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David Danced

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Salvador (Live)
Hawaii Concert - New Hope Christian Fellowship
September 8th, 2006

Пікірлер: 82
@AuntyKea 14 жыл бұрын
Easy...gumboy...easy. I know every one of these kids. I've watched them gather with their Bibles, share God's heart, and ask for prayer for friends that need a savior. If you sat in their circle and heard the maturity with which they speak of their loving Heavenly Father, you would fall to your knees and pray for healing to come to a hurting generation.
@AuntyKea 14 жыл бұрын
Every dancer on that stage is a volunteer. They received much more than money. They received abundant blessings for sharing their gifts.
@kahuken 16 жыл бұрын
Praise God for Salvador coming to celebrate our Anniversary at New Hope Christian Fellowship. Through the music of these men and the dance of the Youth of this church, God has won the hearts of thousands in Hawaii. I Thank God for being a Sovreign, and using ALL of our talents for His Kingdom. It's clearly visible to see the HEARTS behind this number. Our God reigns and he is returning for His bride. Are you ready? Add to Your crown and stop diminishing others!
@alohagirl808 18 жыл бұрын
great to see this again i was there for 7 pm service in Hawaii Yes this is in Farrington High School Yes! We can dance in spirit and Fun and be free
@GOP71 16 жыл бұрын
the question any dancing is about whether it is taking away from our sight on God and bringing other's attention upon us. Salvador is incredible! Had them at a state youth convention. They were incredibly nice with those of us who were coordinating the convention and programming and altered their song list in order to address the theme of the convention and the speaker's sermons subject. Great people, great music! God Bless Them!
@TheSpiritdiva 14 жыл бұрын
Love it baby those children showing us in the kingdom how to get down. God bless and cover them.
@just4thelaffs 16 жыл бұрын
oh gosh people. their clothes were wicked cool the choreography was very complex and just from the smiles on the kids faces anyone can tell they were doing it for God. When the spirit of the lord moves upon my heart i'm gonna dance different then you or them or anyone. and random people on the stage with nothing planned would have looked really bad don't you think? those guys did a terrific job. God Bless
@dreyes61 13 жыл бұрын
nay-sayers should get their minds out of the gutter and praise god for this beautiful expression of praise and worship.
@Wilson4667 14 жыл бұрын
Impossível estando com a vida no altar e mesmo com ela fora, de se não sentir a graça e "la presencia de Dios en esto". Deus poderoso!
@poodythang 14 жыл бұрын
The joy of the Lord... indeed!
@zuppup1 14 жыл бұрын
Hahahaha. When we sing this in youth group, we all go absolutely CRAZY. dancing, and jumping, and singing our hearts out. it never fails to get us pumped for God!
@Jesús_Rey_De_Gloria 3 жыл бұрын
@Hawken7377 12 жыл бұрын
Nice job brothers and sisters. Let's keep it going and continue to show the unchurched just how much of a loving family we are. If I weren't saved and stumbled upon this conversation, I am not sure that i would want to stick around for the conclusion. Just a thought, but this is not the light that I think Jesus wanted us to shine before men.
@XxJosielxX 16 жыл бұрын
2nd Samuel 6:14 David danced before the Lord. In heaven billions will dance before God. The Spirit of God brings power and anointing and healing. Many Battles r won by shouting and praise. As a teen David spent a lot of time alone meditating,writing and praying. That is why he was so powerful. He was ruddy red haired) Hebrew who was teased by his brothers.His coloring came from his grandmother a Moabite.He ruled Israel 40 yrs. Read his Bible story in Samuel and Kings.
@GodLoveMusic7 13 жыл бұрын
These dancers are good. God gave us different gifts and they happen to have the one of dancing for the Lord. Praise Jesus!
@roycisneros97 13 жыл бұрын
love the way the begginnig starts
@godsdrummer30 17 жыл бұрын
great God's musicians
@Heliman234 16 жыл бұрын
que calida este canto me inspira que dios lo bendiga!
@yanitla1687 15 жыл бұрын
Were you with David when he danced until his clothes fell off? The spirit of the Lord moves us all in so many different ways. Please do not be so closed minded as to miss the message of the song. Dance, whether choreographed or not, is a blessing unto the Lord. God did not make our bodies to move in only one "Christian way." This performance was beautiful and ministered the word of God wonderfully. Perhaps your use of the name "shorty" is "worldly" as this word is used amongst the hiphop world.
