Can't agree with you more. This world is currently ran by people who are extremely short-sighted, people who are so obsessed with instant gratification, and it is on the brink of complete destruction if we don't change our fundamental thinking. I'm an accountant so I know all the numbers, and I totally agree with the author's points and deep concerns. I was at New York when the financial meltdown happened in 2008, and I made up my mind that I would never become people like those who led the world into one disaster after another. We need to save ourselves instead of waiting for miracles to drop from heaven. We all need to honestly examine how we have been using our time, and whether we need to change our ways. Nobody is perfect in life and needs no adjustments, and all we need to do is learn from our mistakes and do better the next time. Our greatest gift given by God is to create and transform our world as we wish, so let us use this gift well in transforming our world into one with true happiness and great harmony and not a world of selfishness. God only judges us by how sincere we are in this world, and how much light we create in this world, not by how much wealth we accumulate while we are alive. Hope more people understand this
In sum, he's saying God measures you by how altruistic, and how many people because of you have become better people. This idea is similar to Buddhist concept of bringing forth your Bodhi mind, whose base is great compassion.
@douglaslimwinhing12 жыл бұрын
最重要的人生三問: 如何從工作中得到快樂? 如何擁有美好的家人、朋友關係? 如何堅持原則正直一生?
@yamayarosa10 жыл бұрын
How Will You Measure Your Life? Clay Christensen at TEDxBosten