Could You Play D&D w/ a Trump Supporter? (Response Video)

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Unscripted & Unchained RPG Review

Unscripted & Unchained RPG Review

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@DirtyDwarf-u1r 9 күн бұрын
Liberal here: Everyone is welcome to my table. I have friends who voted for Trump and I don’t care. Some people think differently than you and that’s called life. You wanna be my friend and roll dice, then welcome.
@DM_Bluddworth 9 күн бұрын
100% agree. Very clearly stated and concise. You win the Pinned Comment!
@xaxzander4633 9 күн бұрын
Trump is a liberal. but ya i have people at my table that voted for ozzy osbourne. (ME)
@wightrat1207 8 күн бұрын
I wish more people thought as you do. People are going to think differently than you. The people that can't handle that and demand others do so or get exiled from groups for thinking differently, regardless of which side of the political spectrum they're coming from, will only divide said group further.
@AmericanAurochs 8 күн бұрын
@@DirtyDwarf-u1r Well said.
@varelsemind5741 8 күн бұрын
It's okay to think differently, in general terms. But when one votes against the rights of others, when one votes to curtail and oppress other categories of people, it's truly hard to share a table with them. This enlightened position of (essentially) being tolerant to the intolerants in order not to sour the hobby and being seen as the adult in the room, is just you saying "I don't care because it doesn't affect me personally"
@shadowandson3550 8 күн бұрын
Pretty simple,dont play with anyone you wouldnt invite over for dinner
@RevDungeonMaster 7 күн бұрын
@@shadowandson3550 this. So much this.
@Joshuazx 9 күн бұрын
You should play D&D with a Trump support because Trump supporters play the best D&D, the finest D&D. You won't believe how great Trump supporter D&D is.
@michaelmullenfiddler 9 күн бұрын
@@Joshuazx Lol
@Argonnosi 8 күн бұрын
Trump supporter D&D is yuge.
@archersfriend5900 8 күн бұрын
@Joshuazx I was just talking to one of my players, she said what a great group we have. I said not everybody has such a nice group. Not everybody can run such a thrilling campaign. People at the lgs talk about what a great dm I am.
@BX-advocate 7 күн бұрын
Think of the crowd of Trump supporters you would have trying to play at your table the biggest crowds you've seen.
@steelmongoose4956 8 күн бұрын
This reminds me of the time I had Pol Pot, Augusto Pinochet, Leonid Brezhnev, Pope John Paul 2, and Gore Vidal in my game group. Good times.
@DM_Bluddworth 8 күн бұрын
I know it reads like a Monty Python skit
@petermcdonald4740 9 күн бұрын
I have played TTRPGs since 1978. Real life politics and religion have never been discussed nor should it. In game political intrigue is fun however. I’m Canadian so we have a different world view
@danielmalinen6337 8 күн бұрын
@@petermcdonald4740 In Finland, this rule of thumb is part of our common everyday etiquette, politeness, hospitality and courtesy. Real-world religion and politics are too sensitive topics to discuss (they may trigger and make people click), and to maintain peace, it's better to keep them out of things like hobbies, work places, the sauna, and even the dinner table (the only exception is the coffee table, and even then the conversation should still be kept calm and moderate as recommended).
@K_J_Coleman_Composer 8 күн бұрын
Politics is fine, an interesting representation of different political systems can be thought provoking. But that doesn't mean it needs to be based on relevant politics. In my campaign there is a tyrannical monarchy ruling a southern region that tries to overextend its grasp to the main setting of the story. It's a discussion about corruption and gluttony but it isn't based on the real world, just on the human condition.
@Vipercobra88 7 күн бұрын
I allow political and religious discussions as long as the participants are willing to be civil and open to hearing what the other person says.
@FamilyTableTop 9 күн бұрын
You are correct, asking open ended questions is generally better - the reason I hyper focused about Trump was because I have been seeing comments on my channel stating that “people shouldn’t have to play with someone who voted for Donald Trump.” I thought that was strange because I thought “gatekeeping was bad”. Anyways, thank you for responding to the video I made and thank you for sharing your thoughts about this topic. God bless you.
@DM_Bluddworth 9 күн бұрын
@@FamilyTableTop oh no gatekeeping isn’t bad for “them” when it applies to those people they don’t politically agree with.
@RexfelisLXIX 9 күн бұрын
@@DM_Bluddworth Anyone who is a friend of a fascist is themselves a fascist. A lesson the German people learned the hard way. Fascists don't play by the rules. They seek to eliminate all of humanity who are not fellow fascists. Check this post in 4 years. If I am wrong I will apologize.
@nnickplays9713 8 күн бұрын
In the end it was a lie, and they used our good nature against us to come in and take over. Then try to destroy anyone who opposes or they cannot control. All they do are in service to their ideology.
@clarenceharrison1676 8 күн бұрын
@@FamilyTableTop That's the thing that gets me about this topic. Several prominent companies go out of their way to proclaim RPGs are for everyone (they always have been) and then prominent employees, who should probably stay off social media, like to add, "Well, except for THOSE people..."
@ericsmith1508 7 күн бұрын
@FamilyTableTop you see the thing is; EVERYONE thinks separation and segregation and walls and gates are "bad" until they have a group of "OTHERS" they want to feel "safe" from. Then it's AAAALLLLLL about exclusively kept gates!
@sunsin1592 9 күн бұрын
We keep politics out of our games. My main group now is about 75% conservative (like me) and it's not an issue, because the main thing we have in common is gaming and that's what matters in this situation. In this context Descending or Ascending AC is more important than Republican or Democrat.
@VeryHappyAmmo 9 күн бұрын
😅 I see what you did there
@Cyberfender1 9 күн бұрын
I am a Dm. I have a political view. I made a rule that real world politics are not discussed at the game table. Only In game politics( Kings, monarchs, countries, factions and societies) After game, we are welcome to discuss religions,RL politics or not. If you are cool and play well with others, then we have a game! It's Gary Gygax and Matt Mercer, not Republicans and Democrats. I need a break from that and that's why I played this game from 1979. I present, at session 0, what they can expect from my campaign. My group motto is, to have fun!
@DM_Bluddworth 9 күн бұрын
@@Cyberfender1 your comment matches my view nearly 100%
@LordGosumba 9 күн бұрын
This crosses over into something I will NEVER discuss in my Community. Everyone knows my talk show co-host Anna Meyer is center-left and I am center-right. We co-exist because we completely respect each other and do not go into political discussion. D&D needs to keep politics to the Campaign in question. If there is one thing that could destroy a Community, it is politics.
@DM_Bluddworth 9 күн бұрын
@@LordGosumba This is spot on. I’m a retired NYC school teacher, and I was the union rep for 16 years in a South Bronx middle school. As a center- right, white male I was a minority and yet I had the trust and respect of my members. I was reelected five times.
@lordpessimism 9 күн бұрын
If you're center-right, that makes you a mainstream Democrat.
