In toku, toys are the bread and butter of the frenchises. Old toku was less toy intensive, it was toy intensive but not as much as today's toku is. Bandai and other toy companies and the toku studios often ruin the story to sell more and more toys to the consumers and that's also includes all the unnecessary stuff aside of general stuff a show advertises. I mean stuff from movies and specials that are usually made from older assets and show how uncreative and blatent any toy company can be towards the fans to tell "you like what are you watching then buy this new toy" obviously it's a fans choice but most do but that stuff sooner or later because they are fans and to support their favourite franchise they can buy that. But, i don't think that true, a shows or franchises lifespan depends on its profitability and to keep the show going the fans can't buy everything they see and this might make them hate that show because a very toy intensive frenchises can put the fans off after a time.