May - Pretentious Monthly Scrapbook 2016

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Daniel J. Layton

Daniel J. Layton

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@doddlevloggle 8 жыл бұрын
@DanLayton 8 жыл бұрын
The fact that there are only two points in this breakdown is evidence that I have failed. I will try harder for your approval in June.
@ICOEPR 8 жыл бұрын
stick with it man, I love these!
@ScarfDemon 8 жыл бұрын
If it makes you feel any better, we will not have any matching footage for May because I got lost in Hogwarts for like... half an hour.
@ScarfDemon 8 жыл бұрын
Also I enjoyed this a lot and you are doing very well, as always
@ochoreba7949 8 жыл бұрын
+ScarfDemon ilu scarfDemon
@ochoreba7949 8 жыл бұрын
your paint/talk vids are my favorite
@marapprech 8 жыл бұрын
I watch both you and hazel, and honestly, even though i might see the exact same thing i enjoy the crap out of both! And i rarely feel like im watching it on repeat, seriously, i love the different perspectives, and these videos mean i get more screentime with some of my favourite youtubers, so i'm not complaining at all
@chocolatetruffle1999 8 жыл бұрын
Completely agree :)
@fraukamera 8 жыл бұрын
You do you, Dan, you do you! (aka. thank you for sharing whatever percentage of your month you feel comfortable with. it is not for your audience to decide what is enough or what isn't. as you already observed yourself: you make these videos for yourself first and foremost and that's how it really should be. i get that you are annoyed with yourself this month, but don't be. isn't part of this whole project finding your own way of telling your stories? and that journey (i hate using that word but oh well) is 99% of the worth and brilliance of PMS to begin with. you are doing GREAT! Thank you!)
@sunnivash8658 8 жыл бұрын
Great comment. I agree :)
@AliceTheraseTalks 8 жыл бұрын
"What is that?" "That is a small Chinese man" Best reply!
@Zohey98 8 жыл бұрын
So I know you're not super duper happy with this vlog, but I loved it. I just love your style of blogging and the little jokes and fun moments that are in every clip. Yes, maybe we do see many sides of the same story, but each is unique and thats because each style you film in is unique to you and it's wonderful!!! Your friendships are brilliant and the way you all interact is something I love to see and look forward to. I hope you gain some more confidence with this as I thoroughly enjoy them and I feel its worth the effort for yourself too to have a little time capsule of memories. :))
@Zohey98 8 жыл бұрын
*vlogging. dammit Apple, sort out your autocorrect
@babygrinchbinch 8 жыл бұрын
"quite flashy home movies". i love that. keep doing it for you. i'm just happy to be able to tag along and peek into your occasionally amusing life, man.
@babygrinchbinch 8 жыл бұрын
also, i just find your sense of humor to be so organically funny. you're a COOL BRO from what i can tell from the internet.
@ThisIsCronan 8 жыл бұрын
You're not false or a prick, as far as I can tell. Record your happy moments so you can relive them in the future. Don't fear the pointless judgement of others and don't pointlessly judge yourself because of others.
@emmadalby3638 8 жыл бұрын
I hate that people compare between the PMS/TOTM/etc things because they're so so different, not always in the events they document but in the style, the editing, the way each individual person chooses to film and frame and focus on things, the messages people draw from their own experience of that month is so wildly different that I would not care if all of you actually had a communal camera and used exactly the same footage: I'd still watch all of them and love them all for their own things because it's not the events that make them interesting, it's each persons experience of them. Keep doing whatever works for you and makes you happy, film whatever you want to film, because like you said, at the end of the day this is for you
@ladytide 8 жыл бұрын
Apart from anything else, I don't get why people are saying these vids come out late? It takes ages to edit this kind of project, meanwhile you're still filming for the current month AND in a lot of cases people are working a full or part time job in between doing KZbin. So... getting a May vlog up halfway through June is like... super impressive. Nice job, Dan.