@adampender2482 9 күн бұрын
@@LordGosumba do you not think it's already effected the "community " tremendously?
@Unregistered.HyperCam.2 9 күн бұрын
​@@adampender2482 To be fair, he hasn't said it hasn't affected it tremendously already. Just that he never discusses it himself within the hobby. Abstaining from bringing it up and just going based off how people behave in general, with a level of personal accountability for bad actors, definitely could help the state of the hobby.
@DM_Bluddworth 9 күн бұрын
@@adampender2482 I lean towards the idea that there is no “D&D Community” or a “TTRPG Community” those are too broad, people form more localized communities. In our hobby the only community that should matter is your table, whether it is your home game in-person, online or if it is an organized public game at an LGS. Even if we’re talking about convention play those strangers that come to your table are your “community” for those few hours. During those few hours, no matter which way you’re running your table it is most likely best to focus on playing the game, escaping the realities of the real world and having fun. Even if you never see those same people again, they will remember the fun they had.
@Mittens_Gaming 8 күн бұрын
I dont play with people who talk politics at the table, full stop. There are millions of other places for that. The table is for having fun and gaming, and politics need to be left at the door. We are here to have fun and game.
@jimsomers8915 9 күн бұрын
I look to this kind of media to escape the political bickering not engage in it.
@midnightgreen8319 9 күн бұрын
Unfortunately, the culture war is everywhere now
@jimsomers8915 9 күн бұрын
I think the next 4 years are going to very healing, except of course for those that would tear us apart
@hearsemonkey 9 күн бұрын
The entire group I game with is pro Trump.
@lordpessimism 9 күн бұрын
Do you know anyone with an IQ above room temperature?
@jimsomers8915 9 күн бұрын
Bro sign me up!
@donewiththis-2012 9 күн бұрын
It's a strange thing. I'm centrist, I fall to the left of some issues, and to the right with others. If I was forced to pick a side to game with it would be Conservatives. I know I'd have a game where we just play a game. Any time I have gamed with someone who is a proper "lefty", and I mean that in a sense that not all centre left normies fall into the "lefty" category, it degenerates into an absolute clown show. So yes, I may not agree with everything the conservative side says, I may not disagree with everything the liberals say, but Christ on a tricycle only one side I find insufferable. I think it always comes down to the fact that "lefties" tend to have their politics baked into the very fabric of their being, to tell them to leave it at the door is like asking them to stop using their legs for a night. With conservatives their seems to be a more rational mindset that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, so they will respect your wishes as long as you respect theirs. You can see that when you mention "agenda". "My existence isn't political", "my sexuality isn't political" etc, they don't see that they inherently are when it comes to law-making and the fact they get used to try and win votes. Right wing people are more likely to understand that their views are political and their side do have an agenda. So one side takes offense, the other just rolls with it.
@everyonethinksyoureadeathm5773 9 күн бұрын
My rule has always been, if you come to my table. You check your politics at the front door. Ive never had issues with this policy when it comes to Republicans and more Moderate Democrars. Liberals on the other hand start trying to push their way onto the table.
@zwoq6779 9 күн бұрын
In my experience, when I say leave politics at the door, the group of people who can do that generally lean one way, and those who can't lean the other way. One side understands reality vs fiction and won't get upset at fictional scenarios and fictional responses. The other side sees those fictional scenarios as a "dog whistle" for what you REALLY think.
@DM_Bluddworth 9 күн бұрын
Yes it does come from one side more than the other, that isn’t even debatable.
@zwoq6779 9 күн бұрын
@DM_Bluddworth Thank you for your service to our country, sir.
@DM_Bluddworth 9 күн бұрын
@zwoq6779 it was my honor and pleasure to serve, and thank you for your support.
@stevekillgore9272 7 күн бұрын
@@zwoq6779 hence as the crap that WotC have gotten into
@frankb3347 8 күн бұрын
I played TTRPGs and became friends with a religious person even though I have a negative view of his religion. We just don't discuss religion when we hang out. It's not relevant to the game.
@FamilyTableTop 9 күн бұрын
That’s a really fair point. I did make the question closed because I saw Trump as a definitive catalyst. The question should be, “Os there anyone you wouldn’t play with?” But I think that question is too open. 2:48
@DM_Bluddworth 9 күн бұрын
@@FamilyTableTop yes that question would be too open because it would include toxic player or GM behaviors that no one would want to play with.
@bopaintsminis 9 күн бұрын
I'll play with anyone that can be mature enough ro avoid disruptive behaviors. And talking real-life politics at the table breaks my immersion, that is it is disruptive. Try staying in character for the whole session.
@DM_Bluddworth 9 күн бұрын
@ that’s exactly what I said in my video
@michaelmullenfiddler 9 күн бұрын
Lots of self described conservatives chiming in here, so I feel the need to provide some... uh, game balance. Lol. I started playing DnD in '82, as a 17 year old. I was in the US military in Germany when Reagan was president: watched The Wall start to fall. I came out of my enlistment a self described conservative. Now I am a social democrat with some fairly Left leaning views. Life experience and observation of the human condition will do that. These days I take a dim view of Reagan, though I do agree with this much--returning to the days before Reagan was sanctified by the GOP would improve some things. Except then, I would have to give up my smart phone and DnD KZbin! Lol. Some seem to assume that most DnD players are conservative. Nah, that's probably more a function of your life surroundings and who your friends are, cause not many of the DnD players I know are conservative--not a personal choice, simply where I live (though THAT, on the other hand, IS a personal choice). Fact is, your personal politics shouldn't matter in the context of an rpg game. The big bad that is trying to TPK you right now doesn't care who you voted for. Lol. Leave that stuff at the door: we do DnD to ESCAPE such concerns.
@energyfitness5116 6 күн бұрын
I don't play with emotionally immature people. They don't play well with others.
@calvanoni5443 9 күн бұрын
It's Sad that this question is asked at all.
@lordpessimism 9 күн бұрын
It's even sadder that people voted for him, but here we are.
@calvanoni5443 9 күн бұрын
@lordpessimism It's fine that people vote. I don't care how others vote.
@lordpessimism 9 күн бұрын
@@calvanoni5443 You don't care that people vote for evil?
@calvanoni5443 9 күн бұрын
@lordpessimism I don't care that others vote how they want too.
@lordpessimism 9 күн бұрын
@@calvanoni5443 Then you're ok with evil.
@Marcus-ki1en 9 күн бұрын
Having been in the hobby for 45 years, for me the issue has always been, can the person at the table treat everyone else at the table with respect. I have had to ask three people, in all these years, to leave the group because they could not separate real life beliefs with participating in the group. Leave your politics at the door, the group doesn't was to be proselytized, or lectured about a political or religious belief. If you can do that, you are welcome, otherwise, find another group that better suits you needs.
@DM_Bluddworth 9 күн бұрын
@@Marcus-ki1en same here in both years in the hobby and with my expectations for my table. I didn’t mention in my video the one thing that would get an automatic rejection from even taking a seat at my table, “a Consent Form”.
