Jack - I think that you're correct - the end result may look very different from the current consensus view. 1. NAR president, Kevin Sears, who you got on video saying that NAR has serious problems with the DOJ, recently sold his family real estate brokerage firm. While there can be many reasons for the sale of a closely held business, the timing of this sale should raise eyebrows. 2. I’m told that all the major Boston brokers have “agreed" that they will continue to offer buyer broker compensation off MLS and that they intend to hold the line on pricing. Sounds a bit like collusion, although probably very difficult to prove. Clearly this is going on everywhere. The folks at the DOJ know it’s happening and they can’t be happy about it. 3. The DOJ recently won their appeal to re-open their investigation of NAR. Maybe they will bring their own action? Andrew