Are Apostolic Pentecostals Legalists? | Episode 106

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David K. Bernard

David K. Bernard

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Some critics accuse Apostolic Pentecostals of being "legalistic" because of our insistence on water baptism in Jesus' name and our pursuit of personal holiness. Is this accusation warranted? UPCI General Superintendent Dr. David K. Bernard responds to this charge with a defense of Apostolic Pentecostal teachings on both salvation and holiness.
For further study, see Dr. Bernard's book "Practical Holiness: A Second Look," available at pentecostalpub....
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@thechurchpercussionistdenn1987 Жыл бұрын
It really comes to this. As a Jewish man raised (non-religious) then converted to Roman Catholicism. I started training as a deacon and found so many contradictions in Catholic doctrine that I finally prayed for GOD to show me the truth according to HIS word alone. I received the gift of the Holy Ghost in a oneness church 2 weeks later and was baptized in Jesus name. This is all according to what is in the BOOK (Bible). If the Book says to do something, Then Do It! If the book(Bible) says something is an abomination to GOD. Don’t Do It! If the Bible(GODS word) says something is a shame-Don’t Do it! The Bible does call us to be holy. It’s all over the New Testament. I don’t see what the big theological issue is. Let’s all just take the Book(Bible) for what it says. I guarantee God will not call me legalistic for obeying his word, for loving Him with all of my being.
@MartinJ70 Жыл бұрын
@realmccoy124 Жыл бұрын
Hi Percussionist - I find it interesting that you were part of the diaconate and left the Roman Church. How long were you investigating the Christian faith within the Roman church as an inquirer… and how long did you journey as a catechumen before you were illumined? Can you share with me your name day? And what steps did you take to enter into the diaconate? Did you object to the Dogmas of the Faith, or was it specific doctrines that you found contradictory? You’re in good company if you want to rail against Rome with the Oneness Pentecostals… there is such a vitriolic bent towards Rome in their culture. Trust you are well. Lee!
@J_a_s_o_n Жыл бұрын
​@@realmccoy124Is there any name in scriptures like percussionist? 🤔 The man clearly says he lives by what's in scriptures. Anything wrong with that ?
@Fr4nkSanchez Жыл бұрын
I was thinking the same, specially with Food. God told us what is good to eat and what is abomination. Now these days Christians eat everything but also we are all fat, ill, etc and I was thiking if we dont drink beer because is not good then why to eat abominations?
@NikkNakk83 10 ай бұрын
​@@Fr4nkSanchezBecause their bellies are their gods.
@anneviggiano3801 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Bro Bernard. When we view the actual events described in the Word of God, in the order that they occurred; we see that our love for Jesus, must produce obedience. That is. Faith in action. Hebrews 11
@camslevin5534 Жыл бұрын
*Any issue addressed to Dr Bernard* Dr Bernard: “First of all I got a book with an entire chapter dedicated to this…”
@futurekillerful Жыл бұрын
Yep 🤣🤣. But to be fair everyone who has books + a podcast advertises their books repeatedly on their podcast.
@revamp6612 Жыл бұрын
I think you miss the point. He is doing a quick podcast and he is telling you where to find further and more in-depth input. I’ve read his some of his books and so far he uses tons of scripture to establish his points.
@camslevin5534 Жыл бұрын
@@revamp6612 It was just a joke lol I know I enjoy reading his books too.
@realmccoy124 Жыл бұрын
​@@camslevin5534- I figured. It made me chuckle... it was funny.
@Martin-xv Жыл бұрын
He does always do that 😅
@jlar1984 Жыл бұрын
Holiness is biblical. I think what people have the biggest problem with is how we interpret what that looks like in our daily lives. I agree that if you believe, action will follow. The new birth experience is biblical. There’s other things we should abstain from that the Bible is emphatic about. Let’s be emphatic when the Bible is and let’s be quiet on what the Bible is quiet on. Faith equals action that’s a fact.
@realmccoy124 Жыл бұрын
Hi Jlarios.... I liked your perspective and the wisdom you impart with your response. What is holiness... and what does that look like? My understanding is 'holy' means 'other'... so, in that context, I am viewing holy and holiness as -- other and otherness... So, what does 'other' and 'otherness' look like? And do we legislate (if at all) holiness in other folks... I agree that the Bible calls us to live righteously and soberly in this present world ... and I think the Bible does instruct us on many things of the 'thou shalt doooooos' and the 'Let it not be named once among you'.... I feel it is in error to elevate a culture above Christ God - and His salvific work in the lives of people who are responding to the high calling.... and tethering an 'otherness culture' as if it is salvation itself.... The arguments of smoking, drinking, etc have long been a part of the Holiness Movement in America since the Revivalist Period... Wesleyans were the ones who spoke out against all drinking of alcohol... and their reasons were social more than spiritual in my thinking... If we're gonna talk about drinking and smoking.... then, we should also bring into the conversation of unhealthy lifestyles that promote obesity in the pews... But to do that... Oneness Pentecostals become more aligned with other groups they're trying to distance themselves. Fact is, Non Alcoholoc Fatty Liver Disease is silently killing folks sitting next to us on the pews... but we're too focused on 'John 3:16 means no women must wear skirts while downhill skiing'... And it's easy to pick on the folks struggling with smoking and alcoholism and vices... but never talking about overweight is indicative of gluttony in most cases.
@Bolagh Жыл бұрын
@@realmccoy124 Very good points.
