College Life: Transferring to UC Berkeley (and learning to love myself)

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oh no nina

oh no nina

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english captions available of course!! :) henlo it's nina and this is a very long video i know but if u watch it in its entirety it'll mostly make sense and it gets kinda philosophical and emotional towards the end bc my journey to going from high school to community college to UC berkeley wasn't a simple get all A's do extracurriculars apply to college be happy be confident know everything experience it was emotionally a rollercoaster and as a result made me go on this philosophical existential emotionally draining yet eye-opening journey to finding myself in college bc ur rly growing up as u go to college so like u rly gotta find urself before u dedicate the end of your youth to college and step out into the big unknown world so yea i hope u can watch the entire video i actually could talk about this topic for hours because there is so much i can and want to talk about but i reduced it to 23 mins for yall but yea if u watch the entire thing ur a star also as u realized im not a college advisor so i didn't give specific tips or statistics on how to apply for college but there are many videos like that on youtube so watch those hehehe but yea ok thank u so much for watching i hope u enjoy it ok ily byebye
twitter: ninaeyu
instagram: ninaeyu
tumblr: neenzus
spotify: neenzus
#collegeexperience #collegelife #UCberkeleyvlog

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@petrichoryoongles6958 6 жыл бұрын
Youre like our older sister walking us through things haha
@eun3513 6 жыл бұрын
And it feels good
@jadeisunderage4686 6 жыл бұрын
We love Shishtar!!!!
@LetsStopThisSong 6 жыл бұрын
i was going to say i agree but then i remembered i’m older than her whoops
@shedaydream6739 5 жыл бұрын
Damn true
@luisaaraujo9799 5 жыл бұрын
Yes I’m so happy to have Nina in my life
@moeyomu 6 жыл бұрын
my mom said you're pretty and you seem nice, i'm also glad that you're comfortable enough with sharing this very emotional yet interesting part of your life with us I purple you 💜💜💜💜💜
@lyrac723 6 жыл бұрын
Ayyeee community college transfers 🙆🏽‍♀️🙆🏽‍♀️🙆🏽‍♀️ Edit: Wow I notice so many similarities. I'm actually starting cc on Monday and I honestly can't wait because I'm taking a lot of classes that I'm excited about. i feel like I also need to learn how to be on my own and be myself, without my friends
@ME-wu9dy 6 жыл бұрын
Yaay! Community college was the best choice for me, I'm about to go into my second year and I'm so glad I didn't decide to go to a 4-year.
@grane1850 6 жыл бұрын
lyrac723 I'm sorry but what is community collage?
@grane1850 5 жыл бұрын
@Audrey Marrero oh i see! Thank you for the explanation ☆
@kalexis6484 4 жыл бұрын
The lack of cc transfers sucks I feel so alone in the whole process
@samanthareyes5442 5 жыл бұрын
i know this video was posted a while ago but I just want to thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience. Lately I’ve been thinking about the fact that I didn’t get into any of my dream schools. The UC i got into was really my last choice and I just don’t feel all that happy. It’s so last minute but thanks to you I’m thinking about just going to cc to give myself some time to gain more confidence.
@jessicahoang6587 3 жыл бұрын
I am in the exact same situation as you rn as a senior who was rejected from all her UCs, but after watching ur video u really encouraged me to open and continue my path in CC. Thank you.
@lzylouwho 5 жыл бұрын
okay so a few days ago, i got really discouraged and unmotivated because i messed up a painting (i'm also a really bad perfectionist, so it makes everything worse). today while watching this video, i suddenly felt motivated to draw something. i kept listening to what you were saying, (and especially when you said that you focused on what you were capable of doing), and it made me feel a lot better about everything. so thank you, and also, i'm proud of you nina
@uoieaia 5 жыл бұрын
Hey Nina, it's 4:34 PM, we have individual study period for our Family and Community Medicine class (yep, I'm studying medicine) and I'm working on a slide presentation for my Physiology laboratory report tomorrow. I decided to catch up with your videos. I haven't been keeping up to date with your uploads, but I do hang out on Twitter and leave a like & reply on your tweets when I can. Right now, I paused at 5:08. When you said how life doesn't go your way all the time, it hit me hard, and I'm trying my best not to tear up here in our library. A lot has happened to me before all this and I'm glad I went through it. Thank you for these videos Nina, and for being yourself. Love, Aia.
@miaaangela 6 жыл бұрын
This is so relatable! I was lost my senior year, and also ended up going to community college as a super last minute decision. I felt like a failure since people always expected more from me. Two years later, I'm really happy with what I'm doing because I also realized I wasn't ready for a university yet. My plans changed a lot, and I actually decided to stay at my CC since we have a 4 year program for my major here. I've experienced so much personal growth in the past couple of years, and I'm happy to see that you have too!!
@d.o.licious8514 6 жыл бұрын
im going through the whole process of figuring yourself out and what you want to do and have been going through it ever since i was 12 i think... i'm 14 now hhh it has been vvv frustrating process and even tho im only going to freshman year, im already so stressed abt college and it just saddens me that i'm already thinking abt this when i'm so young but also vvv thankful that im experiencing this when im still vvv young and have a lot of time to figure things out. yeah okay idk where i was going with this
@petrichoryoongles6958 6 жыл бұрын
d.o.licious Im in the same boat as you. Im the same age too trying to figure all of this stuff out (its comforting im not the only one thinking this haha) but i think its great we have the chance to experience a period of growth especially at a young age.
