My 10 Biggest Wardrobe Mistakes & How I Fixed Them

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Christina Mychas

Christina Mychas

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@Christinamychas 3 жыл бұрын
What are some wardrobe mistakes you’ve made? What did you learn from them?
@AhmetKaan 3 жыл бұрын
Isn't it so elegant when you don't have a mess and when you have exactly what you need. Especially ehen it comes to clothing. 80/20 rule applies here as well, I find myself wearing 20% of my clothes 80% of the time. So the question is then why do I have the other 80% of my clothes?
@ashleyanastasia7779 3 жыл бұрын
I used to put things that were uncomfortable to wear in my capsule, because they were in style for the season, in order to challenge myself to look nicer and use stuff that I had. Well guess what, I still didn't wear them!
@fuzzyraspberry24 3 жыл бұрын
My mistake was buying duplicates. I don’t need 4 different types of turtleneck sweaters. I just need one sweater. I don’t need 3 pink dresses I already have one pink dress I like. Once I worked that out my wardrobe became less cluttered and stressful. I feel like you too easily gravitate to clothes you already have when shopping because you like that style. As soon as I made it a rule to either replace OR only buy something I do not have that’s not like anything else it made a lot of difference
@sarah.bea. 3 жыл бұрын
Oh the time wasted to find the perfect pieces for my carefully planned capsule only to realise that the things I wear most and feel best in are clothes that I bought without much thought, most of them spontaneous second-hand finds. Turns out I completely forgot to consider my most worn outfits when making that glorious plan….
@Ripplesinthewaters 3 жыл бұрын
I used too many colors when I really prefer navy blues, greys, off whites and blacks. I also kept getting dresses when my mom tummy made me look bad in them. I’m much more comfortable in slacks. I don’t have a number of how much I have, but I don’t care. Finally, I got rid of my high heels. Just ouch! Wow! The color seasons! So 80s, but so accurate! I’m an autumn.
@cornishsunflower963 3 жыл бұрын
A mistake for me was buying things that I like aesthetically, but either don’t really suit me, or are the wrong colours for me. Once I realised I can love the way something looks, just not on me, it made things easier! Great video thank you ☺️
@osaiosai5 3 жыл бұрын
Wow true
@aniazurek7258 3 жыл бұрын
Love that! This also applies to “home decor”, right?? Just because it looks beautiful in someone else’s space, it doesn’t mean it will translate the same way to our own home. We can still appreciate things without actually owning them. 🙌🏻🙌🏻 Great comment!
@cornishsunflower963 3 жыл бұрын
@@aniazurek7258 absolutely! Appreciating them versus having them is very useful 🤩
@paulaprice493 2 жыл бұрын
So so true. There are clothes, purses, shoes, etc., that I’ve bought just because I love them, but absolutely do not work for me. A hard truth. And has really cost me a lot of money.
@lizziebkennedy7505 2 жыл бұрын
So much this. As a member of the ultra super duper titty committee, I can only enjoy a slip dress on others, but that didn’t used to stop me 🤦‍♀️
@carrinamarrina 3 жыл бұрын
Spent way too many years adding greys and blacks to my wardrobe because I thought they were "essential," only to realize I suit warm toned neutrals (beiges, browns, whites, and even light pinks) much better. I feel much happier wearing what I actually like rather than what I thought I was supposed to 😊
@talesofahazzelnut9749 3 жыл бұрын
I definitely made the mistake of trying to fit other people’s rules. I don’t think I suit blazers. But, everyone quotes a blazer as a must-have item. So for years I relentlessly bought blazers to have them sit unworn and then sold. Only to tell myself the next blazer will be different!! Thankfully I’ve learnt from this and am trying to make better decisions which suit me.
@Christinamychas 3 жыл бұрын
love that! it's so personal!
@alyx4458 3 жыл бұрын
This! I did the same thing, only to realise that I didn't even like how blazers sat on my body to begin with. Style is such a personal process.
@Maremare680 3 жыл бұрын
Same here!
@nye09playlist 3 жыл бұрын
I know what you mean-that’s how I feel about button downs! I lost count of how many white button downs I bought until I realized it just doesn’t suit me
@DuvaLH3 3 жыл бұрын
Same. Denim and motorcycle jackets are not for me. And I’m okay with that
@budd20e 3 жыл бұрын
The biggest mistake I ever made was getting rid of things to quickly. I now rotate things in and out and this has deeply reduced my urge to shop or "fill the gap" because I first go through what I've stored. Plus I always feel more excited about "finding" the gems I stored away...haha. Great video. :)
@meganolivia403 2 жыл бұрын
Love this idea!!
@michellecostley7878 2 жыл бұрын
I make seasonal capsules that I pull from my amazing collection of thrifted high end clothes I could never afford to buy new. Two full closets. I can pretty much make any outfit.
@hannarellah8497 3 жыл бұрын
The colour theory thing was a big lesson for me. Even if the quiz/ chart/ stylist tells you a particular colour suits you, but you just don't feel it - don't force it. There's no point. Our hair or complexion might suggest one thing, but our taste and personality is so much more important.
