Why is Imam Ali Connected to All the Sufi Tariqas?

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Dawud Israel

Dawud Israel

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Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad talks about the virtues of Imam Ali (radiallahu anhu) and the metaphysical significance of why he is at the head of all the sufi turuq. quilliampress.com/

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@10Ammar 3 жыл бұрын
And he adorned him with the Radiant one, Sayyida Fatima Zahra ♥️
@ezzatnasim9123 11 жыл бұрын
If you want to establish uprightness in the world, Make sure you've established it in yourself. So true, so beautiful.
@tazboy1934 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah everyone want sharia and caliphate but dont want to work on ourselves
@la3la3laa.3a2isha 2 жыл бұрын
So sweet... so beauuu teee fuuullll outlandish 🤣
@la3la3laa.3a2isha 2 жыл бұрын
@@tazboy1934 ourselves are denying reality
@thesplendidstar8949 9 жыл бұрын
Any narrow minded person that says Follow the Quran and Sunnah and that's all is fooled. The flowery "Islam is simple why do people have to over complicate it" is kind of like a veil that keeps us from the realities of things. Firstly, the matter of the heart is a very difficult thing, and knowing that a single verse in the QURAN which states that Allah will accept none but a sound heart, knowing how difficult it is to attain a sound heart, you would know that the matter is deeper than it seems! How do you bring about a sound heart, a peaceful heart, a loving heart? Do you think the sahabah upheld the religion without this kind of heart? Do you think they spread Islam with books or living hearts? Imam Ali is the door to the city of knowledge, and the city of knowledge is Rasoolullah. Ali is the door to this city?? Allahu Akbar. Yes, and do you know the amount of knowledge Rasoolullah was given? Only his Lord knows. The tariqas, or spiritual paths, are not sects or groups aimed at causing disunity. The same with the four schools of thought in Islamic jurisprudence. All four imams took from QURAN and SUNNAH, yet we find they differed in many points. Imam Shafii was a student of Imam Abu Hanifa! It is only when ignorant followers misunderstand the madhabs, or when ignorant sufis misunderstand tariqa or tasawwuf, that things go wrong. Why are there so many corrupt people if the Quran is amongst us today? Because the Quran is "a guide for the muttaqeen" the God-conscious.
@kledmohd4230 8 жыл бұрын
+Sredleney Nknana Imam Shafii had imam Maalik as teacher for few years, something similar happened with Mohammad Hasan Al Shaybani who first learned from Imam Abu Hanifa but after his death travelled in Medina to learn with Imam Malik for few years, hence both Imam Shafi and AlShaybani had Imam Malik as a teacher, however AlShaybani returned back to Kufa and upheld the Hanafi School while Imam Shafi was taken by Alshaybani from the Caliph's court and kept Imam Shafii with him for more than ten years teaching him, Hence Imam Shafii had full on exposure to the works of Imam Abu Hanifa and a direct student of Imam AlShaybani. After his studies, Imam Shafii was renowned for his arabic linguistic skills and to be noted from Hanafi school and overall Islam, AlShaybani was renowned for his arabic, Abu Yusuf for his knowledge in hadiths and Imam Abu Hanifa was known for Qiyas. Hence forth when Imam Shafii left Alshaybani to start his own teaching around the arab world, he did differ with Imam Malik and Alshabani in issues and has them in his books and when he passed away, his followers formed a school of thought after him, also imam Ahmad was direct student of Imam Shafii, So we see a legacy of how all the imams are connected thru generations and flow and preservation of knowledge of islam.
@andalibalatlas3821 8 жыл бұрын
+Sredleney Nknana and Imam Malik was a student of Imam Jaafar Sadiq (as). And for that reason I believe the exclusion Jaafari fiqh was a political decision!
@kledmohd4230 8 жыл бұрын
Simo Alidrissi According to sunnis, Teachings of Imaam Jaafar was modified from what he actually taught and much has evolved after the 11th and the fictitious 12th imaam, Imaam Jaafar taught both Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Malik and they had other teachers as well, and also Imam Abu Hanifa was really proud and considerate of his teachers and had rows with the Caliph due to state's disregard for his teachers and mixed with other affairs, he was jailed and tortured. Don't want to start an argument but Hanafi fiqh was promoted by subsequent caliphates until the 20th century due to which Hanafi school is the biggest school in islam. Jafari fiqh today being the same like during the times of Imam Abu Hanifa is doubted by sunnis.
@andalibalatlas3821 8 жыл бұрын
You can't avoid the facts that Madhahib al Islam are 6 not 4. You see you fell into the trap that the Amawis and Abassids set up for us which is to exclude our Shia brothers and sisters namely Shia Jaafaria and Shia Zaidia as if it was not good enough that they crucified Imam Zaid. Imam Malik and Imam Abu Hanifa did not study with Imam Jaafar Sadiq: THEY WERE HIS SUDENTS. That's good enough to validate his fiqh. Don't you think? I believe that we Sunnis MUST validate these 2 shii madhabayn if we want to be in God terms with Allah (swt). Yes I agree that some Shia went too far especially with the belief in the fictitious 12 imam and the belief that they are infallible among other errors so did Ahmad Ibn Taymiah in his TAJSEEM of Allah (swt) which is even a worse sin and we Sunnis still call him Sheikh Al Islam. Subhana Allah! No to mention that some Sunni Scholars like Al Awzai and Shawkani shock me when they say Hadith abrogates the Holy Quran. Aoodo billah! There is no IJMAA on anything not even salat. What's wrong with us Sunnis and Shia brs and srs when are we going to use our intellect and unite and forgive each others short comings? Isn't it enough that our 6 pillars of Iman and 5 pillars of Islam are the same?
@kledmohd4230 8 жыл бұрын
Simo Alidrissi there are no divinely ordained four schools of thoughts, there were more than ten schools of thoughts but they all died out, it was the followers that upheld the schools, hanafi being the majority coz the caliphate was hanafi and promoted this fiqh, shaafi popular in arab lands, malaki in Africa and comparatively recently hanbali school in saudi arabia after the ottomon empire, the schools are historical in nature, not divine or maybe divine but we will never know coz Quran sunnah doesn't speak of it, U can't revive jafari school or any other school among sunnis coz u need chains of knowledge transmission and other schools that died out don't have a chance at revival due to this, Sunnis don't have problem with historic Imam Baaqir or Jaafir, just they don't believe the contents that tickled down today to be pure and suspects of much addition by shias, few practices like muta marriage will never be accepted or others which are pure shirk. When we are speak of Shaykh ibn Tayimiah, he is much renowned for his fiqh by all muslims hence shaykh Al Islam, salafis tho accept his literal perspective of Aqeedah while sufis don't, U have agreements in definitive Qate'e matters, maybe not in Thanni which has multiple narrations or different interpretation due to the complexity of arabic language.but there is definitely ijma on many matters and the rest is upon which school u follow. Shiism totally depends on what individuals believe, there are some dangerous beliefs like Quran being wrong and the correct Quran with the twelvth imam etc, the shirk practices invoking imaams, insulting sahabas etc, in normal day to day life it's easy to get around with all ppl, but when u see a person openly cursing someone u send salutations to, its really very difficult, Finally, there is no need to incorporate any new schools into traditional islam, what has survived historically among sunni is sufficient.
@AmericanShia786 9 жыл бұрын
As a 12er Shia Muslim, I am very disappointed with the one who called a Sufi a "faggot" below. None of the shiekhs I know would condone namecalling. The Quran clearly says there is no compulsion in religion. I love my Sunni Muslim brothers and sisters, and those who are Sufis are even closer to us yet. Besides, since so many 12er Shia Muslim scholars have so much good to say about Sufi Masters such as Rumi and Al-Ghazali and many others, I wonder if the hadith being referenced is reliable. Yes, we have some differences with our Sunni Muslim brothers and sisters, but our Marja even tell us that Sunnis are our brothers and sisters. I applaud the fact that this Sheikh is talking about our first Imam.
@yojan9238 8 жыл бұрын
the sunni-sufi also have knowledge lineage that came from imam kazim and imam askari. knowledge from all sections of ahlalbayt as and the sohabat al-kiram. that is why sometimes you can hear the sunni-sufis chanting "madad ya maulana ya hussin", "madad ya aba zainal abidin". the sufi doctrine are path of love. uniting the brotherhood of Islam as a whole.
