Deadlock Laning Guide - Understanding The Laning Phase Better

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@s0cKi1 2 күн бұрын
Good video but where is the "000000000000.1% mmr" title?
@cycy8699 2 күн бұрын
Im a 00000100.0% mmr player
@MarcoStyle 2 күн бұрын
not quite there yet unfortunately
@spacejambluray2591 13 сағат бұрын
That’s… not how …. Never mind
@rs10983 2 күн бұрын
I have about 30 games under my belt and it seems like the newer player meta is only aggression. They prioritize poke and nothing else. It might seem like you are being outclassed in the lane, but if you can be patient for the first few waves and get some regen, you can easily turn the lane around. The opponents will likely over extend and not get any regen themselves. So once you get a kill and push the minions, they crumble.
@Severezz 2 күн бұрын
I have also noticed that there's a lot of people who clearly only play shooters. Their aim is great, they deny every single soul and poke like crazy. It feels awful to lane against but once even the slightest bit of moba-related knowledge is tested (rotations, wave management, prioritizing the right items, skill timing, objective focus, all that stuff), they absolutely fall apart.
@sussechandrasekaran7959 2 күн бұрын
​@@Severezz bro that me literally... Cs dude .. love valve .. but for love of me can't figure out how I'm lower souls when I have kille my opponent a bunch 😂😂
@reallifeanimegirl 2 күн бұрын
@@sussechandrasekaran7959 farm lane and push go for jungle camp, when you rotate clear a t2 monster go to the lane you want to rotate and when you return go and finish the camp, after laning once you start hoping from objective to objective clear camps and cs for lanes that are on your path, do not back track. thats it basically Different heroes have different strenghts in this, for example haze is weak in this early but once you get richochet you catch up and go ahead in souls pretty fast
@moonlitwyvern6840 2 күн бұрын
@@sussechandrasekaran7959 I think the core of it is knowing how to farm, knowing how to farm is probably one of the most important fundamental skills in mobas other than not dying to greed / playing from behind IMO A general thing that helps in early game that I think is always good is... Small camps spawn at 2 mins. Shove your minions up so you can get to ur camp asap without missing out on lane minions as lane minions early game give a lot of souls and arguably the most important income Smalls respawn 4 mins after their killed so make a mental note to be ready for next time. I think the other thing is that if your moving too far from your lane to grab medium / large camps and your missing out on lane minions your losing souls almost always in that case. Late game it comes down to who is consistently farming and what team is doing objectives on top of kills (urn, soul vending machine, rejuvenator etc)
@ducasse8473 2 күн бұрын
​@@Severezz you can really punish these players with melee and parries though.
@aadipai 2 күн бұрын
Losing a lane in this game is not as bad as losing a lane in dota or league.
@pakeg9440 2 күн бұрын
have to disagree here. Just loosing is okay, but if your lane gets smacked the game is outright lost in deadlock. Comebacks are way harder as there are not good catchup mechanics in my opinion
@drwill439 2 күн бұрын
I think if your team loses one lane, and those heroes farm in the mid game, you're usually fine. That said, the game is pretty swingy rn
@HeatherKayagi 2 күн бұрын
@@pakeg9440 problem is people don't know when a lane is lost, so they return to the lane, constantly, until they're 0/10 and they've thrown the game. If you fall behind and struggle, request a gank, maybe rotate, fall back to jungle, find your farm elsewhere
@xiroxguilde9350 2 күн бұрын
​@@pakeg9440coming from league where there's roles like toplane where 1 mistake can make you useless for the whole game without being able to comeback because you would be stealing resources from the rest of your team deadlock has a ton of ways for you to make up for your mistakes, soul sharing aside wich is already big you can simply buy monster rounds and start clearing jungle between waves, diving you even when behind is also harder in deadlock as long as you play from a safe distance. there's also the urn that you can take advantage if your team is ahead regardless of if u are behind or not. also right now unless you are on really high mmr games there's a lot of random nonsensical fights you can straight up ignore and use the opportunity to catch up while both teams keep poking each other without really accomplishing anything and you just keep getting stronger.
