David Gross - What is the Theory of Everything?

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Closer To Truth

Closer To Truth

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@josephturner6440 3 жыл бұрын
I like how the ads are at the end and not the beginning or middle. Really helps when I want to follow along.
@Grandunifiedcelery 3 жыл бұрын
"Our weight is simply the energy of these quarks that are being held together by this nuclear force and confined to live within this nucleus...you are made out of energy!"
@masonart4950 3 жыл бұрын
Weight is a measure of speed of energy
@SpiritualPsychotherapyServices 3 жыл бұрын
🐟 05. THE PHENOMENAL UNIVERSE: As demonstrated in the previous chapter, there is insufficient evidence for the existence of a separate, objective universe, external to the perceptual faculties of a conscious being. The fact that the phenomenal universe (“prakṛti”, in Sanskrit) of mind and matter (or name and form [“nāmarūpa”, in Sanskrit/Pali]) exists (that is to say, is perceived) solely within the personal consciousness of any individual human or animal, is superlatively logical. If this material world actually existed as a SEPARATE reality, then obviously, it would have limits, because the nature of matter is that it has a measurable, three-dimensional finitude. Despite what some may claim, no perceived object can be infinite or eternal. Therefore, if one were to travel to the edge of the universe, there would need to be something WITHOUT the boundary of the universe (some other “universe”, which contains this universe). This contradicts the very concept of a universe (literally, “turned into one”). Therefore, there cannot be a so-called “multiverse”, for if it were so, the summation of all discrete universes would properly be termed “universe”. Our observable universe would then be merely a “cell” or “bubble” of the totality of material nature. The late, great Professor Dr. Alan Watts’ response to the question: “where is the universe located?” was: “nowhere and everywhere”. One of the most misunderstood aspects of this space-time universe is just that - TIME. There are various extant theories of time. However, time is a very simple concept to grasp for one who has experienced his own timeless nature. That usually occurs during meditation practices or during awakening experiences (see Chapter 17 to understand spiritual awakening). Possibly the easiest way to understand time is to use the analogy of a movie. It may take a couple hours to watch a motion picture, yet the whole film is contained in the form of a single digital file (or in the case of older mediums, a reel of photographic film). The story of this universe may take hundreds of billions of earth years to complete, but from the perspective of eternity (literally, “no time”) it is not even as long as the blink of an eyelid. Indeed it cannot be measured at all. To use movie jargon, the story of life is already “in the can” (of film). Read Chapters 08 and 11 to learn about predestination and causality. This material manifestation is composed of space, time (or, to be more accurate, space-time), energy, and matter, the latter of which comprises eight elemental groups - the five GROSS elements (“mahābhūta”, in Sanskrit), which are perceivable by at least one of the five senses, and the three SUBTLE elements (“tanmātra” or “atisūkṣma mātra”, in Sanskrit), which are symptomatic of localized consciousness. N.B. Dark matter and black holes are not included in this system, as cosmological science has yet to determine their structural composition. The five gross material elements and three subtle material elements are (from most palpable to most intangible): SOLIDS (AKA earth - “bhūmiḥ” or “pṛthivī”, in Sanskrit) are made of densely-packed molecules of a steady shape at room temperature. LIQUIDS (AKA water - “jala” or “āpaḥ”, in Sanskrit) are composed of moderately-dense molecules conforming to the shape of its environment or container (and in nature, often including at least some water molecules). GASES (AKA air - “vāyuḥ” or “marut”, in Sanskrit) consist of rarefied molecular particles of no fixed shape. HEAT (AKA fire - “analaḥ” or “tejas”, in Sanskrit) is made of kinetic energy (which may appear visibly as fire, or at least heat waves). ETHER (AKA space - “ākāśa” or “khaṃ”, in Sanskrit) is a vacuum consisting of three-dimensional space (length, breadth, and width). However, recent investigation has confirmed that empty space is actually filled with virtual particles (matter and antimatter). Thus, the explanation for the material universe being created from “nothing” (anti-matter) is plausible, according to quantum field theory. MIND (“manaḥ”, in Sanskrit) is composed of sensual perceptions, instinctual thoughts, abstract images (including memories and fantasies), and emotions. Not all animal species have a mind, but function purely on base instincts, originating from their genetic code, via a nervous system. INTELLECT (“buddhiḥ”, in Sanskrit) consists of conceptual thoughts. Only the very higher species of animal life possess an intellectual capacity. PSEUDO-EGO (“ahaṃkāraḥ”, in Sanskrit) is comprised of the “I” thought (specifically, the illusory, ephemeral self-identity). Only humans possess the self-awareness necessary to question their own existence. Read Chapter 10 for a full disquisition of egoity. Each of the FIVE perceptible material elements corresponds to one of the senses of the body. E.g. In outer space, where there is a vacuum (ether), one can detect light with the eyes, yet space is not tactile and cannot be smelled or tasted, nor can sound waves travel via space. At the opposite extreme, solid matter can be seen with the eyes, felt with the sense of touch, tasted with the tongue, smelt with the nose, and heard with the