其實只要一點小改,轉子引擎就會很耐用。只要在加汽油的時候順便加入二衝程機油,同時停用原來自動噴機油的部份。引擎就會非常耐用。為什麼?因為構造問題,apex seal (油封?)無法潤滑,只能直接往燃燒室里噴潤滑油。馬自達為了使習慣,直接抽四衝程的機油噴入燃燒室。由於四衝程機油不適合燃燒,會留下焦油。所以非常挑機油。同時給大家一個錯誤的印象,就是轉子引擎天生密封不好,會燒機油。其實壓縮比低是幾何問題。不是 apex seal 不行。我有一個好朋友曾經用渦輪增壓把動力提到 650匹左右,同時採用二衝程機油。還有,開RX-8 不要考慮省油,建議把轉速保持在5000轉以上。不然內部溫度太低。會增加損耗。
I have a RX8 Spirit R , had it for two years, nothing wrong , like all vehicles have to be maintained by someone who understand what are they doing . Gary Lam is the renowned expert in HONG KONG , I think this Red one is a lemon to begin with. DON"T BUT LEMON !!!
给想玩转子的一个小建议, 加油的时候可以往里面灌点预混合(推荐idemitsu rotary racing premix)能够帮助润滑。还有就是比常规车更频繁检查机油一般就不会有大问题
@howard84293 жыл бұрын
年輕師傅蠻專業的 長知識了
@沒問題-y9n3 жыл бұрын
12:20 我喜歡的迎賓飾條
@AlfordLau2 жыл бұрын
In Canada, RX8 suffers the same fate. People knew that this car's engine prone to frequent maintenance and catastrophic failure, so the used car price of this model was cheap.
@willssvlog17403 жыл бұрын
13:16 wo kai 呢架 che XDDD, 我沒有特別意思, 但這句真的好笑, 支持你們!
@Raychow09103 жыл бұрын
2T机油加在汽油上就是比较爽快些~ 算是转子的传统了
@ericchen637910 ай бұрын
250匹+6mt真的是充滿駕駛樂趣 不過機油 燃料費省不了😂😂 健康的rx7個別缸壓落在9-10之間 Rx8的話應該應該接近8 有分低輸出4 port 高輸出6 port
Rotary engine has a much earlier history than you think. While performance (defy the restriction of gravity) is much better than combustion engine, the material technologies that is required to support this construct so that it can be made available to the public (in term of economical) is still pretty far from the rotary technology itself (provided some one do research into it). Is like try to make combustion happen without the discovery of steel mastery. You may try ceramic coating inside to increase the resistance to heat and durability.