Wow what a wonderful and awesome miracle of the Lady of the Snow!!! ❤❤❤❤
@belleebuan9557 ай бұрын
@z8msban7 ай бұрын
hello everyone/father joseph/my prayers are there with you/god bless you/love one another/merciful Jesus hear us/please SAVE richard/remember the carmelites of cape town & fr sean/rose ann to recover from drugs/thank you lord, father joseph/God bless
@jsam19977 ай бұрын
Catholicism is work salvation, please turn to Christ in faith as the Bible clearly says we are saved by grace which translates to CHARIS meaning "unmeritted favor/free gift." quite literally. There is a Reason why Paul says in Romans "for the wages of sin is death, but the FREE gift of God is eternal life through christ Jesus our lord." Again grace's literal translation in the Greek is "unmeritted favor/free gift." Salvation is completely free all you have to do is believe that what Jesus did for you 2000 years ago actually worked. He died as a substitute for sin on the cross for you and me because the penalty for sin is death, if the penalty has already been paid and "by grace you have saved through faith" then all you are doing is believing that his payment was for you, a.k.a excepting it and believing you have eternal life as a result of his finished work (and of course believing he rose from the dead as a dead savior can't save you.) The reason you cannot add a work to Christ's finished work is because as Paul makes clear in Romans 11:6 "And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work." You aren't under grace if you add something to the gospel because grace must be unmeritted for it to be attributed to you. Again, you are just trusting in what Christ already did for you, that's why in ephesians Paul says "after you believed, you were sealed with that holy spirit of promise, which is the GUARANTEE of our inherentance until the redemption of the purchased possession." Paul can't use the word guarantee here if salvation is partially based off of something you do, as obviously YOU can fail in your efforts meaning there is obviously no guarantee. But if it is entirely based off of what Christ did, then there is a guarantee.