Cataloguing Rain World's Wildlife | An Exhaustive Analysis

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@Daszombes Жыл бұрын
Turns out I missed adding in a lot of things in post, probably because it was my 17th hour of editing and my brain was fried, sorry about that, here's the info I missed: -Big Spiders cannot be revived if killed by Spore Puffs or Flashbangs, if drowned, if their health is below -8, or if fully eaten by slugcat. -Leviathan Aggression sheet has them eat everything except other leviathans and overseers -Gooieducks are named after the Geoduck clam, which is pronounced the same way, and they look like they have a massive uncut cock coming out of their shell. -Spore Puffs kill Batflies, Centipedes, Spiders, Dropwigs, Eggbugs, Noodleflies, Squidcadas, and Stowaways If I missed anything else in the editing then tell me in this thread and I'll add onto the pinned comment
@AprilIsTheWorstMonth Жыл бұрын
I think you forgot to show some example images (1:08:35)
@ka-boom2083 Жыл бұрын
Hi sir What are the songs you put in this video?
@thedragonthatlovesskittles7132 Жыл бұрын
have 0 example images in the entire video other than submitted art
@DelightfulLightBasement Жыл бұрын
I would like to mention that miros vultures will antagonize the creatures they derived from(Vultures and Miros birds). According to the wiki, regular vultures are afraid of them, but king vultures will outright kill them. Miros birds seem to just antagonize miros vultures back.
@rhuali-6006 Жыл бұрын
Even though they're only naturally found in the Saint's time, strawberry lizards can technically be encountered in other campaigns through the lineage system. This doesn't necessarily contradict your theories on their evolution.... it just raises a lot of questions about how lineaging works.
@Heidijackward Жыл бұрын
We always say the Leveithen are the biggest hostile creature but everyone forgets five pebbles when you go back into his room
@DelightfulLightBasement Жыл бұрын
This is a hilarious comment.
@crowgrabber_former_er5bb8yb2t Жыл бұрын
Angry calculator god the size of an ikea
@JODA93 Жыл бұрын
Not even that. If you take a pearl or something he kills you instantly.
@DelightfulLightBasement Жыл бұрын
@@JODA93 He doesn’t kill you if you take a pearl. He instead has dialogue when you take one of his pearls. He says something along the lines of “Yes, help yourself. They are not edible.”
@JODA93 Жыл бұрын
@@DelightfulLightBasement really? Man it really has been a long time since I've played it.
@Spqark Жыл бұрын
You should have mentioned that the Chieftain Scavenger is the only non-Slugcat creature to have the Mark of Communication.
@tiggywoovit5955 Жыл бұрын
for real that's the most interesting part
@darkprelate Жыл бұрын
@@tiggywoovit5955 I don't think it is that far of a stretch to assume that if the Chieftain went to Pebbles after getting the citizen drone, he would most certainly be forced to give the chieftain guidance and the mark, and also couldn't hurt him. So, because of his permanent programming, Pebbles would involuntarily need to give it to the chieftain.
@TheSandwhichman108 7 ай бұрын
Moon also mentioned the scavs bring her things from time to time so while it’s likely pebbles gave them the mark of communication it’s very possible Moon has met the chieftain.
@kairosiscool5062 6 ай бұрын
@@TheSandwhichman108 I do not think Moon is accessible at all during Artificer’s campaign but it could still be possible in some way or form… we’ll just never know how sadly.
@TheSandwhichman108 6 ай бұрын
@@kairosiscool5062 You’re right…The chieftain would have been long dead by the time Hunter arrives to (sort of) revive moon. Having been killed by Arti’s hands. She was probably still alive most likely left to somewhere very out of the way to most likely wallow in her sorrows knowing nothing she does will ever erase the pain of watching both her children die.
@corvent62 Жыл бұрын
My headcannon for spore puffs is that they were purposed as a form of insectiside to remove pests from crops, hence them being solely located around the farms. then they had the issue of how to spread the spores over a large area consistently, hence they purposed the rain deers precursors, which had pointy feet to aerate the soil but not disturb crops, they ate the spore puffs and the spores would get caught in their wool and spread through their feces, making a very efficient automatic pest control.
@keysoffun5644cool Жыл бұрын
its just evolved cordyceps
@flyoutfate7462 Жыл бұрын
@@keysoffun5644cool both can be true
@ashleigh2376 11 ай бұрын
This is a really great theory lol. It is now my headcanon.
@Gront517 2 ай бұрын
Epic theory, do you believe that noodle flies have milk in both genders and share the kids?
@corvent62 2 ай бұрын
@@Gront517 generally the only creatures we know to have genders in rain world is the squidcada that has 2 genders, the rest of the creatures are genderless and presumably reproduce asexually
@DarkKnightofIT Жыл бұрын
My favorite Rain World creature will forever be the Vulture Grub for exactly one reason: "Is that calling in an airstrike?" "Yes." *_screaming_*
@DarkKnightofIT Жыл бұрын
A close second is the Coalescapede because of people's reactions when seeing it.
@ZeGourmand Жыл бұрын
​@jordanl.8509 I just had a thought, what if we made mother coalescapede, so when you kill one of the spiders, the coalescapede gets bigger?
@iamafuckingfailure Жыл бұрын
​@@ZeGourmand *do not*
@ZeGourmand Жыл бұрын
@iamafuckingfailure hmmmmmm, what if I gave one the ability to glide? Or make one that can set up massive webs attached to the body?
@MamaTrixxieAsmr Жыл бұрын
​@@ZeGourmandmore wholesome thought Jolly co-op, bunch of players pick each other up Become CoalesceaScug
@prince_nox Жыл бұрын
can't believe they didn't call lantern mice "lampsters"
@cross977 10 ай бұрын
Aka: lampter
@BlinkTvvice 7 ай бұрын
@1th_to_comment. 7 ай бұрын
​@@cross977 skurr moment
@reaperlod 5 ай бұрын
That muffin looks awfully like a lampster Somebody baked a lampster into my muffin
@Gront517 2 ай бұрын
@@reaperlodsomeone put grapple worms in my hotdogs
@TheRealDismantler Жыл бұрын
My favorite line from Five Pebbles: “Little creature, you are stuck in a cycle. You wish to be free from this ‘Rain World.’”
@bushsbakedbeans2348 Жыл бұрын
Best pebbles line by far
@crossoverepisode Жыл бұрын
My favorite line was when five pebbles said "its five pebblin time" and then proceeded to five pebbles all over the place
@purplemagnetar7637 Жыл бұрын
"He didn't say that"
@lowqualityfrog Жыл бұрын
@@purplemagnetar7637Right, he said “if you wish for the answers, you need to give looks to the moon.”
