To artificially limits the scope for Buddha Dharma solely in the human realm is not a valid approach, as the contexts in the Buddhist scriptures itself already defines its scope that is beyond the human realm. There are abundant of records regards to the interactions between the Buddha and the beings in realms beyond the human. As the disciples of the Buddha, if at this juncture that your mental capacity may unable to comprehend the scope beyond the human realm, it’s alright that you can talk less about it, however you cannot deleted such content from the Buddha’s holy scriptures.
@gtl82684 жыл бұрын
1. Any “ interactions between the Buddha and the beings in realms beyond the human” are myths or lies. 2. If nobody can "comprehend the scope beyond the human realm", it is either meaningless, not true or even a lie.
@ct92454 жыл бұрын
G TL @why you state so? All major religions accept beings beyond human realm, Buddhism is also one of the human’s religion. It just exhibited the property of a human religion. Moreover Buddhism scripture have hard evidence that the Buddha communicates with beings of other realms . Buddhism is not a science, it’s is a religion, period.
@gtl82684 жыл бұрын
@@ct9245 1. Most religious teachings are fake, with plenty of myths and lies. 2.Show me your claim that "Buddhism scripture have hard evidence that the Buddha communicates with beings of other realms". If there is ever such a scripture, it will be a fake scripture. 3. Even though Buddhism is not a science, however, it must conform to our factual observatins and logics.
@ct92454 жыл бұрын
G TL @ religion are not science, hence there is no such thing as fake religion? A religion is to provide human spiritual guidance, that’s all
@ct92454 жыл бұрын
G TL @ so you never read the Theravada Pāli scripture? How possible you can then argue religion scriptures with me ? In this sutta, the Buddha faces two antagonists: Baka, a brahma ( god ) who believes that his brahma-attainment is the highest attainment there is; and Mara ( devil ), who wants (1) to keep Baka under his power by allowing Baka to maintain his deluded opinion, and (2) to prevent the Buddha from sharing his awakened knowledge with others.
其实宗教界读他们的经书,大多数是在读其智慧的比喻,需要 read between the lines / 看出字里行间的意思,讲出智慧的隐喻道理(metaphor). 绝不是如科学书那样照本解义或教条主义。误把宗教当科学。 所以宗教经典大都需要有智慧的专业布道师/法师来教导的, 因才施教,自己没有人教导的乱读所得的解义都是会有扁的,会容易走火入魔就是这些关门造车自以为事的骄傲人。不但自己歪曲解义,还自造口舌之恶业去诽谤别人。这就如一百多年前的那些极端的左派轻年,那时他们对真正的西方文明还有很多不了解的地方,只能算在初接触的过程。
@ct92454 жыл бұрын
其实宗教这词是近代所创的 和制汉字(日制汉字) 现 代 日 语 “ 宗 教 ”一 词 就 是 由 英 语 “ r e l i g i o n ” 翻译过来。最初被翻译为“宗旨”或“宗 法”,除此之外,幕末至明治初期还曾被翻译作 “ 宗 门 ”、“ 法 教 ”、“ 教 门 ”、“ 神 道 ”、“ 圣 道”等等。 1869 年在日本和德国相互签订的友好 通商条约第 4 条“居日德国人有自由信奉本国宗 教 的 自 由 ”的 译 文 中 ,德 语 “ R e l i g i o n s ü b u n g ”这 个 字被译作“宗教”,后来被编入 1884 年出版的《改定增补哲学字汇》辞典。”宗教”作为对应“religion”的译语,充分体现了当时在日本西洋化的过 程中,日本的精英阶层和知识分子的价值观受到 欧洲文化思想的深刻影响。有趣的是其翻译的灵感却是源自中 国佛学的名相。 清末时期,中国大力提倡洋务及 维新变法,其间这一和制汉语逆向回流中国,作为 对 应 西 方“r e l i g i o n ”的 译 语 ,后 来 又 被 扩 展 为 泛 指 所有宗教信仰,或代表一门学术专业或学科。 西 方 语 言 的 “ 宗 教 ”--- 如 英 语 “ r e l i g i o n ”的 定义,在辞典、相关教科书和学术论著中可以找到 的 解 释 大 致 相 同。 《牛 津 字 典 》对“r e l i g i o n ”的 解 释是: “( 1) Belief in the existence of a god or gods, who has/have created the universe and given man a spiritual nature which continues to exist after the death of the body. ( 2) Particular system of faith and worship based on such a belief. ”