Darkest Dungeon How to beat Brigand Vvulf in Wolves at the Door

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damp's YouTube

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I walk you through the how to beat VVulf in the Town Events quest "Wolves at the Door." I show you my first encounter with commentary of what I wished I did better as well as some basics to the fight.
There are two strategies:
-Focus down VVulf and absorb/control the bombs and adds
-Eliminate Adds and chip away at Vvulf
If you want to do the second strategy, I would recommend a leper or abomination (keep in mind this is a stress heavy fight). For the first strategy, bring heavy crit/damage trinkets and party members with one person to heal and mitigate stress.
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@miraqen7801 6 жыл бұрын
i only have a lvl 5 vestal, lvl 5 flagellant, lvl5 bounty hunter and a lvl 4 leper... goodnight hamlet ;-;
@ember3579 6 жыл бұрын
This fucker only spawns when you have 4+ level 5+ dudes at once. Manage your leveling, and wait until you can grind out the ideal party fast. If you're fucked, get a crew of trash to feed him and he'll fuck off for a bit.
@Wade9Swade 7 жыл бұрын
Finished this quest just now. My team was Arbalest/Grave Robber/Houndmaster/Man At Arms. Had Man at arms took the bombs with his protect skill, and the other three marked and took out Vvulf first before focusing on the others. My heart was pounding when I was doing this boss.
@kakashihatake326 8 жыл бұрын
Damn, I lost Dismas when I retreated because my Vestal was too stressed out to do this and I had to fight 8 battles on my way to him. Im hoping a Beyond Death event will pop up so I can have him back.
@spongemanicecone4440 6 жыл бұрын
my dismas killed my reynauld (crusader) with a crit point blank shot after he got seduced by the mermaid. the very next battle dismas was on deaths door, and the the little piggy in the swine king battles shouted at him and it was the death blow. both were legendary heroes with legendary weapons and armor.
@siddharthhasavimath8307 4 жыл бұрын
@@spongemanicecone4440 f
@Deadletter6 2 жыл бұрын
What’s a beyond death event
@Daniel00232 5 жыл бұрын
I will put it simple: 1. Get a Man-at-arms 2. Spam defender to everyone he throws a bomb 3. Get a vestal and just heal him 4. The other 2 are optional but they need to be high damage dealers and from long distance (highwayman or arbalest would recommend)
@fuckologic1202 5 жыл бұрын
Or just get 4 Crusaders and let them do the job Worked out for me XD
@a_void 2 жыл бұрын
A MAA and a Vestal make this fight so much more manageable!
@mot_wadd3441 2 жыл бұрын
Went into this without enough trinkets and barely even made it to the boss then fled and lost my favourite Shield Breaker. Brutal
@Kain-wk6xk 8 жыл бұрын
Since ive used the same party for all my 3 successful runs, i think i can recommend a good party that allows almost full focus on the Vvulf. (Note: in using this strategy, attack nobody except the Vvulf since Both the bomb and the Brigands are taken care of by the Jester and Man @ ae) 1rst row: Man @ arms Trinkets: Heavy boots/Other prot items Strat: Use guard skills (and if already guarding a person under the bomb/under the bomb himself with >60% prot) use retribution to do a bit more damage to the Vvulf after. (aim to keep prot as high as possible and only occasionally take advantage of the moments to deal extra damage). 2nd row: Grave robber Trinkets: Lucky Talisman/crit items Strat: Taking advantage of lunge from the movement of the Jester and using Pick to the face or her dagger skills on the Vvulf to do damage. 3rd row: Jester Trinkets: Debuff charm/ either dodge or debuff skill trinkets Strat: using solo to prevent Brigand allies from hitting and move the party around/stress heal allies when health is fine/Use Finale to deal extreme damage to the Vvulf. 4th row: Vestal (for vestal most of her trinkets and strategy is up to self preference as long as healing is enough to support the party. )
@dampsYouTube 8 жыл бұрын
Nice reommendation!
