how is weak defined in h2n? i build my own program around pt4 and calculate the eq vs a random hand, based on this i define bluffs as eq
@DooDooPoker26 күн бұрын
@@looper6394 The default setting is low pair or less so low pair or air. There are spots in poker where we have less than 50% equity and we jam for value so I wouldn’t use that. It depends how big the pot is. For instance in 4bet pots we get to value jam on the flop when we have 35%-40% equity because the pot is already so big and we can’t realize equity by calling.
@looper639425 күн бұрын
@@DooDooPoker good point. i have a slight feeling that you misinterpreted my approach. let me clarify, in 4b pots ranges are very narrow, i assume that you meant 35-40% equity against some gto range for the given spot. i am calculating a given showdown hand (on a particular board/street) against any2 (eq vs a random hand). this equity should be a lot higher than 35-40%. therefore, if you have more than 50% eq vs a random hand, it indicates a value hand, otherwise the hand is not even a favorite against a random hand, it is categorized as a bluffing hand. my problem with h2ns approach is that lowpair sometimes makes a good valuebet, for example after x-x when you target A high calls. also there are certain spots in which midpairs or toppairs become reasonable bluff candidates.
@DooDooPoker25 күн бұрын
@@looper6394 oh okay. Your definition seems good and I can see how the h2note definition could be problematic when we target Ace highs. Although I don’t think I’m the best person to ask about this as I am not a programmer. My strengths are in analyzing data not necessarily compiling it or curating it. I’d recommend the software forum on twoplustwo as they can give you better answers than me.