@gdefuykjds 8 жыл бұрын
Dean's description of Harry Potter was a 100% accurate
@SalmaMoPeace 8 жыл бұрын
Please stick with it, Dan... I love them SO MUCH and as you said, it is for you... You don't want in 5 - 10 years from now to look back and have nothing to watch...Do it for you, and for us as well :D Lots of love xx
@daryanen 8 жыл бұрын
I think the reason I look forward to your PMS videos even though some moments might be in other people's vlogs it's because its through your eyes, it's your perspective. I want to hear your take on certain moments, I enjoy seeing you film something worth remembering and worth sharing, Continue to have the mentality that this is more for you than it is for us that way at the end of the year you can look back at all of this and be proud of everything you've accomplished. Thanks for letting us be a part of this. Don't worry. For me, you're doing a great job.
@maddygomes8147 8 жыл бұрын
Dan, we love your videos. You said it yourself, the way you, Hazel and Chloe film and edit your videos is completely different. Your PMS is unique and interesting, and just remember that this series is for you! You can put it up whenever the hell you like.
@PopcornEmma 8 жыл бұрын
I thought you were going to say you were going to quit and I'm so relieved you're not! I love yours, Chloe's and Hazel's monthly series' equally and for completely different reasons. The whole point is to see YOUR perspective on your month, not just to see the actual footage. I enjoyed this!
@hcrowley 8 жыл бұрын
I know it's probably said in vain, but I really hope people's petty comments about how it's 'not uploaded on time' or 'just a repeat of TOTM' don't get to you too much, because I LOVE your pms vlogs. THEY ARE SO GOOD. I find myself looking forward to them. And I know you say it's for you, but that's even more reason to film more. So know that despite the few people who leaving nagging little comments, there are so many more who genuinely love your videos. keep it up
@lauranietfeld1936 8 жыл бұрын
This PMS is actually my favourite (compared to other vlogs/ TOTM (although those are great too)) but you have a really great sense of humour and everything you make is just so good and funny and it feels like im there and thats GREAT
@sclecter2757 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you for not giving up on this even when you're struggling, I look forward to them every month. I know it's not exactly in your control but please try not to feel so self-conscious you don't film. I have a history with short-term memory loss, and I'd give anything to have some record of the big events and moments I've lost. So even if it's just for you and never makes it onto KZbin, please capture what you can. That way you can't forget it.
@RukayaCesar 8 жыл бұрын
I was just about to write this comment when you said it but yes, these are for you at the end of the day! Film all the wonderful things that you get to do and share them with us cause that's really cool and we enjoy watching them but years down the line it's still going to be you who gets the most enjoyment out of them. Don't stress it, future you will want to relive all these moments and you're doing a good job xxx
@MsSmallVictory 8 жыл бұрын
Dan, in the end these videos are for you, just like you said. While there are other people watching and commenting on your experiences and the quality of the video, as long as these experiences make you happy, you should document them so you have them around forever. I personally like seeing the same event from multiple people's perspectives, just keep making videos that make you happy. We like it when you're happy, it makes us happy too.
@sunnivash8658 8 жыл бұрын
Well said! I agree :)
@44cat 8 жыл бұрын
"What is that?" "That is a small Chinese man" I LOVE YOUR HUMOUR (and ur videos)
@joeyunderwood 8 жыл бұрын
I only watch your PMS anyway, Dan! 👌
@nrdcoyne 8 жыл бұрын
Dan, you've already managed to film more and make a better video than I, or many other people, could manage to do. Doubting yourself is normal, pushing through it makes you extraordinary! 😉 Keep doing you and the whole project will absolutely result in a years worth of flashy home videos. 😊
@PartParakeet 8 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad that you aren't ending this series. You're one of my favourite vloggers because you seem to carefully consider what you want to say and how you'll say it, but not in a way that seems scripted - just naturally articulate and considered. Hope this finds you well.
@RustyClantonOfficial 8 жыл бұрын
I enjoy these so much!
