I love the ginger tabbies! Have one - looking like a sibling of "Street Cat Bob" - here in Germany myself. Was glad to see at least one Dalyan ginger with a collar - so the fur baby has a home and good care. Are the cats (and dogs) spayed and neutered now? Or are strays still poisoned in late autumn when the tourists are gone and nobody else is there to feed them? This was normal in the 80s when I went there every year. In other countries, they cut the tip of an ear after neutering to show: this animal will not give birth to more and more unwanted puppies...
@alijanlondon5 жыл бұрын
No they don't poison the cats or dogs. The local council spay and neuter them. There is a charity that checks up on them all year round, especially after the tourist season to make sure they have proper food. The local businesses also feed them good food and make sure they have clean water. The ginger one lives at the hotel I stayed at - the Kilim Hotel in Dalyan. With the dogs, they put a tag in their ear which has a number on it after they have been spayed or neutered. All the dogs and cats are in very good condition now, unlike many years ago.
@sariboncuk91125 жыл бұрын
@@alijanlondon Merhaba Ali Bey! Cevabiniz ic,in c,ok tes,ekkür ederim. Herhalde Türkc,e anliyorsunuz. Dalyanlimisiniz? Ben 1982 ilk defa Dalyan'a gittim - o zaman da küc,ük bir köy - yem yes,il, sakin, cennet'ten bir parc,a. ("Uyuyan prenses" gibi...) "Kaptan June" vardi - ama Avrupali turist yoktu... Caretta Caretta plaj'da varmis, - ama "mes,hur" degil... Plaj'da köylerin kulübesi vardi... Almanim - ama kalbim meles ("mixed"): elli-elli Almanim ve "Türküm". Tatil ic,in Ispanya'ya gittim, Yunanistan'a gittim - ama en sicak insanlar(i) Türkiye'de buldum... Peki Almanya'da birkac, kurs'a gittim - sohbet ic,in biraz Türkc,e ögrendim... Türkiye benim ikinci vatanim... (politika önemli degil - ESKi DOSTLARIM VE DOSTLUK EN ÖNEMLi) Ins,allah haberim kusursuz yazdim... = c,ok az var ;-)) - Kendinize iyi bakin! Chris (Christine) - P.S. Pardon: biz'de sadece "i" var. "RAKI-i" yok ;-)