@d.o.licious8514 6 жыл бұрын
PetrichorYoongles aaa glad to finally know someone who's actually thinking abt this stuff already bc my friends get weirded out abt how im always thinking ahead and stuff,,, and aaa yeah im trying to always look at it at a postive light but it gets frustrating sometimes bc of how limited my ability is to think in the future, hhh do i make sense? like i can't even research abt how high rent would be bc prices differ every year and all that it also gets frustrating when i know that i should be having fun and being carefree bc im young!!1! and all that but my mind constantly just thinks abt who i am and who i want to be and my goals in the future. lmao sorry for the long reply ahhsjd
@itxy4283 6 жыл бұрын
d.o.licious As a senior in high school I think it’s good that you’re thinking about your future. As a freshman I was really carefree and I didn’t know much about college. In my first 2 years of high school i didnt do anything to learn or prepare about going to college and it didn’t help that the high school I was at was brand new. They had limited resources and classes. Now that I’m at a different high school for my senior year I’m starting to regret not educating myself about how to prepare for college. At my new high school everyone seems more smart and prepared for college and I’m feeling super stressed because college is right around the corner and I’m not prepared. In conclusion it’s totally fine to start thinking about college. Don’t pay attention to your friends if they get weirded out and to whatever you have to do. Sorry for the long rant. I just hope you don’t go through what I’m going through.
@serena8391 6 жыл бұрын
hey there, don't be too stressed now dear! Every single day of your whole life will be a process of trying to figure out who you are as a person, who you were as a person and who you'd like to be. I think it's wonderful that you're thinking about college and university as a freshman (starting early is always always a good idea) but its also important to take a step back and realize that your life will be much bigger than your four years in high school and four years in college. As a senior in high school (catch me frantically filling out those college apps oof) I wish you the best of luck! Please do enjoy your freshman year (GO BE SOCIAL AND HAVE FUN ITS IMPORTANT TO FIND BALANCE ~much regrets not doing that as much because all I did was stress~). Work hard, go find resources, talk to upperclassmen, do whatever you need to do to be successful (as long as its healthy both physically and mentally). You've got this!
@LondonCalling12 6 жыл бұрын
Girl, our story is so similar! I decided to go to community college last minute and applied to Davis (TAG), UCSD, UCLA, and Berkeley. Just like you, Berkeley was my dream school and I totally freaked when I got my UCLA accepatance but not so much when I got my Berkeley acceptance. For the same reasons you pointed out. I'm also so grateful I went to a community college first because just like you I needed the years I spent there. I am definitely more prepared and not in debt lol. Hope to see you around campus. 💛💙go bears💛💙
@fromnawon 6 жыл бұрын
Pleas make another video going into how you came to terms with self love and self acceptance! I would love to hear about your journey :) Thanks for this video! I related with you in so many ways, as an introvert myself. Keep doing you nina
@lindseydeng3945 6 жыл бұрын
thank you so much Nina. I'm so happy that I saw your video when I'm starting applying for universities
@BabiieeBoo7 6 жыл бұрын
wow. ok i relate in a way. i actually applied to colleges and got into one campus, didn't even think about it. I just knew i had to go to a four year college, I felt that pressure from high school teachers and everthing. now two years later, ive left that campus, am attempting cc for a while and reapplying somewhere else. i just need to learn more about myself and the career i want..
@maedollente225 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this, you're an inspiration to many. I love you, Nina 😍😍😍
@emiliaochoa3876 3 жыл бұрын
thank you for this video I was able to relate :) I took the same path and I'm considering UC Berkley
@tori3840 6 жыл бұрын
It sounds like a nice lil journey of self-growth :') inspiring!!!
@hanaday8001 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video literally what I am going through rn... I didn't get into my dream college and now a freshman in my back up school with really questioning wtf am I actually doing in life
@virag9623 6 жыл бұрын
*wow i'm early* i love you so much!!
@elifjonatic 6 жыл бұрын
im not a native speaker so i just couldnt understand. you went to a community college for 2 years and then did you went 2 or 4 years to UC berkeley? it was good to see you speaking about all these things have fun and good luck in your life!
@satinder8357 6 жыл бұрын
hey nina! i have recently stumbled upon you channel like two-three months ago on one of your study with me's and i subscribed like right away like i felt like i know you like your my wise older sister kinda way idk if that made sense. But im a sinior in highschool right know and i really understood likealot of the stuff that you felt and went through. even with the part where you said that your parents said you can do what ever you wanted and thats the same for me! like i have ideas of what i wanna do but i dont think im "ready" to go to university yet and im in a program where as a a joiner and seinor in highschool im allowed to go to my local community collage and i wanna go into medicine but im not good at it... and i feel like im just lost you know. idk why i even wrote this haha. i really wish i could talk to you about this stuff cuz it seems like you would know what to do???? idk thanks for reading.
@saraisosa7137 6 жыл бұрын
"as long as you aren't hurting anyone, existing is great on its own" really resonated with me. For a long time I didn't know what I wanted to do and felt stuck with who I was as a person. Eventually, through time and self reflection I was able to realize that you don't have to be the best or even all that good at something to be great.
@marlaramval9067 6 жыл бұрын
I was reading this at the same time Nina was saying it💛
@chevyha 6 жыл бұрын
To anybody whose going through college applications, just remember that you don’t have to stick to the status quo. People are so judgmental when it comes to what you’re doing after highschool. Whether you’re going to college, going to community college or taking a gap year they’ll still find ways to criticize your decisions. You should just do what you think is right for you. Don’t think you have to follow what everyone else is doing because at the end of the day it’s your decision and you should do what makes you happy, not anybody else :)
@jaslavie Жыл бұрын
this is so true. Especially in a competitive, asian-dominated environment (as an asian, I'm referring to the type of households and values we were raised with), it's very easy to follow the linear equation of "academic success = life success" when in reality, ability is so multifaceted. I wish our generation got a chance to hold up to the mirror not what our peers or elders tell us is the appropriate road to success, but actually reaching deep within ourselves, understanding the way we approach the world, and using that to realize what is truly best for us. It's a long road, but every new generation gets better.
@NadineFelice 6 жыл бұрын
nina this video is beautiful. :') I know it's gonna help and encourage a lot of people. i completely relate with you in the whole running away from one's inner thoughts thing all throughout highschool and the beginning of college. I think growing up really makes you more ~ aware ~ at this point in my life, i've realized that life isn't a race. you just get so pressured by the whole age, year level thing, conventional "life paths" your parents/relatives/friends have, but at the end of the day, it's your life you are living. It's okay to struggle, it's okay to take little baby steps, it's okay to be lost at times. You come out stronger and more resilient after going through these, aiming to live a fuller life (by your standard,) making the most of who you are. I'm forever going to be rooting for you and proud of you for growing up into a hardworking, intelligent, young woman!!! enjoy your last year in uni!!