@neon.neutral 3 жыл бұрын
I think it should be a rule that you have to build your first capsule from pieces you already have and live with it for a month!! I resonated with ALL your mistakes. :)
@Christinamychas 3 жыл бұрын
Love that!
@JoojieXD 3 жыл бұрын
I did exactly that but had it for 3 months. It was very trying.
@neon.neutral 3 жыл бұрын
@@JoojieXD I’m impressed! I def used it as an excuse to shop
@JoojieXD 3 жыл бұрын
@@neon.neutral i can understand the want to "have the right look" but I'm already so overwhelmed by how much i have i did the shop your closet thing. And I still have made a few purchases but they're either for special events or minor things like slip I needed for a sheer dress.
@rebeccajordan4491 3 жыл бұрын
I’m a maximalist who loves capsules! I maintain a fairly sizable collection, with off-season items in one closet, current season items in another closet, and my current capsule on a rail. I change my capsule every 4-8 weeks. I don’t count my items - my only restrictions are the capacity of each space. This gives me all the options I want long-term, with minimal decision making on the daily. I know it wouldn’t work for a true minimalist, but I love it. I’ve spent a lot of time curating my collection, and I love every piece.
@suzannecross4089 3 жыл бұрын
Great points! Committing to the clothing I already have is my current path. My downfall was purchasing for a life I don’t lead. I had a lot of items for “just in case” events. The pandemic forced me to come to terms with my much simpler lifestyle, and the fact that I was never going to be the person who consistently traveled internationally, attended gala events, worked in a corporate environment, or spent months in the Caribbean or the Rocky Mountains. I’ve been paying attention to what I wear the most and feel the most comfortable in, and only replace or update when I can answer a lot of hard questions about why I want to buy. I don’t have a minimal wardrobe yet, but I’m not buying nearly as much. Thanks for your guidance!
@annika777 3 жыл бұрын
Your comment really resonates with me, as I've had to also come to terms with *my* reality, and not some fantasy life that I would buy clothing items, shoes, handbags, etc. for. It's been quite a process.
@suzannecross4089 3 жыл бұрын
@@annika777 You are so right, it’s a process, and it takes time to relearn a different way of living/buying. 🙂
@nibabi 2 жыл бұрын
I always tell myself I am calling into existence an opportunity to wear this item. When the opportunity presents itself, I usually want to buy a new item. 😂
@andream9977 2 жыл бұрын
Same! I have a fantasy image of what is chic and looks put together rather than having fun with the life and style I have now and feeling good about me now 😊
@thenopedetective 3 жыл бұрын
I went from a 30 item capsule wardrobe to 80. Turns out I'm happier as a bit of a maximalist in the end (though my work and casual outfits are quite different). I used the small wardrobe as an excuse to change things often (no storage, so I was doing minimalist wardrobe more than capsule), so I was constantly donating and thrifting. Now I keep my wardrobe pretty consistent and rarely shop or donate. And hopefully will par down eventually, but right now it works well for me, my lifestyle, and my laundry schedule.
@katiechasm 3 жыл бұрын
totally agree like things do wear out if they're constantly on repeat, and I like to have some extra options for different formality levels at work
@travelandlaughs9281 3 жыл бұрын
I am not exaggerating, I literally made EVERY SINGLE one of these mistakes. I overdecluttered, spent hundreds of dollars trying to buy every trend, I used it as an excuse to buy every single item new, I tried to emulate “her” wardrobe instead of focusing on finding my own style, seriously every point you brought up, I did. It’s been a 2 year journey so far with my capsule wardrobe. I don’t know how many pieces I have as I stopped trying to get hung up on a specific number. I think it’s around 30 maybe... I have a complexion like you, Christina. Fair skin with dark brown hair and I have lighter brown eyes. I do love colors so my color palette is emerald green, cobalt blue, light blue, black, white, and orangey/red...I do have occasional statement pieces in lavender and a muted orange. The first 1.5 years of trying to figure out my style was me basically wasting money and buying every “aesthetic” that was trendy and trying to make a capsule wardrobe out of that. Now for the last 6 months or so I feel I have finally figured out my style and have a nice amount of clothing that reflects that and that I can make lots of outfits out of! I live in FL so it was a struggle for me to find clothes I loved that I could wear in the heat but not look too casual or “beachy” as I don’t like those looks at all! There’s a few gaps in my wardrobe that I need to eventually fill but I finally feel like I have broken the cycle of buying a lot and getting rid of a lot! Thank goodness! Thank you for all your help in trying to figure out my style, get out of debt, and break my shopping habits. You really have helped me so much!