@googoogaagaayt Жыл бұрын
"land fish"
@_z_873 Жыл бұрын
Hey! Aspiring entomologist here, A good theory for eggbugs is that they're parthenogenic, females can reproduce or "clone" themselves without a male necessary, like surinam roaches. Another possibility is after mating, female eggbugs will lay eggs on both their backs and the males back for added security and a larger survivability rate, the brood being split up between 2 moving targets is better than 1 moving target. Considering the behavioral and anatomical differences between them and dropwigs, I disagree that they're related. The aquapedes actually closely resemble real life scolopendromorpha, mostly Scolopendra cataracta and Scolopendra alcyona, which are semi-aquatic tropical giant centipedes. Dissecting your spider theory, here's my take on it. The wolf spider and mother spider are the same species, the coalescipede being their offspring, wolf spider being the male, and mother spider being the female, the sexual dimorphism would explain the pigmentation differences. Now the spitter spider ties into your theory about them living communally, as someone who studies spiders around Canada, I've personally seen Latrodectus hesperus and Psilochorus hesperus cohabitating extremely often, most of the time even residing in the same web, their offspring hatch at similar times too, often branching out to the same areas and continuing to cohabitate. As for why we don't see juvenile spitter spiders? They mimic the behaviour of the wolf spider juveniles and join their hellish hunting tactics. Stowaways are Arthropods yeah, spore puffs attack them and their immune system, as they do with centipedes, egg bugs, etc.
@generalvoid1630 Жыл бұрын
To your spider take, I think you're correct, but want to add that spitter spiders could possibly reproduce differently than wolf or mother spiders as well. The venom sack things that spitter spiders shoot out are in fact not just filled with venom, but also possibly living creatures as the sacs will actively crawl away if not attached to a creature or a wall. My theory personally is that the sacs are some kind of maggot that attaches and applies the venom while the spitter spider brings the still living creature into their den for the maggots to grow up while consuming said corpse. The den being a safe and optimal environment for the growth of the maggot. Also this would explain why spitter spiders don't bite prey, since it would be bad to kill the paralysed creature when it being alive is the whole point. All in all this theory is kind of strange and it doesn't really make sense for spiders to have maggot offspring, but it's just a random pile of thoughts I gathered. I think it's pretty interesting.
@_z_873 Жыл бұрын
@@generalvoid1630 Oooh, interesting theory! My biggest concern and probably the biggest flaw is that offspring are extremely costly to make, in nutrition and time, why would a species evolve to "shoot" them at enemies if them surviving until adulthood is entirely dependent on the spider itself incapacitating the prey after it's paralyzed? The spitter spider does have fangs, as it grabs onto prey with the same sound that wolf spiders make when biting into the player, it just doesn't have the same lunge attack.
@generalvoid1630 Жыл бұрын
@@_z_873 First part, yea probably true. It doesn't really make sense. The whole theory is kind of a mess if you think about it. But on the spitter spiders having fangs, yes they do have fangs, but the fangs of spitter spiders are not as lethal as wolf spiders fangs. I didn't mean that they completely lacked fangs, but that they maybe purposefully don't attempt to kill their prey with said fangs. Unless I'm remembering wrong, wolf spiders instakill you far more often with a bite than spitter spiders, which never do so. My memory might be wrong though so take that with a grain of salt.
@MimeThe Жыл бұрын
To add to general’s theory about spitters, in the code the sacs are called “larva” and the trail left behind is an “umbilical”. So it is indeed very likely that the sacs are a reproductive method of some kind
@axehead45 Жыл бұрын
I’m sorry did you say *aquatic centipedes?*
@boiledonions6185 Жыл бұрын
The red spitter spider's maggots actually crawl around and wiggle if they don't get embedded into a wall, they seem to be independant organisms rather than just venom sacs.
@justaskeleton9087 Жыл бұрын
Honestly I feel like that could just be the sacs wiggling because there's muscles squeezing the venom, but idk
@generalvoid1630 Жыл бұрын
@@justaskeleton9087 I would agree if they just wiggled, but the sacs seem to actively crawl like maggots from what I remember from spawning them in a couple times. I could be wrong, but I think they were made to act like some kind of maggots. It could imply that spitter spiders reproduce through those parasites and bring the paralysed creature to their nests without biting, because the plan is to have the spider maggot things grow up in the still living paralysed creature in a safe and secure environment. Many insects do similar things, but this is a quite strange way to go at it.
@idontwantahandlethough Жыл бұрын
the comment above yours (at least for me, right now) says that in the code, the projectiles are labeled "larva" and the stringy trail "umbilical", so I think you're right 😦
@shroomian2739 Жыл бұрын
Correction: slugcats are New York City subway rats. This is shown by their intelligence, navigation of pipes, and ability to propel rebar with sufficient speed to penetrate concrete. This is the beginning of my theory that rain world takes place in New York City, with the dual implication that five pebbles liked pizza and that NSH may be from New Jersey (explaining his erratic behavior).
