It’s true tho, most people pay more to watch Sho play or even non-fans of baseball go watch any game if there’s Sho playing. Also the 2021 stats showed it that they went 📈 when Sho was on the game.
彼は大谷を嫌っているクリス・ルッソとマイク・フランチェスカと同じラジオ局であるWFANラジオで働いているため、トップ5で大谷を無視しています Keith McPherson: Ohtani NOT Top 5 - Keith McPherson is racist and hates Ohtani. He Ignores Ohtani in the Top 5 because he works for WFAN Radio which is the same radio station as Chris Russo and Mike Francesca who also hate Ohtani.