Dave Ramsey Doesn't Know What He's Talking About! Term Insurance vs. Indexed Universal Life 401K IUL

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Making Finance Fun Again

Making Finance Fun Again

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@mixstagram 2 жыл бұрын
Great video! I get tired of explaining this to every client so I'm gonna just share this with them from now on as a primer first!
@mrplayboii818 2 жыл бұрын
Go for it!
@Urclimo 4 жыл бұрын
Great video, very informative!
@mrplayboii818 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@victoriae337 2 жыл бұрын
Great video, very informative
@robmartin217 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you...all about true compou ding...actual vs. Average rate of return..
@danisle4379 4 жыл бұрын
AMAZING comparison! Your articulation of everything is spot on my brotha! What a great way to serve the mission of stomping out financial illiteracy. Thanks for your work toward compiling all this together!
@mrplayboii818 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you Dan! My pleasure :)
@elviraradinsky2739 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much for such great content. Every point so clear. Please make more videos like that.
@mrplayboii818 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you WFG San Diego!
@robmartin217 3 жыл бұрын
Sequence of returns...
@robmartin217 3 жыл бұрын
Primerica agent recommended mutual fund market timing....
@mrplayboii818 3 жыл бұрын
It may be a great strategy or, it may be the worst decision you made in your life. Are you ok with leaving your future up for chance?
@robmartin217 3 жыл бұрын
Granted you can do well with some funds but exposed to the market roller coaster....no true compounding...
@amandathompson9347 3 жыл бұрын
This was an excellent presentation.Dave Ramsey does Not know what he is talking about when it comes to life insurance. Pathetic!!
@robmartin217 3 жыл бұрын
Notice how the Dow is back at where it was right before the China virus attack hit?....
@mrplayboii818 3 жыл бұрын
Yes it may have regained its losses but remember when it comes to your account, a 50% loss requires a 100% gain.
@robmartin217 3 жыл бұрын
Roth IRA....totally tax free...
@robmartin217 3 жыл бұрын
Dave Ramsey is a smooth talking snake oil salesman...preys on uniformed folks...just like Primerica does...
@raulframegamboa2470 2 жыл бұрын
Lol... and you say you're LICENSED in both Life and Investments? First of all it's Buy Level Term and Invest the difference into a Growth Mutual Fund as a ROTH IRA which neans a REAL TAX FREE WITHDRAWLS no need to BORROW your money out and pay a HIGHER interest than the guaranteed interest given! The comparison you make is NOT the same for Brother 1 and 2. Secondly... you fail describing how the COST OF INSURANCE KEEPS increasing every year it's in force, just look at COI page in every IUL, and that Cost Of Insurance eventually WILL DRAW (Withdraw) money from the Cash Value to pay for that increase when your Premium is insufficient!!! You say IULs need to be "designed properly" if not the will impload... every single one I've seen and replaced are designed that way! Designed to make the Life insurance company richer and pay the Agent very well to sell it that way!!! That 7.05% growth ain't real either BECAUSE of the market fluctuations so IF a 30 year old invests in a Growth Mutual Fund set up as a Roth IRA over 30 years the returns can average out to be greater since history has show it has Inna 30 year period. IULs is a Annual Renewable Term (which in the older ages is the most expensive type of TERM Life Insurance with a weak cash value account in with there are so many rules a fees that make it impossible to do what you claim in this video! You keep saying you can access the Cash value through "Tax Free LOANS"... LOL... ALL LOANS ARE TAX FREE because it's a LOAN and you pay a higher interest rate on that loan which can in most cases REDUCE the Face Amount of the Life insurance coverage. You also FAIL to mention that in a 401k IF the company "Matches" the employees contributions, it can DOUBLE the amount going towards the 401k before interest is even earned through the life of the 401k. I will agree... people LACK Financial Literacy and I love teaching what really are the Pros and Cons about each product because I AM LICENSED in both Life insurance and Investments and I can show people ACTUAL performance examples of Growth Mutual Funds IF invested in the last 30 years. In a ROTH IRA you don't have to worry about paying Taxes or Penalties after age 59 1/2, you don't gave to worry about Cost of Insurance taking from your account, yes there are fees but NOTHING compared to the crazy fees in a IUL! You may speak a good game but the truth is always in the policies and sadly most people don't read them or understand them because they are so complicated. IF your IUL has a 60% Participation Rate... that means if in that particular year the Index it's following pays 9%... you only get 60% of that 9% return... what a JOKE!!! DONT BE FOOLED BY FASLE PROPHETS ACTING LIKE FINANCIAL TEACHERS! All they are is Life insurance agents that earn high commissions to sell this CRAP!