@AmericanShia786 7 жыл бұрын
+Theodicies for later Caliphs and Al-Hadith but not for early Muslims. Yes, those who call true Sufis, Shia Muslims, Abu Hanafi and others Kufr or without knowledge are the ones who use the Quran for little more than a chant book, pretending the Six Sahihs are the actual scripture. Think about what I actually said. I didn't say there we no useful traditions in those books, because I believe there are. However, no tradition can abrogate the Quran, which all Sunnis believe has always existed. To say 6 very large sets of books of traditions collected after the fact can abrogate Quran is illogical. Why use the name Theodicies if you believe Allah doesn't have to be Just? Theodicy, or divine justice, is the bases for the classic Mutazila, various Shia sects (though Agha Khanites are outside the pale), and true Sufis. Essentially, all these groups, which include many Sunnis, either believe Ali Ibn Talib was the best Sahaba, or was the Sahaba who had the best teachings for being a true believer in one's heart, even if they believe Omar Ibn Khattab was the best Sahaba. I find it interesting that, of these three hadiths, one stating that in the Prophet's last sermon, one tradition say he left two weighty items, he Quran and His family, which the Quran clearly states has been purified. A second says he left Quran and Sunnah, and a third says he left the Quran alone, but only the first one, The Quran and his purified family, is Sahih, included in Sahih Muslim.I find it interesting that Imam Muslim followed the Shafie Madhab, which produced many orthodox Sufis in Tarikas which trace their lineage back to the Prophet through Ali Ibn Talib, such as Imam Nawawi and Al-Ghazali. The Shafie Madhab is the one closest to the 12er Shia Muslim Jafari Madhab. I believe the Hanafi Madhab is the closest Sunni Madhab to the Zaydi Shia Madhab. The 6th Shia Imam, Jafar As-Sadiq, was among the teachers of Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Malik. Imam Shafi was the student of Imam Malik. Imam Ibn Hanbal was the first Al-Hadith, but if one reads the traditions in his Musnad, he has wonderful things to say about the Shia Imams! Obviously, Shia-bashing, which was done throughout the Ummayad Caliphate because Caliph Muhawiya called for the cursing of Imam Ali and his progeny from the Friday pulpit. Later Abbasid scholars, such as Ibn Kathir, for example, were Ummayad Sympathizers though the Ummayad Caliphate was long gone by his time. That gave Shia-bashing and Shia-killing on the scale practiced by the Saudis, Al-Qaeda, ISIS, etc., I don't know you so I do not say that you want to exterminate Shia Muslims, but that is where Shia-bashing is today.
@AmericanShia786 7 жыл бұрын
+Theodicies That empire, the Safavids, is as dead as the Sunni Caliphs before it. If you blame every single 12er Shia Muslim, Iranian or other, for those conversions, you have made your hate a partner to Allah. I may not like the Omayyad, Abbasid, and Turkish Caliphates, but I still love the good muslims who were citizens of those empires. You are welcome to follow the Al-Hadith if you want. I personally would not allow any traditions from 12er Shia Muslim books to abrogate Allah's Holy Quran, so of course I would not allow the same by the Six Sunni Sahih books. I truly believe your methodology is flawed, but I won't stop you from following it, unless of course you decide to murder me or other Muslims because you consider us heretics. The Safavids were no more the Voice of Allah on earth than the Dynastic Caliphs. Imperialism is not Allah's will. Theodices, do you believe Al-Hadith have the right to murder those who follow earlier Muslims schools as heretics? On what basis? Before I became a Muslim 18 years ago when I was 39 years old, I didn't just say "I'll be a Muslim as a 12er Shia. Nope. In fact, having grown up listening to the Western News Media and what it said about Iran, I thought Shias were a weird sect of Islam started by Ayatullah Sayyed Khomeini in Iran. It was through Sunni books that I learned first about the historicity of 12er Shia Muslims. I not only read about what Shias, Sunnis, and Al-Hadith do. I also looked in to WHY they do what they do or believe what they believe. I thought it was obvious that Ali Ibn Talib was the best Sahaba. Of course, that is because I read about Orthodox Sufism within Sunnism, Mutazilism, and 12er and Zaydi Shi'ism. I did read Ibn Sina, so that means I got a bit of Fatimid Ismailism also. The question for me was ... is Allah (SWT) truly Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem, or not? Another question was: How can traditions collected centuries later by fallible men contract Allah's Quran? When I reached my conclusion on those two questions, I proceeded. Of course, I could not be Al-Hadith. When I learned that Mutazilite, 12er Shia, Zaydi Shia, and Hanafi scholars would study under each others teachers, and that the 6th Shia Imam Jafar As-Saddiq was among the teachers of Abu Hanifa and Ibn Malik, and that Imam Shafi was a student of Ibn Malik and used his Muwatta and that Imam Shafi's original madhab was the closest to the Jafari Madhab, and that the orthodox Sufis I read ... Al-Ghazali and An-Nawawi, were scholars of the Shafi Madhab, and that all but one orthodox Sufi Tarika traces its lineage back to the Prophet through Ali Ibn Talib, I knew I was going to be a 12er Shia Muslim (since the Mutazilites are extinct). I didn't stop there, however. I compared methodologies. There are folk practices that crept into 12er Shia Muslim folk religion, but the 12er Shias I know don't practice those folk practices anyway. As it stands, among my Muslim friends are Sunni Muslims. This Ramadhan I have Iftar at my family doctor's Sunni mosque a couple of times, and at another Sunni Mosque. An American revert about 25 years younger than me who follows the Hanbali Madhab is also a friend of mine. He considers me a Muslim despite the differences. After all, despite being Al-Hadith, Ahmed Ibn Hanbali in his Musnad has wonderful traditions about the 12er Shia Imams. Why would he have collected them if they were fabricated? So, those who you consider scholars threw out traditions that those I consider scholars accept as reliable, and vice versa. We can boast that we each have the true scholars against the other, but I refuse to harm any Muslim who follows the ideology of one I believe has flawed scholarship, unless it is in honest self defense. Can you say the same thing?
@AmericanShia786 7 жыл бұрын
+Theodicies Firstly, I owe you an apology, because I assumed you were what I call Al-Hadith (yes, my Arabic is lacking). The Shaykh who taught me about Shi'ite beliefs and practices did tell me that I ought no think of even Shi'i books of traditions like Al-Kafi as thoroughly authentic anymore than Al-Bukhari. I own half of Al-Kafi and I can see traditions there that I would not accept. However, there are Shi'ite traditions that are very profound. Most of those are ethical traditions. I also notice that a difference in how the community acts from that of some Sunni mosques I've visited. My doctor's mosque is one of the best Sunni mosques I've ever attended. No one scolds me for praying according to the Jafari school. Rather, most smile and are very accepting. On the subject of traditions, I believe a tradition might be weak, but that doesn't automatically make it a fabricated tradition. I realize some schools would not accept that view. The Ashari school is more familiar to me than the Maturidi School. When we recover financially from the purchase of our new home, I was going to purchase the two books written by Imam Abu Hanifa. Now, I'm going to have to also buy a book or three on the Maturidi. I've read basic and medium size books on fiqh by Hanafi, Maliki, and Shafie schools, including the Risala of Imam Shafi, which I recently put down because I prefer to concentrate on other things during Ramadhan. In the first few years after I became a Muslim in 1999, it seemed like I was caught in the middle between Evangelical Christians on the one hand, some of whom have really been taught a lot of lies about Islam, and some Salafis on the other hand (but not all Salafis). The last 4 or 5 years, I've been at odds with both Muslims and Christians who support the invasion of Syria by funding a rebranded Al-Qaeda affiate. So, I'm feisty when it comes to Wahabis or the hint of anti-Shia rhetoric. Obviously, you are not of the Wahabi ideology. If I had sat down with you at an iftar at a Sunni mosque and chatted with you, I don't think our conversation would have been heated to any degree. I respect and love my Sunni brothers which would definitely include you. That influence comes from the Shaykh at my Islamic center, who believes Sunnis and Shias should reach out and support each other as Muslims. The Shaykh who helped me become a Muslim, is a covert to Shi'ism from Sunnism. He can get along with Sunnis, but he is just as likely to highlight the differences as well as the similarities. My philosophical and theological education is of course from conservative non-Fundamentalist Evangelical Christianity. I was born and raised Roman Catholic but became an Evangelical Christian in my late teens, moving from modern fundamentalism to conservative Wesleyan Arminian Evangelicalism in my mid-twenties. I graduated from a Bible College and took Systematic Theology and Philiosophy courses. I liked Avicenna and even Al-Ghazali as a Christian hehehe, but the Scottish Realism of Thomas Reid and the Moral Government of God Theology of Charles Grandison Finney really influenced me. I suppose that is why I gravitated to Mutazilism and 12er Shi'ism when I couldn't believe major Christian doctrines anymore. Nowadays, I want to dig deeper into both 12er Shi'ism and classic Sunnism, InshaAllah. So, what you expressed in these comments will be considered. I wish we had met under different circumstances. Salam Alaikum and may Allah accept you fasting and prayers and good deeds.
@mbeletoeo2803 7 жыл бұрын
This was so beautiful to see how in the end you spoke in peace and love for the sake of Allah to eachother. My dear brothers in Islam, I wish you all the best. I, myself am Sunni and critical towards twelver shiaism (not so critical towards fiver shiaism (Zaydiyya)), but I know some so-called reformist Shiis, who have a similar aqida like asharis and reject many traditional things in twelver shiaism (f.i. wilaya takwiniyya and the like), the only difference is that they pray the jafari way and think Imam Ali was the best of sahaba and best suited for imama (and after him Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein). This, in my eyes, is very very acceptable (even if I still don't agree) and it's such a minor thing in my eyes if you prefer ahlul bayt or sahaba as teachers if you can be sure about the historicity of their reports (which is a very, very difficult subject to study at Islamic universities and I'm not saying Al Kafi is in itself authentic). For me it's also very important to show my love and support for all people who say the shahadatayn and speak with them in the best manners. It's my task always to consider as much excuses for my brothers and sisters as possible, if they might have an error in understanding or don't understand they are adhering to some wrong believes, as long as they don't say anything which absolutely directly and without any doubt nullify the shahada (like "xy is God" or the son of God or whatsoever). In my life I learnt to know many shii people who had a very similar aqida and belief like me and didn't believe in things like wilaya takwiniyya or the like and didn't even know so much about religion anyway (also many Sunnis don't), but they prayed all their prayers, fasted all their days in Ramadan and had a beautiful very islamic character. At home I always keep a turba praying stone for my shii friends and there is so much love and compassion between us. I live in Germany, where we accepted many Muslim refugees and most of the Iraqis I know who came as refugees are twelver Shiis. I help them where I can and make du'a and they are honestly good People. Many in their families were killed by ISIS khawarij and I have a lot of work to do to give them a good feeling about me being Sunni. These kinds of things bring us so much closer to have a shared Islam than randomly hating eachother. Of course I don't agree with twelver shia but how can I hurt my brothers and sisters in Islam and humanity who came here to seek refuge and safety fi amanilillah May God bless us all and show us his mercy, forgive our sins, gather us all together in peace in janna and give us the answer to all these hard topics we were trying to understand and debated about, may God accept our prayers and help us to perfect our character and clean our intentions from any worldly desires of our nafs. Peace be upon you all
@DawudIsrael 11 жыл бұрын
A dear brother typed out the key part... ‎"You cannot operate a successful spirituality unless you have this principle of giving people the benefit of doubt and forgiving and including. The moment you start to point the finger of blame and to allocate blame then the gates of Allāh's Rahma are closed to you because of the state that you're in. So that's a very important blessing for us to learn and Imām Alī [Karram Allāhu wajhahu] is a great example of that." - Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad
@mahmoudally3906 8 жыл бұрын
Ya'll(shias and sunnis) need to stand up at night and pray for guidance. This action will give us an answer to our unity. But keep on rollin that tongue of yours, the debate will never end because it hasn't been taken to its solver.