@h2o848 2 күн бұрын
people haven't really gotten fast enough to contest neutral farm, but when they do, laning will be more important than ever of course, people will also learn to counter neutral invades, but there will probably be a time between these developments
@ainoakeisari 2 күн бұрын
Keep 'em coming! These are the highest quality guides on the platform hands down!
@NS-wk6lm 2 күн бұрын
I'm glad there's no surrender option, or else we'd never play anything outside the laning phase
@theSato 2 күн бұрын
well if people like laning/early game more then maybe that should be leaned into lol like a 2v2 mode that's just a single lane, or 3v3, where that's the majority of the game
@dumbvillage9253 2 күн бұрын
​@@theSato it's about people being pissy and leaving early all the time.
@LimpurtFan6969 2 күн бұрын
@@theSato no that’s dumb
@theSato 2 күн бұрын
@@LimpurtFan6969 'its not what I want so its dumb' is classic entitled behavior lol this is early development -- things are heavily subject to change or be added. it's more than possible they add a "laning phase only" type mode for people who enjoy that type of gameplay - whether it be like what I previously mentioned, or just a copy of LoL's ARAM mode - there's usually a demand for players to be able to play *something* that isn't the standard MOBA mode on the same 1 map over and over.
@theSato 2 күн бұрын
@@dumbvillage9253 well if that's the case, then the OP just isn't true. surrenders require a majority vote (which would be 3-4 players in this case) - so the surrender vote would only go through if at least half your team is losing lane, feels hopeless and wants out. and in that case there's nothing wrong with GG go next - I generally don't want to keep playing a game where half my team has already given up and feels demoralized if it isn't a ranked game (and in ranked, people would be much more likely to suck it up and try to stem the bleeding and come back)
@i.r.weasel7042 2 күн бұрын
Great guide. I agree that pressure is key, i would like to add that "sustain" is important to applying pressure. If you trade 50/50 but have better sustain from lifesteal or healing rite you can tip pressure in your favor... Even a quick run to base and back at full health at the right time seems to be enough to win pressure. Sometimes forcing the enemy to figure out their health problem is better than just killing them for 8-10 seconds. Sometimes they stick around too long at low health and allow you to hold them back. In Chess they say "the threat is stronger than the execution."
@tzeneth 2 күн бұрын
Slight correction: Bebop's laser IS hitscan. I believe he's the only character who is actually hitscan.
@Meowlistic Күн бұрын
Correction on that correction : Bebop laser is a pseudo-hitscan, it just a very fast projectile that acts almost like a hitscan. If u swing your aim vigorously, u can actually see the laser lagging behind at the end of his max laser range
@yorchXD 6 сағат бұрын
Is Vindicta ult shot hitscan?
@Meowlistic 5 сағат бұрын
@@yorchXD yes, if i remember correctly, the only true hitscans are vindicta ult, bebop ult, kelvin ice beam, haze ult if that counts as aiming, paradox kinetic carbine
@ilaymorlevi9220 2 күн бұрын
Thank for the great video! Please do more character guides and builds, the Abrhams one really helped me understand the character and the game.
@WolfCatBirdPigMan 2 күн бұрын
Absolutely agree!
@demolisherman1763 2 күн бұрын
I’ve been binging a ton of deadlock guides and you have the best I’ve seen!
@kenneth_romero 2 күн бұрын
as a great league player said one time: "the game is about minions and towers" as long as you understand this, you can always setup the waves/lanes to a favorable position. either by distracting your opponents, letting minions get objectives for you, or denying them farm.
@skyknight7487 2 күн бұрын
wow i never knew that you and dani got married, that's awesome man, love the new guide content as well !
i have also have a laning tip but im not a pro(keep that in mind). Ever since i started doing this i have been one of the strongest or the strongest on my games! After the first guardian instead of over extending and ganking try to do all the jungle around you in the same lane, then stop when the waves is back to defend your guardian.. kinda reapeat the same thing with other lanes when you are defending or pushing a lane.
