Brendan O'Neill | It might mock men, but it does down women

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Centre for Independent Studies

Centre for Independent Studies

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@ianwilliams6042 8 жыл бұрын
1:00 No. It is male feminists who are the "saddest people in the whole world."
@BNBsBrainCancerJourney 8 жыл бұрын
Im not sure he believes what he says about MRA's. Sounded more like he wanted to intentionally distance himself from them, but his entire speech afterwards was 100% spot on MRA, every single point is a point you hear MRA's make. He is practically channeling "Girl Writes What"
@yasamanmansoori2789 5 жыл бұрын
Danny Albers you are delusional lol
@memisemyself 8 жыл бұрын
Some MRAs are extreme and do, as Brendan claims, blame feminism for all of their problems. However, what the more moderate MRAs look for is reasonable and seeks to undo some of the unfair victories of feminism. For example, feminism wants quotas for all top jobs, meaning unqualified women will get the top jobs ahead of qualified men, based purely on their gender. There are lots of examples where men are being disadvantaged, purely for being men. Family courts, university places, promotions, etc. Men and women should have equal access, equal rights and equal opportunities but all benefits should be earned. The best person should get the job, university place or promotion, not the best woman or best man but the best person, regardless of background or gender.
@reasonablyserious 3 жыл бұрын
I agree. The whole argument becomes nothing more than a scapegoat though, as soon as people confuse feminism with women per se. And that happens a lot. Just go to any Jordan Peterson video for example, and the comment section will be loaded with guys who are doing just that. In the end neither men's, nor women's rights should be the cause for activism, but family and traditional western values. It'd be better for everyone.
@Specterofthepast 9 жыл бұрын
What a load of garbage. I'm not an MRA and I know he's just regurgitating bullshit feminist talking points on MRAs. How do you get on stage and just regurgitate someone else's thoughts like that?
@breanaperrin933 8 жыл бұрын
"If the personal is political it deserves to be policed in just the same way." Holy profound statement, this was well executed. Christina Hoff Summers and Janet Alrechsten focused more on the idea of triage in feminism (genital mutilation in Somalia vs Ban Bossy for example), and though he (like Summers) sees the new "victim" centered feminism as a resurgence of nearly Victorian values, I really appreciate how he ends his argument with an appeal to the Enlightenment values that modern western society is founded on. If we lose that focus, we lose the locus of our liberal society.
@lessevdoolbretsim 6 жыл бұрын
The scariest thing about the left now is just this relatively new found hatred of whites. And it just caught on like some kind of dreaded, virulent disease. True insanity.
@yasamanmansoori2789 5 жыл бұрын
lessevdoolbretsim hating white people isn’t new you dolt, people just finally felt safe enough to say it. Read a book
@julieravs8950 8 жыл бұрын
This guy is just awesome
@Lyttlefoxx 9 жыл бұрын
Why does he keep mentioning MRA's? The topic isn't about men's right's activist. It's about grievance feminism. Also, I haven't seen a lot of stuff about MRAs insulting feminist but the ones I've seen are usually women. He makes good points but he could have done that without insulting men's rights activist.
@johnnonamegibbon3580 9 жыл бұрын
He felt kind of like a douche there. I ain't know MRA or MGTOW, but of course this type pf feminism fucks with young men/boys. If you're constantly suggesting one gender is a to be protected at all costs from another evil gender, you are mentally fucking both of those people. I don't think it's a war on women, I think it's bad for everyone.
@Lyttlefoxx 9 жыл бұрын
John NoNameGibbon Yep. But of course everyone likes a good story where the underdog becomes the hero. Feminism is the hero and men, the antagonist.
@johnnonamegibbon3580 9 жыл бұрын
Kassiopia Jackson It just seems like even with him, women can't lose. They can never be in the wrong. Ever. And I _hate_ that.
@Lyttlefoxx 9 жыл бұрын
John NoNameGibbon Well that's the problem with claiming the victim role. You are absolved of all possible accountability. There's a paper on it that. I'll post the link.
