BEST TOP LANERS FOR BEGINNERS - League of Legends Top Lane Tier List

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Coach Chippys

Coach Chippys

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@p0oka261 4 ай бұрын
Love listening to these on walks. Keep it up man
@kingmeverse5861 2 ай бұрын
hi chippys! i’m a more general esports fan (i watch worlds when it’s on but i hit lvl 30 like a month ago) but this year i decided to try and learn league a little more thoroughly. switched from leona/poppy support to malph/poppy top im Really Really bad but im learning. LOVE your videos! thrilled to find this after watching your malphite guide a few times, everything is so in depth and clear to a complete beginner! just wanted to send some appreciation your way
@Ranked_Journey 12 күн бұрын
How's the learning going? Still playing Malph and Poppy?
@thememewalker 4 ай бұрын
Always love when you make content for lower rank players, thank you Coach
@bigforehead1234 4 ай бұрын
These videos are so informative, i know they take a lot of work, so thank you!
@Taycatte 4 ай бұрын
What i like the most is the small number of tiers, hate it when there's like Z, S+, S, A, B, C, D, E, F, F-, whatever else, as if there are that many meaningful differences.
@abod91lax 3 ай бұрын
I was thinking of swtiching of switching to top lane from ADC, coming cross your channle made me decide that. thank you
@seanc8379 4 ай бұрын
The goat coach on youtube 😎 content king 👑
@demetriuspurcell 4 ай бұрын
I was actually looking for ryze. Great Video. Literally my favorite league content at the moment, coming from a master level player.
@HamsterPants522 4 ай бұрын
As a Shen main, I agree with what you've said about him. I also appreciate this video because I feel like I need to play more than only Shen if I'm serious about climbing.
@thinkingbear9737 3 ай бұрын
I relate. I would consider myself a Shen one-trick and I could probably continue to climb with Shen, but I feel like my skill level for every other character drops so much, which ultimately will cause a plateau from counter picking.
@HamsterPants522 3 ай бұрын
@@thinkingbear9737 I think Shen is better in the higher ranks because better players will make more efficient use of the utility he gives them, but for climbing solo queue he has some of the worst agency out of any top lane champion. That's basically what I was getting at.
@lolTalontedHei 4 ай бұрын
very insightful as always
@Ilovenetanyahu 4 ай бұрын
I just climbed out of iron, hopefully these champs help me get to silver🙏
@Lord_ofGods 3 ай бұрын
Good luck
@silasfaath4656 4 ай бұрын
Ye my goat coach release a video i have been longing for for so long
@alm0stace92 4 ай бұрын
@dsong401 20 күн бұрын
Best top lane content creator!
@StayMad26 4 ай бұрын
Amazing video, just what I needed .
@Ranked_Journey 12 күн бұрын
This feels like a general tier list. Honestly considering a champ pool of Sett and Morde with Garen as a backup, at least after watching this.
@shk4662 4 ай бұрын
Just what i need thanks coach 💪
@polarblade1159 3 ай бұрын
Started 3 days ago on toplane, I just unlocked Ornn yesterday and find him to be very fun and easy to get value off
@bigsmoke4592 4 ай бұрын
great content recently! i went from iron to plat with Garen but now switched to camille to get diamond (not sure if she's too hard though).
@DirTyKKT11 4 ай бұрын
Don't switch. Garen is great to get out of Emerald. Should be much easier than Camille
@CoachChippys 4 ай бұрын
Appreciate it! I'd recommend not making a full switch but look to add Camille to your pool by picking her in good situations while still playing your Garen as well
@ayoubahmad1686 3 ай бұрын
i would love to have a tier list or even a short video on what champs you recommend to play after you play these, like when your mechanics and lane phase are solid or get higher elo then which champs would be the strongest to learn to main in toplane?
@unidentifiedmale117 4 ай бұрын
No fluff, just informative and helpful. I think I’ll be adding Trundle to my champ pool. Keep up the good work coach 🫡
@khalkitty7277 4 ай бұрын
As a Rengar and Udyr top main, I thank you for your services at keeping them exotic picks. You should have placed Teemo in the avoid tier tho, just to save more souls. Encouraging psychopaths to commit crimes is punishable by law you know... On a more serious note I am not quite sure a Teemo player could pick an other toplane champion like a player of any other A/B tier champion would. I would argue range champions are bad to learn toplane no matter what, their ability to bully under turret is unmatched and completely stupid, no other champion can crash and hit their opponent under turret like they do. Plus, Teemo's shrooms give vision and defensive fields against ganks, there is very few other champions you can be that aggressive on without getting punished for it.
@Ranked_Journey 12 күн бұрын
Sett guide when? Updated Garen guide?
@szymonpikorski8632 4 ай бұрын
Bro you da goat
@andreazgarcia440 4 ай бұрын
You mentioned Jax is very matchup dependent. As someone in low elo trying to pickup Jax I’ve found it very hard to find educational content on Jax matchups or even just trade patterns. Would you consider doing this?
