when he ascended to heaven? He was given a glorified body (as all of the righteous will receive). While in heaven, Jesus received a second anointing from the chrism made from the "Tree of Life" which gives the anointed eternal life. It also qualifies Jesus to return in the role as the Messiah (b. David, the Goel). Also, in heaven, Jesus anoints the righteous dead with chrism from the "Tree of Life", which allows them to live an eternal life, and they will return to live in the physical Messianic Kingdom and beyond. At his return, Jesus will come in the primary role as the Messiah (b. David, the Goel) and in the secondary role as the Prophet (the 2nd Moses) to rule the Messianic Kingdom (under God).
@SoyElZarkoStudio Күн бұрын
I thought it was pretty rude of William telling that guy off even if he said that he was Jewish all you had to do is telling to believe in the real god and explain him that chapter in Isaiah it doesn't refers to Jesus ..
@CMain2 23 сағат бұрын
He could have but guy is a xtian and would argue until his idol arrived. Bro is not wanting to understand. Wil'Liam is good.
@3HR3NGR4B 20 сағат бұрын
@@CMain2 Da ist kein Problem für einen Juden Jesus als sein Erlösungsgeschenk anzuerkennen da der Tempelkult gefallen ist ganz wie es Gott in Jeremia 33:17 prophezeit hat und das Jesus Gott wäre sagen ja nur verblendete Satanisten (hellenistische Trinitarier) denn Gott ist ewig und stirbt nicht! PS: Jesus war NUR der leidende Sündenbock im Dienste des Geistes der Gnade auf das ewige Erlösung weiterhin angenommen werden kann ohne den Tempelkult bei Jom Kippur (Bock & weiter Tiere schächten) ausführen zu müssen da der Tempel eben fiel (vernichtet wurde) und so keine Sündenvergebung mehr möglich ist. 🤷‍♂ PPS: Ist Jesus Der Messias? Wir werden es sehen^^ 😋
@CarmineFragione-u1t Күн бұрын
All you have to accept on Faith is that God said to Aaron , "You have no SHARE in Israel, You are Mine, Myself I AM YOUR SHARE". So Moses put in the law for the Devout Priest, "SOLE IHERITANCE OF THE DEVOUT PRIEST IS GOD HIMSELF". So the investiture of the Spirit of God to come into the flesh to live as a Priest as in the Order of Melchizedek and die as a propitiation for sin and rise to Glory , inheriting legal title "TITULAR HONORARIUM " To be GOD HIMSELF as Moses gave this Law for the Devout Priests. So if Jesus was the candidate to be in a Second Coming in the appropriate time of history to be King of Israel , which in Biblical terms must be GOD , not just a man. Then Jesus came first as Priest, rose to equity in Title as God Himself, by acts of God given in Moses Law to determine the INHERITANCE OF THE PRIESTS, so Jesus rose from the dead, , no longer merely flesh and blood a mortal man ,but elevated to GLORY with equity to God in TITLE, be it God is able to be a Father or Spirit or anything, Jesus is unified in the Spirit of his Origins from God, to be Priest first and return in a Second Coming to answer what the Jews demanded of SAMUEL the Judge. To have a mortal or visible man be King of Israel and yet the King of Israel is GOD . That is the whole story , VOILA. Messiah was first a Priest, so Hezekiah was never a Priest, he is out of luck, David and Solomon , and their heirs were not Priests of this Order of Melchizedek, and so they cannot inherit equity of the TITLE OF GOD HIMSELF, so they are PRINCES, not former Kings of Israel, but token signs given as a memorial. Yeshua of Zechariah chapter 6 has the MEMORIAL given of one who has the Turban of the Priest but then also wears in time the Crown of the King, Silver and Gold, etc, this SIGN is a MEMORIAL passed along predicting the future King of Israel would be first the PRIESTLY MESSIAH raised to Glory taken on TITLE OF GOD , and returning in the Last Days to be finally crowned legally as KING OF ISRAEL , because he has been both Man and God.
