all of David Platt's messages are amazing! God uses him in a very powerful way!
@richfinaldi63611 жыл бұрын
It's all summed up in this He is God and we aren't . As we walk in the spirit of Jesus Christ we realize this and at that point He lives thru us and its no longer our flesh in control
@RodiAgnusDei11 жыл бұрын
yes he is. Thank God for David Platt's faithful proclamation of all of the Gospel!
@MyGodIsGreater3511 жыл бұрын
So thankful for truths in scripture! :)
@Scrappycat196610 жыл бұрын
I thought it interesting that he used Prov. 3.2 (at 29:03) as an example of making the point that Proverbs are a guideline rather than a guarantee. I often wondered why so many great saints of Christianity were called home so young and then thought of the very fact that Christ Himself was only about 33 years old, having finished all that the Father sent Him to do. I suppose another way of looking at length of days and long life are simply in the unfathomable perspective of eternity. How many days is that? And I suppose it would be Biblically correct to say that there are two destinations for eternity. Eternal life or eternal death. Just my thoughts on it. In any case, I am no teacher. Pastor Platt, however, is a very gifted and wise teacher. I am very happy that I have recently learned of him. Thanks for the upload. God bless you all.
@RuebenRybenyk11 жыл бұрын
@dominicdodge608711 жыл бұрын
amen creation is not nonsense the bible is not just a book of stories it is a history book
@osmentmusso11 жыл бұрын
(HUG)Great message!!!Avoid evil company!!!! Guard what you hear, (gossips) Guard what you say!!!! Be quiet, think before you speak!!ASK GOD FOR WISDOM THINGS GOD HATES Proverbs 6:16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
@dominicdodge608711 жыл бұрын
@RodiAgnusDei11 жыл бұрын
Following. Thanks!
@dominicdodge608711 жыл бұрын
amen and creation is not nonsense the bible is not just a book of stories it is a history book
@dominicdodge608711 жыл бұрын
creation is not nonsense the bible is not just a book of stories it is a history book
@thebereanlife225711 жыл бұрын
Romans 1:18-32.
@OperationReapSinners77711 жыл бұрын
Tim 2:4 God will have all men be saved AND COME TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH. Sadly there are those that will not take the offer of salvation. v 2Th 2:10-12 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
@ghyfjy781910 жыл бұрын
As a young boy i was through alot, any form of abuse (sexual,physical,verbal) that you can ever imagine at the age of 11 i considered suicide i hated my life ,everybody,Jesus,God blamed everybody for my experience but i forgot to hate the one being that everyone should hate the Devil.But after all this ,Jesus saw a reason for me to be alive "2 TIMOTHY 1:7" its funny how when something bad happens to us we blame God,Jesus yet the Devil is responsible JAMES 1:13 .in the bible the story of Job the Devil told God that the reason Job is faithful to him is because of his wealth so the Devil destroyed it all killed his sons & like everyone of us do ,he asked God why did you let this happen "JOB IN THE BIBLE". To answer your question i am & will be loyal and will always serve my master King Jesus to eternity. i can never get close to repaying him and i might not be anymore righteous than others or recognized as a church member even though i go to church because we are all sinners our master said and i quote "MARK 16:15". I made an agreement with king Jesus i would rather i die than serve the Devil .If people sell their souls to the Devil who said i can't offer my soul to Jesus and agree with him if by any chance i decide to switch sides he should kill me before i do, so i can inherit the kingdom of heaven.PSALM 14:1 Devil worshipers lack information about their master because he tells them a lot of worldly wisdom but fail to mention his fate to his followers that's why he is always claiming their is no time. Oh by the way many have denied him and brought the word out even though he tricked the world that he does not exists.He makes Hell sound cool and makes his servants think he controls hell REVELATION 20:10 ,MATTHEW 25:41. Why would you serve someone who you will burn next to? i want to serve the one who controls it all Heaven ,Hell & Earth coz when the Trumpet blows my master will come picking one by one. two people will be working he will pick one and leave the other.if you denied him he will deny you MATTHEW 10:33. REVELATION 1:7 . QUESTION TO DEVIL WORSHIPERS If the Devil is as strong as he claims why can't you mention the name of Jesus in his presence PHILIPPIANS 2:9 .If he really cares about you why does he kill