Рет қаралды 396,184
This song was written in 1986, the lyrics are about Chinese Civil War, Nationalist relocate to Taiwan. "A group of partners from Chongyuan" refer to Nationalist government, "Southeast Mountain" refer to Island of Taiwan.
The incense, that burning in rain for decades, refer to Nationalist government struggle to survive under sinister situation
and the last part, a dragon bead is surrounded by twelve golden ray, that stand for the Coat of Arm of ROC, White Sun with twelve ray.
來自中原一群伙伴 結盧東南山
塵緣難盡默對寒窗 龍珠合十在胸膛
秉承千年卓絕意志 潛修東南山
寧靜致遠風雨聲響 不絕如縷持香案
香火在雨中燒 幾十個暑和寒
龍珠九轉十二金光 返指五嶽和三江
香火在雨中燒 幾十個暑和寒
龍珠九轉十二金光 返指五嶽和三江
*This video has been uploaded only for the purpose of sharing music﹑history﹑Entertainment and Educational uses,
It Does not intend for any Political Propagandas, or any hate speech toward any Country﹑Ethnicity or Organizations.
上傳此視頻僅用於分享音樂、歷史、娛樂及教育用途, 並無意進行任何政治宣傳, 或是對任何國家、種族、組織的仇恨言論
(All music audio﹑background picture﹑video footage used in this video does not own by me, all rights belongs to original author
影片中所使用的音頻、背景圖片、視頻片段皆不歸我所有, 所有版權歸原作者所有)
歌曲翻譯頻道(Translated song channel): / channel
副頻道(2nd Channel): / @2ndnotep
Discord Servers
Note's Awesome Server(反正就是我的伺服器):discordapp.com...
MSSRL(國家及羅曼諾夫王朝遺族安全部?): / discord
(All Polandballs are drawn by me
Don't reprint them without my permission pls
影片中的球球都我畫的 未經本人允許拜託請不要轉載)