Come Follow Me Book of Mormon Jacob 1-4 (Apr. 1-7) Don't Miss This

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@1heatherchris 6 ай бұрын
I know I’m late with this, but dang, this episode meant so much to me. I have listened to it twice now, and I know I will again. It is my life. It is my love, my hope, my experience!! Thanks so much! Such golden nuggets!
@kathrynquinn6889 6 ай бұрын
I’m writing down, “when you live vertically, God will point you horizontally.” That is valuable to many situations. It’s first obtaining your errand from the Lord and then going out and doing it. It’s being grateful for your blessings and then using them to serve others. Is following Gods commandments and setting an example for those around you. It’s praying and following promptings. It’s following Him and being His hands. And many more. I see a cross-stitch coming.
@lauraelf1 6 ай бұрын
I have learned to think of faith as a response to fear and anxiety. Fear and anxiety are just emotions and like any other emotions are not evil or wrong in and of themselves, but just provide information about a situation. But in addition to the information provided by the emotions we also have the information provided by the scriptures and the spirit, etc. And because we have more information we can move forward which is faith.
@for_one_and_all 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for pointing out that days can look differently even when we are choosing the right. My brain likes routine and when things are different my anxiety goes up (not panic attack level) but then using the faith *in* the anxiety to recognize the spirit every day when choosing the right looks different daily will change my life for the better. Thank you!! ❤❤❤❤
@gleep984 6 ай бұрын
Grace, you look terrific with a ponytail! I love it!
@shiver.breeze 6 ай бұрын
I just turned in my mission papers and I’ll get my call in a few weeks. This study session came just in time because I’ve been worried about all the unknowns. But I’m comforted to know that anxiety accompanies faith, which throughout my life has turned into joy when I exercise it. Also that there will be exhausting and disappointing days, but there will also be days I can’t stop smiling because of the miracles I’ve seen. That I’ll be laboring out of love for the people I’ll meet, and that will make my joy full. Thank you ❤
@julie61805 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for the reminder that just because we have anxiety and feel uncertain about something does not mean we don’t have faith. Trusting in God’s promises and acting in faith does not mean we can’t have emotions or that our emotions have to be not in the land of anxiety. It’s possible, okay, and expected.
@jannajudd5556 7 ай бұрын
Ooo...I'm liking this trinket /treasure box idea. Our testimony is our collection of treasures we have found in our relationship with Christ and Heavenly Father and our journey back home to heaven.
@jannajudd5556 7 ай бұрын
Phew 😅, it's a good thing our treasure box is not limited. It's like Mary Poppins bag no limits to its size.
@lindsayrager37 6 ай бұрын
I love that idea too for my kids… I was going through their “treasures” which are all over the place and thought, BINGO! Best idea ever haha
@christieclaus5995 6 ай бұрын
I love every lesson, but my favorite part is listening to Grace as you both go to turn the camera off… this week I heard her giggle… last week, the Easter lesson, I heard a deep sigh… it was an emotional lesson… ThankYou ❤David and Grace
@melaniehancock2787 6 ай бұрын
Just love how happy you both are! The uplifting words, spirit and laughter you bring is amazing! Thank you so much!!
@jackiecarter6704 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for answering my personal prayers ❤. So grateful for your efforts.
@ryanpackham3757 6 ай бұрын
Thank You for taking the time to create these videos! They have greatly improved my ability to live vertically, and grow closer to the savior. You are helping me to love the scriptures more! :)
@fuatinofaamausili6341 6 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this channel. It has helped me understand the scriptures and see it in a whole new light!!
@nancyv3498 6 ай бұрын
Grace, you look adorable today. Your hair pulled up in a ponytail looks terrific - shows your sweet face more. 😇
@emily-clairedonaghue3133 6 ай бұрын
Sometimes fear comes first because it's natural. If you face danger, there might be something wrong if there is no fear at all. Dwelling on fear is what is unnecessary and unhelpful. Fear can be a trigger or a signal to us to remind us to readjust and turn more fully to Christ with faith! We can use the initial feeling of fear to help guide us to know what we might need to focus our practice of all the things god asks of us on begining with faith. An unrighteous response or, more likely, reaction to fear might look like this: Danger/risk -> initial fear -> thinking we have to do it alone or that no one can help us -> dwelling on our personal weaknesses and how we "can't do it" -> not likely to get out on the other side without a lot lost along the way A righteous response to fear might look like this: Danger/risk -> initial fear -> noticing and taking it as a cue to remember the Saviour -> adding the issue to your prayers -> doing your part acting in faith -> things may be lost or sacrificed along the way but things can be learnt and strength built, and the law of sacrifice requires that we learn what really matters and let go of things that hold us back.
