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1. CA FINAL IDT Safal (110 hours regular batch) - Hindi + English batch - elearn.fast.ed...
2. CA FINAL IDT Safal (110 regular batch) - 100% English batch - elearn.fast.ed...
3. CA INTER IDT Safal regular batch - Hindi + English - elearn.fast.ed...
4. CA INTER IDT Handwritten Notes and QB - elearn.fast.ed...
5. CA FINAL IDT Handwritten Notes and QB - elearn.fast.ed...
6. CA FINAL IDT Power Batch (45 hours) - Hindi + English - Starting live from 21 July - elearn.fast.ed...
7. CA FINAL SCPM (50 hours) - Hindi + English - Completely relevant for SPOM exam as per new syllabus - elearn.fast.edu...
8. CA FINAL IDT 100% ENGLISH POWER Batch - elearn.fast.edu...
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