Since 2014, Sarawak Gov’t has been providing annual grant to independent Chinese secondary schools in Sarawak to assist them with their operations and development. Annual grant of RM 10 million for 2023 & 2024
Actions speak louder than words. Teachers (inclusive of parents and caregivers) carry values and culture through their actions and speech. Learning is acquired through observation, imitation and adaptation.
其实我觉得这位嘉宾真的很厉害,她的1st language 是英文,但在努力的用中文叙述着她的观点,有时的确听的有些些辛苦😂,但是这位老师引用成语,谚语,证明她的确有下功夫在中文。因为我认识的很多人,在我用成语或谚语的时候她们要我用白话重复一次。 但是有个不成熟的建议,希望播主在采访嘉宾的时候,把你的问题先发一份给嘉宾,嘉宾再收集资料并且排版好,更加便于嘉宾的表达和观众的理解。 如果有什么突发奇想的问题,也可以穿插在问题中,请嘉宾解惑。
“WHY YOU MAKE YOURSELF IN THIS KIND OF CONDITION” : As a Malaysian Chinese, I am fairy sure this is not even Malish(Malaysian-Englisg) and most Lowhy would not be able to guess, least comprehend, the meaning of the phrase. 詞不達意 She is neither here nor there. I know my Malish is very poor, but I do not seriously think I could learn much from her to improve my English. As a teacher, she should not have insulted the student by saying such a thing to the student because that probably was not the student's choice. If she was serious, she should have raised the issue with the parents concerned, not be sarcastic to the student instead.
@HT911Mac7 ай бұрын
或許醬大約的簡單明說一下馬來西亞的教育吧: 【 幼兒園 】基本上,任何一所的幼稚園(或幼兒園)都是屬於私人界所開的(當然有受政府部門批准的)。在幼兒園這段期間,很多都是以英語以教學媒介為主(除了馬來文和華文之外),在溝通上很多都是使用英文與小朋友溝通的。幼兒園階段結業後,就是去到小學階段了,一般都是 7 歲就上小學了。 【 小學 】基於大馬是多元組成的,故此很多父母都會希望小朋友都上自己種族的語言為优先考虑,所以小學基本上是有華小、印小和國小(即馬來文)。當然,東馬那可能也有其他類型的小學,這我本身不清楚,所以都以西馬為一個大概而述。華小,當然以華文為為教學媒介體;印小就以淡米爾文為教學媒介體;國小則是以馬來文作為教學媒介體。這 3 種類型的小學,馬來文和英文都當然是其語言來教的。 一些華小小學,都會有其他種族的父母親把孩子送到華小去就讀的(近這 10 年來逐漸增加),皆因父母親認為多會一種語言(華文),長大後到了社會去會佔有一定的優勢,所以小朋友就會在華小就讀。小學 6 年期間,這些其他友族的小朋友在學習中是很辛苦的,因為要學習一個對他們全然不懂的語文。可能在做課業或考試方面,他們會面對一定的難題(不會做或看不懂),但比較能肯定的是,他們在一定的時間後,能夠聽/說簡單/中等的華文。 【 中學 】小學結業後,當然是來到中學階段了。我所知道的中學,大致上分為: 國民中學(以馬來文為教學媒介體,學費基本上為零) 國民型中學(以馬來文為教學媒介體,學費基本上為零) 獨中立中(以華文為教學媒介體,每月都得繳交學費,視年級而定;不同州屬的獨中各大不相同,有些名氣的收費相對的較高一些) Home School(以英文為教學媒介體,每月都得繳交學費)也稍有崛起一段時間(各州的情況都不一),但如今是否依舊存在,我本身不清楚了。Home School 的理念是以學生本身學習的進展度來衡量學生是到了幾年級的。Home School 考的試,是國外某某大學承認的,但是否真實我也不很清楚。 國際學校(以英文為教學媒介體,每月都得繳交學費) 則是近幾年也開始響檔檔受到許多父母的關注。 至於父母會把孩子送到哪類型的中學就讀,很多都是由父母替孩子決定的。基本上略可以分成以下幾種: 1. 小朋友的馬來文真不太行,就會考慮把孩子送到獨中或國際學校就讀。國民/國民型的馬來文程度較高,正如獨中的華文程度是較高的。擔心孩子在馬來文為媒介教學的無法跟上,才會選擇不上馬來文為教學的中學) 2. 父母想小朋友把英文搞好,也不太想要小朋友太填鴨式的教育,就會考慮送到國際學校就讀。 3. 一開始就想要把孩子送到獨中,往後可以到台灣/中國繼續深造。 4. 當然尚有其他不同的情況而選擇相關的中學。。。太多可能性,無法一一舉例。 【 文憑 】 國民 / 國民型中學 ,Form 1 至 Form 5,讀 5 年,考試為 Sijil Pendidikan Malaysia (SPM),它為 'O' Level 的文憑。若 SPM 考生要申請本地大學則需要就讀 Form 6,就讀 2 年,分別為 Upper 6 和 Lower 6。考試為 Sijil Tinggi Pendidikan Malaysia (STPM),它是 'A' Level 的文憑。 獨中,初中一至初中三,會有個【 初中統考 】,高中一至高中三,共 6 年,考試為 Unified Examination Certificate (UEC),中文為【 高中統考 】,它為 'A' Level 的文憑。大馬各州政府(除了 Sarawak 以外),基本上都是不承認獨中的 UEC 文憑,因此單憑 UEC 文憑是完全不能申請本地大學的,除非獨中生有另參加 SPM(自費考試)考獲 SPM 文憑,那就可以申請在本地大學深造。 Home School / 國際學校,個人對這不很清楚,不予置评。 以上的知識點,皆是小弟本身所知道的,未必準確或有誤。若有誤的地方,請勿噴,理性的糾正就可以了。謝謝。
When referencing chinese indonesian who could not speak chinese, and those who spoke proudly of their malaysian chinese who speak fluent chinese, credited to their chinese elders who strive to preserved their chinese culture, in my opinion has failed to take into the consideration of the political struggle differences between the 2 countries. It is in my opinion not because the failure of our indonesian chinese elders who have failed us. In 1965 soeharto era, anyone who dared to challenge the government in terms of striving to relive the chinese culture, would immediately be charged with subversion law putting anybody into jail and endless custody leading most often to death... That i think put an end to the chinese culture including listening, speaking and reading ability of all of our generation borned after 1958. I just want to emphasized that when discussing indonesian chinese unable to listen, write or read chinese, care ought to be given in respect of the political situation then. Me as for myself a teochew, am borned in 1962, by my schooling year, chinese schools were by then banned, however with the advancement of internet, im able to self educate myself in hanzi, and am able to listen to your video and understood them..., even able to read all your commentaries, however to reply to them would be still a challenging task for me. Thank you....
An English language teacher who is incapable of differentiating between Diploma and Degree; I was lucky enough not to be her student as she did not teach at the 獨中 where I studied.
@viennaong19767 ай бұрын
Well l think she knows the difference between a degree and a diploma coz she's a degree holder herself, it's just that sometimes there're so many things in her head she wanted to explain that there's a small confusion in the wordings.
Speaking Chinese freely in Indonesia.... You get beat up.... That is what I heard or even kill in racism era. This what's my sister in law experience, of course it's depends where and which part of Indonesia. Please don't talk about it if don't know.😊
@MayMay-May7 ай бұрын
Is it?which part of Indonesia?
@Reborn_in_Malaysia7 ай бұрын
please, why we cannot talk about it if we don't know? Einstein would have cried if he had seen this