@katiesiddique9062 6 ай бұрын
Wow, great lesson you gave us 🥰
@rwjamison 6 ай бұрын
I love DMT, their approach to scripture study has hands down been the most thought provoking and has helped me to see Jesus in everything I study. This weeks lesson has caused me to reflect quite a bit, and that reflection has centered on a question that won’t leave my mind and has a tension in it that I cannot resolve in my heart and mind. I don’t know if “soften” is the right word, but David’s, Emily’s and Grace’s lessons have definitely softened the way I see the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life and the lives of others. The question that arose this week is, if the gospel of Jesus Christ is so inviting and accepting of everyone as they are (the way DMT portrays it), why is there ever a need to give a sermon that is “hard to give,” as Jacob and I am sure many other prophets have experienced? There is just a conflict there that is hard to work through in my mind, and I would love to hear the input of any who are willing to share. I will be trusting and hoping for further light and knowledge. ❤❤
@aprilgriffin7126 6 ай бұрын
Great question! Jacob says in Jacob 2:6 it grieves his soul that the people are being so wicked (as someone who is charged with teaching them the commands of the Lord and calling out their sins) and in v 8 there are the pure in heart that have come to ‘hear the pleasing word of God’, and they must be subjected to listening to those who are laboring in sin being called to repentance. I truly hope this helps. All of Jacob 2 will help increase your understanding. 🤍
@katiesiddique9062 6 ай бұрын
I feel that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is so inviting to those who are inclined to do good, inclined to see good, inclined to understand truth, even, and especially when the truth is something you may not have thought of, and/or something that will cause you to be conflicted, ie; I hadn't thought that smoking and drinking alcohol would keep me from spiritual discernment or blessings, now I have to make a decision, I know the truth, and now my behavior/choices will need to reflect that or I will need to lie to myself and feel miserable and act like I'm doing fine. Just a thought
@katiesiddique9062 6 ай бұрын
Oh, I missed part of your question, "accepting people as they are", sorry that makes a big difference. Emily taught me this through DMT, she said it often: ( I'm paraphrasing) 'Jesus and Heavenly Father meet us; love us, as we are, but Love us enough to not let us stay there.' The Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Plan of Salvation are designed SPECIFICALLY to exalt us to the highest level of Glory as the best outcome. Right?! We are sent to earth to BECOME our best selves. If we choose to follow The Gospel of Jesus Christ and trust in His Grace and mercy and apply it daily, learning, changing, step by step, line upon line, precept upon precept we will become our best selves!❤ IT IS NOT EASY, but by The Grace of God and Jesus Christ it will be unimaginably worth it in every way.🙏💖
@harmonywoodrome9911 7 ай бұрын
Love God and love people. Thank you very much uch😍👏
@delwinlong2800 6 ай бұрын
David comes across as bring a nice guy…and Grace is cute. Thank you for donating your time
@leahrindlesbach6006 6 ай бұрын
24:21 Melchizedek is split into 2 words Melek which means king, and chized. Remember ch is the hard h. You would recognize it better if I wrote it as Hesed. That word means so much more.
@jeandavidson3025 6 ай бұрын
Faith AND anxiety works because Jesus is in the AND!!
@katiesiddique9062 6 ай бұрын
I love this❤
@devynreeves4176 6 ай бұрын
There is a Maori proverb that goes “He aha te mea nui o te ao - He tangata, he tangata, he tangata” which means “What is the most important thing in the world? It is the people, it is the people, it is the people”. 🤍 The kingdom of God - it is the people, it is the people, it is the people!
@katiesiddique9062 6 ай бұрын
@janeecethacker 6 ай бұрын
I love this!!! ❤
@adib.72 6 ай бұрын
Black looks stunning on you, Grace!