@atalantasawdon4983 8 жыл бұрын
PMS, and quite frankly any content you upload on KZbin is always, first and foremost, for you. As the audience I hugely enjoy what you make, and part of that enjoyment stems from the honesty you have with us by sharing your thoughts about yourself on KZbin, as you did at the end of this vlog, as well as you staying true to what you want to do. I in no way want to pressure you the creator into releasing what you do into the world. Any insight I get into the seemingly hilarious, and at times completely surreal, lives of you and your friends feels like a bonus, because I know it isn't really there for me. Also, one of my favourite things about monthly vlog series is that I get to view these multiple interpretations of the same event, something which I've always wanted to do was to experience my life through another's eyes and in many ways these coinciding vlogs allow me to do this. I really hope whatever anxiety you are having is short lived bc if anything TOTM is outakes of PMS!
@hubridnox 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you for making these. I find I can relate to them easily and they inspire me. There's something about the way you do them.. a special something that no one else has. Hard to put a finger on. I hope we get to hear more of your reflections on the project and the process. It is a process.. you're in the thick of it. Don't try to be perfect.
@millieharrison9925 8 жыл бұрын
Awh Dan, don't stop filming great moments just because you'll think we won't like it! PMS isn't for us, it's for you 100%, we just get to watch and enjoy what you're doing /with/ you. If you wanna film something, film it! It's like a diary, you wouldn't not write about something if you thought someone else was going to read it and find it boring- a diary is for you to look back on, no one else :)
@DreamOnMaddie 8 жыл бұрын
Well I for one LOVE watching your monthly blog series Dan ☺️
@JustTeaForMeThanks 8 жыл бұрын
Honestly part of the reason I love watching PMS and Little Moments and Time of the Month is to see the differences in how the three of you film/edit/present occasions you're all there for - the distinct styles and different modes of storytelling are so interesting to compare and contrast! Perfect example - when Chloe put up her February Little Moments and I saw the bit where you lot, Carrie and Pete got stuck in the lift because no one had pressed the button, my first thought after I'd stopped laughing my arse off was that I couldn't wait to see it again in TotM and PMS, because it'd be from a different angle and perspective and so be freshly hilarious in a slightly different but equally good way! Keep on going, mate. You're doing grand.
@derifitzpatrick9317 8 жыл бұрын
I adore your pms! Even though you, Hazel and Chloe sometimes film the same events you are different people and you experience that event differently and it's nice to see it through different people's perspectives - if that makes any sense!
@Vampiregirl42596 8 жыл бұрын
Dan, just keep doing what you're doing! Some of us only see your videos, and don't care when you release stuff, just that we're happy that you do when you do. Don't feel forced to do anything.
@mollyridley1531 8 жыл бұрын
Film what you like Dan, your personality and you passion for life comes through regardless, film the premieres, film everything, heck even film Hazel and Chloe filming their monthly vlogs! I love seeing these vlogs, especially so when you're filming the "same" stuff as Hazel, cos you see the same day through the eyes of two people, and it's completely different and beautiful to see that difference. Can't wait for June!
@katieharrison8405 8 жыл бұрын
I always comment something along this line, but I just want to reiterate that the thing that makes these volgs special is you and your point of view and your humour and your editing. I wish I had the confidence to film more of myself, particularly now in my mid-late teenage years, but I don't make the time. Enjoy creating these memories, and keep making them for you, but don't be too harsh on yourself xxx
@JudithARobinson 8 жыл бұрын
Personally, I love seeing both yours and Hazels viewpoints of each month. Like you said, you vlog in very different ways so it never seems like a 'repeat' to me. As for when they get uploaded - what does it matter, really? I enjoy it whenever its ready (or a week later, like this one, when I'm too busy to watch!) I hope June/July is an easier time for you with regards to this project. Just remember why you are doing it and pay no attention to those who just want to drag you down xx
@missjustpeachygirl 8 жыл бұрын
Daniel you are making these moments for your audience right now, but later in life you realize these moments are for YOU. This is your life, your precious moments and these videos are a way to hold on to that. It doesn't matter whether Hazel or anyone uploads the same moments, that's fine, your sharing the same memories, but we want to see them through your eyes without worry, and some day you will too... Don't let that fear continue, fear only ruins creativity which leads to regret. Keep it up, you are amazing.