@emma_dgml 3 жыл бұрын
I've tried for years to make the color white, and especially white tees. I feel so much better now that I fully embrace the fact that I only live by black, navy and red :)
@Nicole_Dawn 3 жыл бұрын
My mistake was thinking I had to own only one of everything and not adapting it to my lifestyle. I had one pair of high heels that I never wore and my trainers were wearing so quickly because I wore them most of the time. I now have zero high heels and 3 pairs of trainers and that works for me! X
@TrangNguyen_Gabriel 3 жыл бұрын
I have been practising the capsule wardrobe for 3 years and I made all these 10 mistakes 🤣🤣🤣 Now, after 3 years of practising, I think everything came down to 1 simple rule of Marie Kondo - spark joy. Live with only those that spark joy in my life. Choose only those A-game pieces for my wardrobe. I learnt that before I was too busy thinking about how to work those B-game pieces in my wardrobe. Now when all of them had gone, I feel good everyday because whatever I wear I feel good - they are all those A-game pieces that make me look good, feel good. And actually, I don't think that I have to "think" about what to wear anymore 😂
@ShakeMyWay 3 жыл бұрын
My biggest mistake was an "aspirational" wardrobe. Yeah, I can look great in some of those styles, but scrubbing the toilet, baking, taking long walks, really aren't conducive to having a "Hollywood" wardrobe. Even the blazer, biker jacket, button-down shirt, etc. just isn't part of my day-to-day life. I realized I spend so much time at home, a cashmere hoodie and lounge pants would get a ton more wear and appreciation, than "ladies who lunch" wardrobe. I am about to embark on a clothing diary in October, to see what I REALLY wear, and start really honing my personal style--not what I can look good in--but what actually works with my sedate life.
@katieparrish6425 3 жыл бұрын
I love neutral clothing, and I feel strange in bright, bold colors, so the neutral flat lays really appealed to me at the beginning of my journey. But other than the colors, or lack there of, I didn't find the prescribed pieces suitable. I work in clinical research so one blazer is plenty for me as I spend most of my day in a lab coat. Also, when you have a job that requires you to be in clinical spaces but not wearing scrubs, you wash your clothes A LOT. I chose to cut back on jeans as I literally only wear them on the weekends (if then). I think another thing that gets left out of the capsule/minimalism conversation is that bodies change a lot. I have a metabolic disorder which causes my weight to fluctuate a lot. I am also a completely different size when I am on my period due to intense bloating. So I have a lot of the same item in different sizes because I will never fit into the same pair of pants comfortably every day of the month.
@araschanne1 2 жыл бұрын
Bodies changing is an important thing to highlight. I also struggle with bloating and I never thought about buying things in different sizes for different days!!???!! I usually just went by the mindset of "if I can't wear this when I'm bloated, then I probably shouldn't get it". Thanks so much for this nugget of information 😊
@annetteelder-clark505 3 жыл бұрын
Enjoyed this video. Now you may think I'm completely missing your point, but I wanted to comment anyway. I realize a minimalist wardrobe is less stressful. Neutrals & solid color garments make getting dressed easier and I appreciate you prefer black and white with denim. But I think you should try a little bit of red in your wardrobe. That red lipstick looks sooo flattering with your fair skin and dark hair. Maybe red nail polish, or garnet red earrings, or red shoulder bag, or red knit winter hat, or red cowboy boots, or my favorite... red Converse. Even just a red tank under a white or black shirt is so very complementary to your skin tone. I know, you are frugal now & you don't want to waste your hard earned money now that you're paying off debts. I appreciate your channel. But I still think a bit of red would be beautiful on you. 🙂
@rebeccajordan4491 3 жыл бұрын
Agreed and had the same thoughts!
@Julie-ip3il 3 жыл бұрын
My biggest one was trying to have too few things. I watched KZbinrs with like 30 items total who lived in warm places. I’m a fellow Canadian and 100 total items(half is workout clothes) allows me to account for all the seasons. I also started tracking my wears for a YEAR and found that I got good wear out of everything but my dresses (for obvious reasons lol) so I’m not decluttering any further I’m just going to enjoy what I have and not buy more
@Christinamychas 3 жыл бұрын
OMG JULIE! Sameeee!!
@AhmetKaan 3 жыл бұрын
Isn't it so elegant when you don't have a mess and when you have exactly what you need. Especially ehen it comes to clothing. 80/20 rule applies here as well, I find myself wearing 20% of my clothes 80% of the time. So the question is then why do I have the other 80% of my clothes?
@Christinamychas 3 жыл бұрын
100%! I think it's a slow but sure process with the 80%
@amyli092 3 жыл бұрын
I've gone through at least 3 or 4 different style shifts in the past 3 years or so, and if I hadn't gone through those phases of experimenting and over-consumption, I wouldn't feel more comfortable with what I'm wearing on a daily basis now. Personally, I feel like I've learned a lot about myself because of the "mistakes" I've made. One thing that I would say was a big lesson for me is what it really means to be sustainable with your wardrobe. I've made very expensive purchases just for the sake of being more sustainable and then sold them after some time. Nowadays, I try to stick to buying things secondhand or on sale.
@thenopedetective 3 жыл бұрын
And the colour! Yes, I'm a cool-neutral toned person with freckles and red-faced (soft summer?), so black and white doesn't look good. Finally stopped trying to wear white Ts.
