Kinda surprising to see the French guy saying that we're proud from our culture because some of us feel that they're the ones being proud of their own culture and art xD
@Belfry_pat Жыл бұрын
he was giving major le pen voter vibes with that comment and the one of civilization, so if my assumption is correct I wouldnt be surprised he think that way
@fern8580 Жыл бұрын
@Carlos, what surprises the French when they go to Spain, to Quebec, to Russia, to Poland, for example, is the National flags everywhere, all the time, it is not very much the case in France where there is no big Nationalist propaganda since 1950 France. I think "the Frenchman" did not raise a really important point.
@Daniboi971 Жыл бұрын
They're worried about offending people too much
@elephantandcat Жыл бұрын
A French guy telling that French people are *ashamed* to be French is indeed either an Alien with a French accent or a Le Pen / Zemmour voter.
@iuliia_franck Жыл бұрын
Totally agree I’ve been living in France for 5 years and all French I know are proud of being french and I love it
@osopolarmovies Жыл бұрын
We went from Sweden on vacacion to Tenerife in 1999. Two week was enought. We moved to Tenerife the same year and are now spanish sitizens. We will vote agan this Sunday. We love Spain.
@Aquarius2855 ай бұрын
Hello..Can you tellm e how i from Europe ,can i buy a house in the Spain in La Coruna?What is the Best process and best layer of Spain?Thanks
@osopolarmovies5 ай бұрын
@@Aquarius285 A Curuña is a niceplace. We have been there. We bougth a swedish book about moving to Spain to understand taxes and more. Good luck!
@pauls3075 Жыл бұрын
Lets hand it to the French guy speaking perfect English and dropping in a flawless Spanish sentence into the conversation. Americans take note!
@je.suis.eva. Жыл бұрын
He said he was learning Spanish. Of course he's practicing what he's been learning & what he said in Spanish was relatively easy Spanish. French is close to Spanish so it shouldn't be too difficult compared to other languages.
@pauls3075 Жыл бұрын
@@je.suis.eva. You have completely glossed over the fact he already speaks two languages fluently (English and French) and he is learning a third and he's still at Uni / college. How many Americans speak two languages let alone three, you need to do better. BTW I also speak and write 3 languages.
@Kaisforeignadventures Жыл бұрын
I'm American and have been living in Spain for 6 years y hablo perfectamente castellano. I learned it in 6 months and speak it daily since all my friends and spouse are Spanish. So not all Americans are alike 😉
@pauls3075 Жыл бұрын
@@Kaisforeignadventures I agree, some people take the time to enrich themselves experiencing foreign people and destinations, more power to you. But the vast majority of your countrymen are self obsessed narcissists who do not even realise there are other countries and would never dream of visiting them. Aussies rule as the travel tourists of the world, Americans need to 'do better'.
@Kaisforeignadventures Жыл бұрын
@@pauls3075 i have to agree. I've met a lot of Americans and English people who have been living here for years and can't order food in a restaurant 😕
@arrigune Жыл бұрын
This French guy has a self-perception of France that people from outside don't have... In fact, what people usually see from the French people is this kind of chauvinism that usually leads to make people think they are really proud of being French the way they are.
@blackrack2008 Жыл бұрын
@jeanclaude7555 Жыл бұрын
Well I was like what the fuck! we French people are actually very proud of our cultural heritage, history, language, food. It is however true that people do not display French flags as it is seen as being too nationalistic. This should not being mistaken as shame. As our former president Charles de Gaulle once said: " France ne peut etre la France sans la Grandeur (France can not be France without Greatness)"
@mariashevyrova3730 Жыл бұрын
the guy is just ashamed of being himself...he thinks he can escape himself being somewhere else geographically. That's sad. I think French culture is the greatest.
@peckinpah6209 Жыл бұрын
Chauvinists always think they are not "chauvin" enough. 😂
@arrigune Жыл бұрын
@@peckinpah6209 😆😆😆
@moonbeeps Жыл бұрын
FYI Spanish people do not get up late, we get up just like the rest of Europe, we usually start work at 8:00/9:00. We ate late cause we eat more in between and we come late out of work cause we have free hours at midday.
@Juan-xg4kr Жыл бұрын
In fact, people still believe that we always get up and go to bed late, which is why we have double the population in tourism (the second on the planet), being the second largest car producer in Europe and the 9th in the world, the one with the most bars on the planet, a multitude of companies at the forefront of infrastructure worldwide by turnover on all continents, the world's leading producer of olive oil and table olives, half of which are consumed from Spain, world leaders in organ donation by 30 consecutive years, the second high-speed network in the world behind China, the third country in the world in km of highway behind China and the USA, one of the best public health services in the world, the largest producer and exporter of vegetables in Europa, and world ranking, public transport, also in the export of military material and a long etc. All this is achieved by sleeping a lot and getting up late Spain 47 million population and the half sleeping 😂
@moonbeeps Жыл бұрын
@@Juan-xg4kr A mi no me tienes que convencer, Españita mejor país del mundo. Tenemos una cultura super diversa, buen tiempo, naturaleza y paisajes de todos los tipos, uno de los países más grandes de Europa, la esperanza de vida más alta del mundo después de Japón, gastronomía increíble. Lo único es que económicamente no somos muy fuertes, pero no es algo anormal teniendo en cuenta que el sur de todo siempre suele ser más "pobre", y la cultura de trabajar en B y explotar a los trabajadores tampoco ayuda a la economía.
@andreamiguel9895 Жыл бұрын
Si se levantan tarde en comparación a otros países de America, por ejemplo, que hay que estar en el trabajo-centro de estudios a las 7-7:30 am, comemos mas temprano y cenamos antes, también comemos otras cosas entre medias, pero son costumbres distintas, ninguna esta mal, son solo costumbres
@moonbeeps Жыл бұрын
@@andreamiguel9895 ¿Ok? Lo que hagáis al otro lado del mundo no tiene mucho que ver con nosotros, estaba comprando con el resto de Europa. Los colegios empiezan a las 8. Estar ahí a las 7 me parece una hora totalmente extraña, sobre todo por las horas de luz.
@Juan-xg4kr Жыл бұрын
@@andreamiguel9895 Costumbres diferentes si, ahora bien, puede generalizar si quieres y abarcar todos los trabajos a las 7-7:30 pues tampoco creo que sea así, ni allá, ni acá. Acá en la obra o cualquier albañil (por lo general) no empieza mas tarde las 8:00 y normalmente a las 7:00 o incluso antes. No hablemos de fabricas que tienen turnos ininterrumpidos o algunos empiezan bien temprano 6:00 o 7:00, carpinteros, electricistas, mecánicos, bares, etc. no mas tarde de las 8:00am Yo ahora tengo horario de oficina y entro a las 9:00 (muy reciente) pero toda mi vida he estado entrando a las 7:00 y 8:00, de mecánico, de camarero, etc. Muchos bares abren a las 5:00 o 6:00 AM para dar servicio a los trabajadores en ciudades y polígonos industriales, muchos. Que los españoles empezamos a las 10-11 a trabajar como muestran algunos gráficos y noticias es una mentira como un piano de ahí el dicho "tiene horario de marques" El horario escolar de de niños de 6 a 12 años esta mas o menos equiparado en toda Europa. Respecto a universidades etc. si que la cosa cambia y es un poco mas dispar y abarca desde las 8:00 hasta incluso las 10:00 Si es cierto, costumbres diferentes, desayunamos flojo por lo general, almorzamos entre el desayuno y nuestra comida (que es el almuerzo de ustedes) merendamos y cenamos, 5 comidas en muchos casos. También hay que tener en cuenta que tenemos un horario que no nos corresponde y cambio de horario invierno-verano. Cita: la España peninsular comparte huso horario con países como Francia y Alemania. ¿Por qué, si geográficamente correspondería otro? ¿Tiene algo que ver con las costumbres españolas, como la de comer tan tarde? El origen viene de Franco, y la respuesta es que sí. Un saludo.