@FamilyTableTop 9 күн бұрын
I think politics are more polarized right now - people of the “correct” party see those of the other party as Amoral - the issue becomes “if you are not with us you are against us…” 5:06
@DM_Bluddworth 9 күн бұрын
@@FamilyTableTop the “right now” is going on its 12-13th year in the entertainment hobbies and or industries.
@strawpiglet 9 күн бұрын
And I think that is by design. The American people divided will not get real representation.
@jessecizauskas2665 9 күн бұрын
I was really bummed when a big wig at Paizo called JD Vance a fascist and asked him to send his books back. I was already unhappy with the cringy progressive politics that their books are saturated with, but I basically just reskinned it in my game. But then the Vance Tweet re-emerged and their community got REALLY aggressive towards anyone pushing back against that and it was disheartening. I gotta admit, it dampened my enthusiasm for their game a lot. I just invested a lot in their books, so it was kinda sad. I will keep playing PF2e, but will reskin the political bias out of it. I'm also looking into other games too.
@nnickplays9713 8 күн бұрын
@@jessecizauskas2665 try Cloudbreaker Alliance
@catfishcooler1566 8 күн бұрын
D&D was created by conservative people with their mostly conservative friends. Hippies rarely played tabletop war games back then. The only reason you ever heard of D&D is because Gary Gygax was an unapologetic capitalist. So trying to exclude and gatekeep the hobby from conservatives is stupid.
@jont3295 9 күн бұрын
I’ll take it a step further - gaming with people with dissimilar views is a better way to gain insight into other points of view than any lecture. We may not always agree, but we know how to agree to disagree, a skill that seems in short supply these days.
@demonicbunny3po 8 күн бұрын
My opinion: If they don’t bring their real world political beliefs to the table, I do not care. They try to bring real world politics to the game, I am willing to push back. We are here to escape the real world, so leave the real world behind.
@stevekillgore9272 7 күн бұрын
And yet, politics follow values don't they ? I couldn't deny that DemocRATs, Libs and socialists have different values from myself. That shapes their world view - like how D&D apologized for publishing an adventure where the PC's were the city police.
@novembersun2988 9 күн бұрын
Yeah. I have found that regardless of political leanings, we all have the same play and humor style at the table. We are all compatible in the way that matters at the gaming table: how we game. Our table is all good, regardless of political or religious leanings. We are all friends at the end of the day, we are grown ups who understand and respect each other's differences. Actually, now that I think of it, we've been a group for about 10 years and I don't think that kind of stuff EVER comes up at our table. Not because of any agreement or rule about it, we just don't think about it. We just don't care about that stuff when we are gaming. We are there to have fun and bringing those topics up is nowhere close to being a part of that process.
@jefffisher1297 8 күн бұрын
Thank you for your service, semper fi. Been playing RPGs for 50 years and have DM'ed for over a thousand different players never once had anyone feel offended, however now there are a number of folks who just feel the need to be offended...
@grimlock5990 8 күн бұрын
Unfortunately the fact that this is a question means the purposeful division of our society is alive and well.
@sebastianstark8517 9 күн бұрын
Real life issues or hang-ups don't belong in any of my games. If you can come to my table and treat everyone with respect, without trying to sway anyone to your particular personal beliefs, then you are welcome. If not, please find another game.
@lordpessimism 9 күн бұрын
Sorry, but if you voted against the human rights of other people, that isn't a "hang-up", that's a basic moral failing on your part. Anyone who can " come to my table and treat everyone with respect" is, BY DEFINITION, not a Trump voter.
@strawpiglet 9 күн бұрын
@@lordpessimismWhat did you think of Geno Joe and his would be successor who said she wouldn't have changed anything? At least there is a slim chance something will change. I would get along better with the righties here than I would with you, even though you would probably show closer to me on a political scale. Something to think about.
@Synkronist 9 күн бұрын
I honestly cannot see how this would matter at all, unless the person in question is really hostile and obnoxious, in which case, that would be the core problem, not their political alignment.
@DM_Bluddworth 9 күн бұрын
Exactly. That goes for any political or agenda driven alignment, I don’t even care if I agree with the person. My gaming time is for gaming. If you want to talk politics, hop on discord 30 minutes earlier, I’m glad to chat.
@Synkronist 9 күн бұрын
@@DM_Bluddworth Exactly.
@Valdericht 9 күн бұрын
The sooner American's remove themselves from the idea that their political ideological preference is a part of their identity, the better. Try to have a conversation with one without them bringing up something politically related, it's impossible for them.
@barrybb5409 9 күн бұрын
Well ae are bombarded with government propaganda now. And the fools will buy into every bit of it.
@mikep6263 7 күн бұрын
That's not 100 percent accurate. My personal identity is not based on any political or religious ideology, nor on my career. As a matter of fact, it is my personal rule that I NEVER discuss politics, religion, or my job with anybody--no exceptions, and this includes my wife. I have always kept my beliefs to myself and it's going to stay that way. You want to discuss something controversial? Then let's talk about who the greatest rock band of all time was---I'll argue about that until the stars burn out.
@wingusryu8289 9 күн бұрын
Man I come to RPGs to get away from it. I would play with everyone as long as real life is not involved. I’ll play with Trump the same I would play with Biden as long as we focus on the game. I think we need more common grounds to break bread over to bring us together more than dividing us. I do my best to avoid having any belief tied to my identity. Life is nuanced
@briansmaller7443 9 күн бұрын
I play RPGs with a few die-hard lefties who would vote Dem if a rock was put on the ballot. But I love the guys and we play great games together. So yeah - I would play with pretty much everyone as long as their real life does not come to the table - and I try to make sure my real life views don't impact on others either. There is a place for politics and a place for everything else.
@Vaerceagoth 9 күн бұрын
@@briansmaller7443 I agree. I don’t care what your beliefs are; just that you don’t try and push them on others, especially when at the gaming table. I don’t mind civil discussion about things as long as everyone is respectful and it doesn’t interfere with the game.
@lordpessimism 9 күн бұрын
Translation: I play RPGs with people smarter than me
@Vaerceagoth 9 күн бұрын
@@lordpessimism Please don't try to equate political beliefs with intelligence. There are smart people on both sides of the aisle as well as people that aren't as bright.
@lordpessimism 9 күн бұрын
@ Not true. People who don't pay attention to the news supported Trump almost 2 to 1. Informed people supported Harris.
@briansmaller7443 9 күн бұрын
@ Sure mate.
@keithvanboskirk7327 9 күн бұрын
MGGA: make Greyhawk Great again
@timsoyer3840 8 күн бұрын
When I play Dungeons & Dragons and I have been playing since I was around 11 or 12 and I’m 55 now. But when they play, I don’t care what other people’s politics are.. I’m not a conservative and they’re not a democrat.. or adventurous and Dungeonmaster. And efficient issue for you who somebody voted for then you’re the problem.. It’s that simple.. I think the Dungeons & Dragons community has gone way too woke for its own good. And suddenly there are these gate keepers telling other people who can play and who can’t.. and if you’re one of those people you’re the cancer. You’re the problem.. the issue starts and ends with you. If you can’t play a Trump supporter the group is better off without you.