@silvaquick193 2 күн бұрын
Pretty much what a carry in Dota does
@WolfCatBirdPigMan 2 күн бұрын
Great advice! Keeping an eye on the clock and the timers of when everything's spawn can really help you come back if you're behind, or solidify a lead in lane.
@ThePizzaDevourer 2 күн бұрын
Great video! Super helpful. If you feel like it, would love to see a "laning mistakes" video. Either some more general commentated gameplay, or more specific "things to avoid when laning against each character" sort of deal.
@arvillaflies 2 күн бұрын
10:46 great transition. Learning a lot from these vids thank you.
@wildwolf3938 2 күн бұрын
Great laning guide! Bravo!
@RyanScarbrough 2 күн бұрын
I like the thought that went into the strategies in this video. Other guides are way too basic and simple.
@takashirockz12 2 күн бұрын
Awesome! As a new player who played just five games, all of which have been massively overwhelming and lead to losses, your guides make it a lot easier to understand the strategy behind movements and playstyle. Having never played MOBAs or a lot of shooting games, it makes it super difficult to try to not die. I'll keep referring to your guides to get better at this. Also, your videos are well structured and without any flashy editing, making it super easy to follow and understand. Unlike videos by other KZbinrs who prioritize meme sounds, quick cuts and epilepsy-inducing edits like the younger audience likes to watch. Keep up the great work!
@abuton 2 күн бұрын
Fantastic guide and tips. Thanks!
@Kappus117 2 күн бұрын
Quality content from a quality creator
@WolfCatBirdPigMan 2 күн бұрын
Another excellent video. thanks for this.
@KatzIzzbored 2 күн бұрын
Been playing your Abrams guide for my last few games and its really won them all. Might I recommend putting in an alternate build guide with just tech options, so I can look at it while im dead and think hmm yes theyve got a talon and a vindicta maybe i should buy knockdown. I know this is an obvious example, but i think it might go a long way with never players like myseld
@SleepY0tv 2 күн бұрын
I like to win my lane, thank you now I win my lane
@bassoonistfromhell 2 күн бұрын
these are great guides thank you for making them
@Tommy-hv8pk 2 күн бұрын
love your guides. still waiting for an answer on your abrams build guide video!
@MarcoStyle 2 күн бұрын
I'm sorry what was the question? I might have missed it. EDIT: nvm I found it and I left a response.
@Tommy-hv8pk Күн бұрын
@saintyoo Күн бұрын
It's mentioned in itemezation, but I would argue inherent sustain is a big factor.
@just_dont_do_it2883 2 күн бұрын
do you think its better to invest alot and deeply learn 3 main champion or better to learn all the champs, i already have the 3 champs i love playing the most, but idk if i should stick to them to deeply learn them, or play everyone else to learn how they play from the players perspective, pretty much a jack of all trades but master of none, or master of the 3 i like
@morgancline Күн бұрын
learn the 3 that you love playing, once you’ve mastered, learn 4, then 5, etc
@yakoto4876 2 күн бұрын
From my experience too, the healing minions are so important that you will do drastically better if you try to stay close to ally healing minions and try to kill opponent healing minions. But the minion AI are very weird in this game rn so a bit of luck is involved too.
@jomeiisaboss 2 күн бұрын
Posting at the start of the video. I'm curious if you are going to talk about farming and not feeding. Because its annoying getting in matches with people who go 5/12 and blame me for a score of 3/4 because I am not fighting enough when the team is fed beyond belief.
@lordhorck 2 күн бұрын
Very well made guide 👍
@ErikhojPetersen 2 күн бұрын
How do you play 1v1 against each other on the normal map? I see you doing it as Haze vs Pocket at minute 8. I assume you do it using the console commands somehow?
@eugzo 2 күн бұрын
You can find the commands in the deadlock subreddit
@SirCrusher 2 күн бұрын
I want to see the Marco shiv guide
@seguro2864 Күн бұрын
Great vid!