@carlagoncalves531 Жыл бұрын
I'm portuguese and I love Spain with passion!
@betito5192 Жыл бұрын
I love yours with passion too👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
@caliostra Жыл бұрын
Todo mi cariño ,respeto y admiración para el pueblo portugués ,vosotros sois primos hermanos!!❤❤❤❤
@carlabosco6185 Жыл бұрын
Me alegra mucho que ames mi país, yo amo el tuyo. Mi hermana se casó con un portugués y vive ahí. De hecho mi sobrino es portugués 🥰. Cuando voy a Portugal me siento como en casa. Un abrazo desde Canarias 🇪🇸
@vooides Жыл бұрын
Viva Portugal, caralho 👍 Saludos desde Asturies
@riverofcustard3233 Жыл бұрын
Quiero probar un pastel de Belém 😢
@Isak.70.70 Жыл бұрын
Spain is the milk !!! ✅
@ilenamutis2245 Жыл бұрын
@JustinSeara7 ай бұрын
@chrischester321 Жыл бұрын
as a person who has traveled to 35 countries and lived in 9, all over the world, I can say Spain is my favorite. The people are so friendly, open and above all funny! The food, the culture, the weather is all amazing, especially in Valencia, where I live today.
@mikesuar8842 Жыл бұрын
Thanks. You're so nice
@Utubedeletescomments Жыл бұрын
They’re friendly if you’re not brown or black.
@edrevvvv11 ай бұрын
@@Utubedeletescomments cry me a river
@RedFarol10 ай бұрын
Vixca Valenciaaaaa
@chrischester32110 ай бұрын
@@Utubedeletescomments tell me a place where that isn't the case, outside a brown or black country
@juliaropermusic5644 Жыл бұрын
That's so fascinating that he said Spanish people are proud of being Spanish! I think that depends on the city. I imagine in Madrid there is a different pride already with that city being the hub for football, tourist culture, museums, etc. But I can tell you that my friends from Andalucía would probably not be as vocal about their pride as the madrileños.
@hrotha Жыл бұрын
I suspect part of it is a matter of seeing it from the outside vs seeing it from the inside. Like if you asked a Spaniard whether French people are more proud of their culture than Spanish people on average, they'd probably say yes without hesitation
@rodrigomoralesmedellin8293 Жыл бұрын
I feel like Spaniards have a similar pride about their country as Mexicans (in my experience, as a Mexican living in Spain since I was a teenager): they actually don't have the best "self esteem" as a country, and sometimes seem to look elsewhere to praise other ways of being, tend to complain about how shitty x and y things are in their countries, BUT as soon as someone else questions it they get very defensive lol. And even unprompted some people can be very "nobody else does this like Mexico/Spain". It's not really like American patriotism where a lot of people genuinely believe their country is the best ever.
@ChillCR Жыл бұрын
Well, I'm born and living in Andalusia and at least where I live people are proud of being Spanish. But yeah, compared to the capital is logical that they are more patriotic or whatever you wanna call it
@chetingerx Жыл бұрын
As in many other places around the world there's a national populist resurgence in Spain. Many many people in Madrid have spanish flags on their windows and balconies as a political stand against the socialist goverment and against memorialist laws design to recognize and repair the dictartoship victims. Which the nationalist right still won't clearly condemn. I as a madrileño born & raised don't share this patriotic national catholic spirit either. I detest football too. Madrid night life is the best though. Food unites us all. As for the french man I wouldn't reject he could be a patriot too, according to his discourse.
@ChillCR Жыл бұрын
@@chetingerx what does having Spanish flags in the window with a protest with the "socialist government"?? What a stupid comment
@Aeronautgal11 ай бұрын
Love Spain ❤️ the people were so warm-hearted that I wish I could carry that warmth with me back home and be as friendly myself 🥰
@alafosca5724 Жыл бұрын
I'm from Spain. I have always lived near Barcelona and last year I went to Madrid for a Muay Thai seminar, for 3 days. You can trust me when I say that Barcelona and Madrid are like day and night! Both have good and bad things, but Madrid is more akin to my personality; everything is more spacious, the air is not as contaminated, the white color and architecture of the buildings are very top level, and you can see a lot of families, all well dressed, enjoying the local parks and stuff. Whereas Barcelona feels closer, more open, and kind of... Like... I don't know... Easier? Madrid feels more responsible, less chaotic, etc. In conclusion, Barcelona is perfect for a more open life with the possibility to live many different experiences, and Madrid is ideal for a chill life with good people around you. That's my conclusion but let me know if I'm mistaken! I'm not a city guy though, I prefer the town where I live :P
@mvc7966 Жыл бұрын
Conozco las dos ciudades aunque no vivo en ninguna. Opino lo mismo, Madrid es fantástica, cada vez que voy la veo mejor y la gente un encanto. No me canso nunca de ir.
@GrimOfLight Жыл бұрын
Barcelona es la ciudad del momento si quieres ser apuñalado o robado como poco
@katowicestation Жыл бұрын
Madrid is way more contaminated than Barcelona.
@JP-xd6fm Жыл бұрын
"The air is not contaminated" hahahahahahahahah! mate, what the f* are you talking about, Madrid is one of the worse cities in europe in terms of pollution. And you seem to describe Madrid is for "well dressed" sunday church style families (posh and catholic?) and yes you might be right, in madrid is full of conservative folks, you see it on the election day. 🤮
@nuriam7169 Жыл бұрын
Creo que la gente es mas abierta y hospitalaria en Madrid, a pesar de ser una ciudad mas grande que Barcelona. En Barcelona la gente me parece mas fria y distante.
@Trimarkovich Жыл бұрын
I went to Spain for a week and I went to Madrid, Toledo, Granada, and Sevilla. In Madrid, I ate dinner at a relatively normal time, like 7:30. The streets don’t really stop moving and it is bustling at around 2-4, which I didn’t expect. In Granada and Sevilla tho, most restaurants didn’t open for lunch until 1:15 pm, and we had dinner a lot later, like 9:30-10:00 pm. It was pretty cool to see how different regions of Spain differ from each other
@mariob.c.9266 Жыл бұрын
In all Spain its common to have dinner at 9.30 or 10, but in the most massively touristic places its common that restaurants offer dinner earlyer for tourists
@Noctem0wl Жыл бұрын
Oh Toledo is beautiful. Also, that's what I like about Spain. Some places are pretty alive even in the afternoon and evening.