@Tmb31 Жыл бұрын
@@realmccoy124 Interesting. I’d push back on your definition of “holy.” It’s one thing to define the term, and another thing to consider what is GOD’s view of what it is to be ‘holy’, since He ascribed holiness to Himself. In Hebrew context, holiness is defined as separate, sanctified, sacred, set apart from impurity, infirmity and sin; emphasizing the outstanding uniqueness of GOD’s nature. In the Greek, it is defined as likeness of nature with the LORD. It seems that the Old Testament gives context to the foundation of holiness, and the New Testament validates that one can only BE holy by indwelling of the Holy Spirit- since it is GOD’s spirit who does the sanctifying and separating. I think to ascertain that holy simply means “other” makes its definition, by nature, indefinite. But if GOD said, “I Am holy,” then it appears that there actually is a definite meaning to what holiness is and looks like. So in order to demonstrate holiness we would have to have a proper view of GOD Himself. It would only be right to see what He does, how He speaks and responds to things that are like Him and not like Him. In essence, holiness is the nature of GOD. You are correct that many Oneness Pentecostals legislate dress codes, rules of abstinence etc to protect the image of holiness. However, it is not this particular group that defines the meaning. It is GOD. Instead, what we endeavor to do (or should) is inspire and encourage people to understand the importance of John 3:16 and that the only appropriate response is to fall in love with Jesus. Essentially, it is love (GOD is love) that made law and rules; for the purpose of protecting us from ourselves and our adversaries. To respond to GOD in affection, intimacy and worship is to live according to the commands and plan that He wills. “If you love Me, keep My commandments” John 14:15. To BE ‘holy’ is more than good health, abstaining from worldly lusts and being righteous. Those things can be achieved without the Holy Ghost. To BE ‘holy’ is, what the Old Testament teaches us to lead us to Jesus Christ and the New Testament demonstrates to be conformed unto His image. In so being/doing, we live and abide by whatsoever the Word of GOD tells us. Just my thoughts 🙏🏽. GOD bless you!
@realmccoy124 Жыл бұрын
@@Tmb31 - Thanks for your comments. I agree with you in part... when I say 'other' and 'otherness' (for holy and holiness) ... I am operating with the view of God as being entirely 'other'... (his ways are not our ways... and I do align with most of how you are describing the Nature of God.... Since God is entirely other... the moment you and I being to speak of Him and His ways... we lessen His Glory. Do we really think we could 'know' his Essence... I am quick to say no.) I have to hurry -- if we want to start to understand who God is ... and to begin seeing His Divine Nature.... we pretty much need to focus in on this idea ... 'Holy things are for the holy' ... 'One is Holy. One is the Lord Jesus Christ: to the Glory of God the Father.... (this is taken from the Divine Liturgy -- towards the end before the Faithful partake in the Mystical Supper.... Personally, I think we all should -- on every Sunday... remind ourselves of the Beatitudes... and allow that 'inward change' to occur by the effectual working power of the Holy Spirit. As we learn to live our lives in peace and repentance ... and unto all pleasing -- being motivated by our love for Christ God. There is a certain way we should all come into the Lord's house... in my cultural expression - it is appropriate for men to wear a beard... to be modestly covered with long pants and long sleeves. It is appropriate for women to be modestly covered wearing dresses and to have their heads covered. (and if entering into a monastic community -- generally it is appropriate to wear dark clothes). Now, there are women who do not wear a head covering... and women who wear pants... and there are men who wear short sleeves... I am called to love the soul that stands in front of me... and in the Divine Liturgy -- I am focused on worshiping God, not on those who stand beside me. (if there is any correction, reproof, instruction ... that's the pastor's job... not mine). May your way be filled in Love -- Lee!
@J_a_s_o_n Жыл бұрын
​@@realmccoy124 HOLY in Hebrew means ONE. To be holy is to be one in word , deed and action. You are one person. You don't say this then next day say something else. A person who is integral meaning they have stable character (see Galatians 5:22). God is Holy (ONE) He never changes.
@uriahocean6968 Жыл бұрын
Amen amen amen....the foundation is love, and when mixed with the truth, pure holiness is cultivated. I pursue holiness, not out of legalism but out of cultivating love. Cultivation is a key concept.
@jerryscott5545 Жыл бұрын
Excellent example using Dietrich Bonhoeffer!! Praise Jesus for this teaching from Bishop Bernard!! 🔥🔥🔥🙏🏽👍🏾
@anneviggiano3801 Жыл бұрын
The thing here. No one questions the obedience of Abraham and calls his “works” legalistic. Gen 21:4 Gen 17:10-12 Gen 22:2 Acts 7:8. And so. Abraham became the Father of many nations, of which, we have been adopted in to. Praise God
@jackiet5334 Жыл бұрын
Holiness can mean so many other things that the UPC never addresses. It can mean defending the defenseless in word and deed. Holiness with the fruit of the Spirit is speaking out against mean and slanderous words and letting the world know that we don't stand for this. If the church supports anything that promotes victimhood, slander, lies and disturbing behavior, or just stays quiet and allow the world to believe they support this, that church is just another establishment that follows the crowd and the world.
@Tmb31 Жыл бұрын
Excellent teaching Bishop Bernard. Thank you as always 🙏🏽. I see some comments here that attack the UPCI (and perhaps anyone else like this assembly). What Dr. Bernard has been teaching for years is the importance of looking to scripture to interpret, understand and live by biblical principles. He often emphasizes not to point to, or have confidence in any person or particular group; but rather to put all of your confidence in the Word of GOD because this is what we will all be judged by at the judgment seat of Christ Jesus. No one or one group is infallible. But GOD’s word is. I appreciate that about Dr. Bernard. GOD is in control. He is worthy of ALL of my life, my worship, my praise and my effort. Whatever it takes to please GOD, I will do 🙏🏽 because He is worth it! I love You Jesus, because You are GOD. And I give Your name the glory for purchasing my soul, washing away my sin and adopting me into the kingdom of Your dear Son!! Thank You, Jesus 😭. And thank you again Bishop for this anointed, powerful teaching 🙌🏽
@donaldgreathouse6611 Жыл бұрын
Thank you very much for this solid, level-headed teaching from scripture. God's blessing on you, in the name of Jesus.