ear (when the solid matter is physically vibrated). Beyond these eight material elements is the TRUE self - which pervades the entire body, and indeed, which encompasses the entirety of existence as the Universal Self (“ayam ātmā brahma”, in Sanskrit). Ultimately speaking, the authentic self/Self (“ātmana/Paramātmana”, in Sanskrit) alone is. The following chapter deals more fully with the concept of Infinite Awareness (“brahman” or “puruṣa”, in Sanskrit). However, all eight elemental groups are, in fact, “made of”, or an APPEARANCE in, Consciousness, since, as demonstrated previously, naught but Consciousness “exists”. Consciousness is the ultimate reality (“prajñāna brahma”, in Sanskrit). Just as a wedding ring is contingent on gold for its very existence, so too does the phenomenal universe depend entirely on Beingness (or “Isness”), Consciousness, and Blissful Quietude. Although The Absolute cannot be verbally-described, (otherwise, “it” would be an OBJECT), as a concession to materialists (who often demand concrete answers from religionists), Infinite Awareness is said to exhibit three innate attributes, known as “sacchidānanda”, a compounded Sanskrit epithet, consisting of the three words “sat”, “cit” and “ānanda” - Eternal Being(ness), Existence, or Truth; Pure Consciousness, or Perfect Knowledge; and Unalloyed Peace (often translated as “bliss”. However, the term “bliss” connotes an ephemeral experience of euphoria, whereas “peace” is a steady-state, absent of any form of temporal perturbation). Because Absolutely Nothing (“brahman” or “puruṣa”, in Sanskrit) is Infinite Creative Potentiality, “it” actualizes as Absolutely Everything. Attributeless Consciousness at Rest (in Sanskrit, “Nirguna Brahman”) manifests as this phenomenal universe (Consciousness in Action, or, in Sanskrit, “Saguna Brahman”). In the verbiage of quantum physics, the enfolded implicate order appears as the unfolded explicate order.
In REALITY there is no separation of anything at any time (assuming that Consciousness is a “thing”, and that time is a property of The Uncaused Absolute). That the total sum energy of the universe is zero, implies the non-existence of matter (i.e. no thing is objectively real). Cont...
@SpiritualPsychotherapyServices 3 жыл бұрын
The phenomenal manifestation is eternally cyclical, because “coming into existence” implies “going out of existence”, just as “black” implies the existence of “white”, or as “rich” implies “poor”. Is it possible to have something without nothing? Obviously not, because the two go together, as interrelated opposites. There cannot be heat without coldness, nor tallness without shortness, nor youth without old age. Similarly, despite what most believe, the outer-world is as much the Self as the inner-world. Where is the boundary of the human body? When we look at a person, we cannot see that person UNLESS we also see the background image. The two are inseparable, just as a flower and a bee cannot exist without the other. This fact alone is ample evidence that the universe is a holistic and wholistic system or entity. You who are reading these words are that Totality of Existence, the Highest Universal Principle, the Essential Irreducible Self. In common parlance, you are God (IF you only knew it!). Most of the greatest sages in history have spoken about either or both these concepts (of the Absolute Truth being either Absolutely Everything or Absolute Nothingness), such as the concept of “form is emptiness and emptiness is form” in Buddhism, or in Avatar Meher Baba's book “The Everything and the Nothing” (which is highly-recommended, particularly Chapters 51 to 56, which poetically describe the Ineffable One-without-a-second). Even an ordinary writer, American author Kurt Vonnegut, once penned: “Everything is nothing - with a twist”. The Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics professor, Doctor Leonard Susskind's so-called “minus-first law of physics”, states that information is INDESTRUCTIBLE. This is akin to the law of conservation of energy in classical physics, and proves that neither physical nor psychic energy is lost. Read subsequent chapters to learn more about how this law relates to the notion of reincarnation, as well as to miraculous phenomena such as savant syndrome. The planet on which we are residing consists of animate/organic life, as well as inanimate/inorganic matter. The six stages of ORGANIC life are: 1. conception/birth 2. growth/development 3. maintenance 4. reproduction 5. ageing/deterioration 6. death Therefore, all LIFE-FORMS originate from a manner of reproduction (either cell division, seeds, spores, asexual, or sexual reproduction). The organism then grows to maturity (in our case, sexual maturity in the early teens). The mature state is maintained for a certain length of time before reproduction takes place (although this potential is not always actualized). The organism grows old and deteriorates before finally dying. Some persons mistakenly believe that it may be possible for humans to one day live forever, but that can never ever happen for two reasons: because material objects are by nature impermanent and because this impermanent universe will eventually end in a “Big Crunch”. British polymath Thomas Young's famous double-slit experiment suggests that matter exists purely as potentiality or as a “possibility” until it is observed by a conscious being. This phenomenon, known as the wave-particle duality, is often discussed in advanced spiritual discourses, as it gives credence to the primacy of Consciousness. There are other aspects of the universe (e.g. the various philosophical approaches to the nature of ontological time, the accelerated expanding universe, holographic universe principle, the Golden Ratio as the fundamental constant