@nicolasreynoldsdominguez5109 Жыл бұрын
Granada and Sevilla don't eat dinner any later than Madrid lol. Madrid was just more accommodating for tourists so it had guiri dinner times available, but most madrileños usually have dinner at around 10 on the early side. I think sevillanos actually have dinner a slightly earlier and that madrileños and granadinos later but it's not big difference, just my experience
@mufmager Жыл бұрын
You haven't been to spain if you didnt come to Barcelona, get back here once you've completed that task and tell me how it went.
@lollybowser Жыл бұрын
It's really not a regional thing, you just happened to be in more tourist accommodating areas 😊
@m.butterfly7452 Жыл бұрын
Spains likes to do things a little bit late reminds me so much of how this country influenced the Philippines. Our dinner mostly starts at 7:00PM and people still go out at 11:00PM to party.
@dctore Жыл бұрын
No puede ser. Un Francés que me cae bien, incluso se atreve a usar el poderoso "Spanglish" introducción la palabra "pueblo" JAJAJAJA que me supongo que la traducción aquí sería "village". Magnífico 😂
@javigd96 Жыл бұрын
Bueno, habría que conocerle mejor para decir...
@mariagarcialopez6006 Жыл бұрын
Pueblo es una parada del metro de Madrid
@javigd96 Жыл бұрын
@@mariagarcialopez6006 habla de vivir en un pueblo concretamente
@nuriam7169 Жыл бұрын
Pueblo se dice town.
@EddieRios203 Жыл бұрын
One of my places to go is Spain. My parents are from Puerto Rico y me gustaría visitar la madre patria
@manchu-qu9mw Жыл бұрын
I would not be surprised the Spanish people are proud of their culture. I found them very easy going and flow with easy happy lifestyle. The streets are so clean and cars park in proper manners. Want to go back for more.
@jal051 Жыл бұрын
We are proud of our culture, but we aren't proud of our flag in the sense that kid meant it. The flag is a symbol of the extreme right. That kid is probably adept to Le Pen's ideas.
@nuriam7169 Жыл бұрын
@@jal051 La bandera no es un simbolo de la extrema derecha. Otra cosa es que la izquierda de nuestro pais y el PP se hayan siempre avergonzado de ella. Que poco has salido de España para decir esa tonteria.
@jal051 Жыл бұрын
@@nuriam7169 ¿El PP avergonzarse? ¿Esos que han puesto una bandera gigantesca en Madrid? Tú debes ser de vox por lo menos.
@frederic6998 Жыл бұрын
@@jal051 that's bullshit.
@huliohuliohamijo Жыл бұрын
@@jal051 It is only a symbol of the extreme right in the minds of radical leftists. Regular people are proud of their country, their history and culture.
@rafaelkestafa Жыл бұрын
I had some co workers(from the US) coming to spain for work a month ago. They're here for a month and they absolutely loved it! The food,the people,the nightlife,the lifestyle,the calmnes and enjoyment of the people living here...some of them are even looking forward to come back for a good while.
@Kaisforeignadventures Жыл бұрын
I'm American and have been living in Spain for 6 years. The biggest culture shock for me was eating dinner so late. Took me a year to adjust to that 😂.
@BR-ub2lc Жыл бұрын
😂 the dinner is so late because is not an important meal, actually it should be very light, the main meal for Spaniards is the lunch at 2 pm which is heavy strong and contundente so it keeps you full the rest of the day and you don’t get fat because you’re burning the calories during the day . All the opposite with countries where supper is the main meal quite heavy in the evening and you don’t have the change to burn the calories because you are resting at home and probably straight to bed few hours later,. That’s one of the the reasons why Anglo-Saxon countries has a huge problem with obesity .
@Kaisforeignadventures Жыл бұрын
@@BR-ub2lc i agree. I'm used to it now. When I go to the U.S. to see my family it feels weird to eat dinner at 19:30
@mikel2976 Жыл бұрын
@@Kaisforeignadventures To be fair though, that is probably healthier for your sleep. Tbh It's kinda hard having a decent sleeping schedule as a Spaniard.
@Kaisforeignadventures Жыл бұрын
@@mikel2976 I always sleep late, but I think you're right.
@arrigune Жыл бұрын
@@BR-ub2lc No, this obesity issue is because of the poor quality of the food, not the time it's consumed.
@salgueroart6895 Жыл бұрын
Spent two months in Spain last year going again this year for another two months. Love the Spanish Culture. Me from the USA
@yonasco14 Жыл бұрын
I'm actually surprised at the similarities between my culture (Morocco) and Spanish culture. When I first moved to the US and would have to go for dinner at 5:30-6 was insane to me, in Morocco that's the time for "Le gouter/casse croute" which is essentially a second breakfast but late in the day, actual dinner is 10-11 pm. We also do everything later and love our siesta (nap) after lunch before going back to work. It's crazy, I love Spain, my favourite country in all of Europe.
@onegirlmusic Жыл бұрын
all middle east is like this which isn't great tbh imo being an early bird adds more barakah to your day
@yasminechoerryscherry3701 Жыл бұрын
Hiii I'm morrocan too
@yonasco14 Жыл бұрын
@@onegirlmusic Morocco (and the Maghreb in general) isn’t as extreme as the Middle East though when it comes to night time. Whenever I go to the gulf, people seem to stay up till the wee hours of the night way past midnight which I understand since the days are so hot I guess. I agree with you though, I wake up extremely early every day and it’s much more efficient that way
@martaaos2892 Жыл бұрын
Morocco and Spain have many things in common. The influence that the Arabs have had for hundreds of years in Spain has evidently left many similarities, especially in Andalusia. Greetings from Sevilla :)
@steffie_ana1704 Жыл бұрын
Not true . Spanish culture is heavily Greco roman and Christian Catholic heritage based. I mean, similarities with morroco in what? . In ham, wine, Catholic celebrations ? (the greatest Catholic holy week celebrations worldwide by the way are in Andalucía, lol). Plus, our idiosyncrasies are way too different so are our societies. And that's the reason why morrocan inmigrants have hard time integrating and they hardly ever embrace our culture. To make it short, we have more similarities with any LATAM country in culture despite the distance, than we will ever have with the 'next door' neighboor Morroco. That being said, the closest countries in culture and traditions, are Italy, Portugal and France (with a big plus for southern France). By the way dinner time is more a mediterranean and daylight thing than a spanish thing, + it's also due to wrong time zone (Spain should have same time zone as Portugal).
@m.sanchez9902 Жыл бұрын
5:30 pm dinner? We're just finishing our lunch's sobremesa at that time
@module79l28 Жыл бұрын
Their dinner time is more of a culture shock for most of us europeans than the other way around. 😄
@jhm2732 Жыл бұрын
@@module79l28 i mean after 5:30pm there's still like 4 more Sun hours, obviously we would be getting hungry again before going to bed lol
@meatmoneymilkmonogamyequal5583 Жыл бұрын
I think it would also be a good Idea to ask folks like myself who have been living in Spain for over 20 years what we think about Spain.
@kdkhgdldfl Жыл бұрын
Here another one. Where do we start?