@patielli7 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Superintendent David K Bernard. May our Lord Jesus continually bless you sir.
@luismanuelaguilarmedrano3203 Жыл бұрын
I strongly believe that there is another way to be legalistic: it is when someone preach Acts 2:38 APART from the Gospel described in 1 Corinthians 15. Then people see baptism as the “method” of salvation and it becomes just another religious work. And it is very easy to detect this situation. You simply have to ask the person: What is the Gospel? or What do you tell people they must do to be saved? If the person points directly to baptism, it is a strong indicator that the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ was not explained or understood. That is a VERY dangerous position but, sadly, it is happening. I have interviewed hundreds of people, including church members, and unfortunately almost none knew how to define biblically what is the gospel. While Acts 2:38 does mention baptism as a part of the process of salvation, it must be understood within the context of the Gospel message as a whole. The Gospel is the good news that Jesus Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). Baptism is a expressionof our faith in Jesus Christ and our identification with Him in His death, burial, and resurrection (Romans 6:3-4). It is not a work that earns salvation, but rather a response of faith to the salvation freely given to us by God through His grace (Ephesians 2:8-9). When sharing the Gospel message, it is important to present the ENTIRE message in its fullness, including the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the need for repentance and faith in Him as Lord and Savior (Acts 16:31). If someone is emphasizing baptism as the means of salvation APART from faith in Christ, apart from an understanding and faith in the gospel, then it is a distortion of the Gospel message and should be addressed.
@realmccoy124 Жыл бұрын
Hi Luis - your post is well thought out. Thanks for sharing something with some theological meat to it. In an Orthodox fronema (mindset) Salvation is Created - when the Son of God became the Son of the Virgin. You're using some of the language of the Nicene Creed... but not entirely though. The Church has always taught the Christ God was victor over sin and death... but the Fractured West in its legalistic bent, stemming from from Saint Augustine through the Roman Church -- right down to some real nasty teachings and viewpoints from the Reformers... UPCIers are very juridical and very Roman... and take 3 of the five points of Calvinism to 'whole-nother-level'.... with the emphasis of guilt and shame... Christ tramples down death by death... and to those in the tombs bestowing life.... we are free from sin and death... because of the righteousness of Christ. Rather than being juridical -- I do feel it is more important to view the words of Christ as medicinal... and that Christ God through the effectual working power of the Holy Spirit... we grow and become 'Fully human '... as we are healed of the brokenness of our soul. The Church in her wisdom continues to teach - that as many as you were baptized into Christ... have put on Christ... The Way of Escape is constant... and our response to the Gospel is that we are fully trusting in not in our own works... but rather in Christ's work on Calvary... we have synergism with God as we participate in the saving of our souls. Believe. Belong. Become. Believe of the Lord Jesus Christ... Belong in Christian Community... Become fully human... Repetence. Baptism. Chrismation. Theosis. Getting tired now... enjoy your evening. Lee!
@paulameyer4704 Жыл бұрын
Best explanation I have heard thank you
@wjdyr6261 Жыл бұрын
Water baptism in the name of Jesus is part of salvation and not the whole of it. That's why Peter said, "....the like figure whereunto baptism does also now save..."
@luismanuelaguilarmedrano3203 Жыл бұрын
@@Barbara-hn5hz According to Acts 2:38 we are baptized for the forgiveness of our sins. But does forgiveness happen in ANY circumstance just by being baptized? What happens if I convince a beggar to be baptized with money or food? Does the forgiveness of his sins happen then? Of course not. Forgiveness is conditioned on our repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. Before being baptized, it is important to have a clear understanding of the Gospel. Therefore, if someone is baptized only for the sake of receiving money or food, without genuine repentance and faith, then their baptism would not result in the forgiveness of their sins. Hundreds of people are being baptized without understanding that the forgiveness is a gift that we receive by grace through faith in Christ (Ephesians 2:8-9)
@luismanuelaguilarmedrano3203 Жыл бұрын
@@Barbara-hn5hz “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach THE GOSPEL to every creature. He that BELIEVETH and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.” (Marcos 16:15-16) Faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ must precede baptism, otherwise there is no salvation or remission of sins, even if we use the correct formula or the correct procedure. It is only those who BELIEVE and are BAPTIZED who shall be saved.
@cocacolafiesta Жыл бұрын
Having gone to a UPC church when I was a teenager and then marrying my husband whose family belonged to the spanish apostolic church (same as UPC but they required the women to cover their heads) we naturally became members of their church. We belonged to this church for many years BUT what many described as "holiness" often pertained to how one looked in their manner of dress and adhering to the rules that were current at the time. If a female got pregnant she was abandoned by the church whereas the male was not. Apparently because her "sin" could be seen it was more offensive than on the man. Too many rules to follow to be accepted. Too many of these same rules were then changed by "man" when certain changes occurred in society. Our pastor mentioned that there was a big commotion made when men started to use the wider tie versus the traditional thin tie. Again, trends would change and along with that the "holiness" standard changed too. Their actual condemnation spoken against those that broke these "rules" and the scripture of "judge not lest ye be judged" was ignored. I thank God that my understanding opened at a bible study of the book Galatians in which legalism was addressed.