@flaviocaldas598 6 жыл бұрын
Nice recommendation! In the first Attack with the HM (mark actived) did 42 on a crit dmg with the HM. After that, the fight was easy :)
@izzeroc3017 5 жыл бұрын
Ty i just did it with your advise
@shrimpshuttle6002 7 жыл бұрын
Just finished this fight, did it fairly quickly; took more bullshit from hallway spawns than the actual boss. Party comp was Lvl 6 Vestal in 4th, Lvl 6 Houndmaster in 3rd with mark and stress heal abilities active, Lvl 6 MAA in 2nd with his guard active for tanking bombs, and Lvl 6 Bounty Hunter in 1st for bonus vs human and marked targets. I stacked healing buff trinkets on Vestal, dodge trinkets on the Hound, prot trinkets on MAA, and dmg + acc trinkets on Bounty Hunter. Focused fire on Vvulf with the Bounty Hunter and occasional nukes from the Vestal, took middling stress damage on the Vestal because of +stress items, but all-in-all, fairly quick fight, no death's door ticks. Hope it helps.
@Alex-uk3sh 7 жыл бұрын
But how did you reach the Vvulf with collect bounty
@invisiblebrutha 2 жыл бұрын
I…… I didn’t listen…. They….. they all died except one and vulf died on a bleed proc…. 😭😭😭 guys, listen to this man, he knows what he’s talking about
@jerkface42 6 жыл бұрын
I used a plague doctor, vestal, highwayman and man-at-arms in that arrangement, from left to right; had man-at-arms use his guard ability to tank the bombs, attacking Vvulf whenever possible, relying on his PROT buffs and vestal's healing to keep him healthy. Meanwhile, I had the plague doctor buff the highwayman's damage as he chipped away at Vvulf and the summoned brigands with his AOE attack. A few visits to Death's Door happened, but once Vvulf was dealt with, the brigands were a fairly easy mop-up.
@Oryxification 6 жыл бұрын
I tend to prefer MAAfor guarding and absorbing bombs, and also I like a Highwayman for dealing with the bandits with reposte and point blank shot, also openvein is useful. Hound in 3rd for marking, dps, stress reduction and secondary guarding, vestal for full party anti deaths door.
@BaneClandestine 8 жыл бұрын
This fight was just rough. Infact the entire short dungeon was rough. I managed to pull it off with 2 Helions, a Vestal and an Arbalest. I pretty much was stun locking the entire dungeon and prioritising the enemies that caused stress damage. I really should have saved the video on my Ps4 to review, because I think I only carried a damage trinket on the Arbalest. The front like Helion had a Barristans Head and the 25% virtue chance ancestral trinket, which she never needed because she somehow kept from being afflicted by two bars. Arbalest had the Bandana with 8% Crit and a Cleansing Crystal. I know the second line Helion had a Stun Amulet to raise stun chance, and resistance, but I can't remember what I used for her second trinket. As for the Vestal I think it was her book and the boots that give 10% prot, but lowered speed, but I locked in a speed quirk on her, so it worked out. As for Vvulf himself, I stun locked the 2 knifemen every other turn, kept the vestal healing, the Arbalest was hitting Vvulf or Barrel depending on what he did, and the Helions would bleed him, I think I only Iron Swanned the barrel once when the Arbalest did not one shot it. The Arbalest was the MVP, but it was real team effort.