@ndyRob 13 жыл бұрын
Yo danso como David...great music by Salvador
@joelos1111 17 жыл бұрын
Que buen video hermano,gracias por postearlo aca,de verdad que para mi es una de las mejores bandas cristianas en todo el mundo,claro despues de Ron Kenoly y Don Moen que tienen los mejores cantantes y musicos cristianos que yo jamas haya visto y escuchado en todo mi vida cristiana,Dios los guarde,bendiga y proteja a todos muchachos,5 estrellas hermano por colocar este precioso video.Dios le guarde y bendiga tambn,bye!!!!
@dyaakov 14 жыл бұрын
wow, i love this song!!!!! and of course, the dance is awesome we are lookin forward make this kind of rehearsal also
@gizzie121 16 жыл бұрын
Who says what is sacred and what is not? David danced NAKED in front of the ark causing his wife to be totally affronted. Don't confuse culturally adoped 'christian' values on God. God seeks the heart, not the outward appearance. I for one shimmy like there's no tomorrow. God made me like that, and I express my joy to God by dancing with total abandon. Sacred indeed!
@artistic50 11 жыл бұрын
Were all sinners dear, and people in and out of the church will disappoint us. Try to see Jesus and the blood that covers all those who are sinners saved by grace. Dont' give up on Christ and His church, you are needed by other more than you think. blessings
@Jesús_Rey_De_Gloria 3 жыл бұрын
@uniquemix 14 жыл бұрын
How do any of you nay-sayers know what David danced like or not? We weren't there. I think this is beautiful. Dance can be such a joyful expression, and it is in this performance. Any of you to arguing otherwise are completely subverting the intention of this video.
@kahuken 18 жыл бұрын
Mahalo Spiff!
@joelos1111 16 жыл бұрын
post more pleaseeeee!!!! 5 stars!!!!
@Marjanvegte 14 жыл бұрын
I like this!!(L)
@donfawcett8460 8 жыл бұрын
@ohhdangmary 14 жыл бұрын
@gizzie121- David did not dance naked in front of the ark, he was clothed, but it seemed that while praising and dancing to the Lord he showed something which caused his wife to be alarmed and make her remark. He was certainly not naked. :)
@lastfirst 17 жыл бұрын
@qotili 13 жыл бұрын
amo a salvador y a nick gonzalez ♥_♥
@Sneakyman15 16 жыл бұрын
If you dance just because of the beat, you are not doing Christian dancing... Dancing FOR GOD is Good. Do everything you do for GOD, do it for HIM. It is good music. And the text is good too. Keep posting this videos and more ofcourse :), for God.
@FilipeSSantos15 17 жыл бұрын
Muito bom... GLÓRIA A DEUS!!!
@mikebarnes1976 11 жыл бұрын
I would just like to clarify on some things mentioned about the reference about King David dancing. No where does it say that he took off or tore his kingly garments. 2 Samuel 6:14 says, Then David danced before the Lord with all his might; and David was wearing a linen ephod. Now there is speculation what a linen ephod is. It is used in the high priests' garments. It was the most outer covering. Some have this looking like a apron with a front and back covering with the sides of the legs bare
@donfawcett8460 8 жыл бұрын
@ljis5321 13 жыл бұрын
@sapphira7. did u just say all that.. wow. I am praying for you. wow. people are going to be people.
@gumboy8 15 жыл бұрын
everyone ask yourselves this question. Can you rehearse being in the spirit?
@miselaineous13 14 жыл бұрын
I LOVE this song, and wanted to see more of the BAND performing. The video seems to have been made by proud parents of the DANCERS. I don't mind seeing the dancers, don't get me wrong, they just shouldn't be as prominent as they are. Um, David was in his drawers, dancing and jumping wildly....his wife was mad because all she saw was his bared body moving around, not the joy that overcame David at the return of the Ark.
@0lijfje 15 жыл бұрын
Please read the above question about a biblical exposition. David did not rehearse, but you cannot conclude from that, that one should never rehearse. It does not even mention that David did NOT rehearse, so you are reading something in the text that is not there. David danced spontaneously, but nowhere it says that you are not in the Spirit if you do rehearse or when it is not spontaneous. Maybe David practiced dancing a lot when he was out with the sheep, who knows
@Jesús_Rey_De_Gloria 3 жыл бұрын
@luzlucia4599 4 жыл бұрын
Wow!! Unbelievable! That’s a church?
@Lee94503 14 жыл бұрын
I miss Eliot, there origanal percussionist.
@0lijfje 15 жыл бұрын
Please, can someone give me a Biblical exposition on dancing in the Spirit? I can't find a "thou shalt not rehearse dancing in the Spirit" anywhere. When Michal rebuked David she had a point: he was dancing in his UNDERPANTS for God, jumping and dancing like a peasant. Now that must have looked very holy, especially since he did not rehearse (well, according to some).