@ohnonina 6 жыл бұрын
:''') thank u nadine !!!
@carenbercero2461 6 жыл бұрын
i subscribed to her last year because of you hehe, thank you
@maykigarzon 6 жыл бұрын
ninaxnadine interaction is love 💕
@Piquetures 6 жыл бұрын
Having gone through college and coming out on “the other side” I feel like so many of your experiences and topics you touch on were so relateable. I don’t think life has a straightforward path and to anyone feeling lost or taking the unconventional route, don’t feel like a failure because your story is simply different. 💗
@latifaal-dhaheri690 5 жыл бұрын
@XxX-wt4wl 5 жыл бұрын
i love this comment.
@diannasz 6 жыл бұрын
I know i say this a Lot but: CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE ENGLISH SUBS, WE LOVE AN CARING QUEEN! Brazil loves you a Lot!
@Anacatherine12345 6 жыл бұрын
Diannasz simmm 💕
@redvelvet611 6 жыл бұрын
Yeeess! I agree as a not native English speaker
@lauralynx_ 6 жыл бұрын
vai Brasil!!!
@julyaoliveira5171 6 жыл бұрын
simm!!! 💕💕
@xu33e 6 жыл бұрын
yesss the english captions are AMAZING
@Ribery763 6 жыл бұрын
Just now I got into a 4 year university, I was in community college for 6 years... I can’t believe I did it... I can finally breathe again. I don’t feel depressed anymore
@thecraftycreme 5 жыл бұрын
@withlovee_MJ 6 жыл бұрын
This kind of experiences and things are what remind me how important it is to build a good self esteem and start to get to know yourself. It's a bit sad that there are still parents pushing their children to study what they want because of family reasons or stuff and not let them decide who they want to become in a future, and that's how unhappy people are also made. We should be able to decide by ourselves, to learn from ourselves, to build ourselves, and even if this sounds so cliché, we do only have one life and how great it'd be living it being and doing what it's our passion. I kinda went through something similar, even though in my country is a bit different because I think the concepts of college and university are a bit different, but, when I was in high school I also never thought about what I wanted to do, I was also the person that'd be surrounded by other people and be influenced by them even if it wasn't good for me, but basically I just didn't explore myself that much and if today I start thinking about it, I'm just like "if I onle knew, I could've done so many things", but thinking about the past and drowning into it is never the solution so. I actually found out what I wanted to do, or basically my passion like a year ago and I'm also on my 4th year, which means I spent like 2 years and something still questioning if what I was studying was what I really wanted but then I really started to work for myself and found it and it does, gives you more confidence, especially when you're conscious about what you can do, how skilled you could be and stuff, and I guess that's how life works. No one is born knowing everything, comparing yourself to others is useless because everyone's different and everyone has a different lifestyle and mind. I think life becomes greater when you know who you are and love how you are and what you're doing and what you're learning, because if there's one person that should be the happiest and proudest at the end of the day, is me. I'm the one I should love.
@wafa5920 6 жыл бұрын
I was really in need of something like this.Thank you.
@aminabenyettou3596 6 жыл бұрын
Mikki Jung thank youuuu
@withlovee_MJ 6 жыл бұрын
It varies from person to person tbh, but there is always something that catches our attention the most, but sometimes we are not aware of it. In my case is audiovisual production and art direction, and for me everything started when, as a simple hobby, I started learning to edit videos when I was around 11 years old, and during that time I obviously never thought "i wanna become a video producer", I wanted to be a vet lol. But it's kinda like that, we all have something that catches our attention the most and we have to pay attention to it. You might be good at speaking, or writing and enjoy doing that and that can tell what you like and what kind of careers are related to that that you can pull off very good. You can be good at dancing and you're always looking to improve and you love doing it no matter if you've never been to an academy, and that's probably telling you that dancing is your thing, or being a choreographer or stuff related. Trying new things ALWAYS help, because you find what you like, what you can do, what you dislike, what you can't do, what interests you, what bores you, and tons of things, and that helps you deciding and thinking "i did this but i didn't enjoy as much as when i did this other thing". And tbh, opportunities come when one is willing to grow and do good, you can think of going abroad and for that you might have to work for one year or two to save and pay for the college/university you wanna go to, you can make plans to be at one place right now and then transfer if possible, like there are tons of ways to find opportunities and take advantages of them. And back to finding your passion, pay attention to yourself, to your skills, to your interests, and even to stuff you used to do, because you might find it there and you probably just haven't thought enough about it, and if you "don't like anything" keep trying new things even if it's just going to a conference, do it, apart from guiding you, you can learn a lot from that too. Different experiences also help us build ourselves :) I hope this helped a bit at least and good luck!
@lapetiteavocado7341 6 жыл бұрын
Mikki Jung thank you so much for sharing this 💗 I'm really in need of this. This year will be my last year of hs and I'm still feeling lost and stressed because I still don't really know what I want to study after I graduate.
@biab720 5 жыл бұрын
Just reading this is boosting my self confidence😂honestly thank you so much. I’m only a freshmen in high school, but I’ve been thinking a lot lately what I want to do in life. I love my mom, but it’s hard to talk her about these things bc she wants me to be in the computer science/engineering departments when I enjoy art and writing, she wants me to attend the Naval Academy when I want to travel the world or study abroad, she wants me to be well educated and be rich when I want to have TRUE happiness. I try to tell her these things, but she always rejects my ideas and scolds me, and I have nothing to prove that I could successfully create my own future l, one way or another(cause you know, I really have no idea what I want to do quite yet). I’m scared to disobey her because she has done so much for me and I don’t think I would have the opportunities and life I have now without her. I’m afraid my choices I make in life will disappoint her and put a strain on our relationship. I’d be embarrassed if she saw me fail and struggle bc of the choices I made and she’d tell me “I told you so.” Tbh, I’m a coward. But your words are reassuring and telling me that I can get through this and find my own success with COURAGE(that I will somehow muster up one day lol) and work hard for whatever the hell I want to do as well:))
@AlyssaShalom 6 жыл бұрын
This video was beautifully done Nina 😭😭😭😭 I'm glad that this video is sooo transparent. I feel like it's needed, especially for those of us who are in college and going through similar things. On a happy note: We both transferred from community college to Uni! 🎉🎉🎉🎉😎😎😎😎👏👏👏👏 WE IN THERE!!