@lyuxia Жыл бұрын
go ahead, It's always interesting to know the opinion of people from other places who was used to have different lifestyle and then on a sudden everything changes after settle in a new country
@kdkhgdldfl Жыл бұрын
@@lyuxia The reason why it’s useless is the fact that the vast majority of Spaniards can’t handle criticism and definitely not when it comes from a foreigner. Let two of them have a typical discussion about politics and if a foreigner joints the conversation, just confirming their points, within 5min they are defending Spanish politics. A inferiority complex disguised as Iberian pride. A non self-reflecting society who only knows to blame ‘the other’. Driven on envy and very hypocritical. If you point this out they mainly stick to whataboutism and ‘tu quoques’ because they’re so easily offended it ain’t funny.
@meatmoneymilkmonogamyequal5583 Жыл бұрын
@@lyuxia I should. I will
@santividal9387 Жыл бұрын
So tell me, what do you think about Spain?
@GraemeRoberts Жыл бұрын
As a Brit, totally agree with the comments about weather and food; both are far superior in Spain.
@Noctem0wl Жыл бұрын
I miss Spain and Europe so much 😭
@mgilgar Жыл бұрын
It is interesting that the french guy thinks Spanish people are proud to be Spanish and the French don't. My perception as a Spanish person is we are proud of the way we live, the food, the approach to life but we are not proud about anything else, like Spain as a country, our achievement as a country, etc.
@Cristobal8605 Жыл бұрын
He’s from Paris.
@huliohuliohamijo Жыл бұрын
Which very sad. Most spanish people are incredibly ignorant of the history and achievements of their own country. But I guess that happens in many countries.
@Buttercup697 Жыл бұрын
Spanish history in the New World is very rough. What the Spanish did to the indigenous peoples in the Caribbean, central and South America, the Philippines, is not something to be proud of. And of course Franco and his fascist ways, 😢… But other parts of your culture that are incredible… the music, the food, the visual arts, the fight for independence within your country is something that you should be proud of.
@not_joanpro9205 Жыл бұрын
@@Buttercup697 what? Spain was the country that treated the indigenous people best. Why do u think in LatAm there are lots of people with indigenous traits and in the USA there are not, UK killed them, almost all of them. Also Spain invested 80% of his economy in this territory.
@edrevvvv11 ай бұрын
lol you know nothing about the colonialism then bc spain was the only country that breed with indigenous instead of slaving and wiping them out @@Buttercup697
@bluedancelilly14 күн бұрын
Last summer, I visited both Spain and France. I loved Spain. So friendly and welcoming.
@asdf-iq1ei Жыл бұрын
maybe the guy from France meant patriotic/nationalistic? Bc the French are very proud of their culture
@nicolemonheim3941 Жыл бұрын
I was like that's the opposite lol
@felipeperaltalcine Жыл бұрын
Yeah with the increasing number of right wing supporters I thought the opposite lol
@wiebkke Жыл бұрын
@@felipeperaltalcine is the increase of right-wing-parties-supporters noticeable in the everyday life?
@jeanclaude7555 Жыл бұрын
I totally agree this was lost in translation, we are very proud of our culture but Flag carries a negative connotation (nationalism).
@wiebkke Жыл бұрын
@@jeanclaude7555 interesting! In Germany it’s viewed extremely critically to show the German flag (expect for football championship) due to our history.
@auradb1140 Жыл бұрын
La que dice que nos levantamos tarde y hacemos las cosas tarde que pille el metro a las 6 de la mañana....
@Jorge-ux5eg Жыл бұрын
Ojalá pudiéramos levantarnos más tarde pero va a ser que no jaja. No se porque piensan eso la verdad
@jabadga Жыл бұрын
Estereotipos por todas partes
@pedroalvarez2119 Жыл бұрын
En algunas zonas de EEUU no es raro que se levanten a las 4-5 y se acuesten a las 20 h Cosas de la arbitrariedad de los usos horarios
@africasuarezperez9069 Жыл бұрын
Más que estereotipos es algo que tiene que ver con la luz solar, en otros países a las 5am el sol alumbra lo mismo que aquí a las 8am, y atardece mucho antes, por eso nosotros tendemos naturalmente a hacer las cosas más tarde, mientras que en otros lugares es normal despertarse a las 5, comer antes, cenar antes y ya para las 7 u 8 es completamente de noche por lo que se acuestan antes también
@auradb1140 Жыл бұрын
@@Jorge-ux5eg como los comercios abren la majoria a partir de las 9 o 10, no la hostelería, se piensan que el resto igualz además cuando cierran al mediodia insisten en afirmar que es porque nos vamos a casa a dormir la siesta así tal cual, y aunque les digas que no es lo que afirman, luego hacen vídeos y sus compatriotas se lo creen y aunque lleven 3 años aquí lo siguen afirmando 🤷🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️
@maxbarko8717 Жыл бұрын
My pinnacle Spanish dinner was when friends decided to go for dinner at 21:00 h. The restaurant was quite far away. We finally ate at midnight and finished at 1:30.
@nothere3982 Жыл бұрын
Oh I'm surprised. Where I live they close kitchens at 8-9
@maxbarko8717 Жыл бұрын
@@nothere3982 Well you probably don’t live in Spain, however we extended there opening hour drastically. They probably would have closed at midnight but they kept bringing food. I needed most of the next day to recover. 🥹
@nothere3982 Жыл бұрын
@@maxbarko8717 nono q va si soy de murcia jajaja, del lugar q no existe ;> pero donde vivo a no ser que sea algo especial cierran cocina a las 9 por ahí
@maxbarko8717 Жыл бұрын
@@nothere3982 Imposible, ¿o sólo sirven desayunos? 😂 My experience was in Tenerife. Sorry but my Spanish is very rusty now.
@nothere3982 Жыл бұрын
@@maxbarko8717 your Spanish is good! And to be fair I should have noted I meant 9 pm 😂 my bad. We usually mix military time and am/pm, but in normal speech use am/pm without specifying it is am or pm due implied context. When speaking about dinner it's usually mean to be 9 pm ':>. "Tengo una cena a las 9"/"I've got a dinner at 9". Hope you had lots of fun there bro ^v^
@avecesar4244 Жыл бұрын
A French guy saying that French people are not proud of their country? I thought it was the other way round. They are even proud of Picasso as a "French" painter ...(!!) 😂
@Shiliitexx Жыл бұрын
As a french we all know that picasso is from spain
@avecesar4244 Жыл бұрын
@@Shiliitexx I heard some time ago that Picasso, in France, was seen as "a French painter of Spanish origin". Similar case to Haendel, who is considered an English musician. Whereas in Spain we all know that "El Greco", as his name suggests, is a Greek painter who worked in Spain, and the same with Scarlatti and Bocherini; nobody think they are Spanish although they lived many years here, but we all know they were Italian.
@jeanclaude7555 Жыл бұрын
you forgot Leonard de Vinci and Marie Curie all French forever !
@Shiliitexx Жыл бұрын
@@jeanclaude7555 I don't think italian are agree
@jeanclaude7555 Жыл бұрын
@@Shiliitexx It was not my expectation that you would agree. It should be however pointed out that Francois I gave him the esteem he no longer had in Italy.