@murgel2006 9 күн бұрын
Well, that depends on his playstyle, if it works with mine. Because his political beliefs don't matter shite and neither do mine.
@Joker22593 8 күн бұрын
I'm a Catholic and otherwise an Anarchist (not the communist kind, to be clear) so i'm never at a table with people who agree with me. Catholics only have three(ish) political non-negotiables. Everything else we can disagree on in good faith and love, so I try to be as tolerant as I can, just as the church is. I try to be open to people of all persuasions at my game table, but I will ask somebody to leave if they repeatedly cause problems. I have politely exited many tables as a player because I could tell I was not a good fit. It was usually not a political or moral issue. I just didn't like the way the table played the game.
@gmGrudgeMonster 9 күн бұрын
In the 40+ years of running and playing around the table, I have never considered real-world politics around the table to be important. I think this shift in culture is part of the reason game companies who engage in political differences are getting pushback from their playerbase. Somehow they have lost sight of what the hobby is about. We gathered to engage in a loved hobby. We get a chance to escape the grind, roll some dice, take some chances, and have a good time. That is all there is to it. At least it should be.
@mycl2336 9 күн бұрын
Might use it to teach how tariffs work. Fighter: Hey! Why does this long sword cost 19gp now? When we went into the dungeon it was only 15gp. Weapon-smith: Yes. But while you were adventuring, the duke put a 25% tariff on the Dwarven nation where I get the steel from. Fighter: So what, the dwarves pay for that, how does that justify you charging me more. Weapon-smith: The dwarves don’t pay! Where did you hear that nonsense? It means that I have to pay 25% more taxes to the duke for bringing in the dwarven steel. Since my investors have no interest in losing profits, we have to make up that money by charging you the difference…and since the price has to increase anyway, why not just round up to increase the profit margin? Not only that, but since the duke has detained all of my elven and halfling apprentices…
@DM_Bluddworth 9 күн бұрын
@@mycl2336 I’ve included many different types of taxes, fees and other costs to create a money sink to encourage the adventurers to keep on adventuring.
@xx_amongus_xx6987 9 күн бұрын
Now instead of using the weapon-smith who is affected by the duke's tariff, the players can go to a different weapon-smith who is now able to do business because they are not affected by the tariff.
@mycl2336 9 күн бұрын
@@xx_amongus_xx6987 only to find that the other smiths have also raised their prices due several factors such as competitive pricing, the other smith’s weapons are in high demand due to the “need to secure the borders” even though the sages have repeatedly shown that the vast majority of the bandits are locals, and the mines the other smith sourced from collapsed, killing several of the villagers whilst the run off waters are poisoning not only their village, but all villages downstream because the duke thought that that rangers and druids formerly employed to oversee the safety and balance with nature were let go and deemed unnecessary.
@mycl2336 9 күн бұрын
@@xx_amongus_xx6987 And…the reason the first smith sourced the dwarven steel was because it was originally far less expensive (profitable) than sourcing it locally.
@OscarMoreno42 9 күн бұрын
So here's a quest to go to a mountain and secure ourselves an stable source of Iron and carbon for the city. Before it was not necessary but since the Dwarven steel has gotten more expensive we find here an oportunitty for a new company. Are you in?
@DM_Jimmy 9 күн бұрын
Short Answer- Yes. Long answer- 2 things are always banned at my table. Politics and Religion.
@TeresaBlocker-zm7bj 9 күн бұрын
So no clerics/priests? No cults is fine.
@DM_Jimmy 8 күн бұрын
@@TeresaBlocker-zm7bj If you want to be pedantic and take things out of context, No REAL WORLD Politics or Religion. Feel better?
@TeresaBlocker-zm7bj 8 күн бұрын
@ All good just wanted some clarity, praise Tiamat.
@Syndicate_01 8 күн бұрын
My OSR table has people who are apolitical, as well as Democrats, *actual* socialists, anarchists, and even people who were literally in attendance at Trump's inauguration. The whole "we can disagree and still get along" thing, while true, has lost some nuance in my opinion. For me, I don't remotely care if I don't agree with someone on a political issue. The difference is when someone wants to use the force of the state to undermine the rights of others; that's an entirely different situation than having different views on a given topic, and I think it's asinine to be friends with someone in that situation. But if someone has a live and let live mindset, we can and do get along.
@DM_Bluddworth 8 күн бұрын
Yes I honestly don’t care what my player’s politics or social agendas are, away from my table. I don’t interject my politics into the game session either. I don’t put real world politics into my game world, political themes yes, but no very clear references to specific person in politics. I’ve been playing with the same group of 12 - 18 players for the past 3 years. We play almost weekly, missing a few sessions here and there, and even social agendas (Identity Politics) come into play during my game sessions. The adventurers have never looked to hook up with each other or with NPCS during any session. The exact same as not one has ever roleplayed having to take a poop in the woods.
@Syndicate_01 8 күн бұрын
@@DM_Bluddworth I'm the exact same way. I've been working on my own campaign setting / homebrew world for my BX/1st Ed AD&D blended edition game for well over a decade now. There are certainly THEMES of politics and inspiration drawn from both fiction as well as real-life historic events, but really no more so than what you'd see in Star Wars, Conan, Dune, Game of Thrones, and so on. I'm here to play a game not convince people that one "side is wrong and one side is right" because hell I don't even believe that in real life.
@userThomas-n8z 9 күн бұрын
Thanks for your perspective 🙏 My thought is their views are not really the issue, how do they behave and why are they there. Most people I have met would rather play the game as an escape and story. Just a note, there is a young man on KZbin has a video where he describes how he got some people from opposite gangs to play dnd. He managed to get them to focus on the story and not their affiliations.
@DM_Bluddworth 9 күн бұрын
@@userThomas-n8z I think I saw that video.
@userThomas-n8z 9 күн бұрын
@ if it was the red vs the blue then probably the same vid
@strawpiglet 9 күн бұрын
Ceros TV. He's a character.
@midnightgreen8319 8 күн бұрын
Just so everyone knows, Lord Pessimism in this comments section is Dave from Gamers on Games. That is one of several sock puppet accounts he has. He's a coward, thus the deception.
@DM_Bluddworth 8 күн бұрын
@@midnightgreen8319 that is my suspicion as well. He is one of the few unhinged individuals that throws around labels on anyone he disagrees with. He is a coward because he will post comments in his videos about others, and yet they are hidden from his channel so they can’t respond there. He also looks to deplatform others, because that is what real fascism looks like. I have three people hidden on my channel: One for making fun of one of my player’s appearance. The other two for disparaging the U.S. military and veterans in general. All during livestreams.
@lordpessimism 7 күн бұрын
I don't know who this Dave guy is, but he definitely lives rent free in all of your heads.