of the natural world, quantum superposition, wave function, and quantum entanglement), as well as the possibility of life on other planets, the crop circle phenomenon, and the presence of the Fibonacci sequence in nature, which are beyond the scope of this document, and which do not directly relate to the most exigent thing in life (to find the unending peace/happiness which we humans are ULTIMATELY seeking). “Long ago Man recognized that all perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, of a tenuity beyond conception and filling all space - the Akasha or luminiferous ether - which is acted upon by the life-giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never-ending cycles, all things and phenomena. The primary substance, thrown into infinitesimal whirls of prodigious velocity, becomes gross matter; the force subsiding, the motion ceases and matter disappears, reverting to the primary substance.” Nikola Tesla, Serbian-American Engineer and Inventor, From “Man's Greatest Achievement”. “Who is the perceiver? Universal Consciousness alone is the perceiver. The body is merely the mechanism, through which perceiving takes place and from which the ego is inferred, as the perceiver of other objects. Strictly speaking, there is neither the perceiver nor the perceived. There is only perceiving, as the objective expression of the subjective functioning, of the one Universal Consciousness.” ************* “The whole cosmos is an implicit unity, expressed in explicit duality. The original interrelated opposites, are beingness and non-beingness. Being can only come out of non-being, precisely as sound only emanates from silence, and light from darkness. The imagined void of non-being, however, is not emptiness, but the very fullness of potential, out of which arises all that exists.” ************* “You have considered yourself to be a separate 'self', only because of having regarded a 'solid' object with a name, that is a body, as yourself. But in fact, the body itself is nothing, but an insignificant, vastly intricate complex of electrical wave-patterns, a series of rhythmic functions, a throbbing field of energy and emptiness. What you actually are, then, is what everybody else is: sentience itself. Therefore, instead of being a puny self by way of an object, you are indeed everything.” Ramesh S. Balsekar, Indian Spiritual Teacher.
@lowelllarsen5947 3 жыл бұрын
Our words are inadequate to express some of the ideas in our mind Even the great thinkers begin to use their hands to help express these abstract thoughts
@valentinmalinov8424 3 жыл бұрын
There is one new book, which is shading light on all these mysteries - "Theory of Everything in Physics and The Universe"
@jamesruscheinski8602 3 жыл бұрын
Could time be used to bring together constants and laws / equations of nature?
@swavekbu4959 3 жыл бұрын
The only way to arrive at a "Theory of Everything" is to make a whole lot of assumptions first. Those assumptions will never be "provable" scientifically. For instance, you can't untangle the notion of reality from the being (us, our brains, for example) that ponders it. When you try to get a theory of everything, you always run into deep philosophical quicksand and paradoxes. We're trying to figure out the universe with a very imperfect tool - our logic.
@naturemeets 3 жыл бұрын
And as well, all things in the universe are entangled with space. my humble opinion. Thanks Mr. Gross.
@markomakela2360 3 жыл бұрын
If anyone interested on this I would appreciate this a lot!. If universe is expanding, could it be that the information in it is expanding thus making in it gradually larger through the cause of time? And if so, are all physical phenomenons in a sense just information?
@jamesruscheinski8602 3 жыл бұрын
If one travel back in time, not sure what past would travel back to or what future one would return to? Maybe one creates separate time lines just going back and forth in time, not by doing something differently in past or future (i.e. completely different universe). Possibility of existing in different universes by traveling in time which would not be causally connected.
@valentinmalinov8424 3 жыл бұрын
If you really are interested to find the answer to these puzzles I will recommend you one new book - "Theory of Everything in Physics and the Universe"
@jamesruscheinski8602 3 жыл бұрын
What happens if start with symmetry?
@JungleJargon 2 жыл бұрын
A theory of everything is an attempt to explain everything by physical means. I shouldn’t have to explain that it’s not possible to explain everything by a physical cause since no physical thing can make or direct itself.
@sunilprinja9913 3 жыл бұрын
Does anyone know how much " empty space " there is in a single proton....?....just being curious!
@cps_Zen_Run 3 жыл бұрын
We’re you just looking for extra storage space? Or wanting to sublet?
@SpiritualPsychotherapyServices 3 жыл бұрын
@@cps_Zen_Run kindly repeat that in ENGLISH, Miss.☝️
@baraskparas9559 3 жыл бұрын
Quarks are mostly energy so nearly all of it is empty space . 4/3 pi x r^3 where r is 0.5 x 10^ -15 metres. Paradoxically with gluons moving around at the speed of light in such a confined space the space is also full.
@valentinmalinov8424 3 жыл бұрын
There is no empty space in Protons! - The particles are formed from two opposing each other electromagnetic fields - as a negative center and a standing wave around. Further, Space is an energy field and is not "Empty" If you are interested to find the answers to all current "Puzzles" I will recommend you the book - "Theory of Everything in Physics and The Universe"
@baraskparas9559 3 жыл бұрын
@@valentinmalinov8424 Your TOE is just words that explain nothing and contribute nothing to what was already offered by other people. Mine is unique and explanatory.