@mrplayboii818 2 жыл бұрын
Hello Raul, typically when someone ends their comment with an attack on my character & integrity, I often don't bother responding to the comment but for this one, I could not resist. I'd like to start off by saying that I appreciate your point of view and I understand where you are coming from. I know it is difficult for you, being a Primerica agent, to fully understand how IUL policies work, especially when you have been trained to think only one way. After all, your company championed the "Buy term, invest the difference" strategy nearly 50 years ago. But times have changed Raul & the economy has changed & markets have changed. We arent in 1970 anymore, it's 2022. I would like to first rebuke your insulting comments about my experience, licensing & form of compensation. I am licensed in life, health & securities. I sell term, I sell IUL & I sell Roth IRAs. I work with over 50 different insurance companies, 100 different investment companies & my clients enjoy the pleasure of having access to some of the top rated carriers the industry has to offer. In other words, I do it all. If you don't believe me, you can search my name and last name in the broker check website or the NIPR insurance license check website. I will also take the time now to respond to your claims about how much I get compensated for selling IULs vs. selling Term policies. I get compensated the same, whether it's a term or IUL policy. As a matter of fact, I actually make less money selling IULs than I do selling term. Now that we have those two false premises out of the way, let's discuss the facts and challenges you presented: 1. Roth IRAs fail the L.S.R.T. test, which stands for Liquidity, Safety, Rate of Return & Tax-Free. When evaluating a particular investment strategy, those are the 4 things that concern me & my clients the most. Money inside a Roth is not liquid, it is not safe from market risk, it does not earn a predictable rate of return BUT it is Tax-free. Scores 1 out of 4 in my book. An IUL is liquid, you can access before 59.5, it's safe, does not lose or go down in value due to a market crash, earns predictable rates of return, often times 3-4% higher than the average because it has a guaranteed floor & it's tax-free accessible during life & transferable tax-free at death. This makes an IUL 4 out of 4 when it comes to L.S.R.T. 2. A point about policy loans and how they work, borrowing money out of an IUL can be done at a net zero cost to the policy holder via wash loans (company charge you 2% & credits you 2% at the same time, netting you a 0% loan) OR you can take a participating loan, which means you can borrow your money out (typically at a higher rate let's say 4%) but by taking a participating loan, your entire account value still gets to earn interest the following year. So if you had $100k in your policy, took out a loan for 50k, and that year the market grew by another 20%, you would actually earn 20% on your full $100K account value, while still having the 50k loan in your pocket. The next year your policy would have $120k cash, and 70k would be available for you to borrow again. This is called positive arbitrage. Let's talk about costs. Roth IRAs have costs, just like IULs have costs. Let's talk about IULs first. A properly structured & max-funded IUL contract will cost far less than a Roth IRA will, over a persons lifetime. As a matter of fact, to rebuke your false claim, IULs can be structured in a way to have a DECREASING cost of insurance over time. Yes, you read that correctly, decreasing. That's because policy owners have the flexibility to decide whether they want the insurance company to carry the net amount of death benefit at risk or to have a level benefit. You do understand that the amount of death benefit the insurance company is on the hook for determines the cost of insurance, right? Now, let's talk about Roth IRAs and costs aka fees. Most mutual funds will have fees in the range of 1-3%. Some will even go as high as 4%. An IUL that has been properly structured will have a cost of insurance that is approximately 0.5% to 1% of the accumulated value in any given year, especially in later years. That is unparalleled with the exception of some new low cost index funds. In a Roth, 1% goes to pay the fund manager, in an IUL 1% goes to pay for your own death benefit. Which would you rather have? I will directly challenge you on your 30 year real returns example. If we take the last 30 years and use the ACTUAL rates of return, and apply it to a Roth IRA vs. an IUL, the IUL will blow the Roth out of the water. In 2000 when people lost money in their Roth, nobody lost a penny in their IUL. In 2008, right when everyone recovered all their losses from 2000, the market tanked again, again people lost half of their savings while IUL holders lost nothing. Same in 2019 and same now in 2022. Just by removing negative years, you can improve the results by 3-5% on average. Can a Roth protect you from negative years? I don't think so. If your 100k grew to 150k in a Roth and then a bad year of negative 50% turned your 150k into 75k, the same money in an IUL would stay at 150k and never go back down to 75k. The next year if a 50% positivr gain happened, 50% on 75k would add 37k back to your Roth while the guy with an IUL would get 50% on his already 150k that never went down, netting him 75k on top. Which would you rather have your money in? Let's talk about your rambling bit about it being impossible to do what I mentioned in the video. I have clients and policy statements of my own to back up everything I said in the video. Real, actual, proof. And the bit about annual renewable term, yes it is, and it's to your advantage because you can decrease the amount of death benefit you need over time and that in turn will decrease the cost of insurance as well. We talked about loans already so I won't touch on that part again. Yes loans are tax-free, you should use them to your advantage when it comes to owning an IUL. You can also use participating loans, which can help you to keep growing the nest egg in its entirety while still accessing your funds and using them as you please, before retirement age by the way. And finally, let's talk about 401k company matches. Sure, maybe your employer will match your contribution and maybe that will increase your bottom line down the road, but that would not be an apples to apples comparison. If that were the case, I could have also included in my video that IULs typically offer bonuses, enhancers and over 100% participation rates. One index strategy even offers a 220% participation rate. This means if the index went up 20% you'd earn 40%. Most companies are also offering bonuses on premiums and enhancers on cash value. Your 401k doesn't do that and can't do that. That's why I left those things out, on purpose to keep it fair. It wasn't even fair because I didn't include fees for the 401k but I did for the IUL. 401k already had the edge but still lost. And then there's the last part, about me being a false prophet. What a silly thing to say. Raul, I suggest you start your own KZbin channel so you can discuss these things. Maybe invite me on your show and we can have a discussion. I also suggest you start writing IUL policies, so you understand how they work. Maybe switch over from Primerica, which only sells 1 insurance product, their own term product. Once you've done all that, then maybe we can sit down and have a discussion and share examples of client success stories. How does that sound? Or you can continue to comment on other people's videos without fully understanding what you are talking about. Choice is yours. God bless.