@Lyttlefoxx 9 жыл бұрын
Here it is. Also there is a paper on the victim hood culture reddit too.
@NZT42 8 жыл бұрын
Mr. Brendan O'Neill, I love your passion for the rights of women, and your appreciation of what new feminism is doing to women is admirable. However, in order to present women as infantile victims, you must describe a tormentor or antagonist and this is, in a nebulous way, always men. The new feminists hate men and this is not obscured by their hatred of women.
@johnnonamegibbon3580 9 жыл бұрын
1:00 Fair enough. But you know that most feminists also fall into that group, right? I've literally heard feminists say the same things. I don't like how he felt he had to distance himself from men first. That gave me douche-chills. I'm no MRA or MGTOW, but I don't distance myself from men in general in order to seem like a good ally. It's weird.
@kellyjenkins3901 9 жыл бұрын
+John NoNameGibbon Don't worry. I don't think anyone is actually thinking this guy's an ally.
@johnnonamegibbon3580 9 жыл бұрын
Kelly Jenkins I just don't like the tone he uses. Like, "I don't agree with you, but I'm not one of _those_ guys!" Radical Feminists, which seems to be most now, are no better than the worst MRA guys. They all just complain and blame everything on the opposite gender. Damn being productive.
@woblodmailliw 8 жыл бұрын
saying it isn't against men is wrong. it might hurt women more, but being told about toxic masculinity? ok
@lessevdoolbretsim 6 жыл бұрын
You’re exactly right. That part of his speech was just delusional.
@kebakent 5 жыл бұрын
A war on men, and a war on women, are not mutually exclusive. I can think of one particular war in recent history, where a particular group were locked up in camps, who surely must have felt like it was a war against them. Brendan seem to be ignoring the very real harm this war is causing men.
@ravenblackdove 8 жыл бұрын
Something being a war on women does not equal that thing not being a war on men. It can, in fact, be both. One does not preclude the other and this person presented no evidence that it does.
@jw_25 8 жыл бұрын
Excellent speech and very insightful. There were several hard truths discussed including MRA's.
@lessevdoolbretsim 6 жыл бұрын
The core of what MRAs seem to tout is basically true, parental rights and such. The MRAs I don’t like are the genuine misogynists, for whatever reason. Hating women in general is misguided and disgusting. The feminism of today, hating all (white) men is standard dogma, not fringe.
@pigknickers2975 8 жыл бұрын
One day he will be so ashamed, and rightly so, of the leather jacket and hat. It's like Delboy meets Hipster. Fucking appalling.
@DevinAK49 7 жыл бұрын
pigknickers I, like, know right? It's, like, totes a fashion disaster. Like ermergerd.
@leddywood 5 жыл бұрын
These are some of the best comments on any video I've seen this year 👍 great to see these discussions taking place in the public forum. Certainly don't see and read about this on TV, no wonder they are losing their audience!
@ginigang 8 жыл бұрын
Women only shortlists too. On triggering, as a man separated from my wife I had to insist that my pastor give his presentation on the sanctity of marriage. He had hesitated to do so lest I got upset. I dismissed his concern with a curt "Get on with it."
@SuperBartles 8 жыл бұрын
You see he doesn't argue that feminism isn't a war on men. He just _asserts_ it - Laurie Penny style. Would be helpful if he could present an argument As an example, look at how women are far more numerous in University-level education than men. Do feminists, guardians of "equality" want to do anything to help men? Of course not. Instead they choose the one area where men narrowly predominate: STEM sciences, and try to get an unequal, positively discriminated deal for women there... The result would be even fewer men in higher education I would argue that this same dynamic occurs again and again with feminism. In every case, feminism ignores problems faced by men, and focuses on those women face. _The end result of this can only be anti-male_. There. I've given an argument. It's more than Brendan O'Neill did. "Tony bloody Abbott" was quite a good touch though..