@nomad4ilm822 6 жыл бұрын
Mach'Allah akhi! You're right!
@MB-tb6jy 5 жыл бұрын
I pray for Allah H Ta3ala to unite the Ummah according to what is correct. InshaAllah it will happen with those who wish for unity. I myself am tired of the sectarian mentality.
@PLCSadra 4 жыл бұрын
@@Soul-114 What is the tafseer about it? Are they for muslim or?
@TheClinchMagazine 3 жыл бұрын
You're right dude.
@Aishanuriya 10 жыл бұрын
I deeply admire Sheykh Murad. Nice video, beautiful settings and contents!
@abdulrazzakali6291 6 жыл бұрын
Calling both haq and batil as 'haq' is the height of zulm (darkness) and injustice. Islam is the deen of justice.
@QuadriMastana 4 жыл бұрын
This dream narration is against and gets cancelled and rejected by the Mutawatir Hadith of the foretelling in a long Hadith narration of Bukhari ...”The Prophet passed by `Ammar and removed the dust off his head and said, May Allah be merciful to `Ammar. He will be killed by a Fiat al Baaghiyyah rebellious aggressive group. `Ammar will invite them to (Heaven) Allah, and they will invite him to the (Hell) fire. (Sahih Bukhari Hadith No. 2812).
@misterrea861 4 жыл бұрын
That's a beautiful thought: "God bestowed upon you a love of the poor."
@dheenmohamed9437 7 жыл бұрын
I just want to say here that the naqshabandis have three silsilas one of which goes through syyidna Ali RA.
@34SlaveofAllah 4 жыл бұрын
@AC_Milan1899 10 жыл бұрын
Subhanallah - valuable lessons and insight. Jazakallah shaykh
@xillzyazxelijah70 8 жыл бұрын
I'm feel very stupid when a new convernter has a better understanding about Islam rather born Muslim like me. Full respect.
@alandulusia Жыл бұрын
Sahabahs werent all born muslim. Most of us are converts of some sort whethet "born muslim" or not.
@razwankhan5318 5 жыл бұрын
Spoken with Haq and am baffled that some people or group's cannot see the simple logic he is stating.
@AbdelmarHamim-gm1qf Жыл бұрын
Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wa barakatuh ya sayyidi 💕❤ alhamdulillah wa shukran Allah for this immensely wisdom❤
@AlHaqAhleSunnah 11 жыл бұрын
Heavy!!! Drops it like its hot!! Mashaallah, keep it up Shaykh!
@drsufyan 6 жыл бұрын
Such beautiful words...
@mustafaali6842 6 жыл бұрын
Evry salah in tashahood we say salah and salam on prophet and his family. Ali fatima hasan husain are in evry salah in ur tashahood think about that
@VK-fp6hc 4 жыл бұрын
Gulbaz Shah Ali RA is also the leader of the Sunni just not the first one his time came when allah decided it was his time we cannot argue with this.
@Mohamed-lg6ep 3 жыл бұрын
@@VK-fp6hc Imam Ali (as) is the first leader. & YES you can argue about that.
@UnsaidUser 11 жыл бұрын
Thank you for posting this. AlhamduliLah
@Gazishahchak 2 ай бұрын
Moula ali (as) ❤
@palmirpalmirov4175 4 жыл бұрын
Thus Ya Ali Madad. Ali (a) is everything after our beloved prophet (s). And to date his progeny guides all the belivers in such a turbulent time.
@humaparacha0808 2 жыл бұрын
Wrong. Madad or help is only from Allah. So stop asking help from ali. This is shirk!!!!
@daniyalghauri6120 6 жыл бұрын
Beautiful ending ..
@liveloveislam8534 8 жыл бұрын
Why is it that we have to fight as shia and sunnis til the end of time, that is why we have lost the true peaceful islam today, respect one another and don't call each other kufar. This dispute is killing us all over the world, literally.
@andalibalatlas3821 8 жыл бұрын
+live&love Islam- This is because because we Sunnis have Nawasib among us and the Shia have khawarij among them. The Sunni Nawasib hide the facts from us and the Shia Khawarij exaggerate the facts!
@zainali-lm4zr 8 жыл бұрын
the reason we fight today is because there were no shias yesterday
@andalibalatlas3821 8 жыл бұрын
If the Shia are perfect why then they became khawarij and killed Imam Ali (as)?
@srxxx1326 5 жыл бұрын
@@hasnainy ahle sunnah came from time time of imam ali R.A and when Imam Hassan R.A made his peace treaty and step down his 6 month reign the term ahle sunnah wal jammah was named. Followers of imam hassan. There is many diffrent types of sunni but a true Sunni. Follow the teachings of ahle sunnah wal. Jammah, and most of these sunni don't fight with shia it's salfi who claim to be sunni that fight and argue with shia. Ahle sunnah wal jamaah is not a bidah. Also they didnt drive cars back then so I guess that's a biddah too bro
@khabirjandov8255 3 жыл бұрын
@@srxxx1326 correct.... Salafis are doing much damage to ummah...
@nasrulhakim5824 6 жыл бұрын
Ya Allah Ya Rahman Ya Allah Ya Rahim
@timothyruffle4777 6 жыл бұрын
What this man done was smart , he both did proved the Sunni yet reminding the Shia to in a way be the bigger person and benefit from the peace it will bring.
@nadaelmendili9219 5 жыл бұрын
رضي الله عن الامام علي و امهات المؤمنين و الخلفاء الائمة الراشدين .
@roysam2710 5 жыл бұрын
Salaam Alaikum wrb. True speaking Sheikh. True speaking.
@razaqmadadi9915 Жыл бұрын
The so called jamaha was also all quraish against our holly profet Mohammad saw. If Jama is right always why the holly profet was going allon against all quraish. He had Ali and khdija on his side only but he never accepts jamaha quraish Tot be right. He says I swear bij God if you give me th soun in my right hand and the moon in mij left hand I never Wil step back from mij point of view. Pleas because you peoples didn't listen to to the latest advise of Holly profet don't make up falls hadidth to secem away from your wrong doing بیک chosen abubaker as Khalifa in Stat of imam ali' Go to read your one hadith saqalin in bukhari of moslim.