@chrisallard1819 3 жыл бұрын
Fabulous - thank you
@swavekbu4959 3 жыл бұрын
"Regularities in physical phenomena." He stresses "physical." Why? Aren't all phenomena ultimately physical as physics keeps saying they are? Why make the distinction? Isn't consciousness physical too ultimately?
@steveng8727 Жыл бұрын
Since we are Energy perhaps we never cease to exist?
@nyworker 2 жыл бұрын
Energy?...I just thought energy was just how we measure work?
@FACEgod_ 3 жыл бұрын
"energy and matter aren't different" So what is energy? Better question, what is your experience of "energy"? Aware Being, pure experiencing. This is irrefutable feeling and knowing that you ARE. This can never be doubted. Only something present and aware can doubt. So, What is matter?
@thesoundsmith 3 жыл бұрын
Mitch McConnell, "If it exists, we own it. EVERYTHING ARE BELOW TO US..." Oh, you meant Science, not Economics. My bad....
@francesco5581 3 жыл бұрын
The most beautiful paintings are not symmetric The most beautiful trees are not symmetric many haircuts are not symmetric the magnificent clouds are not symmetric the wind is something that disrupt symmetry every day magnificent landscapes are not symmetric Our movements are not symmetric .. Why people want always to reduce everything to trivial things like "we like symmetry because ...". It's not !!
@chrisc1257 3 жыл бұрын
Makes it easier on the lowly conscience of the overrated deceiver.
@jamesruscheinski8602 3 жыл бұрын
Does c-squared represent something in physical reality, like c represents speed of light / electromagnetism?
@kylebowles9820 3 жыл бұрын
In einsteins equations c² converts between energy and mass. Mass is just confined energy, so I would say the squaring operator (²) describes the confinement somehow. Interestingly it's also used to convert the quantum mechanical wavefunction to actual probability. That one has to do with complex numbers; squaring gets you to the real number line.
@kylebowles9820 3 жыл бұрын
What's funny is the pythagorean theorem extends to any dimensions without changing. You can compute the length of a N dimension shape using it √[a²+b²+c²+d²...] so you can almost use it to reduce the dimensionality of something. If an object has N degrees of freedom, but you can only measure 1, you'll use that math to go from N to 1. Mass might exist in a higher dimension than energy (speculation!)
@jamesruscheinski8602 3 жыл бұрын
@@kylebowles9820 could be the release of energy from mass
@baraskparas 3 жыл бұрын
C squared represents the entirety of the rest mass being converted to pure kinetic energy whose formula is 1/2mv^2
@peterwengelin6048 3 жыл бұрын
Listen to what he says! This is fundamentally importen!!!!!
@infiniteuniverse123 3 жыл бұрын
The Theory of Everything starts with assuming Edwin Hubble discovered the galaxies expanding, not the universe. The Big Bang theory gives power to gravity it does not have. This, in turn, makes us unable to understand gravity. It is all connected.
@valentinmalinov8424 3 жыл бұрын
I believe, that this will be a big surprise to you if I point your attention to analyze some facts: If Gravity does not exist, then what is "Bending The Space"? After, in the experiment with trampoline and heavy object in the center, the rolling ball is circling. - Can you make this experiment in absence of the earth's gravity? And more - what is pushing together two stationary objects? - The new physics is a reality - the book "Theory of Everything in Physics and The Universe" There you can find the answers to all these "Puzzles"
@infiniteuniverse123 3 жыл бұрын
@@valentinmalinov8424 I wish I saw this earlier. When science decided that a cloud of gas and dust could create something as powerful as fusion, science decided that matter is the sole creator of gravity. This systematically ignores the dark matter of space. My theory states that the pressure and friction from a massive collision created the energy we see today, not gravity. Gravity is not a free energy. It takes heat to create it. That is why I believe that dark matter is made of extremely pressurized electron neutrinos. Gravity is created when a mass creates these neutrinos by destroying electrons and turning them into electron neutrinos. These energized particles are gravitationally invisible. Space, being made of the exact same particles, is "bent" become the outgoing matter pushes out on the natural pressure of space. This is called gravitational lensing. It is the natural pressure of space that pushes through the outgoing matter and reacts with normal matter to cause gravity. The evidence of this reaction is lightning. The neutrinos reform into electrons in the clouds creating a negative charge that creates the lightning. This is why lightning forms in any type of cloud.
@robertjkuklajr3175 3 жыл бұрын
The only equation that has to be true. 1+infinity=1.
@SpiritualPsychotherapyServices 3 жыл бұрын
Or ∞ 😉
@BugRib 3 жыл бұрын
@tomazflegar 10 ай бұрын
So, it's about assumptions not the truth
@jamesruscheinski8602 3 жыл бұрын
Does weight / mass have to do with strong nuclear force throwing quarks around more rapidly; and would this be good place to look for quantum gravity? Was the mathematics for string theory discovered at the level of quarks?