@raulframegamboa2470 2 жыл бұрын
@@mrplayboii818 ... LOL... I understand IUL Policies well enough to have actually seen the disaster they really are for every one I've replaced. They definitely don't work how you claim to work! Mutual Funds and Cash Value Life Insurance DONT earn 7.05% every year and why even Loan money to charge an interest just to supposedly Credit the interest back, and blah blah blah... all the life insurance industry did was take an Annual Renewable Term with a Cash Value, and added a name to it to make it SOUND like you're investing in something. Now we can keep going back and fourth on this stuff and IF you say your IUL policies are somehow better than those I've seen and replaced then I'll be on the look out for them and see. Every single IUL agent says the same thing... "Properly Funded" or "The Wealthy use this" blah blah blah it's a miracle plan! Lol... well I work with most people who make under $100,000 per year (NOT per month) and if they want to because they can afford to over pay for Life Insurance then wonderful... but for most people who are trying to protect their families with affordable Coverage and understand how import it is to Invest long term with a Tax Free benefit buying Level Term Insurance with a Growth Mutual Fund as a Roth IRA is the way to go. I have these IUL policies as proof that it's a BAD product and I use them to teach people how to read them correctly. So thank you for your reply... and btw, my intention was not to insult you personally... I know what I know and seen it with my own eyes and though we disagree... One thing I'm sure we can agree is that Consumers NEED to do their research and become better at Financial Literacy! Have a good day.
@mrplayboii818 2 жыл бұрын
@@raulframegamboa2470 @Raul Frame Gamboa you can't "replace" an IUL with a term policy, that's just bad in every way. That's like taking a multi-purpose Swiss army knife and "replacing" it with a screwdriver. "Properly funded" means contributing the maximum amount of premiums into a policy that the IRS will allow. That is also known as the "guideline annual premium." Most agents who sell IULs are setting up clients at the "target premium" which is the minimum required premiums to keep the policy alive. Most of the "disaster" policies you've probably seen are setup this way. I have personally replaces tons of them myself, not with term policies but with IUL policies with lower death benefits. Heres the difference... The difference between target and guideline premiums is usually about 4x. So if target was $100/mo , the client should be contributing $400/mo. This is necessary because the "cost of insurance" you speak of doesn't change. Whether you put in $100 or $400/mo, insurance company keeps its same costs. So if the insurance company was keeping $40/mo for costs, you can see how $100/mo would be a bad idea.. since almost half would be lost to costs vs. Putting $400/mo and having $40 taken out, that would be a 10% ratio of expense. As far as loaning money, I explained in detail the several benefits, including positive loan arbitrage. It's the same reason why people borrow equity from their home, because they can and its a good use of leverage. If you had money tied up in a Roth, there's no way to borrow it and keep it invested at the same time. An IUL can do this. As for 7%, that's just an example using average interest rates. Real world numbers are different and an IUL performs even better. As a matter of fact, I have a client that earned 58% last year in their 1-year indexed account. This year they locked in their gain and when the market turned for the worse, they didn't lose a penny. Can't say the same for people inside a Roth. I have plenty of client success stories to share with you, I have the same disaster policies you speak of that I personally replaced, and I have clients calling me begging me to get them out of the markets and help stop the bleeding. What is your advice to people who are currently down, 10, 20 or 30% on their savings inside a Roth IRA?
@jamisojo 4 жыл бұрын
This guy doesn't know what he's talking about. He says mutual funds have high fees and underperform index funds. ...So just buy index funds then. You don't need to buy annuities. You know what else has high fees and poor performance? Annuities. Also, the rich get richer because they own things that create money. They own real estate, businesses, intellectual property rights, or other investments. If you don't have investments you are not going to get wealthier. The method isn't the reason.
@23DJVEE 4 жыл бұрын
If you can prove that annuities have high fees I'll give you a cookie and a high five
@mrplayboii818 4 жыл бұрын
Hello, appreciate the feedback. My presentation was not about annuities actually, it was about index universal life. If you watch the video, you'd actually realize that in my comparison, I didn't even bother to include fees in the mutual fund scenario, giving that option the benefit of the doubt. You are right, the rich get richer because they buy assets not liabilities. But what assets they buy also sets them apart from the average Joe as well. Also, there are annuities that don't have fees.
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