@amylalor262 8 жыл бұрын
I love how PMS, Time of the Month, and Little Moments are all happening at the same time. It's amazing seeing three different perspectives from the same events. To me it showcases how people can experience the same thing so differently. Because of it, I've stopped comparing my experiences to those of other people's, even if they seem the same.
@versydonkux728 8 жыл бұрын
Dan, mate, your videos are what you make them to be. Just because someone else is recording at the same time, should not affect you in anyway, it's completely different footage from another perspective and in a completely different format. Although I have all the respect in the world for Hazel and I think she is an amazing woman, I do not agree with what she said about "PMS is just the outtakes of Time Of The Month" obviously I wasn't there, therefore I do not know in what sense that was said. Nevertheless I idolise your videos and I think they're absolutely hilarious, can't wait for next month :)
@rindraws904 8 жыл бұрын
I watch these PMS and Time of the Month series more for the commentary and the outlook you guys have in response to each month- Seeing the same clips doesn't bother me, its actually really fun to see the same thing again two or three times! I understand how people can find it annoying, but seeing different reactions and POVs is one reason why I watch these series
@HeyGuysItsMichaela 8 жыл бұрын
"As much as I love entertaining you, this is for me." is now my favourite mantra of all time especially with vlogging. its hard to draw the line between 'i want this as a memory' and 'but will anyone find this interesting.' from now on, FUCK IT ITS GOING IN THE VLOG.
@SuperSamStuff 8 жыл бұрын
"As much as I love entertaining you, this is for me." This is such an excellent approach to these videos, and it's the reason I enjoy this channel so much. A lot of what you do on here feels as if it's based in your own perspective, and it's nice to feel as if I get to be a part of something rather than be pandered to. This felt like a revised, but enjoyable watch. I'd be happy with that :)
@maybeyourcupoftea2888 8 жыл бұрын
Listen Dan, I absolutely love that you guys all vlog the same thing. For some reason watching vloggers vlogging in each others vlogs is one of my favorite things ever, I'm so entertained by it. I like seeing these things from all different points of view, there's not much more I can say that I just love it. I haven't yet figured out why I and so many others are so interested in watching your lives and knowing what goes on but I know I just like to be nosy and figure out what's going on on the inside, I like watching all your vlogs and putting pieces together. I completely understand being self conscious about vlogging, I'm just try to start out and I have a hard time making myself do it in most cases. But if there's anything I've learned from using a camera, whether taking pictures or videos, it's that there are some things you have to do in the moment that you may be uncomfortable with to get a good result, so don't let a little discomfort ruin your end product and give you regret.
@lebagal 8 жыл бұрын
Hey Dan, I"ve never commented on your channel before but, after this video I just wanted to say that I hope that you do continue to film all the moments in your life that make you happy. Then, at the end of the month when you do edit the clips, if you want to share those moments with us or not that is you remember it is your purgative. You need to do what you said in the last bit of the vlog and capture the moments for yourself. I know for myself watching anyone's and especially your monthly scrapbook vlogs are incredibly enjoyable but they are best when the youtuber within them is putting their happiness first 'cause the happiness they feel shows through the vlog. Love your channel. Please keep doing what your doing :)
@ShanWell2003 8 жыл бұрын
I love this series, watching these are my favourite
@franceswhittaker3333 8 жыл бұрын
Dan, I love watching PMS. It makes my month when it comes out, and I love seeing your take on life as it comes. Keep going - whether they are late or not doesn't diminish the excellent quality and fantastic entertainment value of PMS whenever it is. Keep up the good work - we love seeing it!
@katyjones4335 8 жыл бұрын
'Hazel was cold' 😂😂❤️
@TheImmyBird 8 жыл бұрын
From 2007 I did montages and uploaded them to KZbin (yeah they are still on my channel!) At that point there was no expectation on me and I did it because I loved it for me to rewatch to remember all the awesome times being a teenager. My friends started to ask me when the next one was going up and putting pressure on me. I was a bit shocked that they cared at all! I think they way you are coming at making these now is great. Forget we are watching, we are a side effect. They are for 20 years in the future you!