@colfy3961 Жыл бұрын
this is canon new york world
@XenoHunter-1954 Жыл бұрын
And the Vultures are just large modified Pigeons
@gray42069 Жыл бұрын
wheres the essay op
And metropolis is just the city
@@XenoHunter-1954and leviathans are just fishy things
@hybrid3501 Жыл бұрын
This is a certified Rain World moment
@realfranklinbadge Жыл бұрын
@Someone---somewhere Жыл бұрын
@crunglemink Жыл бұрын
@shroomian2739 Жыл бұрын
I am willing to provide a certificate for this rain world moment
@walterbrink5391 Жыл бұрын
Truly a Rain World moment in time
@drakeandfriends3718 Жыл бұрын
Fauna 1:15 Slugcat 3:34 Batfly 4:42 BlueFruit 5:33 JellyFish 6:47 Vulture Grub 7:44 Squidcata 9:34 Snails 11:01 Lantern Mice 12:31 EggBugs and Dropwigs 15:00 Yeeks 16:05 Hazers 17:47 JetFish 18:45 Grapple Worm 20:00 Garbage Worm 21:50 Leaches 23:05 Noodle Flys 25:30 Lizard Section 26:00 Green Lizards 26:49 Pink Lizards 27:22 Blue Lizards 28:05 White Lizards 29:01 Orange Lizards 30:29 Black Lizards 31:21 Salamander 32:09 Caramel Lizards 32:56 Strawberry Lizards 33:47 Eel Lizards 34:18 Cyan Lizards 35:18 Red Lizards 36:21 Centipedes Section 37:22 Orange Centipedes 38:02 Red Centipedes 39:08 CentaWings 39:58 Aquapede 40:43 Spider Section 41:21 Small Spider's 42:14 Big Spider's 43:40 Spiter Spider's 44:54 Mother Spider's 46:47 Scavengers 50:00 FireBug 52:24 Stowaway 53:53 RainDeer 56:37 Vultures 57:38 King Vultures 58:38 Miros Birds 1:00:36 Miros Vultures 1:02:27 Rot 1:05:06 Giant JellyFish 1:07:54 Leviathan 1:10:23 Iterators SuperStructure Section 1:10:55 Overseers 1:12:25 Neron Fly 1:13:41 Inspector 1:15:06 Iterator Puppet 1:17:30 Guardian 1:20:15 Echoes 1:21:55 Void Worms Flora 1:24:33 SlimeMold 1:26:01 Dandelion Peach 1:27:18 Glowweed 1:28:20 lilypuck 1:29:37 Bubble Fruit 1:30:45 Gooie duck 1:31:50 Mushrooms 1:33:19 Karma Flowers 1:34:53 Batnip 1:35:47 Bubble Weed 1:36:47 SporePuffs 1:38:41 Cornbud 1:40:48 CherryBomb 1:42:03 FlashBang 1:44:12 Paincone 1:46:40 WormGrass 1:48:45 PolePlant 1:50:07 MonsterKelp
@matsushiq Жыл бұрын
not yiggs, it's yeeks
@drakeandfriends3718 Жыл бұрын
​@@matsushiq thank you
@funset. Жыл бұрын
Yeek is the right spelling :)
@pumpkin_pants3828 Жыл бұрын
It's spelled "Iterator"
@Leelan42 Жыл бұрын
You god damn legend, respect for taking your time doing this mate. Pure Respect.
@You-fools Жыл бұрын
God damn that's a hug list of supporting artists. It's awesome that so many people can come together to investigate such a unique game.
@gigachonker69 Жыл бұрын
Hug list UwU
@bubblegumCrystal Жыл бұрын
​​@@gigachonker69shut up
@Yichh Жыл бұрын
Where can I find hug list?
@maxmoxmozzarella1340 Жыл бұрын
@unknownbaguette6823 Жыл бұрын
Hug list :D
@droopsmoop Жыл бұрын
The presence of the grapple worms in Metropolis with the chemotroph theory could be explained by the cut content for Metropolis and a bit of Moon's dialogue: they just eat whatever nutritious bits they find in the abundant dust in the city. The equivalent to the rain/night cycle would've been a dust storm as mentioned in one of those dev commentaries, and Moon does also mention that dust just regularly falls out of the sky, so that could possibly provide enough food to the grapple worms living in the city that get their food from eating whatever tasty minerals/chemicals that make up the dust.
@gerburgerhamger1404 Жыл бұрын
I love whenever Das says "Look at this list on screen" despite the fact that there isn't a list on screen (just amazing art made by amazing artists) Even though you goofed up on that, I still loved the video Das! Keep up the good work!
@airplanes_aren.t_real Жыл бұрын
Same, although it's kind of weird how this was supposed to be the flora conclusion on rainword and although it accomplishes that through dialog it doesn't have the the same level of editing as the past version
@destroyer4929 Жыл бұрын
@@airplanes_aren.t_realyea it's mostly just the blurred footage in the background and the art as basically the only thing to look at
@raviosolaire 10 ай бұрын
​​@@airplanes_aren.t_realtbf he did have to write 30+ pages of wildlife analysis and it took 3 months. hes probably tired of this video at this point (edited for spelling)
@duskadown6751 Жыл бұрын
haven't finished the vid yet, But On Noodleflies (and Popcorn Plants): There is evidence that Noodleflies have adapted to use their sharp proboscis both as a weapon and to open Popcorn Plants in what is likely a symbiotic relationship since there's expired/opened popcorn plants in the backgrounds of areas where Noodleflies are most common. My guess is that the Popcorn Plant's seeds are actually fruit (white = flesh, red = seed) containing seeds and when Noodleflies eat them, the seeds are not digested, but when Slugcats eat them the seeds are destroyed because they crunch the seed up. Or maybe Slugcats simply swallow them whole too cause' the animation is really short. Could be that Popcorn Plants are only visible above ground while reproducing and the bodies of the plants are subterranean. Noodleflies could be really goopey arthropods bc they appear to have 8 limbs. (3 pairs of reduced legs, 1 pair of wings) During Saint's time the Noodleflies seem to have gone extinct so the Popcorn Plants have adapted to rely on wind/storms/extreme changes in pressure or temperature instead. Edit + more info: Correction: Noodleflies have 2 pairs of wings and 3 pairs of legs Evidence towards Noodleflies NOT being arthopods is that they don't have segemented bodies, but if I remember correctly Moon claims that all remaining life descends from bioengineered organisms so... The wiki also claims that the Noodlefly's needle can't break open popcorn plants so this could just be an oversight/game design purposes OR Noodleflies actually drink the nectar from the flowers of the popcorn plant and by the time slugcats seem them it's post-pollination.
@chaosinc.382 Жыл бұрын
I still gotta wonder how things go extinct in a world where things dont die...
@maniandbeano Жыл бұрын
​@@chaosinc.382Some things can die permanently, like Hunter. Unless he still counts as living. It is very odd though, maybe old age?
@BouncyBonBon Жыл бұрын
@@chaosinc.382 When you die you don't wake back up again in the cycle you died in, so in that universe you did die permanently.
@iamafuckingfailure Жыл бұрын
​@@BouncyBonBon rainworld: into the rainverse
@loggersviii1228 Жыл бұрын
@@maniandbeanohunter is described as “karmically imbalanced” by the game, which is why he can die permanently; so it still doesn’t explain how species can go extinct.
@RubyCarrots3232 Жыл бұрын
There are predatory aquatic rats in Australia that could explain how the Artificer is a predator that can maul.
@tinnedteainsyrup8943 Жыл бұрын
Only in Australia
@Duckersssss Жыл бұрын
@@tinnedteainsyrup8943 rain world is Australia if it wasnt mostly desert
@tinnedteainsyrup8943 Жыл бұрын
@@Duckersssss rain world is wet Australia
@Duckersssss Жыл бұрын
@@tinnedteainsyrup8943 yes! ive seen a video that was some song about austrailia but it was rain world stuff
@evilbird4012 Жыл бұрын
@aramdominsect895 Жыл бұрын
Now that Flora/Fauna has finally been made, Daszombes can finally rest and simply desintegrate into dust.