@ene7939 Жыл бұрын
haha that french guy is really parisian, he's speaking about Paris, not France, if he goes to the south close to the border with Spain, he will meet warm welcoming people
@frederic6998 Жыл бұрын
anywhere outside of Paris.
@IzquierdoFogued Жыл бұрын
Me encantan vuestros vídeos, y el tono de las entrevistas en general.
@ianmacphail2740 Жыл бұрын
Good video ¡Hola! from a rainy Glasgow. ☀️
@berkayyldrmhayabusa72754 ай бұрын
im from turkey and when i went to spain there wasnt much of culture shocks. everything is same and i felt like home. of course we dont have things like bull fighting but thats more of a culture event than overall culture. i was living in cuenca. and if i were to live rest of my life there i wont be mad. it is just same country but different place. same with italy and greece.
@roninespa Жыл бұрын
About driving, if you are from a big city, you see things in a different way. If you from LA or NY, you'd see things in a different way than an American from Midwest.
@jm75788 ай бұрын
I love Spain 🇪🇸💯🏆 My favorite city in the world is Barcelona and I’m from new York. Barcelona es la mejor ciudad del mundo.
@violamateo-on8pc11 ай бұрын
Al final: Sorolla y Miró. Saludos desde México.
@GFCordoba11 ай бұрын
Excelentes entrevistas. Gran vídeo.
@Answersonapostcard Жыл бұрын
Que consejo tienes para los extranjeros que estan aprendiendo espanol y viviendo en Espana?
@sensationalspain Жыл бұрын
Vamos a hacer un vídeo pronto sobre esto! Gracias por la idea!
@markomontenegro Жыл бұрын
Que encuentres una novia Española, yo estuve 5 años viviendo en Rusia, y en el segundo año, empece a verme con una chica rusa, y en 3 meses aprendi mas que en 2 años
@stevozrepto5558 Жыл бұрын
@endrisk1513 Жыл бұрын
@@sensationalspain lo que me sorprende en espana es la cantidad de gitanos rumanos. en pais y que todos espanoles comen cerdo jamon que es una locura por ser christiano que tambien en bibla es prohibited 🚫 que pena espana se fallo como pais y sociedad con esas 2 cosas
@tyranmoses552110 ай бұрын
I love Spain and I hope one day I will visit Spain.
@aseuvella6102 Жыл бұрын
The french guy is right in a way, i understand his point...just one thing for him, the journalist is Argentinian not Spanish
@huliohuliohamijo Жыл бұрын
I imagine it is hard to tell for non native speakers whether someone is argentinian or spanish.
@lbrtvlldr Жыл бұрын
1:38 Funnily enough, I'd say precisely the opposite (and I've lived for many years in both countries). The French are incredibly proud of their country and culture. The Spaniards are quite self-deprecating.
@Antoniales32111 ай бұрын
Yo estaba flipando al oírle.
@pedrojosecandalijacambara261 Жыл бұрын
French ashamed of being French??? Come on! French people are REALLY proud of their culture. In fact, they protect and buy French culture (literature, cinema, gastronomy) much more than we Spaniards do. I think the French guy is totally wrong, showing flags has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with being proud of one's own culture. Showing a flag is just a stereotypical way of being patriotic.
@4561-i1t11 ай бұрын
Mis respeto al chico francés, culto y educado. Se ve claramente que es un joven orgulloso francés y no me sorprendería que fuera activista o parecido, un compatriota europeo de verdad.
@IvanGutierrez-um1iz11 ай бұрын
Si bueno, son amables con ellos porque son turistas, seguramente si trabajasen en una oficina tipica española su opinion iba a ser bien diferente.
@joseluisluque4496 ай бұрын
Eso pensó tu madre al verte la primera vez!
@dlobatog Жыл бұрын
The first girl is called Yi Chen, wtf “inaudible”…
@Juliana.moraes8 ай бұрын
Great video!! As a Brazilian, I loved that you found a Brazilian as well 😃
@lorenzogarciaespino7315 Жыл бұрын
0:34, ichan and i come from Taiwan
@jasonquigley2633 Жыл бұрын
To be fair, regarding the late times in Spain, Spain is really in the wrong timezone (it should be in GMT like the UK), which means the sun rises and sets an hour later then it should. So what seems to be an 8 pm eating time, if you go by the sun is closer to being a 7 O'clock eating time. In fact, Spain is further west then Britain, so it's really more like 6:30. Most of western Europe shifted to the same time zone as Nazi Germany during WW2, and for whatever reason never shifted back. Realistically, Spain, France, the Netherlands and Belgium should be on GMT.
@TheBLGL Жыл бұрын
The French guy saying he lived in a Pueblo really confused me as a New Mexican. Pueblos here refer to Native American tribes and their land, coming from Spanish of course (New Mexico was first colonized by Spain, at least in terms of European colonization). I thought it just meant “people” there, since they don’t have, say, Taos Pueblo or Zuni Pueblo. I had to google it. 😂 All I could find was it means people (obviously), town, or village, so I assume he’s talking about a village. 🤷🏻♀️
@nutriaball10 күн бұрын
Yeah, pueblo is a small town or village
@faceyl Жыл бұрын
Great vid btw, made me interested in visiting Spain! 😆
@francescocrispano8802 Жыл бұрын
1:53 “we French people are ashamed of being French…” I’ve never heard anything more relatable haha
@fern8580 Жыл бұрын
@Francesco , The France is the only country in the world since 1950, where a citizen can say this without being punished,
@Mrk0k044 Жыл бұрын
@@fern8580 Nah
@tahhol7222 Жыл бұрын
Ashamed? What for ? Why ?
@javigd96 Жыл бұрын
As they should
@francescocrispano8802 Жыл бұрын
For their frenchness I suppose.. idk ask to the guy
@moonhand83113 ай бұрын
These are nearly all very young people's views who have little life exposure, and the views, while valid, are about light and fluffy things! Try these few as a starter. It's not Spain bashing, just on the topic of culture shocks. (1) Businesses are not run with a client focus. Small business' opening hours favour the business, not the customer: they are closed more than open! The so-called siesta is a hindrance to all our lives in a modern european world and impacts negatively on everyone's productivity (despite what country-produced 'manufactured' official EU statistics might 'suggest'). (2) The hugely negative role and impact of 'tradition' in a number of very important areas of life. There are many examples from religion to the patriarchal and overtly misogynistic, sexist behaviours and obsessions we see. But, the main example is the torture and murder of animals for entertainment, like bull slaughtering - there's no 'fight', but you know that, right! Quite how a modern EU country tolerates this immoral, damaging 18th century-like behaviour amazes me....oh yes, that would be "tradition." It is sickening to see and think about how Spain is damaging its young people's minds by somehow letting them believe that abusing and killing animals for entertainment is somehow okay and rational! Generally, many parts of Spain struggle to move real life away from tradition: tradition is used as a heavy weight to stop beneficial change and move forward harmoniously in comparison to so many other top countries. I'm sure Spain would be the number one country in Europe by long way if they could just get a grip over how obession with the domiannce and persistence of 'tradition' damages your behaviours, some significant political decision making,and life/county outcomes more generally. (3) The loudness of voices! Megaphone sales must be the lowest in Spain across the EU 😅 People, especially ladies, talk as if they are shouting at each other. Is a normal level of conversation not possible? The noise is a real shock (and its intensity/volume often spoils a cafe setting, for example). That's enough for now. #StopBullFighting. BTW, love the weather in Southern Spain. It is the No 1 pleasant culture shock and asset.