@GrothendiecksWish 3 жыл бұрын
David Gross da god
@drhfuhruhurr4253 8 ай бұрын
In the unedited video, I wonder whether or not David fell off his chair 😏
@albertjackson9236 3 жыл бұрын
The theory of everything = everything inside the universe + everything outside the universe.
@tomazflegar 10 ай бұрын
So, full symety of all there is
@matishakabdullah5874 3 жыл бұрын
In physics the Theory of Everything of the physical universe is a situation when everything of universal physicality is reduced to a unified information("knowledge") in human conscious mind. Unfortunately in truth it wasn't representing the total reality of universal existence(" the truth") because consciousness is another half of the total reality. In fact the so called 'a physical reality' is only a 'thing' that we realized in our conscious mind. It implies that consciousness is the most fundamental of the reality.
@SpiritualPsychotherapyServices 3 жыл бұрын
🐟 06. CONSCIOUSNESS/AWARENESS: Consciousness means “that which knows” or “the state of being aware”, from the Latin prefix “con” (with), the stem “scire” (to know) and the suffix “osus” (characterized by). There is BOTH a localized knowing and a Universal Awareness, as explicated in the following paragraphs. Higher species of animal life have sufficient cognitive ability to know themselves and their environment, at least to a measurable degree. The brain is merely a conduit or TRANSDUCER of Universal Consciousness (i.e. Brahman), explaining why the more intelligent the animal, the more it can understand its own existence (or at least be aware of more of its environment - just see how amazingly-complex dolphin behaviour can be, compared with other aquatic species), and the reason why it is asserted that a truly enlightened human must possess a far higher level of intelligence than the average person. See Chapter 17 to understand the distinction between enlightenment and mere awakening. Three states of awareness are experienced by humans and possibly all other species of mammals: the waking state (“jāgrata”, in Sanskrit), dreaming (“svapna”, in Sanskrit), and deep-sleep (“suṣupti”, in Sanskrit). Beyond these three temporal states is the fourth “state” (“turīya” or “caturīya”, in Sanskrit). That is the unconditioned, eternal “state”, which underlies the other three. So, in actual fact, the fourth state is not a state, but the Unconditioned Ground of Being (or to put it simply, YOU, the real self/Self, or Formless Awareness). Perhaps the main purpose of dreams is so that we can understand that the waking-state is practically indistinguishable to the dream-state, and thereby come to see the ILLUSION of this ephemeral world. Both our waking-state experiences and our dream-state experiences occur solely within the mental faculties (refer to Chapter 04 for an elucidation of this phenomenon). If somebody in one of your dreams were to ask your dream-state character if the dream was real, you (playing the part of that character) would most likely say, “yes, of course this is real!” Similarly, if someone were to ask your waking-state character if this world is real, you would almost undoubtedly respond in kind. An apt analogy for Universal Consciousness is the manner in which electricity powers a variety of appliances and gadgets, according to the use and COMPLEXITY of the said device. Electricity powers a washing machine in a very simple manner, to drive a large spindle for laundering clothes. However, the very same electrical power may be used to operate a computer to manifest an astonishing range of outputs, such as playing audiovisual tracks, communication tasks and performing extremely advanced mathematical computations, depending on the computer's software and hardware. The more advanced/complex the device, the more complex its manifestation of the same electricity. Using the aforementioned computer analogy: the brain is COMPARATIVELY equivalent to the computer hardware, deoxyribonucleic acid akin to the operating system working in conjunction with the memory, the intellect is equivalent to the processing unit, individuated consciousness is analogous to the software programme, whilst Universal Awareness is likened to the electricity which enlivens the entire computer system. A person who is comatosed has lost any semblance of local consciousness, yet is being kept alive by the presence of Universal Consciousness. So, then, one could complain: “That's not fair - why can only a genius be enlightened?” (as defined in Chapter 17). The answer is: first of all, as stated above, every species of animal has its own level of intelligence on a wide-ranging scale. Therefore, a pig or a dog could (if possible) ask: “That's unfair - why can only a human being be enlightened?” Secondly, it is INDEED a fact that life is unfair, because there is no “tit for tat” law of action and reaction, even if many supposedly-great religious preceptors have stated so. They said so because they were preaching to wicked miscreants who refused to quit their evil ways, and needed to be chastized in a forceful manner. It is not possible to speak gentle words to a rabid dog to prevent it from biting you. There is evidence of Consciousness being a universal field, in SAVANT SYNDROME, a condition in which someone with significant mental disabilities demonstrate certain abilities far in excess of the norm, such as superhuman rapid mathematical calculation, mind-reading, blind-seeing, or astounding musical aptitude. Such behaviour suggests that there is a universal field (possibly in holographic form) from which one can access information. Even simple artistic inspiration could be attributed to this phenomenon. The great British singer-songwriter, Sir James Paul McCartney, one day woke with the complete tune of the song, “Yesterday”, in his mind, after hearing it in a dream. American composer, Paul Simon, had a similar experience when the chorus of his sublime masterpiece, “Bridge Over Troubled Water”, simply popped into his head. In recent years, the term “CONSCIOUSNESS” has been used in esoteric spiritual circles (usually capitalised) to refer to a far more Homogeneous Consciousness (“puruṣa”, in Sanskrit), due to the fact that the English language doesn’t include a single word denoting the Universal Ground of Being (for instance “Brahman”, “Tao”, in other tongues). The word “Awareness” (capitalized) is arguably a more apposite term for this concept. The typical person believes that the apparatus which knows the external world is his mind (via the five senses), but more perceptive individuals understand that the mind itself is cognizable by the intellect. Wise souls recognize that the sense of self (the pseudo-ego) is the perceiver of their intellects, whereas awakened persons have realized that the true self/Self is the witness of ALL these temporal phenomena. The true self is synonymous with Consciousness, or with Infinite Awareness, or the Undifferentiated Unified Field (“Brahman”, in Sanskrit). Cont...
