Otsuki! Thanks for the stream! Timestamps for VOD watchers below. Another chill stream to keep us company, with new assets for Remia and they look insane . We had a quick DMCA jumpscare, nail biting discussion, and massages . [00:02:38] Stream Starts ├ 00:03:50 New Karambit asset and The Karambit Police ├ 00:06:34 Confusion from BOTchis changing names ├─── [00:08:22] Getting a Driving License ├ 00:09:10 "'Knives round are in mid on D2.' That's not true though. Knives round are in long, bro." ├ 00:11:07 Myth around getting a driving license ├─── [00:12:00] Regarding Various Co-Stream Permissions ├ 00:13:30 "Occasionally I tried to be cool like the youngsters nowdays, you know. I want to be swaggity swag yolo harlem shake cool, you know?" ├ 00:15:42 Realizing she's been pronouncing Babushka wrong from clips ├ 00:17:40 Remi can't take off her coat └ 00:18:26 "I f--ing hated Train, but when I played recently it wasn't that bad." ┌ 00:20:18 Losing after a comeback is so tilting ├ 00:21:12 "Real weapon at home? I have a sword, I have a cool sword." [00:21:19] Game 1 - Dust II ├ 00:21:23 "Did you guys see these new settings (Damage Prediction), btw? Let's turn them all on just for the hell of it. It would be so funny." ├ 00:22:00 Starting off strong with an Ace on pistol round ├ 00:27:12 Are Sandwiches and Burgers the same thing? ├ 00:28:36 Ally Yellow went full voice actor mode sounding like they're really dying ├ 00:32:03 "Swears is not allowed, but if I don't understand, there's nothign I can do about it." ├ 00:32:44 "Okay, I'm just not gonna throw any util. I need to have my gun out, I can't have my ass out like.. Tyson did." ├ 00:36:00 Integrating Remia into a christmas tree ├ 00:39:45 Ally Yellow went crazy seeing Blue's clutch └ 00:40:40 "Dang, he's f--ing enjoying getting killed. He likes his pickle tickled." ┌ 00:49:10 "'I wish I could have wet weapons on every map.' Well I mean.. I mean.." ├ 00:51:08 "I need to check his profile. OH NO! '-rep bad teammate, git gud.' Oh GG guys." ├ 00:52:34 Brimstone line-ups [00:53:50] Game 2 - Mirage ├ 00:54:05 Upcoming members game would probably be Fall Guys ├ 00:55:18 "Christmas songs? I'm gonna do 2000s emo songs, bro." ├ 00:56:25 All I Want for Christmas is You preview ├ 01:00:18 Lethal Company updates broke the mods prepared ├ 01:01:43 Half-Life 2 is (or was) Free to Keep on Steam ├ 01:05:29 "Okay, actually I have never played Half-Life." ├ 01:06:20 "I'm royally f--ed. I cannot go out. I am stuck, step brother, like literally." ├ 01:10:15 Remi getting mad at the damage dealt stats ├ 01:12:18 "We don't have to fight this! We can talk this out, bro." ├ 01:19:14 Remember not to put Remi's stream on speaker └ 01:23:22 "Wow, they were so nice. Only because we're winning though. I bet if we were losing they would've thrown pizzas left and right." ┌ 01:29:45 "I wanna be a horseshoe crab, does that make me delicious?" [01:36:00] Game 3 - Ancient: The Closest Game Yet ├ 01:36:06 "Is that DMCA-ed? Syberia you can't do that to me." ├ 01:41:56 Remi teases another asset aside from the karambit ├ 01:48:25 Remi with ready for the "Chat reflects the streamer." argument ├ 01:49:29 "Let's go red, maybe we can flank from red." _ally killed on red_ "Okay, nevermind. Don't want to go here." ├ 01:51:45 The collat potential, tho! ├ 01:56:42 "You want me to dip my toes in your coffee, bro?" ├ 01:58:46 What kind of coffee does Remi like? ├ 01:59:50 Car brands, for some reason ├ 02:00:28 Spectating Syberia's clutch, "Clutch or kick, bro." ├ 02:08:25 "The Major? I dunno, maybe Falcons, who knows? s1mple was back, right?" ├ 02:19:25 "Didn't he see him big box? I swear there's a guy big box. I knew I saw him, bro. I swear I wasn't trippin' balls." └ 02:21:28 Remi's new assets were drawn by oteteyasan ┌ 02:26:04 Cleaning nails (Reminder to clean your nails as well!) ├─── [02:28:30] Biting Your Nails ├ 02:29:00 "'If you go too deep it hurts." Ew, what are you talking about? Why would you say it like that?" [02:30:47] Game 4 - Dust II ├─── [02:30:50] Super Long Acrylic Nails are Inconvenient ├ 02:37:07 Head massages after a haircut ├ 02:39:13 "In Europe the massages are very soft, it's more like gentle touching. Compared to a mall in Asia and you get Chinese massage there, they're f--kin' breaking bones." ├ 02:41:02 "I think you just want people to step on you." ├ 02:43:17 Remi bought a head massager for Papatsuki ├ 02:45:38 "Wait, people in military get massages too? I guess it would make sense cause they're training everyday, right?" └ 03:00:40 Welcome to FACEIT Lv 8 [03:01:04] Post-Game Chat └ 03:02:51 Otsuki!
@SyberiaK6 күн бұрын
1:36:00 🎵 UPD: I didn't mean to ruin the VOD, please forgive me for my silly joke
@winteryuki64976 күн бұрын
Thank you for the stream and congratulations well done love you 💚💚💚💚💚