@nadialynch8558 6 жыл бұрын
after 4 years of CC and finally started uni on tuesday...I loved hearing this and this is exactly what I needed to hear. Great on you for trusting your journey
@kittykat6497 6 жыл бұрын
this video has really inspired me since i'm just about to start my senior year of high school and can relate to a lot you said about this phase of not knowing and loving yourself. i'm struggling with this for quite some time now and ended up just not wanting to think about it anymore and just go with the flow instead and honestly, i was doing better mental health wise by stopping​ worrying too much but your video made me realize that that's not a long term thing that i have to deal with myself at some point and i really want to thank you for that! i'd love to see more of this kind of videos :))
@astoldbyjun3952 6 жыл бұрын
I really look up to you. This video really helped me. 💕 during my senior year, I did the exact same thing. I automatically assumed I would get in but got rejected. After that moment, I started looking for a community college. So I applied to my local community college and I got accepted. I felt like it was the end of the world for me but slowly i got better with reaching my goals. Thinking back, I’m glad i picked this community college on helping me. At my community college, I made the deans list, join the national honor society of Health Care, and walked on to my college cross country team. I was lost but I found myself again. Now I got accepted to University Of Arizona with a good approach. Thank you for being you ❤️ I’ll be cheering you on!
@oliviagrace5177 6 жыл бұрын
lately i've been reflecting on myself and trying to figure out what i need to work on and how i can become the best version of me that i can be. i don't really have much self confidence and I'm constantly worrying that I'm not smart enough and that I'm going to fail and not being able to accomplish whats necessary to be able to have the career i want. I'm a senior in high school and I'm just now getting ready to get my drivers permit and i haven't even taken the sat yet, but I'm being told that i should be applying for scholarships and colleges right now, and i feel like everything is happening so fast and all at once. i feel so overwhelmed and afraid that i can't do it all?? i want to go to a university but I've been thinking about myself, and i don't think I'm mentally ready to take on uni yet. this video has really inspired me to take my time to find myself and really work on learning and bettering myself as a person. community college might be a good option, or even taking a gap year and get a job, save up money, and just take the time to find and love myself. thank you so much for making this video :)
@justinlontok1099 6 жыл бұрын
I went through the exact same journey from hs, to community college, and ucla. Thanks for sharing and reminding me that every low point is just another challenge to grow better!
@raynaperry1779 6 жыл бұрын
Honestly, choosing to figure things out at CC is such a smart decision. I went to a school I was halfhearted about my freshman year. I'm finally transferring to the university I originally wanted to go to next semester, but by the time I graduate, I will have attended 3 schools. It was a waste of time and money and while it worked out in the end, I wouldn't recommend it. Thanks for this video! Gave me a lot of perspective.
@kimberlycarrillosolares2112 6 жыл бұрын
I go to UC Merced and am about to start my second year there in a few days, however, I don't really feel like that's where I fit and am kind of regretting not going to community college first instead of university. Throughout my first year I wasn't able to find friends, failed two classes and constantly felt like a failure compared to my peers. I can relate to a lot of what you said about how you were feeling in high school except I still feel that way but I'm also scared that if I drop out of a UC and go to community college I won't be able to transfer to any school that I would want to go because I had already gone to a UC once and I don't really know what I'm doing. In my mind, I don't really have a "future" thought out for myself or what I want to do and am really at a loss. (sorry if this is really personal this is just a constant reoccurring thought)
@amandadelatorre8371 6 жыл бұрын
Are you in California? If you are, look up the TAG program. All you need is a certain GPA to get into most of the UC's. The application is super easy, you don't even have to do an essay. Just have the minimum GPA requirement lol. The only UC's that don't do it are UC Berkeley, UCLA, and UC San Diego. I think every community college does it
@amandadelatorre8371 6 жыл бұрын
I'm so grateful for community college because I went through so much crap that has affected me and changed me and changed my goals, and going to a 4 year right out of high school is so difficult. I'm an entirely different person than I was a year ago.
@__zmii922 6 жыл бұрын
I just love the comment sections on your videos they are always so positive and lovely ! appreciate your content ❤️❤️❤️
@carolinaalcaraz8689 6 жыл бұрын
I relate to this sooooo much. I just graduated high school, and just like you I was at a crossroads. My mom also got very emotional about it too but because she felt like I should know what I want to do and that I should have a plan, but she has finally accepted it. And on monday, I'm gonna start. Thank you for making this video. It really speaks to me. :)
@jojoxx14 5 жыл бұрын
"I kind of didn't really see a future for me in high school, I just want to get through each day and just kind of deal with it. Just hope that something good happens. " Brooo, this really took me back to high school bc this was exactly my mind set. It makes me sad to think about, bc while I'm in community college now and I'm still not where I want to be like, at all, I finally see some kind of future for myself. I guess this is what growing up is.