@wellnesswithrhi9931 3 жыл бұрын
I started my capsule wardrobe back in 2017, and what worked for me was spending an afternoon really analysing my wardrobe. I've realised now I don't gravitate towards trend pieces and much prefer timeless pieces that are also versatile, and it's made me appreciate my style and clothes so much more. One of the mistakes was definitely trying to copy other people's style and also colours that they'd choose, rather than dressing for me.
@angelamelum4304 3 жыл бұрын
Two biggest mistakes: 1) obsessing too much on the color theory thing. It didn’t work for me because I only really looked good in a few of the colors. 2) going too fast through the process. It definitely takes time. Also knowing for me there are seasons where I live so I need more of different items winter and summer AND seasons of life with hospital stays with my son. I need a variety for various reasons. Not sure that made sense but those were my errors.
@homesickalways 3 жыл бұрын
This video is just important. I found myself at various stages made lots of mistakes. For example, I have decluttered an item as I found myself never reaching for it for long. Later I saw someone wearing it beautifully, and I regreted or tried to add it back. Recently in addition to a stock list of what I have and a wish list that I want to have, I have created a No-no list i.e. things that just dont work for me. I write down what it is, why it doesn’t do good to me, and the alternatives in the existing closet, if any. When I feel like impressed with an item on trend or social media or other people whatever, I refer to the NoNo list and rethink before putting it on the wish list. It helps get these unfit items out of my head.
@Christinamychas 3 жыл бұрын
a No No list! Great idea!
@ChristysChannelYall 3 жыл бұрын
My problem is that I don’t really like summer clothes but I live in a climate where it is 80 degrees F plus for 6 months out of the year 😂. I’m really trying to figure out shorts and dresses that I actually like and will wear. It’s a work in progress.
@Cammay15 3 жыл бұрын
Yesss I'm all about the color theory and also the Kibbe body typing system ☺️ Knowing I'm an Autumn Flamboyant Natural has been so helpful figuring out what I like and what looks good on me. I have around 80 pieces of clothing but am working to become more minimalist.
@Ratsfrom42 Жыл бұрын
The numbers thing really gets me. I look at my closet and feel anxiety about how much I have but when I look at it truly I actually USE and ENJOY all these pieces multiple times a year. I do the hanger trick so I can see at the end of the warm/cold season what I use and what I don't. This trick has really helped me also the trick of storing away a maybe pile of clothing is also so helpful because more often than not after a few months of it hiding away I never wanted it and can take it to a charity shop with no doubt.
@LifeWithElyse 3 жыл бұрын
I can definitely relate to complying to what other’s fashion ‘rules.’ Been there, done that. I think is easy to follow a guide especially when you don’t know much about the subject. It’s a learning process! Colors we like, Our skin tones, undertones, what suits best our body type, sizes, what’s practical and suitable to our lifestyle, etc.
@joyous2theworld 3 жыл бұрын
These were some strong truths. I did a capsule wardrobe for each of the four seasons this past year. I learned that I don’t really like switching everything out each season, because I had a lot of clothes, I just stored 3/4 of it. I learned along the way that a few key items really fit my lifestyle better. So, I’ve pared down my wardrobe. Now, I’m trying to have an all year capsule wardrobe, with a few seasonal pieces rotated in. I appreciate you for talking about your process and what you learned. I can’t imagine ever going back to how I was two years ago with just a glut of clothes.
@JehanineMelmoth 3 жыл бұрын
I’m doing it by slowly decluttering, as you did. I can’t do the numbers thing because I tend to go up and down a size or two. These days I ask myself two questions: do I want this more than I want to save the money?, and does this piece fit in my ideal (for now) wardrobe? Those two things have really helped. No more things that are nearly right or that nearly fit. This is another really good video. You’re head and shoulders above most of the other influencers who talk about this stuff.
@tatiananagumo1962 3 жыл бұрын
Hello Christina, thanks for great and relatable video! I also did some of the mistakes you mentioned : going by the rules and ignoring my personal preferences and needs one of them. While watching the video i got reminded of the place in Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" where Lady Catherine talkes about "the only right way to pack" in such an authoritative way that Mary Lucas fills oblgated to repack afresh. Lizzi Bennet seeing this tells her something like "this are your gowns, you can pack them any way you want, Lady Catherine will never know...". In the same way, no one will come to check if we are doing the capsule wardrobe "right" lol 😀
@lydiatheglimmermaid 2 жыл бұрын
When I first decluttered, I kept a stack of clothes I didn't choose to keep out of sight, and over the next several months I occasionally pulled out an item and sometimes wore it and then could reconsider if I wanted to keep it or not. It was helpful and informative for me.