@dejasphere5211 7 жыл бұрын
so basically he is saying what feminist all ways say women are victims
@Macheako 8 жыл бұрын
Here's what I don't get, and it's an honest question. If Feminism by and large has been men permitting women into the public sphere, giving them their own autonomy, and allowing them their own rights and leadership, and after about ~80+ years, this is where it is... Well, out of all fairness, is this not, at the very least, a Real World indictment on women leadership and autonomy in the public sphere? Haven't THEY proved themselves wrong, that is, Governmental affairs generally *should* be handled out by Men? What are we supposed to conclude, honesty, after witnessing women having their own voice in the role of politics for almost a century? Are men really just too scared to be honest about this with themselves? Is it because we partially take responsibility for allowing it to go on so long? Are we just looking at wrong? I don't know!!! lol But seriously...f--king NOBODY wants to talk about this...I wonder why O.o
@AntonSlavik 7 жыл бұрын
ugh. He's mistaken Men's Rights Activists for MGTOWs. I gained a lot of respect for this man from across the philosophical isle, but it seems he's not immune to believing and talking shite. I challenge Mr. O'Neill and any other person holding this warped opinion to look at the ACTUAL WORK, real life work, which Men's Rights Activists do, as well as their balanced and insightful thoughts into what it is to be a man today. It will be found that these people rarely talk about Feminism and almost never go out of their way to conflict with Feminists. Also: NEWSFLASH! A great many of these people are women!
@George-at-Circus-HQ 9 жыл бұрын
Much of what he says is spot on, yet I have a definite urge to punch him. And throw away his hat.
@flake452 8 жыл бұрын
Street harassment can be a lot worse than just whistling a lot of it can be sexually graphic and intimidating.
@Martial-Mat 7 жыл бұрын
Oh dear, another Shives-alike who thinks that MRAs who "just" want access to their kids are pathetic. And just like that, my respect for O'Neill has ended.
@DevinAK49 7 жыл бұрын
Mat Broomfield triggered
@RealRoknRollr3108 7 жыл бұрын
This guy is so recommended and lauded by some people, yet here he is dissing men who have genuine complaints and issues that are worth hearing. Not really impressed.
@RealLimerickman 9 жыл бұрын
I listened to Christina Hoff Summers and Janet Albrechtsen who gave a glimmer of hope of feminism, that they different that the man hating selfish entitled feminists who trashes those who have a different opinion, but within 1 minute of Brendan O'Neill feminist attitude brings back why men and so many women do not like feminism. He is what so many feminists called mansplaining and is so obnoxious. He is wrong about the war on men that is been waged by modern day feminists in the universities and so many parts of modern day living in western societies. Feminists wants everything with no consequences and no responsibilities. They are intellectually dishonest and omits the suffering of men and boys in families and out in the wider world in the hands of abusive women and state. They put narcissists, greed bankers/organizations and serial killers to shame.
@luufblvmealone2952 6 жыл бұрын
well as much as I agree that we need to focus on more serious issues, personally I really don't like when someone I don't know calls me "sweetheart", "darling", or "princess"...I feel being objectified as a toy, pet or a style of decoration. I don't think people who do that need to be punished, and I don't feel my "safety is threatened". But these people need to hear our voices too because I don't think they intend to make us feel objectified or inferior. Being a strong woman is not equivalent to putting up with shit we don't like without speaking up.
@beemacs7282 4 жыл бұрын
Spoken like a true misogynistic - complete misunderstanding of feminism. Glad I listened it really demonstrates to me the need for women to keep driving forward in pursuit of sexual liberation.
@StonefieldJim4 3 жыл бұрын
Your comment is absurd. It's self-evident that Brendan despises misogyny.
@jefrreyjeffery2192 3 жыл бұрын
Brenden was literally a feminist in 90s and not being Feminist doesn't make anyone MISOGYNISTIC, no matter how much you claim it lol go cry about it♥️
@veda1166 8 жыл бұрын
Love this guy !
