Hey Nathan - out of all the videos I have been through, yours was the first straight forward guide to getting my 2960 on the network and attached to the internet - I did have to #no shut on WLAN 1 to get it going... nice job!
@NM_Tech4 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I’m glad the video helped!
@g-paj54304 жыл бұрын
@@NM_Tech do you have other videos coming...? I'm not a network guy, not am I going for any Certs... Just a hobbyist trying to expand my Network (Computers and Servers)
@NM_Tech4 жыл бұрын
In case you haven’t already checked my channel, I also do videos over Voice over IP(VoIP) phones and phone systems as well. Even after this video was made. That seems to be the subject in which the next video I publish will be over.
@basharmuhammad88894 жыл бұрын
I think video font bit higher unable to see through mobile also port configuration need to add and save at boot
@Slawek.K5 ай бұрын
@@NM_Tech great video! Did you connect the switch to your Home ISP router or to a Cisco Router?
@GetShwiftyInHere4 ай бұрын
I was just given this switch board from the company I work for sense it's outdated and I'm trying to get my Network+. This will help a lot with demonstrating my understanding of how servers are built and configured. Thank you!
@NM_Tech3 ай бұрын
Glad to have helped.
@TheBenghaziRabbit4 жыл бұрын
nice dude. I got a 48 port switch myself recently so gonna get it hooked up soon with this. kudos bro
@jake26633 жыл бұрын
Tip for anyone having issues getting the COM port to popup under Devices (Windows 10). The rollover cable I got didn't automatically install the driver for the cable at least for me. You may need to manually install it but I would check the Windows update section first and see if you have the option to install the driver from there. I was a bit confused for a while I ended up plugging the cable into a Linux box I have and everything worked. I just got the network switch and roll-over cable so had to pinpoint the cause of the issue.
@peterbelisle77682 жыл бұрын
Thank you. that comment saved me some time.
@mnaseer_pk4 ай бұрын
Thank you for such a lovely video. I was able to access and configure the Cisco switch using the steps outlined in the video.
@NM_Tech3 ай бұрын
Glad to have helped.
@chrisgingras70684 жыл бұрын
Hey just an FYI your enable secret (password) is already encrypted and is a stronger encryption then service password-encryption. Service password-encryption encrypts all passwords that are in plain text. Enable password command would be plain text, enable secret, is already tell you it will be encrypted. So far good video
@stocksj4 жыл бұрын
Thanks. This was great, I just bought a C2950-48 port switch and this helped with doing some initial configuration. I need to update my iOS next, I also couldn't try the Gen RSA keys or set ssh up yet. Waiting for a C1841 router next week and a C3560 switch and I'll be on my way to starting my CCNA training.
@javy__air2 жыл бұрын
Nathan - thank you so much for this. Way better than some of the lectures I've had from some of my professors! I hope to see more videos from you since I just hit the subscribe button! Thanks again!
@MrMKA20122 жыл бұрын
packettracer is very bad i feel you
@abelashenafi62912 жыл бұрын
I'm learning for my CCNA and this was just Awesome man. Thanks
@MrMKA20122 жыл бұрын
ca you tell me what kind of knowldge i need to have to pass CCNA test ?
@asbel19842 жыл бұрын
thx man, very instructive. It helps a lot with the CCNA
@torstenmuller35113 жыл бұрын
I opened KZbin and my dad has been looking at this
@tempxstishere45284 жыл бұрын
I have a 48 port but how do i find out what com to use?
@NM_Tech4 жыл бұрын
Are you talking about the console port?
@tempxstishere45284 жыл бұрын
Nathan Morgan no ok so as i enter the putty program i tried doing serial but i dont know which com to use like you used com4 correct?
@NM_Tech4 жыл бұрын
Yes I used com4. Are you using a rollover cable?
@tempxstishere45284 жыл бұрын
Nathan Morgan currently i am not do i have to purchase one in order for this process to work?
@NM_Tech4 жыл бұрын
What cable have you been trying to use to do this?
@rhdtv20024 жыл бұрын
Getting one too for cheap but not familiar with Cisco switches. I do have a question and you may have a video on it..if for instance you want to export the config file how would you do that and then import it - just in case something happens you can load into another similar switch of Cisco
@NM_Tech4 жыл бұрын
I believe you would need to issue the "show run" command in privileged exec mode on the current switch, copy the running config by literally highlighting all of it with the mouse, then paste all that to some .txt file and save that to your computer. Then when you boot up the new switch, copy all the contents of that .txt file you saved, enter global config mode on the new switch, then paste all of those contents in the terminal emulator window. I THINK that's how you do it if I'm not mistaken.
@rhdtv20024 жыл бұрын
@@NM_Tech thanks Nathan is their a command that will actually show it all ..usually I have seen the --MORE-- then I think you hit the space bar. I'm just wanting to see it all then highlight and copy..I hope I made sense here
@NM_Tech4 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately not.
@chrisgingras70684 жыл бұрын
@@rhdtv2002 hey my friend you can either tftp the configuration file with copy or just copy to USB if you have that option. USB is easier but tftp isn't hard.
