Dark Falz Aegis full medley subtitle

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TUKA P 新アカウント

TUKA P 新アカウント

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@oshimosaku-jq4gf 15 күн бұрын
全編通して好きですが、10:08から始まる「弔いの歌」をベースにした「Our Life,Our Scars」が特に泣けます。 ゲーム史に名を刻むべき名曲。慟哭と闘志が伝わってくる。 ngsいいゲームなのにストーリーが遅々として進まないのがなぁ‥
@mslabo102s2 Жыл бұрын
1:41 IDOLAのヒュロロロロだ…旧EP4から全然流れなくなってNGSにもIDOLAタイトルの曲ないと思ってたから嬉しい 4:02 ここはNGSダークファルスのモチーフ 初登場時や最初のボス戦で流れたのと同じメロディ
@Dil-dil-dild0 Жыл бұрын
@おもち-p9y Жыл бұрын
@heartseeker3254 Жыл бұрын
日本語歌詞 (推測・意訳) / Japanese Lyrics (Free Translation, Assumption) [※ '23/02/03更新: マノンの心情を想定して意訳してみました。原文も現時点では推測によるものですが、「弔いの歌~The beginning wind~」が意識されたフレーズが入っていたりと、なかなかエモさに磨きがかかった曲になっていますね。] 黄昏に沈む世に 深く深く響き合う命(ひ)よ 永遠(とわ)の風に吹かれて 安らかな夢を胸に抱き眠れ…… 何のために闘うのか、分かったつもりでいた。 未来はこの先にずっと続いていると、そう思っていた。 始まりはとても魅力的で、正しいものに思えていた。 死と、それに連なるものを見てきた。 その光景は、私の子供じみた夢を取り上げていった。正義と、それに連なるものへの憧れという夢を。 ……そう、私は迷子なの。 どうすれば、前に進める? 抱え込んだすべての迷いが、目の前でぐるぐると渦を巻く。 (Chorus: 運命を感じているんだ。) それは頭上で、静かに私を嘲笑い、信念を覆い隠している。 側にいる人たちを救うためには、残してきた人たちを裏切らなければならないの? 現実は……争いと悲しみに満ちている。 (Chorus: 罪の意識に苛まれて、今にも押し潰されそうなの。) (Chorus: 私はただ、[[???]] 救い出したいだけなのに。) 君の物語を教えてくれないか? 君の心の痛みはどこにあるんだい? その手を伸ばしてくれ。 孤独な暗闇の中、何のためにここにいるのか、ともに探していこう。 何のために? 誰を標的に? 私たちの明日はどこにあるの? 私ならきっと、その答えを見つけられる。 (Chorus: あの陽に手を伸ばすために、 君ならきっと、戦う意志を見つけられる。) この戦いは、私たちのもの。私たちの命であり、星なのよ。 君ならきっと、追い求めてきたものを手にできる。 (Chorus: 目標を取り戻せる気がする。) ずっと先まで続く未来を見つけだそう。 (Chorus: 光とともに。) あの先に、生き続ける命がある。 (Chorus: あの山々の向こうに。) 舞い上がる地がそこにある。 (Chorus: 舞い上がる地がそこにある。) 正義に尽くすため、私は誓いを立てた。集え、星渡りよ。 欺瞞と悪意に抗い、我々は今ここに集う。 (Chorus: 欺瞞と悪意に抗い、我々は今ここに集う。) 集え、そして誓いを立てよう。 (Chorus: 確固たる誓いを立てるのだ。) 解決策を見出すため、私たちは何をすべきか。 (Chorus: そして、その答えを見つけるんだ。) 希望が足元をよぎり、すべての迷いは消え去っていく。 (Chorus: 夜明けが来るように希望が足元をよぎり、すべての迷いは消え去っていく。) (Chorus: 進むべき運命(みち)は、この手の中にある。) それは頭上で、私を勇敢に奮い立たせ、果てしなく導いていく。 かつての星々と英雄たちが、ここに。 私たちは前へ進み、互いに手を取り合い、そして解き放つの。 私は、使命を果たすためにここにいる。 (Chorus: 使命とは何だい? 目的とは何だい?) “決意”、あなたをここへ呼べるかしら? (Chorus: 私なら、君のすぐ側にいる。) 夜明け前に私を連れ出してちょうだい。 (Chorus: 暗闇の中、君が恐れをなしているときに) そして、道を指し示して。 (Chorus: 道ははっきりと見えるようになる。) 答えは何なのか? 誰が私たちとともにあるのか? 私たちの始まりはどこにあるのか? あの陽に手を伸ばすために、私たちはきっと、戦う意志を見つけられる。 (Chorus: きっと手が届くはずだ。) この戦いは、私たちのもの。私たちの命であり、星なのよ。 これからの戦いのなかで……。 (Chorus: これからの戦いのなかで……。) これからの戦いのなかで……。 (Chorus: これからの戦いのなかで……。) 私たちは、自分自身が真実であることを知っている。 平和のためにこの身を投じ、そして私たちの居場所は新たなものとなっていく。 この信念は決して打ち倒されない。 (Chorus: この信念は決して打ち倒されない。) 私たちの信念は決して打ち倒されない。 (Chorus: この信念は決して打ち倒されない。) かつての星々と英雄たちが、ここに。 私たちは前へ進み、互いに手を取り合い、そして解き放つの。 私は、使命を果たすためにここにいる。 (Chorus: 使命がある。目的がある。) “決意”、あなたのおかげで答えを得ることができたわ。 (Chorus: 私は、君のすぐ側にいる。) 夜明け前に連れ出してもらったの。 (Chorus: 暗闇の中、君が恐れをなしているときに) そして、私たちは道(うんめい)を導く。 (Chorus: 道(うんめい)ははっきりと現れる。) 答えがある。命は私たちとともにあり、私たちの始まりがある。 (Chorus: 答えがある。命は私たちとともにあり、私たちの始まりがある。) あの陽に手を伸ばすために、私たちはきっと、戦う意志を見つけられる。 (Chorus: 太陽(いのち)は、ここに輝いている!) この戦いは、私たちのもの。私たちの命であり、星なのよ。
@tukap1807 Жыл бұрын
流石です。処刑用BGM部分も日本語歌詞できますでしょうか? Dream forward to the future of this world Make your mark, and head onto this world Notice your "True Self" To live and clearly remain more Gathering all the lights to move our new story in the darkness Now its free our own light No matter where we came from Oh, I wonder what dream is found in this space, the pain, locked inside, I can't think of it today! Now, this world I'll roam free, to see the truth we came for Gathering all the lights to move our new story in the darkness Now to start improving no matter what we see or Don't waste our time, just see the whole world, Universe Fly high and survive, full of liberty, today! Freedom! Free Will! Across, Time & Space Live on and go on a new journey! Change the world that will bring us! Bright Smiles! Steps all around, as the future, taken aback!
@heartseeker3254 Жыл бұрын
@@tukap1807 日本語歌詞 (意訳) / Japanese Lyrics (Free Translation) [処刑用BGM「A World Beyond The Sky」の日本語意訳になります。] この世界の未来に想いを馳せて……。 その名を上げ、そして世界に向き合おう。 生きた証をより鮮明に残すため、「本当の自分」に気づくんだ。 すべての光を集め、暗闇の中から物語を始めよう。 今まさに、私たちの光は自由なんだ。 自分たちがどこから来たのかは分からないけれど。 ああ……、この場所で、一体どんな夢が見つかるだろうか。どんな困難が隠されているのだろうか。今日だけじゃ考えきれないよ……! 自分たちがここへ来た真実を知るため、私は今、この世界を自由に闊歩する。 すべての光を集めよう。物語は、暗闇の中で動きだす。 さあ今こそ、何が見えようと見えまいと、前へ進む時なんだ。 時間を無駄にせず、全世界・全宇宙を見て回ろう。 高く飛んで生き抜こう。自由に満ちた、今日この日を! 自由を! 自由な意志を! 時空を越え、生き続け、そして新しい旅に出よう! 世界を変えよう!明るい笑顔をもたらしてくれる世界に! 未来すら驚くような一歩を踏み出そう!