@bluejkade Жыл бұрын
"goodbye" *Das fades out of existence, never to be seen or heard from again.*
@loggersviii1228 Жыл бұрын
Someone didn’t watch the video before commenting
@bluejkade Жыл бұрын
@@loggersviii1228 this is a premiere video. This was before the video was launched.
@aramdominsect895 Жыл бұрын
@@loggersviii1228 I commented at almost the start of the live, and didn't check what he said.
@GustavoPizza Жыл бұрын
Until Rain World: Upsuck comes out.
@rosecityandbeyond Жыл бұрын
I always figured the Long Legs were corrupted Inspectors, as the Inspectors' function seems to be error checking of some kind and would be the most likely organism for Pebbles to modify in order to modify his own programming.
@loggersviii1228 Жыл бұрын
The long legs weren’t created from a creature, they’re literally a sickness. Basically cancer that wants to eat you
@nerfjanetreal Жыл бұрын
inspectors didnt exists before donwpour and they were added just because of the emptiness of DM main part also cancer can have simple structures
@dr.cheeze5382 Жыл бұрын
Probably not, when you kill inspectors their hardlight body explodes leaving behind just their robotic eyes. The rot is most likely a modified amalgam of all the different biological parts of Pebbles, maybe just the processing strata that just happened to gain mobilitym
@kh6853 10 ай бұрын
I think it was more of a starting from scratch situation. What sort of insane supercomputer would perform extremely risky procedures on the only thing that would defend him?
@rosecityandbeyond 10 ай бұрын
@@kh6853 A suicidal one?
@iexistexe Жыл бұрын
Here is a theory regarding the vulture grubs: They were and still very much are an engineered species, and have not been able to really evolve past that. This is either because they were a recently modified species are because their mechanical parts inhibit evolution. I also believe that the vultures may have been part of a security system for the cities, and the grubs could be used to summon them. Due to the nature of this, as the old society fell, The vulture grubs not being able to overcome their engineering, the ones that learned to hide underground are the only ones who really survived, Because they wouldn't signal vulturesby accident, which they themselves don't really have control over. I also have a theory that the grubs never really fully reach adulthood like axolotl for example, and reproduce in the larval stage, because of engineered hormone inhibitors, Because once they would turn into an adult insect they would be practically useless or outright die if their mechanical parts are only compatible with the larvae.
@ligma6992 Жыл бұрын
vulture grubs could've been used by maintenence workers and shit to go from wherever they were back to their cities
@iexistexe Жыл бұрын
@@ligma6992 you mean vultures as transport units? Does not sound to comfy, but a plausible theory. By who exactly the grubs were used, is hard to tell. Especially because nothing in the game I've found hints to that. If there are some clues, do inform me though.
@ligma6992 Жыл бұрын
@@iexistexe it's a crackpot theory at best, but it's the best explanation I have for vulture grubs
@iexistexe Жыл бұрын
@@ligma6992 My idea was that the vultures were either security drones, maybe meant for catching engineered creatures that went rogue (maybe if one of the living capacitors decides to run away from the electrical grid (that's my theory on what centipedes were used for by the way)) or research capturing drones, meant for catching animals in the wild and bringing them back for study or modification testing. This means that the vulture grubs would have been used as signalling beacons by the ancients security/police force/animal control or by field researchers. But also never out of the question is that they were used for multiple purposes. I believe for that the ancient ones could perhaps at one point signal them more directly what to do once they summoned them. What indicates this to me is that vultures have one of the strictest behavioural patterns and little diversity in personality out of all animals, which pair excellently with them to be engineered for obedience and commandability.
@randomperson-kx6mv Жыл бұрын
Maybe Grapple Worms are a purposed organism? And the Ancients used their silk (or whatever the hell they shoot out) for stuff like clothing back in the day. No idea how plausible that is, but it might work 🤷‍♀️ Grapple Worms could've also been a toy for younger Ancients. I like this theory because it's fun imagining Ancients swinging Grapple Worms around like sticky hands lmao.
@Whydoiexisthere- Жыл бұрын
I’ve always thought of the long thing the worms shoot out as a tongue that travels through its body. Also I personally imagine ancients playing with a grumpy slugcat
@thebrowsecast2802 11 ай бұрын
this doesn't track at all unfortunately. they are tongues and not silk, from the color to the sound they make that matches other tongue slingin' weirdos in the world
@randomperson-kx6mv 11 ай бұрын
@@thebrowsecast2802 I guess that would kind of make sense, but we can't really know for sure 🤷
@chitinskin9860 10 ай бұрын
Almost everything is a purposed organism according to moon. The purpose of the grapple worms could have been anything though, remember that a lot of time has passed, and scugs, a pretty advanced creature capable of tool use, descended from sentient pipe cleaners (just imagine shoving some mutant mouse down a drain to eat a clog). If something like that is now engaging in significantly more complicated behavior, who knows what weird thing grapple worms used to do. They could have been tape measurers, or living decoration, some organisms were even just components of a tool hidden within a box. Still though, the grapple is way too fleshy and definitely not silk. The toy theory is much more likely. Maybe they also made good yoyos.
@Cl-2048 2 ай бұрын
Six Rocks on Splintered Wood, stop hitting things with that worm! You could break something! -an ancient mother, probably
@bean370 Жыл бұрын
My theory for the firebugs is that their a now extinct species of purposed organism made by the ancients to carry void fluid, now only appearing in rubicon since it’s fragment like nature even if their all dead now
@loggersviii1228 Жыл бұрын
but they don’t carry void fluid
@NeovenatorGuy Жыл бұрын
​@@loggersviii1228Void fluid is in their eggs
@loggersviii1228 Жыл бұрын
@@NeovenatorGuy yeah my mistake I accidentally skipped that last bit about the firebugs
@catpoke9557 Жыл бұрын
They must still be alive, since, if I recall, Gourm can 'craft' their fire eggs and Gourm crafting is probably really just exchanging two items in his stomach to spit out something he stored.
@idontwantahandlethough Жыл бұрын
@@catpoke9557 that's.. that's a fair point!
@aqira2yoo486 Жыл бұрын
Seriously tho, that detail that batflies have two flight modes and they flap their wings differently is so awfully cool to me
@ccmanxx1 Жыл бұрын
Can't believe I'm excited for a documentary premiere, but here I am... Iterator logs when?