@laylaali5977 21 күн бұрын
@irfankurrimbux5445 4 жыл бұрын
ًWho is IMAM ALI (A)? He was born in the Kaaba! In dawat zul ashira, Imam Ali (A) was only ten years old, yet, Rasulallah (SAW) said : This is My brother, My custodian and My successor, so obey Him (A) and follow Him (A). وَأَنذِرْ عَشِيرَتَكَ الْأَقْرَبِينَ When Rasulallah (SAW) went on hijrat, He (SAW) asked Imam Ali (A) to sleep in His bed and this ayat was revealed : وَمِنَ النَّاسِ مَن يَشْرِي نَفْسَهُ ابْتِغَاءَ مَرْضَاتِ اللَّهِ ۗ وَاللَّهُ رَءُوفٌ بِالْعِبَادِ And this ayat was revealed, when a beggar asked for alms in the mosque and received nothing, then Imam Ali (A) forwarded His finger offering His ring : إِنَّمَا وَلِيُّكُمُ اللَّهُ وَرَسُولُهُ وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا الَّذِينَ يُقِيمُونَ الصَّلَاةَ وَيُؤْتُونَ الزَّكَاةَ وَهُمْ رَاكِعُونَ, . Rasulallah (SAW) said : I am city of knowledge and Ali (A) is its door, whoever needs knowledge comes through the door. In the battle of Ohod He stood firm by Rasulallah (SAW) while the rest of the companions fled away. Someone said : Muhammad (SAW) is dead ! And a great companion said : what's the use of fighting when Muhammad (SAW) is dead. Rasulallah (SAW) asked Imam Ali (A) : why did You stay while others went away, Imam Ali (A) replied : what's the use of LIVING WHEN RASULALLAH (SAW) IS MORE ! In the battle of Khandaq everyone was scared by Amr Abd Wad, the most ferocious and champion of the mushrikeen of Quraish. Rasulallah (SAW) said : who's going to shut the mouth of this dog? And Imam Ali (A) stood up and killed Amr. At Khaibar, the Muslims besieged the fortress of Khaibar for 39 days and the Muslims were almost starved to death. When nothing was achieved Rasulallah (SAW) said : tomorrow I'll give the banner to someone who loves Allah and His Rasul (SAW) and whom Allah and His Rasul (SAW) love. The next day Rasulallah (SAW) called Imam Ali (A) and gave Him (A) the banner He (A) killed Marhab and his two brothers and conquered the fortress. At the last Haj performed by Rasulallah (SAW), He gathered all the companions around 120,000 of them and said this famous Hadith : قال رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) : " من كنت مولاه فهذا علي مولاه ، اللهم والِ من والاه و عادِ من عاداه. AND WHAT SCHOLARS DO NOT TELL YOU, ALL OF THE COMPANIONS PAID ALLEGIANCE TO IMAM ALI (A) ON THAT DAY, ON THE FIRST ROW THE 3 CALIPHS !!!! The day the Muslims started erect Masjid an Nabawi, Ammar (R) was carrying two blocks while others were carrying one and Rasulallah (SAW) came forward to wipe the sweat from his face saying : Oh, Ammar (R), the revolting group will kill him, he will invite them to jannat and they will invite him to hellfire ! This event took place at the battle of Siffeen where Muawiya (L) and Amr Ass (L) fought Imam Ali (A) ! As a matter of fact, these two were cursed by Rasulallah (SAW)! To enumerate the virtues of Imam Ali (A) is impossible, here what Sultan ul Hind, SYED Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (A) the greatest Sufi Master of India said : THE VIRTUES OF IMAM ALI (A) CANNOT BE DESCRIBED IN WORDS CAN THE OCEAN BE CONFINED IN A BOWL? THIS IS WHAT I COULD UNDERSTAND TO BE LIKE ALI (A) IS IMPOSSIBLE !!!! Name of Imam Ali (A) written on the door of Jannat وروى أحمد بأسناده عن جابر، قال: قال رسول الله صلّى الله عليه وآله وسلّم: «رأيت على باب الجنة مكتوباً: لا إله الاّ الله، محمّد رسول الله، عليٌ أخو رسول الله لسان الميزان ج5 ص70 رقم 234، ورواه الخوارزمي في المناقب الفصل التاسع عشر ص214، ومحمّد بن رستم في تحفة المحبين ص180. Tafsir Tabari of Surat Bayyena Rasulallah (SAW) says : KHAIRUL BARRIYAT IT'S YOU AND YOUR SHI'A OH ALI (a) ! ( إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ أُولَئِكَ هُمْ خَيْرُ الْبَرِيَّةِ ) يقول تعالى ذكره: إن الذين آمنوا بالله ورسوله محمد, وعبدوا الله مخلصين له الدين حنفاء, وأقاموا الصلاة, وآتوا الزكاة, وأطاعوا الله فيما أمر ونهى ( أُولَئِكَ هُمْ خَيْرُ الْبَرِيَّةِ ) يقول: من فعل ذلك من الناس فهم خير البرية. وقد: حدثنا ابن حميد, قال: ثنا عيسى بن فرقد, عن أبي الجارود, عن محمد بن عليّ( أُولَئِكَ هُمْ خَيْرُ الْبَرِيَّةِ ) فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: " أنْتَ يا عَلي وَشِيعَتُكَ
@5heeshi 11 жыл бұрын
I love this Sheikh
@mahmoudally3906 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you.
@sayedzaidi9310 6 жыл бұрын
Ofcource Allah is forgiver but Allah have given us the difference between right and wrong between haq and batil if we cannot be able to do so we will be doing wrong again and again it is very important, as Muslims we should follow haq and supports haq only. Nodoupt imam Ali (as) and ahlulbait was on always on haq .and we Muslim ummah should recognize that and never follow batil . That the way we becomes a strong ummah .
@samsingh6643 6 жыл бұрын
Sufism teaches and promotes love. Anyone that negates and slanders any of the blessed Sahabah including the blessed Hazrat Muawiya, Allah be pleased with him, is not of the ummah of the Beloved Prophet, Allah peace and blessings upon him. The position and stance of the Ahlus Sunnah wa Jamah who are 90% of the Ummah of the world is that we should stop our tongue from talking ill about the sahaba even though they they might have erred. We as the Ahlus Sunnah love all the all sahabah and the household of the beloved Prophet, Allah peace and blessings upon him. Yes the Ahlus sunnah wa Jammah condemns the wretched Yazid and his supporters. Allah deen is of love and not hate.....haters are those that warm their place in the hell fire.
@principlemethods5281 5 жыл бұрын
You're going a little far with Muawiyeh..
@principlemethods5281 5 жыл бұрын
@b king I was talking about the man in the video. Saying he was in Janna..
@principlemethods5281 5 жыл бұрын
@b king Its okay brother. I understand. it was a reply to Sam Singhs comment..
@QuadriMastana 4 жыл бұрын
This dream narration is against and gets cancelled and rejected by the Mutawatir Hadith of the foretelling in a long Hadith narration of Bukhari ...”The Prophet passed by `Ammar and removed the dust off his head and said, May Allah be merciful to `Ammar. He will be killed by a Fiat al Baaghiyyah rebellious aggressive group. `Ammar will invite them to (Heaven) Allah, and they will invite him to the (Hell) fire. (Sahih Bukhari Hadith No. 2812).
@muneebkhan6178 3 жыл бұрын
shut the F* up ok turkish sufism didnt even call muawiyah a sahabi they respect 4 caliph specially Mola Ali AS and muawiyah was his biggest enemy
@justdoorie 11 жыл бұрын
@mohamedabdulla9681 7 жыл бұрын
@syedsharjeelaskari2161 5 жыл бұрын
Great lecture
@MB-tb6jy 4 жыл бұрын
Jazzakum Ullâh khayran
@saltranger 3 жыл бұрын
The term Imam is generally specific to Shia doctrine of divinity and infallibility of Imams. The term creates confusion in Sunni context.
@edinosmanovic5192 7 жыл бұрын
BiRiR, sellam to all my brother and sister. Some of you are in wright. I was born like sunni muslim in sunni majority land. I never knew about this separation in Islam since find in Internet. I prayed a Master of Universe to guide me to right path and after some years He drive me to a person that don't divide but want to Unite all religion in One God. From that moment i followed his teaching's and understanding of where and whay there is a separation in religion. From that moment i call myself moomin without orientation. Jew separated them in 71 sect. Christian's in 72. Muslim's in 73. Somebody must be going wrong to happen this separation. Who and where, who cares. We must not blame or judge nobody. Love is answer to everything be of those who love. Don't separate, unite. United we are strong. Division 1-st time happened when Iblis l.a. didn't incline to Adem a.s. This is his power to make as separate and be week. Follow Allah and His Prophet's PBUTAP, be pure hearth and soul. Don't fight and judge others is so sad to see all this, only Iblis l.a. can joy of this. What when Imam Mahdi a.s. come and see in witch condition is his ummet. He will be not neither Sunni or Shiia or Allawuia or any other orientation. Pure Prophet's Islam, no orientation or name's. Who will knew the Best if not he. A grandson of must important man PBUHAP surely will be on a right path and he will call al of us to unite in One. Truth Islam is coming soon, only right guided will be of his follower's, and who better of Allah swt will know witch of as is pure heart and soul. So live the discussion that lead to novare. I love what Allah love, and hate what he hate. Pray for His pardon for all of good man and woman and to guide as all to right path. Amin
@ridha8028 Жыл бұрын
I disagree. We can’t just brush off the injustice that happened .
@aliakbarhussainy9534 6 жыл бұрын
علي مع الحق والحق مع علي عليه السلام فعتبروا وفهموا
@MrStoryteller_me 4 жыл бұрын
Sufis are more closer to Allah SAW
@barashah1171 3 жыл бұрын
respect for both moavia and ali .......wow......
@aqeelahmad1215 3 жыл бұрын
Can anyone guess the length of Shaykh's turban cloth? I actually want to wear a turban like that In Sha Allah.
@mohammedbejaoui6398 2 жыл бұрын
You must See The Light of Allah to be in the State of Iman. Follow the Wali of this Time je is Sie Mohammed Faouzi Al Karkari Tariqa Karkariya
@mukhammadyusufakhmedov0000 8 жыл бұрын
Assalam alaikum from a moslem who is following and living according to qur'an and also following the way which prophet Muhammad Mustafa s.a.v.ordered. There is no such words in qur'an like sunni or shia or whatever they call . but follow Hanafiy Islamic schools of jurisprudence(fiqh) is more wonderful than any others. This is my personal opinion.
@AhlulBidahExposed 11 жыл бұрын
No I don't say following a madhab is baatil. Are you trying to mock the beard? Whoever mocks anything from Islaam has apostatised by consensus of islamic jurists. Allah said, "was it Allah His Ayaat and Messenger you were mocking, make no mistake, you have disbelieved after you believed."
@la3la3laa.3a2isha 2 жыл бұрын
Imam Ali صل الله عليه وسلم never drew a veil over the truth. But those around him - who didnt really like him too much - always tried to veil him... No wonder no one sees that imam Ali calls (in a pretty public hearing) abu bakr and umar lying treacherous sinners. Someone please explain whats going on because something dont make sense here.
@007VitaminD 5 жыл бұрын
Were there any tariqas connected to Abu Bakr or the 3 caliphs from the sunni/sufi perspective? Or were there any academic works from these caliphs besides Imam Ali and his detailed contribution to Islamic Academia? Thanks
@Ahmed-k7w3s 5 жыл бұрын
Naqshbandi tariqa are connected to hadhrath abubacker r.a.