@morganwentworth2041 3 жыл бұрын
A long time ago I did a capsule wardrobe workbook that had you divide your time into outfit categories and find the % of time you did each. Work, date, casual, events, etc. I recently did this activity again and my time is spent 95% in lounge wear. I really prefer casual jeans and tshirts but don't wear them because they aren't comfortable to work in. Makes me feel way less pressure to find "the perfect jeans" because I will wear them maybe twice a month
@sarah.bea. 3 жыл бұрын
Oh, was it by any chance by SimpleHappyZen? I really loved that approach. Helped me to stay away from lots of “fantasy self” clothing items :)
@kimidoodles 2 жыл бұрын
Unfancy had a great worksheet for capsule wardrobes that had this included.
@simplylovedandused 3 жыл бұрын
Love watching you grow in your journey. I feel like we're doing it together! These videos never get old.
@whiskersBOOSTER2 2 жыл бұрын
Your videos have helped me SO MUCH!!! It’s like you’re validating everything I’ve felt. I’m finally getting to know my style, and it’s so freeing. Love your content and your vibe.
@capturedbyannamarie 3 жыл бұрын
This is the video I needed. I am in this place of having a stressful wardrobe that I know is too much, but I definitely have a hard time letting go of pieces I love even if I don’t wear them hardly at all.
@joyous2theworld 3 жыл бұрын
Try quarantining them away before you let go. That has helped me. I realized that when 6 months later I saw it, it wasn’t so much a love relationship anymore.
@katg8773 3 жыл бұрын
Also can really relate to the over decluttering, and not storing in a "maybe" cupboard. Sadly have now had to buy clothes in a type i had decluttered
@Hollygogo1 3 жыл бұрын
I think my biggest mistake was taking part in the "haul and declutter" culture which was so popular in my early 20s. A lot of pieces I am buying now which really fit in my personal style are things that I have owned and loved before but decluttered because I didn't wear them for one season/year. But then maybe that is part of getting older and learning what your personal style is?
@Jasmine-tr1zs 3 жыл бұрын
Loved this video! For people who really enjoy color but often wonder how that works in a capsule wardrobe - leena norms has a couple of awesome videos on that,and so does Hannah witton :) 😎
@Keapix 3 жыл бұрын
Fernanda Approximately Right also has capsules with colour 😊
@Jasmine-tr1zs 3 жыл бұрын
@@Keapix thank you sm for the rec! I just subscribed :D
@ValKovalchuk 3 жыл бұрын
I loved this video Christina 😊 I made so many of the same mistakes on my journey to a more intentional minimal closet and can totally relate!
@33Jenesis Жыл бұрын
I have folders on my phone under tops, bottoms, outerwear, accessories, and home. I put photos of every single purchase into a corresponding folder. I now have a 3 year purchase at a glance. I know which items I don’t wear or use (or like to wear or use). I know if I have redundant items. It really helps me to remember what I have, at least from the past 3 years. I often ask myself do I really need this or that. I am getting better at not keeping items just because they were on deep discount or impulse buy. Even when I did like something tremendously, I’d not keep it because I already have 100+ pairs of jeans, pants, and joggers.
@crystalh1402 3 жыл бұрын
A wardrobe mistake that I still struggle with is buying to quickly and then regretting the purchase by wear # 3 or 4.
@Secretgardenvintageapartment Жыл бұрын
I’m living and breathing all this chicks content for days now. I love it. Like. Followed on ig and all. Thanks for the wardrobe help. I am halfway through my closet clean out and about 9 trash bags out it’s insane and yet I can see what I have now and actually love what’s up and Available to match. It was a hard step to purge but I’m just sad I didjt do this sooner or always. I can’t imagine the money I’d have saved and the confidence I’d have from feeling great in my clothes. I eveh didn’t understand the fit of clothes and why and how to even pair basics. Just. Ty lol 😂
@alyx4458 3 жыл бұрын
I think when we try to find some structure with our style, it's so easy to go to one extreme and be far too rigid. I def made many mistakes (excessive shopping, thrifting for the sake of it, following unrealistic capsule ideas). But having a moodboard, figuring what I gravitate towards to aesthetically versus what I actually wear and like has been an eye opener. I can like looking at blazers and moto jackets but in reality, I'm wearing denim jackets more.
@kwit7377 3 жыл бұрын
I definitely fell into the necessity for neutrals which I still like to have and enjoy…but I like color and I like pattern! So those are creeping back in here and there and definitely bring me joy🥰
@sierrasteele0224 3 жыл бұрын
Okay I’m going to go take a “What colors should I wear” test. That makes so much sense!
@drfattie Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this love!! I live in Southern California where I didn't even own my first coat until age 21, and bought it simply for fashion LOL. When it comes to a capsule wardrobe, living in a hot place vs cold literally changes so much!
@kat.ily111 2 жыл бұрын
Yes. Decluttering really helped me. Now I'm excited to put outfits together because I love almost everything I own.
