I am getting a network error? How do I trace it down MQTT connecting connected! Network failed readconnected! Network failed readconnected! Network failed readfailed, reason -> Unknown Return Code < try again in 5 seconds connected!
@mtpproject45785 жыл бұрын
Hi Debashish, First of all I would like to thank you for sharing this video. I'm able to communicate with AWS successfully. Now I want to add some libraries from GitHub. Could you please guide how can to add libraries manually. in Visual Code Studio. Thanks & regards, JP
@loftshot91695 жыл бұрын
Hi Debashish, I am running into an error where my ESP connects to wifi, but fails to connect to MQTT. The error I am receiving is "connection accepted" but I am unsure what to do. Here's a snippet of the output below. Any help is appreciated. MQTT connecting failed, reason -> Connection Accepted < try again in 5 seconds failed, reason -> Connection Accepted < try again in 5 seconds . . .
@keppu26614 жыл бұрын
Hello, What are the devices you use? I have Arduino atmega 2560 ESP8266 ESP-01 does those libraries for ESP8266 work for ARduino atmega 2560?
@keppu26614 жыл бұрын
@@debsahu7801 so it's no? Do you have any video to what devices i have right now to connect my devices?
@gurrumo15 жыл бұрын
ALL OK, BUT IN THE SERIAL MONITOR SHOW: Attempting to connect to SSID: INFINITUMBA9D_2.4.ok! Setting time using SNTP.done! Current time: Tue Mar 26 21:26:41 2019 MQTT connecting failed, reason -> Unknown Return Code < try again in 5 seconds failed, reason -> Unknown Return Code < try again in 5 seconds
@npyasith5 жыл бұрын
Thanks brother, got it worked. Do you have any idea how to connect multiple units to AWS?
@davebeckham54295 жыл бұрын
Great video Debashish. - Keep up the good work.
@toblum5 жыл бұрын
I like that video. Two things learned at once. 😀
@randomnick585 жыл бұрын
Hi Sr. I got it working finally after some days. My experience for other users was: 1. Errors in Platformio IDE, solved those issues installing latest python (i'ts running on a virtual machine), updating platforms, libraries and boards on PIO HOME. 2. Bad THINGNAME and HOST. (See .png on docs folders and copy and paste the corrects thingname and host from AWS). 3. Not quite sure if message received are working properly for me but at least I've all the rest working on a ESP8266 Wemos D1 R1. Ussing default values for board setting (platformio recognized it all alone). Obs: I've had the issues of reconnecting after 5 sec but it was because bad thingname and host. Greetings and thanks for this tutorial from Argentina. Best of youtube.
@chicotafarello81995 жыл бұрын
for the love of god, who can concentrate on the code, with this recipe?
@chicotafarello81995 жыл бұрын
@@debsahu7801 Just kidding haha, congrats for the video! Works just fine with me
@sasmitasahoo88995 жыл бұрын
Love the masala chai part..also IoT part :) Nice combo!
@theodorawrrr5 жыл бұрын
also, edit #define THINGNAME with your actual thing name
@theodorawrrr5 жыл бұрын
@@debsahu7801 Also, I managed to make ESP8266 chip communicate with my thing in AWS IoT (from your tutorial, send/receive a random number from 1 to 100) but I'm unable (or I don't know how) to make ESP and AWS to communicate with the lambda function, am I missing something? (sure I do) Any advice or tutorials on how to build that lambda function? Currently I'm trying to make an RGB lamp controlled with Alexa. I would really appreciate your help :D
@theodorawrrr5 жыл бұрын
@@debsahu7801 I have also completed this tutorial and now I can invoke my skill and tell Alexa to turn on/off the pump and also change the shadow state in AWS IoT, looks like I'm half way done but how can I change the code you provide for ESP8266 to receive data from AWS IoT and light up a RGB strip for example? :D
@theodorawrrr5 жыл бұрын
@@debsahu7801 Currently Alexa is able to invoke my skill, ask her to turn on and calls an intent in my lambda function (TurnOnIntent) after this, the lambda function updates the state of my thing with this payloadobj: { "state":{ "desired":{"color" : { "r" :255, "g": 255, "b": 255 }}}}, what would be the next step? Sending this obj to ESP8266, no? When the intent to turn on is called this obj should publish and supposing my ESP8266 is subscribed to the same thing the ESP would receive the object and parse it to arduino pro mini and then to my RGB band..My problem is that I can't make the ESP8266 subscribe to my thing making it receive data when something is published (I'm able to manually publish a message from Test page in AWS IoT mqtt page and I can see message in the serial monitor of my ESP8266, I'm more then sure I miss something in the code and this is duable), and also, would this whole idea work? I feel like it's a dead end.. as a reference, here is the project that I'm trying to figure out: create.arduino.cc/projecthub/nemesis5324/voice-controlled-rgb-lamp-41f1a3
@theodorawrrr5 жыл бұрын
@@debsahu7801 I commented lines 193, 194 and 195 github.com/debsahu/ESP-MQTT-AWS-IoT-Core/blob/f7f61ef18faf743b01ef14242d6eff9143404223/Arduino/MQTT/MQTT.ino#L193 so the ESP8266 would only listen for any new messages and modified '$aws/things/thingName/shadow/update' to '$aws/things/thingName/shadow/update/delta' (because that's where the messages go), started ESP8266, everything was good, main loop started sending/receiving nothing "Sending [$aws/things/rbglamp/shadow/update/delta]: {} Recieved [$aws/things/rbglamp/shadow/update/delta]: {} " and right when I invoke the skill to "turn on lamp" it disconnects and looping and looping to reconnect: Recieved [$aws/things/rbglamp/shadow/update/delta]: {} Checking WiFiok! MQTT connecting SSL Error Code: 0 failed, reason -> Connection Accepted < try again in 5 seconds
@theodorawrrr5 жыл бұрын
looks like there is a problem with the JASON format I'm trying to send to ESP8266, it doesn't like it