@lopz531 15 жыл бұрын
well just keep in mind your not the only one out there, there are many versions out there or is yours the only one that counts??
@i.g.2172 9 жыл бұрын
This is awesome! my only gripe is and this is just a musician me coming out correct me if I'm wrong but the clave pattern change? From son clave to rumba?
@lopz531 15 жыл бұрын
how do you know how david danced??
@listeningfencepost 15 жыл бұрын
This is exactly how David's wife Michal criticized him for dancing before the Lord.
@Palimostra 11 жыл бұрын
If a person believes in Christ and He has sent His Holy Spirit to fill that believer and they dance for God, rehearsed or not, wouldn't that be dancing in the Spirit? Followers of the Way need to stop judging other believers. What may be clean for one may not by conscience be clean for another, but that doesn't give us the right to pronounce them as being wrong.
@gizzie121 16 жыл бұрын
and that should be 'with God', not 'on God'. Typing faster than I think.
@paulemus 15 жыл бұрын
David was half latin! =)
@Hisdancers 15 жыл бұрын
Unorganized, unskilled dance can be very distracting, which is the last thing you want when the focus should be about guiding people to the WORD. Skilled praise dance should provide a visual to help people better understand and internalize the Bible. These children are beautiful.
@xHotxPasta 13 жыл бұрын
@TheMethadoneParty teach me then
@alm260 16 жыл бұрын
I think there is some confusion as to what constitutes dancing that is pleasing to the Lord. I'm a sacred dancer that has been trained in this area. Just because a Christian dances to a worship song, does not necessarily make it God pleasing. God wants our movements to draw us closer to Himself and especially those watching if you are on a stage.
@gumboy8 15 жыл бұрын
so u saying david rehearsed?
@Milagro510 14 жыл бұрын
Its actually called the Holy Spirit, Not Ghost......
@jradsta6 13 жыл бұрын
@BallerKingz you need to go back to some of the earlier post to understand what I was talking about. Some one had said that David danced naked. I was addressing that. The dances they are doing here can be seen at any club on Friday nights. That atmosphere promotes a sexual life style and is being emulated here. You have been seriously blinded if you can't see that. They accused Jesus of being possessed so why should I be surprised that you think I am for pointing out the obvious?
@Uruyagua 14 жыл бұрын
YO Bailo no DANSO!!! Quien miercoles traducio esta cancion?
@ride4ever3537 12 жыл бұрын
If someone thought this damcing was sexualized, I wonder where their minds are.
@robbertzzzzz 13 жыл бұрын
@sapphira7 Why shouldn't it be appropriate to dance for God? And why shouldn't you be entertained by worship? Good music or dance don't make worship fake; good music and dance were given to us by God himself. And if God is shining through this music and these dancers, then why can't this be appropriate for worship?
@Hisdancers 15 жыл бұрын
So if what you say is true than I suppose a preacher should not relfect on the WORD before coming before a congregatrion and a choir should just sing whatever the spirit guides them to do regardless of how it sounds.
@ReaderDan 14 жыл бұрын
Well, I agree with you but David was wearing an Ephod. God never told David to dance. Plus, we shouldn't necessarily do what David does. He killed a man for his wife and David also had concubines.
@gumboy8 15 жыл бұрын
yes it is different where in the bible does it mention that they practiced dance, the bible says dont be like the pagan world and mix in their ways, like dancing. if u dance to a song of god then u are disrespecting, if u dance to a song it should be in the spirit like the song says, and obvisiously these dancers are not in the spirit. doubt they are even christian
@Whitby_Abbeys_Ghost 15 жыл бұрын
I liked the albeqrqe( SP?) version better.
@gumboy8 15 жыл бұрын
in the bible did they practice dance and if they did find it for me and show me? cuz practicing a dance befor a song is wrong. period.
@jradsta6 13 жыл бұрын
@BallerKingz If you can't see the worldliness in this you have been blinded by this world. The word says be ye Holy for I am Holy. The problem is not me but rather a church that is encouraging worldliness in their youth. I suggest you study what Baal worship is and was. It was lewd suggestive dancing (often choreographed) for their god baal. The church is not to emulate the worship of falls Gods. The way of worship is laid out by the word.
@alm260 16 жыл бұрын
I don't think David danced latin, hip-hop or ballet :) These forms of dance tend to be more choreographed. Nothing wrong with that at all! God uses choreography numerous times to touch people. The company I'm involved with learns choreography every year in our spring program. We also learn how to follow the Holy Spirit's leading and spontaneously dance (like in our own church services) This is probably how David danced. Both forms are Godly if we have pure hearts to worship the Lord.