@destructivecriticsm Жыл бұрын
(talking about red lizards) "they likely claim large swaths of territory, and fight other individuals for merely entering, except the two of them in outskirts i guess they're just married or something" *meanwhile red lizard fighting noises play in the background as said married couple tears each other to shreds*
@treese_ Жыл бұрын
I would've appreciated some gameplay footage to help frame the context for everything, but regardless, this is very well done
@Raziel_Zero Жыл бұрын
Same. Some fanarts are interesting, but not necessarily canonical imaginations of the actual sprites of the creatures, so it would have been nice to see the original sprites for each as well. But as you said, it's a great video nonetheless.
My favorite part of moon is that she says “yes little rodent,I am the Rainworld” and proceeded to rainworld all the rainworlders
@samueltrusik3251 Жыл бұрын
Oh boy! Daz is finally embracing his inner biologist!
@sodiumsupreme6698 Жыл бұрын
Could neuron flies be what had to adapt and evolve into a jellyfish? Idk if this makes sense but I like your theory about them having evolved from a sort of device or power source.
@georgexddd8595 Жыл бұрын
Now that you say it, they do look similar
@starburst98 Жыл бұрын
The leeches may have trouble feeding on slug cats due to the slime coating. With jungle being the only one able to get past it.
@catsinabox121 9 ай бұрын
1:10:36 "that was a pretty solid intro to the iterators, right?" He says after mispronouncing the word iterators 50 times.
@TheEepyMagi Жыл бұрын
Absolutely amazing video! Only one thing I can think of that I disagree with, and thats the conclusion about Worm Grass' mouths. The blue circle feels more akin to the digestive surfaces of, for example, a flytrap, secreting enzymes and eating a creature without swallowing it. Only instead of holding it in place via two mouth-like lobes, Worm Grass hold it in place with some kind of adhesive, each individual "blade" of grass adhering to its prey at once to digest it slowly and painfully. This could also explain two oddities about them. When a creature has even 1 worm grass attached to them, even if they are completely out of the patch and above ground, they may still die if it does not let go. They are literally being digested alive. Additionally, perhaps Green and Caramel Lizards repel worm grass either through the "extreme smell" mentioned in the video, or- what seems more likely in my opinion- perhaps they evolved skin designed to be difficult if not outright impossible for the Worm Grass's adhesive to grab ahold of.
@electricperro672 Жыл бұрын
Just finished my first Survivor run, im in a very rain world mood atm so this is pretty hype
@begal69420 Жыл бұрын
Good for you !!
@electricperro672 Жыл бұрын
@@begal69420 thx :)
@camdaman2003 Жыл бұрын
It puts a big smile on my face that my leviathan art made it in with such a large chunk to boot, really proud of that piece and super glad to be a part of such a fantastic video!
@fruitful6139 Жыл бұрын
1:09:14 Its also pretty important to note that it was confirmed by a developer that there is a connection between void worms and leviathans. There is likely a overarching purpose for them rather than to kill everything nearby them
@thepurplecone4488 Жыл бұрын
Rain world should have a dlc called dry-world where it’s millions of cycles gone by since the iterators fell and the rain caused by them has dissipated causing extreme heat and dry climate idk thought it would be cool
@B_Skizzle Жыл бұрын
Neat idea, but it contradicts what we see at the end of Saint's campaign.
@flooferdooper6206 Жыл бұрын
​@@B_Skizzlecould be a mod or smth then
@thepurplecone4488 Жыл бұрын
Yeah I just thought it up
@wisdomaxolotl2766 Жыл бұрын
I commented this on the original video, but I'll put it here it again. I think the grapple worms feed on electricity, and use the tounges to ground a source together and feed on the energy going through them. This explains why they're almost on 5p. This can also explain why they sort of randomly search, like they're going for a good position. And it gives them an original purpose, like an emergency wire for dangerous discharges, which are a common thing.
@loftwingheropon2743 Жыл бұрын
1:43:56, plants do use spores, bryophytes, (mosses) and ferns and such are not seed bearing plants as they evolved before that adaptation, they instead use spores. (Bear in mind I’ve only just started plant science in university so I’m hoping that I just remembered that right)
@brandflakesinc.9350 Жыл бұрын
The greatest 10 seconds of my KZbin career
@tristanprice1531 Жыл бұрын
Respect for the shoutout
It would be cool a DLC where we explore the moon we see far away,like slugcats with some ancient spacesuits lol
@bluejkade Жыл бұрын
@colfy3961 Жыл бұрын
i did have an au idea similar to that! I've always dreamt of a space related mod or dlc for rain world
@@colfy3961 yeah,it would expand the cosmology of rainworld so stupid redditors don’t say “rainworld is flat and there are no other stars or planets in the rainworld universe”
@@colfy3961bad the downpour devs like dragon propaganda think rainworld is flat and that it is in the firmament with a celestial wall 💀💀
@iexistexe Жыл бұрын
A theory on the caramel lizards: Due to green lasers being resistant to red lizard bites, caramel lizards may simply be a cross-breed species between the two who has managed to completely outcompete their green ancestors, most likely also because the green lizards were not cold resistant enough to survive the snowstorms.