you and cover up your death for failing his evil missions my master gives us a chance to right our wrongs Jonah 1:1.As a Devil worshiper you feel the urge to kill,hurt,desire to drink blood ,hatred feel separated from this world is it your conscience speaking or the spirits in you. The devil uses divide and rule, you interpret hatred as respect do you even know how it feels to be loved,how it feels to praise and worship the KING OF KINGS, THE LION OF JUDAH, THE LORD OF LORDS, THE ROCK OF AGES.J Jesus is right there next to you, just ask him what you want but you can't serve two masters if you want him to enter you have to ask him to drive the evil one and his angels out first. QUESTIONS TO JESUS WORSHIPERS Why are we so caught up with religion we forget our missions their are so many devil worshipers in our churches who even have duties as usher church elders just to disrupt the gospel so they are up to date with our believes ,why don't Christians go to brothels to preach not as preachers they will not listen go as a customer pay by the hour a prostitute will do almost everything as long as you are paying make sure you get your money worth.You can pray with her worship with her make sure you don"t exceed or reduce a single minute of what you have paid .We will win this battle if we play by their rules in their territory .Why are there no toy bibles for our children but have all manner of toy weapons ? Why are there games that show step by step on how to kill and yet there is no game on how to help the poor ,preach, baptize?why does it look cool to tattoo your body ?LEVITICUS 19:28 .Why does it feel cool to curse ? GALATIANS 5:19 why should you act holier than thou and act as if you are better than the rest why don't you walk to the so called sinner and befriend him /her and bring them close to Jesus ? If they believe or not ,if they listen or not that's not your problem your mission is to preach the word to all nations.Everyone has his fair share. spread the word of the goodness and mercy's of king Jesus so when judgement day comes Jesus will deny those that denied his word. I apologize if this is too much for you to digest or it sounds like a big joke feel free to laugh it of and make fun if you like coz their was a time in my life i had such a mind set but it takes Jesus to change EPHESIANS 1:18 . THE PEOPLE GOD CHOOSE a,Moses who had killed but God saw potential in him b,David who killed Goliath c,Paul who used to kill Christians d,Samson who killed many men and slept with prostitutes but God let him retain his power because he had a purpose for him WHATS YOURS?
@zimgirl510 жыл бұрын
Wow! That is an amazing message!! A lot of wisdom there my friend! And God bless you he is going to use you in amazing ways that you cannot imagine ;) your sister in Christ xx
@erh199710 жыл бұрын
Hi Seems like many boys are abused in yr country than asia countries Girls in asia countries are usually exploited and boys are favoured. Anyway, I can identified with you as i share the same pains & sorrows. Each time when I think about it I trembled and feel very overwhelming & hated myself. I often wonder if I am the only one who struggling each day with tears in the Christian circles. I aways question the sovereignity of God but I thank God for faith in Him. As time goes by I realised the works of the devil and able to understand why we need to forgive our enemies to move on with our life and wait for the blessed hope to come...Till then we cast all our burdens to the Lord Jesus. God bless.
@erh199710 жыл бұрын
Mt Olive A word of encouragement... Those who struggles most in faith esp those who are never loved as a child or abused and yet believe...will be greately rewarded in heaven.
@mattlentscpacmi92519 жыл бұрын
Where in this message is he actually adressing Gods will? Good message, but the sermon title is misleading.
@ryanharris10 жыл бұрын
If Christ is working in us to accomplish his will, why are some Christian's lives such train wrecks? Where does the element of personal responsibility come in?
@joshuariston292410 жыл бұрын
Why do I feel like this question is thrown out because the guy is a Baptist preacher?! Lol
@pritheebecareful689511 жыл бұрын
Creation is the evidence.
@EpicHawk11 жыл бұрын
The gospel is that Jesus Christ the son of God came to the earth and died for the entire world's sins, was buried, and rose from the dead three days later. Anyone who will simply accept his sin payment through faith will be placed into the body of Christ and declared to be righteous. Christ's righteousness is imputed to us through faith. All sins are paid for. The only problem these days is righteousness.