@J_a_s_o_n Жыл бұрын
Terrible how they turned away women who got pregnant from the "church". What about the men? Why chase people away from where they are to get freedom in Christ? 😢 never heard of such behaviour. We don't condone it but no one would be turned away. They would get counselling and be helped back to Christ even if they needed material help. We would contribute. Only GOD gives life. The battle is for the SOUL. .God bless
@realmccoy124 Жыл бұрын
Dietrich Bonhoeffer was more than a German theologian. He was a Lutheran pastor who escaped Nazi Germany, but God moved on his heart to return to Germany and 'suffer with the German flock' as he described it in his book. He is often thought of as a prophet, a martyr, and spy. His writings are profoundly deep - and insight to living by faith and demonstrating charity to his German captives is quite exemplary. I would assume most Oneness Pentecostals have never read anything by Bonhoeffer, thinking they can learn nothing from a Lutheran, 'we only read from folks in our camp because we have the market cornered and everyone else is deceived'. You know, 'you can't be a Trinitarian and have the Holy Ghost' folks who legalistically judge other Christians (being fully justified by their own accord)... The way of escape is constant - and response to so great a salvation has always been - Repentance, Baptism, Chrismation, and Theosis. The Early Church Fathers expressed these elements of Christian spirituality long before the Bible was curated and vetted. The Fragmented West has long possessed a fronema (mindset) of boiling down the Christian Faith to a list of essentialities - producing a rational thought and minimalist version of the Faith. It seems that Dr Bernard is speaking about this briefly, where some groups present baptism is a work.... But the legalism argument placed upon most Oneness Pentecostals isn't really focused on the elements in response to so great of Salvation [Repentence, Baptism, Chrismation, and Theosis]. It is zeroed in on all the other 'stuff' the Oneness Pentecostals have added to ... in response to so great of Salvation. The 'Standards' are exalted above the Scriptures themselves, it seems. Does the UPCI still produce their 'Meet the United Pentecostal Church International' book with all the rules? The UPCI pulls a lot of their traditions from the Holiness Movement birthed out of the American Revivalist period... that gave way to the Azusa Street Revival. But, in my opinion - they were in a 'one upper mindset' trying to make their people group more holier than the other people groups. How many UPCIers had 'monitors' they would stuff in their closets when folks came by for fear of judgment? Oh, this... this is not a television as ye supose... it's a monitor. How many Oneness Pentecostal Preachers have jumped out of the bushes at night yelling "Gotcha, you're wearing pants, you can't teach Sunday School" to a woman? [True story]. Or I don't wear makeup, this is 'foundation'... "Holiness unto the Lord - Sis... NOT 'frumpiness unto the Lord'.... "I am so proud, Lord, that I am not like this heathen pig dog sinner'... Or judging Billy as a bad kid who was acting out (not willing to search out that Billy's dad had committed suicide and he discovered the body). Or the 'spirit-filled' testimony complete with 'tongues' where the woman rejoiced and glorified God for sparing 'our churches and saints' when Huricane Katrina hit Louisiana and Mississippi [ and I sat there, sick to my stomach thinking 1200 peopled had died]. Or, my personal favorite - he wears a beard, he walks in rebellion [ I actually wear a beard in submission to God... but folks question that because I don't look or act like them]. I could go on... but this is enough of the back story of why folks say 'Oneness Pentecostals' are legalistic. It is the exaltation of holiness culture above the Scriptures as universal truths and without being spot on, your garments are spotted... Yes, the notion of 'unto all pleasing' and to 'offer a more excellent sacrifice' ... these things are noble... Righteous Living born out of love for God ... that's acceptable and good and proper. Be gentle. Be meek. Be kind. Forbear one another in love. Be encouraging. Be supportive. Be understanding. Be compassionate. Be silent. Be constant - in season and out of season.
@alealeth5550 Жыл бұрын
Hi Lee,
@alealeth5550 Жыл бұрын
I would love to pick your brain some more! Do you have an Instagram or Facebook? It would be much appreciated.
@alealeth5550 Жыл бұрын
@germanwulf40 Жыл бұрын
It's like with Noah. Had he merely mentally asserted that he believed God regarding the flood and that God would save him from it but did nothing, he would not have truly been saved. Building the ark was not his personal work; physically speaking it may have been, but salvationally it was not. Noah only knew of the flood through God speaking to him. Therefore his building the ark wasn't his own work saving himself, it was him being obedient to God and being saved through that faith.
@realmccoy124 Жыл бұрын
Hi Germanwulf40... So, the Church in her Wisdom has always referred to the area where one stands (historically, Christians stood -- and pews were added in the Reformation) in the Temple is called the Nave... it's the same word we use in English for 'navy'... Mystically, we are linked to Noah and his Ark... But, the Reformers with their innovations, which the UPCI draws a lot of their heritage, removed a lot of those things from their buildings... and no longer does the architecture teach the Faith....
@ritchievernon8099 Жыл бұрын
I love watching the commentary on this program 🙏🙌😊
@onefoundationministries1988 4 ай бұрын
With all due respect, coercing women into thinking trimming their hair is wrong is ridiculous.
@YahsGurlL7 Жыл бұрын
Id rather be a legalist than an illegalist
@Tmb31 Жыл бұрын
Haha 😂 I LOVE this comment lol. Same! What’s the harm?
@mrbigguy6905 4 ай бұрын
Both are equally bad... Go back and read Jesus had to say about both extremes.
@YahsGurlL7 4 ай бұрын
@@mrbigguy6905 hey! I i said legalist meaning doing things the right way according to the Laws of God like keeping the Commandments. I didnt say Pharisees..... The Lord say dont take away nor add to his Word.
