最近经常看你两年前的理财视频,挺受益的。今天看这视频觉得你很接地气,很真实,当然也很useful! 我去年买了第一套房子,当时都是realtor和lender把所有文件准备好给我们签,里面包含clear title。如果不看你视频还不知道这个owner’s title insurance那么重要。谢谢分享!
產權交易過程,一般有 title search 這個步驟,目的是清查產權問題。買方付費,由負責 title transfer 的公司執行。為求保障,可買產權保險。
@bonnievalente36975 жыл бұрын
@kimberlyw.1023 жыл бұрын
主持人你這期講得內容比律師樓更清楚詳細,我剛簽了合約,就看到 Loan detail estimate from my mortgage bank 里面就有lender title insurance and owner title insurance 的費用,我還特地打去問律師樓,為什麼要買兩個保險,律師助理說隨便買一個就可以了,就匆匆帶過,也沒解釋,我以為就ok la, 可以省一個不買,現在聽你這麼說,我一定要買owner title insurance 來保障自己,要不然以後有事就亏大了,幸好看到你的節目,這麼重要的信息,律師樓就草草帶過,美國的所謂專業人事,真的還不如你。因為最近為了買房子,一直在看有關房子事宜。你真的好專業,又長知識了,謝謝!
@jochow05 жыл бұрын
我猜的哈 觉得是上屋主的mortgage 的discharge note没有register到这个title上的可能性大点。 如果真是有实质借贷纠纷,这个房上的俩银行已经开打了 不会烦到屋主的。 mortgage discharge是指一笔贷款还清时,提供贷款的lender会给借贷人一个discharge的信,借贷人或者他的代理律师会把这个信注册到land title office,然后把这笔mortgage的登记从title上remove。 当二手买卖交易发生时,由于新旧mortgage是同时操作,很多时候,律师一般是直接和新mortgage的lender和旧mortgage的lender沟通,保证钱/债/产权分明后,就交易了。land title的各种文书登记 相对会后置的。要哪个旧贷款discharge letter 忘了被注册,也是有可能的吧
是不是还有这样一种可能性,你的前任房主本没有债务上的问题,你的律师当初也查过没问题,所以买卖能够顺利地完成。但是当你付的买房子的钱中的一部份,转入到前房主的贷款银行,付清了他的贷款后, 他的银行中的相关部门由于工作失误,忘记或错过了release title. 律师也想不到去复查核实,直到房屋再次交易时,问题才会冒出来。我本人和我的其他朋友在加拿大都经历过。最后由我的律师发函去前房主的银行要求更正错误,银行补发了release title 的文件,这才使得卖房能够完成手续。只是多耽误了几天时间, 没有claim loss against title insurance.
the lawyer you used to buy the house is liable for not doing a proper title search. Title search is the most important part of the real estate legal service. It is not optional.
@gopropublicrelation56195 жыл бұрын
Shaoyan Zhang I don’t understand English, could you type in Chinese? Since this is Chinese-speaking channel.
@JrBangY4 жыл бұрын
Yes, absolutely, that is definitely a liability of the real estate lawyer.
@rshawer4 жыл бұрын
the buyer does not hire the lawyer in case
@撒尼乃4 жыл бұрын
I 和 u one 样 too see not understand english. I good not easy close the wall go this... and... china say english is not is not good?
謝謝你的提醒!我在舊金山東灣有一個house, 現在由我兒子管理和居住啦!我當初是用cash 買的所以我沒去注意是否有"buyer's house insurance"? 我真的要去查一查啦!