@chf159 6 ай бұрын
@truthprecept678 6 ай бұрын
Jacob 2:23-34 is a chiasmus with the verse in question in the middle of the chiasmus. Looking at it this way you will see that he is not endorsing multiple wives and concubines nor provides any loop holes where God makes that which he says is an abomination to that which is okay to do. He doesn’t turn from the left to the right. Jacob says in verse 23 and 29, thus saith the Lord that the whoredoms (that people have justified doing like David and Solomon of having multiple wives and concubines because they don’t understand the scriptures) are an abomination before the Lord. Pretty clear so far. Then here is our traditional interpretation: For if I will, saith the Lord of Hosts, 1.) raise up seed unto me [want my people to have lots of babies], 2.) I will command my people [to have many wives]; 3.) otherwise they shall hearken unto these things [obey the traditional commandment of one man and one wife]. So the Lord under this interpretation says it is okay to practice what he just declared for several verses before as abominable before his eyes? Here is what I have found to be a more correct interpretation that is consistent with every other verse in the Book of Mormon on this topic (see original post for scriptures). For by multiple witnesses is truth/interpretation confirmed. The key is in verse 25 25. “I have led this people [BoM people] forth out of the land of Jerusalem…that I might RAISE UP unto me a righteous branch.” 26. Lord tells us he doesn’t want this people [BoM] to do like they [David, Solomon, Jews, etc] did of old 27. Lord gets clearer on what he just inferred - “for there shall not any man among you have save it be one wife; and concubines he shall have none” 28. Lord declared what he just mentioned that those “whoredoms ARE an abomination before me” 29. “This people shall keep my commandments [of not practicing whoredoms]…or cursed be the land for their sakes” 30. For if I will RAISE UP seed unto me I will command me people [to do what? Look at the chiamus, what did he say in verse 25 about what the Lord would do to raise up seed - to leave on an exodus, from where wickedness is being practiced] otherwise they shall hearken unto these things [abominations]. 31. 32. Then the chiasmus descends to echo the beginning “I will not suffer that the cries of the fair daughters of this people [BoM people], which I have LED OUT OF THE LAND of Jerusalem…” to practice this abomination which is one of the reasons the Lord took them out of Jerusalem! Continuing to Jacob 3:4-5 after condemning the covenant people [Nephites], he praises the Lamanites because “they have not forgotten the commandment of the Lord, which was given unto our father [Lehi] that they should have save it were one wife and concubines they should have none” and so we are reminded that “the Lord God will lead away the righteous out from among you.” In order to have His people escape the abominations of multiple wives. There we have it! Jacob just told us that one of the reasons that Lehi left Jerusalem was so that they wouldn’t practice polygamy. To raise up seed to a righteous (quality not quantity) branch isn’t about having as many kids as possible, it is about raising them away from wickedness.
@StompMom5 6 ай бұрын
💯💯One day the members will wake up to their awful situation but not likely anytime soon💯💯. The very chapter that discusses many wives and concubines and how it is evil, members go the complete opposite. Whole thing makes me tired.
@SamIAm1808 6 ай бұрын
The Book of Mormon was written for us today, not for the Nephites. It was written as historical allegory to present prophetic characters and events that would mean something to its latter-day reader. To waken them up, because they say we are all asleep. Here’s an example, Jacob 1:15 And now it came to pass that the people of Nephi, under the reign of the second king, began to grow hard in their hearts, and indulge themselves somewhat in wicked practices, such as like unto David of old desiring many wives and concubines, and also Solomon, his son. Then we get the discourse about don't use the scriptures to justify multiple wives, because it is an abomination. It is plain and simple. God does not change from the left to the right. He does not make that which is evil to be good. Only the doctrines of men will deceive us in this way. Otherwise, how can we trust a God who changes what is good depending on the situation. Then review Mosiah 9. This is a parallel to Joseph Smith = Zeniff and his interactions if the Governor of Missouri or (King of Lamanites) Then in Mosiah 11 we read about another 2nd king. Mosiah 11:1 And now it came to pass that Zeniff conferred the kingdom upon Noah, one of his sons; therefore Noah began to reign in his stead; and he did not walk in the ways of his father. 2 For behold, he did not keep the commandments of God, but he did walk after the desires of his own heart. And he had many wives and concubines. And he did cause his people to commit sin, and do that which was abominable in the sight of the Lord. Yea, and they did commit whoredoms and all manner of wickedness. 4 And all this did he take to support himself, and his wives and his concubines; and also his priests, and their wives and their concubines; thus he had changed the affairs of the kingdom. The Book of Mormon is using their history as an allegorical warning to us who have eyes to see where they identify several times what a 2nd “king” would do. Who is this 2nd “king” or president of our church? A continued reading of Mosiah 11, will give you more signs of what this person would do.
@StompMom5 6 ай бұрын
WELL SAID👌💯💥 God never said thou shall not commit adultery but sometimes it's okay. Thou shall not covet but sometimes it's okay. Chastity and Fidelity only unless man says God told him otherwise dismiss those for a time🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️. Don't break the hearts of your tender wives except but sometimes it's okay. Black Slavery bad, women and children Slavery good as long as it's too birth a man's kingdom. Monogamous couples back then had over a dozen kids while polygamist had less than half that. Brigham had 56 wives and 57 children. If polygamy was ordred for the sake of children then why so few kids? Nope. It was whoredoms all the way. It's the reason they were driven from their lands that God promised he'd fight their battles but because of their abominations the land was cursed and they were driven from one place to another. Also, when God commands the killing of the wicked...that does not justify destroying your soul or your family. People keep comparing infidelity with murder. No wonder God hasn't given us the sealed portion yet.
@Care2WorldBuild 6 ай бұрын
I loved the reminder that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is not a Gospel of fear-based obedience. I am however still confused by Jacob 1:19 words "otherwise their blood would come upon our garments, and we would not be found spotless at the last day" being taken as an anxious focus away from serving and ❤ Jesus, and the people we can serve.