@YahsGurlL7 4 ай бұрын
@@mrbigguy6905 nothing wrong with doing things the right way then you cant go wrong
@mikef6063 Ай бұрын
Legalism is never right
@Advicefromapentecostalpastor 9 ай бұрын
Good stuff, it’s important to have public conversations like this, otherwise the conversation is controlled by those that have no investment nor passion in the movement.
@timoconnor892 Жыл бұрын
Yes I want to know how to restore someone that has failed in their calling do they loose their calling or gifts because messed up
@Martin-xv Жыл бұрын
Once again sound teaching from our greatly revered Bishop Bernard.
@randylundgren8421 Жыл бұрын
The way this issue comes across the pulpit sometimes is legalistic. Some ministers will say that if a women cuts her hair or a man grows a beard that they'll lose their salvation. The better way would be to help people understand faith. If I BELIEVE God and I TRUST God (have faith) I will do what he says. The issue wouldn't be "do I have to?" It be more like "yes I will Lord😀." If he gives me instructions and I balk at them I am in effect saying " I don't believe you." or "I don't trust you." So when we come across his will we do it because we trust him. When I was baptized out of faith. Not because I had to for salvation. I pray that this helps someone.
@dreamarichards4972 Жыл бұрын
Amen! Explained perfectly! God bless! I really enjoy these Podcasts!
@douglasarnold5310 Жыл бұрын
I don't think thats why people call you legalist, I think it is the standard of holyness women cant cut their hair, must wear dresses men used to couldnt wear short sleaves or have facial hair and the like...
@futurekillerful Жыл бұрын
I think it’s partly the salvation thing too though. People call it “saved by works”. However, I agree with you that maybe 60% of the “legalist” terminology is geared towards UPCI/WPF apostolic groups with strict outward standards.
@tmanwheeler8270 Жыл бұрын
I know right,because even though we’re suppose to be different we should really just blend in and look like the rest of the world right?
@eltonswindle6070 Жыл бұрын
What is PSOE?
@douglasarnold5310 Жыл бұрын
@@eltonswindle6070 lol I don't know think I meant people...
@douglasarnold5310 Жыл бұрын
@@tmanwheeler8270 not sure I understand the comment? Because I know ungodly men who go clean shaving and dress like UPC and I know ungodly women who do the same...
@DavidMeneka-or2nd Жыл бұрын
Hello beloved in the Lord Mr. David Bernard, is there no way on your teaching for you to find someone to interpret in French please since it tells us so much your teaching. Thank you so much.
@MaVericK-cu2oq Жыл бұрын
Apostolics Teach Full Bible,,,,,casual bible readers dont Like Full book💟
@rtoguidver3651 4 ай бұрын
John 10:27 “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:”
@sdel972 27 күн бұрын
What about antinomianism?? Nobody talks about that.
@alishatucker1922 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Pastor for this teaching ♥️
@felicidadnagata9389 10 ай бұрын
Amen Praise God🙌🙏
@jackiet5334 Жыл бұрын
I always thought legalism was about ritual and religious acts. The gospel's command is about character and loving God with all our heart and mind and soul, and secondly, our neighbor as ourselves. Christ-like character is going to draw people to the church. The producing of works after is between God and the individual. Pastors can't force everyone to comply by the outside of the cup and expect that the collective acts draw all men to God. It would be like saying if everyone in a nation obeyed God, it would thrive, and if everyone sinned, we'd all be punished. No christian can legislate obedience. Only the Holy Spirit can convict a heart. There will be pure and impure in every church, and outward appearances won't convince the world. Just because everyone dresses the same doesn't mean they are all abiding in Christ. So if outsiders are accusing the AP's of being legalists, they are only judging by what they see and hear. Leaders' preoccupation with showmanship and boasting about holiness and having the proper understanding of salvation just turns people away. If leaders have faith that Jesus draws all men to Himself, then stop worrying. The self-absorbed focus on these questions kind of proves that if that is all the apostolics are concerned about, then the world, who is watching, will go elsewhere.
@davidderitis9068 Жыл бұрын
Excellent teaching!
@nelsonstiveens5140 11 күн бұрын
Good video.
@TheCalled1 Жыл бұрын
Wow! Brother great job!
@aguilarcarls Жыл бұрын
Doctor David, what says about the Enoch book the Pentecost church..? Thanks Lord Jesus bless.
@god-came-in-my-body-as-a-body 11 ай бұрын
God does voices people hear saying do bad things, and all paranormal
@mbf2548 Жыл бұрын
You can not compare sin such as fornication, adultry, etc. with man made rules like hair length, facial hair, or clothing style.
@mt9567 Жыл бұрын
Like most 'traditions of men', these manmade idolatrous (and vain) expressions of the flesh are the exact opposite of Biblical holiness. Face shaving being the most rebellious modern tradition of the flesh ever observed. Why do the neo-Apostolic Pentecostals insist on constantly primping and preening themselves? Is it really Godly conviction? God has made no holiness laws or restrictions on outward appearance beyond basic modesty and gender distinction. So then, is it to please God? Maybe good intentions, but anything not specifically commanded by God according to his will,..... cannot be holy. So, why do the neo-APs keep trying to create their own version of holiness? Obviously, it's peer pressure to please their real god.......... themselves. It's like a convoluted, upside-down, inside-out, inverse perverted version of the Sampson story! Except if you DON'T cut your facial hair every day (religiously) you'll become disobedient/unholy and lose favor with God. Thus, weakening you and/or stripping you of your 'power' with the Holy Ghost. If you don't shave, you're either a rebellious "backslider" or a greedy "charismatic" or just a lowlife homeless bum! The neo-APs refuse to associate with such neo-gentile dogs. After all........ the 'Apostolic Pentecostals' are God's new "chosen people".... everyone else is doomed to a devil's hell and the "lake of fire"..... (your evil beard get's burned off too!) Far too many neo-AP 'pastors' STILL cultishly demand 'face shaving' as an expression of "outward holiness" and are STILL allowed to openly promote this non-Biblical UNholy "tradition of men"........ OR as I choose to call it....... THEIR OWN UNHOLY DIRTY FILTHY LIES!