@MN-xo8pj Жыл бұрын
歌詞の内容的に、もっと話が進んだ後の歌に見えますね。 色々不穏なワードとか過去キャラとの共闘の可能性とかあってワクワクします。
@tukap1807 Жыл бұрын
@user-DIYUSI Жыл бұрын
@ハナビィの旦那-公認かも Жыл бұрын
@user-DIYUSI Жыл бұрын
@@ハナビィの旦那-公認かも おまけにエイジスインテグラまで回収されて(ドールズサイドからすると)悪用される始末
@yumat Жыл бұрын
@ふきげんぐりむ Жыл бұрын
歓迎会を台無しにしてくれた礼だ!・・・という感じで、BGMもムービーも熱い決戦だった。 psoシリーズの音が加わってくるのも、ここにはいない”誰か”の支援を受けている感じがあって好きです。
@テムジン-b6y Жыл бұрын
登場と位置替えで規格外の質量が動く迫力の映像見せといて、後半でメリハリの効いた打撃を繰り出してくる所で心鷲掴みにされてしまった。 カッコよすぎんよ…
@Arbus_Ship7 Жыл бұрын
@gwingggg5 Жыл бұрын
@Arbus_Ship7 Жыл бұрын
それ顔なのか…?ってくらいの異形っぽさもかっこいいですけど 明確な顔パーツになっててもこれはこれでまた違ったかっこよさで他のダークファルスと違う感じがしますよね 次世代のダークファルスってことなのかな
@kurosuke1834 Жыл бұрын
@リューン-p9i Жыл бұрын
@Asami_IB Жыл бұрын
@Ideal-lovelink-Alicia Жыл бұрын
最初のステージも初代ダークファルスを彷彿とさせるのいい… しかも初代ダークファルスの曲は旧国のファルスアームでもアレンジされた曲だしで印象深かったりするのでは
@0927_minthia 11 ай бұрын
@warota7638 Жыл бұрын
6:25 この部分、ナーデレフが支援してくれた時のみMeteon's songではなく、戦いの歌の一部分が流れるようになってるっぽいですね!!
@ものくろ-l7s Жыл бұрын
@heartseeker3254 Жыл бұрын
英語歌詞 (推測) / English Lyrics (Assumption) Rest, o' weary souls, no more tales to tell Bid the world, a farewell, as it sinks into twilight Ride upon the wind, eternity waits, for you gently to close your eyes As you dream of the morning light! Thought I knew what I struggled for Thought my future would bring me more The beginning, so enchanting, seemed so right before I've seen death and what goes with it Numbing childish dreams for justice and whatever flows with it I admit, I am lost What must I do to forge ahead? All my doubts circle the air that swirls in front of me (I am feeling my destiny) over me, laughing silently, covers my beliefs If I rescue the ones at my side, Must I betray what's left of me? War and sorrow... ...make up reality (I am haunted by guilt and its cold condemnation) (All I want is [[???]] salvation) What's your story? Where's your heartache? Hold out your hands to me In the dark times when you feel alone let's find what we're here for What's the reason? Who's the target? Where is our tomorrow? I can find the answers (You will find the will to fight to follow the sun) The battle is ours, our life, our stars! You can take what you struggled for (I feel purpose returning) Find a future with so much more (by the light) There's survival, in the distance (beyond the mountains) Lies a place to soar (Lies a place to soar!) For in justice, I made my vow, gather Meteorn Against lies and evil we gather now (Against lies and evil we gather now) Gather 'round, take a vow (take a solemn vow) What must we do to find solutions (further, find solutions) All our doubts fading away as hope sweeps under us (all my doubts fade, as the dawn comes, as hope sweeps under us) (I am holding my destiny) over me, launching fearlessly, guiding endlessly There are stars and heroes from the past We carry on, we fully trust, and releive I am here on a mission (What's the mission, what's the purpose?) Purpose, can I call out for you? (I'm at your side) Take me out in the darkest hour (In the dark times when you feel afraid) And show me the way (The way will become clearer) What's the answer? Who is with us? Where is our beginning? We can find the will to fight to follow the sun (We can find the sun) The battle is ours, our life, our stars! Through the battle ahead (Through the battle ahead) Through the battle ahead (Through the battle ahead) We know we are true Joining for peace, and our places starting anew Our unbeatable cause (Our unbeatable cause) Our unbeatable cause There are stars and heroes from the past We carry on, we fully trust, and relieve I am here on a mission (There's a mission, there's a purpose) Purpose, I have gained it from you (I'm at your side) Taken out in the darkest hour (In the dark times when you feel afraid) And we lead the way (The way will become clearer) There's an answer, life is with us, there is our beginning (There's an answer, life is with us, there is our beginning) We can find the will to fight to follow the sun (We have found the sun!) The battle is ours, our life, our... Stars!