@downtown2911 6 жыл бұрын
My dear brothers and sisters. The Prophet (pbuh) was the seal of the prophets and Allah SWT is the best of planners. Do not divide each other on historical analysis, for Allah SWT knows best what we do not. Intentions and actions are inextricably linked but only Allah SWT knows your true intentions. The Sahaba were men and we believe they were rightly guided. Islam is the submission to the will of your creator. History and who was the right caliphate is not what Allah SWT will ask you about. Our Prophet (pbuh) has perfected this deen for us and now to argue about events outside the tools needed for salvation, Will not help us. We can discuss anything in Islam respectfully but please my brothers and sisters, stop pointing to each other or specific individuals in history as the wrongdoers in an attempt to divide the ummah. Shia or Sunni, only speak of certainty with which that the Quran and the Prophet(pbuh) have revealed (I understand that in Shia understanding of Islam that it’s difficult to do but at least try to be respectful, remember Allah)
@sheikhmd.salman9692 2 жыл бұрын
Brother your mind is in the right direction. Shias have their own problem, they will be asked about that. But what about us Sunnis. We have hadiths regarding the incidents. Why are we shy about accepting that. Allah even mentions the faults of Prophets(as). That never meant to belittle them. If prophets deed are text in quran. Why we are not addressing the wrongdoing of the handful ones for which the ummah has divided. Prophets are infallible, sahabas are not.. Yet we discuss Prophets faults in light of the quran but shy away from discussiong Sahabas.
@mashal23 5 ай бұрын
In Islam, you are obligated to learn and follow the one truth. There cannot be more than one truth. The Devil and God and not both correct. Only the path of Allah swt is true, and only the path of Ali (as) is the true path of Prophet Muhammad saw. You do not stay silent during oppression. You stand with the oppressed, ALWAYS. Israel and Palestine are not both oppressed. Only Palestine is oppressed. Learn, read and follow the one truth iA. Peace to all.
@principlemethods5281 5 жыл бұрын
This is what ive been thinking too. (I dont know about Muawiyeh being in heaven though).
@SyedHamza110 3 жыл бұрын
He isn't!
@zccau2316 3 жыл бұрын
He is but yazid maybe not so lmao
@muneebkhan6178 3 жыл бұрын
he was clear hypocrites sufism mostly stand by Ali AS teachings and follow his imamat and muawiyah was his biggest enemy and a father of yazid
@2alfarisi 6 жыл бұрын
Where i can find the saying of Rasul Allah Saw to Imam 'Ali as recited by Sheikh Abdal Hakim?
@mosmas66 6 жыл бұрын
No Where. You won't find what he is saying any where in our tradition and literature. This guy is a Christian missionary agent who want to destroy Islam from inside.He is also collaborating with CIA and English Intelligence. Warn other Muslims about his hypocrite and a liar.
@2alfarisi 6 жыл бұрын
Mos Mas Do you have proof for your accusation?
@mosmas66 6 жыл бұрын
2alfarisi Yes, his lies about the prophet, his inventions. He belongs to an organization with others Imams that work for Western Organization. The definitive proof is this same very speech based only on his lies.
@mosmas66 6 жыл бұрын
Here you have the proof: kzbin.info/www/bejne/fnyZpH6har51o6M
@irfankurrimbux5445 4 жыл бұрын
@@mosmas66 I believe you're right, because he plays the safe mode everytime !!!!
@bhitai 5 ай бұрын
Didn't Ibn Tamiyya mention that Sahaba fought Imam Ali: “Allah (swt) has told that He will place on the believers and those that preform good, love. And this is a true promise from him. Especially for the Caliphs Abu Bakr (r.a) and Umar Ibn Al Khattab (r.a) for the general amount of companions loved them and they were the best periods of Islam. Ali was not like that, as a large number of companions (sahabah) and followers (tab’ieen) hated him, cursed him and fought him.” So you aren't allowed to talk about the infighting among the companions, but Ibn-e-Tamiyya is?
@balibhai420 11 жыл бұрын
this doesn't answer the question in the title.
@abybagh1251 3 жыл бұрын
Regarding the dream mentioned here: Surely we can't have it both ways! You fight against Amir Al Moemeneen and you go to paradise?! Allah is Alam of course!
@andalibalatlas3821 8 жыл бұрын
Salamo alaikum, Sheikh Abdul Hakim, May Allah bless you. We Muslims Sunnis and Shia should not insult the sahabal Kiraam except for those who clearly deserve it like Taghut Muawiyya Taleeq bnu Taleeq Abu Sufian for not giving bay'a to Imam Ali (as) the best khalifa ever to walk on earth and for poisoning his son Al Hassan (as) and for killing Jaafar Ibnu Abi Bakr Asideeq (raa) and for killing Ayesha Ummul Mu'mineen (raa) and you can also insult the drunkard Alaqeeto bnu Laqeet (la'anaho Allaho) Yazid Bnu Muawiya who killed the grandson of prophet Mohammad (pbuh) Al Hussain (as) and 70 of his family members and followers in Karbala'. Add to the list Alwazagh, Marwan wal Iaadu Billah!
@TheMercifulAndJust 8 жыл бұрын
Your outburst and insult against The Sahabi , Muawiyya, radiyallahuanhu, does nothing to him or the stance of AhlusSunnat Wal Jamaat on him it only digs the ditch you're in deeper and deeper... spiritually you're heading a deadend.
@zulfikaregzikutor5561 2 жыл бұрын
@@hasnainy Thank you sisters but so many brothers have eyes but don't see and have ears but do not hear and their hearths' are full of hatred.
@MrResearcher122 9 жыл бұрын
This gentleman said, 'you can't have a successful spirituality if you allocate blame'. He is implying shia Islam has no proper basis of spirituality, a wrong-headed claim, and one at odds with his views on 'not pointing the finger'.
@MrAbugaarith 6 жыл бұрын
can someone please tell me where this silsila to Ali R.A or Abu Bakr R.A is documented. which books?
@sheikhmd.salman9692 2 жыл бұрын
Firstly, I want to say I am a Muslim who follows hadith and also loves Ahlul Bayt. If any position of anyone contradicts authentic hadith of Prophet(sm) we reject it. We follow Prophet(sm), khulafaye rashidin and the best 3 generations. In every era the battle of Imam Ali(as) was discussed. Since Rasulullah(sm) himself said these hadiths these are to be discussed. Just to protect someone's personality we cannot hide haqq. We can't say we shouldn't discuss about it while we have besst hadith scholars compiling these hadiths for our betterment. Sahih Bukhari 2812 . in this hadith the opposite party of Ammar (ra) is said to be inviting hhimm in hellfire. In Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal 16744, 17813 and Mustadrak Al Hakim 5661 it is narrated that the killer of Ammar(ra) is in Jahannam. When these hadiths are present it will be a very shameful act to depend upon taba-tabiyee's dream. We don't worsship any personality. We worship Allah adn we accept whatever knowledge he provides us through his Rasul(sm).
@Sheen023 Жыл бұрын
Authentic Hadith? How many do you know? Which hadith did you based the authenticity criterion upon?? How many Hadith are in collection today? Why are they only a fraction of what the Imams r.a memorized?? And you think you are eligible to make a decision? Please learn brother. 😀 Ahlusunna wal jama'ah is the way!
@Sheen023 Жыл бұрын
Whom among the classical scholars have derived the same interpretation as you? 🤔
@sheikhmd.salman9692 Жыл бұрын
@@Sheen023 Firstly, Do I need to know all the hadiths before I narrate a single one? The authenticity criteria is not based upon my opinion rather muhaddiths . You seem to to misundersstand a point that written down hadiths are not the only hadiths imams memorized. They memorized more hadith than they had written down in notes. At times they even noted down hadiths that are weak just to show that they know that they knew about the hadith. Allah made us eligible to make a decision for myself. In barzakh I won't be spared saying that I saw people following this narration therefore I followed it. That excuse is not gonna hold. I will be judged on my understanding so I will bet on myself and the hadith/imams that I am gonna follow.
@sheikhmd.salman9692 Жыл бұрын
@@Sheen023 Interpretation is clear as day. Go and search sharah of these hadiths and show me that their interpretation is polar opposite of mine. Here I have given hadith. Whether you make it of as authentic or not thats upon you. You are rambling and not showing any evidence
@Sheen023 Жыл бұрын
@@sheikhmd.salman9692 blah blah blah. You're a nobody, so we demand an interpretation from a credible source than your majesty. Also, who gave you the right to derive at an interpretation based on a single Hadith? Or are you a better Hadith scholar than the entirety of ahlusunna wal jama'ah??
@radiorahimonline 11 жыл бұрын
This is completely incorrect. You do not follow the majority simply because they are the majority. If that was the case why did the Prophet(SAW) stand against the majority? Also the Prophet (SAW) exclusively stated in sahih hadith that Ammar ibn Yassar (RA) would be killed by Kuffar. The Prophet(SAW) was absolutely definitive with ordering his followers to follow Ali (RA) with no exception. This is logically and all definitively supported by authentic sahih hadith.
@NurlailahManoga 3 жыл бұрын
It is one sign of the final day of judgement is there will be many converted/reverted to islam, there will be many more muslims in the world but different sect, one of the prophecy of our belove prophet Mohammad (pbuh) is there will be 72 sects. If you want to be in the right path just follow the sunnah the teaching of prophet Mohammad (pbuh), the quran and the hadith, as simple as that dont make it complicated.it was already stated in the quran that doing sect or diving the religion is haram.