@MatoMeatball Жыл бұрын
One thing that I always found interesting is that after downpour gave lizards personalized hisses, yellow and cyan lizards ended up sharing the same ones. And this might be kind of a wild guess, but I'd like to imagine that due to those hisses' electronic nature (which also help contextualize both their abilities and traits) both are different breeds of partially cybernetic guardian lizards, cyan for Pebbles' superstructure and yellow for Moon's. (WHICH coincidentally matches those iterators' ID colours related to their chatlogs, inspectors and overseers) This would more or less explain their proximity to the respective superstructures, as by the time Moon starts malfunctioning, or around the time Spearmaster's campaign takes place, yellow lizards, while still very much present around her struts, would start migrating away from her now more dangerous and unstable environments to other places, such as Pebbles' superstructure where their social nature could overpower cyan lizards' abilities, forcing the latter to hide away. There might be a few "buts" with this train of thought but I think it's an interesting way of explaining their weird electronic hisses. Other cool things to note! - Dev commentary mentions Miros Vultures prefer cold climates, that's why when moon collapses and the top of her superstructure stops generating heat, turning into bitter aerie, Miros Vultures that haunted Pebbles' and her underhangs migrate there. That's why they also appear in Glacial Wasteland/Saint's Garbage Wastes. - Centiwings' aggression level are not random! They start out ambivalent but the more time you spend around them (while they're focusing on you and not another creature in proximity) they begin to grow impatient of you, seeing you more as a nuisance or a threat. Only when provoked that way, or through direct aggression, they become hostile. - The lime past garbage wastes pearl mentions a mix of tiny purposed organisms and microbes inside the acid digestion tanks, which accidentally create violatile substances. Moon suggests those could (however unlikely) integrate into the surrounding ecosystem, which caused some theorizing that Artificer could've accidentally spent too much time around them and thus have gained her explosive abilities. - It is very interesting to note that Spearmaster can't siphon nutrition from Garbage Worms (suggesting they're more mechanical than organic), Rain Deer, Stowaways' bodies (which cause the spears to fall, presumably because of their gooey thickness, but Stowaway' tentacles still can be fed from) and Overseers (probably because they aren't tangible enough?). They CAN however siphon it from Inspectors and Guardians, suggesting not only that both have some (possibly inorganic) nutrition to them, but also given how spears stick to Inspectors, that their holographic bodies (and also Overseers' by extention?) are made of something akin to "hard light", kind of like hyper light from Hyper Light Drifter? Maybe? - You forgot to mention Albino Vultures NOT A TRUE RAIN WORLD FAN BOOOOOO (jk)
@Superchicken_36 Жыл бұрын
Red centipedes do actually live with smaller orange ones, you can see this in subterranean and pipeyard. They also don’t attack the other centipedes so I’d say it’s very likely that the red centipedes are the final growth stage of the more common centipedes. The reason you don’t see many of them would be that most centipedes simply don’t live long enough to reach that stage of their life.
@HappyAspid Жыл бұрын
About miros vulture laser. Long time ago I have seen strange weapon in another game - sword of the stars. There were a weapon that emits harmless ray that causes explosion at the end. I asked a physics student about such possibility. And he taught me that something like this is actually possible at least in theory. Some sort of chemical reaction at the end of the ray.
@NameIsNeb Жыл бұрын
"Written like this." "Affect the insects shown on screen." Editor: And if I don't?
@Nerdule Жыл бұрын
I think you missed this, but there also seems to be a morphological relationship between jetfish and vultures - a vulture with its mask off looks a **lot** like an overgrown jetfish, with the same two weird little mouthparts; the vulture's "wings" would then be more like an adapted form of the jetfish tentacles, and they both seem to be propelled through "jets" of fluid (water or pressurized gas). Given how much more "artificial" the vultures are, I think it's likely that jetfish are closer to the ancestral, less-modified form.
@kindacringe468 11 ай бұрын
or maybe jetfish were meant to be the vultures of the sea but then evolved to become more passive
@catpoke9557 Жыл бұрын
I definitely think slugcats are of equal intelligence to humans. The mark allows them to understand a foreign language, and the things the iterators communicate to them are all very complex. It doesn't gift intelligence, so given that what the iterators say to them all make total sense to them- or at least they seem to, since the game usually doesn't give us meta-knowledge and so we probably don't get any more from the dialogue than they do- this means they are at least as intelligent as us, just less advanced. Which makes sense. Scavs have already taken the niche of a full tribal civilization. There's not much room for anything else to take it. As for skin slime, while they do look really shiny in some of the art, and the evidence I'm going to present isn't super solid.. I'd like to mention that in the dating sim, it is made clear that Rivulet's clammy skin is very unusual. So assuming that the people who wrote the script consulted the original designer of the slugcat, it would seem that slugcats have dry, hairless skin- except for Saint and Rivulet, who have fur and slime respectively. It's also possible slugcats have a very thin layer of fur since, while they implied they are normally furless in the dating sim, humans also have a bad habit of implying areas of the body with thin hair are hairless when they are not. But, for now, the best assumption is that Saint is an outlier and other slugcats lack fur.
@satinizer8021 Жыл бұрын
half of the creatures' purpose is "the ancients having some fucked up contest for the most weird and hostile animol"
@quickslash71 Жыл бұрын
"Like most single mothers, the mother spider is not against killing bitches when its required..." This absolutely murdered me
@beeb.w.6389 Жыл бұрын
You have more patience then anyone else in the rainworld community
@just_a_person6614 Жыл бұрын
i like to imagine that leviathans are purposed organism created by the ancients to mimic the void worms the reason being the body structure (large , slim with many fins) with the head being a dead maschine. like what if there were anchients who wanted to talk to the echos like ask what ascention was like? was the anything? how does void fluid feel like? but mostly what did the void worms look like in order to make their own version of the void worm in another way to ascend (witch probably didnt end to well) witch is aslo why the leviathans eat everything its just doing what the ancients wanted of them
@randomcookie6103 Жыл бұрын
"Rivulet's Wet Ass Hands"
@Joryho Жыл бұрын
Oh, this is sick! My 17th birthday is happening on the day this comes out, super excited to see this. Cheers!
@mrmateusz5188 Жыл бұрын
cant belive even Daszombs forgor eel lizards can climb on walls
@mostlysaand9644 Жыл бұрын
After all these years. Finally I have them all
@glazeddoughnutgod4352 Жыл бұрын
Moon also has dialogue for gourmand's campaign, moon congratulates gourmand for crafting the fire egg (made with a karma flower and a bomb.) Taken from the wiki, Moon will say the following: "Healthy one... what is this, and where did you get it? Is this a feat of your own creation?" "It's a bit unbelievable. A... creature like you procuring something like this would be an amazing accomplishment for your species..." "Ah, well, if it tells a good story then I won't question it too much~" I'll also note that firebugs, and thus fire eggs spawn in colors of red, orange and pink, however when gourmand crafts one, they can be green, blue or purple as well. However, none of this really tells us much about the firebugs as far as I can tell.
@thewafflebun994 Жыл бұрын
imagine moon's face seeing a fat rodent cough up an orb literally filled with void fluid and just offer it up to her like a cat shows off its kill
@FutureProp Жыл бұрын
I've been on KZbin for a very, very long time, and I've never anticipated a video like I do this one
@jackala3958 Жыл бұрын
I somewhat preferred the old video. The lower quality of it's presentation was charming and comical. It highlighted how good the script is.
@AdaTheWatcher Жыл бұрын
I think leviathans might be from another iterator planted in the ocean, kinda like how the miros birds and vultures are guardians for pebbles and moon. So if another iterator collapsed from old age who's to say the leviathans didn't move when the ecosystem around thier iterator became unviable.
@B_Skizzle Жыл бұрын
Could be Sliver of Straw. She was a part of Pebbles and Moon's local group, wasn’t she?