@Mausi090 8 жыл бұрын
Dear Dan, I know that feeling you talked about - even if it is on a much much smaller scale since for me its about taking pictures. For the past few years I have taken less and less pictures of funny or memorable moments and, looking back, I regret that now because those memories are slowly fading away and I will have nothing to hold on to. It always felt weird, like I was some kind of paparazzi and was ruining the moment by taking out my phone. I've been trying to get better at it and realized that when I do look at the photos I took, even if they are blurry or overexposed, they still remind me of the fun I had! I have still not managed to figure out when it is the right time to take a picture, but I am working on it. I love your series since it is not just "the same clips" as with the other monthly vlogs, but your own with your thoughts and memories. Thank you for sharing those with us.
@theoriginalnetsirk 8 жыл бұрын
I don't care if I see five videos of nearly the same things, because you like said, everyone shows it differently. Be unabashedly unashamed of filming everything! You are a great guy and I appreciate your sense of humor :D Still loved this!
@vitake022 8 жыл бұрын
i like watching the same moments from different eyes
@claudiabailey8629 8 жыл бұрын
also, i totally understand how you feel but you have to understand that your films are FOR YOU ABOVE ALL ELSE. and i know other people's perspective means a lot BUT THIS IS FOR YOU AND I WANT YOU TO BE PROUD OF WHAT YOU'VE CREATED. I LOVE IT.
@millyemily6795 8 жыл бұрын
Keep doing these videos Dan! I love watching them so much (they literally make my month honestly), don't be disheartened and stop making these films just because people can't deal...It's such a beautiful thing to be able to capture lovely moments and to be able to share them Xx I love the different points of views that you guys share, and there is always something unique in every one.
@Sun-Bleached-Fly 8 жыл бұрын
Who cares if your content is the same as others? If Hazel filmed the same thing that you did, so what? Do what ever you wanna do. Just please don't end this series. I literally live for these videos.
@TheMadlyMady 8 жыл бұрын
It's a treat to have any footage of your month, Dan, so continue putting up whatever you feel comfortable with, and I guarantee it will still be great!
@puffinposts 8 жыл бұрын
This is why 'do it for yourself' really is the answer. Not only is it a sure fire way to enjoy the process and the result (and therefore, your life), it removes that self-consciousness that gets in the way of making authentic creative decisions, which inevitably give the best quality, objectively (i.e. for the viewer). It is easy to take the message 'do it for yourself' as a naïve ideal or even an easy cop out, but actually it is proved time and again to be sometimes harder, but infinitely better. I really enjoy watching your videos Dan, because you feel honest and self-aware and I find myself more drawn to a video of you on your couch or a bus than someone who is travelling/meeting celebrities/going to glamorous events but doing it inauthentically, for the camera. Keep living your life, doing it for you, and if that includes better quality content for me, all the better :)
@BeccyBumbleBee 8 жыл бұрын
From personal experience being told that all your fears and inner conflicts aren't to be worried about, it's easy to understand but incredibly hard to believe on that deeper level internally. Like being told "worrying about exams will only make it worse" You understand what they're saying but that still doesn't stop you from worrying. It's a certain confidence in yourself. A confidence to believe something your body is screaming against. I've never found that in myself but I truly hope you can find yours, the content you make has made myself and many many others wonderfully happy. But we want you to be happy and comfortable yourself. Do what feels right but with an added drop of willingness. We come here for your life essentially, you will never come off as a prick in exciting moments like a premiere cause you've earned it. I hope some of that made sense Now I have to try take some of this on board myself Thank you dan ☺️
@AliceRed 8 жыл бұрын
I completley understand what you were talking about at the end. I get very nervous about vlogging in public anyway, so I can't imagine what it must be like with all the added pressures you mentioned. But I hope you start to enjoy it again this month :) Thank you for sharing these moments of your life with us.
@loz_nz 8 жыл бұрын
I love how your personal humour comes through in PMS in a different way to other people's videos. Keep it up Dan ❤️
@lljb_ 8 жыл бұрын
Monsieur Daniel J Layton, You's cool. You have a gift of making people happy through your everyday life. My friends recently left me all alone during exam season and your channel and twitter got me through the isolation (I've found better friends now). You've inspired me to re-kindle my love for music and now I feel happy again. You've got a gift Dan, we all love you. :)
@rebecca9823 8 жыл бұрын
I actually really enjoy having vlogs of the same event from different perspectives, I think it adds a whole new dimension to us as viewers, and your PMS series is one of my favourites because of you and how you make it and how you present yourself. Please don't give up hope! Love getting your videos in my sub box :)
@idkyetdou 8 жыл бұрын
Another way to look at it, I generally don't watch any of the other monthly look back videos. This is all interesting and new to some of us. I personally don't go through and watch everyone's stuff and see whose videos overlapped. I like your intake, your brand of humour, and your dry attitude so I watch your videos. Make what makes you happy and we'll watch it or we wont. Don't get caught up in what other people may or may not like. You're all you've got in the end.
@Iheartstarkid4sure 8 жыл бұрын
Dan, you have zero duty towards us as an audience, we're just so happy you share your month with us :))))
@emmavincent2048 8 жыл бұрын
I know you're not majorly happy with this vlog Dan, but the way you do your blogs brightens up my day immediately. Even on days like today when I just feel like sheit. Thank you Dan. ♥
@unexpecteditemintheyoutube7211 8 жыл бұрын
I love this series so damn much. Don't lose faith in yourself, Dan- though you may not be fully happy with them, each and every month is really enjoyable to watch, and you never fail to make me laugh. :)
@ShortneysLife 8 жыл бұрын
Just imagine you're a mom capturing all the memories.
@beesknees6199 8 жыл бұрын
Daniel J. Layton you marvelous man, your unique perspective of events is what makes these videos so special. Everything you experience is different to your friends because of how it fits into the context of your life and that's so great. It's so awesome that you are collecting your memories like this and we are truly privileged to be allowed to share them. Keep doing what you're doing because it's gr9 and I love it.
@hea9532 8 жыл бұрын
I actually love seeing the different vlogs even when they are all the same things but you all add in little things and makes everyone's different
@DoctorNinjaGirl 8 жыл бұрын
I absolutely love seeing the different perspectives, i never see them as the same as everyone includes different clips and commentaries and love them all, don't be disheartened!!!
@DoctorNinjaGirl 8 жыл бұрын
Cant wait for June!
@Figleavesandchimneys 8 жыл бұрын
I freaking love your PMS! Even if it is there may be the same scene as someone else's, who cares? it's yours, it's what you do with it. Essentially it is a project for you to look back on and reflect, it gives a different view of people too that are different when they are filming for their audience compared to when you are filming snippets of your daily life with them. Love your work and also loving your hair ATM!
@EternalFail 8 жыл бұрын
I always go back and watch the videos on my channel because even though I'm not friends with that person anymore (a lot can happen in a month) they are still a way for me to re-visit those memories and appreciate the times we had together. I hope you continue PMS the way you want to do it, not the way you've been influenced to do it. I've loved each of the ones you've made and really enjoyed seeing your perspective of things
@Pokemalta 8 жыл бұрын
I love watching both yours and Hazel's monthly blogs because they are two separate views, even if sometimes you are filming similar things.
@marielevesque-jalbert2291 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you Daniel for all your efforts! Even if you consider your videos "late", I really don't care. Because they don't have a schedule, I like them. It's feel like a surprise every time they come out. You help me a lot. English isn't my first language and your videos are very useful in my learning process. Love from Québec
@AConfidentCoward 8 жыл бұрын
I hope you feel less self conscious about filming! Honestly your vlogs are my favourite, there's just something so real and natural and genuine about the way you film and edit x
@nickc2011 8 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad that you are resolving to try harder with PMS - when you said that you were stopping in a previous video, my heart sank. I truly hope that you find all that you are looking for in future videos, because you are one of, if not my most, favourite KZbinrs.
@lovingyoutubers3921 8 жыл бұрын
I completely understand the self-consciousness, and it's definitely a normal thing to feel. Even if May 'fucked up a bit', I still loved seeing what you did make. I would watch your PMS even if it was just the intro and outro because I love the idea of the project and think that you're doing a great job with it! And don't worry about filming the same things as Hazel and Chloe, seeing something twice just makes it twice as amazing! xx
@InfinityAndBeyond141 8 жыл бұрын
Daniel, youre so real and thats why i like you. Do what makes you comfortable and happy!
@LibbyLumos 8 жыл бұрын
M8 your PMS videos literally are one of the things I look forward to every month they're so great The best part about having three of you be doing the same series in my opinion is that we get to see A: different sides and opinions of the same day and B: what each of you do in between the times you're together. I've always thought it really weird but really cool like there's life going on constantly when you're not there (I know that sounds self obsessed or whatever but I can't see it so its interesting to me) so it's really fun to watch what you lot get up to separately This was way too long a comment
@MadameKasumi 3 жыл бұрын
I watch these vlogs to feel things 😭 I adore these “vintage” PMS videos sm 💖
@victoriabettany5976 8 жыл бұрын
Hi dan! Ok so this month has been really weird! It started off with me being really upset about the recent shootings and then being the happiest I've been in a long time! I ended a really bad relationship with my boyfriend of 1 and a half years and I finally feel free! And today I got into a big argument with him but it's one of those arguments when I'm like I don't care! 😂 but your PMS series has helped me through and made me see you know what everyone has shit days and I'm not the only one! And they're really funny as well! You probably won't even see this but Love you loads and thank you!
@DeeDee97 8 жыл бұрын
Honestly I look forward to all your videos and you never disappoint! Don't be disheartened that some clips are similar to Hazel's because they always have a different perspective and feel to them. I hope you get more confidence to film in these cool, fancy places you get to go, but I hope you know that the homey clips with you and just your friends lazing around are equally, if not more, fun to watch. I loved this :)
@alejandragabriella6427 8 жыл бұрын
I admire you Dan! You realized how you were feeling, and the cause of that, and then you decided to keep going. Man, you are doing a great job with this challenging project. Just remember that people are always gonna say a lot of stuff, so try to keep your attention on the important things; doing better, and having fun. Very important is, to have fun.
@littlemisscaines9386 8 жыл бұрын
I love watching your PMS, largely because it is for you and that's what makes it so good!
@happilyjessica 8 жыл бұрын
Don't be so hard on yourself. Some of the best moments in life can't be captured on camera and it gives yourself the chance to be a story teller without the camera, allowing the people you are telling your stories to can see your excitement through your expressions and words you use to describe the moment so they can visualise it in their minds :)
@dovestone_ 8 жыл бұрын
I like seeing footage from different perspectinves, I love your pms!
@wietskejanse5951 8 жыл бұрын
I understand that you might be self-consious about this, but this series is, ultimately, for you. You won't be able to please everyone, and I personally do really love these monthly wrap-ups. Yes, maybe I get to see the same day three times on all channels, but they are still all different and entertaining in their own way, because I will see them from a different point of view. Please don't stop doing what you love just to please others, do what makes YOU happy.
@awkwardpenguinss 8 жыл бұрын
I love the way you make your videos, try not to be discouraged! Although I watch Hazel's as well, the way your videos are made truly is so different, and I love that difference. It's a wonderful thing and I hope you continue doing this and enjoying it. You're great! x
@cdemere 8 жыл бұрын
❤️❤️❤️ good for you for taking ownership of this project - I love watching!
@osnapitzLauren1 8 жыл бұрын
Dan I love these videos so much, when I see them in my sub box I get excited, even if I've seen the same night from Hazel and Chloe's vlogs I'll still happily watch it again through your eyes cause you make me laugh and it's your jokes and they way you show things that entertains me! Your fab and can't wait for June :)
@tired7491 8 жыл бұрын
it's always nice to see your videos pop up on my subscriptions and, you not uploading often makes it more special and exciting to watch them. Also they are unpredictable when you upload them which makes it even more exciting. You can do anything you want in these vlogs, even you just talking while making breakfast is great to watch ((hmm)) and just hang out with your friends, film your friends, they make your life what it is and different perspectives gives a different feeling. You're amazing ily bye
@WhodHaveThunkIt 8 жыл бұрын
Currently getting self-conscious about my own project that I've been working on - it's a short drama about a guy with depression so pretty damn personal, hence why I've decided to act in it as well as having written it and directing it. Start rehearsals tomorrow and perform on Thursday and frankly starting to panic. So basically I can relate to you at the end here. And I think what I got from watching this is to remind myself why I want to do this project, put my all in and stick to that purpose especially as its so personal. If you want to capture your memories, you shouldn't worry about what we think (although that is far easier to say than to do) - your PMS so far have been great and something I look forward to. But I think part of the reason I've enjoyed them is because you've made this your won and gone for it with such enthusiasm which is pretty damn inspiring. Amidst all that rambling is something, i don't know, I'm coming out post-freakout so not sure whether any of that makes sense, but basically power through Dan! That's advice I need to hear and hopefully is of some use to you too :-)
@Wheeze_NL 8 жыл бұрын
Don't lose hope, I love your project. I also love the overlap between your PMS and Hazels TIme of the month! Your perspectives differ quite a bit, and seeing them together shows the authenticity of some moments.
@georgirp 8 жыл бұрын
Dan, I've been loving your PMS so far. The way you edit your footage together and the way you talk about each month is fascinating to watch. I really hope you have more faith in yourself when putting together the next months PMS ^_^
@MeganIsTooCoolLike 8 жыл бұрын
seeing clips of you going to premieres and things is honestly pretty inspiring, especially since you seem to genuinely appreciate the whole experience of getting to do things like that, so please continue filming things like that if you feel comfortable doing so!
@sevgiuzun1684 8 жыл бұрын
I honestly always get so excited when you upload a new pms!! and even if it's like the same vlog twice sometimes, we still get to see it from different perspectives. So please carry on doing this because aswell as being able to look back on great moments of your life, these videos also make me and I'm sure loads of other people very happy!
@lilaberlisa 8 жыл бұрын
I really like watching these monthly videos from yourself and others in your friend group as i like seeing teh different angles of a situation being played out. I love the fact that these videos are for you just as much it is for us viewers. Im not a stickler for uploads bing late or such but always look forward to when it comes out whatever the time or day :)
@Claudia15123 8 жыл бұрын
Daniel J. Layton, do whatever the f*** you want! I personally love anything you upload because I love your sense of humour, i really like what i get to see of your personality and I love seeing what you do with your friends (i also watch most of their videos). what i'm trying to say is DO IT FOR YOURSELF! It's wonderful that you have the creativity and capacity of turning experiences you live into something that is fun to watch. Think of your future self who wants to look back on these videos and keep it up as long as it's fun for you. Do it for you, your friends and your future family xx
@luglitter 8 жыл бұрын
I actually love watching the different point of views of the same event
@WallBouncingRocks 8 жыл бұрын
I think your approach to these videos is unique. There may be overlapping moments, shared experiences, but the way that they translate to the videos is different between you and others (i.e. Hazel, for example). I personally love seeing the different perspectives, regardless of the situational overlap. Your video style and perspective is more than enough to make PMS stand alone! :)
@MaryMariia 8 жыл бұрын
Although your May-video might not have turned out as planned, it is still great to watch. It is so interesting to see you reflect on your own plans and be so self-conscious. I admire you for being so honest and aspiring. And I really hope that you can learn and grow from this, because it is NOT easy to do this project. Wish you all the best and I am happily looking forward to new videos, dear Dan! :)
June - Pretentious Monthly Scrapbook 2016
Daniel J. Layton
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July - Pretentious Monthly Scrapbook 2017
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February - PMS 2017
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February - Pretentious Monthly Scrapbook 2016
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MAY | Time of The Month 2016
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