@DM_Bluddworth 7 күн бұрын
@ cool story bro!
@lordpessimism 7 күн бұрын
@ I think it's sad that a former history teacher doesn't know what fascism is. I guess it's true, those who failed to learn from history have doomed all of us to repeat it.
@DM_Bluddworth 7 күн бұрын
@@lordpessimism oh I know what fascism is, and it isn’t what you say it is. Name me one fascist leader who wants to sign a National concealed carry reciprocity law that will arm all eligible citizens to protect themselves, their family and their property from all that would do them harm? Name me one government action that took away a constitutional right during Trump’s first term? I’ll wait….
@wrelensmash 9 күн бұрын
Were taking the hobby back boys. :D
@lordpessimism 9 күн бұрын
Back to what, 1850?
@wrelensmash 8 күн бұрын
@@lordpessimism Pre Gamergate ;) you are invited
@lordpessimism 8 күн бұрын
@ I wish we could go back to pre-gamergate, before Bannon weaponized male fragility into a fascist movement.
@NevisYsbryd 9 күн бұрын
One side of the isle is ideologically opposed to any space not saturated in propaganda. It is appropriate to exclude such would-be subverters snd gatekeepers. At the game table, your politics is none if my business unless you *make* it my business. If role and domain separation are intolerable to you-hippity hoppity, get off my property.
@MoragTong_ 9 күн бұрын
Lol...why is it assumed most D&D players are liberals? Probably because of the woke turn the game took with 5E. Most of us playing RPGs started when Reagan was president and we feel the same as he did about Democrats.
@DM_Bluddworth 9 күн бұрын
@@MoragTong_ that’s why in my restructuring of the question I replaced D&D with TTRPG, and Trump with [insert political affiliation here]. Make it more open ended but not too much so.
@ISpiers 9 күн бұрын
*Yes! Assumptions should be questioned!* For example: Many of us started playing when Carter was President. 😉
@sunsin1592 9 күн бұрын
@@ISpiers Which is why you needed to escape to a fantasy world.
@Chris-io4iz 9 күн бұрын
@MoragTong_ this is why I won't play TRRPGs or even associate with Trump supporters. Everything is a political agenda to you. And, no, I'm not a liberal. I'm just sick of y'all inserting your agenda into everything.
@NevisYsbryd 9 күн бұрын
I speculate it always leaned left. The same personality traits that lean towards interest in fantasy (Openness to Experience) is also the strongest predictor of liberal inclination by the Five Factor Model (mind, it is still a very weak predictor). And it was associated with nerds, rejects, outcasts, the disenfranchised, and the like for most of its history, where concern for has been part of the vocal platform by left-leaning politics throughout most of that time. While it varies by system, ttrpg audiences as a whole probably mildly to moderately lean left.
@zozergames 9 күн бұрын
I publish games, and I leave out all aspects of modern day agendas and politics. No-one knows my politics, I don't want to know yours. Like the old days.
@nathan8812 8 күн бұрын
Yes.the fact the person asked this question, tells this is someone I would not play with.
@DM_Bluddworth 2 күн бұрын
He wasn’t asking for himself, he must have had the issue come up in his comment section.
@kamikaze9699 7 күн бұрын
My character's political beliefs are simple: 1) Start cult (optional: start business) 2) Convert local lords, ladies, trying to get at least one in the royal bloodline 3) Become shadow government
@carlosarambulo7420 8 күн бұрын
Our table of 7 is 4 - 2 - 1(neutral). It doesn't matter who supports what because we re adults. We play to step away from the real world especially politics for this world of adventure.
@kittydaddy2023 7 күн бұрын
the problem 5 years ago was finding a table where people didn't demand clot shots and masks
@risingdeathx 8 күн бұрын
As a leftist DM, I don’t have an issue with people coming to the table from different political positions as long as it doesn't affect the game or other players. I think you can separate the game from the players. It's the whole point. There are people I've played with for years and don't know their political positions. I'm cool with that. However, not all political positions have equal footing. Someone who believes NASA should be defunded because they think earth is flat or believes that humans they don't like are actually not human are on unequal footing and hold a position unworthy of respect. Someone that holds, for example, that LGBTQ+ people aren't worthy of respect don't have a place at my table because they are going to cause an issue with the game. The other problem that wasn't addressed is that not everyone agrees on what is political, or what we are really saying, shouldn't be talked about at the table or in game. It will depend on the table and that's fine. Roleplay takes a lot of trust and vulnerability and so making the game table comfortable is really important even as my game goes into darker themes. So I guess my answer is I'd rather not know. I don’t need to. I'm fine with conservatives, but I do think trump supporters are traitors to this country and are responsible for an incredible amount of harm, but it's not something I care to debate. If I knew someone was a trump supporter before starting the game, they'd likely be my last pick. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Everyone is free to choose who they associate with and i prefer either people who aren't traitors or people that don't talk about their politics and it isn't their entire personality.
@James-q1m7jjim 8 күн бұрын
What about your "leftist" peers who reduce Black men and women who vote conservative or so much as wear a badge to grossly offensive slurs and caricatures? As an Aboriginal Australian I don't want racist scum at my table and that goes for Americans who "think"-for want of a better word-they "aren't" racist by virtue of little more than the frequency with which they accuse ordinary working class voters of being "racist." Perhaps you are just young and naive. But I would suggest you spend some time asking yourself just how really "left" are you when you are so out of touch with the Great Unwashed you are increasingly losing them as a voting bloc to the conservative alternative provided your views are increasingly aligning with those of those privileged enough to go to university.
@James-q1m7jjim 8 күн бұрын
What about your "leftist" peers who reduce Black men and women who vote conservative or so much as wear a badge to grossly offensive slurs and caricatures? As an Aboriginal Australian I don't want racist scum at my table and that goes for Americans who "think"-for want of a better word-they "aren't" racist by virtue of little more than the frequency with which they accuse ordinary working class voters of being "racist." Perhaps you are just young and naive. But I would suggest you spend some time asking yourself just how really "left" are you when you are so out of touch with the Great Unwashed you are increasingly losing them as a voting bloc to the conservative alternative provided your views are increasingly aligning with those of those privileged enough to go to university.
@GamerKatz_1971 9 күн бұрын
I game with everyone who is willing to leave their bias at the door. I have had all sorts in my games but if they insist that my table is their personal platform then they are out.
@weirdguy564 9 күн бұрын
Because I only play with family and friends, we already have close politics. It's not an issue.
@The-Blind-Bard 9 күн бұрын
Thank you for your service. I agree with you our table is always open to anyone who wants to play.
@DM_Bluddworth 9 күн бұрын
@@The-Blind-Bard thank you, and it was my honor and pleasure to serve. I agree, I believe an open table is best. I like it because your seats fill up organically.
@Matt_Volk 9 күн бұрын
We did one of those "Safety and Consent" surveys at my table recently... We've been playing together for over five years, but we did it just to check-in... Anyhow, the one "line" (i.e. something players ask to be not included in the game at all) was that real-world politics be kept away from the table.