@ceciliayw 6 жыл бұрын
every word. i can relate, especially when u talked about how youre “going with the flow” ... im scared too
@Pazzyluv2 6 жыл бұрын
Damn that hit home I totally relate to the going with the flow facade to cover my own insecurities and not wanting to deal with failure so I never put myself out there
@wiktoriagouch5657 6 жыл бұрын
You are so pretty I am drawing you while watching lol if you don’t mind ;))) Also luv ur vids k be 🌸🌸🌸💕
@norastar372 6 жыл бұрын
i'm going to college this September and i'm going to study Pharmacy which wasn't what i wanted.... i wanted to go to medicine school to be a neurosurgeon but i was two marks short and didn't make it. to me everything was planned out during school, i've always been a valedictorian and was always on top of my class but when it came to the final exams of my senior year i thought ''well, it's the last thing i have to do before i go out into the big world and achieve my dreams!'' but when the results came out and i knew i was so close but didn't make it, i was lost. i felt like all of my hopes got thrown out of the window because of two marks, TWO MARKS! i joined Cairo University which is everyone's dream university, and the Faculty of Pharmacy isn't a small thing but it wasn't what i wanted. right now, i'm learning to accept what God has decided for me and achieve myself in another career. i know that it will be okay, hopefully, and i won't lose faith in God or myself so for everyone who is going through the same situation or a similar one, i hope you find your way out of it and believe that you were put there for a reason ❤❤
@LandoftheIn-Between 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you, I was in college for two years and 1/4 then got sick and have spent a year healing. A lot of the realizations you had in cc about insecurities and not pushing yourself out of your comfort zone really resonated with me. Makes me feel like I’m not alone and like there’s still time for me to figure out my life and figure out who I am.
@gM-sm1fs 6 жыл бұрын
I'm going to be a junior this year and I know how much more I have to apply myself and focus on college and SAT/ACT testing and I'm honestly a mess, I really don't know how to have confidence in myself and setting myself up to be successful. In other words, I'm not very confident and haven't the slightest idea of what the hell I'm going to do with my life. I've watched your youtube videos for about the past 2 years and now that I'm thinking about college and graduating within these next 2 years, seeing this video really does help me think more about what I'll go through and experience and what I should expect myself to achieve. I've been thinking that I don't think I'll be ready for committing to university, so you talking about how community college allowed you to find yourself really makes me more comfortable considering options like community college before forcing myself into something when I'm not ready for it. thank you so much for being yourself and sharing your experiences!!
@leahjarrett3139 6 жыл бұрын
I'm about to start community college this week so this video was perfectly timed. Your story is very inspiring to me as I am definitely too hard on myself and often feel lost. Thanks for sharing 😘
@tinher 6 жыл бұрын
this video was so inspirational and relatable as i’m going through the same path as you with community college before university. thanks for sharing some wisdom and good luck with your final year of college!
@nanikazen6 5 жыл бұрын
I can confidently say that I am going through a stump in my life. I am a high schooler, and I am having trouble finding my path let alone my place in high school. I am shy and introverted, which is something I hate about myself. I feel like I don't have true friends, and that I'm not putting my best foot forward. It's hard for me because I think so lowly about myself and I am basically lost. But after hearing about your path from high school to where you are now, I feel a little better. You became the kind and heartwarming older sister in this video. Whether my future ends up happy and or not the way I want it, I just want to say thank you. Within my fears of confessing my greatest insecurities to others, you became someone who I could relate to so much. I will forever be your fan, keep up the good work!
@RoseRose-jh3bo 3 ай бұрын
I hope you learn to love yourself! I’m shy and introverted to and I’m improving but I often think about how being introverted helps me learn more about myself and get to know people by observing there facial features and there body language, anyway I know it’s know it’s been 5 years but I hope you love yourself🥰🤣
@akhan2189 5 жыл бұрын
For those who are feeling pressured to get into top colleges (like ivy league) by family, peers, society, others, etc due to societal or even YOUR personal expectations, just remember that in the future people WILL NOT CARE WHERE YOU WENT TO COLLEGE. SURE there could be future job benefits, but overall it does not matter ESPECIALLY if you trying to get into that "top college" is destroying your mental/physical health in the process. This is just me speaking from personal experiences.
@samikchhas 6 жыл бұрын
i am a currently a sophomore in high school and this video really made me realize that i should take more advantages of high school and really use my time in hs to really find myself and think about what i really want .. great video Nina like always i been binge watching all your videos so You’ll definitely catch me in your comments again💖👏🏻
@JY-xr4im 4 жыл бұрын
대학 진학에 실패하고 이게 내 한계인가보다 하고 생각할 수도 있었는데 오히려 그걸 기회로 만들어서 자아성찰을 하셨다는게 멋있어요. 그리고 다시 도전해서 결국에 원하는 대학에서 공부하고 졸업까지 하셨다니 대단하시네요! 저도 특히 혼자있는 시간을 통해 배운다는 점은 공감이 많이갔어요.
@ReaperHei 2 жыл бұрын
I know this video may be old hearing your story in the video felt relatable to me. When I was a Highschool senior I really looking forward to go to my dream university but, sadly I got rejected it really made me sad and even my back up schools that I applied too rejected me as well :c. However, some of my friends decided to go to Community College but part of me dinnt really want to go because it dinnt go the way I wanted to. In the end I finally decided to go to Community College for the first time in my life it felt like I was alone because I dinnt know anyone those two years. However, it changed me for the better from a timid shy person to an active outgoing person to look for more opportunities like you stated in your video c: I met so many new people during my 2 year institution and participated in alot of clubs and internships which I have never done before. When It was time for me to submit my application to uni I finally got in the school I wanted to go!! Looking back I would't want to change anything it was worth the growth like you mention so thank you for sharing your story I also felt the need to share mind so you can read it
@kiara69420 6 жыл бұрын
I’m applying to colleges/universities this year and as the first person in my family to go to college and a first generation child in the U.S. it’s very nerve wracking because to a certain extent I feel so clueless and I feel like i’m at a disadvantage compared to certain classmates who have older siblings or parents who’ve gone to college. i’m trying to not hype myself up when I send in my application because I don’t want to deal with the emotions that come incase I don’t get accepted. In conclusion what i’m trying to say really is that i’m thankful you made this video because I feel like while to a certain extent i’ve come to terms with what will happen will happen, yet at the same time i am trying to avoid a lot of fears that I have going into the application process and so this video is for sure making me be confront those fears
@takemetothesky1276 6 жыл бұрын
I just think this video is one of the best "advice" i came through. The way you talk about your experience is so, i don't know how to put it into words, maybe inspiring, but not only that. It's clear that we all, as young people who have to find their places in the great scheme of things, have to struggles, more or less, with what we think about ourselves and with what our dreams and hopes truly are. And maybe we came across obstacles at the right time in our lives, so we can take a moment to just listen to that voice inside us which we ignored for so long. To heard of your journey remind me of mine, that is so different and so similar, and i'm sure so many people can relate or have an epiphany as well. In the end I want to say that makes me so happy to see you so at ease to share with us what you have been through, and that what happened really helped you to discover yourself and gain confindence in your skills. Fighting 💜
@celestialmoonie 5 жыл бұрын
the fact that im dealing with all of this rn... 😭 Thank you for making this video... really thank you 😭😭
@graciemullan2701 6 жыл бұрын
thank you so much for this. im going to be a junior in high school this year, and i really slipped last year grade wise. 3 cs (but an ap class saved my ass a bit so my gpa isnt too bad). honestly i feel pretty lost. i was very depressed and a lot of things were happening in my personal life to contribute to where my grades were going. i was a mess. but this year im determined to do better and work harder, this was really comforting truly. if i don't have confidence, than there's no chance i'd be accepted into my dream schools. (ps i like the epiphany references hehe) thank you so much
@stanirenebaestantalent597 5 жыл бұрын
I really needed this. I’m a senior and I dont know what i want to do and yet im applying to art schools and tech schools but I’m so unsure. I think if i get rejected from my top schools I’m going to go to a community college and find myself and who i am as a person and what i want to do in the future. I’m very iffy about college because its expensive and dedicating your life 4 years at this major is really suffocating in my opinion. So thank you!!!