@SpiritualPsychotherapyServices 3 жыл бұрын
The Tao (The Reality [lit. The Way, The Path, or The Road]) which can be expressed in language is not the REAL Tao. All concepts are, by nature, relative, and at most, can merely point to the Absolute. That explains why some branches of theology use the apophatic method of discerning The Infinite (“neti neti”, [not this, not that], in Sanskrit). Also known in Latin as “via negativa” or “via negationis” theology, this philosophical approach to discovering the essential nature of Reality, gradually negates each description about Ultimate Reality, but not Reality Itself. Ultimate Reality (“Brahman”, in Sanskrit) alone is real - “real” in the sense that it is the never-mutable substratum of ALL existence. The wisest of the philosophers of ancient India distinguished the “real” from the “unreal” (“sat/asat”, in Sanskrit) by whether or not the “thing“ was eternal or ephemeral (cf. Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad 1:3:28, Bhagavad-gītā 2:16, et altri). Gross material objects (such as one's own body) and subtle material objects (such as thoughts) are always changing, and therefore not “real”. REALITY is clearly seen by those self-realized persons who have experienced spiritual awakenings, yet only intellectually understood by those who have merely studied spiritual topics (that is, those who have practiced one of the four systems of religion described in Chapter 16). “If you remain as you are now, you are in the wakeful state. This is abolished in the dream state. The dream state disappears, when you are in deep sleep. The three states come and go, but you are always there. Your real state, that of Consciousness itself, continues to exist always and forever and it is the only Reality.” ************* “The ego is the identified consciousness. When the impersonal Consciousness identifies itself with the personal organism, the ego arises.” ************* “The only true meditation is the constant impersonal witnessing of all that takes place in one’s life as mere movements in the universal Consciousness.” ************* “Consciousness must first be there, before anything else can BE. All inquiry of the seeker of truth, must therefore, relate to this consciousness, this sense of conscious presence, which as such, has no personal reference to any individual.” ************* “Insofar as you keep watching the mind and discover yourself as its witness, nothing else can project itself on the screen of consciousness. This is so, because two things cannot occupy the attention, at the same moment.
Therefore, delve within and find out where thoughts arise. Seek the source of all thought and acquire the Self-knowledge, which is the awakening of Truth.” ************* “Just as the difference between the space in a pot and the space outside it disappears when the pot is demolished, so also does duality disappear when it is realized that the difference between the individual consciousness and the Universal Consciousness does not in fact exist.” ************* “All there is, is, is consciousness. That is the Source from which the manifestation has come. ...And the mind is merely a reflection of that Consciousness.” ************* “All there is is Consciousness, not aware of Itself in Its noumenal Subjectivity, but perceived by Itself as phenomenal manifestation in Its objective expression. If this is understood in depth, there is nothing more to be understood.” Ramesh S. Balsekar, Indian Spiritual Teacher. “As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clearheaded science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about the atoms this much: There is no matter as such! All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Spirit. This Spirit is the matrix of all matter.” ************* “I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.” Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck, German Theoretical Physicist.
@valentinmalinov8424 3 жыл бұрын
You are a wise person. There is a new book, which using your concept to explain the Universe. "They" are hiding it, because is the new fundamental explanation of reality. The book is - "Theory of Everything in Physics and The Universe" It will give you great pleasure to learn, that Universe is composed of material and non-material components.
@SpiritualPsychotherapyServices 3 жыл бұрын
@@valentinmalinov8424, define "NON-MATERIAL". 👆
@valentinmalinov8424 3 жыл бұрын
@@SpiritualPsychotherapyServices "Non-material" is - The Law of Physics; Space; Time; Information; Consciousness. - Modern Physics is recognizing their importance but avoiding to comment where they come from and what actually they are. You cannot have a realistic picture of the Universe if you using only the material aspect for your understanding of the World.