@lucajordache6695 2 күн бұрын
So do you think its always better to shove your lane to tower? I feel like in some matchups its almost essential to only last hit and let the minions push into your tower since the other player has more kill potential if you are push up further into the lane. Obviously once you get your first couple of items it turns around but strategy like that can be really important in some matchups.
@LPSD4829 2 күн бұрын
Ok I think I got it, you just need a wife to pick a hero that will fix weaknesses of your hero, noted 😅
@themainman8754 2 күн бұрын
The laning phase is really just act 1 in the grand scheme of the game. I can lose lane as Dynamo but as a support i can still help out later if i farm hard enough.
@gutlesswarrior 2 күн бұрын
Lash has a stun? Are you talking about his ult?
@rupert7565 2 күн бұрын
4:18 can you parry the tower?
@fishydids 2 күн бұрын
Yes, guardians can be parried when they attempt to melee you, which will stun them briefly similar to players. It means you take less tower damage and your minions stay alive longer if you're trying to get them to help kill the tower.
@rupert7565 2 күн бұрын
@@fishydids Thank you
@jks612 2 күн бұрын
No angry streamer reaction to your great plays: 0/10
@envadeh 2 күн бұрын
Late game guide please!! I play shiv, lady geist and paradox, with all of them, I'm good at laning, pretty good during mid game right after laning, but during late game I keep dying and losing. I can't tell what's happening, the enemy just gains all the health when they're 20 hp, or kills me in 1 second
@FishJackson 2 күн бұрын
Love it! But call them Troops please. Helps the newer players
@sapphiresage5339 2 күн бұрын
What are your thoughts on the idea of one of each of the duo laners rotating constantly between their duo lane and their nearest solo lane to quickly push and harass both and soak up that double souls bonus so two players on the team get fed during the first 10 minutes?
@Zulunko 2 күн бұрын
This is no longer a viable strategy; the devs intentionally patched it out. Now, if your lane is assigned solo, it won't duplicate souls with a second player (it will split instead). This means that leaving your duo lane to go duo in the solo lane cuts your solo laner's souls in half, gives you half the souls, and you miss the duplication in the duo lane. Overall it's now a terrible idea.
@dysxxvii 2 күн бұрын
Hey man are you considering streaming?
@JackieLombardi 2 күн бұрын
It makes me feel better to know that somertimes i'm just outclassed as a Vindicta main...I feel like early game it's imposible for win her lanes unless she's alone or with another squishy
@actionmarco8556 2 күн бұрын
@noizeuk 2 күн бұрын
As a Pocket player, I can understand why he wants to dish out tips as most of the time, he will jump in, ult and everyones backed out so he's pasted.
@DangerDurians 2 күн бұрын
You’re getting people talking in your game? And not just, yelling slurs?
@MVPMTKING 2 күн бұрын
I'm getting some very talkative and well coordinated games, maybe it takes more games. Very rarely had a game where people are annoying, like maybe just 2 matches.
@eigenhector 2 күн бұрын
The kids are back in school now
@gabes6108 2 күн бұрын
crazy people complaing about the guy saying use any stun on the haze who has 38k souls and is running the lobby
@xardinlume7345 Күн бұрын
Ok so McGinnis is playing immobile defense in a game that favoritizes pressure, poke, and mobility I just wanna scale man More seriously I'm guessing she's a a zoner, you want to block people off with the wall and stand your ground when they end up somewhere they shouldn't, with the heal and some turrets. Meaning she struggles against poke and can get outclassed but other zoners, but characters that shove _should_ be good matchups if you don't take too much free damage?
@Ryndika 2 күн бұрын
I thought u don't have to secure the souls. After 10m, I noticed I still get souls even if I don't last hit the orbs.
@jensgur Күн бұрын
You secure them so they won't get denied. After 2s or so they pop and you get them, that's right. Dont need to secure when split pushing a lane or something, but in laning phase it's pretty important.