@sallyteng874 5 жыл бұрын
i'm really afraid for universities because i'm a shy introvert person and to universities it's mostly not depending on your grades it's basically your volunteering hour and just activities either outside school or in this really bothers me cause i do not have much friend and i am a homebody i'm so stressed out
@shellssoul 5 жыл бұрын
Sally teng hey i relate a lot to u. im rly shy and i havent even had any community service hours either. i dont have a lot of activities outside of school other than around one to two. but its never too late!!! We got this. Baby steps dude!! I was always scared of joining clubs but i recently joined kpop club and even if that’s barely anything, it felt very relieving to join something i wanted to for a while. I was always scared but my friend helped me since shes in the club as well. We can do this !!
@diannaa.62 6 жыл бұрын
I hope it’s not weird for me to say that I see myself in you. My story is similar to yours except I’m going into my second year at community college and I still don’t have a dream. I’m really anxious about the future but knowing everything turned out ok for you is comforting. Thank you for sharing your story! It means a lot❤️
@manargrisia825 6 жыл бұрын
nina ur my fav youtuber thank you so much and i love u so much❤ thank you for making those videos . all love from tunisia
@ferica 5 жыл бұрын
what the heck this is literally what i'm experiencing rn. community college was never really on my mind, but now i'm seriously considering going. i began to seriously consider it when one of my friends told me they were going (like you said haha). most of the colleges i got into were pretty much safeties, and i honestly don't think i'd be happy spending my college years at any of them. i'm still in the middle of deciding where to go, and it's most likely going to be community college. this is a really big decision for me because cc was never really an option for me, you know? i can just relate to you so much and wow you did it!! i'm hoping to transfer to ucla or uci in less than 2 years, do you have any advice? like what were your stats? was the transfer process difficult? are extracurriculars going to play an important part when admission officers are viewing your transfer application, or is it just mostly GPA?
@seduizer 5 жыл бұрын
This just made me so happy. I'm going to community college this year and at first I was going to go a college I didn't want to go to, it was just one my parents wanted me to go to so I decided to just go to community college and transfer. I felt like it was the wrong choice because most of my friends are going to university, moving into dorms next month, talking to their roommates and I felt so out of place even alone sometimes because I couldn't talk to them about that. I felt like because I wasn't going straight to a university, I was a disappointment. That I was just a nobody but stumbling upon this video opened my eyes. I never realized it could be a second shot for me, a way to start over and maybe invent a new me. Thank you so much for this you have no idea how happy this has made me.
@sandramaza9880 6 жыл бұрын
15:46 made me cry. im so happy for you
@beameam773 6 жыл бұрын
Sandra Maza i cried too
@ama-qy9jr 6 жыл бұрын
I relate so much. I’m so mad at myself for not doing so many more extracurriculars and taking even more APs then I did cuz now I’m applying to Universities and I feel like I could have done so much better. But really I’ve just had a not so great few years and really I did really well considering. I just need to let go of wanting to go to an Ivy League 😂 it’s never gonna happen
@honeybear8662 5 жыл бұрын
Now I see why your bias is Namjoon. You both have such an open mindset to things whether it's small or big. Much love Nina 💜💜
@diannasz 6 жыл бұрын
I missed you 💕 stay healthy and take care, If you're happy then i'm too, be happy💕 ily
@caseytran4451 5 жыл бұрын
What you said about college essays is so real. That process for me was struggling to write in a positive way about hardships that I have yet to overcome, trying to find something insightful to say about what little life experience I have. We’ll see if they buy it
@meeshosoup 6 жыл бұрын
Hi Nina, I'm actually glad you made this video. I am currently a community college student as of now, and I will be transferring soon! I'm excited and nervous at the same time. Like I honestly feel like I want to throw up. I'm really nervous and scared because one of my fears is that I will be rejected into all or most of the CSUs and UCs that I will be applying to in the future. I don't want to let myself or my family down, you know? And If I do get rejected, (especially since my major is heavily impacted) I feel like I wouldn't know where else to go or what else to do after that.