@sheilarobbins1219 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this solid, truth teaching. It's still just like it was in the Apostle's day.
@stevensanabria1326 Жыл бұрын
Great points!!
@charmainedaley8919 Жыл бұрын
Amen !!!!
@breakfastforyousoul 5 ай бұрын
The bible does not teach for a woman to wear a skirt.... Nor does it teach a man to wear pants, nor that a woman can not even trim their hair. To say this is "GODS TRUTH" and a person is being disobedient because of those things is a fallacy. I agree, we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus.😊😊 Any christian would agree with that. Adding mans standard and saying it IS GODS STANDARD is legalism. Modesty is important, but most people, modesty in any decent church is not an issue. To create a doctine that says if a woman does not wear a skirt in 0 degree weather outside is man made doctirne, not of GOD. Nohting wrong with women wearing skirts only, thats great... wear those if you feel comfortable between you and the Lord with that... but to teach that it ALWAYS has to be that way or they are outside of GODS WILL if a woman wears womens pants is dangerous territory. GOD BLESS!😊😊
@rtoguidver3651 4 ай бұрын
Romans 8 7. The carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. 8. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. .. John 3:6,7 “That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit.” (Breath of God) “Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.” . Acts 2:38 “Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
@mikef6063 Ай бұрын
With all due respect to Bro Bernard, I think this video, although it included a lot of good information, missed the real core of why UPCI is accused of legalism. It’s not because the UPCI believes members should abide by moral guidelines, every Christian group does that. That real issue is that the UPCI goes beyond what the Bible teaches and takes it upon themselves to specifically define broad scriptural PRINCIPLES and then say it is mandatory for people to obey. But the Bible never said it, a pastor or a group of pastors said it and printed it in a manual. They take broad principles and believe they have the power to define it specifically and hold people to it. And then often they ban you to hell if you disagree that it’s a moral teaching of the Bible. The reason the Bible includes broad principles is for the Holy Spirit to to lead us to apply personal convictions in our own lives. Not for the church to decide our convictions for us.
@bretmavrick-ph2ip 4 ай бұрын
False easy believism mainstream Christianity falsely calls us Apostolics Legalistic because they fail to Obey the Gospel, ie, Acts, 3:38, holiness, ect, this is a Living faith, the just Lives their faith, not simply a mouth Lip faith, ,,,,ye call me Lord, and do Not do the things in which I say,,,,jc🙏❤
@timoconnor892 Жыл бұрын
The just shall walk by faith and not sight 2 Corinthian 5:7
@paulameyer4704 Жыл бұрын
I left this doctrine these people can be the most mean and judgmental people I have ever met. I was looked down upon for wearing pants considered a backslider over a pair of pants seriously a pair of pants. Pants were not even worn in the Bible days. So my salvation is based on what I’m wearing really if that is not Legalistic my gosh. Also you can’t wear Jewelry it’s a sin right but I can provide Bible verses where people wore jewelry in the Bible if it’s a sin then it should have been a sin since the beginning so glad I left this doctrine..
@realmccoy124 Жыл бұрын
Hello Paula - I hope that you have continued your journey with Christ Jesus apart from the UPCI. Many people who have left this organization, leave wounded and have a lot of theological and soteriological unpacking to do. I speak from experience. I walked with them for over 25 years... and 8 of those years -- I was a 'Closeted Trinitarian'... I left quietly not wanting to cause confusion or harm others.... I was very happy to hear that I had converted to Islam in their circles. I had not done so...I visited a mosque to write a paper for a college class I was taking for my degree... May I encourage you to press on in Christ... the market isn't cornered... there is healing and joy and restoration... Lovingly, Lee!
@paulameyer4704 Жыл бұрын
@@realmccoy124 yes I continued in the faith I attended a Nondenominational Church full of love and yes getting the Apostolic Doctrine out of my mind. I experienced racism in the UPCI and mistreatment for myself and children left wounded and broken but thank God he is healing our wounds and hurts we experienced..
@jackiet5334 Жыл бұрын
PaulaMeyer; This is true. I know some who wouldn't dare wear a necklace but they'll hang on every word from a TV personality who wears a necklace and cross, earrings, low-cut dresses, and feel these people are defending the church.
@realmccoy124 Жыл бұрын
@@paulameyer4704 - this makes me smile 😀 grow now weary in well doing. As your soul prospers... May the Lord fill your way in Love -- Lee!
@Fr4nkSanchez Жыл бұрын
Woment not allowed to wear pants is legalism. Pants were not even invented 100s years laters. That part of the bible talked about literally clothes, impersoning men clothes (tunic). There are pants for women. It does not make sense to use a dress and show up your body, at the end of the day is just to dress with modesty, it does not matter pants or dress or skirt or shorts
@rtoguidver3651 4 ай бұрын
Acts 2:38 “Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.”
@ahler3973 Жыл бұрын
Gbu Dr
@micharlflynn4404 Жыл бұрын
What people call legalistic God calls being obedient. UPC are not even saved evidenced by they not believing in the trinity.