@Vakothu Жыл бұрын
@@B_Skizzle Sliver's location wasn't actually ever mentioned! People /assume/ that they were part of Moon and Pebbles' local group, but there's no proof one way or another.
@ColdArtsy Жыл бұрын
Games like Rain World really inspire me. The creature designs are so simple yet creative and have helped me a lot with when designing my own fantasy creatures. And the way the world treats you like an actual part of the ecosystem instead of a main character is really cool. While I haven’t finished the game yet I honestly can’t recommend it enough, very fun and challenging.
@kittybit7652 Жыл бұрын
@bluehairedemon Жыл бұрын
red lizards are actually so scary, the only type of lizard im not confident enough to fight
@weeb_dweeb Жыл бұрын
Ah sweet nightmare fuel that will feed my crippling fear of insects.
@Saturn-bg1gb Жыл бұрын
I personally think Jetfish's closest relative is the Vulture. Both have propulsion-based movement, arms used to control themselves, and have colorful eyes.
@RivLabs Жыл бұрын
Plausible! What does that suggest for Miros Birds' lack of jets or other propulsion mechanisms? Perhaps they were co-opted to work as a pneumatic system for their legs?
@Saturn-bg1gb Жыл бұрын
@@RivLabs I theorized that Rain World's "avians" all have a sort of gas bladder. In Miros Birds, it could definitely be grafted to their legs. Similarly, king vultures probably use this organ to fire their harpoon. Jetfish just took it to an extreme, and adapted to use water.
@JACandQuill Жыл бұрын
Finally, the video is done, my mans can ascend and not turn into a frickin echo ☠️☠️☠️
@Exyllis Жыл бұрын
Theory on the void worms: The void worms are quite adapted to life in the void sea; they have an albino like colour palette and small heads which are likely unable to experience much suffering as most, if not all brainpower would need to be used to run the body. If we assume they are completely biological, it seems that they are the perfect lifeforms, not needing to escape the cycle as they can experience no suffering. The ending scene seems like it is meant to symbolise a sperm cell fertilising an egg. To me this implies that the worms need high quality (high karma) sperm to fertilise their eggs properly, hence why they reject artificer. My guess is that then the egg would hatch into a void worm. As for the void spawn that swim into the sea, I think they are the baby void worms, they spawn at the location of the sperm's memories, gather karma and then grow into void worms inside of the sea. In saint's ending there are more void worms which in my opinion supports this theory as presumably quite a lot of time has passed between Rivulet and Saint considering all the evolution (or the rainworld inescapable cycle of life and death equivalent of it) that has gone on and the fact the 5P has finally died. When the slugcat goes in the void fluid, they release a kind of grey/black aura depending on how much void fluid they are in (if they are fully submerged the aura is black. Perhaps this shows some kind of contrast between the purity of the void fluid and the impurity of the slugcat. In the sea, the scug has no aura but the void worms do, it is a light grey which contrasts with the blackness of the rest of the sea. This could also be to symbolise the purity of the void worms. In saint's ending there are more void worms and they have a whiter but smaller sized light shining from their head auras. The whiter light may be because Saint can understand better just how much karma they have. For the fact that the auras are also smaller, perhaps it's because there is more competition for karma or something as there are more void worms. Also Saint casts no dark aura in the void fluid (symbolising karma or attunement or just the downpour devs not thinking about every little detail that much) and in the void sea Saint doesn't have a light aura. which might be because Saint is still not a void creature despite his understanding of the karma system My guess for the leviathans is that they were some kind of failed attempt at recreating the void worms. The devs have stated that the similarity between the leviathans and the void worms is intended. When resting in subterranean you can get dreams where you are seen in the void sea among the glowing lights the void worms have. This implies to me that creatures has some limited kind of awareness of the void. 5P also mentions all creatures have the urge to escape the cycle. Considering that neuron flies can let us see void spawn you could assume that the ancients probably had an even better "sense of the void" considering all the weird shit they tried. When designing the leviathans the shape may have felt right to them. TLDR; You are a sperm for the void worms, they take you down to fertilise their void eggs, hence why the final scene before the ending cutscene resembles sperm; you are sperm. The Leviathans resemble the void worms because the it kinda just felt right to the ancients after all the neurons they probably tried getting high on.
@thewafflebun994 Жыл бұрын
this is the most absurdly out-there theory i have ever seen and yet. it works?????
@normanthedoorman205 Жыл бұрын
I wish you put some actual footage of the creatures in game
@lbfather Жыл бұрын
I’m bewildered and flabbergasted, no train lizard :(
@emer914 Жыл бұрын
there not cannon
@thealeks1 Жыл бұрын
Very unlikely dropwigs and eggbugs are related since dropqigs will kill eggbugs when given the chance
@Prootgen Жыл бұрын
tbf there are plenty of species out there that are cannibalistic by nature.
@generalvoid1630 Жыл бұрын
Dropwigs will also kill other dropwigs, so it could be that the species is just cannibalistic and hyperaggressive.
@AshnSilvercorp Жыл бұрын
I have seen a strawberry lizard outside of Saint campaign/expedition before, however, it's incredibly rare.
@Kipyena Жыл бұрын
It happened to me with Spearmaster funnily enough, but I think it's just the game lineaging on its own, hence its rarity
@MsTerkup Жыл бұрын
I believe that developers have said that originally, Yeeks were planned to be another intelligent tribal creature and rivals with the scavengers, before becoming the frog-like moon jumping tool we know today, the kill-on-sight behaviour of scavs towards Yeeks might be a remnant of that
@ReggieTheGriffon Жыл бұрын
I always wanted to think that Leviathans were used to clean oceans like big trash compactors. Scooping up trash and crushing it into bits either to consume it or make it smaller to break down naturally.unwanted side effects being fish also live in the ocean and can get compacted or consumed
@afrightenedsloth Жыл бұрын
Remember Das, no matter how long this took you, you are still *THE* Rain World trivia expert
@samueltrusik3251 Жыл бұрын
53:30 That, the fact there is a massive world we will never see, and that everyone in the game we see means nothing is very sad, and it made me depressed.
@macaroniisnice Жыл бұрын
Amazing video aside, I do kinda miss gameplay in the background. When discussing behaviour it could show gameplay, then in the appearance/wacky theory sections, it could show the art. Either way, amazing video
@girlpoweripadgaming4416 Жыл бұрын
My theory for the grapple worm diet is that they use their tongues' stickiness to catch background bugs and slide on their tongues to catch the trapped bugs. Another theory about reproduction is that a grapple worm covers it's tongues in the first ingredient and sticks it to a female, the female then lays eggs just barely underground or in whatever opening they find. The newborn worms will then grow on the gases the Five Pebbles superstructure generates (or nutrients underground in metropolis's case). When matured grapple worms use their tongues to drag themselves aboveground through the thin layer of whatever material they may be under.
