It’s interesting that God chose Moses, in spite of or even because of his speech impediment. Often throughout the Bible, there are examples of God, choosing people that have impediments or weaknesses. The refrain, “Why me ?” echoes throughout both the Old and New Testament . Weaknesses and impediments are like cracks or openings that allow the light of His presence to shine forth. The weaker the vessel, the more obvious His strength, the more obvious and effective the display of His incomparable power. There isn’t any excuse for us to say that we are unable to be in service for the Lord. All we need is faith and willing heart. I also wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed the prayer today. Thank you.
@TheBibleisAlive-BibleInAYear4 күн бұрын
Amen Angela! I love the list of heroes of the faith in Hebrews. So many people with major flaws, but all used by God!