@TheOneHereNow 3 жыл бұрын
I can inform you as you know, I had influence on this video from a relative future now moment. And I can tell you I’m not wearing a lab coat 🥼.
@nyworker 2 жыл бұрын
Time for some Schopenhauer....
@kimsahl8555 5 ай бұрын
TOE is a theory from the observer to his audience.
@mobiustrip1400 3 жыл бұрын
Who, or what is asking the question? Is there an answer? Is there even a question?
@valentinmalinov8424 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, my friend, you must have more faith in human intelligence. The Theory already exists, but they are pretending that don't know. - Just find the book - "Theory of Everything in Physics and The Universe" - It is amazing!
@KvaedTV 3 жыл бұрын
My Theory of Everything is: Honesty = Truth
@valentinmalinov8424 3 жыл бұрын
You must be a very honest person, but honesty is hand to hand with wisdom and knowledge. There is one good book - "Theory of Everything in Physics and The Universe" The fact that they are hiding its existence means that it contains a load of Truth. Probably will be good for you.
@KvaedTV 3 жыл бұрын
@@valentinmalinov8424 I will likely look into that. Thank you.
@stevecoley8365 3 жыл бұрын
Life is not science and physics. These "things" are ignorant (dead). Life is magic (love) and metaphysics. Metaphysical Hierarchy: Mystic... beautiful dreaming Magical...harmony Musical... language of music Artistic... pictures/metaphors Poetic... language of words Numerical...we are here Mystics create the most joy (smart). Accountants create the least joy (ignorant). Yet accountants rule the world (ignorant). Ever notice that beings who speak in the language of music can create joy that energizes thousands of beings to celebrate and dance? Ever notice that corpses who speak with brain numbing, soul sucking numbers do the exact opposite? Sanction, starve, torture, murder and bomb (wheeeee)! Ignorance (hate) is bliss for vampires (greed). But not much fun for the humans (love) who they are sucking the joy out of. Vampires (greed) are inhumane because they are not human. The colorless counting corpses commit crimes against humanity because they are not human. Light and truth (love) cause vampires (greed) great pain and suffering. That's why the words democratic society (socialism), "care for all" and "green new deal" cause the colorless counting corpses that rule US such misery. Vampires (greed) are "blind" and cannot "see" the ignorance of transforming heaven (peace) into hell (war). The colorless counting corpses are also "blind" and cannot "see" the ignorance of transforming this paradise planet lifeboat into a polluted pig pen. The evangelical monsters are "desperate" to control a darkship called the Whitehouse. Because working in the dark to suck the joy out of life and devour earth is the only way that the loveless, lifeless parasites can survive and thrive. Unlike earthling poets, artists, musicians, mystics, human beings and creators of joy...the colorless counting corpses that rule US can't create harmony (real intelligence) because vampires (greed) are far worse than stupid. The loveless, lifeless parasites are ignorant (dead). Darkness (business) exists so that stars (light and warmth) have a place to shine in heaven (joy, beauty and harmony). But the hostile alien vampires (greed) think that stars like US exist to be sucked out of heaven by a giant black hole in space called "greed" and it's ignorance (hate). Also, Love (god) spent billions of years creating this paradise planet lifeboat so that her miraculous works of fine art called "life" have a beautiful place to "be". Love didn't spend so much time creating this paradise planet lifeboat to be depreciated, hated, polluted and destroyed in a brief moment by hostile alien vampires (greed) and their ignorance (hate). The biggest lie being perpetuated by the hostile evangelical vampires (greed) is that "life is business" (greed). This is like saying that life is death. The "truth" is that "life is art" (creating joy). Not sucking it out. The real Mission Impossible. The wall of lies saying that "life is business" (greed) must crumble...so that the truth that "life is art" (creating joy) floods the earth and washes away it's ignorance (hate). Then life can become a celebration with joy spilling out of the smiles of everyone. Like Love (god) intended for life to be in the first place.
@valentinmalinov8424 3 жыл бұрын
You will be surprised, that real Physics is a connection between consciousness, life, and the material elements of the Universe. I will recommend you the book - "Theory of Everything in Physics and The Universe"
@iwasbehindyou 3 жыл бұрын
Everyone here 🕋 is You in a different cubic dimension of space time 🗝
@bartdart3315 3 жыл бұрын
This is very nicely sophomoric. Not being rude, its just very sleep inducing, given the super polite interviewee.
@bluelotus542 3 жыл бұрын
I still wonder how Stephen Hawking could reconcile his quest for a theory of everything with his idea that everything comes from nothing.