@kalexis6484 4 жыл бұрын
How did it all go!!!???♥️♥️ I transfer next semester am so nervous
@lyys.1648 5 жыл бұрын
im crying with your video because somehow I can relate with your feelings. I´m half brazilian japanese , currently living in Brazil. Yesterday I got rejected by my dream school ( its a exam like sat), I spended the whole year studying REALLY hard, but yeah it wasnt suficient. Of course im feeling sad, unmotivated, I literally cried the whole day. I always though that I had to go straigh to the university after I graduated high school because its just the way I was raised. But thinking now, I guess I´m just not prepared, everything takes your OWN time. still feeling bad but thing will get better, i think. also, I hope you´re okay
@vb-kh8mp 6 жыл бұрын
omg i was just at uc berkeley for college visits & touring. i'm even wearing my comfy uc berkeley sweater. i wish i saw you there, you seem like such a cool person (i'm checking out your channel for the first time). [[[talking abt myself in relation to this video]]] this video means so much to me because of the connection to berkeley and also because i feel such a connection to what you said in this video. i have been depressed for the past 5 ish years and i have been in a place where i was in school with everyone i knew since i was little up until the beginning of last school year. i never felt the need to know who i was and when i started to try to figure it out, it made me very depressed and anxious because i felt stuck and confused. i'm just finally making some solid progress with my mdd(depression) and gad(anxiety) and so i wanted to look at my future and go to tons of college fairs. looking at my future really motivates me. while i was in berkeley for this college touring program, we also had to do these mock college admission essays and uc essays. the way you described how you felt about your first admissions and essays is exactly how i feel about how i did those. i got so frustrated. i really need lots of time to figure myself out just like how you did in community college. [[[final point]]] i see lots of parallels between my situation and how you described your journey. this video gives me a lot of hope, especially because i have a little more time than you did to really try to get to a secure point. i'm already obsessed with your channel. the way you explain things in such a calm but meaningful way really makes me feel hopeful. please continue being yourself because i'm sure it's helping many more people than just me. p.s. i giggled when u said crossroads at 7:46 because i was wondering if you somehow picked up that term from uc berkeley (i thought of the dining hall lol)
@bree3074 6 жыл бұрын
Thats exactly what happen to me. I never thought about community college but my friend told me about it. but I went to a CSU and ended up coming home and going to community but now I am a student at UCLA . This is so relatable and I'm so glad that I'm not the only one.
@katharine1287 6 жыл бұрын
You should do more videos like this 💜
@cherrycreeper 6 жыл бұрын
'an epiphany' *stares at the camera like it's the office* me: screams about kim seokjin
@cherrycreeper 6 жыл бұрын
@minimalel preach sister
@izaakhan2114 4 жыл бұрын
I’m the one who should love 💜💜💜💜😢😢😭
@nataliaquintero1467 5 жыл бұрын
Just finished my first semester at a CC and honestly this was the most genuine video that I've seen a transfer student create. You are so motivating and inspiring I am glad that I decided to go to a CC even though I got into a couple of schools my heart was not set on those paths. Hopefully in the future, I can look back positively as well.
@carolinelee9645 6 жыл бұрын
This is such an insightful vid!! So happy for your success, you're such an intelligent n warm hearted person. :')
@ohnonina 6 жыл бұрын
thank uu caroline :'')
@claraovejero2448 5 жыл бұрын
Nina, I wish you only knew how great this video made me feel. I can't completely grasp how the States' education system works as i'm Spanish so in that way this video doesn't totally reach out and touches me; what does touch my heart is how you poured yourself into this video without talking about exact topings or adressing your personal issues which are none but yours ((and MAYBE the beloved ones in your life)). I personally couldn't get into the Uni I wanted to either and had to go through a year of working, living outside of my household and then coming back and studying in a school that deff wasn't what I had expected to force myself to grow, address my personal hopes and learning to not be ashamed of them. What makes this vid beautiful is that UNIversal journey (hehe) that you tell so well. Keep working and congrats on graduating! You sure change the world around you, no matter it's size.
@maiazine 6 жыл бұрын
self love is so important! i made a similar video in my channel and am trying to improve :)
@vicarrer 5 жыл бұрын
i’m watching this video just now and this really hit me somehow. every single one of us have a different story and that’s so fascinating to me. right now i’m so stressed because i chose a class i’m not sure i want to attend to and idk if i should change to another one or not. i’m just struggling so much and seeing that i’m not the only one who’s been through stuff like this is kinda relieving but also as i said before fascinating. this got so deep lol i’m just overthinking don’t mind me. nina if you see this hey you’re literally the best youtuber and person, i wish i had a friend like you. you’re such a motivation so thank you. :’) this video is beautiful. i hope you have a big, successful future. i’m sure you will! edit: i just finished the video and i cried idk why. whAT IS GOING ON
@mayarabatistas 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this, I'm applying to university this year and I chose two of the most hard ones in my country (Brazil) and this is the first video that made me calm down about whats going to happend, life dosen't have just one way to go, and you kind of showed me this 💗
@smritithapa 6 жыл бұрын
if she was in UCLA, my best youtubers, Nina and Conan Gray would be in the same college 😍 I love Nina❤️
@sumanzehra2852 5 жыл бұрын
Smriti Thapa that’s really the first thing I thought of
@lina_byoui 6 жыл бұрын
i loved this chit chat, i seriously can relate 100% at some points! 😭
@hannahr6108 6 жыл бұрын
this is so relatable for me- i was a good student in high school but somehow my exams didn't go quite as planned so my dream schools all rejected me. it was kind of the first time i realised that stuff doesn't always go the way you want and not everything is fair. still ended up loving the uni i chose in the end though
@sandramaazouz620 6 жыл бұрын
I love you so much! You are my no.1 motivator to a lot of things i wished i’d get motivated to do, from learning korean to drawing to many other kinda indirect things. You have all my support!♥️♥️
@elisabeths9745 6 жыл бұрын
Nina this video was incredible thank you for sharing your experiences. I relate sooo much to how you felt in high school. I just graduated and am going to community college in the fall to figure my shit out bc I am for sure not ready for a four year university😂. I love your videos girl and am living for all the self love❤️❤️ good luck this year at Berkeley !!