@spirwer2723 Жыл бұрын
I kinda disliked the theory that Void worms are ascended ancients. I could not pinpoint why I didn't like it but you described it perfectly.
@etdenever4944 Жыл бұрын
17:26 AU rainworld where you play as a hazer exploring during the rain but you have to make it back to your pond before the cycle ends or you get beached and dry up
@hallowfish2666 Жыл бұрын
Drain World
@idontwantahandlethough Жыл бұрын
Bruh, the thing to always keep in the back of your mind regarding creative media you've made: you know all those little mistakes that you can see in your old videos that annoy you when you watch them? Yeah, basically only *you* can see those. It looks great to everyone else! And that's not to say that your video making skills haven't improved (i'm certain they have), just that you're always going to notice little flaws that nobody else will because it's _your_ creation, because you toiled over it! So don't be too hard on yourself bro, you do great work 🤗
@totally_innocent1072 Жыл бұрын
Vulture grubs could use the vultures to reproduce in a similar manner to the Leucochloridium parasite.
@loftwingheropon2743 Жыл бұрын
Cool idea just how would it reproduce it’s mechanical head though?
@totally_innocent1072 Жыл бұрын
@@loftwingheropon2743 magic
@ecbrd8478 Жыл бұрын
I notice a lot of editing things are unintentionally missing? Like at 1:37:20 and when you mention the gooie ducks. did they get placed underneath the art or was it just never done?
@thedeppressedone9236 Жыл бұрын
Considering the video length, it's pretty likely they were forgotten to be put in. For the same reason I think this will likely not be fixed anytime soon since, well 58:23
@norfabatonas 6 ай бұрын
0:40 "Much better production" *audible mouse click* Was too funny not to mention. Great video! ❤
@The_Gold_Bunny Жыл бұрын
For some reason, Caramel Lizards are also immune to worm grass ... they are pretty similar to greens after all after all.
@The_Gold_Bunny Жыл бұрын
Another Fun fact; Red Lizards Bite have a 1 in 10 Milion chance to NOT oneshot Slugcat (this fact is shamelessly stolen from the Rainworld Wiki)
@egoletic1278 Жыл бұрын
Great to finally see this come out, I've been looking forward to it. And i'm sure this will make its way on to my: "Really long videos to play in the background while I'm doing other stuff playlist" after I've given it a proper viewing first.
@British_manndem Жыл бұрын
19:51 Perhaps they eat small background bugs and bacteria that they catch when launching there tongue and when it retracts it’s tongue to launch again it puts all that in its stomach and them launches again to repeat the process
@sanity138s-gaming-channel 6 ай бұрын
I love when he shows us the arthropods affected by the spore puffs without showing anything ( he’s done this in the video a couple of times )
@theoldfish7644 Жыл бұрын
Vultures are actually most likely related to snails, considering that both move on two limbs, have long necks, and if you look closely at snails, you will see that they also have the dangling bits that Vultures have. as for mirros Vultures, it's most likely because the downpour team didn't notice and created them thinking that Vultures are actual birds, Vultures are most likely mollusk,s because old concept art depicted them having slimy skin and there limbs don't appear to have any bones. Oh, and the Vultures "jetpack" are probably modified shell parts and the gas that they expell are probably tells us how snails pop,it's probably some kind of chemical reaction.
@chitinskin9860 10 ай бұрын
They probably did notice, the miros vulture just might not be as related to miros birds as it seems. Looking at the horrible abomination, you can see that none of the "meat" resembles anything on a miros bird, those features are either vulture-like (body shape, neck, and wings), or completely unique to miros vultures (sharper feather/finger things, 2 pairs of wings, and wing hooks). Only its mechanical components resemble miros bird parts. So chances are it's just a heavily modified vulture outfitted with miros bird tech. And while the snail is likely to be a vulture relative, I'd say vultures have a lot more in common with jetfish (jet propulsion, face tendrils, colorful eyes, tentacles used in weird ways, etc.). Maybe all three are a part of the same weird clade.
@euanlockie337 Жыл бұрын
I think you should document the background bugs and stuff anyway, just for fun and curiosity, maybe not plants though that would be insane
@astrocursed Жыл бұрын
Ahhh! Im so happy some of my art was putted in this! I quite enjoyed this project so seeing some of my artwork in it makes me flutter with joy!❤❤❤
@moony_otter Жыл бұрын
there really should have been in-game visual examples of what's being discussed, since that's how most people will associate with them, and can help people understand what's going on, or just provide a visual to compliment what's being said. like a tenth of the time while watching this, i was thinking its good but also thinking 'man, this is a perfect spot to show off what they just said with a gameplay example, it's so obvious, why didn't they?'
@flynnhunt9916 Жыл бұрын
I seems as tho he planned to use footage. Probably recorded the audio and then got lazy with the visuals to save time and energy
@lowqualityfrog Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this, wasn’t expecting it but really glad you made it!
@jessiesowter Жыл бұрын
My theory is that Lantern Mice and Slugcats are distantly related/have a common anscestor. They are both rodent-like, both have circular ears (for gameplay at least), and both have different eye shapes depending on their conciousness. Incapacitated: >
@burningemerald1203 Жыл бұрын
2 straight hours of fascinating enrapturing content. You've done it again Daszombes. Well done. Well Done.
@charityjones2169 Жыл бұрын
I think the male noodleflys are the background little red flying guys
@megazillasaurus Жыл бұрын
I always imagined the slugcats as mollusks descended from or related to nudibranchs such as the glaucus atlanticus
@Pearl_lizor Жыл бұрын
Whew that was long but also incredible also hello "The Wanderer"
@Pookapufferfish Жыл бұрын
Excited to see what is said. Creature lore is good Edit: loved that! Such a good video
@diananer Жыл бұрын
@Vipadra Жыл бұрын
The alternate timeline in which DF became a wildlife enthusuast to quench the boredom.
@Kuba_K Жыл бұрын
Well considering DF was cataloguing the wildlife before starting his little trolling session, and in addition that dasz voives DF we can consider this vid as canon DF video As canon as iterator logs get anyway
@emeraldrhymes4314 Жыл бұрын
Been waiting for this since I found this channel after the dlc dropped
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