@jodeanerhoades2645 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much!!! Great inspiration!!! I’m working on my clothes now. It’s a forever process. I’m starting to put more focus on outer wear-cardigans, that will go with my pants and tshirts. Everything has to be stretchy and comfortable🥰. I like for jewelry to be my mood choices 🥰
@erineccentric5810 3 жыл бұрын
I should really cull my excess "once in a while" clothes. I probably have 60 t-shirts alone and i only wear about 10 regularly. I do my laundry weekly and just keep re-wearing the same ones over and over because they are my favorites. I have 1 pair of jeans I love and wear all the time even though I have 4 pairs of just blue jeans and then about 5 or 6 more colored jeans. I have trouble letting go of my "nice" clothes that I only wear when I go out. I am a t-shirt/hoodie and jeans girl but if I go out I want to dress up so I have all these clothes I barely wear because lets be honest, who the heck has gone out in the last 1.5 years?! I want to look nice but I don't want all these clothes!! It doesn't help that I am not into the "neutrals" look and I love color and pattern. :( I really like the idea of doing a clothes inventory and keeping track of how often I wear things. Might help me actually let go of some stuff.
@erineccentric5810 3 жыл бұрын
@@emmy8526 what i struggle with is why bother putting on my "nice" stuff if I'm just working from home? I either wear sweats and t shirts or active wear to go to the gym. I stopped bothering changing out of my sweats to do my errands too... Maybe I'm just leaning into the work from home life too hard.
@CookieMonster8YouXD 3 жыл бұрын
@@erineccentric5810 like she mentioned in the video, sometimes our life's change. Maybe in the future your day to day will slightly change, or job, or overall self. I think what @emmy said, gives the point of keeping what you enjoy and think you look good in for those "just in case" moments that could occur. And you could also use a "dresser/non t-shirt" iteam and dress it down if you were ever to go out or ever want to not wear sweats! You could clear out your clothes but keep a few of those " just in case", "nicer" or non around the house pieces. Just declutter some of the things you don't love anymore, make small steps and revisit in another season of your life!
@hameley12 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent points on wearing what you own. About eleven years ago, after I watched a documentary on fast fashion, I was shocked by how much money I had spent already. Went into my bedroom and started decluttering items from Love, Don't Love, Maybe yes, and Maybe donate. Back then there were not that many vlogs or books on how to create the capsule the right way. So, I kind of tried on my own clothing until I started getting compliments. I asked my friends on which days I had the right outfit/outfit that makes me shine. Finally, I was on the right track and began removing the pieces that did not go with my body shape, skin colour and hairstyle. It all came down to basics black, white, and greys. My best friend helped me add a few warm colours for winter and in the summer I wore those warm colours but lighter ones (I chose cotton, jersey, chiffon, and light fabrics). Over the years my colours have stayed true, and my style too. If I have a blouse or pair of pants that are worn out I can reuse them for something else before disposing of them. I love the fact that I found your channel when I am looking around for inspiration. Thank you, Christina!
@VNM2023 3 жыл бұрын
I love this!!! I also have wanted to create a capsule wardrobe but felt overwhelmed by the idea of having to start from scratch and go out and shop again.
@DemetriPanici 3 жыл бұрын
Grey and black is all I need
@Christinamychas 3 жыл бұрын
love it!
@melocoton7 3 жыл бұрын
I like my maximalist wardrobe. I feel limited by a capsule because I dress for my mood of the day. It’s still an intentional wardrobe though. I’ve let go of all the things that don’t match my life.
@Christinamychas 3 жыл бұрын
Love it!
@sarahault8509 2 жыл бұрын
my biggest mistake has been that I wasn't shopping IN PERSON! I moved to a rural area and go into our closest city every couple of months and do larger shopping trips. The feeling I get when I walk out of the store is so much better and different. When I try everything on, I am able to FEEL the garment. I can ask myself " Is this practical and does it make me feel like my true self." When I would shop online, I was purchasing things for my "fantasy self", and oftentimes would keep things that weren't perfect. By also doing larger shopping trips less often, I tend to select pieces that work really well together and that makes getting dressed so much easier. I still shop online sometimes (my shoe size is often not carried in store, and jeans are so tough), but with every purchase I have the mindset: " I love this, I need to try it on to see if it works for me and my wardrobe" rather than "I need this to be my best (fantasy) self." I understand this might not work for some people who pass cute clothing stores to and from work every day, but for my lifestyle, it's a perfect method to keeping my spending under control.
@Marsolan 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely spot on in every single point you just made. I made all the same mistakes. And worth of all mistakes for me was forgetting how much a love color and pattern. Good work, Christina!!! And yes, I think you are winter, so vivid colors and cooler colors should be great.
