問:您好,您認為當今國際政治是什麼結構? André Vltchek:很簡單,這是一個西方國家,也就是北美白人、歐洲白人等的國家,美國等西方霸權主義國家統治下的世界,其餘的都是被統治的。在西方眼裡,整個世界都是西方的乳酪,其他人都低歐美白人一等,需要被其統治。在這種單極霸權的世界中,中國其實是一種平衡力量,沒有中國,局面可能會更糟,而且會變得越來越糟。 問:您認為形成這種結構的主要原因是什麼? André Vltchek:主要原因是美國等西方國家的霸權統治,以及它們的侵略和咄咄逼人。美國和歐洲實質上是一丘之貉。例如,以敘利亞為主的中東難民危機,它們都是始作俑者。 對企圖掙脫西方霸權統治的國家,西方都是不遺餘力的刁難和制裁。古巴、委內瑞拉、玻利維亞、利比亞、敘利亞、東南亞諸國等很多國家,想獨立自主有尊嚴地發展,也付出了很大努力進行抗爭,但它們都太小,實力不夠;而巴西等南美國家觀望;俄羅斯好像也沒有決定,而且其本身也被歐美霸權制裁著,戰火也經常燒到了其周邊。
非常好的影片!我是在瑞士留學,並在德國讀過碩士,我個人覺得像倫敦這種特大城市的情況和小城市的情況還是有很大不同的,治安在德語區特別是小城市非常好,而且因為學生多為本地,外國學生通常來自經濟情況較差的地區,所以畢業後還是願意留在當地的居多,只是不一定能如願。 P. S. 莓類水果這裡很多都沾鮮奶油或酸奶油吃,味道很好喔!
Thanks for sharing. From Hong Kong, studying in Oxbridge now and can testify to most of the things you said. I guess the only thing I wanted to add is ... in my experience, Europeans are dramatically different from Americans and I would not categorically call them 歐美學生 And there are lots of problems with the quota system in response to systematic racism in the states
@nickjun13682 жыл бұрын
@tywoods36132 жыл бұрын
@@nickjun1368 no I don't think the UK (英國) has been doing that at all. I think both SuperY and I were talking about the USA (美國). Actually if you ask me, black students are seriously under-represented in Oxbridge. In my college, amongst 300 post-grads, there are exactly 1 MSc student who's black. But my college was among the first to have accepted woman studies in the 19 century already. On therother hand, mainland Chinese students are over-represented and Taiwanese underrepresented. In some of my mates' science lab, the lingua franca is Mandarin Chinese. They are pupping out Dphils in the dozens every term. But of course I say with the caveat that it's a cross-sectional anecdotal account and don't think my words as the truth. If you're interested, read this short summary: zh.wikipedia.org/zh-hk/美国的平权法案 (I am not sure why the link is written in simplified Chinese ... probably the first who created only wrote the simplified version.
@yan.l95832 жыл бұрын
I agree with you. I think Europeans owns very different culture and values and they are not similar with American. I don’t think Europeans are as outgoing as American, but they usually respect others from different background.