@heartseeker3254 Жыл бұрын
[A World Beyond The Sky] 英語歌詞 / English Lyrics Dream forward to the future of this world Make your mark, and head onto this world Notice your "True Self" To live and clearly remain more Gathering all the lights to move our new story in the darkness Now its free our own light No matter where we came from Oh, I wonder what dream is found in this space, the pain, locked inside, I can't think of it today! Now, this world I'll roam free, to see the truth we came for Gathering all the lights to move our new story in the darkness Now to start improving no matter what we see or Don't waste our time, just see the whole world, Universe Fly high and survive, full of liberty, today! Freedom! Free Will! Across, Time & Space Live on and go on a new journey! Change the world that will bring us! Bright Smiles! Steps all around, as the future, taken aback!
@tkm5735 Жыл бұрын
@mickbotcast Жыл бұрын
This is it, the PSO2 Battle I've been waiting for in NGS
@nonxe7133 Жыл бұрын
赤くなった時に変なもの投げる下りのところでいっつも涙腺が緩む ストーリー消化した後だと罪の意識に苛まれるマノンと手を差し伸べるアイナと主人公だったんだなとわかるからさらに泣ける
@フォレスト-j4o Жыл бұрын
@intrnl Жыл бұрын
Our Life, Our Scars (official lyrics, stylized) A: Anya Floris B: Aimee Blackschleger --- A: Rest, o weary souls, no more tales to tell A: Bid the world a farewell, as it sinks into twilight A: Ride upon the wind, eternity waits for you gently to close your eyes A: As you dream of the morning light --- A: Thought I knew what I struggled for A: Thought my future would bring me more A: The beginning, so enchanting, seemed so right before A: I've seen death and what goes with it A: Numbing childish dreams for justice and whatever flows with it A: I admit, I am lost A: What must I do to forge ahead? A: All my doubts circle the air that swirls in front of me ?: (I am failing my destiny) A: Over me, laughing silently, hovers my beliefs A: If I rescue the ones at my side, must I betray what's left of me? A: War and sorrow make up reality --- A: (I am haunted by guilt and its cold condemnation) A: (Are my faults in the way where our hope of salvation lies?) B: What's your story? Where's your heartache? Hold out your hands to me B: In the dark times when you feel alone, let's find what we're here for A: What's the reason? Who's the target? Where is our tomorrow? B: (What's the reason? Who's the target? Where is our tomorrow?) A: I will find the answers B: (You can find the will to fight to follow the sun) A: The battle is ours, our life, our scars B: (The battle is ours, our life, our scars) B: You can take what you struggle for, find the future with so much more A: (I feel purpose returning, I'm alive) B: There's survival, in the distance lies a place to soar A: (Beyond the mountains, lies a place to soar) A: For injustice, I will not bow B: Gather, Meteorn A: Against lies and evil we gather now B: (Against lies and evil we gather now) A: I take a solemn vow B: (Gather 'round, take a vow) B: What must we do to find solutions A: (I must find solutions) B: All our doubts, fading away as hope sweeps under us A: (All my doubts fade, as the dawn comes, hope sweeps under us) ?: (I am holding my destiny) B: Over me, guiding endlessly A: Watching fearlessly A: There are stars and heroes from the past, we carry on B: (There are stars and heroes from the past, we carry on) A: We fully trust, and believe B: (We fully trust, and believe) A: I am here on a mission. "Purpose," can I call out for you? B: (What's the mission? What's the purpose? I'm at your side) A: Take me out of my darkest hour, and show me the way B: (In the dark times, when you feel afraid, the way will become clearer) A: What's