@ImranKhan-gy6rp 10 жыл бұрын
Naqshbandi is connected directly to Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA), not Hazrat Ali (RA). It's a unique, powerful, authentic silsila.
@michaloharra1675 10 жыл бұрын
Indeed my brother
@rosliali6855 10 жыл бұрын
Imran Khan; You are very stupid Liar, you SHIA people always tell lies. You are Satan.
@easibizltd 10 жыл бұрын
Every silslia has the blessings of Hazrat Ali wot are u lot talking about Hazrat Ali is imam ul aulia no silslia is empty with the faiz of Hazrat Ali!!
@zainali-lm4zr 8 жыл бұрын
@zohaf 7 жыл бұрын
misconception of many naqshbandi not all finf out more
@sajidmuzaffar8696 3 жыл бұрын
Repeating a lie a million times and for 1200 years does not turn a lie into a truth. Avoiding uncomfortable historical questions and taking majority (especially when the majority was imposed by power of the state) as correct is intellectually dishonest and morally repugnant
@Sheen023 Жыл бұрын
You are a nobody. You're not worth the dust on their feet!
@MrLiveliferight 8 жыл бұрын
the Prophet Muhammad said in sahih mutawatir hadith in bukhari that has been related by 20 different Sahara that "ammaar ibn yaasir will be killed by the unjust army (meaning the army of muawia) . " so with that said one can say about muawia that he was unjust for fighting Ali and committed a major sin. unlike the Shia who say he's kafir , we ahlul Sunnah believe he died in Islam and will enter jennah and Allah will forgive him for this sin. Inshallah Amin. wahhabiz all the way to the extreme left. Shia all the way to the extreme right and ahlul Sunnah always in the middle.
@MrLiveliferight 8 жыл бұрын
* sahaba
@MrLiveliferight 8 жыл бұрын
+Ali al Yunani how do you mean?
@MrLiveliferight 8 жыл бұрын
+Ali al Yunani what's your proof
@MrLiveliferight 8 жыл бұрын
+Ali al Yunani no proof of your claim ?
@MrLiveliferight 8 жыл бұрын
+Ali al Yunani they fought the khalifa hence they are major sinners and deserve punishment. the mufti of Mecca labeled them as wahhabiz
@shafighori4254 Жыл бұрын
That’s also our Sunni view point we don’t blame or curse anyone. We don’t curse or blame anyone. Twelver shias theology is based on hate and cursing, which is one the important part of their religion, they are not the real Shia of Ali, they deviated and now they are spreading their hate from Iran in all the neighboring countries, it’s a very big fitna
@eidali3593 7 жыл бұрын
that is great but i support sufizm beacuse i like when they making hadara...and mansha allaah abdal hakim
@farismag 7 жыл бұрын
Didi Mohammed did the hadara? If yes please quote it from reliable source.
@tazboy1934 4 жыл бұрын
Sufism is spirituality within islam ..it has schools like fiqh have schools
@andalibalatlas3821 8 жыл бұрын
Those who think Shia are smarter than ahl Sunna. To me they are the same! I feel sorry for both and the level of ignorance and violence that plagued our Umma. Can you please explain to me did any Imam I am talking here about the 12 Imam's (as). Did they tell the Shia to cut their skin and bleed or perform tatrib or collective flagelation and suffering to mourn the loss of sayida shuhada'il janna Imamayn Alhassan wal Hussain (as) during the sad day of Ashura? Can't we just mourn our huge loss without blood? Ya Ummatan dahikat min jahlihal umamo!
@AhlulBidahExposed 11 жыл бұрын
If I see a man calling on the dead for help is it a must that I have to call a scholar and ask him the hukm on the individual before I warn from him? No. Because it is clear. This individuals bidah can be smelt from a mile away. I am in New Zealand akhi and can smell his bidah from here!
@abdulqaem3136 6 жыл бұрын
muhammad ibn wahab is the king of bidah. Omar Al khattab do alsoo bidah! Where is your proof for salatul tarawih? to pray the tarawih is 100% bida and the proof are your own books like bukhari.
@tazboy1934 4 жыл бұрын
I think its call tawassul and istighata and there are many evidence on this...u ask them to make dua for u...but it can be dangerous if intention ,proper knowledge and heart is not firm...i personally would stay away from the words "Al madad ya Ali or any other saints or prophets"..i prefer tawassul...
@afs102 7 жыл бұрын
so the killer and those they killed will both end up in heaven? i.e ammar and his killer abu ghadiya?
@Eskipsilat 6 жыл бұрын
Raza Ali ,putting in heaven are not your job,prepare yourself instead
@aliraza44315 6 жыл бұрын
@@Eskipsilat ya but using logic and mind which Allah has given you is our job and is a valid question to which you Sunnis have no answer and prefer to stay quiet and ignorant.
@alhassani626 6 жыл бұрын
Allah will forgive everyone eventually. Logically that might be acceptable since he is the most forgiving.
@aliraza44315 5 жыл бұрын
@truth god can never be pleased with the bastard who killed the leader of the paradise. Use logic again like I said.
@ItachiAli1993 5 жыл бұрын
@truth you are baseborn just like Walid Ibn Mughirah
@faridahmad2013 6 ай бұрын
Apparently, this attribution of Salaasil to syedina Ali is unproven and there's no evidence in earlier centuries... You r a great scholar so please tell us
@callertoallaahexaltedmosth8075 9 жыл бұрын
My Brothers & Sister's Please See Ali Hasan Khan Video's Regarding the Beliefs of the Sufism Will be Shocked Honestly. Just type Ali Hasan Khan, he is a Sincere Brother.
@rashadshahzad8186 9 жыл бұрын
forget you and your khawarij brother
@callertoallaahexaltedmosth8075 9 жыл бұрын
rashad shahzad You been listening to people again akhi Rashad.....smiles. The Ahlulhadeeth are not khawarij as well plus they Refute them. From brother Sageer Alam
@juancarlosjimenez6946 26 күн бұрын
Question to Sunnis “If the Battle of Jamal were to happen today, whose side would you fight for: Imam Ali (as) or Aisha?” It disappoints me when Sunni scholars, such as this one, can be so well read and well learned, and be beacons of guidance for many towards Islam, but when it comes to “controversial” topics surrounding the Sahaba, they try to keep it politically correct by giving a diplomatic answer of “we don’t get involved” or “Allah knows best”. But ask yourselves this question if you are a Muslim: “Whose side would I be on during the Battle of Jamal?” And yes, there IS a correct answer. If you answered, “I would support Imam Ali (as)!” Then you are most likely Shi’a and are called a “kafir” or a “rafidah”. If you answered, “I would stay out of it” then you better decide quick! And if you answered “I would be with Aisha because she was the favorite wife of the Prophet (pbuh)” then you are most likely Sunni; but I have some news for you… *remember, even Aisha’s brother, Mohammad Ibn Abu Bakr didn’t stay non partial. Research to see whose side he was on: Imam Ali’s (as) aka Hezbollah-the party of Allah, or his sister Aisha’s aka Hezshaytan.* The only answer is to be on the side of Imam Ali (as). Before you come at me in the comments, let me share two critical pieces of evidence to support my claim: first the Quran and then Sahih Al Bukhari. First, the Quran. In the Quran, Allah (SWT) warns Aisha-and Hafsa-for having conspired against Rasool Allah (sawa). And in this verse, Allah (SWT) makes it clear that if they DON’T shape up, they will have Allah (SWT), His angels (as) especially Jibreel (as), and the /righteous/ believers AGAINST them [Aisha and Hafsa]. Quran 66:4 “It will be better if you wives both turn to Allah in repentance, for your hearts have certainly faltered. But if you continue to collaborate against him, then know that Allah Himself is his Guardian. And Gabriel, the righteous believers, and the angels are ˹all˺ his supporters as well.” Second, in Sahih Al Bukhari, Imam Ali (as) had sent both Ammar bin Yasar and Imam Hassan (pbut) to go speak to the ummah, sending a clear message that echoes the warning Allah (SWT) gave to Aisha directly in the Quran. Sahih Al-Bukhari 7100 Narrated Abu Maryam `Abdullah bin Ziyad Al-Aasadi: “When Talha, AzZubair and `Aisha moved to Basra, `Ali sent `Ammar bin Yasir and Hasan bin `Ali who came to us at Kufa and ascended the pulpit. Al-Hasan bin `Ali was at the top of the pulpit and `Ammar was below Al-Hasan. We all gathered before him. I heard `Ammar saying, "`Aisha has moved to Al-Busra. By Allah! She is the wife of your Prophet in this world and in the Hereafter. But Allah has put you to test whether you obey Him (Allah) or her (`Aisha).” So you see, it is clear both in the Quran and in Sunni Hadith that Aisha is not only the opposition of Imam Ali (as) in the Battle of Jamal on a physical realm, but likewise on a spiritual realm; Imam Ali (as) /is/ amongst those “righteous believers” whom Allah (SWT) mentions in the Quran (66:4) which means that at the Battle of Jamal, Aisha is not only fighting Imam Ali (as)-a righteous believer-and fighting HIS supporters (Shi’at Ali)-the righteous believers (66:4) who include Imam Hassan and Imam Hussayn (members of Ahlul Bayt clearly showing that Aisha and the wives are distinct/separate to the Ahlul Bayt of RasoolAllah Muhammad sawa)-BUT at the Battle of Jamal, Aisha is ALSO fighting against Allah (SWT), Jibreel (as), and the angels (66:4). This is true because at the Battle of Jamal, Aisha continues to corroborate against Prophet Muhammad (66:4) by going against Imams Ali, Hassan, and Hussayn (pbut). How so? Because Prophet Muhammad (sawa) says: Jami at-Tirmidhi 3719 “Narrated Hubshi bin Junadah: that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: "'Ali is from me and I am from 'Ali. And none should represent me except myself or 'Ali." Jami at-Tirmidhi 3713 “Narrated Abu Sarihah, or Zaid bin Arqam - Shu'bah had doubt: from the Prophet (ﷺ): "For whomever I am his Mawla then 'Ali is his Mawla." Jami at-Tirmidhi 3775 “Narrated Ya'la bin Murrah: that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: "Husain is from me, and I am from Husain. Allah loves whoever loves Husain.” So to be against Imam Ali (as) and Imam Hussayn (as) is to be against Prophet Muhammad (sawa) because they are OF Prophet Muhammad (sawa). Going to war against Imam Ali (as) is DEFINITELY not displaying that Ali is her[Aisha’s] mawla (“friend” as defined by Sunnis). Going to war against Imam Hussayn (as) is DEFINITELY not showing love towards him [little elementary school game here: If Allah /loves/ the one who /loves/ Hussayn then Allah /blanks/ the one who /fights against/ Hussayn. ].
