I had an Indian housemate, there was some minor conflict but we solved it. She is clean and tidy, always clean the house. The irony was, the one who always dirt the house was another race. However there indeed lots of cases of how this specific race mess up the unit often. To me there is nothing to do with racism here, it's more on preference. unless that individual "hate/dislike" them in general rather than renting issue. All in all, this is very subjective.
@boonenwan76567 күн бұрын
@chunsangyong1527 күн бұрын
@leeck72507 күн бұрын
以个人经验 这通通不是都市传说或者鬼故事 当然他们之中有好人 但是出事率奇高 又怎么做到大爱?
@JJ-uo9tj3 күн бұрын
@celestialstar1243 күн бұрын
I am from Singapore. My ex boyfriend's sister is a top property agent. I heard people in Singapore also have special requests of not renting to Indian. Singaporean Indian usually won't be late at paying rent. But they leave some odor due to their daily habits. The food they eat and they sort of smoke their entire house with some black coal or something (sorry i don't remember full details). They also use strong scent perfume and hair/body oil etc. According to her, they like to brush the dirt under the carpet until it's too late to repair. Like didn't service the aircon regularly. When it leak water they just leave it until it completely no more cold air. Thus it requires chemical service or replace of spare parts. The furniture and paint also damaged by water and mould. But i need to point out that not all Indians are like this. My Indian Sigh neighbour of 20 years is extremely clean, quiet, friendly, nice. They stock up supplies in lift during covid and even give out mask to every unit in the level we live.
这些年,我在出租房屋和土地的过程中,遇到过不少问题,以下是一些真实经历: Case 1 我曾租了一间房子将近20年,租客原本说要续租,但最后一刻决定不租了。合约规定,如果要或不要续约,需要提前三个月通知,这样双方都有时间准备。租客确实提前通知了,但在最后一刻改变了主意。这三个月的通知期本是为了让我有时间找新租客,而租客也有时间另寻住处。虽然最终他决定不续租,也不算什么大问题,但这种不确定性确实给我带来了一些麻烦。 Case 2 另一位租客租了我的房子超过10年。合约里规定的两个月押金是为了在退租时检查房屋状况。如果没有人为损坏,我会退还押金。然而,这位租客特意不交最后两个月的租金,拿押金直接抵扣。虽然最终房子的状况没有大问题,我简单做了些维护后就能再租出去,但如果当时房子真的有损坏,我就得自己承担所有维修费用,押金也起不到应有的作用。 Case 3 还有一位租客,原本的合约到期了,因为他的新厂迟迟拿不到OC(居住证),便口头向我申请续租三个月,但这种三个月再三个月的情况持续了三次,一共拖了9个月。我为了避免空置期,开始寻找新租客,但他却拒绝了我找到的好几位潜在租客。最后,他终于承诺一个退租日期,但又因为OC问题反悔,继续拖延。最终,我不得不下驱逐令让他搬走。等新租客入住后,我才发现马桶无法冲水,检查后发现管道里被倒了洋灰,最后我花钱挖开地下管道才解决问题。 Case 4 我曾把一块土地租给一位租客,并专门为此建了两个厕所。租客租下后并没有按计划使用,还找借口说他没拿到相关许可。当我收租金时,他总是以各种理由拖延。后来,在合约未到期的情况下,他说有人故意在土地上放钉子导致他轮胎漏气,便想提前退租。退租时,他弄坏了大门,把厕所的门和洗手盆都拆掉。我最终通过律师信警告他,如果不修复损坏的部分,我会提告,最后他才把所有东西修好。 Case 5 另一块土地我租给了一个人,他经常拖欠租金,每次都拖延三到四个月,理由是生意不好。我最终通过律师信催促,他才勉强补齐拖欠的租金。在合约到期后,我计划调涨租金,但他找各种理由反对。虽然最后问题解决了,但我后来发现,他竟然私下将土地转租给其他人,由第三方代替他支付租金,而这一切他从未告知我。 我挑比较有问题的这五个案例中,有华人,也有印度人。不过通常让我比较头痛的都是。。。想要猜的也可以猜😂