@Koceno4542 4 жыл бұрын
the very first time this event happened to me I had went in with all level 6 characters and was confident and in the end I suffered for it. i had to run and my level 6 vestal was dead. with that paranoia in mind the second time I instead looked up the fight and tried to use what resources I had to deal with it. i know I could've just sent in 1 weak character to die off since that prevents upgrades from being lost but I wanted him dead. since there's not really a huge difference if any between my level 5 and 6 characters I used level 5 vestal, level 5 grave robber, level 5 crusader, and level 6 leper (positions were in the order I mentioned the characters). i made sure that all had level 5 armor and the grave robber and leper had level 5 weapons. tbh this setup was a bit lacking because I didn't have a good man-at-arms but somehow it did work. everyone also had level 4 abilities. leper had withstand, heal, revenge, and chop. vestal had both heals, judgement and stun. crusader had smite, stun, defend, and inspiring cry with the intent of being more support against stress. my grave robber set was the same as typical: pickaxe, flashing daggers, dagger throw, poison darts. my plan was as recommended in the video: a damage race. i used withstand and then revenge on leper to keep good damage and defend on crusader and afterwards have him deal with other enemies that the boss spawns. however if you can kill the boss quickly then it will kill off the ads. Edit: in my personal experience this was the case. i can't speak for what happened in this video. grave robber was used to try and damage ads and keep some damage on the boss as well. i dedicated vestal to pure heals because the bombs do so much damage. keep in mind that characters can vary a lot due to traits and accessories. crits can mean life or death so if someone wants to try something similar it may not work as well.
@spongemanicecone4440 6 жыл бұрын
I played a mission recently that was not hard, but RNGesus was cruel. My highwayman got crit by an enemy twice In a row, then got deathblow first strike. After, my crusader was on low health, and my paranoid Arbalast shot him in the back and marked him, and all the enemy's dealt extra damage against marked. Then when i used a jester to defend him with solo, he got crit, then died first deathblow. the loot was not worth it.
@xvnbm 4 жыл бұрын
I almost died, because I was trying to hit that bomb barrel and helpers. Just let him have them and focus your aggression towards the boss. He uses one turn to throw the bomb and that hits hard, but only one character at the time, so it isn't that bad. Those stress attacks are much worse. Those other guys deal some annoying damage, but they seem to miss a lot and the boss uses his turns to shield them, which is nice. And when he does, you can attack those guys to deal damage to the boss when he is too far to be attacked. I killed it on my first try, but he seemed easy when you are not trying any tricks, but just hit him until he is dead. I used Vestal, Highwayman, Crusader and Hellion. I would not have picked Crusader, but those were only level 5 characters I had. I would have prefered Houndmaster for sure.
@Xylarxcode 5 жыл бұрын
Ironically, the only reason I don't forget to use dog treats, holy water, medicinal herbs etc is because all the youtubers and streamers I watched playing this game kept saying how they all forget to use them. I heard it being said so many times, they drilled it into my brain to not forget them.
@SmokeAllTheShit 7 жыл бұрын
maa/hm/jester/vestal always finish him with almost all my chars full and below 30 stress. prot trinkets for maa, spd dodge and crit hm, bleed dodge spd jester, +heal resist vestal. bombs deal about 6 damage on my maa.
@PandemicalShade 7 жыл бұрын
So the jist is: bleed and damage trinkets and prot for tank, dedicated health healer, possibly stress reductor, MaA for bomb protection, high damage on rank 2/3 Vvulf (possibly mark combo with HM, Arbalest, or BH).
@CidGuerreiro1234 7 жыл бұрын
I didn't even need a stress healer, even with +XX% stress trinkets like Dismas' Head.