@vladimirzunic9152 Жыл бұрын
5:46 You sound like you're from Latin America. That R is screaming Colombia or something :)
@dag24_d Жыл бұрын
She is, but I can't identify from which country.
@frederic6998 Жыл бұрын
I have no idea but i've seen people saying she is from Argentina. She doesn't sound very argentinian to me but maybe she's been to many year in Spain and changed her accent.
@jorge6969611 ай бұрын
I would say she has an argentinian accent.
@frankb1 Жыл бұрын
Good video. Thanks for posting.
@victor________ Жыл бұрын
Love this camera!
@YaSin-su4kh Жыл бұрын
Yes me too
@sensationalspain Жыл бұрын
I've been saving for sooooo long!
@Gloriaimperial1 Жыл бұрын
The Spanish army occupied large areas of Germany, the north, south and east of France (including Paris), Montenegro, Cyprus, Malta, Monaco... Spain also passed through areas of Switzerland, Austria, military settlements in Denmark, Corsica and Russia . And parts of North Africa like Tunisia, Algiers, Oran, Libya. The Spanish army also landed in areas of England, Ireland and Scotland. We were in the British Isles in various invasions, in 1377, 1380-81, 1411, 1595, 1597, 1603, and 1718.
@moctezu82 Жыл бұрын
0:39 yes, but which country of america? Canada? Perú?....Chile?
@GENRTS Жыл бұрын
I doubt that someone from Argentina, Peru or Chile would agree if someone referred to them as "American" despite the geographical sense of it. So come off it😂
@frederic6998 Жыл бұрын
France ?
@hypalegendzyt68198 ай бұрын
The Spanish have such a relaxed culture it’s interesting I’ve been many times to the mainland this year will be my forth
@leirepacio3236 Жыл бұрын
The french guy is seeing that spanish nationalism and proudness bc he is in madrid, but he wont find that if he comes to the north. You wont find a spanish flag in the basque country
@oiermontero2310 Жыл бұрын
Claro k las encontrara. Aunque halla menos se ven banderas
@arkaitzetxeandia7542 Жыл бұрын
@@oiermontero2310, haberlas las hay, cierto, pero ya te digo yo que en el País Vasco te encuentras antes con un jabalí por el monte que con una bandera española.
@oiermontero2310 Жыл бұрын
@@arkaitzetxeandia7542 pues yo no me he encontrad9 un jabali desde hace 3 años y veo banderas de españa todos los diad
@arkaitzetxeandia7542 Жыл бұрын
@@oiermontero2310, pues no sé en que ciudad vives. En mi entorno la única bandera española que uno puede encontrar por mucho que busque aparece solo en el DNI.
@frederic6998 Жыл бұрын
that's only a small part of Spain and even in the Basque country you'll see spanish flags.
@benkearpa92 Жыл бұрын
What about the shoulder bumping and people taking up all the space on the sidewalks, what about the long staring for no reason while riding the metro, bus, at a waiting room.
@Aria9391 Жыл бұрын
1:39 😂 PARDONNE-MOI?! This is certainly not the general perception of you guys, even if you haven't French flags everywhere.
@oumaitou Жыл бұрын
Very nice interview I love it ❤🇪🇸
@martapradoalonso3384 Жыл бұрын
A ver lo del calor si vives en el norte (Asturias) no es así jajaj y lo de por la noche ir tarde cuando fui a usa en miami tb se cenaba relativamente parecido a ahora en hora
@steffie_ana1704 Жыл бұрын
Aparte que España sigue sin estar en la zona horaria que le corresponde.
@6677en Жыл бұрын
2:50 qué raro, cuando yo fui a francia casi todo mundo (7 de cada 10 que me cruzaba) me saludaban por todos lados "bonjour!" "bonjour", las abuelitas, los señores, las chicas y los chicos jovenes y adultos... la verdad es que me descoloque un poco porque en españa nadie saluda a nadie, mucho menos las ancianas y adultos parece que estan dopados todo el tiempo con tranquimazin... a menos que ya te conozcan o te hayan visto de antes... No sé, todo es perspectiva.
@annasutton8078 Жыл бұрын
17 years living in Spain. I never got used to eating late or going out late. My Spanish neighbours were very kind and generous. We learnt how to pick olives, make turron. It was a good experience but the paper work, town halls etc a nightmare!
@lollybowser Жыл бұрын
I lived in the UK for a year and i could never get used to supper at 5 PM. That's just too early ahahha 9 PM is my supper time.
@baronluigi2738 Жыл бұрын
2:30 But in France, movies like Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis or Mission Pays Basque ( although this one is full of stereotypes) show that there are strong differences within the people of the same region. It happens the same in Spain as well.
@ferdieshoes2310 Жыл бұрын
For people who were born in the US, the name of their country is "America",what a mistake! The name of their country is not America,the name is United States OF America, which is different! America is a CONTINENT!
@danielalexandrecastillomar4858 Жыл бұрын
Unitedstatians…are in their US of A bubble 🤪
@erics1140 Жыл бұрын
Can't blame that on people from the US. The French, British and Spanish started calling their colonists Americans.
@javiersoria3913 Жыл бұрын
Latinos be like: United States of Mexico = Mexicans :) Federative Republic of Brazil = Brazilians :) Kingdom of Spain = Spanish :) United States of America = NOT Americans
@danidejaneiro8378 Жыл бұрын
Not in English, sorry. In English, "America" refers exclusively to the USA. If you would like to refer to both of the continents together (because there are two), in English you must use the plural: The Americas. Native speakers of English have no problem with this distinction. America = USA The Americas = North America + South America
@MsBimbobear Жыл бұрын
The problem is that it collides with a demonym which already existed and referred to anyone from the American landmass. There are documents from the 1800s, from when a demonym for people from the US wasn't clear and they were trying to establish one. In particular, there's one document written by Samuel L. Mitchill, a US senator, in which he clearly says that American to refer exclusively to people from the US shouldn't be used because the demonym belongs to everyone in the landmass. Obviously, nobody paid attention to him and we have this issue these days.
@kevabWTF Жыл бұрын
>What's your name? >[*Inaudible] I can't XDDDDDDDDDDDD
@brunobandiera2062 Жыл бұрын
My first visit to Spain was in the late 60's, people were always friendly and polite although the younger ones of my age were chafing at the bit of the dominant ultra-conservative, ultra-Catholic culture. My biggest shock on returning in the 2000's was the proliferation of ugly graffiti everywhere on all buildings, and also people of colour to be seen and accepted everywhere, in a formerly lily-white country...and that's a good thing, BTW. Oh, and, no more 'porteros' to let you into your building late at night. But the people are still great !