the answer? Who is with us? Where is our beginning? B: (What's the answer? Who is with us? Where is our beginning?) A: We can find the sun B: (We can find the will to fight to follow the sun) A: The battle is ours, our life, our scars B: (The battle is ours, our life, our scars) --- B: Through the battle ahead, through the battle ahead A: (Through the battle ahead) B: We know we are true, joining for peace, at our place and starting anew A: (We know we are true, joining for peace, at our place and starting anew) B: Our unbeatable cause, our unbeatable cause A: (Our unbeatable cause) A: There are stars and heroes from the past, we carry on B: (There are stars and heroes from the past, we carry on) A: We fully trust, and believe B: (We fully trust, and believe) A: I am here on a mission. "Purpose," I have gained it from you B: (There's a mission. There's a purpose. I'm at your side) A: Taken out of my darkest hour, and leading the way B: (In the dark times, when you feel afraid, the way will become clearer) A: There's an answer. Life is with us. There is our beginning B: (There's an answer. Life is with us. There is our beginning) A: We have seen the sun B: (We can find the will to fight, to follow the sun) A: The battle is ours, our life, our scars B: (The battle is ours, our life, our scars) --- Dream forward to the future of this world Let the wind blow up in your heart... Now just know our true self To live the way we really are Gathering the threads of our new story in the darkness Now just free our own mind No matter where we came from How I wonder why we exist for in the space Looking up at the sky I think of it today... *Now just hold our own faith To see the truth we came for Gathering the threads of our new story in the darkness Now just stop them crying No matter what race we are Don't waste our time to see the whole universe Fly high and stand up for our liberty today * repeat Fate or free will Across time and space We're gonna go on a new journey Change the world and bring us bright smiles 'Cause that's our will, that's the future we'll take in our hands
@pomo5103 Жыл бұрын
A: Take me out in the **darkest hour** B: (In the dark times, when you feel afraid, the **way** will become clearer) ---- B: There's survival, in the distance B: Lend us wings to soar i think it's - 'lies a place to soar' --- B: All our doubts, fading away as hope sweeps under us A: (All my doubts fade, as ??? (the Dark Falz?), hope sweeps under us) it's - (all my doubts fade, as the dawn comes, as hope sweeps under us) --- A: (Through the battle ahead, through the battle ahead B: We know we are true, joining for peace, and **our places starting anew** --- A: I am here on a mission. Purpose, I will get it for you it's - I have gained it from you --- A: We have **found** the sun
@YukikoTsuki Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I used some corrections you gave me on the trailer video + listening to the full version - this is what I got after that: Rest, o' weary souls, no more tales to tell Bid the world, a farewell, as it sinks into twilight Ride upon the wind, eternity waits, for you gently to close your eyes As you dream of the morning light! Thought I knew what I struggled for Thought my future would bring me more The beginning, so enchanting, seemed so right before I've seen death and what goes with it Numbing childish dreams for justice and whatever flows with it I admit, I am lost What must I do to forge ahead? All my doubts circle the air that swirls in front of me (I am feeling my destiny) over me, laughing silently, covers my beliefs If I rescue the ones at my side, Must I betray