@junwang10548 ай бұрын
我是做房地产交易的律师, 出现这种情况的一个最可能的原因是有一个私人借贷 unrecorded private mortgage, 在产权交接之后才record或者通过其他途径被发觉,比如诉讼。大银行的 mortage都会立刻 record 所以不会出现这种问题,私人借贷如果不通过律师经常会忘记 record。如果不 record,那么 title 公司在做 title search的时候就不会查到。但是因为卖家隐瞒,所以 title 公司赔款之后应该会告卖家索赔。
不可思议,只能说你当初买房用realtor 或律师,还有closing的title公司不专业,owner title insurance的费用在法律上并没有规定是哪方承担,但是通常一般都是卖家承担,除非双方在买卖房时另外协商,这在当初你的买房合同上都是专门有写的。
@wenjuanhingston98443 жыл бұрын
@闲云野鹤-g5w5 жыл бұрын
@luzhaokai27675 жыл бұрын
@elle01yu4 жыл бұрын
你的律師沒有做title check!?
@jmchen42686 ай бұрын
Thanks for the valuable advice. Does the title insurance issue you mentioned also apply to Hawaii? Can you purchase title insurance after buying property in Hawaii?
your house has a mortgage, the mortgage company required to have the title insurance to make sure the house you purchased has a clean title. I think only one situation could coused the problem was quick claim title
@sinsin41154 жыл бұрын
Normally the buyer's attorney would hire a title search company and make sure the title is clean. It sounds like your attorney is very shady. My sister also recently sold a house in NJ and she chose an attorney that only costed $800. The deposit the buyer put down was deposited to the attorney's own account instead of an escrow. The attorney also admit it's not the first time that he's done this. My sister contacted bar association and was told she would be compensated by the association, just taking some time. Still, it's important to find a good attorney rather than the cheapest attorney.
@davidye705 жыл бұрын
That's your lawyer did not do a good job when you bought this Apt.
@tingwu5274 жыл бұрын
谢谢分享 建议show对应英文terms哈🌹
@jwb30345 жыл бұрын
All the mortgages or debts of the previous owner shall be dealt by your buyer's lawyer along with seller's lawyer before the property is handed over to you. Never heard the case your lawyer brought to you when you decided to sell it.
@于博-g2p5 жыл бұрын
你这是全款买的吗,贷款的话,房屋事要做估价的,根本不会批这种状况。全款的话即使你买的时候做as is,你们去看房的时候还没人住吗? 还有escorw公司怎么可能不给你做title report呢? title insurance是过户过程中一般都是卖给你的,如果escrow公司觉得title 不行就会跟你说这单他们做不了
@danielyang47075 жыл бұрын
謝謝分享。in California, all house purchases go through title company. All new purchase must have a title insurance before closing. 其實,當妳在簽署買賣合約之先,賣方的律師應該查出the condo title was unclear. 加卅買賣合約是在title company 而不是律師事務所完全。
The buyer’s attorney need to order a title search. Sounds like you didn’t not have a lawyer when buying the property or the lawyer screwed up
@chenbaobaoli39975 жыл бұрын
@effie91865 жыл бұрын
Chenbaobao LI 这跟产权有什么关系?
@oma-dq9yg5 жыл бұрын
@wwyhkop4 жыл бұрын
没买title insurance?
@熊大说电影-s2z4 жыл бұрын
@gangcai28764 жыл бұрын
产权保险=Title insurance?
@aush72664 жыл бұрын
@yanliyu61734 жыл бұрын
@shiqilin36485 жыл бұрын
@墨紫月5 жыл бұрын
You absolutely shouldn’t have to worry about this, a proper real estate transaction should have included a title search
@congjuny5 жыл бұрын
Respectfully disagree. It sounded that they did not do a proper title search when they bought the property. A good real estate agent and lawyer will remind you of these things. But as the buyer, it's your responsibility to make sure a title search is done. You should also make sure you buy the owner's policy to cover your portion in addition to the mortgage part.
@墨紫月5 жыл бұрын
Cj Y exactly, there are things should only be handled by professionals. 请不要误导没来过美国的人士,误以为美国也是到处都是骗子,其实不然。你不懂就不要玩儿火。顿时觉得博主在美国履历浅。为省小钱而不通过正规渠道购买房产。只要你按规矩办事,出差错的几率极小。