@masterost1994 2 күн бұрын
6:00 Another laning tip: you can parry the guardian.
@haveiszalfaroqie1628 2 күн бұрын
You can parry the guardian? 👀
@masterost1994 2 күн бұрын
@@haveiszalfaroqie1628 just learned it as well haha
@fishydids 2 күн бұрын
@@haveiszalfaroqie1628 yeah, parrying the guardian when it melees you will cause it to stop attacking for a few seconds, very good for both reducing damage you're taking and keeping your minions alive.
@thatjerrycan5505 2 күн бұрын
How would the good people of the comments section categorize Ivy? Shoving, Poking, or Zoning?
@kzxkzxkzx 2 күн бұрын
deny more and die less - very simple. losing the tower is meaningless if you have a 2k souls advantage by then.
@WolfCatBirdPigMan 2 күн бұрын
It's not meaningless by any means because it gives their entire team souls in addition to the ones who kill it, and also keeps them from getting their first flex slot which can be a big deal.
@miinyoo 2 күн бұрын
Mmm hmm. Player skill is the largest factor, imo and I know I suck at aiming which is why melee works for me with the occasional zap to deter aggression and let the waves do the pushing. Juggling for advantage is hard but stay calm, use cover and farm on.
@rawallon 2 күн бұрын
Tell me you're a abrams main telling that you're a abrams main
@ShaReplin-x3c 2 күн бұрын
Bahringer Flats
@thefinallegofan Күн бұрын
"when I tried this out with my wife" 🥺🥺🥺
0:06 Clutch cube
@rch5395 2 күн бұрын
This video grew my hieght by 20 iq.
@TheSilencer26 2 күн бұрын
Can you do a vgs guide
@DioScammo 2 күн бұрын
Is there a video or site that shows all the good and bad matchups per hero from both a laning and teamfight perspective? I feel it would really help me understand more.
@BobetoSlim 2 күн бұрын
Have you tried literally just searching that maybe?
@DioScammo 2 күн бұрын
@@BobetoSlim It’s almost like me asking this question is an attempt to search for content on this subject matter. Crazy how that works.
@tuhin1264 2 күн бұрын
One game me and my duo were wraith and haze and we kept the lane stalemate for upto 8-9 minutes Our stronger laner heroes won their lane and started farming Nobody came for a gank we got ganked by the enemy bebop who lost his lane 😂
@reverendnon5959 2 күн бұрын
0:11 poor patadox😂
@alvarogaspardionis395 2 күн бұрын
First :) good guide as always
@haveiszalfaroqie1628 2 күн бұрын
Jungling guide, huh. Considering we're on 70s NYC, what if we call it... citying guide. Eh, eh.
@MVPMTKING 2 күн бұрын
70s? This is like 40s, 1949 I think.
@admiralmachine 2 күн бұрын
Dude, you don't have to waste the first 2 minutes of every video, explaining what the title of the video means. Every person that is watching your video, already knows why he's here and what the video is supposed to be about.
@MarcoStyle 2 күн бұрын
I want this video to remain useful for someone just jumping into this game too. A lot of players don't even have access yet. I always put timestamps in the description and the timebar so you can skip the intro very easily.
@WattaPork 2 күн бұрын
fanta mentos
@Scroolewse 2 күн бұрын
Is anyone able to give me an invite?
@NoobFromRomania Күн бұрын
I can. Whats your steam id?
@Scroolewse Күн бұрын
@@NoobFromRomania 76561198834470585
@jassykat 2 күн бұрын
I never played this game 💀
@taczki2 2 күн бұрын
It's not even out yet
@Massivemachine440 2 күн бұрын
Do you want to?
@happe114 2 күн бұрын
losing or winning lane is not as important as not having heavily feeding teammates, leavers or cheaters in your game!
@L4busaures 2 күн бұрын
If I hear any unrelated discord chatter I’m closing the video - sorry
@allsiecat 2 күн бұрын
5:11 i knew he didnt kill himself...