what's left of me? War and sorrow... ...make up reality (I am haunted by guilt and its cold condemnation) (All I want is [[???]] salvation) What's your story? Where's your heartache? Hold out your hands to me In the dark times when you feel alone let's find what we're here for What's the reason? Who's the target? Where is our tomorrow? (I can find the answers) You will find the will to fight to follow the sun The battle is ours, our life, our stars! You can take what you struggled for (I feel purpose returning) Find a future with so much more (by the light) There's survival, in the distance (beyond the mountains) Lies a place to soar (Lies a place to soar!) For in justice, I made my vow, gather Meteorn Against lies and evil we gather now (Against lies and evil we gather now) Gather 'round, take a vow (take a solemn vow) What must we do to find solutions (further, find solutions) All our doubts fading away as hope sweeps under us (all my doubts fade, as the dawn comes, as hope sweeps under us) (I am holding my destiny) over me, launching fearlessly, guiding endlessly There are stars and heroes from the past We carry on, we fully trust, and releive I am here on a mission (What's the mission, what's the purpose?) Purpose, can I call out for you? (I'm at your side) Take me out in the darkest hour (In the dark times when you feel afraid) And show me the way (The way will become clearer) What's the answer? Who is with us? Where is our beginning? We can find the will to fight to follow the sun (We can find the sun) The battle is ours, our life, our stars! Through the battle ahead (Through the battle ahead) Through the battle ahead (Through the battle ahead) We know we are true Joining for peace, and our places starting anew Our unbeatable cause (Our unbeatable cause) Our unbeatable cause There are stars and heroes from the past We carry on, we fully trust, and relieve I am here on a mission (There's a mission, there's a purpose) Purpose, I have gained it from you (I'm at your side) Taken out in the darkest hour (In the dark times when you feel afraid) And we lead the way (The way will become clearer) There's an answer, life is with us, there is our beginning (There's an answer, life is with us, there is our beginning) We can find the will to fight to follow the sun (We have found the sun!) The battle is ours, our life, our... Stars! (("World Beyond the Sky"'s normal lyrics follow))
@intrnl Жыл бұрын
Thanks, corrected. I don't know the other person that filled in the vocal for this other than Aimee Blackschleger, it's definitely not Kristen Watts from NGS main theme, I'll just refer them to A here. There's actually a few more words after A's "Take me out in the darkest hour" bit, I feel that might be where the word "way" is supposed to be in rather than in Aimee's line, where she sounded "sh-" A: Take me out in the darkest hours, the way ???, will be the way ??? B: (In the dark times when you feel afraid, the sh??? will become clearer) It's hard to imagine A doing "sh???" when she's going for the high vocals
@YukikoTsuki Жыл бұрын
@@intrnl I think it may be "take me out in the darkest hour, and show me the way" the first time, and "taken out in the darkest hour, and we lead the way" in the second time
@intrnl Жыл бұрын
@@YukikoTsuki Actually yeah I might have gotten confused on who's doing sh??? word, it might be A's.
@レンホワイトキャット-o7k Жыл бұрын
@SOBA-f7p Жыл бұрын
@時に這いよる吸血鬼 Жыл бұрын
正直もう戦い飽きて聞き飽きて、ゴルドプリム目的に行ってるくらいだけど、エイジス君はやっぱり好きだなぁ。 ビジュアルがマッシブなのがいい、怪物感が好き。 いつかソウラス君と殴り合いをしてくれ。
@ゴギガガガギゴ-h4o Жыл бұрын
@Spikero2 Жыл бұрын
1:42 there's that IDOLA high note. You could tell this is the end.