@CMain2 23 сағат бұрын
Moses didn't create any laws. G-d created them.
@CMain2 23 сағат бұрын
Numbers 23:19 states g-d is not a human or he would be a liar. Deuteronomy 12:30-31 has g-d himself telling us he hates human sacrifice. Stop your Idolatry.
@BenjaminAbrams-77 22 сағат бұрын
Isaiah 61:1 Why don't you guys learn the Scriptures instead? Messiah is anointed by God Himself.
@rickdavies4801 21 сағат бұрын
And you know it all do you
@BenjaminAbrams-77 16 сағат бұрын
@@rickdavies4801 Well, I don't claim to be a teacher. Neither claim that Jesus wasn't the Messiah because a man didn't anoint him.
@rickdavies4801 11 сағат бұрын
@BenjaminAbrams-77 more nonsense
@ounkwon6442 Күн бұрын
'Christ' is a name of Jesus, they say. Christ ain't same as Messiah. To be a Messiah, he has to be shown as a Messiah and has to prove how so.
@CMain2 23 сағат бұрын
First he has to be from the loins of king David from king Solomon? Numbers 1 tells us ancestral house is passed from blood father to blood son and not stepfather to stepson or mother to son. Who is the blood father of Jesus from king David from king solomon
@budhavara Күн бұрын
Had the anointing of David by Samuel been anything but a superficial designation, Joseph's coat of many colours would have been manmade. Samuel did not find David accidentally, he was anointed by creation prior to the prophet's visitation. Your rabbi lacks spiritual comprehension.
@CMain2 23 сағат бұрын
Poor dude. We don't care what xtians say about a Jewish holy book.
@Bluebaggins 20 сағат бұрын
Psalms 24:1 Why the Jews Are Not God's Chosen People (2024) YTVideo Isaiah 44:6 Isaiah 63:10
@therighteousrighthand 23 сағат бұрын
No priest anointed Mosea.
@Bluebaggins 13 сағат бұрын
Deuteronomy 18:15-22 They dont read the Torah otherwise they would of understood.
@therighteousrighthand 13 сағат бұрын
@Bluebaggins was not Moses anointed in Exodus as prophet BEFORE the priesthood waa set in place. Did God not refuse to speak with Aaron (the later priest) when Moses said he stammers.
@Bluebaggins 13 сағат бұрын
@@therighteousrighthand Exodus 4:14-17 Moses was appointed by the Lord, the same as Jesus. The rabbinnic religion has tied themselves into a double bind.
@User-x5s3x 12 сағат бұрын
WHO the HELL is "Mosea"???!! 😮
@Bluebaggins 12 сағат бұрын
@@User-x5s3x Thutmose lll Read Battle of Megiddo 1500BC the end of the story is the Church of Megiddo. There is a book out recently published that debunks the whole of scritpures not being historical at all, but if you read scriptures carefully enough, you will find how governance is estabished and what the blueprint is that is used, and how it can become corrupted by narcissism. The Globus Cruciger is an inverted Ankh. I could explain the dragon, the seven headed beast, but will point you towards draco constellation upon the celestial sphere. This depicts Draco the law giver, establishing a legal system using the written law. The scriptures, as is using hebrew script, were created to give the Hasmonean dynasty a written book of laws to cionsolidate their heritage for a rallying point to establish a nationhood but It failed hopelessly and now we are thrust back to rehash the whole shebang again.
@joshuabelles4978 Күн бұрын
His name was Immanuel people...not jesus.....jesus is a Greek god name...Isaiah 7 v14 Isaiah 8 v8 Matthew 1 v22,23 acts 4 v12 says only 1 name given under heaven which we can be saved by...Immanuel!!!!
@TheAlexratiu Сағат бұрын
Emanuel was Isaiah's son not Jesus. That can be deduce from Isaiah chapter 7-8. Unbelievable how ignorant yall are!!!