@DM_Bluddworth 9 күн бұрын
I use session zero, when I tell my perspective players what I expect, what they can expect from me, what game system we will be playing, what themes it will include, and that it will be no higher rating than PG 13. I would only modify the PG 13 on the rare occasion at a convention I have a younger player. BTW, I very very rarely curse and almost never on my channel. Never at a public table. So even my language is PG 13.
@chongobongo9382 9 күн бұрын
I'd rather not play with people who think certain groups of people "don't have the right to exist" or are generally rude to minorities. That's my standpoint. I certainly wouldn't play with bullies in general?
@HereTakeAFlower 9 күн бұрын
@@chongobongo9382 I don't have a dog in this race, but I don't suppose that's going to apply to a majority of republicans. Cross your insane neighboelr who believes that off the list and you should be Gucci.
@DM_Bluddworth 9 күн бұрын
@chongobongo9382 I’ve never heard any politician say another person doesn’t have the right to exists. That is just hysteria from people that consider disagreeing with them as a physical threat or even an assault. I don’t allow rudeness at my table directed at anyone, minority or majority.
@jessecizauskas2665 9 күн бұрын
@@DM_Bluddworth Actually, I do see a lot of "no room for fascists" from the progressive side. They also seem to name a lot of people fascists that I think are just conservatives. I think it's the Wokesters trying to ban people that disagree with them in general. It really bugs me.
@perplexalot1615 9 күн бұрын
"Right to exist"? So you're anti abortion right? Right?
@HereTakeAFlower 9 күн бұрын
@@perplexalot1615 c'mon man, let's not start a flame war, I want to actually hear this guy out.
@ZookGriddler 9 күн бұрын
I absolutely agree. TTRPGs should be played to learn new perspectives and not bash players for holding their own.
@mattboggs6304 3 күн бұрын
I disagree with the statement that TTRPGs should be played to learn new perspectives. They should be played to have fun. No one has ever bought a copy of DnD with the intention to "learn new perspectives".
@ZookGriddler 3 күн бұрын
@@mattboggs6304 I have bought TTRPS to learn new perspectives- and I do.
@boomerbyll3004 9 күн бұрын
I think everyone gets to decide for themselves if they are enjoying the company they keep. If someone is ruining the vibe and you want to dip out that’s up to you. I hear gamemasters refer to their games in ways that make it seem like they set the rules at their table. Like a dm has more weight in the experience than players. I’d hate to dm a game where the players felt like they were not just as responsible to facilitate the fun in the game. It’s our table and everyone should have fun and we all get to decide how that’s best achieved. If someone is disrupting that then we have to make changes. Politics personality hygiene political advocacy or really anything can disrupt a group under the right circumstance. It only takes one person peeing in a pool to ruin it for everyone. 😂
@JosephHeller-el8zo 9 күн бұрын
I think modern day politics would come into play when alignment arguments ensue. If the DM has a certain worldview on what is good and what is evil, and the player has a very different worldview of Good and evil, then there is going to be some friction.
@DM_Bluddworth 9 күн бұрын
I depict evil in my game worlds as unquestionably evil, unless a player is a sociopath. I make good aligned characters intentions visibly good or at least their hearts are in the right place. Sure I know it’s a trope of good v evil, but tropes wouldn’t exist if they didn’t work.
@DoctorTopper 9 күн бұрын
I have actually noticed this to be an issue at a table and a couple examples of extreme content getting awards, and non-political content getting banned for "divisive" on Drivethrurpg. I've also noticed superhero comics where ALLEGED noblebright heroes (not meant as anti-heroes or a heal turn) are indistinguishable from bloodlusting monologuing villains. It appears basic fundamental concepts aren't agreed on and this could be a challenge for a gaming group.
@NoTimeForRob 7 күн бұрын
I have no issue with anyone at my table until they start with pronouns or demanding x cards.
@midnightgreen8319 9 күн бұрын
The absolute mind blowing ignorance about politics hurts my head. Trump is not a Nazi. If you honestly believe that, the propaganda has absolutely rotted your brain, and you are blind.
@lordpessimism 9 күн бұрын
True, Trump is not a Nazi. He's a plutocrat. His friends are nazis, like the guy who seig heiled at his rally this week.
@midnightgreen8319 9 күн бұрын
​@@lordpessimismCongratulations, you are proof that the propaganda is working.
@lordpessimism 9 күн бұрын
@@midnightgreen8319 Congratulations, you are proof that America's education system has failed.
@maecenus778 9 күн бұрын
I don’t want to know about your politics, but there are things that morally I would not tolerate. Playing DnD is an escape, if there is any kind of bullying, racism, sexism or anything like that, I’m gone.
@Veninax 9 күн бұрын
As a trans person, no. I would not be comfortable playing with someone that's fine with me being erased from public life.
@adostil22 6 күн бұрын
@Veninax I suppose that is about definitions. There are trans people that are also trump supporters. I am also quite certain most Trump supporters do not care if you are trans, or what race, religion or sex, or sexual orientation you are. Sure some do, but there are also many bigots on the left so that should not be surprising. That is human nature and why we enjoy democracy, so the few cannot outway the many, and a republic, so the few still have a voice among the many. Still I am sorry you feel erased. I have felt that too for other reasons. I think opposing views should never be muted and good conversation is always the best remedy if you have a cause to champion. Which kinda speaks to the TTRPG situation. If you don't even let a large swath of people in your sphere, then you might never hear what they have to say.
@filiusvivam4315 9 күн бұрын
I consider the question bigoted and more leftist divisiveness.
@DM_Bluddworth 9 күн бұрын
Yes the original question has a built in bias because the original poster was presented with that discussion topic. If you watch the video I make the question more open ended.
@tabletopgamingwithwolfphototec 9 күн бұрын
I play & run games with the full spectrum from all the way to the far left and all the way to the far right. An it is do able. It's easier done if no alcohol is involved and people know the grand law , no political talk at the table unless everyone agrees not to start fights.
@RobbyMaQ 9 күн бұрын
That poor guy is drinking from the firehose as he experiments with different systems and tries to sort out the dynamics at his table and keep the players engaged. He def wants to offer the best experience to his players... He's just trying to figure out what that experience looks like
@russhart5603 9 күн бұрын
I don't care what your religion, political, sexual orientation or anything else my goal is to have fun playing and not being any of that stuff up at the table the table .
@Tullowit 9 күн бұрын
Great video! Sadly, there were a small portion of the commenters who either flat out said "no", or wrote a treatise on why playing along with Trump supporters is "evil". I was reassured in the awesomeness of the TTRPG community in general in the comments, who said "Come on and play!" to one and all.
@lordpessimism 15 сағат бұрын
It's not so much "playing along with Trump supporters is "evil"" as it is "playing with evil people like Trump supporters is a waste of my free time"
@mikep6263 7 күн бұрын
Real world politics, religion, and philosophy left at the door---House Rule #1. However, the politics and religion of my campaign world are open to discussion at any time.