@buckeyewill2166 Жыл бұрын
Trinitarians who are classic Pentecostals practice the same disciplines
@ralphowen3367 Жыл бұрын
Christians do not practice anything. Only lost people "practice".
@Fr4nkSanchez Жыл бұрын
Pharisees did the same thing. The importance here is to recognize that Jesus is the only one, God Himself manifested in flesh, that gives Salvation
@ralphowen3367 Жыл бұрын
Any Christian who says contrary to scripture that it is still possible to sin--as a Christian--is implying that even Christians are still under the O.T Law. In that case whoever does subscribe to that belief is legalistic.
@daniellawrence4884 Жыл бұрын
Lol you evidently haven’t ever read the book of Romans or 1 John.
@ralphowen3367 Жыл бұрын
@@daniellawrence4884 You must be relying on your own understanding at best, or psychic info at worst. You are the novice on those two books whose authors both said how the Christian is dead to the law-- therefore cannot sin-- and alive to Christ, doing righteous Ness at all times ( see also Ps. 106:3 and 119:3). The evidence is there, but you have to spend time in the word to find it. If you still sin, you are yet of the devil--IJn. 3:8--and if you have not the Spirit which causes you to cease all sinning--I Pet. 4:1 and Rom. 8:9. Any scriptural "evidence" to offer?
@realmccoy124 Жыл бұрын
Hello Ralph. I find your assertions intriguing. Am I understanding you correctly? Are you suggesting that if a person falls into sin, he is not a not a Christian? We are One with Adam until we are One with Christ.... no man departs this life having not sin... and in my understanding - I am constantly to examine my conscience and see if my thoughts, my actions, my words -- are in agreement with the profession of faith... and to constantly make correction, reproof... The Apostle Peter was wrong... God corrected him... and even Paul in another area of Scripture calls Peter out for being wrong... All of the Pauline epistles are writing to address 'sin' in the Churches.... I hope I misunderstood you... trust you're well. Lee.
@ralphowen3367 Жыл бұрын
@@realmccoy124 Indeed Paul addressed sin in the churches. But just being in church does not designate one a Christian. We see that fact in especially the book of I Corinthians where "some among" were in church, but not yet justified by faith/ grace. An example is the incestuous man in chapter five. Another is the church teacher who had caused some to sin by his bad example. Even those "babies in Christ" of chapter 3 were not necessarily saved yet. JOHN 15:1-6 is proof that one can be in Christ, but not saved, for they never bore good fruit and their end was to be burned. A Christian cannot fall into sin, though he can fall into temptation. He however can be betrayed into sin. In Peter's case in Gal. 2, he could not have fallen into sin, for he had more than once been filled with the Spirit. It had to be a role play on his part, and later in the chapter we see Paul using Peter'example as a lesson for the church. If you will, this was Peter's evil report to contrast with his good report. As for Ananais and Saphira, they were also among church members, but were not justified by faith, or saved. Jonathon Edward's said how there were many in his church that ..."had not yet got halfway to Christ". Any among church members who can yet sin may know God but are not yet known of God. One gets known of God when the Spirit comes in to dwell, thus making the flesh to be crucified with Christ. One cannot then become uncrucified to sin again. In Rom. 6 the rhetorical question is asked can I sin now that I am a believer? God forbid is the answer. This means that God prevents it since you have become His property. Just as the ass prevented Balaam from going any further, God does not allow further sinning among his saints.
@realmccoy124 Жыл бұрын
​@ralphowen3367 - Okay, so I did read your comment correctly - and not only do I disagree with you... so does Chistian teachings of nearly 2000 years. The goal of Christian living is to become fully human... by fully putting on Christ. We all struggle with our humanity. We all gain an understanding of who we are [and are becoming] in Christ -- as we come to know Christ God [and continue to know greater] in the power of His ressurection. We have two natures... and just because we have put on divinity - we have not lost our humanity. The Christian journey is from faith to faith, from revelation to revelation - a process of sanctification. Perhaps you have found mastery over your own flesh... I haven't. Perhaps you have perfect knowledge. I haven't. Perhaps you have perfect understanding. I haven't. So the question is - since God has imparted in you such incredible power - how does He use you in His salvific work in all the cosmos?
@davedanny9053 Жыл бұрын
@mikef6063 Ай бұрын
Herbert Armstrong believed in a multitude of false doctrines and outright lies such as sabbatarianism and British Israelism. Need I continue?
@mt9567 Жыл бұрын
Thank You! Always well said! This topic is argumentative and the label itself (Legalist) is intended as a cultish insult. So, it's hard to take it seriously. But let's pretend it's a real question..... Are Apostolic Pentecostals Legalists?...... Obviously YES!..... Why?.... The goal of Judaism was establishing and obeying God's Law. To bring God's holiness to earth so God can have a place to dwell directly with mankind. The Jew tries to focus his thoughts and actions toward God by performing certain tasks (commandments) over and over, that God has given him to do. Most of these tasks have a teaching or practical reason that God reveals over time. Some of these commandments (tasks) make absolutely no sense to the human mind whatsoever. But they're done because these tasks matter to God. GOD needs the Jew to do them without explanation or reason. Only God knows why. So,...... the Jew tries to obey. The whole point of Christianity is to obey Jesus the Christ who was/is the only person able to fulfill all of God's law (and will) 100%. So, God's holiness would dwell on Earth inside those who 'believe' and obey Jesus the Christ. The (gentile) Christian gets a 'short cut' and is "grafted in" to God's kingdom. Since Christ fulfills the Law and will of God 100%, all we have to do is obey Jesus.... easy peazy!..... right?.... But we still have to do stuff (works) that show God's spirit is available to everyone else. If we can't express God's spirit like Jesus did/does, nobody will ever see him......... hint (constantly shaving our faces is vain.... not holy).... If shaving your face makes you 'feel' more holy, or you somehow expect to get extra-credit from God....... you've created your own idolatrous law of 'holiness' and 'righteousness' in direct opposition to God's law and will...... plus, you look like a girly-boy! For men, face shaving is the first step towards full blown "Transgenderism". For women, it's cutting her hair short...... Prove me wrong! You can't! The fake phony "outward" holiness argument becomes pure rubbish when 'faced' (pun intended) with the cultish false doctrine that beards are unholy...... It's NOT okay! At the very least it's an insult to Jesus! How can we expect people to take us seriously with such obviously idiotic false teaching? NO ONE else ANYWHERE has EVER taught that beards are unholy!...... Except guess who?...... The silly stubborn Apostolics! It's ridiculous to have to explain this weird cultish anti-beard tradition to any rational person!.... Especially a Jew! How about a 'shaving fast'?....... I DARE YOU!.... No shaving for 40 days!.... I bet NONE OF YOU could make it past the first morning!...... You'd be desperately gouging yourselves bloody with a butter knife by dinnertime! May the spirit of The One God (revealed, expressed, and manifest in Jesus the Christ) lead us into perfect unity........ (OR just give us girly smooth facial skin).