@nicolasreynoldsdominguez5109 Жыл бұрын
Ye after the franquismo era ended in 1975 Spain ended up joining the EU and globalizing and it became developed. And immigration obviously came with that. Also I've never heard Spanish people described as lily-white lol they're tanned like Portuguese Italian Moroccan Greek Lebanese Turkish, course there are exceptions tho😉
@brunobandiera2062 Жыл бұрын
Yes, well I should have said the country was totally Caucasian/European. Alicante, 1966. There were rubias/os in Andalusia but I saw NO persons of colour at all, not even Moroccans. Barcelona 2008 was a contrast as I saw more than one Spanish couple with an adopted Asian child here and there, plus African street vendors, etc. The Franco regime was pervasive, when I went with my Spanish pals to a bar or cafe, we could always detect the not-much-undercover cops. I was nearly shot once by the Guardia Civil as I was riding along the beach highway at 1 AM as my motorcycle headlights had cut out and they thought I might be a smuggler. I am still very disappointed at seeing all those graffiti everywhere, marring the classic architecture. Saludos, BB @@nicolasreynoldsdominguez5109
@nicolasreynoldsdominguez5109 Жыл бұрын
@@brunobandiera2062 right I know what you mean but Moroccans are not people of colour lol I don't know for sure whether there were many of them during the Franco regime or not but you wouldn't have been able to tell the difference between them and Spanish people unless they were wearing Muslim clothes, they look very similar, which is my point I'm not saying Spanish people aren't white but like many north Africans, people from the Levant region of the middle east, and of course south Europe (so Mediterranean people) they wouldn't be described as lily white. They're tanned, dark hair, dark eyes. If you consider Moroccans people of colour then Spanish people are too lol, and there definitely weren't any significant amount of blondes that came mostly after the regime just like the subsaharan and Asian immigration
@el_nesto1844 Жыл бұрын
@@nicolasreynoldsdominguez5109 Us similars to Moroccans and turks? I mean there are very white moroccans but clearly not the majority, and we dont look like them. I'm not offended but I just think that what you said isnt true
@nicolasreynoldsdominguez5109 Жыл бұрын
@@el_nesto1844 eh there is more Arabic blood in them but they don't look strikingly different its only marginal. If there was a Spanish is a LOT more similar to a Moroccan than to a German for example. And on an individual level, many many many Spaniards look just like Moroccans. My family for example we look more Arabic than many Moroccans but are actually fully Catholic. It just comes from the Arabian conquest. I'm not saying we are identical but to say you didn't see a single Moroccan during the Franco regime is stupid, because 1) Spanish people look Moroccan so how would you know? and 2) There were moroccans
@laureanoalfaro9351 Жыл бұрын
The brazilian girl suprised about the hours,I thought that if sthg Brazilians, Spanniards and we Argies have it's precisly that, from the possibility of a late meal, beer, ice cream and mostly whole night till day party if you choose that. She might be from some more rural and more little town alike place I guess
@sabrinabueno308211 ай бұрын
Im from Sao Paulo city and at least in my circle its not usual to have dinner aound 21:30/22 or even later. Meanwhile in Spain it is. It was a cultural shock for me at the beginning.
@laureanoalfaro935111 ай бұрын
@@sabrinabueno3082 Really? I didn't know that. My friends rom Brasil that live here in BA have very similar costume regarding going out, meals and such. Maybe Sao Paulo is more americanized than Rio for instance?
@ExclusiveLM Жыл бұрын
The guy said he is from America. LOL. South America is also America. You have to say I'm from The United States. Even saying I'm from North America is not specific because Canada is also part of North America.
@veravero80 Жыл бұрын
Then he is still from America.
@MsBimbobear Жыл бұрын
And the Brazilian girl said being Latino and European is very different whereas the original Latinos are European. It's not like Latin was created in South America... But this, as usual, an issue with the US and the senseless nomenclature they've spread all over the world.
@yonasco14 Жыл бұрын
@@MsBimbobear Being Latino is indeed very different from being European though, so different. She is absolutely right.
@ExclusiveLM Жыл бұрын
@@veravero80 Yes. But, not being specific does not answer where he is from. It's like you saying "I'm from Latin America" when someone asks you what country are you from. You understand what I mean ?
@magnusgranskau748711 ай бұрын
@@yonasco14 Latino isn’t a race, it’s cultural. They’re a mix of Europeans and native americans. And she is mainly European, just look at her hair. When you meet real Native American it’s real easy to see. Look the places with the most Native American is probably yucatan, Mexico,Andes,Bolivia Peru in the rural areas. She is most likely Italian/German Spanish from the city
@KalipoWars Жыл бұрын
2:00 Spaniards are European and Latin and the same time.
@uptown_rider8078 Жыл бұрын
Spaniards are European, not latin
@KalipoWars Жыл бұрын
@@uptown_rider8078 Please explain why.
@uptown_rider8078 Жыл бұрын
@@KalipoWars Because Latin would refer to Southern Americans nowadays, and Spaniards aren’t southern American. If you’re referring to European Latin, then it wouldn’t make sense to say Spaniards are European & Latin, cause you’re just saying Spaniards are European & European
@KalipoWars Жыл бұрын
@@uptown_rider8078 Oh, I see. You are confusing "Latin" with "Latinamerican" (which doesn't refer to Southern American countries only. also to North and Central American countries like Mexico or Honduras). It's a common mistake, very extended in some countries. As you say, Spain is not a Latinamerican country, since it is not American. However, it is a Latin country since it received the cultural an linguistic heritage of the Roman Empire, which had its origin in the region of Lazio (Latium in Latin). Accordingly, Spaniads are not Germanic, nor Slavic, nor semitic, etc, but Latin. Since "Latin" and "European" are not synonyms, the last part of your messages is nonsense, take into account that most Europeans are not Latin. Best regards.
@uptown_rider8078 Жыл бұрын
@@KalipoWars That’s why I didn’t know which context you used the word “Latin” for, and why I made that distinction. Also, Spaniards and Portuguese are a mix of Celtic and Germanic, with some Latin mixed in there as well. We have several cultural influences and descents.
@harigovinds74612 ай бұрын
Sending love from India ❤🇪🇸
@Esterst1 Жыл бұрын
In Spain you can find many Spanish flags on the Windows or balconies from 2017, before this date it used to happen the same as this boy says that happens in France. The reason is that in the year 2017 Catalan Nationalists declared the independence from Spain, and many Spanish people were afraid of the end of our country and reacted against it with the flags.
@Global-IRM-Madrid7 ай бұрын
We can help with Visas Immigration all moving assistance and even register your vehicle here. We can also help you search for homes and schools.
@martindouglas9839 Жыл бұрын
Me encanta España y también la gente de España x
@grogu9698 Жыл бұрын
Lo del francés me ha dejado loco. ¿Un francés pensando que los españoles somos muy patriotas pero los franceses no? Si tú le preguntas a cualquier español te dirá justamente lo contrario. Y también es porque está en Madrid, que aquí si podríamos decir que el nivel de patriotismo es de los más elevados de España sino el que más, si se fuera a Cataluña o País Vasco notaría la enorme diferencia.