@gururaj00724 жыл бұрын
Copy running-config | redirect flash:backup.cfg Configure replace flash:backup.cfg To replace the config. Term width 0 Term length 0 This will disable width to 0 and the length 0 will disable auto more
@orion4502 Жыл бұрын
I have tried doing the RSA generation key but whenever I do "do show run" the key doesn't show and when I do "sh ip ssh"
@lawrenceoliva73604 жыл бұрын
Hey man are you able to provide a link to buy that bracket? I've been having a hard time finding brackets .
@Nebularh4 жыл бұрын
I just got one of these switches from work to tinker about on but when i open a putty session, it just has the green bar and when i press enter, nothing happens. Would you know why?
@NM_Tech4 жыл бұрын
It looks like it’s not establishing a connection to the switch. Are you trying to ssh it or use serial?
@Nebularh4 жыл бұрын
@@NM_Tech Serial and i'm setting it to COM4. I've looked into it and i think i can't see USB Device (COM4) under ports in device manager. I just wondered if there was something else as i was still managing to open a Putty session
@NM_Tech4 жыл бұрын
You need to find where your USB device is in device manager and use whatever port it is. Maybe try unplugging your usb device and check device manager and see if there is something missing. Then plug it back in and if whatever was missing reappears then you know that’s the device and you need to use that port.
@Nebularh4 жыл бұрын
@@NM_Tech Yeah i've checked in device manager and it does say COM4 and when i click on it, it says USB to serial converter but Putty is still not doing anything when i press enter or any key for that matter :/
@NM_Tech4 жыл бұрын
Would you like to join my discord to get into more details on troubleshooting?
@willptech75654 жыл бұрын
Wouldn’t it be line vty 0 15 for a switch?
@dedonjames75844 жыл бұрын
not necessarily...it could be vty 0 4
@xoxoomar78283 жыл бұрын
This helps a lot. Can you please explain on which assumption you chose the IP address and MASK?
@enmanueltejada134 жыл бұрын
Does it matter where i plug in from my router to the switch? Can i use any port or is there a specific one i should use?
@NM_Tech4 жыл бұрын
Doesn’t matter
@Kilzu13 жыл бұрын
Only if your switch has no DHCP support and you want to set VLANs on different networks, other than that you just need to add VLAN networks to route table and route each network to right gateway.
@imranimmu71704 жыл бұрын
Great video..but it's difficult to me to see the text bcz its too small ..can u please increase ur font text size for other videos..it will be good to watch.
@MariaCurry4 жыл бұрын
thanks for this informative video. just the last few configurations were a little confusing
@ProductsForMen3 жыл бұрын
Hi there, Great Vid. I'm just wondering if you can help me out by giving some pointers. I ended up buying the router you got which is almost the same mode - WS-C2960S-24PS-L. My question is, can you hook up your router using the SFP port to this switch that serves as uplink/downlink instead of using one of the 24 ports in the switch? My plan is to get rid of my ISP fiber modem and replace with GPON router that comes with 4 LAN ports. I noticed my switch have 4 SFP ports and wondering if I can hook them all to my router using SFP transceiver. What do you think? Thanks.
@alisalman52294 жыл бұрын
Update: I found it, it's just cisco! I purchased a similar switch but without the Gb ports from amazon just for practicing purpose when I pressed the mode button for 3 seconds I got all the LEDs solid green which suppose to mean it wasn't configured before however when I try to access the privilege exec mode it asking for password, is there a default password I can use? I checked the manual and it says that there should be none at initial config
@Kilzu13 жыл бұрын
Try cisco as password (most Cisco devices default password is cisco), if it doesn't work, then you need to reset the switch to factory defaults
@paulq02463 жыл бұрын
Can this only be done with a rollover cable?
@EvilDesktop3 жыл бұрын
I use the mini usb on the switch
@sarunasstiklakis22 жыл бұрын
Hey, how do I can open port for different device? When I don't know password and user name ?
@Zahid-cw3ho3 жыл бұрын
Sir can 2e configure catalyst2950 series switch with lan cable
@davewilly70213 жыл бұрын
after giving this an ip address, can you then access a GUI page for configuration?
@NM_Tech3 жыл бұрын
No. This model switch only has IOS. Only the recent models have GUIs
@kakoozalawrence70793 жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot boss. Great video! i have learnt a lot.
@MonkeKing6664 жыл бұрын
Great video! Thanks for the help.
@MohanRaj-hq4ps3 жыл бұрын
Bro do vlan configuration video
@reagandanielAfrican3 жыл бұрын
You are nice speaker bro.
@Gaboochee Жыл бұрын
I have one of these and some others for sale.
@NM_Tech Жыл бұрын
This isn’t a place to self advertise.
@piyage3 жыл бұрын
Video is not zoom in
@RT3654 жыл бұрын
Great job
@samanthastevens41975 ай бұрын
@NM_Tech3 ай бұрын
Glad you enjoyed.
@ShaunGrimm2 жыл бұрын
you no what! your not configuring it total
@chrislambe4003 жыл бұрын
Every fibre in my being is screaming use a blue cable.
@Kruzi4 жыл бұрын
you aint even A+ Certified tho
@NM_Tech4 жыл бұрын
Are you A+ certified?
@dogecoinminingsavage89043 жыл бұрын
@@NM_Tech hey what is the purpose of this? Can I use this switch as a router for miners? Any ideas