@keggerous 7 жыл бұрын
I agree that it hurts both men and women. I've been saying it for a long time now that this type of shit is really turning women into infants and it's turning men into evil scape goats.
@lamegalectora Жыл бұрын
I am not a new feminist and dont know much about it but it seems to me, just judging by what he is saying, that he does not understand much at all and this is possibly because he feels threatened by the change in landscape those women are proposing and he has bunkered himself and will not actually open up and listen. Pitiful really
@kroon275 6 жыл бұрын
I love Brendans insight and common sense approach to so many isseus, but here he clearly seems to display a negative bias towards MRA groups. As he deliberately chose to bring them into the conversation in an attempt to enhance his point of view on feminism. A point of view which stood strong alone on its own merits. Modern militant feminism obviously does infantalise women, and have a negative affect on so many aspects of western society, but to pretend that it doesnt demonise men and boys to further its own goals is just plain ignorant im afraid.
@conrad1on 6 жыл бұрын
I like Brendan, but his opening remarks are about the laziest generalisations I've ever heard him make. In fact he sounds rather like the same modern feminists he goes on to criticise. That said, I basically completely agreed with every other point he made.
@StonefieldJim4 3 жыл бұрын
I'm surprised by that. He captures very real trends.
@conrad1on 3 жыл бұрын
@@StonefieldJim4 Yeah, I still mostly agree with him whenever I see him pop up somewhere, but occasionally it seems like he just goes along with the prevailing narrative about an individual or group in a way that suggests that he hasn't really bothered researching them properly. You'll never be simpatico with someone on everything though I guess.
@sandracrawford9813 8 жыл бұрын
I have often thought that all womens shortlists and Blairs babes in the Labour Party have been patronising. I think that the aim is really control, and consensus. They feel that this would be achieved this way....
@davidhumphrey608 7 жыл бұрын
Like the points he makes but can't understand the reason behind, or what purpose feminism has when it wages war on women?
@0121checkit1 9 жыл бұрын
And the naff hat and tiny bomber with a tie, hahahaha, I think he made some good points but I couldn't hear, I was laughing too much!
@andrabook8758 5 жыл бұрын
There is NOTHING wrong with argumentative, combative traits! That is part of competition and if everyone would just let it BE, you would see a different generation of women who are NOT afraid to compete! And assuming the men can take care of real MALE predators and actually inforce laws against rape, etc. you will not have an issue! Its when police officers try to cover up rapes and lawyers use ambiguity within the evidence (despite TONS of ways to improve that process bc they are just too damn LAZY) that we start seeing a problem and a backlash! We don't need war of the sexes, or sexes "ideas", in order to uphold a just society. Its when no one cares about enforcing the checks and balances that we have a problem. We must strengthen the judicial system NOT weaken it, or introduce More Ambiguity. Address the real problems and actually fix them already. There is definitely room for improvement but no room for complete abandonment of any sense.
@umut7034 6 жыл бұрын
He knows nothing about mra. Watching the red pill movie could be a good start for Brendan.
@victoriapearce2012 4 жыл бұрын
It's a war on both.
@enntense 7 жыл бұрын
I hope you never get a divorce, or you will get a lightning education in men's rights, or the lack of...
@xironarkanis6622 7 жыл бұрын
he makes some good points, but ridiculing MRMs and engaging in "wonenworsting"? nope times infinity
@electricblue2920 4 жыл бұрын
I don't think my dog even knows what feminism is
@andrabook8758 5 жыл бұрын
You missed an interesting point: the writer of the Outlander series "issue".
@gravitaslost 6 жыл бұрын
He seems to be largely conflating MRAs and Incels, I'm a bit disappointed in him to be honest, he usually seems better informed.
@patharvard 6 жыл бұрын
Your talk is 50% insightful and 50% idiocy. What, exactly, Brendan, is the constant demeaning feminist language of toxic masculinity, if not a propaganda war against men?