@movetothrash 3 жыл бұрын
7:14 : Your look says it all, and I know that feeling xD
@tracythomas343 3 жыл бұрын
I have followed some of those rules and they don’t suit me. Like, wearing neutrals. I don’t feel my best in neutrals. I really love color. Then there’s the basics list everyone talks about. Now I have a dozen cami’s that I never reach for, ever. I thought about buying a slip dress. Then I asked myself if I’d ever wear it, I know I would not. I would be freezing all the time. It’s the reason I never wear cami’s. I’m always cold, I need more coverage. 🤷‍♀️
@kathrynp7595 3 жыл бұрын
I only wear black, white, grey and blue, no dresses or heels. I’m just a simple dresser and fits my lifestyle. Great video Christina 👍🏼
@bvdf230 2 жыл бұрын
I like the point about not following other people's color palletes. When I started making my capsule wardrobe I ended up keeping only neutrals mostly black, white and beige pieces. For a girl who almost exclusively wears pastels that was a dumb move. Now my capsule wardrobe has soft pinks, peaches, yellows and light pastel greens and blues and I'm very happy.
@sandihumeniuk4462 3 жыл бұрын
I definitely made and am still stuck in some of these mistakes. Always good to feel like I’m not the only one and I can get to the other side…Excellent insight in this video🧡
@chelsiehouser1176 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve been in the hunt for a classic washable silk dress for months. I have to know where the silk dress I keep seeing you in is from!! Btw, love your content. I love cleaning and decluttering while watching your videos. 💜
@nikitas7661 3 жыл бұрын
ALL the capsule wardrobe videos I watched looked the same to me. A white tee, blue jeans, white shirt, black blazer. I never followed any of them and I still wear neutrals. I never understood why everyone made the same video and always wondered where the pop of colour was!
@zhanqiu7313 2 жыл бұрын
After years of culling/refining/honing/mistakes etc - I have settled in a wardrobe where all my separates are in neutral colours. Where I indulge in colour and print are dresses (and shoes). I find non-neutral separates quite hard to match.
@Fausto_moh 3 жыл бұрын
Things I did wrong. Too much black. It made me sad and felt bored. I love black but it can't all be black. Two being too quick to get rid of things. I should have put them away and some things I probably would have noticed I don't use often but still would have liked to keep. (I.e blue jeans and my leather booths)
@lesleytungate2629 3 жыл бұрын
If I went with a true capsule, the only items I would wear would be my NHS uniform, lounge wear, one pair of black jeans, and a hoodie- the joy Lesley England x
@oniimpulse 2 жыл бұрын
This is such a great video. Thanks so much for sharing. 🌟
@thenopedetective 3 жыл бұрын
Last comment! How did you decide to start a KZbin while being a working professional, and being open about your work setting? Might be too personal to answer, but in case it's ever something you'd be willing to talk about. I'm in healthcare and have considered various kinds of content creation (some more related to my work than others, not *fans type content) but worry about repercussions if a client finds my channel, both for the therapeutic relationship and for potential safety issues/doxxing. That being said, I'm in a more client based role than something like pharmacy so there may be different considerations.
@katg8773 3 жыл бұрын
Can relate with the rule trap with regards to you have to have 3 button ups, 3 blazers etc kind thing.
@LizNori 2 жыл бұрын
When I was younger, I was very stressed about what to wear and what to buy. I didn’t figures out what my style was, because I was too focussed on other's opinion: " you should wear that ! It suits you ! You have nothing in this color. It's trending". Now that I am a bit older, I know what I actually wear or not, and I go shopping alone, mostly second-hand, and yes I always buy the same colors, because I love them and feel confident wearing them, and they all works well together. Knowing about minimalism principles helped me a lot to get rid of a lot of my excess stufs, but as for yourself, the extreme minimalism was not for me. By the way, I am also a pharmacist (French) and tend to over analyse too😉.
@nicoleenglish6825 3 жыл бұрын
I keeping falling into what it is supposed to be rather then what I need for me and my lifestyle.. example..the slip dress, got one its great I never felt comfortable in it or like still working on the journey
@sarahthatcher123 3 жыл бұрын
So great you shared your experience. I hope it really helps so many more people.
@BlacksburgBelle 3 жыл бұрын
This was really helpful. The main mistake I made was trying to follow “the rules” exactly because I felt like there was no point to doing it if I didn’t follow the rules. A few months into it, I realized I really missed the boat on that one and should figure out what works for me while using the rules as guidelines to help make decisions. 🤦🏻‍♀️
@oneofakindlifestyle 3 жыл бұрын
Ive been watching capsule wardrobe videos for a bit now. in my opinion I love the concept of having pieces of clothing you love. Living with intention and actually wearing every single piece of clothing that you own. Staying on that note, I will declutter my closet from pieces that don't fit, and that I dont love. I will also STOP buying things, at least for a while. Cause I can not imagine getting rid of pieces that I absolutely love just to fit in with the "33" or the neutral tones ppl. Lol
@bastelkiste2242 3 жыл бұрын
Amazing hair ❤️
@jennjackson4386 3 жыл бұрын
Buying things on sale that I didn’t really like but it was cheaper than the thing I wanted. I have noticed it’s actually better for me to buy the thing I want even if it means waiting for a sale or paying full price instead of trying to find cheaper versions
@cathycirina-chiu6972 Жыл бұрын
love the larry clip!! :)
@sarah.bea. 3 жыл бұрын
Really great video Christina! I relate to a lot of these mistakes. I had my colours down pretty early on but then I thought I need a winter jumper or cardigan in every one of these colours and also tops and tshirts. It is very nice to look at and I can create many outfits from those pieces but it is at least double of what I need and I often forget what I really have. But it’s a process and about 15 months in I can say that I begin to see progress :) (I‘m also in the process of creating a huge spreadsheet to “rate” my clothing in order to pair it down and also get a better overview - takes a lot of time but is very eye-opening)
@nishaisamazing 3 жыл бұрын
Always learn something new from your videos ☺️
@tessayukon 2 жыл бұрын
I also find it hard to find something to wear and have way too much clothes. I always end up wearing the same stuff anyway. I have given away a lot and it feels much better and a better overview of what I actually have.