@cydraiyne8323 7 күн бұрын
The only politics that matters in ANY fantasy game world, should be the politics of the various FANTASY factions and/or nations! Period. If someone doesn’t like the fact that I voted for Mr Trump three times in row, then that person has a problem and no, I would not “welcome” them to my table, if the person can get past “reality”, then sure, come on in and play! The only drama I want to see is what your FANTASY characters do. Period. Have a nice day. 😊
@stevenkennedy4130 8 күн бұрын
They already have. They just don't know it.
@jeffh7663 9 күн бұрын
IMO, it comes down to the person. I have some friends who are extremely left I would never ask to play, but we talk almost every week about anything but politics. The people I played with for years were either good friends or family who had a real interest in playing, not someone we didn't know. Based on recent events, there are far more Trump supporters out there than anyone knew about.
@jonathanliming397 6 күн бұрын
All the player's in my current group are all Law Enforcement (active or retired ) and Trump supporters. The question is could we play with a Leftist.
@GarrethandPipa 9 күн бұрын
I dont allow PK or sex because the first creates player conflicts. the 2nd simply has nothing to do with the game just someone jones-ing for attention
@DM_Bluddworth 9 күн бұрын
@@GarrethandPipa I don’t allow it either. My players’ interactions with their characters and NPCs are very mission focused, utilitarian.
@krinkrin5982 7 күн бұрын
The fact that we are even having this conversation is quite telling.
@DM_Bluddworth 7 күн бұрын
@@krinkrin5982 in a positive or negative way, or maybe both?
@krinkrin5982 7 күн бұрын
@@DM_Bluddworth Actually both. The fact this came up in the first place paints people in a very negative light, as it implies they cannot keep their personal beliefs away from the table and where they belong (in elections). The fact the issue is being addressed in such a way paints the RPG community in a positive light, as containing a lot of level-headed people who do not let their personal beliefs get in the way of having a good time interacting with others in the hobby.
@duncbot9000 9 күн бұрын
I could play a game with anyone (at a convention for example you could get literally anyone) but I would also be disappointed and not seek to otherwise be friends with people if I learn they believe in [insert political affiliation]. And after that point I might seek to never play with that person again because there are other people out there who share my views and I might want to spend more time with. Ignorance is bliss in escapism.
@duncbot9000 9 күн бұрын
Part of living in a democracy though is talking out our differences and being open to look at things from the other side. Try to learn why others feel the way they do and hope that they end up voting your way. If you get angry and excommunicate someone for voting one way, there is no chance for you to change them. (Because everyone presumes their way is the "right" way)
@Petes_Curious_Compass 8 күн бұрын
Trump supporting DM. I don't censor anything at my table. People either learn to get along like adults, or go elsewhere.
@JasonMcmahon-b2w 7 күн бұрын
41 Charlie here, spec4. Us army ordinance. And texas national guard. 2nd edition is my favorite. I've been playing since 1979.
@JScottGaribay 8 күн бұрын
Whoa! You are talking about the Political Ramifications of Dungeons and Dragons here! As though what was happening reached beyond the table? Imagine that...
@DM_Bluddworth 3 күн бұрын
No Scott, I’m talking about keeping all real world politics away from the gaming table because we are here to escape the real world, immerse ourselves into our characters and their world, and to have fun.
@JScottGaribay 3 күн бұрын
@DM_Bluddworth You are fooling yourself. You are claiming that you're not making political statements here. Literally the thumbnail contains the name of the current US president. That is a political statement. To even be willing to allow his name to be carried on your channel is a very distinct political statement. You have many political statements in this video. You're just pretending they're not political statements because they're what you agree with. The reality is you're very much talking about politics throughout this entire video. The very of existence of this video, you talking about the question, makes the entire ttrpg space a more political environment. I understand that you don't believe this is correct, but I think you're wrong. IMHO You me and Tabletop Family all are very much bringing our personal politics to the table. The only difference between the three of us is you're the only one pretending not to.
@JScottGaribay 3 күн бұрын
Also, in case you missed it, this comment section itself people are identifying their personal political leanings giving a very clear idea of what political leaning people who played Dungeons & Dragons subscribe to. Not only does this video very clearly display where you lean politically every single day it's on KZbin It literally makes the TTRPG space more political.
@DM_Bluddworth 3 күн бұрын
@ that wasn’t my question, the video is my response to that question. Then I go on in the video a reframe the question and refocus it towards my stance of “No real world politics or social agendas at my table during the game session”. I don’t care if I agree with the politics or agenda, my focus is on the game session.
@DM_Bluddworth 3 күн бұрын
@ comments section is not the game table. When players come to my table they are either at the table to play or they can go kick rocks. I value my limited leisure / entertainment time and I extend the same concern for my players.
@asheronthedruid 9 күн бұрын
Short answer, yes. But I would have my doubts if they would understand that decisions and actions have consequences, plus If be wanting to double check their math. Finally. I find intolerance, intolerable.
@charleswatson2605 8 күн бұрын
Is it how people vote or any particular viewpoint or is it how we treat each other? Its easy enough to say "leave your politics at the door", but a lot of people on both sides no longer can.
@DM_Bluddworth 8 күн бұрын
Any person on either side will be uninvited from the table, if they bring politics to my table instead of focusing on playing the game and getting along with others. I have about 8 hours per week of game time, I’m not spending that listening to players debating real world politics or pushing an agenda that has nothing to do with the adventure or the game world.
@PorkSword_actual 8 күн бұрын
Everyone I play RPG’s with is a Trump supporter.
@superdarklink 9 күн бұрын
...i would bet that question was asked by someone who cant leave their politics at their door.
@DM_Bluddworth 9 күн бұрын
@@superdarklink actually the original question came from another KZbin channel who was seeing the comment made often, so he asked it on his channel Table Top Family. My video was a response to his.
@yagsipcc287 9 күн бұрын
Anyone who says IMO is ill in the head (cant say the phrase because KZbin) if you can not be around people you disagree with and get on with things that have nothing to do with the issue at hand then that person is the problem and is the mindset of a three year old child. Its a game people should be able to play games and get on with it and if a person cant maybe they should seek help. I also agree with your phrasing the question should of been "Could you play D&D with someone you disagree with" Great response.
@Chris-io4iz 9 күн бұрын
Except for one thing, I can and play rpgs with people i disagree with all the time. MAGA people turn everything into MAGA. I don't want any of that anywhere near me. It's not that I disagree with them. It's that they're toxic.
@lucemiserlohn 9 күн бұрын
I really wish that discussions dealing with USA problems would be marked with "USA problems". The rest of the world does not have this exact societal division problem, it is foolish to assume everything revolves around the USA. You people have an audience outside of it, you know?