@giantorres92 4 ай бұрын
He has a guide on Jax you might find helpful if you haven't seen it yet:
@nullwand3971 4 ай бұрын
Very quick tip about trading, he trades best when his passive has full/nearly full stacks, so auto creeps first and keep eye on the passive counter before jumping on the enemy
@zedlincurve282 4 ай бұрын
​@@nullwand3971I forward this advice and keeping track of your Ultimate's passive when you want to go for a short trade, q,w+ult passive auto +grasp then walk away is great to prepare an all In for example.
@d3d4ss 4 ай бұрын
Just watch challenger jax matches and try to play like them
@gen.tucker6024 4 ай бұрын
Garen is absolutely the best champion to learn toplane fundamentals on. You must master fundamentals to climb high with him, and he can apply any toplane concept. He can play as a Darius, crash the wave and let it bounce to set up an all in by his own tower, he can handle good amounts of poke, he can handle a lot of all-ins and survive, he is probably the best champion in the game to tank CC with good W usage, and he can proxy as good as a Singed at around lvl 7 and onward. And you get punished hard by not learning good wave management, not as hard as other champions but he is weak early compared to other toplaners, and if they get a good freeze, you are screwed. A lot of champions can not apply all these things and are limited to some of them. Many toplane players never proxy despite being able to.
@Bighomer5 4 ай бұрын
Nice list
@danpeters4177 2 ай бұрын
The King... our lord and saviour, the Champion of the realm of Demacia... Garen. People give that champ a lot of shit for being easy to pilot but he's legitimately great to learn the game's fundamentals.
@Taiwan-zt4xl 2 ай бұрын
Im a real beginner and started just yesterday. Tried many of these because I kept making new accs to see which ones where the best, at least from a beginner point of view. I'll say that before anything champs that don't use mana are the best choices because we keep pressing Q and all the other things for no reason which consumes mana and makes it an easy kill for the opponent. The choice falls only on 4 champs, the best ones I found myself with, Sett, Morderkaiser, Darius and Nasus. Ill explain a little why I found those the best ones and I hope someone can get more infos or correct me if Im wrong. Ill start with Sett 'cause he's my fav one, no mana usage and he's W at the beginning of the game is crazy good, it's the 1st one I lvl up and the 1st one that I max. If the other top laner uses a marksman then just keep pressing W if he/she has pretty much your same range, if not unfortunally there's not much to do. I had to play passively all the time with great results though because people get impatient. Morderkaiser is a unit, doesn't use mana either and he's Q is great. I believe it's a little harder than Sett to use but that's maybe just me. Darius is good because of the W which stuns the enemy, because of the E where you can get them to you and because of his bleed, only "problem" I have with Darius is his Q, if they get near you they wont get hit so Idk, maybe its just me. Nasus is an absolute unit because of his ulti, my God that shit is CRAZY strong. He's gonna regen lots of HP and it's gonna deal lots of damage, tbh I still got no idea how to counter him with, for example, Sett. He's really that strong. P.S. Ill add that champs like Illaoi are just too complex for us beginners so I would never put her that high tbh. Lots of problems with using her tentacles. Another thing, Garen seems to be good actually but he's too much melee and so you have to play him passively, I tried being a little more aggressive but ganks are always there and for a beginner watching that minimap is a big no. My eyes for example just wont go there when Im "fighting" someone in the same lane so getting "flanked" is really easy unfortunally. He can run faster with I dont remember which button but I didnt find him enough good as Sett and Mordekaiser for example.
@bryangrimmjow9962 4 ай бұрын
Great tierlist, I am myself currently in emerald so not sure if I can implement this. I do notice my macro is not the best so I should stick to my bruiser picks (darius/sett). However I notice I struggle a lot against ranged champs and get easily countered. So that's why Im forcing myself to play someone that is played more in higher elo like camille/yone
3 ай бұрын
I only like playing Mundo, but I get brutally flamed by my team for picking him, or by the enemy team for doing well with him in 75%+ of my games to the point that I find myself losing motivation to play. I’m still fairly new to the game, but it feels like there’s some kind of attitude about the guy where you’re labeled brain dead for playing him, even though I feel like I spend most of the game trying to find ways around the fact that I’m a very simple character in a game full of insanely powerful characters 😪
@johnreydelpilar8757 2 ай бұрын
Don’t be, dr mundo is just op in low elo that’s why, but in higher elo atleast diamond and above. Im pretty sure you will encounter players with skill that could play against mundo
@edra3091 2 ай бұрын
i always pick mundo when enemy team does not have max hp damage or bork users, it's just so fun and simple
@mokuzai4713 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for the video it is really helpful just for a better understanding on how champions works and their strengths. I wonder how should we take in consideration ban/pick rate. For example garen has a 15% pick and ban rate in bronze tier, meaning that if I wanted to main him I won't be able to 30% of my games. It is a recurrent issue in lower elo with the majority of A tier and above champions.