@BM-fb9qz 6 жыл бұрын
It was really nice to hear your story and how you’ve learned to love yourself. I’m going into my second year of university and I feel like I haven’t really pushed myself to do as well as I could have but this has inspired me to really try hard and become something. Thank you x
@awabia 6 жыл бұрын
I know this isn’t perfectly aligned with what you’re talking about in the video but today I tried to get tickets for the BTS stadium show and I didn’t get them. I felt so strongly and was just SO sure in my heart that I would get them. I did everything I should’ve and prepped ahead of time...but I still didn’t get them. When you said “life doesn’t always go your way I guess” it just reminded me of that. Like you can do everything right and things can still go wrong. I decided to watch this on a whim but it’s funny how we stumble upon exactly what we need to hear. ALSO, don’t drag me about moping about BTS tickets! 😭 it’s just what’s on my mind right now. I can relate a lot to your school struggles too. I’m a 5th (soon to be 6th) year college student and I just *can’t get this last year right for some reason. Anyway, I hope you’re doing well now, Nina. I’m glad you were able to work through this issue!
@TheChristineHuang 6 жыл бұрын
I also went to community college before transferring to UC Berkeley (I actually graduated back in 2016) and I think my experience at community college was so important for my self-growth as well. I was pretty shy in high school and dealt with a lot of social anxiety and just didn't participate much in class & in school activities. Being away from my friends and other people's expectations really helped me figure out who I am as a person and become more confident in myself. Highly recommend anyone who isn't sure about their college choices or what they want to do in college to consider going to community college! It's an option that I also didn't consider for a long time, but I don't regret it at all
@rockyroad179 6 жыл бұрын
the message you shared in telling your story in such a real and honest way means a lot. i could really find myself in your words.
@cherfancherfan6682 6 жыл бұрын
Ik that this video will be amazing ilysm❤❤❤ Edit: ik that I'll love this video thank you so mush for your advices❤❤❤
@sab_a_lam 6 жыл бұрын
Love yourself........................ Okay I’m out.
@SelinaIsMyName87 6 жыл бұрын
Hey Nina - this video helped me so much, you have no idea. I just graduated high school and now I'm on gap year trying to focus on my mental health. High school and the university application process stressed me out so much that I got anxiety attacks and cried daily. Even now, just until a few days ago, I wanted to reapply to some schools to prove that I could do it, to prove other people wrong. It was so tied to my self-worth that I couldn't let go of it. Honestly, I still don't know if I'm going to reapply. But thank you so much for this video and hopefully I will emerge from this process relatively unscathed...
@shellssoul 5 жыл бұрын
Selina Qing hey dude i relate a lot to this. Currently a junior and had so many anxiety attacks that i had to take a break and be absent for a while. Instead of that break helping me and helping me grow, it damaged me even more. Ive been dwelling on how much ive been behind and how i can never retrieve the position i was in before. Everything else has been hitting me including my past and that’s all that has been circulating and spiraling in my head over and over. This video helped a lot. I hope u know ur not alone. Were all in this together. We got this !! WE CAN DO THIS!!!
@SkyMist227 6 жыл бұрын
move-in day for freshmen is today and i just pulled an all nighter packing before watching this video and felt pretty hopeless.. i procrastinate so much, my sleep schedule is terrible, and i know i'm going to have to face my social anxiety in college. i'm excited for college but i also feel like im about to drown and i don't know what to do.. but hearing you speak about your experiences helped. at first, i was thinking o shit maybe i shouldve gone to community college (sometimes i try to apply others life choices to my own cuz it's not as scary as making your own choices) but thank you for emphasizing that everyone should choose their own path at the end of the video. i feel a bit less panicked that i'm going to university and a bit less pressure to get a 4.0 and transfer to a "better" school.. i'm going to focus more figuring out what life i want to live, and the steps i can take to cultivate that life. i know it will be hard ahhhh i probably don't know how fking hard it's gonna be. but yes i digress thank you for sharing your experience and if you've come so far, it means i can too :')
@oomelette 5 жыл бұрын
10:47 "I thought that everyone around me was smarter than me" ...dam this really hit me.
@OlgaLight13 6 жыл бұрын
I love seeing growth mindsets and journeys...failures only lead to growth. Thank you for getting personal with us, and I wish you the very best of luck
@cantonesejyutpingpinyinlyr5678 Жыл бұрын
Rewatching this video again and i still got so touched just like how i first watched it. i went to college straight after high school and i am not even from the US but i still resonate so much with your journey because i was exactly the same timid and shy teenage girl and i looked down on myself thinkingi i will never be as good as my peers and it took a long process to grow out of this mindset and start to know and accept myself. Thank you so much for sharing this journey with us.
@ChallengeStarts 6 жыл бұрын
... and Nina and her followers lived happily ever after. :)
@karinaflores6472 6 жыл бұрын
When u started talking about not being as "smart" as your peers i screamed bc i related sO much
@vanpham2097 6 жыл бұрын
This video is so inspirational. I'm currently a sophomore in high school, and I've been stressing about college/university for a while since I've heard so many stories about people going STRAIGHT to university right after graduating. I thought to myself, "how can anybody be so...ready?" I still don't know what I want to do with my life, and yet, many others around me aspire to become this or that at such a young age. After listening to your experiences, I'm not as insecure about myself as someone who (most likely) needs the extra time to evaluate my strengths and passions. TYSM for making this video!!!
@tanyasoucy9613 6 жыл бұрын
I’m kinda in the middle of starting my adult life too and breaking out of my social anxiety and finding myself, so to hear how you’ve grown out of it really gives me an extra hope that I can grow and will grow... thank you so much for sharing!!
@tara8860 6 жыл бұрын
This was a really great video, thank you! I had a similar experience, except I went straight to university after high school and had that moment of realisation after graduating. I had to take a couple of years working to really figure out who I was and what I wanted to do, and after that I ended up starting a second degree, which I absolutely love! I wish it was more commonly accepted that we're all going to need some time to ourselves to really figure out what we want, instead of just being thrown into things running [Paradise by BTS plays]
@sab1540 6 жыл бұрын
you've become my fav youtuber i love all your videos and you're honestly soo pretty! much love xxx
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