@DM_Bluddworth 9 күн бұрын
I welcome all people of the world to my discussions. I have had players from six different continents in my games. I’ve also turned the original question in the title into one that is more open ended. My response and opinion videos always have an evolution of my thoughts, a beginning middle and conclusion, and no one will get the point I’m trying to make without watching the whole thing. I’m not saying you didn’t, just saying that some don’t. That being said, I’m sure that any country has gamers that are divided on this topic at their own tables. Change the game and the political affiliation and viola you have a culturally centric discussion.
@GamerKatz_1971 9 күн бұрын
In reference to your statement of being a retired teacher, what was the subject you taught?
@DM_Bluddworth 9 күн бұрын
I taught US History, Global Studies, Government & Politics, Criminal Justice and Humanities throughout my 26.5 years. I’ve also taught college courses in U.S. History with focus on the U.S. Constitution and I taught several non academic courses in the U.S. Army.
@GamerKatz_1971 7 күн бұрын
@@DM_Bluddworth Cool, history was my favorite class all through school. That and Geography in high school.
@Beef8Cake 9 күн бұрын
It’s not the “Trump supporters” that want to take the fun out of games. Better question would be; Can you play with someone that supports Biden? Knowing what he did not just to this country, but his behavior around kids?
@valethemajor 8 күн бұрын
I just play with my friend group and we're all Trump supporting Catholics, works out great! No drama.
@paulvalentine4157 8 күн бұрын
if you don't want to, you shouldn't; fun isn't social engineering
@dethangelsshadow1722 9 күн бұрын
Absolutely. Of course I could. I AM a Trump supporter. And you know what? I've played with liberal Biden supporters too. *GASP*. I don't know of anyone on the right that would outright refuse to play with anyone. Sadly, the same cannot be said for the other side. I have never blocked anyone based on real world politics, religion, ethnicity, or even their personal lifestyle preferences. Even tho I may disagree with them on philosophy. Honestly, gaming is an escape from reality. It should be free from real world issues.
@lordpessimism 9 күн бұрын
"I AM a Trump supporter" Based on this, why should any moral person play at your table?
@SpiritOfBagheera 9 күн бұрын
@@lordpessimism You certainly have a warped view of morality.
@lordpessimism 9 күн бұрын
@ I suppose in modern day America, being opposed to fascism is warped, right?
@SpiritOfBagheera 9 күн бұрын
@ No. Thank God the Right is opposed to the fascistic authoritarian nature of the Left.
@lordpessimism 9 күн бұрын
@@SpiritOfBagheera Fascism is, by definition, a right wing movement. A movement you probably voted for.
@franpietrowski 7 күн бұрын
As a conservative trump supporter, I've never cared what my other players politics were. DND, gurps, lancer, besm It didn't matter and it's sad that the game world is politically active
@JasonMcmahon-b2w 7 күн бұрын
I've never had a game where we discussed who we voted for. Almost all discussions were about the game. So I find it odd. We never discussed who we like to have sex with either. Pro nouns weren't thing because we don't care. We're here to play a game. Tell me about your character. That's something worth talking about during a game.
@mattboggs6304 3 күн бұрын
I would absolutely refuse to play an RPG with a far left activist. They can't help themselves, they almost universally insert their politics into everything they do, and it is absolutely insufferable. Liberals, I don't have much of a problem with. Traditional liberals can generally get along with conservatives and other non-liberals, as long as the environment isn't already politically charged. I think it's probably a recipe for disaster for very politically minded people of opposite viewpoints to play RPGs together. I imagine the biggest problems will occur if it is the DM that's the most political, as the adventures being run, and the NPCs etc, will likely be saturated with the DMs politics. It's likely easier for players to get along with other players, than players getting along with an activist DM. I don't feel like conservatives and other right-wingers tend to shove their politics into their games as much as the left does, which is why I'd prefer to play with them instead. We don't need real world current day politics in a fantasy RPG.
@IrishWriter 4 күн бұрын
I am a Trump supporter, so, I'd actually prefer it, honestly.
@steambub Күн бұрын
The only political persons I won't allow at the table are activists. They must interest their flavor of partisanship into everything. Overwise, I don't care what your political beliefs.
@VeryHappyAmmo 9 күн бұрын
I play a 5e campaign with a group of left wingers and a Pathfinder 1e campaign with right wingers. It aint even hard. Well...the math is harder in Pathfinder...
@brucelombardo 9 күн бұрын
I'm writing my own game, I don't like giving money to people who hate me. That's fine, people can feel how they want. I don't have to be at all tables.
@nicholasmanojlovic1205 6 күн бұрын
One thing I thought of based on the original wording of the question (where do I list my political beliefs?) is that he could be asking where to put the political beliefs of the character he is making. For example he could have in his backstory that he or his lord were usurped and he plans to eventually go back and attempt to reclaim what he thinks was unjustly taken. Just some food for thought.
@DM_Bluddworth 6 күн бұрын
@@nicholasmanojlovic1205 but that is the character’s political beliefs in the context of the fictional world. That is fine and even expected. What isn’t is if the player is inserting his or her politics or social agendas into everyone else’s game session.
@nicholasmanojlovic1205 6 күн бұрын
@ I agree. I just don’t know if there was a misunderstanding with the original question where the player was asking for in game politics and the poster thought they ment real world politics. I could just be reading the original question in hyper good faith, but I think it’s worth considering or mentioning.
@DM_Bluddworth 6 күн бұрын
@@nicholasmanojlovic1205 the original question, which this video is a response to, was specific to whether or not a D&D table has the will or tolerance to play with a Trump supporter. I opened up the question up to include any political affiliation or agenda being allowed at the table during game time. I believe the politics represented in a game world match with the theme of real world politics but strictly in the context of that world’s application of them. Slavery in the Pomarj in Oerth (World of Greyhawk) is vastly different than any slavery ever conducted in our world history.
@lyinggod9421 4 күн бұрын
Here is an extremist view: People are entitled to an opinion, no matter how vile. An even more extreme one: People are allowed to voice them. Here's the one will be the hardest for some to comprehend: There are places where that view is unwanted and will not be tolerated. Not because its right or wrong (right or left) but because it is inappropriate to the venue. If a game (or holiday event) is a declared to be a BS free zone then people need to get over themselves and keep their (probably wrong political) opinions locked away. If they can, they are welcome at the game (or wherever). If they can't keep their ideology reigned and feel the need to melt down over any and everything, these people aren't welcome anywhere. This applies to everyone, regardless of your politics. Remember, extremism is not about how far left or right someone is, but how unwilling they are to have a complete, civil, conversation.
@prespos 6 күн бұрын
Choosing a T-shirt for a convention? Umm... I've got 3 HELLFIRE CLUB t-shirts. If I am running a Game, then I'll wear a SLAYER t-shirt to scare the players even more, LOL. Bless you DM Bluddworth for this video, and Cheers from Canada! :)
@mightyspaceghost9778 9 күн бұрын
Of course I can, I'm him! Most of my bros I play with are a lot more left wing than me, it doesn't matter and it makes the game better in my opinion. Lots of different views that bleed into the game make good character
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