@ishmaelabraham4884 8 жыл бұрын
I am a Sunni.Interestingly some Shia narrations call Sufis the enemies of Ahlulbayt(ra).
@Anomaly1111 8 жыл бұрын
+Ishmael Abraham Ahlul Bayt (as)
@Aishanuriya 8 жыл бұрын
+Ishmael Abraham Are you looking for fitna?
@yojan9238 8 жыл бұрын
+Anomaly1111 we can read the story of Safawiy Empire. the 12vers come in power with the help of Safawi Sufi Tariqah and in the end all Sufi Tariqahs were banned in Iranian Safawi. Right untill this time, the sufi tariqah still banned in Wilayatul Faqih Iran...Just look at the persecution on Nimatullahi Sufi Order now in Iran.
@kararal-shimary7870 8 жыл бұрын
ur a munafiq.
@yojan9238 8 жыл бұрын
Karar al-shimary who is munafiq?
@andalibalatlas3821 8 жыл бұрын
The day some Shia scholars stop insulting the Shaikhan and Aicha (RAA) you will then see millions of Sunni Muslims becoming Shia. We Muslims must ignore Nawasib Al Wahhabia and Rawafid Shia. I strongly believe Shia Zaidia are the only ones who have the best fiqh because if a Hadith does not have a SANAD they throw it in the garbage bin. We the Sunnis and the Shia Imamia accept tons of false Ahaadith from Al Kaafi and Imam Bukhari and Muslim not to even mention the other 4 books. I personally did not know that King Idriss Ibn Ali (as) who happen to be my first ancestor who settled in Morocco and became its first King and Amir Al Mu'mineen was Shia Zaidi until last year. I am currently studying Shia Zaidia and plan to become Shia Zaidi insha Allah once I master the Fiqh because I am tired of the lies that both Ahl Sunna wal Jamaa' and Shia Imamia.
@gonemobille3582 8 жыл бұрын
Im zaidi
@zadramm1 8 жыл бұрын
Simo Alidrissi why don't you insult those whom Shia insult? And do you know why Shia insult?! Let me tell you something, all those people who you say Razi Allah o Ann.. have killed one another. How come they all go in Janaah !? Is janaah a place like car auction you would find all sorts of ....?! No Janaah is place for decent and true and pure people. Abubakr has ordered to burn a man in Yemen simply because he was not paying tax to him.. Now ISIS burn the Jordanian pilot... where the ISIS took those act from?! You think ISIS is doing it out of whim ?! No because it's in Sunni literature ... now millions of Sunni say ISIS is not MUslim.. lol it's ridiculous ! Yes, ISIS is Muslim bad bad MUslim like ABubakr. Shia say ISIS is Muslim ... they pray, fast, recite Quran and say la Ellaah Ella Allah wa Mohammad rasull ul Allah... so what is your standard of MUslim.? Last but not least, Shia does not need anyone to come to Shia..if you understand and have logic you know the truth that is how it should be .. quality not number! God bless
@andalibalatlas3821 8 жыл бұрын
zadran zadrani pls don't compare sahabil Jaleel Abu Bakr Siddiq who sacrificed everything for Allah (swt) and his messenger (pbhu) to the Munaafiq, Muawiyya. It's a total lie that Abu Bakr ordered to burn a man to death because Abu Bakr (raa) understands well that only Allah (swt) is allowed to punish with fire in Hellfire no one else is allowed. Where did you hear this lie? some Shia Kamilia?
@zadramm1 8 жыл бұрын
Simo Alidrissi , Hahaha Now A day whenever you hear stupid things you start looking at Shia.. NO dear the Good news is its in your books. the age of darkness and propaganda and blame game is over its 21 century, open your mind and read about Mr Abubakr.. its in Sunni books. reference, Abubakr ordered to burn Yemeni men who refused to pay tax. (Zakaat)
@andalibalatlas3821 8 жыл бұрын
Zadran Zadrani watch what you say. I weight my words I didn't Shia because I don't generalize. I leave generalisation and streotype to the uneducated. I said Shia Al Kamilia. It's a known fact that Shia al Kamilia accuse the Sahaba of Kufr wal iaado billah. Now In which Sunni book you read that Abu Bakr Siddiq (ra) burned a Yemeni man to death? Prove it!
@cobaltbomba4310 6 жыл бұрын
Hazart Ali was right to fight Hazart Aisha, and Hazart Ali was right to fight against mavia! no two ways about it!
@al1f1n1 6 жыл бұрын
You can't base your beliefs on a dream and some Hadiths that could be fake. Read the Quran and follow the prophets family.
@QuadriMastana 4 жыл бұрын
This dream narration is against and gets cancelled and rejected by the Mutawatir Hadith of the foretelling in a long Hadith narration of Bukhari ...”The Prophet passed by `Ammar and removed the dust off his head and said, May Allah be merciful to `Ammar. He will be killed by a Fiat al Baaghiyyah rebellious aggressive group. `Ammar will invite them to (Heaven) Allah, and they will invite him to the (Hell) fire. (Sahih Bukhari Hadith No. 2812).
@hudders128 11 жыл бұрын
And btw the example you have given isn't even an agreed upon matter! Seeking the help of Allah through the attributes of dead person is considered good by many of the scholars of the ummah. Those pious people who you see people at their graves offering 2 rakat for and making dua for, you just assume that they are prostrating to them and making dua to them, so you can label them "the other" and feel more secure as being "the saved".
@mohamedkhanfer7710 6 ай бұрын
As a sunni, i couldnt find it in me to accept banu Umaya, from Muawiya to the latter amirs. And عمار تقتلع الفئة الباغية hadith is just embedded in my thought !
@tayyebzarabi3443 8 жыл бұрын
Since when do dreams hold any sort of authority or proof? His analysis and conclusion would be appropriate if the dream was true, or can be proven as such - which is impossible. It is not about assigning blame to historical figures which I agree with, but one cannot go around absolving individuals of the responsibility of being good role models for the ummah based on "dreams". If all the sahabah were truly as great as many say they were, and act as guides for us to follow, then surely they would have had the foresight to at least realize that shed each others blood is wrong. It's the total lack of accountability attached to the personas of these individuals -which are viewed as guides- by many muslims today and has allowed certain groups in the middle East to cause carnage, and then justify it by claiming their intention was in the right place, x, y, z sahabah did this as well and they were forgiven or worse justified in their intention. It solves no problems at all, rather it is an excuse.
@tamerofhorses2200 8 жыл бұрын
+tayyeb zarabi He's merely holding it as an example, not as a proof.
@MrLiveliferight 8 жыл бұрын
your right. dreams are not allowed to be used as proofs in religious judgments unless it be from the dreams of Prophet Muhammad, fore it is from Allah like for example when the prophet saw twice in his dream lady Aisha was to be his wife!.
@huzaifamehdi4848 8 жыл бұрын
+Jedad Ruled shame on youh
@jedadruled984 8 жыл бұрын
Huzaifa Mehdi For statig facts ?
@TheMercifulAndJust 8 жыл бұрын
Oh since when dreams .. what are you saying man ?? How did the Athaan come about ?? How did Sayidna Uthman hold on to 'the cloak that was bestowed upon him'?? Etc etc.. bro don't throw the baby with the bathwater
@HeeshamCedrus 6 жыл бұрын
What spiritual life is there if you see the historical facts but look the other way? sahabas have their alibis for muawiya was a master deceiver, we in 2018 cannot have that excuse, so yes, if you want to purify your heart, start by calling things by their names and standing by the truth whatever the cost is.
@nigarakthar8391 3 жыл бұрын
I hope the divisional vocabulary vanishes from islam. Let each one of us seek Allah in our own way. Allah the best judge. Why bother about others ways?