@Wulfenburg 6 жыл бұрын
Oh God, wish me luck D:. I wish my Lepar didn't pass away yesterday ; ;
@Debiruman1666 8 жыл бұрын
I just did it pretty much easily in my first attempt with lvl6 Vestal, Hound Master, Bounty Hunter, Hellion, with trinkets moslty based upon speed and dodge (my main strategy on the game relies mostly on hitting first and not be hit, and up to know, it works quite well), it's a pretty good team as each hero covers pretty much every ennemy spot... I rushed for Vvulf, and it was quite a piece of cake, I focused the Hellion and the Bounty Hunter on Vvulf, the HM was alternating between attacking Vvulf and stress healing, the vestal was alternating between attacking with judgment (which heals herself too), and group/single healing when needed to, once Vvulf was dead, I killed the remaining bandits... I only got the vestal at death's door once due to a bomb, and no hero was afflicted. After the fight, I grabed the treasure in the room below Vvulf's place, then I managed to go to the far right room with a treasure with no sweat at all, fights were quite easy, then I tried to go to the far left, but I was stoped by an obstacle and I had no more shovel, so I ended the quest here... everything was much easier than I thought, I had way harder times in some regular dungeons :-)
@MG-rk7yp 8 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video, gave me the good image about the boss. I went with Girl Druid thing like You have on 4th position, then crusader, then crusader again, and then leper. Leper would rekt the 2 front guys, healer only pure healing, and crusaders would do holy lance every turn. I set up my front crusader speed rly low, and the one in 3rd position a bit higher, so he always attacks first. this way we can do holy lance all day long. What as even better for me: the boss guy often would put a guarding shield for front guy, which i was rekting with Leper - so when I'd hit the front raider with Leper, dmg would go to the boss - nice 20+ hits, one 48 crit REKT BOI. Noone died, was fun.
@Savantt7 7 жыл бұрын
I've heard of double crusader leper, sounds good for the double holy lancing, I've only got one level 6 crusader and a level 3 leper atm though so I've not been using many of those guys, I wish I had trained some more, seems like a good party comp
@MG-rk7yp 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah man, its a good one. I run Long at Weald and Ruins on champion with this party - works rly well in these places!
@Savantt7 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah I was just noticing at the Weald the main danger is the front line, you don't get as many back line stress dealers as other places, so you don't need the ranged characters. I also heard of double occultist double crusader for boss fights, spamming debuffs onto the boss until he does almost no damage, sounded decent, not tried it yet though
@adamkangoroo8475 6 жыл бұрын
Won the fight with bounty hunter, abomination, occultist and a grave robber. 40+ crits from collect bounty and healing for 20 really did the job. Long live Hamlet?
@skullywully653 6 жыл бұрын
I went at him with a critical hit party,i kinda went lucky cause he guarded the front liners,this way my Leper could hit him repeatedly for a massive critical damage
@randomguy8461 8 жыл бұрын
Poor past damp, how could you discredit him after all he's done for you! :.(
@ezrasmith3389 5 жыл бұрын
I feel like flagellant front row, bounty 2, jester 3, arbalest 4 would be strong .
@kevintoma7194 8 жыл бұрын
Damp any opinion on 2nd slot Vestal? I've been testing out things new to me just for fun. I run the profane scroll and book of holiness on her. Great videos as always, keep it up.
@dampsYouTube 8 жыл бұрын
I personally feel that that is too much of a risk. Slots 1/2 take the vast majority of stress/damage as you normally leave the monsters in slots 1/2 last the longest before being killed. I wouldn't recommend it based on my playstyle, but the great thing about DD is how you can use a ton of different playstyles and get new/exciting results.
@zorkwhouse8125 5 жыл бұрын
I think the men at arms's repost skill would have helped a lot b/c of the boss' repeated multi-target attacks that keep affecting the man at arms - yeah, watching further into the video, I think you would have killed him in half the time if you'd been using the MAA's retribution b/c of how many attacks they get on you per turn. I mean, you did beat him, so your strategy worked also - I'm just saying for future reference for others, if you go with one of the char with repost and give them high def boosts (the highwayman might be better b/c he would do more damage - but then again, the char have to live through the rest to get to the boss) or HP boosts, then I think this fight wouldn't be quite as tough.
@dwaynecowart2451 6 жыл бұрын
Houndmaster and Graverobber made this easy just by stacking bleeds and blight made this easy.
