我的孩子都被美国许多年来的教育洗成了妥妥的左左,他们拒绝任何政治理念的交流。看着他们的愚蠢和堕落,令人痛心。美国的未来是他们的,是他们的选择,我反而觉得没落的美国也许更为合理, 这年轻的一代do not deserve good president like Trump. They have to learn a hard lesson, otherwise they will never wake up.
左派一直在灌𦖭年輕人的口號”My body my choice“ 喊起來好像很酷,一切我做主的様子。問你的女兒,每個人天天都要吃飯,有誰需要天天去墮胎? 是吃飽重要還是墮胎?真的要做主就不要懐孕,等到懷孕再去墮胎,是別人先替妳做主 😊
@hansh.91995 ай бұрын
@sharonzh58745 ай бұрын
@jingli-nk2nz5 ай бұрын
@FangWeiTime5 ай бұрын
有的喔 持續關注我們頻道 會有最新資訊喔
@davywu24735 ай бұрын
@taxman82805 ай бұрын
大康一天到晚的胡说八道 无耻至极
@pingjiang99305 ай бұрын
@pingjiang99305 ай бұрын
@px27325 ай бұрын
@oliverlu32595 ай бұрын
@li-rongseale1775 ай бұрын
Don't agree about voting in the hands of the parents. It is true that parents have a lot influence on children, but you can not underestimate the brainwash from school. A lot times, children believe their teacher more than the parents. My daughter became a democratic after she went to George Washington University which is a very extreme left university, and was controlled by ccp. We can't discuss any politics, for we'd got into a argument if we do.