@lkcreativevictoria 9 жыл бұрын
what is this outfit did he just come from the set of a poorly designed noir movie
@jolierouge2463 8 жыл бұрын
Isn't surprising the Feminism came to the same conclusion as most of history? Hrrrmm...People don't say the same things about you for all of recorded history unless there's a bit of truth in it.
@zgledanje 9 жыл бұрын
His "pathetic men's right's blokes" sound too much like "look at me, I'm not pathetic at all! Honest!"
@TommyGlint 4 жыл бұрын
Well, if they are like Brendan describe them, then no wonder you think they sound like that. But could it be that they are not ALL like that? Perhaps some just want equality before the law in divorce cases. Or custody cases. Brendan disappointed me with his comments about Men’s Rights. At least he could have been less generalizing.
@MrJasonworkman 5 жыл бұрын
There is no real feminism anymore.
@joethesheep4675 2 жыл бұрын
concerning MRAs: highly depends on the individual. Just like with MGTOW. There are more than enough MRAs and MGTOWers who got fucked over by an ex-wife (or at least feel like they got fucked over) and now they project everything bad in the world onto their ex-wife and, by extension onto all women. In other words they completely fell into the victimrole and therefore cannot create any positive change for themselves or anyone else. These guys are pathetic. But then you also got well-educated guys on the matter of 3rd wave feminism who are fairly normal guys. Have their shit together and produce insightful literature on the matter. There is really no generalization to be made. That being said, i think that most MRAs and most MGTOWers are the first case. So on average i' d say the statement is correct. Lets just try to not through the baby out with the bathwater.
@trikta36 4 жыл бұрын
So well put. All isms are destructive.
@GETJUSTICE4U 7 жыл бұрын
This talk is quite informative for me in that it is a subject of which I have scant knowledge. I am not sure if his views encapsulates soley the feminist agenda, because it ultimately appears to fit quite well into the Cultural Marxist plan.
@geoffreyreeks2422 7 жыл бұрын
Except for your gratuitous insults of men, you have stated what we libertarians (i.e. conservatives) think. Regards, Geoff. Reeks
@SnarkJacobs 8 жыл бұрын
This guy has potential but a touch too much Fabian duping still remains in his reasoning and presentation. Perhaps this is a good thing for England (yes, England), but not for the good of mankind and our liberation from bondage circa Manga Carta.
@excismos8056 8 жыл бұрын
That hat should have been a clue to outcome.
@donaltaaffe6934 4 жыл бұрын
@arktana 5 жыл бұрын
S-O T-R-U-E !!
@BjrnFriedrichsen 9 жыл бұрын
wohohoo... just downvoted within 2 minutes, that almost a new record for me.
@BjrnFriedrichsen 9 жыл бұрын
then you pull back my opinion by 10.00 so much so that im thinking about removing my down vote and then you go a screw it all up with your own hate.
@BjrnFriedrichsen 9 жыл бұрын
Also your blind : Manspreading is a law in some places, without an acompanying Bagspreading law, feminism is still a war on men.
@ScottishAtheist 9 жыл бұрын
When he says "MRA's" I really think he means MGTOW (men going their own way) because I don't recognize his caricature otherwise. MRA's have some legitimate points, as does feminism. It's feminism though that has the mainstream media stage, and a lot more silliness as a result (like manspreading and beach body ready etc) And another bizarre thing is that he calls MRA's pathetic (which is a fairly common reaction from men and women faced with men's issues) then goes on to discuss problems he sees - which are _exactly_ the same problems MRA's have been discussing - such as the campus kangaroo courts. It's not feminism that's going to stand up for these young men. So who else Brandon? That's right: MRA's which you are dismissing as pathetic.
@PontificusPinion 7 жыл бұрын
The first Brendan O'Neill clip I downvoted for the ignorant MRA mini-rant.
@DevinAK49 7 жыл бұрын
PontificusPinion triggered
@kimberleygirl7533 6 жыл бұрын
I want to marry your brothers.
@vaclavmiller8032 4 жыл бұрын
What on earth is this charlatan wearing??? XD
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