Excellent. Such a well made film about an area and tradition I know well - though I found the music was a little intrusive in places. Why such progressive non-tonal music as a back drop to traditional agricultural processes that had been followed for centuries? I liked the obviously staged sections, for example of close ups of people's faces, and the broadcasting of seed side by side with the harrowing by tractors. The dropping of the basket which rolled down the hill was also rather concocted giving an added narrative to the whole that it really didn't need. I also enjoyed that the film ended with the same screenshots with which it started, that barrels in the cellar, and so, so effectively demonstrating the eternal cycles of the seasons. Of course one has to remember that this sort of information film is a construct, and I admire the documentary film makers art. Heck I've been part of it for British television on occasions. But, ... one question remains ... when was this film made? 1950s? I really don't know much about Wolf Hart as a film maker and I should much like to know more. It all seems terribly old fashioned and labour intensive from today's perspective. But I am reminded of my childhood in Germany in the early 1960s, hot summers while I cycled about on my Fahrrad, on the old roads. My recollection is not a million miles away from what we see in the film. Times and traditions have changed enormously.