@YasaiTsume Жыл бұрын
IDOLA: The Ground Wiggler
@drakologarnus7248 Жыл бұрын
@@YasaiTsume IDOLA the false threat :p
@サンショウウオの妖精 Жыл бұрын
@SekaiNoSyatyoKara Жыл бұрын
曲転換がしやすい曲作り システムを構築しているそうです
@kohji1take479 Жыл бұрын
@Izumi_yui Жыл бұрын
@ハナビィの旦那-公認かも Жыл бұрын
@@Izumi_yui まぁクロフォードとイルマが残された残骸を調査したら浮島の事も少しは分かるかも
@gwingggg5 Жыл бұрын
誰かに命じられて学習し動いていた痕跡がある、という台詞からして本当にダーカー因子を持ち破壊の限りを尽くしていたDFなのか…という疑問が湧いてくるんですよね DFエイジスが惑星ハルファの秘密に直結する存在なのは間違いなさそうで
@Mr-jc4ln Жыл бұрын
個人的に、トップをねらえ2みたくドールズやDFと思って敵対していたものはDFではなくハルファの守備的何かで、本当のDFは他に居てこいつらとも最終的に共闘とかだとなんか楽しそうだなーって思ってます。 通りすがり失礼しましたー
@Ideal-lovelink-Alicia Жыл бұрын
@@Izumi_yui DFの定義が作品によってバラッバラだから尚更そこが怪しかったりする
@ハナビィの旦那-公認かも Жыл бұрын
もはや異形に堕ちた神の盾など神に在らず。 怒りと希望を乗せた主人公の一撃でダークファルスは物言わぬ鉄屑と成り果てた。 そして今日もまだ見ぬレアドロを求めダークファルスを鉄屑にするのだった。 ngs 完
@tikimarunoouti Жыл бұрын
初見ワイ 1段目「モバイルキャノンM2かっけー!」 2段目「デウスエスカやんけ!!!!」
@ハナビィの旦那-公認かも Жыл бұрын
@TaMaGeTaNer Жыл бұрын
@kazuhira5202 Жыл бұрын
@Chris-Victoria Жыл бұрын
@hitachi.mak0 Жыл бұрын
@Chris-Victoria Жыл бұрын
@ぬりかべ-z1y Жыл бұрын
@三条昭-q4r Жыл бұрын
@boiled_Egg1472 Жыл бұрын
今までずっとこいつくらいしか超強大なボスっていなかったから、次にこいつに次ぐDFやボスの存在が予想できない…次の浮島編に期待かなぁ( 'ω')
@Sxiyon Жыл бұрын
@C-MAD_PARASITE 11 ай бұрын
@時に這いよる吸血鬼 Жыл бұрын
ちょこちょこ旧ダークファルスや原初の闇を感じる。 ダークファルスを参考にして作られた兵器なのかな。
@masanori8250 Жыл бұрын
@user-kd9ks5ns4y Жыл бұрын
@darksidemorel Жыл бұрын
@yutozonda1201 Жыл бұрын
@uegirl Жыл бұрын
@CG-ck7xg Жыл бұрын
@fiatnorn Жыл бұрын
@pso2xiao Жыл бұрын
@たかしーー Жыл бұрын
@MasterSergeantMartin Жыл бұрын
Banger BGM for this UQ!
@m.jordan5181 Жыл бұрын
14:48 🤗
@THE_Onlinegamer Жыл бұрын
first half Fukuyama 70% Tokoi 30% second half Kobayashi 100%
@TwiXtBlade Жыл бұрын
Second half (before A World Beyond The Sky) sounds more like a ‎Hidekuni Horita composition
@MasterCh02 Жыл бұрын
You are wrong this second half is Hidekuni Horita style same like Over the univers Please don't say you're a true fan of hideaki kobayashi in any song if you can't really feel his melody.
@mslabo102s2 Жыл бұрын
I'm feeling Kobayashi for first half and Horita for second. First half will probably have IDOLA in its title too.
@アッズ Жыл бұрын
@どる-q7t Жыл бұрын
さすがに1000年経ってますから、、 いつものやつでも感動はしますけどね
@ragingmages7879 Жыл бұрын
any composers from the original PSO2 did this track?
@Michisa_S Жыл бұрын
@GroovyGoomba221 Жыл бұрын
@phantom7645 Жыл бұрын
@Ideal-lovelink-Alicia Жыл бұрын
若干Over the universeにも似てる節ない?
@慎-マゴコロ Жыл бұрын
1:03 ここ水星の魔女のテーマ(゚ω゚)
@eri__ky Жыл бұрын
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