@tmanwheeler8270 Жыл бұрын
Seems like your really hung up on your beard😂😂😂
@mt9567 Жыл бұрын
@@tmanwheeler8270 Nope, I've never had a beard...... I'm only pointing out the foolish hypocrisy of creating an additional 'righteous' or 'holy' law of salvation that has no direct Biblical authority from God.
@realmccoy124 Жыл бұрын
I have a beard... so, I guess I am qualified to speak here. I wear a beard out of submission to Christ God... not out of rebellion as I am labeled among Oneness Pentecostals. Does one have to wear a beard in hopes of being saved?... or to fully move and have life in the local parish? Nope. But, reverse isn't true in Oneness Pentecostalism. If you wear a beard... you are certainly marginalized. Why is it that Oneness Folk say 'Scriptures, Revelation, and Personal Convictions.... but deny the whole personal revelation and personal convictions of others... because they must conform (not to Scriptures, Revelation and Personal Convictions) but to fully comply with a culture that's placed above Christ God... The things written in the initial post are precisely what Paul was fighting against with the Judaizers who were adding to... what one must do in response to becoming illumined....
@wjdyr6261 Жыл бұрын
I have facial hair also and sometimes I trim it. It's not a requirement
@Someone12378 4 ай бұрын
Shaved faces are UPCI organizational rules not biblical rules. Not all apostolic organizations have that rule.
@mr.a7708 Жыл бұрын
why do you call yourself apostolic. apostolic is not in the scripture’s. that’s comes from the roman apostolic church. also is not mention by any prophet or apostle in the scriptures. stop hiding behind the lord grace. start living the apostle doctrine. live in obedience and no in disobedience. if there a brother or sister in sin, and we know about it, why is it that instead of taking care of the brother or sister according to the bible. you let it continue to happen. that’s not loving your brother. if you truly love your brother than you need to restore him. not just by praying for your brother or sister but taking action thru the scripture. there many examples in the bible in how to take care of this, but then again the bible does say that the good will be called bad and the bad good.
@jonnyb337 Жыл бұрын
I wondered the same thing why do they call themselves apostolic Pentecostal‘s and not just Christians? it was good enough for the apostles and early church. It’s good enough for me lol.
@jonnyb337 Жыл бұрын
“And it was in Antioch that the disciples were first called Christians,” Acts 11: 26.
@braddavis3821 Жыл бұрын
To be apostolic means to walk in the ways and teaching of Jesus the way the Apostles did. That’s why the term “Apostolic Pentecostals”
@mr.a7708 Жыл бұрын
@@braddavis3821 we are called christians Acts 11:26 give me a scripture that say you are to be called other than christians
@braddavis3821 Жыл бұрын
@@mr.a7708 I’m answering your question as to why the term “apostolic Pentecostals “ is used . Trinitarians say the word trinity is not in the Bible , yet they believe in a trinity. (Which is false doctrine) but saying that to say just because it does not say “apostolic Pentecostal” in the Bible does not make it wrong. There are lots of religions who do not teach what the apostles teach and so to differentiate between them, this term is used.
@vincentoostendorp4786 Жыл бұрын
Modalistic Oneness Monarchianism.
@FaithandFoodSecrets 8 ай бұрын
Oneness is and does practice legalism and i can prove it. Legalism, first is mixing Old Cov Law with Grace . It is saying grace is not enough, we must add to it. Yet the UPC and Dr Bernard say on their govt page that you are required parts of the Law, the part they want to pick and choose. Yet on this video he states they are not under the law ? How does that work Sir ? I guess it sounds good, but doesn't mean anything. I guess a little fib never hurt anyone ? Yet the Old Test law says you have to do it all, or none of it counts. Nada, none, its all or nothing ! No Pickers allowed. And yet every Apostolic Pastor thinks he can pick ⛏️ whatever he chooses and slap it on his congregation. If you are under any part of the law, you are automatically under its CURSE ! Legalism at its finest !!! So again, you can go to the UPC govt page and read where you are under part of the law. That is legalism !!! Plain and Simple. The biggest decision the Apostle's made for the New Test Church is found in Acts 15 that should gentiles have to be circumcised and Follow the Law ? The decision was No. It was then passed throughout all the Churches for all time .
@mikef6063 Ай бұрын
UPCI teaches tithing, which is part of the Mosaic law, a taxation and governmental subsidy system for national Israel
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