@joshuabelles4978 54 минут бұрын
@TheAlexratiu Isaiah 7 v14"the Lord will give you a sign a virgin shall bear a Son and shall call His name Immanuel" forward to new testament... Matthew 1 v23 behold the virgin shall bear a Son and they will call His name Immanuel What part of Matthew don't you understand?
@byronumphress3805 Күн бұрын
Matthew 6:16, Fasting, hypocrites Matthew 6:17, put oil on head Matthew 6:18, don’t be obvious to others you are fasting, Queen Esthers did a three day fasting no food or water, So how about you Hebrew boys ?
@CMain2 23 сағат бұрын
😂 nothing from tanach is about Jesus first off and two the new testament doesn't prove the much older book it claims to be based on. Poor guy.
@byronumphress3805 20 сағат бұрын
@2 Mark 2:19, they will fast, Revelation 19:7 And the poor part., Matthew 20:16, the last shall be first, However @02, you probably have not over twenty million dollars, be I view your comment that shows you shall be a last and that is probably just got judgement not heaven ! Shalom
@CMain2 13 сағат бұрын
@byronumphress3805 so in order for the passages you posted to be true they must be found explicitly in the tanach as the new testament claims to be based on the tanach. The tanach is the standard. The new doesn't prove something old. The old needs to support the new or the new crumbles.
@byronumphress3805 13 сағат бұрын
@2 All I Am to say now is your behind on times !
@praiseyah4ever842 Күн бұрын
Evening brothers and sisters. I’m a bit concerned that so many people still keep calling our messiah jesus when his name is Yahusha. Our Father is Yahuah and the helper left behind is the Ruach HaQodesh. Please seek him while he is near. We inherited only lies from our forefathers in which we’re handed down as fact when the preface of the Bible tells us that they intentionally changed his name. If you went to any place on earth would your name change from Alice to Rebecca?! So why do you accept a false name that is clearly Greek and not Hebrew. Does anyone actually believe that Joseph and Mary went out of their way to blaspheme the creator by naming his son after a Greek…. Absolutely Not. If your looking for truth here is where you can find it, Jonathan Kleck, Lew White, Truthunedited Praying that you find your way Ahava and Shalom
@SuzetteBouknight-no9fd Күн бұрын
You can thank Paul the self appointed apostle who invented Christianity and converted “Yeshuah (or whatever you want to call him) into the “Christos”. Anyway you slice it, if you believe in the trinity, you’re a good ‘ol’ Christian.
@JohnSmith-ej6qx Күн бұрын
If you are looking for the truth read Torah.
@lovegrace5466 Күн бұрын
@@JohnSmith-ej6qx You said, " If you are looking for *the truth* read Torah." and why did you believe in laws of Noahide when the Torah does not have Laws of Noahide except Gen 9:4-6? So much for telling people to read the Torah.
@JohnSmith-ej6qx 23 сағат бұрын
@@lovegrace5466 good point. I actually meant study Torah.
@lovegrace5466 23 сағат бұрын
@@JohnSmith-ej6qx When you study the Torah, did you find the laws of Noahide in the Torah?
@carlosdiaz3115 16 сағат бұрын
Greek abstract . Hebrew CONCRETE!!!
@Dixon-705 22 сағат бұрын
@User-x5s3x 12 сағат бұрын
DON'T BLASPHEME OUR CREATOR HERE!!!🤨😠😡😤 NOWHERE did God ever mention the "Jesus" character to us, NOWHERE did He tell us that we need to be "saved", and NOWHERE did He tell us that He requires HUMAN BLOOD (a purely pagan ritual that God ABHORS!!) as atonement for our sins. NO FURTHER SCRIPTURES were given to mankind by God AFTER Mt. Sinai, therefore, Christianity absolutely did NOT come from God! PLEASE buy a Hebrew Bible (says "Stone Edition TANACH" on the cover), and Rabbi Tovia Singer's books, as well as Rabbi Stuart Federow's book "Judaism and Christianity: A Contrast", to help you understand why Christianity absolutely did NOT come from God.
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