@katiesiddique9062 6 ай бұрын
I think maybe that the responsibility part of why Jacob teaches is that part but just a part, He also loves the people as well. He loved Nephi and Loves the Savior and thus feels responsible to them.
@rosaliefolda2444 6 ай бұрын
hyperbole- obvious and intentional exaggeration. Love you two! Thanks!
@happylatter-daysaint3503 6 ай бұрын
@dorothylilly5653 6 ай бұрын
Ponder how valuable your soul must be for Satan to tirelessly pursue it, and The King to lay down His own life for it!!!
@michellesteimle9969 6 ай бұрын
It is true that the hormone adrenaline is released when you experience fear or excitement. Because your body is experiencing cognitive dissonance. Your reality is not matching your experience. When you get a on a rollercoaster your body is falling and strapped in at the same time. Anytime you get conflicting messages of danger and "not danger" the body prepares for danger. So yes, you do feel the same when you are excited or afraid. It is exhilarating.
@Catherine-fl5ml 6 ай бұрын
Where was your mission you served, Grace ?
@tony-fromthenorth3272 6 ай бұрын
Why does Jacob 2:24 indicate it was abominable for David and Solomon to have many wives and concubines when Doctrine and Covenants 132:1,39 says Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, and many other servants of God from the beginning of creation until this time [July 12, 1843] also had many wives and concubines?
@cathrynhammer5807 6 ай бұрын
The problem was that David and Solomon took wives and concubines that weren't "given to them" by God. Essentially they did so without His permission/commandment.
@tony-fromthenorth3272 6 ай бұрын
@@cathrynhammer5807 Which many New Testament servants of God had many wives and concubines like Doctrine and Covenants 132:1,39 says?
@Hmcc0712 6 ай бұрын
They conflict- Jacob 2 says the things they did were abominable, they tried to use the scriptures to justify having many wives and concubines. D&C 132 uses the scriptures and what those men of old did, to justify having many wives and concubines.
@Hmcc0712 6 ай бұрын
@@cathrynhammer5807but why does D&C 132 say they were justified?
@kristaworth1066 6 ай бұрын
@@Hmcc0712because it was what God wanted. With the others they took wives and concubines on their own accord
@jkaccounting 6 ай бұрын
I've always been a practal person and at this stage in the book of mormon I have some practal questions that I just don't understand. If we assume a population growth rate of 3% (which is quite high), there would only be about 50 male Nephites at the time of the book of Jacob. you can go back and do the math, and maybe it's more, but really there's not enough people to support what is happening. Here are 4 specific things. 1. Build a temple after the manner of Solomon. The Bible tells us that it took at least 70K+ people to build Solomon's temple. 2. Nephi's have wars with the Lamanites. Conflicts with so few people would not be called wars. 3. Mining and refining gold. Gold and silver would likely have no value in such a society. 4. Nephite men began to have many wifes. Again there are not that many people at this point. These are just practical questions that are often overlooked, or not addressed in Sunday school. Can you help me understand why the story line leads us to believe that a large population exists when in reality the group is quite small at this point.
@carlyeapplegate6637 6 ай бұрын
Historically there were several other groups of people living in the Americas at the time. There's no reason to assume they didn't encounter each other and begin to intermix
@debbywilliams2689 6 ай бұрын
@TommyT13 6 ай бұрын
What are your thoughts about Jacob 2:30?
@ashleighgallagher3055 6 ай бұрын
Fear can give me an asthma attack , impairs my immune system excitement does not ..
@FasciaJen 6 ай бұрын
One day I will meet you both in person so I can truly thank you from deep in my heart♥️ 🙏🏽♥️🙏🏽♥️ A healthy level of anxiety will always exist in order to have faith. Brilliant💡 I’m certain I’m not alone in saying you have both changed my life in all the best ways. I appreciate you sharing your time, your energy, & most importantly your wisdom & knowledge in strengthening my testimony and my love for Christ 🤍 🌟#EternallyGrateful🌟🤍
@ddbbjjstauffer1 7 ай бұрын
Please help! The app is still missing the PDF version of the board slides from March 18-24, 2 Nephi 31-33!!
@TamaraGold 6 ай бұрын
ONE trinket box??!!! I’m pretty sure my MIL just gave my husband all 8 of his!!!😳
@jacobharris7987 6 ай бұрын
To me the definition of fear is inaction. You can have anxiety and faith and move forward, because of this I don’t believe that fear comes from God.
@bettybogle5141 6 ай бұрын
@lindakessler7167 6 ай бұрын
Extreme exaggeration is hyperbole.
@shantel4960 7 ай бұрын
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