@viktorg8346 5 жыл бұрын
I really like the Sheikh but what he says here is undefendable. "You can't base your spirituality on a blame" and then he proceeds to do the same on khawariji(saying they were all just blood-thirsty terrorists is over-simplification and I redirect anyone to Ibadi brothers to learn about those issues from different perspective). What he does on khawariji figures is exactly the same what shia does on sunni figures. His argument and logic isn't sound. Either we say that all companions are to be admired(which none of the sects of islam does) or we can evaluate their biographies and evaluate who was right and who was wrong. *There is institution of cursing among some shias and if he would refer to that his argument would be sound. But he implied the putting veil on all companions deeds and intention is a way of spirituality but somehow he excluded some companions who weren't respected by sunni islam (like Hurqus ibn Zuhair Al-Sa’di)
@andalibalatlas3821 8 жыл бұрын
The Wahabis and Shia Al Kamilia lied to us: Madhahib Al Islam are 6 not 4. Here they are Jaafaria Imamia - Zaidia - Malikia- Shafiia- Hanafia and "Hanbalia" . Most Muslims scholars don't consider Ahmad Ibn Hanbal the founder of Salafism from which Wahabism emerged in 1800's to be an Imam but will add him out of respect anyway because political Islam of the Amawis and Abbasid said so. Aljunaid was an Imam so was Imam Al Awzai among others who the Muslims palace did not like to elevate their status for political reason. The suffering of Imam Malik and Imam Abu Hanifa testify to the brutality of the Amawi and Abbassi Toghat (Tyrants). Our Muslim credo scholars came from Ashaaria, Tahawia, Maturidia, Mu'tazila, Shia and Sufia and we love them and respect them all! The politics of intolerance and exclusion is doomed to fail! They can lie by omission all they want but the Truth always come out and prevails one way or another!
@hudders128 11 жыл бұрын
so you missed the words that came out of his mouth and just didn't like the look of him then? or maybe you had been warned against him by an emininent talib al ilm who had attended a class near the kaba in hajj once.
@Canuck21530 3 ай бұрын
completely opposite to the Hadith of the Holy one mpbuh just to protect Mauwiya ibn Abi Suffiyan
@QuadriMastana 4 жыл бұрын
This first dream narration is against and gets cancelled and rejected by the Mutawatir Hadith of the foretelling in a long Hadith narration of Bukhari ...”The Prophet passed by `Ammar and removed the dust off his head and said, May Allah be merciful to `Ammar. He will be killed by a Fiat al Baaghiyyah rebellious aggressive group. `Ammar will invite them to (Heaven) Allah, and they will invite him to the (Hell) fire. (Sahih Bukhari Hadith No. 2812).
@mustafaali6842 6 жыл бұрын
Sahabah killed each other? U cant be with both sides... use ur brain... imam ali is after rasool allah its simple clear... study about imam ali and learn.
@QuadriMastana 4 жыл бұрын
This dream narration is against and gets cancelled and rejected by the Mutawatir Hadith of the foretelling in a long Hadith narration of Bukhari ...”The Prophet passed by `Ammar and removed the dust off his head and said, May Allah be merciful to `Ammar. He will be killed by a Fiat al Baaghiyyah rebellious aggressive group. `Ammar will invite them to (Heaven) Allah, and they will invite him to the (Hell) fire. (Sahih Bukhari Hadith No. 2812).
@yasminenazarine1629 5 жыл бұрын
Why Moslims care so much for hazrat Ali bebe fatima & imam Hassan Hussein's? Prophet Mohamed had four daughters total why Moslims not mention other his doughters & sheya Farsi Iran Farsi Afghanistan they so much devoted to bebe fatima hazrat Ali & their shayed sons imam Hussine imam Hasan but no one care for other prophet Mohamed daughters
@tazboy1934 4 жыл бұрын
Because they have tariqa
@abdelbaasit1 11 жыл бұрын
Ibn 'Asaakir (d. 571 A.H.) narrated on the authority of the Imām, the ḥāfiẓ, the critic, the proof, Shaykh of the reciters and the traditionists (muḥaddithūn), Abu Zur'ah Ar-Râzī (d. 264 A.H.), that a man said to him, "I hate Mu'awiyah." So he said to him, "Why?" The man replied, "because he fought against 'Ali." He said, "Woe to you! Indeed Mu'awiyah's Master is Merciful and his disputant is noble, so what is *your* reason for entering between them, may Allah be pleased with them both."
@MB-tb6jy 6 жыл бұрын
Hadhreti Ali (radiAllahu Anh) isn't in the Naqshbandi silsile.
@abdelbaasit1 11 жыл бұрын
Ibn Abi'd-Dunya al-Qurashi (d. 281) narrated with his chain up to 'Umar b. 'Abdul-'Aziz (d. 101) that he said "I saw the Prophet in a dream so I greeted him & I sat down. While I was sitting, 'Ali & Mu'awiyah were brought in. They were made to enter a house, the door was closed & I was watching. In no time 'Ali came out saying it has been judged in my favor, I swear by the Lord of the Ka'ba. Then, in no time, Mu'awiyah came out saying, "My Lord has forgiven me, I swear by the Lord of the Ka'ba"
@QuadriMastana 4 жыл бұрын
This dream narration is against and gets cancelled and rejected by the Mutawatir Hadith of the foretelling in a long Hadith narration of Bukhari ...”The Prophet passed by `Ammar and removed the dust off his head and said, May Allah be merciful to `Ammar. He will be killed by a Fiat al Baaghiyyah rebellious aggressive group. `Ammar will invite them to (Heaven) Allah, and they will invite him to the (Hell) fire. (Sahih Bukhari Hadith No. 2812).
@Sheen023 Жыл бұрын
Learn to keep shut, people! Listen to the Shaykh!!
@zadramm1 9 жыл бұрын
I am not for disperse of Islam and confusion among Muslim. but the dream he mentioned is unauthentic. logically it tell us, it has no rationality behind it. in fact, talking about Sahaba, is the most crucial aspect of a modern Muslim. why? because name one Islamic country where Shia-Sunah conflict has not been experienced. I am not asking Shia-Suni argument here, all i am saying is, Shia and Sunnah think and reflect on history. we kill each other, like wild animal in Africa, yet this is all because we did not learned our lesson from history! we did not review Muaweya and Ali fight, if we have reviewed and learned today we would not have witnessed all these bloodshed. The dream of that sod who ever he was is a joke.. he must had full belly and a big dinner.
@SDRsUnited 8 жыл бұрын
+zadran zadrani Ulama of the regime is and was like that for 1400 years.
@zadramm1 8 жыл бұрын
CeZaR Ali if was doubtful Prophet Mohammad PBUH did not allow his loved daughter to merry him... ALI was only one ! Abubakr and Omar and Osman all were once alcoholic and Kufr Ali never been.! Omar ran away from battlefield accourding to Sunnah Books Ali never did... that mean Omar was weak believer !
@MrLiveliferight 8 жыл бұрын
+zadran zadrani your lack of respect is saddening
@andalibalatlas3821 8 жыл бұрын
+zadran zadrani Zardan With all respect to Abu Bakr and Umar (RA) they can't compare to Ali (AS). Imam Ali was simply the BEST! even Umar admits it when he said "Al yawma sirta mawlaaya wa mawla kuli Mu'min " he also said: " Lawla Ali la halaka Umar" the Sahaba are not all equal. whoever said that is a liar. Ali (as) was the BEST one of them.
@zadramm1 8 жыл бұрын
Simo Alidrissi I agree with you 100% ! and most important ALI was raised by prophet and he never drunk or Ali Never was a Jahil whom worship idols but Abubakr and Omar did it.. the BIG question is why Sunni brothers do not understand?
@khadijabenassou8996 5 жыл бұрын
You have to stop recite self written hadith. You add things to The Qo'raan The Perfect Word of Allaah ❤❤❤The Alknown. This is SHIRK. Woe you all. You misguide yourself and others. This is SHIRK.
@khadijabenassou8996 4 жыл бұрын
@Dave Chaps The joke is on you. Do not underastemed my knowledge. To follow menmade hadith and books is SHIRK SHIRK SHIRK. No doubt about it. Allaah❤❤❤ The Almighty is very clear about it in The Qo'raan. Read and think. The Qo'raan is Perfect and Complete. What do you not understand about Laaillahaillellaah ❤ ❤ ❤ wahdaho laaaaa scharikallaaho?
@tazboy1934 4 жыл бұрын
@@khadijabenassou8996 lol calm down sister and put our ego apart and learn from people of zikr...the scholars are inheritors of the prophet
@QuadriMastana 4 жыл бұрын
This dream narration is against and gets cancelled and rejected by the Mutawatir Hadith of the foretelling in a long Hadith narration of Bukhari ...”The Prophet passed by `Ammar and removed the dust off his head and said, May Allah be merciful to `Ammar. He will be killed by a Fiat al Baaghiyyah rebellious aggressive group. `Ammar will invite them to (Heaven) Allah, and they will invite him to the (Hell) fire. (Sahih Bukhari Hadith No. 2812).
@Kyonhosseini 11 жыл бұрын
this is not logical. we can put blame on pharaoh but not those who fought Imam Ali.as.
@musabqureshi242 3 жыл бұрын
Abdul Hakim Murad (T J Winter) is a deviant Sufi and Asha'ree. For decades he's worked hard to deviate people (especially new converts) away from the Sunnah. Inalilahi wa ina ilayhi raji'oon. We ask Allah for Protection from him and others like him. Ameen.
@danialshah2957 6 жыл бұрын
Very stupid argument. Then why aren't you lenient towards khawarj? After all, who are we to judge. It is easy for our nafs to take over. So we should abandon our common sense as it is also our nafs.
@saltranger 3 жыл бұрын
There is no concept of Imamat in Sunni Islam.
@robertodiaz7859 4 ай бұрын
Such an intelligent and eloquent man but unfortunately, not upon salafiyah. What a waste…
@m.askari 11 жыл бұрын
This seems very subjective and self serving. He says the moment you start laying blame you lose Allah's mercy. I could say the same thing about mixing good and evil. It doesn't make sense to mix the good and the evil. I only want the good, and the only good in that conflict was Imam Ali (as)
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