@AddyIsNotHere 6 жыл бұрын
Occultist, Bounty Hunter, Leper and Jester would do the work easily
@furioussherman7265 8 жыл бұрын
Question: Why not get rid of the Jester, move the Houndmaster to the back, equip Cry Havoc, and put a Crusader equipped with Smite/Stunning Blow/Inspiring Cry/Bulwark of Faith and give him Paralyzing Crest/Legendary Bracer? That way, you have two stress healers and you have a better damage output than a Jester?
@randomguy8461 8 жыл бұрын
Because then you have to have a crusader
@furioussherman7265 8 жыл бұрын
+Random Guy Crusaders aren't the best, I'm aware of that, but Stunning Blow and Inspiring Cry are great abilities and Smite does decent enough damage. It's also a far better alternative to a Jester.
@randomguy8461 8 жыл бұрын
+Furious Sherman ion the jester bleed and battle ballet is preeeeeety good but okay yes I see some validity in bringing a crusader.
@randomguy8461 8 жыл бұрын
I had the same party as damp vs vvulf except the houndmaster was a highway man
@randomguy8461 8 жыл бұрын
The jester did the majority of the damage vs vvulf lol
@nathankoehler5076 6 жыл бұрын
I tried to fight back and got annihilated...
@adamsilverman2 8 жыл бұрын
Damp, is party Helion+Higwayman+Houndmaster+Vestal going to be good against him? I just have them on lvl 5, and my plan is to lvl up them as soon as possible, and then stop Vvolf with them. All my other characters are busy with other bosses, so I can't use them.
@toprak3479 8 жыл бұрын
Just ignore him or send lvl 0's against him. Not fucking worth taking the risk, this boss is complete bullshit.
@adamsilverman2 8 жыл бұрын
Milo Yiannopoulos he's easy
@liamjones2131 5 жыл бұрын
What does the torch on your Man At Arms mean? (I'm new to this game, and I haven't see it myself yet.)
@StinkyPoopyMcFartFace 5 жыл бұрын
I believe that means he succeeded in a darkest dungeon quest and the whole roster receives a +50% resolve xp or that Man At Arms succeeded in a Darkest Dungeon Quest
@CidGuerreiro1234 7 жыл бұрын
I don't want to brag but I handed Vvul's ass to him on a plate. In fact I'm still a bit baffled about how easy it was (ok, not "easy", but not difficult either).
@james4727 7 жыл бұрын
omfg im so fucking mad, i just lost my a team, all my best trinkets, everything, because i fucking missed like 10 attacks and it kept failing retreat, i feel like just ditching the game fuk me.
@james4727 7 жыл бұрын
oh great i got shriekerd straight after and lost another 8 trinkets and i dont have a solid team comp.
@zoomforlife 6 жыл бұрын
long and boring and not helpful
@SatanicAlchemy1 6 жыл бұрын
just like the other optional bosses, i was so scared about to fight this guy, but than wen i went on 2 fight him, i fucking 3 shoted him. i than realized i didnt metter which party i brought, becuz i was nearly at the end of the game and all my guys had all the best quirks reinforced, all the best trinkets,. etc etc. than i realized after defeating this guy on top of the shriker 3rd time and the guy which u fight with no torch: that basically i was 2 fucking OP lol. im so happy all my party grew so strong, theyr freaking mutelate everything lol. ( i havnt been yet to darkets dungeon so idk yet. if someone wants to know my party composition here, i was using in this order: man at arms (with tough ring and his very rare shield, this fucker had so much prot and dodge that he took only 9 dmg from the bombs) - occultist (i hate bringing an occultist but i was worried, he barely even healed anyone and was just to mark, might as well brought a musketeer or something) - bounty hunter (was the mvp of the day, he crited nearly every hit with 84 dmg, had man slayer quirk and warrior of light reinforced, on top of his op dmg trinkets he fucking butt raped everyone) - leper ( that fucker had tank quirks and low hit rate, but when he hited, he hited like a truck lol). in general overview, i would bring anyone in this fight, with 1 bounty hunter for obvous reasons)
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