@valentinmalinov8424 3 жыл бұрын
He could not! Because the law of Physics for conservation of energy postulates: - "From Nothing coming only "Nothing"! - If you are interested to find the answers to all current puzzles in physics and astronomy just find the book - "Theory of Everything in Physics and The Universe"
@nichendrix 3 жыл бұрын
Because quantum fields fluctuates, these many fluctuations in the fields, are waves, and from time to time these waves interfere with one another in such a way that they can create and destroy particles, depending whether it is constructive or destructive interferation, so yeah, the current laws of physics states that something can come out on nothing, as well as nothing can come Ou of something and that they usually do it such a way that they have equal probability of going to either side, so on average value for the state of the field is 0. This fact has to be true on any theory of everything, so pursuing a theory of everything as a futile attempt as it may be, don't contradict this fundamental aspect of nature.
@valentinmalinov8424 3 жыл бұрын
@@nichendrix Hello my friend, I am a little bit confused about your explanation. Modern science doesn't know what is an Energy and"Energy Field" needer "Quantum Field". Quantum is "Quanta" = (portion). What actually is the physical mechanism of "Fluctuation"? Third - there is no experimental proof of "Virtual" particles. To throw on the table, such a bunch of "Virtual" therms is not solving the problem! Everybody knows that from "Nothing" is coming only "Nothing" If you believe in the opposite, it is your choice.
@imstevemcqueen 3 жыл бұрын
We are beings of light.
@SpiritualPsychotherapyServices 3 жыл бұрын
How so? 🤔
@paulmccray4055 3 жыл бұрын
nope sorry were not
@SpiritualPsychotherapyServices 3 жыл бұрын
@@paulmccray4055 kindly repeat that in ENGLISH. ☝️
@valentinmalinov8424 3 жыл бұрын
Who those two guys are representing? The dogmatic establishments, or free science? The Theory of Everything is here! It is a reality! - Find the book - "Theory of Everything in Physics and The Universe"! - there are explained in plain language all these puzzles which they are speculating.
@مطروبنفسج 3 жыл бұрын
I enjoy this dead end the Scientist have reached
@infiniteuniverse123 3 жыл бұрын
The gravitational constant is determined by the pressure of the dark matter of space.
@haimbenavraham1502 3 жыл бұрын
God must be tumbling with laughter.
@of7076 3 жыл бұрын
Or fear.
@SpiritualPsychotherapyServices 3 жыл бұрын
There’s only one TINY little problem with what you wrote above, Sir.☝🏼 There has never been, nor will there ever be, even the SLIGHTEST shred of evidence for the existence of the Godhead, that is, a Supreme Person or Deity.‬🤓 It is high time for humanity to awaken from all INANE superstitions such as the belief in a Personal God which created the Universe, would you not agree, Slave? 😩
@rolandmccarthy1780 3 жыл бұрын
@@SpiritualPsychotherapyServices oh but something can’t come from nothing 😂😂😂😂🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
@rolandmccarthy1780 3 жыл бұрын
@@SpiritualPsychotherapyServices but but but how did Muhammad know this in the desert 1400 years ago? 😂😂😂😂🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
@haimbenavraham1502 3 жыл бұрын
Your not alone. There are many tinies on the planet.
@clownworld-honk410 3 жыл бұрын
"The theory of everything". Ok. We're still trying to work out the theory of anything. Anything meaningful, that is.
@SpiritualPsychotherapyServices 3 жыл бұрын
@valentinmalinov8424 3 жыл бұрын
Those two guys are representing the scientific establishment, which is hiding the truth! - Actually, the Theory of Everything is a reality - just find the book - "Theory of Everything in Physics and The Universe"
@slapmeisterrecords8226 3 жыл бұрын
@ujjwalbhattarai8670 3 жыл бұрын
Maths is perfect measurements?? 🤔 how said ?? No sir we just accept one amount as accuracy even we don't know how many amount actual 1 kg. And we scale in assumption 1 meter this to that distance and we accept this is assumption only. E= mc² is wrong. Light is not fast. Energy change if we travel with time every energy will change. But time not change energy be old by time too. Aging is fast than everything Universe be old at same time. Aging means time. Physics is human discover book after all Universe was created in systematic manner. And mathematics is human acceptance measuring system.
@chrisc1257 3 жыл бұрын
It is all relative when there is no truth to speak highly of. - Chris C
@ujjwalbhattarai8670 3 жыл бұрын
@@chrisc1257 Relativity with what ? I thik you are feeling I'm angry with you but not ok. Just I don't have angryness. Relative with what?
@ujjwalbhattarai8670 3 жыл бұрын
@@chrisc1257 Relative with time (Dark Infinity ubiverse, empty space has no beginning and end) Time is creator here Everything will destroy by time and creat by time. Time is one in 2 function Which is fundamental.
@chrisc1257 3 жыл бұрын
@@ujjwalbhattarai8670 Simply put, there is no truth just infringements or transgressions on another's perspective.Then add financing of assumptions and things get physical.
@ujjwalbhattarai8670 3 жыл бұрын
@@chrisc1257 How can I be part of physics without truth ?? I know something more than anyone. I mean I can define everything of physics. In same copied way like you by explaining same books written and can used different logic of truth. Everything in physics is not correct if physics don't believe truth. I know you are not simple ordinary person. How can I be friend with you?? I mean I want to be part of you.
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