Рет қаралды 6,607
Cylch y Cymry, Roy Hurman
Cystadleuaeth / Competition: 99
Dawns Werin Bl.4 ac iau / Folk Dance Yrs.4 and under
Llyfr / Book:
Dawnsiau yr Ugeinfed Ganrif, Cymdeithas Ddawns Werin Cymru
Ar gael o / Available from:
Dyma fersiwn syml o'r ddawns i gynorthwyo hyfforddwyr newydd. Dylai pob parti dawns ystyried pa fath o fynediad a diweddglo maent am ei ychwanegu wrth i'r dawnswyr gyrraedd a gadael y llwyfan. Yn unol â rheolau'r Urdd dylai'r gwisgoedd, gan gynnwys yr esgidiau, ychwanegu at y cyflwyniad - yma mae'r dawnswyr mewn du gyda gwregys lliw i bob cwpl er mwyn amlygu'r patrymau wrth ddysgu'r ddawns.
Rhestr testunnau llawn ar gael o:
Here is a simple version of the dance to help new instructors. All dance parties should consider what type of entry and finale they want to add, as the dancers arrive and leave the stage. In accordance with the Urdd's rules, the costumes, including the shoes, should add to the presentation - here the dancers are in black with a coloured belt for each couple to highlight the patterns when learning the dance.
Full competition syllabus available here: