Рет қаралды 4,196
⭕️ HOOP: official ➡️ 17.6 (DB 11 ; DA 6.6) / my score ➡️ 16.5 (DB 10.9 ; DA 5.6)
🏐 BALL: official ➡️ 16.7 (DB 9.5 ; DA 7.2) / my score ➡️ 16.7 (DB 10.1 ; DA 6.6)
🥢 CLUBS: official ➡️ 16.6 (DB 10.9 ; DA 5.7) / my score ➡️ 16.6 (DB 10.7 ; DA 5.9)
🎗️ RIBBON: official ➡️ 14.2 (DB 8.5 ; DA 5.7) / my score ➡️ 13.5 (DB 8.2 ; DA 5.3)
📌Technical explanations:
⭕️ 🔹00:33 two large body segments are not covered during this Large roll DA;
🔹00:56 not 180 degrees in the required DB shape (see trunk);
🔹1:05 we know that a DA can be performed on a repeated DB shape (Passé was already performed as the third shape of Fouetté Balance) only if this DA is different than the one performed on the previous identical DB shape (if any DA was performed there), Passé in this case is a repetition and won’t be considered a valid DB;
🔹1:16 Cabriole backwards is not performed according to definition (feet don’t touch), but this was probably not noticed at competition and the DA was given despite that;
🔹1:21 not 180 degrees in the required DB shape (see trunk);
🏐 🔸1:51 the rotation criterion is not 360 degrees (see what direction the body faces at the beginning of the DA and what at the end of the Large roll);
🔸 2:09 this DB shape is barely recognizable (see trunk and shoulders position), halfway between a Penché and a Tilt, but we can give a Side split with trunk at horizontal with support;
🔸2:17 I was generous giving this KB, to me it’s not really 180 degrees in shape;
🔸3:14 music stops before the Large roll is completed (the audience makes it difficult to hear when the music actually stops though), plus it looks like an identical repetition, so invalid DA;
🥢 🔹3:24 I gave the benefit of the doubt that Cabriole was performed correctly here, we cannot tell given the camera zoom;
🔹3:29 Outside the visual field is not performed (the hand releasing is at the side of the body), but she probably meant to perform a DA on this Balance; I left this possible DA out of the count of the maximum 20 DA allowed and considered this a common small throw and catch to validate the DB;
🔹3:38 not 180 degrees in the required DB shape;
🔹4:15 again, the trunk position is very incorrect (large deviation for trunk being at 45 degrees), but I turned a blind eye on this;
🔹4:18 I was generous giving this KB (see leg), to me it’s not really 180 degrees in shape;
🔹in general, her handlings Small throw and catch of two unlocked Clubs are quite borderline sometimes, either of the Clubs doesn’t really have a full 360 degrees rotation, but I turned a blind eye on this and gave all DA;
🎗️🔸5:15 is there an actual full rotation of the stick in the air for a valid Echappé?
🔸5:17 Base and criteria uncoordinated: when the stick goes behind the leg during the rotation there are no Snakes anymore!
🔸5:21 Spirals are not performed during the DB shape, but before: no DA;
🔸5:42 when she is not supporting herself on the hand anymore and when she starts relevé there is no handling, so I gave the Penché on flat foot with Spirals DA as the only moment of a valid DB + a valid handling: this is not a CBD anymore, it’s 2 isolated DB;
🔸5:55 not 180 degrees in the required DB shape (see trunk + leg);
🔸6:13 not 180 degrees in the required DB shape;
🔸6:17 The hips and trunk positions are quite incorrect, halfway between a Front split and a Side Split with trunk at horizontal, but we can give the Side split shape as valid.
Videos from @charmingrgtv2 and @NataliaCometa