@rled08 16 жыл бұрын
-comparing this to non-christian dances...there's really isn't much difference. The words are different, yes, but the background music isn't much different. If people can't see a real difference in you, then they aren't going to think they need to change and accept a Jesus that they don't seem to need. David did dance in the Bible, but I'm pretty sure it was nothing like this. The joy of the Lord isn't what makes you want to dance, it's the beat in the music....
@gumboy8 15 жыл бұрын
in the bible when they danced is when the spirit descended among the people, not to make the song look "pretty", david danced in the spirit, he didnt practice.
@TheMethadoneParty 13 жыл бұрын
@xHotxPasta and you know this how?? Everyone has the RIGHT to Worship freely!! Who are we to judge another's worship???There is nothing sexual or undignified going on here! Maybe you need to move your hips for the LORD now and then. God Bless, if you need help i can teach you! lol Les just Worship TOGETHER!!
@jradsta6 13 жыл бұрын
@BallerKingz what you call culture, comes from the gang culture, and worldliness. Skin tight clothing and gyrating to a beat aren't in any way lascivious I guess. What is funny is that any one looking at this can see the fact, but it is the person who spoke out that has the problem. right? It is me with the problem because I state the obvious. The sad part is that any "Church" would promote such behavior from 12-15 year old girls.
@mikebarnes1976 11 жыл бұрын
&there is also speculation if he was wearin some type of undergarments or naked underneath. Some say this ephod is only waist length & not down pass the hips. The woman Michal that despised him was his wife 1 Sam 18:27. But why did she despise him, just bc he was dancing?! She said he was uncovering himself,&acting like a base, vulgar, foolish person. Which David replied, "It was before the LORD. I will play/celebrate b4 the LORD and I will b even more undignified than this! 2 Sam 6:21-22
@gumboy8 15 жыл бұрын
everyone understand this ok. is the spirit present where girls booty shake to songs. wat if a girl were to booty shake to this song huh. is the spirit present. no i think not. the bible says that the lord will not be where sin is. period. these dancers are not in the spirit they are being paid. they are proffesional dancers. they dont care what the song says as long as they get paid.
@jradsta6 13 жыл бұрын
God says what is sacred. First off I would like to point out david did not dance naked, but wore the ephod and took of the kingly garments that marked him as king. There was no nudity or fleshly display. Second in this video you will see all carnality on display. worship is an act of self abasement. Here you can see everything from gang signs to sexual immorality passed off as worship. While I personally love the song and the music, what they are doing is far from worship and nothing like David.
@editor2325 17 жыл бұрын
cal452 said: "w/ women who were shimmying thier (sic) breasts to the congregation" That comment made me sick. Dude, those are 10-13 year old girls. How do you know EXACTLY how David danced, anyway?
@gumboy8 15 жыл бұрын
u see now u taking my words and twisting them. yes the preacher should reflect, and yes you should practice your music before u play, but u just dont make dances to songs of god. if u make dances to songs of god they are no different than dancing to some rap song or some other song. what im tryin to say is that when david danced he danced in the spirit of the lord. dances that are choreographed like that are not in the spirit, we are here to worship not show off and look prety for everyone.
@0lijfje 15 жыл бұрын
@gumboy: You seem to notice a lot of dirty things, where I see just a bunch of kids dancing. If your mind gets all perverted by watching this, you better don't. And your logic is still baffling me. I get also paid for my work, does that mean I leave the Spirit at home? You also must have special glasses, because I cannot see from the video whether tehse kids are Spirritfilled or not
@xHotxPasta 14 жыл бұрын
David never danced like that Wow! this people are confused of the world dance...this is wrong
@0lijfje 15 жыл бұрын
sabroso! gumboy8 is just being very legalistic (eat not, touch not) and judgmental. Nothing is wrong in itself, it is the context and the content that makes what it is. you can study all Paul's letters on that. Besides that your logic is totally corrupt: we are to honour God with all our heart, mind and might. Spirit-filled means that the Spirit is present in every part of our life, even when we dance. (Yes, also when you go to the toilet :) )
@gumboy8 15 жыл бұрын
look man i see what u coming from. then wat about music girls booty shake too. is the spirit in that. is the spirit present where you swear, or sin. no the bible says that the lord can not will not mix with evil. so if i dance to this song from choreograph, im not in the spirit. man this dancers are not in spirit they are being paid man.
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