@aco7541 2 күн бұрын
13:30 wait when did marco get married??? congrats dude been watching you for year
@__Jah__ Күн бұрын
idk about you guys but recently, maybe last two days, that players have learned that guardians and walkers don't really doo too much damage outside of their melee attacks so now laning phase feels like it barely exists and you're getting dove under guardian by 3 minutes (especially against lash, yamato, etc.) Bebop in my lobbies is like completely useless in a solo lane early; he essentially has to be in a duo to be able to finish off most of the roster in early laning phase (vindicta is an exception, but a good vindicta will never lane against bebop in the first place and swap with someone on their team) Yesterday I had a Mo run under my guardian as soon as he got his ult, tanking guardian damage for the duration of his ult, killed me, and got out with more than 25%; and I was a little over half hp as Bebop...and this was at around 3 minutes. What are we doing here Valve?! Like I'm not saying I played it perfect or didn't make mistakes; but you shouldn't be able to freely dive 1st objectives until toward the middle or end of the laning phase, all of this applies to walkers even more so; by like 12 minutes in a given game, unless you're dumb enough to get hit by the stomp with 2 or more enemies at that walker, they do practically nothing to stop a 1v1 dive in most scenarios. They *need* to change how the damage is applied, I don't think a steady beam of damage does enough to halt enemy heroes, and should be a burst damage like towers in league of legends; a big dump of 250-300 damage does a lot more to deter someone from diving. Even if you made the attack so that you could parry it, so you have to either choose tank the damage from the tower, or parry it and take free damage from the enemy hero, would make guardians have a lot of impact and then would even have even more counter play as you can already parry their melee attack. Right now, there is practically zero deterrence in more experienced lobbies.
@sleepyzeph Күн бұрын
i tend to play defensively, im not very good, but it feels like playing under your tower is better? im closer to my shop, i can punch creeps for lasthits and the enemy can't without taking tower damage, and if i go aggressive, the enemy has to run further to be safe. basically the same reasons you want to be close to your tower in dota. of course you don't want to be locked under your tower with low hp, but thats called losing, and its a different issue imo.
@PrismHeartOfficial 5 сағат бұрын
Tl;Dr basically it's League with pewpew? :3
What was with that part at the start of the video making fun of someone who talks differently? That was really out of pocket and just mean, honestly.
@objectionablycurious 17 сағат бұрын
i love when people try to heavy punch the creeps, and i just walk in front of them and parry
@donovanbrady2114 Күн бұрын
Good tip at the end. I actually never thought about switching lanes with someone!
@princequincy5421 Күн бұрын
that intro might have been THE funniest deadlock interaction i've seen, abrams stuck in a closet pleading to not get lashed as 2 enemies sit at the door
@robrod7120 Күн бұрын
Tower need to do slightly more damage tbh
@EmilyAster 2 күн бұрын
10:30 "Punish players extremely hard for simply having bad positioning" followed by showing a Vindicta hiding 20 feet behind her turret getting crushed by an Abrams charge is legit maybe the most irritated I've been at one of these guides but I understand what you mean lmfao
@Rollersteaam 2 күн бұрын
I understand how you feel but the counter here from Vindicta is panic react with 2 (Fly), then 1 (Stake), and 3 (Crows) whilst Abrams gets shredded by guardian laser and you pop him with tons of free headshots in the air. Alternatively if you're low health you can just press 2 twice and it acts as a super powerful jump. Combine with a backwards dash jump and you're out there and onto your line. Lane boost if up and you can back and return with full health + any items to help punish further dives or to sustain more in lane (Extra Regen, Extra Stamina, Melee Lifesteal, Restorative Shot). Abrams charge is vulnerable to dodges early game with dash jumps and slides, made worse by any movement items you can get over him, because it's short. OFC mastering a dash jump is a little challenging but mastering movement on Vindicta turns her into the most annoying and slippery hero in the game (as described she can escape most ambushes, lock heroes in place, and if you're good enough actually take some people with you on the way out, say with crows and assassinate and good headshots with your aim + item advantage).
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