@paulamatillajimenez9713 Жыл бұрын
✨People of the Pueblo✨
@MinimalWave1982 Жыл бұрын
hey what camera you guys using i love the colors!
@sensationalspain Жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot! We use a Sony A7S III.
@MiguelAngel-lk9tj Жыл бұрын
So funny about the french and flags, i thought spain was the only one
@eleazg111 ай бұрын
Could you tell us what microphone is the one you are using?
@SHAGUIML Жыл бұрын
minuto 2:10, entonces los Españoles, según ella no son latinos. No tiene ni la mas mínima idea de lo que ser latino significa. Por cierto Italia, Francia, Portugal, Rumanía, Angola, Cabo Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Santo Tomé y Príncipe y Timor Oriental, Belgica por mencionar algunos son Latinos.
@alinepingu Жыл бұрын
She is using the American definition of Latino
@ALf-mn3qe Жыл бұрын
Equiparan Latino a persona de América que habla Español o Portugués , no ha población Europea y por tanto Española
@julianasilva6946 Жыл бұрын
Espanhóis não são Latinos. Europeus não são Latinos. Latino = América Latina
@julianasilva6946 Жыл бұрын
Quem não tem ideia do que o termo LATINO significa é você. Qual o sentido de incluir todos esses países + países do continente americano em 1 termo só? A palavra Latino vai perder completamente a relevância.
@SHAGUIML Жыл бұрын
@@julianasilva6946 Latino son los paises que hablan algun idioma que provenga del Latin, Los idiomas son Español/Castellano, Portugues, Italiano, Frnaces y Rumano. No hay que confundir con el termino LATINOAMERICANO que mucha gente lo hace y creen erroneamente qu elos latinos SOLO vivimos en America.
@harumi6046 Жыл бұрын
A chuletón around 9pm😅yummy but insane! Still getting used to !❤
@acetofresh1 Жыл бұрын
One of the most shocking things was the Frenchman saying the French aren’t proud. A nation state cannot survive without a national identity, absolutely that has to do with the demographics. You would never go into Africa or Asia and see people aren’t proud to come from their homelands. Only in the West people expect this
@raquelg1504 Жыл бұрын
choca que un francés diga q allí no son orgullosos cuando tienen fama de ser super orgullosos de su nación - lo del aumento de banderas españolas es en contraposición al movimiento catalán de independencia porque no conciben posible que haya más de una nación en un mismo estado (nacion vasca, gallega, catalana) y mucho menos que quieran serlo efectivamente
@pedrofmc0000 Жыл бұрын
No se donde ha estado el francés. He flipado con lo de las banderas. Salvo en algún edificio público muchos españoles en general se avergüenzan de ella por que muchos piensan que es de "fachas" lo que es muy estúpido, pero así están las cosas.
@FranciscoGonzalez-dz2oy Жыл бұрын
Eso lo dirás por ti......y por cuatro perro flauta que como están todo el día con la misma cantinela.parecen más pero siempre son los mismos.
@pedrofmc0000 Жыл бұрын
@@FranciscoGonzalez-dz2oy Pues no, no lo digo por mí. No siento la menor vergüenza por mi bandera. Me limito a constatar una realidad y es que a la mitad de los españoles, como poco, les desagrada la bandera por diferentes razones. Unos porque no se sienten españoles otros porque piensan que es de "fachas" y otro simplemente por pura ignorancia. No presupongas tanto sobre los demás sin conocerlos niñato.
@frederic6998 Жыл бұрын
Yo soy frances y si en Espana hay mucho mas banderas espanolas que hay banderas francesas en Francia.
@guillermogini6879Ай бұрын
that Brazilian girl speaks fantastic English, I was shocked to learn she wasn't from an English speaking country
@jeanclaude7555 Жыл бұрын
I read a lot of comments centered on what this young frenchman said, that French were ashamed of being French. I can only surmise that he was referring to Flag which carries a negative overtone (nationalism). On the contrary I would said that we are aware of the achievements of our countries made in the course of the centuries and the influence we still have (despite not being an empire any more). I would describe this feeling by a famous quote of General De Gaulle: "France would not be France without greatness". Vive la République, vive la France !
@sabbirhasan693411 ай бұрын
French are not proud of their culture, they are just proud of how they behave, how they eat, and how they see the world. Almost every French loses the meaning of words when interviewed in English, the french guy wanted to say that putting up French flags is not common in France, and people don't like it as they associate it with Nationalism. But he just said other things which are not relevant. :D
@agatha004 Жыл бұрын
To the French guy... I'm sorry but not everyone loves Spain in here. actually, there's a lot of people that hate it
@SP-qi8ur Жыл бұрын
@BR-ub2lc Жыл бұрын
They don’t hate Spain, they hate the central government which is huge difference
@laclochard Жыл бұрын
Girly there are people who hate the Spanish people who destroy Spain, not Spain itself.
@JessicaMaria Жыл бұрын
what camera do you use to record
@sensationalspain Жыл бұрын
Sony A7Siii
@actoraa Жыл бұрын
"Big difference between being Latino and European". People need to look up words in the dictionary more often.
South American Latinos think about a cultural perspective, not a language one. I am European and Latina 🙂
@maximipe Жыл бұрын
Except she obviously meant latino as in from Latin America
@@maximipe I wouldn't bet on that.... But it's possible
@actoraa Жыл бұрын
@@BARROSORQUIDEA the funny part is that the term Latin America was only created in the 19th century and by the French as a way to justify their intervention in Mexico. You'd think we could come up with a better term for people with Hispanic culture...
@maximipe Жыл бұрын
@@BARROSORQUIDEA was replying to the og comment, agree with what you said
@daniBF3 Жыл бұрын
4:48 This reminds me of 'As Bestas'.
@Drakon-sr8yk Жыл бұрын
que alguien le diga al francés que aquí si estás orgulloso de tu bandera te tachan de fascista.
@JP-xd6fm Жыл бұрын
Porque desgraciadamente el fascismo se ha apropiado de la bandera. Yo como soy antifascista le tengo animadversión a la bandera por su culpa. Así de claro. Además son los falsos patriotas de la banderita que no son más que unos falsos y egoístas, un patriota de verdad *quiere* pagar impuestos en su país. Pregunta a un danés si se siente patriota y si le gusta pagar impuestos, si a la primera dice que sí, automáticamente sabes que a la segunda dirá sí
@floraherrmann1452 Жыл бұрын
thanks for letting me be part of this!!🫶🏼
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@alex-ff1mp Жыл бұрын
America, but from what part of the continent?
@stackercoding2054 Жыл бұрын
tu eres el alma de la fiesta no?
@mikesuar8842 Жыл бұрын
No. Somos Hispanos y hablamos una lengua romance. El inglés tiene in 40% de palabras latinas ¿son latinos?
@Jasmine215100 Жыл бұрын
I think the French people are VERY PROUD, VERY NATIONALISTIC! France and Germany have been invaded and conquered by other countries several times, so we have to stand up for each other!
@theoriginalfuco1713 Жыл бұрын
1:46 está loco, si francia está llena de banderines, igual madrid tambien por temas políticos pero en general españa no tiene tantas banderas por todos lados como francia