@cassandra43210 2 жыл бұрын
I like the idea of rules, I just think they are different for every one of us and not a one size fit all model. My top rules for example are: ❥ ensuring all my clothes fit comfortably (with room to spare so that I can see it all at a glance) in my half of the wardrobe - this means that even if I don't count my items, I'm not gonna go back to the state I was in years ago when I had 2 sets of wardrobe + chest of drawers that were so packed that I could hardly keep track of what I owned ❥ not buying clothes for special occasions and instead wear something I own already - in the past I used to obsess about not re-wearing fancy clothes for parties, but then I realised everyone is so absorbed with how they look that they will not remember what others are wearing in the past (and I also like doing photo collages now of me wearing the same outfit in different occasions 😂
@BeeBaldwin 3 жыл бұрын
I get the color palette idea-I’m a Virgo and I look really good in earth tones! But I didn’t always know that 😆
@Charla2smart 3 жыл бұрын
My issue is that I have a personal style but I get swayed with advertisements and clothing hauls, then off I go buying a ball gown. I have no balls to go to!
@zoraidarodriguez1761 3 жыл бұрын
Fantastic and just what I needed. Thank you for sharing 😘💕 More please 😊
@shelp5950 3 жыл бұрын
Love this!
@Kelbel5995 3 жыл бұрын
I've done some of these! Like, it took me an embarrassingly long time to realize that the wardrobe advice of influencers who live in sunny, temperate California is just not going to work for me, an Ohioan. I don't need 100
@Kelbel5995 3 жыл бұрын
Lightweight jackets as a "third piece." I can only wear a lightweight jacket like 3 weeks out of the year.
@Christinamychas 3 жыл бұрын
Hahah as a torontonian I can relate 🥶
@AmalMehic 3 жыл бұрын
How do you deal with feeling uninspired by your wardrobe? I love everything in my current wardrobe but sometimes I feel like the repetition makes it boring and that I sometimes get the feeling of being in a rut.
@Christinamychas 3 жыл бұрын
I think I'll make a video on this! In general I like to source out Pinterest, IG and people watching to get new ideas/inspo and it's a lot of fun :)
@AmalMehic 3 жыл бұрын
@@Christinamychas that sounds great! I’ll keep a look out for the video 🤗. I guess some questions for that video: Do you get inspo from people who have your same style? Is it mostly for re-styling what you currently own? What if you find feel like you want to add something new to your wardrobe, how do you determine if it’s a real need or you’re being “influenced”? 😃
@marylaidig5755 3 жыл бұрын
Thinking I needed to have the core basics that were recommended eve if I hated them.
@joeychen3946 2 жыл бұрын
I made the mistake of obsessively looking for a missing item. I wasted so much time online shopping when I should have just put it on my "watch list" and wait for a suitable item to pop up.
@mooncherie548 3 жыл бұрын
Love the approach of this video 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 maybe you are kinda like me no minimalist 100% but minimal and uncomplicated style 😜
@Christinamychas 3 жыл бұрын
Haha I think so - my wardrobe is still very likely "unminimalist" by internet standards and assumptions
@b.1494 2 жыл бұрын
Im a pharmacist so obviously I had to subscribe 🙂
@rang_rang_daddy 3 жыл бұрын
I'm learning a lot. Thank you. I'm a beginner minimalist ^^
@aniazurek7258 3 жыл бұрын
On point, yet again. ~
@aprilcline4864 3 жыл бұрын
My wardrobe completely matches my zodiac. Gemini wardrobe half of my items are crazy wild fantasy items and the other half is comfortable realistic items, any tips for getting rid of the fantastic wardrobe items, I'm new on my decluttering journey 🤗
@77Crazycat77 2 жыл бұрын
You made my day 😀
@sau4ik 3 жыл бұрын
Awesome video ! Keep them coming 😘
@JJJettplane 3 жыл бұрын
I think my mistake or sort of unnecessary habit is buying multiples of the same thing. Even in the same color. I've just discovered that I just don't need it unless it's maybe a t shirt.
@catkozia6565 2 жыл бұрын
Really helpful
@anutash8037 2 жыл бұрын
I got 64 peaces of clothing for all 4 seasons. And 20 items I bought this year. I thought I have a lot.
@MrLachris 2 жыл бұрын
Great vidéo!
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