@KevinTheAzn 4 ай бұрын
I would love to hear your thoughts on xin or jarvan top 😅
@zegtronic 2 ай бұрын
how do you know when you have learned what you need to learn from garen. I've been playing him pretty seriously and really practicing fundamentals. I've earned 300k mastery in the last 6 months roughly. I was plat 4 in jungle last time i played rank (before 6 months ago) and was reset to silver this split and decided to lock in and climb in the top lane with garen because ive been learning it for the past 6 months. I just hit Gold on both of my accounts that were in silver and have a good winrate. So, when do i know when its time to stop "learning" the game..?
@gen.tucker6024 4 ай бұрын
What winrate would you say is realistic for a Challenger player on a champion like Garen in Diamond+?
@alexanderatanasov5837 4 ай бұрын
I hard disagree about the Fiora rating. The champion is easily with lower skill floor than champions like Aatrox. You get insane trading power and you could literally kamikadze split push to win as 0 10 Fiora or something. With Aatrox, if you miss a single Q, your damage output is significantly reduced.
@berkecanozcan2946 4 ай бұрын
I think fiora is easier to pick up then rest of the mechanical champions since its bit more forgiving with grasp so i guess it can work on lower elos if you have bit of mechanics. But higher you go, it becomes very punishing unless you are an otp. Even pros struggles to use her full potential.
@alexanderatanasov5837 4 ай бұрын
@@berkecanozcan2946 exactly. But since we are talking about beginners, I fail to see how Fiora is even remotely as hard as Aatrox to learn at base level. So yeah, I think Chippys probably didn't pay that much attention to this, which is understandable considering how many champs there actually are to talk about.
@Justissier 4 ай бұрын
Thank you
@allmight1109 3 ай бұрын
Garen can get countered very easy from range champs, and you cant do anyhting vs that early
@dusanpavlovic2201 4 ай бұрын
can u explain k'sante is he good into diamond
@kaelen9906 4 ай бұрын
for the algo lets get it!
@jesuschaves4480 3 ай бұрын
Love the content how do I join the discord?
@extra_tof 4 ай бұрын
Hey maybe you can help me. I need more top champs for my amateur competitive play. I main urgot and ornn and can play maokai voli and morde but i need like about 3 - 5 more champs that arent tanks ideally to round out my champ pool and make it immune to 2 or 3 target banns. Only problem is that i totally suck everytime i try out a champ and feel like i am a silver player (currently around dia 3 ranked). So i need a few easy to learn champs that are somewhat competitive viable and that fill different roles in a teamcomp
@zedlincurve282 4 ай бұрын
To me I would say : Renekton or Olaf to have a strong lane power and be an effective backline threat if you got a good lead. Gwen to have some AP damage dealer, good scaling and good at shredding tanks/ be a side lane threat. She's way easier to pick up than a rumble for example and imo as a toplaner you should always have an ap option in competitive scope Gragas could work as a neutraliser if you want to play a safe weak side and still be effective in teamfights later on Camille is not that hard to pick up if you want to just lock down a key target in the same way as a VI would do but be wary of throwing lane as her in some matchups, so I would recommend picking her if you need some instant backline dive and have a safe matchup like a k'sante
@extra_tof 4 ай бұрын
@@zedlincurve282 thanks a lot mate for your comment. I tried gnar myself before writing and i think hes jsut too complicated for me with rage management and the different abilities. (gnar had nothing to do with your comment) I played renekton and olaf also before and i think they dont fit me that well i dont really like early aggression and renekton never really clicked with me and olaf was ok i gues but idk. In general i think i have a problem with gwen. I always hard loose against her but when i try playing her i hard feed so idk maybe i need more time trying her but never worked either. Camille no clue tbh will try soon. but most importantly thanks for saying gragas i always thought hes hard and difficult but after playing one game normals with him that i didnt feed like my other normal game champ trys i think hes the right addition for me. I love weakside good scaling picks and gragas has it and i can even go ap to carry. Of course one game not enough to somehow get the champ but hes finally someone that i think i can learn and dont feal totaly hopeless with. Thanks
@CoachChippys 4 ай бұрын
Give Mord or Olaf a try, if you have success on Urgot those champs should work well for you
@extra_tof 4 ай бұрын
@@CoachChippys morde is already in my pool works decently for me but often as counterpick against illaoi malphite sion etc. Maybe i try olaf again soon played him a bit in generel my earlygame champs arent that good but i think olaf was one of the better champs in that category. So thanks for the tipps
@marcelogamio1888 4 ай бұрын
Do one for diamond up !!!!
@Guide_Maker 4 ай бұрын
@yas7265 4 ай бұрын
pls make an udyr top guide
@goobandz1663 4 ай бұрын
Gnar guide pls
@kaylenjoyer 3 ай бұрын
Ryze not even on the list :(
@ethanol7294 4 ай бұрын
@dallasjezowski5811 4 ай бұрын
@BrandonMoreno-k5x 4 ай бұрын
@Bighomer5 4 ай бұрын
Nice list
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